Big waves on the sea in a dream. Why do you dream about huge waves? I dream that a wave is covering

Water symbolizes life. Covers physical and emotional aspects. Calm water in the lake means the same calm, but limited life, without stormy events, fateful moments, with familiar surroundings and furnishings. On an emotional level, it means complete calm, the absence of interesting exciting moments.

The movement of water means changes in life. Why do you dream about a big wave?

Waves in a dream

A large wave of destructive nature brings a series of unpleasant fatal events, experiences and troubles. Dealing with them will not be so easy, but it cannot be avoided. Fear in a dream will transfer into real life, and how it all ends depends on the ending of the situation seen in the dream.

  • For a married couple - a series of big quarrels that arise unexpectedly and end in separation or divorce.
  • For a businessman - business losses.
  • For work - major checks, troubles.
  • For a public person - shame, hostility, fall.
  • For a child, such a dream promises problems with studies and collapse of hopes.

Big waves in a dream on a bright sunny day, which you observe with admiration, prophesy fateful moments in your life.

  • For an unmarried girl or guy - meeting your soulmate.
  • For a businessman this is a great prospect.
  • For a public person - recognition and honors, fame and success.
  • For the patient - recovery after a serious long-term illness.
  • For a child - successful passing of an exam, admission to a university.
  • In the intimate sphere - a test of great pleasure.

Dream Interpretation: huge wave in different bodies of water

Why waves? What does this dream portend? Large waves at sea are quite normal. On a small lake, river or pool - it is surprising. In other words, something unusual will happen.

The sea means life “in scope”, without restrictions and obstacles. Free, free life, large internal supply of energy. For people who live near the sea, the dream will not be so fateful. It’s a different matter for those who have never seen him in reality or go on vacation once a year.

Why do you dream about a big wave? Such a dream prophesies serious changes in life. Emotional uplift, joy, pleasant surprise. Before making an important decision, a dream with a huge wave suggests that everything will go great, don’t worry, success is guaranteed.

Scrolling further, a huge picture on a lake or river foreshadows interesting events in life of a less extensive nature. This could be an interesting acquaintance, getting the desired job, a successfully completed task, a good grade in your studies. Fate will smile on something.

A sudden huge wave in the pool indicates that an event will happen in life that seems unreal. Fate has prepared a surprise for you.

But big waves do not always promise success and positive results.

A big wave hits

The approach of a large wave causes fear and anxiety for life. What to expect if she covered you in a dream? What does this dream mean? A big wave is covering you - this dream warns that you will soon find yourself in a difficult situation, from which it will be very difficult to get out. You will have to expend a lot of effort, show perseverance, courage and patience. Where to expect trouble?

You need to remember every fragment of the dream. It will definitely include relatives, children, husband, wife, colleagues, friends, bosses, and so on. That is, by the presence of one of them, you can determine where to expect problems.

How will it all end? Remember the end of the dream.

  • You managed to get out, stay dry - you will overcome difficulties and surprise yourself.
  • If you get out of the water, but all your clothes and hair are wet - you can solve the problems, but they will leave a serious imprint on your future life. A sediment inside, disappointment.
  • The wave is chasing you, but you managed to escape from it - show cunning and dexterity (“you will come out unscathed”).

The longer you were underwater, the longer the period of trouble will be. We got out quickly - solving problems in 1-2 days. We've been floundering under the water for a long time - we'll have to work hard.

Big waves on the sea in the distance

Why do you dream about a big wave? There is such a situation that it is observed as if from the outside. The waves don't touch you physically, but they interest you emotionally.

This dream suggests that you will find yourself in a situation that will not directly affect you, but you will participate in it.

If it is pleasant sunny weather, beautiful waves, the events will be joyful. Perhaps you will be invited to a wedding, anniversary or other celebration.

Large waves destroy nearby buildings and carry away people - troubles among loved ones, relatives, friends or in a team. It could be a divorce of a brother or sister, an accident in a family of friends.

Dreaming of a huge wave

Why do you dream about a big wave? As you prepare for bed, you mentally review the information that is bothering you. For example, an upcoming transaction, an exam, moving to a new place of residence, an important decision, a major purchase. All this is programmed by the subconscious. In a dream you will receive information, an answer to a question that interests you. This dream may foretell the failure of your plans.

The most favorable dream with a huge wave

What else can the dream book tell us? The wave is huge, but you managed to ride it and move quickly along the sea? You can't imagine anything better! You will become the darling of fate. The situation will develop in such a way that everything will be decided without your participation, but in your favor. Enormous success, recognition, luck and happiness are guaranteed!

The dream is about:

  • long-awaited happy marriage;
  • meeting promising people or sponsors;
  • business development and making big profits;
  • overcoming a serious illness;
  • getting a well-paid job.

Everyone has dreams. Some remember them and try to interpret them, others do not attach any importance to them. But this does not change the result. The picture you see in a dream will definitely be transferred to real life. However, it should be remembered that a dream can foreshadow both an imminent event that will come true within 1-2 days, and “work” for the future. That is, it will be possible to assess its power within a month.

Pay special attention to your feelings. If you read in a dream book that your sleep is quite favorable, but anxiety does not go away, it means that something will go wrong.

Have a nice sleep! May you see a big wave more often in your dreams on a clear sunny day!

Large waves of the ocean or waves on the surface of the sea can bring various events to the sleeper. Let's consider the most famous interpretations of dreams about waves from leading esotericists in order to understand what to expect after such a dream.

Miller's Dream Book - Why do you dream about big waves?

According to this interpretation, it is worth first of all paying attention to the purity of the waters in the waves. If the huge wave is transparent and clean, then this is a good omen, your current work will turn into a very great achievement, or you will gain great knowledge. However, seeing a muddy and dirty wave covering you means that the path you are currently following is wrong.

Freud's dream book - big waves

I dreamed of a wave - an alarming signal for relationships. If one of the partners had such a dream, then it is necessary to seriously engage in strengthening connections at all levels. A dream that signifies a warning can occur repeatedly over a period of time; this is a signal to think about changing your partner.

Tsvetkov's dream book - why do you dream about a big wave?

I dreamed that you saw giant waves, according to this dream book - to a long journey. If you saw huge black waves approaching during a storm, beware of prolonged illness and trials. If you dream that the waves are breaking on the shore easily, almost without touching it, or the waves are receding, then minor life problems will be resolved by themselves.

Loff's dream book - big waves

Large waves rolling in in a dream are a sign of misfortune that will happen to the person who saw it due to the fact that he has lost control over life. Such a dream always means that a person needs to change and rethink something. If in a dream you see huge waves and a storm, it’s time to cleanse yourself of something; there is a great sin on your conscience, which is dreamed of in such an image.

Why do you dream about a big wave?

A dream where a huge wave slowly rolls in and becomes very large is interpreted by the dream book as follows: a person will experience a huge uplift in all areas of life. This means overflowing with emotions, good spirits, and growth in physical strength and capabilities. This symbol, clearly seen in a dream, has a good meaning for the person who sees it, but you need to understand that it can be difficult to cope with such a volume of events. In addition, during this period of strong spiritual elation, you become very attractive to friends and people of the opposite sex, which can create some small problems. With the right approach, it is not difficult to cope with a positive wave in life, and the fruits that it brings to the beholder can be reaped for a long time.

A dream in which you dream that large waves continually roll onto the shore has a completely different meaning, especially if they cause you fear. If you dreamed about something like this, then conflicts are coming in life, and you are unlikely to cope without outside help. If in this dream there is a person running or who has already escaped from the waves, then he will help you escape.

If you dream of yourself running away from big waves, then in real life your enemies are digging a hole for you, be careful and prudent, you need a certain strength.

Admiring the waves of the sea in beautiful weather is a dream, which means that a bright streak is coming in life, and those enjoying the landscape will soon meet their soulmate.

Getting caught in waves at sea (many, but small) means business difficulties, travel.

If an unmarried girl dreams of a high wave rolling in and she likes this landscape, then esotericists predict her imminent marriage.

On the contrary, if a married woman dreams of one or several large waves, troubles and a difficult period will begin on the family front, but if she escaped from it in a dream, she will be able to protect her family hearth.

A huge wave catching up with you in a dream has a distinct foam - your expectations and dreams, as the dream book says, unfortunately, are not destined to come true. Killer whale in a big wave - a new unexpected acquaintance.

Dream Interpretation - a huge wave

There is a dream about a wave that covers a person (or an entire city) in a dream, this speaks of a huge problem that will arise on the horizon. If you are the one who hid and remain alive, then you will cope with it, but if you go to the bottom, then you will not be able to solve it alone.

Taking a running jump straight into the wave means a desire to have children. A dream where you see yourself riding on the crest of a wave means that any ideas now will be easily achievable.

Find out why you dream of huge waves in a video dream book

Dream theme: ,

Waves are an extremely controversial natural phenomenon. A serenely rolling sea or river wave can calm and inspire nostalgic thoughts, while a tsunami sweeping away everything in its path causes panic and deprives people of their lives and homes. Why do waves appear in our dreams and what do they carry with them?
Miller's Dream Book

  • According to Miller, waves in a dream promise the dreamer to use all his mental resources.
  • Seeing transparent waves in a dream means that you will soon expand your knowledge base. If you dream of a dirty wave, you will be disappointed that you made an unfortunate mistake.
  • Miller's dream book: the wave also symbolizes a warning against any wrongdoing. If you are at a crossroads or need to make an action plan, refer to the details of the dream:

Dream Interpretation: pure waves - whatever you come up with, it will be the best option. This will amaze others so much that they will continue to turn to you for advice;
- dream book: storm, big waves - at the moment it is better to refrain from resolving serious issues;
- dream book: a clear wave covers the house - you and your family will finally find peaceful happiness after all the obstacles you had to go through;
- dream book: a large tsunami wave predicts major life changes;
- dream book: huge waves that simply hit the shore without damaging anything - you will cope with all the blows of fate with honor. (cm. )

  • Miller's dream book: the sea, waves crashing against each other, prophesy that the enemy's machinations will not affect you in any way.
  • Miller’s dream book interprets the big wave that you rode as success in all areas, the favor of fortune.

Freud's Dream Book

  • Why do you dream about waves? Waves in a dream, according to Freud, signify transformations in the relationship between a man and a woman.
  • Dream Interpretation: huge tsunami waves promise a radical reassessment of your life together. Perhaps this will cause a breakup. To prevent this outcome, pay more attention to your partner and his problems. (cm. )
  • Dream Interpretation: flood. A wave rolling on what was once dry land predicts the imminent appearance of a child.
  • Why does a man dream of a flood or a wave? Such a dream speaks of your penchant for women carrying a child under their hearts.
  • Seeing a sea with waves in your dream signals your desire to become a parent.
  • Why does a man dream of raging waves? You have problems in the sexual sphere. You can eliminate them yourself with some effort.
  • Dream Interpretation: waves in the ocean for a woman symbolize excitement and trepidation before meeting her lover.

Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

  • The dream “ocean, waves” promises a long and exciting journey.
  • For what ? Waves rushing onto the shore foreshadow a successful solution to problems.
  • The dream “you are carried away by a wave” warns of a serious threat to the dreamer.

Dream Interpretation of Hasse

  • Why according to Hasse? A dream with waves in an endless ocean predicts an interesting tourist route.
  • Dream Interpretation: the sea, the waves raging in it, promise barriers on your way. The larger the wave size, the more difficult it will be to overcome these barriers. You will have to use all your internal reserves to do this.
  • Dream Interpretation: swimming in the waves - you will find yourself drawn into a revolution that will affect the lives of a large number of people. However, if you only hear the murmur and splash of water, changes in social life will not affect you.
  • Big waves in a dream foreshadow family scandals and disruption of peace in the house.

Ukrainian dream book

  • Why do you dream about the sea with waves? Such a dream prophesies a journey, many new sensations and knowledge.
  • Why do you dream about big waves? According to the Ukrainian dream book, a turbulent ocean promises anxiety.
  • The dream “covered by a big wave” warns of a possible fire. Take steps to avoid this.

Dream Interpretation of Denise Lynn
Why do you dream about a huge wave? This plot suggests that you will soon perk up and get down to business with redoubled zeal.
Dream Interpretation: a wave covers your head and promises a dive into the abyss of feelings.
Loff's Dream Book

  • Dream Interpretation: an approaching wave, according to Loff’s dream book, tells the dreamer about his forced helplessness. Try to start over from scratch.
  • Why dream of a tsunami or a big wave? A wave that sweeps away everything in its path serves as a symbol of spiritual growth in reality. You may want to live in a new way and avoid stupid mistakes.
  • Why do you dream about huge waves on the sea? An alarming sea or ocean in a dream portends the dreamer a threat or helplessness in some matter.
  • Why do you dream of a wave covering your head? This plot also suggests that the dreamer will soon be at risk.
  • The dream “sea with waves” is interpreted favorably only if in the dream you were not a hostage to the elements, but could control it. Then seeing a wave in a dream predicts a carefree life.

Medieval dream book of Daniel
Why do you dream of sailing on the waves? A dream in which you are sailing across a vast expanse of sea foretells failure or risk to life.
Psychoanalytic dream book of Samokhvalov
Seeing large waves in a dream, according to Samokhvalov, predicts reaching a new level of individual personal development.
Assyrian dream book
Dream Interpretation: sailing on the waves when the sea is rough promises insoluble problems for the dreamer or a serious illness.
Slavic dream book
The dream “ocean, waves”, according to the Slavic dream book, also means travel or a romantic relationship.
Lying on the shore under the waves in a dream suggests that only a healthy and unhurried approach will help you cope with your tasks.
Dream Interpretation of Grishina
Dream Interpretation: a wave rushing onto the shore prophesies serenity in reality. You will finally have time for yourself.
Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima

  • Sea waves in a dream reflect our state of mind, the experiences that we experience.
  • Seeing a high wave in a dream and feeling danger is a warning not to panic in reality, no matter what happens. Only cold calculation will help you cope with adversity.
  • Seeing sea waves in a dream and admiring them - in reality, your vitality will help you reach unprecedented heights and cope with the most difficult tasks.

Jewish dream book
Dream Interpretation: seeing waves promises endless work for the dreamer. Such a dream can be associated not only with work, but also with household chores.
Solomon's Dream Book
Dream Interpretation: Why do you dream about waves? To the duel for leadership. Rest assured, you have every chance of winning; many people recognize your personality as promising.
The newest dream book of G. Ivanov
Why dream of swimming in the waves? You will find the strength to amaze others with decisive actions.
Seeing a sea with waves in a dream foretells a hopeless courtship. If a girl dreams of a wave, her fans will disappoint you and the desire to go on dates will disappear for a long time.
Summer dream book
Why do you dream about waves near the shore? This plot is a warning that it’s time for you to start taking care of your health. In the meantime, your body is exhausted from all the overloads to which you subject it.
Autumn dream book
To see huge waves in a dream - in reality, only your faith in a higher power can help you overcome the melancholy that has come over you.
Spring dream book
The interpretation of the dream wave according to the spring dream book is as follows: you will experience difficulties at work. Vacation will help solve all your problems. Don’t skimp on a long trip; new surroundings and impressions will give you strength for a long time to come.
Dream Book of the Wanderer
What does it mean if you dream about waves? According to the Wanderer, the wave predicts news. Perhaps a friend living abroad will send you a message.
Why do you dream of waves with foam? A muddy wave with foam promises serious health problems. If you do not take measures to restore it, you may be hospitalized for a long time.
Maly Velesov Dream Interpretation

  • Dream Interpretation: sea waves indicate that on the way to your goal you will have to overcome many barriers.
  • If you dream of the seashore and the waves rushing against it, all your problems will soon be solved.
  • Why do you dream of a pure wave? In reality, annoying misfortunes await you, but nothing more. It will be very easy to deal with them.
  • The dream “muddy wave” promises a quarrel with a loved one through your fault. Establishing relationships will not be so easy.
  • Dream Interpretation: Large waves foreshadow property or monetary losses.

Muslim dream book
Muslim dream book: a wave is a symbol of hardship and torment. Seeing big waves on the sea in a dream foretells a great loss.
Dream Interpretation: interpretation of dreams “wave” according to the plot

  • Huge waves in a dream are the most common sea scene in our dreams. What do they predict?
  • Why do you dream of a big sea wave? Such a dream promises a change in life plans. Moreover, these changes will in no way depend on your desire. The dream “high waves” can have different semantic connotations; the meaning of the dream is directly related to the color and transparency of the water. If strong waves in a dream are clear and have a delicate bluish tint, you can be sure that all changes will be favorable. However, if large sea waves in a dream are filled with garbage and cause disgust, beware of the future.
  • Why do you dream of a big wave of water? If in a dream there is a big wave in front of you in some unusual place, then in reality be prepared for sudden surprises. For example, a dream about a big wave in the bathroom foreshadows the unexpected arrival of guests.
  • Dream Interpretation: Huge waves on the sea symbolize career growth for people immersed in work. Dream Interpretation: high waves will tell you about your workload. The larger the waves, the more instructions you will receive from management. Why do you dream of a big clean wave? If you dreamed of a huge but clean wave, no matter how many tasks you are given, you will easily cope with them, thereby earning the respect and trust of your superiors.
  • If you dream of a high blue wave without debris and algae, your dreams will come true in a short time. Also, seeing a big blue wave in a dream means getting rid of all the ailments that tormented you. Dream Interpretation: sea, large waves with foam indicate that your enemies are making plans to harm you and spreading false rumors. Dream Interpretation: to see waves large and completely covered with foam - you will be greatly harmed by the actions of your enemies, beware of their tricks.
  • Why do you dream of a giant wave? If you dreamed that you were commanding a huge wave and at the same time enjoying all its strength and power, in reality you have reached the apogee of self-improvement, but are very susceptible to succumbing to feelings. Dream Interpretation: large, clean waves indicate that you are overwhelmed by favorable experiences. However, the dream book interprets strong waves as a warning that you are too carried away by the dreams of your heart.
  • Why do you dream of high waves washing the shore? For the dreamer, such a dream predicts quarrels and squabbles, in which he himself will be a direct participant. Why do you dream about strong waves that instill fear in you? If in a dream you watch the waves crashing on the shore with a feeling of anxiety and fear for your life, then all conflicts will have to be resolved with the help of a third party, whose involvement will be very painful for your pride.
  • Dream Interpretation: a high wave, the sea for a married lady foreshadows problems with the household or an overwhelming burden of troubles. For a woman, the dream “big waves on the sea” in any case means a long and grueling struggle with difficulties.
  • Why does a young lady dream about the sea with big waves? If a girl in a dream enjoys being in the rough sea, then a successful marriage awaits her.
  • Why does a child dream of strong waves at sea? Such a dream serves as a warning about a possible threat to life or health. Dream Interpretation: giant waves, but clean ones, promise minor troubles. But the dream “the waves on the sea are high and muddy” speaks of a serious danger.
  • Dream Interpretation: Why do you dream about a big wave? If in a dream you are standing on a rocky shore, against which the waves are constantly crashing with force and roar, then in reality it is time for you to pay attention to the state of your body.
  • Why does a woman dream about the ocean with big waves? If in your night dreams you dreamed that you were alone on an island in the middle of a raging ocean, in reality you will greatly miscalculate. It will cost you your career or social position. Dream Interpretation: the ocean, large waves will suddenly disappear - you will be able to avoid all the unpleasant consequences of your miscalculation.
  • Why do you dream of high waves on the sea? Looking at the roiling sea with fascination promises mental torment.
  • Why do you dream of a sea with a big wave? Admiring the waves in the company of a crowd of people foretells that in reality you will receive an invitation to a gala reception. Dream Interpretation: the sea, strong waves frighten people with their scale - the reception will end unfavorably.
  • For what ? River waves indicate your lack of confidence in your abilities.
  • The dream “tsunami wave” promises trouble for the dreamer. The dream “big wave, tsunami” can predict health problems for you or your loved ones.
  • Why do you dream about a tsunami or a wave? Becoming a victim of a tsunami in a dream actually predicts losing your peace due to what is happening around you.
  • Dream Interpretation: a flood or a big wave affected not you, but a relative - what was described above will happen to him.
  • Dream Interpretation: a tsunami or a wave has passed you by - expect the favors of fortune.
  • Why do you dream of a storm and big waves? Such a dream promises trouble. Dream Interpretation: The more serious the difficulties you will have to face, the greater the raging waves will be. Dream Interpretation: the waves, the storm suddenly subside and you admire the calm waves - you will easily overcome all problems.
  • Why does a man dream of a storm at sea, waves? Your boss will appreciate your work. Career advancement is possible.
  • Why does a woman dream of a raging sea with waves? A homewrecker will try to destroy your family happiness. Only your love and care will help save the marriage.
  • The dream “storm, waves that leave you in awe” foretells a breakthrough in your career. Seeing a raging sea with waves in a dream also warns that you should not worry too much about your new position.
  • The dream “sea, storm, waves destroying your boat” prophesies family conflicts and discord between households. Dream Interpretation: a storm at sea, large waves indicate that you will have to be patient to resolve these conflicts.
  • Why do you dream of a storm, waves? A storm with rain and lightning warns of problems with business and loss of invested funds.
  • Dream Interpretation: sea, storm, waves seen in the news - you will accidentally find yourself involved in someone else's quarrel.
  • Dream interpretation: the raging sea and waves destroying everything in their path give you a feeling of satisfaction - in fact, you triumph when someone makes a mistake. The dream “stormy water, waves” also suggests that you do not know how to calmly react to other people’s victories. If you don't try to change, your jealousy will destroy you.
  • Why do you dream of water that covers you with a wave? If you had such a dream, pay attention to the purity and color of the water; the correct interpretation will depend on this.
  • Dream Interpretation: a big black wave covers your head - a bad sign. Seeing huge dark waves covering you in a dream foretells misfortune. Problems at work, at home, or just apathy towards everything will overwhelm you. If you are covered by a clear wave in a dream, expect something good.
  • Dream Interpretation: if a large wave of dark color covers you in a dream, all your efforts lately will be in vain. It will be unpleasant and offensive, but don’t give up and try again later.
  • Why do you dream of waves covering and carrying the dreamer out to sea? If you happily surrender to the mercy of the water element in a dream, then in reality you will be guaranteed success in various areas. Seeing in a dream a transparent wave that covers you is especially favorable. In reality, you will have the feeling that higher powers are helping you.
  • Dream Interpretation: a big wave is covering also means self-improvement. Dream Interpretation: if in a dream a large wave covers you and then moves away, leaving you in the same place - think about your behavior, perhaps you need a reassessment of values.
  • Dream Interpretation: a huge wave covers your head, but you have the opportunity to direct its flow - you will achieve what you want.
  • Dream Interpretation: a wave covers you, but it doesn’t scare you, it speaks of your unbending will. People like you can easily overcome any adversity. The dream “big waves cover you and drag you to the bottom” means that you are too weak-willed and when faced with difficulties, you prefer not to deal with them, but to retreat and look for ways around it.
  • Dream Interpretation: covered by a large wave and you feel brutally cold from the water - your plans will be greatly disrupted by weather conditions. Dream Interpretation: covered by a huge wave and goosebumps running all over you, it can also promise some coldness from friends towards you.
  • Why do you dream about the sea, the waves cover you? If in your night dreams you are trying to avoid the wave and are in a hurry to hide, a black streak awaits you in real life.
  • Dream Interpretation: covered by a sea wave and you fell, losing your balance, portends changes in fate. The dream “overwhelmed by a wave” promises a favorable outcome of these changes if in the dream you remained afloat.
  • Why do you dream of big waves covering you? If seagulls are screaming above you, then be prepared for unpleasant rumors that your enemies will spread.
  • The dream “huge waves cover a stranger” warns you of possible troubles that will take a lot of time. To dream of a large wave that covers several people at once - your colleagues are opposed to you.
  • Why do you dream of a sea wave covering the coastline? This plot speaks of your immersion in your problems. Dream Interpretation: your sand fortress washed away by a wave is a call to seriously evaluate your surroundings.
  • Why do you dream about being covered by a huge wave? For a girl, the warm sea waves washing her body predict a meeting with an interesting person.
  • Dream Interpretation: a tsunami wave hits, promises the dreamer some significant event that will make a lasting impression. The dream “a wave covers your head” is also a symbol of anxiety about the future.
  • Dream Interpretation: the sea, waves cover your home or - the situation in the family will become tense to the limit.
  • The dream of being “covered by a sea wave” predicts dependence on those in power. You will have to play by someone else's rules.
  • Why do you dream of swimming in the waves? To correctly interpret the dream, remember where you swam and whether you felt comfortable in the water.
  • Dream Interpretation: swimming on warm waves promises profit. For a young lady, the dream of “swimming the waves” predicts a profitable marriage.
  • The dream of “swimming in cold waves” foreshadows a confrontation with the system, in which you will win. Swimming in icy waves in a dream suggests that it is better not to get down to business at the moment. Wait a little and the time will come.
  • Dream Interpretation: swimming in the sea with waves far from the shore actually symbolizes your insatiable desire to get involved in other people's affairs. Leave people alone before your behavior creates conflict.
  • The dream of “swimming in the sea with waves during a storm” testifies to your fearlessness both in a dream and in reality. You, like no one else, will be able to get out of any trouble.
  • The dream of “rocking on the waves during a storm” predicts changes on a global scale, affecting hundreds of people. The dream of “rocking on the waves in a storm” means a change of power in a city or country is possible.
  • Why do you dream of riding the waves? This plot has sexual overtones and prophesies all kinds of intimate games. For a man to ride the waves in a dream foreshadows a short affair with a cute girl. Dream Interpretation: for a girl to ride the waves speaks of complete trust in her companion.
  • Dream Interpretation: diving into the waves promises to put a lot of effort into your main activity. All this will later bear certain fruits.
  • The dream “carried away by the wave, but you manage to return to the shore” predicts that you will regret what you did before.
  • The dream “money washed away by a wave” prophesies wasted time.
  • Dream Interpretation: running away from a wave in a dream warns the dreamer about the machinations of enemies. You will only avoid problems if you are careful. Running away from a wave in a dream also warns you not to trust strangers. They will want to trick you and leave you without funds.
  • The dream of “running away from the waves up the mountain” promises to improve your financial situation at the expense of your enemies. If you dream of running away from a wave onto the roof, you will finally understand your feelings for your partner.
  • The dream of “waves” can change meaning depending on the color of the water. Remember what waves were in your night dreams.
  • Why do you dream about black waves? Dark, almost black waves are a bad sign. Dream Interpretation: a black wave indicates that in reality there are many people who wish you harm. Dreams of “black waves” advise the dreamer to be careful and prepared for sudden shocks.
  • Why do you dream of a blue sea with waves? Such a dream only portends good things. Dream Interpretation: a clear blue sea with waves promises harmony with yourself and others. Your life will give you pleasure.
  • Dream Interpretation: blue waves sparkling in the sun predict meeting your soulmate.
  • If you dream of a blue wave washing your feet, you will experience unearthly pleasure.
  • Beautiful waves in a dream indicate victory over your shortcomings.
  • To dream of a wave approaching your home indicates the need to change your goals.
  • The dream of “flood, waves surrounding you on the only remaining piece of land” speaks of your miscalculation in some important aspect of life. Think about what it could be.
  • The dream “rising wave” predicts attempts to maintain one’s way of life unchanged in spite of circumstances.
  • The dream of “seeing the waves in the sea moving apart” promises the dreamer an interesting acquisition.
  • Why do you dream of a sea with clear waves? Usually such a plot is favorable for the dreamer. Seeing a sea with clear waves in a dream means that you are an intelligent and versatile person.
  • For what ? You will become a victim of your own naivety. Dishonest people will use you to achieve their goals.
  • Dream Interpretation: a blast wave that knocks you down - despondency will take possession of you for a long time.
  • Waves - fate favors you.
  • Dream Interpretation: ship on the waves. A plot in which you see the ship on which you were supposed to sail sinking predicts avoiding the dire consequences of an unpleasant situation. (cm. )

Waves in our dreams are generally a favorable sign, foreshadowing spiritual and mental improvement, purification, or a fateful meeting. However, the color and size of the waves can radically change the meaning of the dream to the opposite. Also important is the moment how you cope in a dream with the elements that suddenly befall you. If in a dream you can overcome its consequences, then in real life you will have the strength and experience to resist negative influences.

Why do you dream about a wave covering you in a dream according to the dream book?


If you dreamed that a wave was completely covering you, but you did not feel fear, trying with all your might to get out of the water, it means that the difficulties that you are currently trying to solve are within your reach, so coping with them will not be difficult.

A huge ridge of water covers a person’s head, and he himself is seized with panic and horror, trying to emerge, he goes to the bottom - such a sign does not bode well. The sleeper will face difficult times, financial losses and business failures.

How did the wave cover you in your dream?

I dream that a wave is covering my head

If you saw in a dream how a wave covers your head - in reality, emotional turmoil, a serious illness, and possibly unpleasant situations at work await you. Any of these circumstances will have a very adverse effect on the dreamer's personal life.

If the dreamer was not afraid and managed to get to the surface of the water, he will successfully cope with all the troubles and obstacles. If you saw a clear stream of water, this is most likely a sign that the cherished goal is much closer than it seems.

Dream of big waves covering you

I saw very large waves covering you - such a dream foreshadows quite serious changes in fate, warning that a time of big changes is coming for you. The main thing is what type of water was in this dream.

A dirty wave is covering you - be prepared for various troubles in all areas of your life. This could be gossip about you personally, about your family, a deterioration in your health, or the business you are doing will have to be postponed for a while.

A clean, transparent wave washes over you - a sign of good luck sent by fate itself. All projects started during this period are accompanied by success, thanks to the purposeful character, fortitude, as well as the hidden capabilities of the dreamer.

I dream that a wave covers the house

A wave covers and then washes away the house - such a dream communicates: it is necessary to take care of the health and inner state of the soul, which is in danger of breakdown. Give up the illusions of well-being, start looking at things soberly.

A wave covers the city in a dream

Why do you dream that a wave is covering a city? The dreamer is given a clear sign - it’s time to make a complete reassessment of life values, to choose the most important aspects at the moment, otherwise the blows of fate and deprivation will lead to the collapse of illusions.

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Video: Why do you dream of a wave covering

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Did you dream about a wave covering you, but the necessary interpretation of the dream is not in the dream book?

Our experts will help you find out why you dream of a wave covering you in a dream, just write your dream in the form below and they will explain to you what it means if you saw this symbol in a dream. Try it!

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    I dreamed today that I was at sea, the water was clear, the sea was calm, I was standing in the middle and there was someone next to me I don’t remember (either my ex-husband), and a clean wave was coming, big, but calm on one side, I felt that it will cover me, but I don’t feel particularly afraid, then another one comes right at me, I don’t know how to swim, the one who is holding me next to me doesn’t let go, he covers me headlong and I emerge, but for some reason the water is warm, somehow soft and that's all. What is this dream for, tell me!

    I was driving along the seashore in a fixed-route gazelle, I was there alone, there were no other passengers, and suddenly huge waves began to rise and completely cover the transport, but he calmly rode through the waves, we rode through these waves, I wasn’t even a bit scared, then the water penetrated into the vehicle and I was slightly wet, then we drove out of the wave and it was all over. The waves were powerful, clean and very beautiful.

    I dreamed that I was sitting with someone, but I don’t remember with whom, and then a huge wave covered me, I held my breath and so many times, then I couldn’t remember what happened. The wave was a greenish tint of the sea; it didn’t feel cold.

    I walk along the edge of the embankment parapet; sea water periodically floods the slabs. I sat down to dip my palms into the sea and at that moment the sky, which had previously been blue and clear, turned black and a very strong wind rose, I saw myself standing near the shore knee-deep in water and waves, one after another, covered my head, but I didn’t experience any feelings of fear in the dream; I was surprised at the change in weather that had occurred. The next night the dream was the same, with the difference that for some reason I found myself in the midst of a storm on a ship (or so it seemed to me) ... in any case, I was tightly holding on to some kind of net, reminiscent of a fishing net, it is on top was holding on to something. And as in the previous dream, I again did not have the slightest feeling of fear.

    There were a lot of people on the shore having a rest... I walked up with my ex-husband... and standing there we saw a huge wave approaching, saturated, I can’t determine the color... we realized that we couldn’t escape... we quickly lay down on our stomachs, held hands, tried to find some grass, to cling on... It covered us, when the wave receded, I stood up alone, there was no one... I looked, then my ex-husband dug himself out of the sand... then people appeared in the sea and walked in groups... I woke up.. But... a terrible impression...

    Good afternoon Tatyana,
    I dreamed of a wide road, suddenly a giant wave was coming towards me, I turned in the other direction, the same wave was coming towards me. And so on from all sides. Realizing that I can’t escape from them, I hold my breath and dive into the wave without fear. And I swim out somewhere.

    Hello. I dreamed that my granddaughter and my cape were lying on the shore, in clothes, we didn’t come to swim, apparently it was the sea. The wave reached us a little, then more and more and covered our heads, and so on several times. The water was clear, there was no fear, even pleasant. What does this mean? Thank you.

    I dreamed of a huge wave on the sea, we were sunbathing on the beach with families and small waves began and gradually they became big, and when I went to the room it was near the sea, I look out the window and see a huge wave like an apocalypse. My family was still on the beach and I started to worry a lot. And then the wave hit me, but I was in the room. Then the wave stopped and when I wanted to leave the room it started again. I was very worried about my family. And it ended, this wave, I wanted to leave the room and it started again, this wave! I already thought that the windows wouldn’t hold up, but they did. And then I decided to go out and not go to the room, and when I came out, I went to my family, they said that everything was fine, I said how could you withstand these waves, my sister answered, I just covered my nose. That's it. But I can say that this wave did not happen just once!

    I dreamed that I was sitting at the pier on reels in the sea, people were swimming nearby, bathing, a wave almost covered my stomach, I didn’t want to get wet and climbed a little higher to the pier. The waves no longer reach me there

    My parents and someone else were sailing on a yacht, and then a huge wave rolled in, the water was clear blue—sea water. I hold my breath, the wave spins like a lamb, I manage to inhale and exhale again, then I hold my breath, the wave covers and then retreats, I see mom and dad, but I don’t see my sister. Although I don’t remember if it was there initially.

    I am with my beloved man, with his son and with my daughter and son on vacation. We decided to go to the sea. The sea was under the roof and suddenly the waves began to rise to enormous sizes. I was afraid to go and so were the children. My beloved took off my life jacket. I put it on myself and went to sea. But he was covered by a huge wave and disappeared. Soon he was thrown ashore lifeless and I performed artificial respiration and he woke up.

    I was walking with a stroller. There was a baby in it. It looked like a boy. We walked to the beach. We approached the beach and I saw that water was coming from one side. I turned my head and on the other side the water was already near the path where we were standing. I raised my head and saw from all sides there was a big wave. I took the baby in my arms and covered him with a fight. And I held my breath. The waves covered me. and I stood where I was standing. I exhaled and was happy. It was all over so quickly

    At first I see the appearance of huge waves - it fascinates me and even makes me want to go surfing on one of them. then the number of huge waves increases sharply and a perfect storm begins. I see him from the window of a house on the very edge of a steep bank. then one of the waves covers the entire house. and it washes away and the house in which I am with another person begins to be carried along the shore along these waves, but I see the ends of the earth nearby. I’m trying to save the main thing - the information on the computer and throw it out of the window onto the shore, realizing that we could die. Then I decide to jump out of the house and try to jump to the shore. which I do safely, and then I take the house from the shore and lift it on one hand, looking at the raging sea and the beauty of wild nature and huge waves.

    I, with my daughter in my arms, swim up to some white house, it’s either on an island, or right on the water, and right in front of the house a turquoise wave covers us, I’m very worried that my daughter will choke, but the wave is higher than us and we succeed , as it were, under her canopy, then the wave goes away, slightly touching us with water, and for some reason my daughter and I climb onto the roof of this house...

    Hello, Tatyana! I had a dream from Friday to Saturday. I swam in the sea with my ex-boyfriend, the water was clear and blue. And big waves covered us. I held his hand very tightly and held him. In reality, we broke up about a year ago, but I want to get him back, but it doesn’t work out (he has another girlfriend).

    Hello. I’m swimming in the sea, the sea is calm, suddenly a huge wave appears, I understand that it will cover me completely, I hold my breath, the wave rolls in, but I don’t suffocate, but float to the surface...

    Hello. My name is Elena... I'm going down the steps (something like an underground passage) suddenly, from around the bend, a huge wave covers my head, I try to surface and I succeed... and again the wave covers me and I again try to surface - this since I feel like the wave itself helped me - I’m on the surface. The water is warm... bright turquoise color... But I’m terribly afraid that I’ll drown...

    Good evening! I dreamed that I was swimming in the sea not far from the shore... and suddenly I saw that a huge blue wave was coming towards me and I realized that I did not have time to hide from it, I lowered my head down and the wave covered me completely. I have dreams like this from time to time. Please tell me what my dream means?

    As if I were in a room with my husband, water rose right in the room and a wave carried me into another room, I screamed in fear, and just as suddenly the water disappeared. I returned to my husband’s room, but I was afraid that the water might appear again.

    I ended up on the pier in some hotel, I still didn’t understand because I didn’t see the building itself, there were about three of us, and when I looked at the water. there were quite strong waves there. looking around, I realized that all my friends were already in the water, without hesitation I jumped towards them, the waves turned out to be quite huge and the color scheme of the waves was mainly emerald yellow and various tints, then the waves became so huge (about 3 storey building) and my friends tell me, let’s dive under the wave, which I did, although to be honest, I was afraid of suffocating, but it turned out that while in the water I pulled my head out over the edge of the wave, it’s somehow not very clear, I don’t know how describe, people were walking and I was lying in the huge waves under them, constantly finding myself inside the wave where there was air, talking to someone who was not in the water

    Good afternoon Please tell me the meaning of the dream. I had a dream where a large blue wave covered me several times. This brought me a lot of pleasure and excitement, so I myself went out to meet her and held on to the pole so as not to be carried away. I enjoyed the view and the sensations covering me completely. The waves were terribly powerful and gigantic, but clean and blue. They covered it several times and left.

    At first, I walked on the ice and the ice began to fall through. Then a dark wave covered me, but it did not drag me along with it, I remained in place and all the most valuable things I had (a bag with documents) remained with me.

    I dream that I am covered by a large transparent wave near the seashore. The dream is colorful and colorful. then this wave drags me into the sea (and so on several times), but I got out, and I dreamed of large multi-colored fish in the water.

    Hello. My name is Yulia. Please decipher this dream. The young man dreamed that he was covered by a sea wave, and his dead mother saved him; the water was clean, not cloudy. I just had another dream about my mother’s birthday. What is this for? Thank you for your attention.

    I was walking along the shore with a man in the evening, suddenly a huge wave appeared and the sky became night with the moon. She covered us with her head, I felt completely under water and couldn’t breathe, he held my hand... then it became light and sunny and the water disappeared... we held hands

    Hello, Tatyana! Soon it will be 2 years since my husband died. Last night I saw him alive in a dream. In the dream, several of us were walking somewhere, as if we were looking for someone, I got on the train to look, and when I got out, the train started moving, I didn’t have time to get off. The conductor pulled the stop valve, I asked her: “How far have we gone?” She answered 15 km. I walk along the rails and count how long it will take me to return, they are waiting for me. Then the dream is interrupted and I see my husband, he looks good, he works at some important jobs, everything is fine with him. I am very glad that he is alive, I tell him everything, and he looks at me affectionately and is silent. Then we lie with him, he hugs me and caresses me in an intimate place, I tell him: “It’s not comfortable, people will see.” Then the dream is interrupted and he and I are lying on the railway tracks, hugging, suddenly I see an avalanche coming / in a huge wave / water, I grabbed the sleepers and told him to hold on. The wave covered us, the water was light and I could breathe. The water has passed and I feel that another dream will be interrupted. I see my sister, we are walking with her, there is a seashore in the distance, I tell her we have a sea here, I point to the shore, but she doesn’t want to look at it / although she loves the sea very much. / woke up.

    I was sitting on the sandy beach with my family and then the first wave hit, the stroller with the child was washed away, my husband tried to catch her, and I looked at it all as if from above. Then I held on to the rock, and new waves covered me. And in my head it was spinning that there was no one in the stroller, there was some kind of boom there (I don’t know what it is)

    I was walking along the beach, the beach was pebble, I was with young people, in real life I don’t know them, but in the dream we communicated very well, laughed, the sea was azure... then I walk from the sea and hear people shouting to me, wave, I turned around and saw a big wave, it covered me and retreated, I just kept walking, it didn’t take me into the sea with it

    I was sitting on the seashore with my sister, the sea was a little violent, but suddenly a wave rose, my sister and I got up and managed to run away, but the wave touched our heads a little, we stood on the shore and suddenly the second wave, it was just huge, the water was a little warm but dark, dark green, we understood that we couldn’t escape and remained standing in place, and then the wave covered us headlong, but we didn’t fall, we remained standing, and when the wave passed over us and sailed out to sea, we went home

    Good afternoon
    in a dream I was standing on the seashore and I saw a black jeep standing in the sea just off the shore, and my boyfriend was sitting on top of it, and then a wave suddenly covered him and began to rage more and more, I was standing there, looking, I wanted to run to the rescue, look for him and then he comes out and says that the documents are all wet, and I also remember how reporters ran up to me and there was a very strong wind.

    GOOD TIME!! I used to often have a dream in which a wave covered me. In today’s dream, the wave was huge, not transparent, it moved slowly and covered me. There was a lot of free space under the wave. I don’t remember how it retreated. I remember myself on the shore, watching the wave go away. There was no fear.

    I’m riding in a carriage like in a subway, but on the street I feel a long journey, but I’m riding while standing. There was another boy traveling, he had no place to sit, and neither did I, but I offered to sit on his feet (on his toes), I stretched them out in front of me and saw red shoes, he sat down. Then I saw a beautiful landscape outside the window, we were racing along the sea, there was high tide and the water seemed to cover our carriage a couple of times and we drove further past the port. Then I looked in front and saw the road, trees and wires. Cars of travelers and cyclists were driving nearby, one of them was very tired. I found myself on a forest road with my sister. I saw a spring and wanted to get water, but it was in the thickets and the ground was too wet. She sank into the mud of the swamp up to her knees just to get water for herself and her sister. Finally she reached a solid surface and took the vessel. but the water level in the source dropped and I couldn’t get it, at the same moment some strangers appeared, she asked a lot of questions and when there was more water, she left

    I walk along the red, cracked bank under my feet. Turning around, I see a huge wave, the size of a 10-story building, which, breaking the rocks into stones, is approaching me. I start to run away from her and see a 3-year-old child nearby. I shout to him, give him your hand, if it hits us, you will choke. He holds it out. It covers us completely. We're both trying to surface. The water is clear. We both emerge, and the wave throws us right onto the stairs of some seaside town of the 15th-16th century. The kid runs away, but I can’t figure out where I am. The wave has gone, and the sea is calm to the horizon.

    It’s a dark night, there are a lot of people, we are on the beach near a cliff, on the other side there is the sea and big waves. One is bigger than the other. I hold onto the rock and take deep breaths to get some air before I hold. We are waiting out one wave, the second is just a huge thought in my mind, now it will blow everything away. I breathe and breathe and nothing happens. The wave did not reach us.

    I dreamed that a wave was covering me and my friends from both sides, while we were wearing winter clothes. We get out of there and leave through the cemetery, where a tree falls on us. what is this dream for?

    Hello. I had a dream, I can’t find the meaning anywhere. I and several other people (among them my husband) are in a large white house with huge windows during the day, we go out onto the terrace on the second floor, it seems like it’s on the shore of the sea, lake, I don’t know. Suddenly a huge clean light wave comes from somewhere. Everyone runs away, but I don’t have time and it covers me and pulls me along. It washes me from the terrace from the second floor to the first, and some guy below catches me... and I woke up. Thank you for answer

    Hello, I had a dream that I found myself in some kind of prison, with prisoners, it didn’t seem like anything special, but after communication and how I lay down on the bed. Turning my head to the left, I see a big wave, tearing down the wall and rushing straight at me and starting to drown me, and it seemed like I was still breathing in the water and suddenly woke up. What could all this mean?

    I dreamed that I was sitting and talking with friends, and then I was suddenly covered by a large clear wave, I did not have time to escape, and after that the wave immediately disappeared and the water remained clean and calm.

    I dreamed that my friend and I were swimming in the sea and suddenly she told me that people were coming, a wave was approaching and suddenly it covered me and pushed me under a rock and then and again and I couldn’t get out

    Hello! I dreamed just an hour ago that I was swimming in the sea. It was a turquoise color, quite transparent, a little cloudy. A strong wind suddenly rose and for some reason I decided to go for a swim. I dived and came up with pleasure. But it was covered by a wave again, I didn’t I got scared and pretended that I was drowning so that my husband, who was nearby, would save me, but when I was thrown ashore, a completely different man came up and helped me get up. When I was lying on the shore, I felt disgusted by some bugs, small worms,

    For a very short moment I remember that I was standing either on a boat or on a raft, the water was calm, but from somewhere a wave was approaching, getting higher and higher and covering us headlong, I was scared. the wave goes away and we are all wet in our clothes. There was no horror, there was just a slight feeling of fear at that moment when the wave hit.

    I remember that I was standing in the sea and a huge wave was rising and covering me completely. I love waves and that’s why I wasn’t scared. But then I saw the next one rise even more, and at that moment I was sucked in by the sea and I was very scared. The water was not very clean, but not dirty either.

    I'm at the seaside, next to a children's camp. There are many, many people swimming in the sea and children come. I go to the sea and somewhere while I was standing a wave suddenly covers me. My parents drag me to a house on the shore. I see yellow, yellow sand. The sea is blue.

    we were going to go somewhere to relax, we arrived at the recreation area, there was a swimming pool, there were a lot of people, I was with a guy, we went for a swim in the pool and then a wave covered us and I was already standing with the child, then some girl and my boyfriend came up leaves with her, then comes to me again, and I don’t pay attention to it. and I think to myself why she constantly bothers us. And I woke up.

    a huge wave covered my head for some time, I was under water, then the water disappeared and I found myself in an unfamiliar place with an unfamiliar man and two little girls, the place was unusual, home was not like in reality

    Hello. Please tell me what you dreamed about:
    My family and I are on the seashore, sitting on sun loungers. My daughter and husband and I are far from the water, but my little son is practically with her. Suddenly a huge wave covers us and moves away. My husband holds on to the sun lounger and shouts to me, take my son. Our sunbeds seem to be attached to the ground. I don't even have time to get up. The second wave hits, the son leaves and is no longer there. I look in horror, his sun lounger has floated up, my husband shouts: “everything has been taken away!!”, and I wait and look for him with my eyes, that he will now emerge. The daughter is nearby. I woke up in horror.
    My son is 5 years old.

    I had a dream last night. I'm at the waterfall at its very top. The water rushes down like a stormy stream. Below is a spill and a bay, which includes a sailboat and a magnificent ship. The sailboat is white and the ship is huge and also white. And I need to cross the seething stream to the other side. That's where my home is. I know it's very shabby, but I need to go there. I wade in water up to my chest, it’s difficult to walk, I reach an impassable place. I understand that I can’t go any further and I’m trying to go to the right, because... there is a cliff on the left. In the distance I see the shore, people and even children are swimming there, i.e. it should be safe... I’m almost approaching them and I feel that it’s getting deeper... I can’t swim, because... strong current towards you. It carries some kind of garbage left by people on the shore, broken glass. I pull away so as not to cut myself and see just a huge wave, I understand that I can’t cope with it and this is the end - it will take me down to the rocks... It covers me completely, I hold my breath and... I begin to breathe under water, I feel in safety, but I wake up with a terrible feeling and in a cold sweat...

    On Monday afternoon I had a dream. Huge waves were rolling onto the tall house in which my husband and I were. There was surprise and fear that the house would not withstand this element and we began to run away from the house on the street, we saw our daughter with our son-in-law and grandchildren and began to tell them about huge waves and that we need to leave here I woke up with anxiety

    I often have dreams that seem to be covered by a huge wave; this does not always happen in the same environment and not every night. I’m not afraid of this wave, rather I’m waiting for it to cover me or not so I can hold my breath.
    I would like to know what this means, because I have this dream quite often

    I dreamed that I went to the sea with my parents, a friend and my friend’s parents, she and I sat on a bench, and our parents went to bed, we sat and it started to rain, and we went home, then my friend’s parents went to the sea, she and I, I was swimming in the sea, and the waves covered me and carried me a little away from the shore, but I still swam out, and the sea calmed down, my friend’s mother said “well, thank God”

    I dreamed of a wave covering me and my mother, near the sea coast, the water was clear, I felt dry
    and I see that the wave is carrying my mother away, I extend my hand to her and she does not immediately reach it, I felt fear for her, there was a feeling of panic!

    I dreamed that a wave washed me ashore, but it was small and I liked it. as if I had taken a ride on it. Then I saw a sailboat, it was not mine, but some man’s, and he helped me lift it. I got on the sailboat. It was a beautiful dream.

    Covers me with a wave on the beach, completely upside down, the wave is huge, clean without dirt, but foamy, there are a lot of people there, everyone is carried out to sea, I try to get out, it is carried back several times, but in the end I manage to get out

    at first it was quiet, they were taking pictures of me on the shore, and then bigger waves began, and I was happy... from the beginning they were quiet waves and then they started hitting me on my back, then I turned around and saw a big blue wave, I smiled but at the same time I was a little scared - a little.

    I was walking along a simple sandy field and suddenly a wave appeared and just wet me all over, then a second wave came and covered me headlong and then a third wave, about five meters high, came and passed for me somehow unnoticeably, people were floundering in the water and I I know that my daughter is somewhere not far away and I am running and flying to save her. She is 13 years old now, but in the dream she was about five years old and I picked her up in my arms and I woke up

    Good afternoon I saw a strange dream today. In which, I left everyone on the river, climbed onto a boat, big, white, beautiful, but there was no one there. In the room, she lay down on a large sofa and began to look out the porthole. I saw a wave: at first not very big, then bigger, and the third covered the entire boat. After a short period of time, I, on the move, very easily and successfully, jumped off the boat and found myself on the pier, where I was at the beginning of the dream. But I didn’t see the people I was with before. I've never seen anything like this before. In general, I don’t remember dreams well.

    went into the sea (it was calm). And then the waves rose and I was overwhelmed by a huge wave. I found myself under water and understood that this was my fate, God’s punishment for my actions, I was constantly not happy with what I had and wanted more. I don't resist or try to break to the surface. I obediently sink to the bottom, ready to accept such an end to life, and at that moment, when I found myself at the very bottom, I opened my eyes, the water was cloudy, as if during a storm, somehow I instantly found myself on the shore (as if pushed out by a wave).

    I dreamed that my mother wanted to show me something. I followed her. Then we found ourselves on the shore of either a beach or somewhere, I didn’t really understand. But we stood on the sand and there was water. The water was clean. I also looked into the distance of the water and saw dark shades of water, but they were sooooo far away and there were trees there (right in the water). So lush. Mom asked me: “Shall we go upstairs?” I said: “Of course!” And we began to climb up the mountain of sand. And somewhere in the middle of the journey we were covered by a hard wave. I didn't see or hear her. I only saw that the water was clean. Mom said: “wow”, and I said: “amazing!” If I want to die, I’ll send you an SMS,” the last phrase was about water. We went to the top. There were some pipes there. Either fanari or something. Mom began to be pulled down sharply. I grab this pipe, and she does too, but her hand slips. I manage to grab her. It was hard. Then I still hooked her hand on the pipe and put my feet under it so that I wouldn’t fall. All. Please tell me what does all this mean, or does it mean nothing?

    Hello! For a long period of time I have been dreaming that I am on the seashore, and I see a huge wave that covers me, but does not carry me away, but it is scary, and I constantly avoid it, I know how to hide from it

    We were walking with a friend and suddenly water began to pour out of nowhere, there was a lot of water under our feet and we saw that a huge wave was coming at us, it was demolishing houses, it covered us and my house, it began to collapse and my mother my brother ran out of it and we ran from this wave, but it covered us again

    Hello. I was walking along the shore with my youngest and showed that a high wave, dark blue in color, was approaching. Suddenly, I found myself dry on the shore, and my youngest was not near me. Everyone panicked, began to contact the rescuers, I was crying, my mother was near me, my husband is running. Please help me understand what I was dreaming about?

    The dream was not very colorful. Dark shades predominated: thunderstorm points over the sea and dark sea water. My loved one and I went down to the shore, after which we were covered by a relatively small wave, after which we went up

    I dreamed that I was lying on the beach with someone, I don’t see with whom exactly, people are swimming in the sea, a wave begins, I see it and it’s coming towards us, I managed to jump away and was only wet to the waist, the children and the woman were sleeping on the beach, I got scared and started waking them up and leaking. I woke up

    I’m on the shore, there are a lot of people around me, adults and children, big waves roll onto the shore and people, sometimes I get hit by a wave, I’m not scared, but I’m surprised by the power and inevitability of the waves, I photograph the waves, they’re not big at first, then huge, you can hide under the canopy when the wave returns from the shore, half a dream the wave goes from the shore to the sea, the remaining dream from the sea to the shore. There are no drowned people, people are hiding but not leaving, it seems that they are not afraid, but just like me, it is interesting and surprising that the water is not entirely clear, but not dirty either, I saved a child by pulling him out of small pebbles by his feet, but it turned out he did not drown, like his family, I just got a little sleepy. I woke up with a feeling of purity and surprise

    It’s as if I’m at home or in a hotel and such a high wave rises and reaches, I think, up to the 9th floor. But the wave is clean and transparent. Then I immediately see myself as if I’m already at my brother’s house and quickly get ready and are still afraid that a wave will cover us, I begin to pack the things of a child of my type, we leave the city and start looking for my shoes, I find my shoes and then again I see a wave as if it’s flooding everywhere but he lies down right at my feet without reaching us. Why is this interesting, thanks in advance

    At first, we were just relaxing, the weather was beautiful, we went to the sea, and a storm began. The wave began to rise very high, I ran away from it, and it kept getting stronger... I tore off the life preserver and when the wave approached, it stopped. The wave was a bit dirty -white

    This all happened in a building, at the exit of which there was a pier and the sea. Adult friends (don’t remember mine or my friends’ relatives) swam in the sea and created a big wave, and my friends, girls, were inside the building at that time. This wave washed away everyone and I was the only one left in this building. I was anxious and scared to be there

    Hello. I swim in the sea, I dive. and suddenly I see a huge wave rolling over me. I love swimming in a storm and I know that you have to dive under the wave so that it carries you out on the crest. In the dream, I couldn’t find anything else but dive into the water below. It was hard to swim out and I woke up. I don’t remember the moment it surfaced or not. but the dream is very vivid and unusual. the water was clear, the dream was colorful.

    I dreamed that I was standing on the edge of a stone parapet and saw that a large wave was approaching me (a tsunami with white caps on the crest). The day was sunny, the sky was blue. I was scared, but there was no time to leave or run away and a wave covered me. The water was clear and I saw that I was not alone in the water, but there were also people who were obviously with me on the shore. I was able to take a breath underwater and then the dream ended because I woke up

    I dreamed that my boyfriend and I were getting ready to go to the sea. Then the dream suddenly changed to the fact that we were already on a bus and the road along which we were traveling in the distance was covered with huge waves. I began to get hysterical and say that I was afraid of the waves that would cover us and at the same time I looked at the windows to see if they could be broken. We drove on because the driver reassured me with his words: “You were on the bus before and didn’t drown, so this time we won’t drown either.” There’s not much confidence in words, but in a dream I felt better. Having driven further, we were still covered by waves, but we drove on. A terrible sight. Then again a sharp change in the picture in the dream and I was no longer on the bus, but on the open sea and there were a lot of people with me from the bus, but the worst thing was that there was an unreal number of people from afar, they were fleeing, but what happened to them is not known. There were so many people that I was already left alone without my boyfriend, but then it was unclear where I appeared Mom and dad swam to our aid, I asked him: “Will you save us?” He didn’t answer anything and he and his mother swam forward between the people, and I was just nearby. Then I woke up abruptly.

    I was lying with my boyfriend on the beach, on the sand by the sea or ocean, not very large waves were rolling in. But then suddenly a very large wave of deep blue color came. We turned over on our stomachs and held our breath. The wave covered us headlong with all its might. I soon felt the wave begin to return back to the sea, but it did not move me and my young man from our place. We had enough air to wait for the wave to go away. Then we just sat on the beach as if nothing had happened. When people saw the wave, they ran away from it, and when the wave went away, there was no one but us.

    I dreamed that I was swimming in the ocean with a little girl. And we saw how simply a big wave was moving towards us. We ran to the shore. At the same time, I ran along a concrete path in the water and dragged the girl behind me.

    I was in the sea, the water was warm and clean, there were people nearby, and on the right there was a man, his face was not visible. There was a calm and suddenly a wave rose out of the blue. It happened very unexpectedly and somehow I felt uneasy. But I jumped out from under the wave.

    Good night. I dreamed that I was not in a familiar old wooden house. With my mother-in-law. When I went to bed, a wave covered me, I was scared and I couldn’t breathe. And through clear water I saw my mother-in-law, she seemed to be worried. The wave hits me 5 times, the last one is the heaviest, I couldn’t stand it without air, in the last seconds the water went away

    I dreamed that I was at some resort with my husband and two other strangers. We were walking, went to a local store and the seller offered us a taste of alcohol. After that, we went into a cafe and began to climb a very steep staircase. It was very easy to climb it, but to go down it was very scary, because... All the time in my dream I thought that I would fall on someone’s back in front. At the same time, I kept arguing with my husband. Evening came and I went outside. It felt like we were in some kind of camp. There was an indescribably beautiful pink-golden sunset, which I rejoiced at like a child, and the sea was visible all around. I wanted to come closer to him, but the guard told me that I couldn’t. I obeyed her, but again went to look for a place to get close to the sea. In the end, I was able to reach him. I saw that a lot of people were swimming and decided to come in too. After that, I called my husband with me and said that we needed to swim, because... great waves. My husband and I swam across the sea, turned back to the shore and saw a huge green-blue wave the size of a tsunami covering us headlong. When I saw her, I started to worry a little, but I caught my breath and surfaced back with my husband.

    I was walking on the seashore with my daughter (2 years old), lay down on the beach and suddenly, as if the tide was coming in fast. We were covered by a wave (the water was green, slightly transparent), and a warm breeze was blowing. We got up from the wave that covered us and I found myself alone in some room. And I woke up.

    All the action took place on the beach.
    I dreamed that I was famous in a dream. I was in some kind of musical group, we were all sitting on the beaches and I was entertaining some small child (a girl), then when I returned to those three girls (from the group) there was a tall bald man standing there, but I don’t remember his face at all, however like others.
    Then I turned into the sea and saw a man entering the water, then I turned my gaze back and noticed some strange shadow, and when I turned to the sea, I saw this gigantic wave 5-7 meters high. But what scared me more was that I saw my mother and grandfather a few steps away from me, standing calmly and looking at me. Two seconds before the wave covered me, I only said “I love you, mom,” then the dream ended and something like “5 months have passed” flashed through my head, and I specifically heard it. In 5 months I have no idea what will happen, there are no plans, and people are not planning anything for me in 5 months😅
    Crazy though..

    We were traveling with a camp organized by my mother (this is her job). We went to classes, master classes and swim in the sea. On the penultimate day of camp, I decided to swim in the sea for the last time. I asked my mother for permission, she gave me permission. Mom decided to take her friends with her (mothers of children from our camp), and I called my friends. And so we went swimming: we jumped over the waves and then my friend surfaced and, laughing, said that she dived under the aolna and everything was fine with her. I was distracted by her, and when I turned to the sea, a HIGH WAVE and a gurgle were coming at me! When I emerged, the wave was just leaving and I realized that the wave had reached the stone foundation of the pier and the wave could have dragged me along with it and I would have crashed on the concrete piles! I smiled at my friends, letting them know that I was fine and went to the shore.

    I woke up in shock, from impressions and fear with huge, round eyes.

    I walked along a wide and stable wooden road and there was a road across the crossing and along the tanks, but there were camps on the sides, and when we walked back
    The water began to create huge waves
    Fighting off the walls and pouring on us and this was constantly repeated, I could not walk, the feeling of anxiety did not leave me

    I dreamed that I was on the beach and there were many other people besides me. Big waves started. I saw every wave, it seemed to be growing up very close to me and falling very sharply. The water wasn't dirty or scary. It was clean and transparent. I remember that I looked up to see how big the wave was - it was sunny, the huge wave, like a wall, lingered a little and then fell. And so several times, from a height of about 2 floors and each time higher. But I remained in my place on the shore... after several such waves I managed to escape. I felt fear when I saw the huge waves.

    The ship was covered by a big wave, it was a little scary, the water was clean and the dream was not gloomy, then the ship surfaced and I talked to a girl from this ship on the shore, she was worried that she didn’t have a job and she needed to pay for something, I calmed her down and then she Found a job.

    Hello, I dreamed from Thursday to Friday that I was standing near the house, but it was located outside the beach area (right behind the fence) and I saw a wave.. big and supposedly my husband was in the house and spoke carefully, and I said yes, no, it won’t get that far and then this wave increases and covers me completely, but I didn’t feel wet or somehow unpleasant... The sensations were strange because I was surprised that I was dry and the water was clear and not particularly cold... I left and the whole dream I was in paths (like some kind of labyrinths) we needed to get out and return home, and throughout the entire dream we were moving somewhere, as if on a quest (there were many girls and women with me whom I don’t know) and were hiding from the waves and I was trying to contact my husband to return to him.

    Good afternoon I dreamed that I was closing the window in the kitchen of my apartment, my mother was next to me. Suddenly water suddenly appears from the window above and covers me completely. Mom didn't go under water. The water is clean and transparent. Then the water disappeared without a trace, and I was standing dry in my kitchen. Please tell me what this is for.

    I went with my father to the beach from some kind of artificial pool, well, it looked like a sea beach, but in fact it was a pool, a river flowed into it from the top, here we were from above, we had to go down and my father was wearing clothes, we went down and there were people there. they started shouting at him because he was wearing clothes, then a small fight started when we got out of the pool there were a lot of people and there were some very large screens that covered this pool from the right after all this we went to the beach, my father and I were supposed to walk along the shore to my mother and began to approach the shore and small waves in the form of bulls began to jump on us and then a wave the height of a ten-story building began to fall on us

    I approached the shore where the guy was standing. And then I see a huge wave covering me from nowhere, my hands were raised up. The wave was blue and the water was clear. Covered 2 times. Right through the dream I felt like I was holding my breath so as not to swallow water

    I’m on the bank of a river in the forest, sitting, eating, relaxing. Suddenly they tell me there will be a wave, I turn around and see a huge wave rises from the river and goes to the shore, I turn away and lie down on the ground, the wave covers me, I’m under water for a while, then the water goes away, I find myself with my head under a blue flannel jacket a blanket, it’s hard to breathe under it, I get out, throw it off and see the foam from the departed wave. our food was not damaged, it was not scary, I was a little short of air when I was under the blanket.

    I dreamed of a big wave on the beach, first there was a big wave that passed me, and the second wave touched me, but not with my head, I was already ready for this wave to cover me, I prepared for it, I thought I would drown, although even I didn’t dive, then the wave dropped me further on the shore. The color of the water was blue, but not muddy and dirty, just the blue color of the sea.

    Hello, the dream was in cold colors because it was winter. I was with a classmate (with whom I practically don’t communicate in real life) and I decided to take a photo of water falling from a cliff. The rock was 3 meters high, no more. She was right on the shore near the water. And the wave first covered the mini rock, and then fell back into the sea. The distance between the rock and the sea is literally 2-3 meters. I stood between them and turned on the camera on my phone. At this time, my classmate tells me to turn around (I stood with my back to the sea), I turn around and see that a wave as tall as a rock is coming towards me. I don't run away and she covers me. Because of the water in my eyes, I can hardly see where the shore is. The waves cover me over and over again, but I don’t fall and still laugh. My classmate gives me his hand and pulls me out from under the waves. It was winter all around, but I wasn’t cold at all, despite the fact that we were both completely wet in winter clothes. Then we went into a cafe and started eating; other classmates joined us. The dream is over. Thanks in advance for your answer!

    A huge wave covers, but it is clean and warm. Since I dream about this often, there is no longer any panic in the dream. I know that I need to dive and relax, and very soon I emerge. I immediately start looking for my children and husband, and at these moments I feel a little panicked. Sometimes I find everyone at once. More huge waves follow, but we hold hands and together we know what to do.

    My friend and I were standing in the sea not far from the shore and then, out of the blue, waves began, the waves grew higher and higher, when the first wave hit, I easily coped with it and swam to the surface, but my friend had a hard time. When the second huge wave came, I again easily climbed to the surface of the wave, like surfers on boards, only I was without a board. The wave “threw” me to the shore, and my friend drowned

    Well, my mother and I were relaxing at the seaside, the sea was blue and transparent. At first I was almost carried out to sea, then a blue wave covered me and my mother and only it flew towards us and then suddenly disappeared. Then we drive the car along the path home, but the path was flooded with water, for some reason we were driving on slats. But the dream doesn’t end there, then right away we are driving and the water freezes and turns into a skating rink, everyone is skating, but I didn’t have time... and so on... What can this mean, please tell me!!?!?!?

    There was the construction of some kind of railways (it was not a road to somewhere, but something like an amusement park), there were a lot of them. I brought people to this place (friends, acquaintances, some people I didn’t know, but in the dream we got along very well) I, in my opinion, I was responsible for the construction, something went wrong, it didn’t work out the way I wanted. I started to fix everything, I had some strength. And then everything begins to disappear. Water appeared, the roads disappeared, only people remained, I was holding a child by the hand, a small wave covered him, he disappeared. I surfaced, a lot of people were missing, in fact, I didn’t see anyone except the light blue water, I turned around, and there was another huge wave (I wasn’t afraid of it, I was just preparing to hold my breath for myself and the cat that had come from somewhere (my cat, domestic)) , it reached us, for a moment spread in different directions and covered us, but under the water I was breathing, and so calmly, then I again saw more waves and woke up.

    A colorful dream, summer, everything is in bright colors. I’m standing on a concrete staircase, about to go down, I see the sea right in the distance, and a wave is rising. There is no fear, it is berquoise in color. A wave rolls up to me, I look at the top, and it freezes for a second, I don’t believe that it will cover me, I see it like a halogram, and then it collapses on me, I swim and find myself in the basement of the house, I manage to find a way out and I find myself in a small room, there is a girl sitting at the computer, she gives me old wide pants and slippers. I’m trying to find my phone in my wet things, I take out one old one and another old one, but I don’t see my real one. I explain the situation to the girl, why and how I ended up with her. She looks out the window, and there is no flood, everything is dry and the sun is shining. I lead her to the place where I swam from, it turns out to be a toilet with a small door in the wall (I’m surprised that I was able to crawl through it). I look there and there is a basement and the water is already draining.

    How two girls were carrying things to hang, but they didn’t hang them up, but rolled around in this mud and swam, then I saw that the water was rising and covering the houses and carrying them away. In one of the houses there were my children, I screamed, help, my children are there, and the house was already covered by a wave, everyone was passing by and they don’t do anything. I then started screaming and asking Allah to help my children, then I saw the mountains roll down, my old son was holding his youngest son in his hands and next to him was my sister, when I saw them I was happy and said oh thank you about Allah

    I saw how two girls were going to hang things up, but didn’t hang them up, but rolled in the mud and swam in a puddle, and a river passed nearby and raged and rose and carried away these girls, not far from the river there was a house where my children were, the river was approaching the house to cover people snorting in the house I ran out, screaming, help my children there, but no one is helping, I can’t get there, I went up to one shenshina that was in this house, why didn’t you take my children with you, she remained silent and left, I began to scream and cry and said about Alah, help my children then I watch my children roll down from above, I was so happy that they were alive and said, O Allah, thank you that my children are alive and hugged them

Dream Interpretation of AstroMeridian

Why did you dream about the absence of Waves?

A wave is a symbol of travel, a fast and unexpected road, big changes. The road seen is not always associated with geographical movement; the dream is also interpreted as a journey of feelings and emotions.

Dreaming of pure blue or transparent waves - a breakthrough in work or study. This will help you take a leading position in the team and count on quick rewards.

Why dream about waves if the water is dirty or cloudy - a symbol of making a fatal mistake that will not allow you to achieve your dreams. A deplorable situation awaits if you dreamed of dirty waves rolling onto the shore during a storm.

Psychological interpretation of dreams according to Ivan Furtsev

Why did I dream about the Wave?

  • The image of a strong and restless wave in a dream is a state of confusion and worry.
  • Calm, barely noticeable streams of water speak of spiritual harmony and peace.
  • If the waves are clear on the open sea - achievements in study and science.
  • Why dream of huge waves rolling onto the shore during a storm - a fatal mistake.
  • High, dangerous waves, according to the dream book, are events that will undermine the emotional state. Perhaps the experience will get much worse.
  • Transparent waves prophesy a solution to a complex problem that has been tormenting for a long time.

Romantic dream book

Why do you dream about Waves?

  • Waves can dream of forbidden, fleeting and dangerous romances and affairs on the side.
  • Why do you dream of stormy waves - do not commit immoral acts, since the risk of betraying your loved one is high. Do not doubt that everything secret will become clear, and this will lead to a break in the relationship.
  • According to the dream book, seeing noisy waves at night means that quarrels and misunderstandings will soon begin in your relationship with your partner. Solution - be more tolerant of your other half, then disagreements will quickly be forgotten and your life together will become bright.
  • Why do you dream of waves, you are covered by a wave - a warning, a recommendation to reconsider your life and make the necessary changes. Only this will help you achieve success.
  • You dream of dirty water in which garbage floats, rolling onto the shore in waves - soon you will plunge headlong into troubles and problems.
  • If the water in the rolling waves is clean and transparent, there is nothing to worry about, your affairs will be in perfect order.

Maly Velesov dream book

Waves in a dream

  • Dreaming of a sea with waves - a close road or an obstacle in business.
  • You dream of a wave covering the shore - you will achieve resolution of controversial issues.
  • According to the dream book, clear sea waves in a dream are a good omen; if there are problems, they will be small and insignificant.
  • Raging waves with dirty water are a negative signal warning of conflicts, quarrels, and diseases.
  • Dreaming of a tsunami or a big wave - global losses, fire or flood.

Danilova's children's dream book

Seeing Waves in a dream, what does it mean?

If a child dreams of waves, this is a symbol of concern about one’s own affairs, one’s own life. Based on this, we interpret the meaning of such a dream. If the wave in a dream is small and not scary, everything in life is going well, if unrest happens, it is small. This is normal, because our life consists of small worries and minor troubles.

Why do you dream of frightening waves, large and dangerous, threatening to overwhelm you - an alarming warning; in reality, serious shocks await you that will cause serious harm.

It’s good if you dreamed of a wave with clear water, which is so pleasant to swing on. Such a dream promises a breakthrough in study, work or thinking, which will allow you to gain fundamental knowledge and rise to a new level. If the wave is muddy and carries debris ashore after a storm, this is a mistake that will prove fatal. Therefore, take your time and think about everything again.

Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

What do Waves mean in a dream?

  • Why do you dream of waves - a fast or unexpected road, a sudden departure.
  • You dream of dirty, muddy waves, water with garbage that overwhelms you - a negative dream warning of a conflict, quarrel or serious illness.
  • If in a dream a wave hit the shore, you watched the surf - this is a good sign that promises a quick resolution of complex issues.
  • If you dream of small and clean waves, the dream suggests that you are not satisfied with your knowledge base and will soon not miss the opportunity to replenish it; another interpretation of the dream: you will have to choose the lesser of two evils. This is an interpretation of what images mean in dreams.
  • According to the dream book, to see storm waves covered with foam and yellow-green with silt - the dream warns against rash actions; there is a high probability of making a fatal mistake.

Miller's Dream Book

Why do you dream about Waves in a dream?

  • Seeing pure waves in a dream is a significant breakthrough in learning, accumulation of knowledge, and practical skills.
  • Dreaming of a storm with strong dirty waves is a fatal mistake that will leave an imprint on your future life.
  • Why dream of waves rolling onto the shore in a dream - to the indignation of a lover.