Pharaoh's dreams. Pharaoh's Dreams and Joseph - Commentary on the daily chapter. Interpretation of sleep according to Miller's dream book


Eremey Parnov is a famous Russian writer, publicist, scientist and traveler, author of science fiction, adventure, historical and detective works that enjoy constant success among readers.

The sixth volume includes the writer’s novel “Dreams of Pharaoh.” In it, the author introduces readers to the unique research of scientists around the world trying to understand the mystery of the connection between times. The plot intertwines the destinies of our contemporaries and the people of the Ancient world. We are talking about human capabilities, the latest scientific discoveries and unsolved mysteries of the past

Eremey Parnov

Pharaoh's Dreams

Aventira first

Aventira the second

Aventira the third

Aventira the fourth

Aventira the fifth

Aventira the sixth

Aventira the seventh

Aventira the eighth

Aventira the ninth

Aventira tenth

Aventira eleventh

Aventira the twelfth

Aventira the thirteenth


Aventira the fourteenth

Aventira fifteenth

Aventira sixteenth

Aventira seventeenth

Aventira eighteenth

Aventira nineteenth

Aventira twentieth

Aventira twenty-first

Aventira twenty-second

Aventira twenty-third

Aventira twenty-fourth

Aventira twenty-fifth

Aventira twenty-sixth

Aventira twenty-seventh

Aventira twenty-eighth

Aventira twenty-ninth

Aventira Thirtieth

"Temple of Numbers" on the Lizard River,


Aventira thirty-two

Aventira thirty-third

Eremey Parnov

Collected works

Volume six

Pharaoh's Dreams

And they appeared from eternal darkness and cold, and their number was twenty-two. Like twenty-two original letters merged in the divine word, so they were a single essence for millions of centuries, until the baton in the hand of the Great Conductor trembled. An insignificant disruption in the symphony of the spheres was enough for a gigantic block of ice and cosmic dust, deviating from its assigned track, to approach the house of the ancient god, the king of the luminaries.

But the locks were strong and the circular wall was indestructible, and the power of the Thunderer was terrible. Thrown back by the omnipresent force, the uninvited guest split into twenty-two unequal pieces, and they stretched out in a chain, covering vast spaces, and rushed past the shining palaces in a funeral cortege. And each became a separate sign of the totality of chaos, initially hostile to the fullness of being, an eon-destroyer, an eon-killer.

No one felt the all-pervading trembling of the orbits, did not catch with a sensitive ear the instantaneous interruption of the heart rhythm, which fills everything that exists with the light of life and the music of wondrous worlds. And for the time being they maintained their precarious balance of life and death, like light and darkness at the time of the spring equinox. And the earth met this day, and it fell on March 22, 1993 according to the Gregorian calendar. Hindus celebrated the arrival of Chaitra - the first month of the anniversary year 2500 of the Ikram Sanvat era. Jews considered that year 5773 from the creation of the world, Muslims - 1378 Hijra, Buddhists - 2535 parinirvana of the teacher Shakyamuni. And in the Far East - from Japan to China - the festive fireworks of the 10th year of the Chicken and Water set off according to the current lunar cycle.

Our years and days are measured by the Moon and the Sun. But even where the rays of the luminaries do not penetrate, even there, under the thickness of the pyramids and mounds, an invisible pendulum swings, and the castrated Kronos counts down the times that are closed in a serpentine ring without end and beginning.

And that year 3415 came to the kingdom of shadows according to the last solar cycle of the priests of Egypt, and it became 2705 according to the lunar cycle of the last Chaldean priests, and 4753 of the Aztecs and Mayans, and 6095 of Kaliyuga, the black era of deception.

On the planet of people, equally sorrowful and joyful, seething in the turmoil of great hopes and petty passions, the sign of heaven went unnoticed. Even astronomers missed the distant wandering world torn apart by gravity.

Its icy fragments were carried away beyond the orbit of Pluto, the lord of the dead, and they were lost for a time in the darkness of interstellar space.


Part one

Aventira first

Cordoba, Spain

But there was warning. And it came in an inscrutable way.

Vicente, librarian of the Capuchin monastery in blessed Cordoba, was lucky enough to resolve the mystical enigma. Refined biblical scholars fought over it, breaking spears in disputes, and could not agree on the underground temples in the house of Ahab, which, according to the word of scripture, was “made of ivory.” This one bone could even have become across the throat, but they found it in the sands and clays washed by the waters of Megidd, along with the rouge of the wicked Jezebel.

“And she painted her face,” as mentioned in the Fourth Book of Kings.

A learned monk, known as Alvaro Guzman, at the age of twenty-four, Vicente received his doctorate in theology. Thoughtfully and unprejudicedly exploring the pagan errors of the Old Testament kings, the young theologian, without hesitation, used the achievements of secular sciences: archeology, astronomy, mathematics. Moreover, he did it so gracefully that he managed to protect himself from the jealousy of the orthodox and gain recognition from the enlightened world. Becoming a member of the Pontifical Academy, he received honorary diplomas from the Sorbonne, Oxford and the University of Jerusalem. Now archaeologists conducting excavations throughout the Biblical region - from the deserts of Egypt to the mountain ranges of Cappadocia - asked for his advice and help. Belonging to the Franciscan congregation (aka Capuchins) did not allow Vicente to accept payment for consultations and expert assessments. The vows of poverty bequeathed by Saint Francis of Assisi were required to be observed in pristine strictness, which did not at all prevent the monastery chapter from accepting donations. Scientific activity, thus, contributed to both the glory and prosperity of the monastery, and the income, or rather a certain part of it, went to the benefit of the poor. In Spain, where the inquisitorial courts lasted longer than elsewhere, the church was able to learn from the past and keep pace with the times. At least I tried to keep up. Brother Vicente's historical research did not encounter any special obstacles, and he himself did not feel oppressed.

The library, of which he had the honor of becoming the custodian on the eve of his fiftieth anniversary, consisted of three hundred thousand volumes. Among them were the rarest incunabula and manuscripts written by ascetics of the faith, ancient pagan authors and adherents of secret sciences: all sorts of alchemists, astrologers and spirit seers. The heritage of the Arabs and Jews was presented with particular completeness. In dark times, they managed to preserve the light of ancient thought for the benefit of all Christianity. Great philosophers and mathematicians, astronomers and kabbalists. Three worlds came together under the sky of Spain, three stars, united in a single constellation, shone on it for the sake of the greater glory of the Lord. Who knows how far humanity could have advanced if their wondrous brilliance had not been obscured by the smoke of fires?

Only scattered pearls pressed into sand and ashes have been preserved from the devastated treasury, only knots of intricate ligature, but even from them it is sometimes possible to guess a pattern, recognize a sign and compose a word.

The first of these guiding signs was revealed by chance, when a manuscript with a Greek translation of the book “Zohar” caught my eye. It happened on one of those days when Vicente was up to his neck in reconstructing the library. He replaced the oak cabinets with carved curlicues in the main storage with much larger shelving made from prefabricated cells. A conveyor belt and a book lift appeared. We managed to expand the scriptorium. Having preserved the pulpit, lecterns for tomes, ancient globes and armicular planetary spheres, the new curator installed simple comfortable tables and, most importantly, equipped the reading room with computers and a copying machine.

The main hall with its painted sky-blue ceiling and early Baroque walnut furniture, which matched the gold embossed spines, remained in its original condition. In Vicente's mind...

"After two years, Pharaoh dreamed..."


The royal court is all in turmoil.
It's buzzing like a beehive these days.
They pass it on from mouth to mouth with excitement,
That Pharaoh saw the strangest dreams!

There were two of them, but he believes
That both dreams are only about one thing.
And he immediately wants to know
What I was warned about in those dreams.

He stood by the river, as usual,
And suddenly seven cows came out of the water.
Seven large, unusually corpulent...
They went to graze among the reeds.

It was cool. The sun was warm.
There was silence all around, peace.
And even the birds became quiet,
From such a strange silence.

Coming out of the river again
seven cows, but skinny ones.
And they went to the reeds for the fat ones.
They ate them there, although they were not powerful.
Pharaoh woke up.
- What did the dream predict for me?..

Had a hard time falling asleep
but sleep comes again.
A stalk stands in the middle of a field
and on it
Seven fat spikelets
exceed in size
The ones I saw in the fields

And a withered stem grew nearby.
Seven skinny spikelets on it.
And they ate the fat ones viciously.
This ended his dream.

Pharaoh's dreams confused him.
He ordered to convene the wise men,
To explain the essence of the vision.
What events should he expect?

Their explanations did not bring clarity.
And they could not understand what
Did Pharaoh's dreams promise trouble?
What to prepare for, for war, for disaster?

Trying not to provoke his anger,
They explained it in a florid manner and took a long time.
You've confused yourself and everyone else,
Until they admitted to complete powerlessness.

Not among them is the one
who would explain
The meaning of unusual and menacing dreams.
Then the cupbearer remembered: -
There is one!
The most difficult dream will be solved!

He rushed to the pharaoh. Begged
Forgive him for doing it again
He did dishonor to him.
Worthy of punishment - anyone.

Sorry! Listen to me without anger!
There is only one person! He can
Reveal to you the whole secret of sleep,
Which worries us all!

Has been sitting in Potiphar's prison for a long time
There is only one Jew, no one knows why.
He has an amazing gift:
Foresees what many are not given!

Do you remember, me and the main baker
Have they seriously angered you?..
We were imprisoned by Potiphar,
And that Jew sat there in vain.

Last night we had a dream.
Both of them dreamed about it on the same night.
We were terrified, and he
He immediately agreed to help us.

I revealed the meaning of the dream without difficulty.
And what he predicted -
Everything exactly came true then.
As if he knew everything!

Please, quickly free the Jew!
You can see for yourself
How wise is he really?
Especially in prophetic dreams!

Joseph waited for help for two years.
And after two years,
They bring him good news:
- Pharaoh is waiting! wants to hear
So that the wise receive advice!

Joseph is shorn, washed, dressed,
They try to give a ceremonial appearance.
Everyone is waiting... Pharaoh himself wishes
Hear about dreams.
How will he explain them!?

And here he is before the pharaoh
He fell on his face, not daring to look.
I heard a muffled voice,
Quietly explaining what the point is.

I was informed that you own
The art of interpreting other people's dreams?..
Let's see how you succeed
In the interpretation of my dreams?

I don't interpret dreams. God Himself
Gives advice when I ask.
Will give today so that I can
Interpret. I want to hear them.

Joseph listened to the words, listened,
Trying not to miss anything.
Then he said:
- God spoke into my ears,
What should Pharaoh do?

That dream is one!
Truly alone.
He informs Pharaoh:
Troubled days will come to Egypt...
Challenges await, bad weather!

There will be a harvest in Egypt for seven years,
What people have never known.
And then there was a seven-year drought...
And the edge
He will be gripped by a fierce hunger.

People will forget the years of plenty
And the earth will be completely depleted.
Everyone will be convinced of their own powerlessness
Save yourself from terrible death.

And all eyes will turn to Pharaoh,
Praying to save them from hunger.
The only support in this world,
Hoping to overcome death with him.

The Almighty repeated that dream,
As a statement, it is from God!
And it will be confirmed in life.
The wait for change is not long.

But the pharaoh can make a choice:
Surrender yourself to the will of God,
Having accepted this dream as truth,
Or consider it a false alarm.

If Pharaoh believes in God -
Let him appoint a wise husband,
So that he rules in Egypt.
It will serve the country, the pharaoh, the people!..

Will create huge storage facilities in the country
During the period of abundant harvests.
The surplus bread will be bought by everyone,
Safely loading into warehouses.

When the drought comes, it will dry out
Wing of starvation,
Then the ruler will allow
Bread sold on site.

He will save the people of Egypt
will enrich the treasury,
And will bring glory to the kingdom,
And it will strengthen your faith!

Joseph fell silent suddenly. Silence
Hanging in the echoing hall.
The shadow of death was clear.
The Pharaoh's decision was awaited.

Well, well,” answered Pharaoh, “
Your advice was wise.
I believe that he is from God
And there is no self-interest in it!

I don't see the point in looking
Wiser than you in the country.
There is no need to waste time.
I entrust the power to you!

"And Pharaoh said to Joseph:
since God has revealed all these things to you,
then there is no one so intelligent and wise,
How are you;
You will be over my house and yours
all my people will keep their word;
Only with the throne will I be greater than you.
...I will make you over all the earth

Why do pharaohs dream?

Spring dream book

Pharaoh - an inevitable meeting with the police awaits you.

Why do pharaohs dream?

Summer dream book

Pharaoh - to meet a person who previously had a high rank.

Why do pharaohs dream?

Autumn dream book

Pharaoh - to a clash with the authorities.

Why do pharaohs dream?

Dream Interpretation of E. Avadyaeva

If you dreamed of a pharaoh, then this is a harbinger of mental struggle and, to some extent, curbing your ambition, which largely rules your actions.

Pharaoh - If you dreamed that you were talking to the pharaoh, then you will unexpectedly receive money that you had long forgotten to think about.

If you dreamed of the tomb of a pharaoh, then you can get a promotion.

If you saw a pharaoh's mummy in a dream, this means that you will soon need to go on a tiring trip.

See also: why do you dream about a mummy, why do you dream about a tomb, why do you dream about a pyramid.

The reality and meaning of dreams

Sleep from Wednesday to Thursday

The dream reflects future events of a social and business nature. A vivid dream, which the dreamer remembers in detail, indicates the likelihood of favorable career changes this coming Saturday or Sunday. Unmemorable paintings foreshadow hard, monotonous work.

12 lunar day

The dream is usually vivid and memorable. Only pleasant dreams are informative: they are considered a good sign for the dreamer. Nightmares are meaningless.

Waxing Crescent

The dream speaks of new turns of events that will soon occur. It indicates areas of life and issues that need to be addressed in the near future. Dreams on the waxing Moon are prophetic.

Pharaoh's Dream

Book About the need to be thrifty. /i> According to biblical myth, God announced to Pharaoh in a dream about seven years of plenty and seven years of famine in the land of Egypt. BMS 1998, 542.

Large dictionary of Russian sayings. - M: Olma Media Group. V. M. Mokienko, T. G. Nikitina. 2007 .

See what “Pharaoh’s Dream” is in other dictionaries:

    Pharaoh's Dream (about seven fat cows and seven lean cows). Being. 41; 17 24, 25 32. This word is mentioned as a warning in the sense: save your money for a rainy day... Michelson's Large Explanatory and Phraseological Dictionary (original spelling)

    - (about seven fat cows and seven lean cows) Genesis. 41; 17 24, 25 32. This word is mentioned as a warning in the sense: save your money for a rainy day...

    It's hard not to know sleep. Sib. Don't worry, don't worry about anything; live carefree, at ease. FSS, 83; SFS, 100. Don’t know your dreams. Psk. Don't have a clue about what. (usually about what the person is accused of). SPP 2001, 71. In a dream, pray to God. People... ... Large dictionary of Russian sayings

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    Wed. A lean Pole... very similar to Pharaoh’s skinny cow, which devoured the fat one without becoming fuller, preached something with fervor... Marlinsky. Evening on the Caucasian waters. Wed. Pharaoh's dream of seven cows and seven ears of corn. Being. 41... Michelson's Large Explanatory and Phraseological Dictionary

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As a child, Joseph's life was ideal! God sent him inspiring dreams, and his father loved his sons more than other sons, but one day his life took an unexpected turn. Joseph's envious brothers threw him into a pit (Genesis 37:22), sold him into slavery (Genesis 37:27), and then Joseph ended up in prison (Genesis 39:19-20). Throughout all his trials, Joseph maintained his faith in God. God helped him interpret the dreams of Pharaoh, and the ruler of Egypt made him his right hand. Joseph's life proves that even when things are bad, we must trust in God and trust that the Lord will take care of us even in the most difficult situations (2 Thessalonians 3:3).

Joseph wanted to be a good servant to Potiphar, but Potiphar's wife slandered Joseph. For this, Potiphar threw Joseph into prison. Joseph was very upset. But he did not become embittered, but on the contrary, he trusted God even in prison. As a result: “The Lord was with Joseph, and showed him kindness, and gave him favor in the sight of the keeper of the prison” (Genesis 39:21-23). The warden put him in charge of all the prisoners. God blessed him in everything he did. Learn from Joseph. Do not lie. Feel free to tell the truth. Do not take revenge on those who tell lies about you. Jesus taught us: “Pray for those who use you and persecute you, so that you may be sons of your Father in heaven” (Matthew 5:44-45).

Yes! The Bible says that God speaks to us in different ways, including in dreams. But everything that we consider to be a message from God must be carefully checked and confirmed in the Bible. In Acts 2:17, the apostle Peter quotes the Old Testament prophet Joel: “And it shall come to pass in the last days, saith God, that I will pour out my Spirit on all flesh, and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, and your young men shall see visions.” In this way, God will address us and show us his will. The Bible says in Job 33:14-15: “God speaks once and, if not noticed, another time: in a dream, in a vision at night, when sleep falls on people, while they slumber on a bed.” God promises that we will hear His voice (John 10:27), and He uses dreams to help us hear Him well.

God gave every person on Earth the right to choose between good and evil. The same right was given to Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden (Genesis 3). When some people choose evil, others suffer from it. Therefore, it is very important to do the right thing and choose good. The letter of James says, “Count it all joy, my brothers, when you encounter various trials, knowing that the testing of your faith produces perseverance” (James 1:2-3). We live in a sinful world where some people harm others. But if we trust God and forgive offenders, the Lord can turn evil into good. The Apostle Paul tells us: “We know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose” (Romans 8:28).

The Lord revealed to Joseph: it was His will for Joseph to go to Egypt, even if it had to be fulfilled through his brothers. In Genesis 45:7, Joseph tells his brothers, “God sent me before you to leave you on the earth and preserve your life through a great deliverance.” We sometimes think that bad events cannot be part of God's plans. When Joseph was sold into slavery, when he was betrayed and thrown behind bars, he probably asked God why he was doing this. But later he realized that in all the misfortunes, God had one goal - to fulfill the promise He made to Abraham. God will protect you in any trouble, trust Him. Psalm 17:3 says, “The Lord is my rock and my refuge, my Deliverer, my God, is my rock; in Him I trust; my shield, the horn of my salvation, and my refuge.” Therefore, when it’s hard for you, thank God for His love and that He will turn everything around for your good.