Does a dog need to be sterilized? Sterilization of a dog: pros and cons of the procedure. The main argument in favor of sterilization

Spaying and neutering is an important part of responsible dog ownership.
This not only eliminates possible medical problems, but also prevents the growing overpopulation of the planet by animals. Every day across the country, countless pets are euthanized because shelters don't have enough space for all the unwanted animals. Spaying and neutering help combat this horrific problem.
Below are answers to the most common questions about spaying and neutering.
1. Should I spay or neuter my dog?
The answer is very simple - male dogs are castrated, female dogs are sterilized.
2. Is the operation safe?
Yes. This is a common medical procedure, so having it done by a licensed veterinarian can give you peace of mind that the procedure will be successful. The use of anesthesia introduces risk to the procedure, but the veterinarian performing it should watch for signs of anesthesia allergies or possible complications.
3. How can I keep my dog ​​safe?
Carefully follow the preoperative and postoperative instructions. If you have any questions, be sure to call your veterinarian.
4. At what age can surgery be performed?
The American Veterinary Medical Association recently approved early neutering, which can be done at two months or two pounds, but the average age at which surgery is recommended is 4 months. In addition, there may be local laws regarding the acceptable age.
5. How can I find a low-cost spay and neuter clinic in my area?
The American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals has a large database where you can find veterinarians who offer discounts on surgery.
6. Should a female dog give birth once before being spayed?
No, the operation is even easier to carry out before the first heat. In addition, by allowing a dog to give birth, you contribute to overpopulation of the planet. If you want to show your children a dog giving birth, consider adopting an already pregnant dog from a local shelter or rescue organization.
7. Do I need to wait until my first heat before spaying?
No, by doing this you increase your risk of developing breast tumors.
8. How long after giving birth can a dog be sterilized?
Surgery can be done as soon as the puppies are weaned, usually 4-5 weeks.
9. What are the health benefits of spaying and neutering?
For bitches, the risk of infections, cancer and diseases of the uterus, which is removed, disappears, and the risk of breast cancer is also reduced. In male dogs, the risk of developing testicular cancer disappears and the risk of prostate cancer is reduced. The surgery also reduces behavioral problems associated with mating, such as wandering, territory marking, and aggression.
10. Will the dog be given pain medication?
Yes. Your dog will not feel any pain throughout the entire operation. An injection is usually given which provides pain relief for 8-12 hours after surgery. You may also be given medications to use at home. Never Do not use painkillers intended for humans, as many of them can be poisonous to your dog.
11. Will my dog ​​recover after surgery?
No, it's just a myth. Just like people, dogs gain weight if they eat too much or don't get enough exercise. Walk your dog regularly and feed him healthy food to keep him in shape!
12. Will the dog’s security abilities be lost?
No. It is worth knowing that many dogs serving in the police are spayed or sterilized. If the dog has been trained to be a guard, it will properly protect you after surgery.
The best source of information regarding spaying and neutering is your veterinarian. He will inform you of your dog's special needs regarding surgery.

Juliana Weiss-Rossler

12 Things You Need to Know about Spay/Neuter.

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Sterilization of dogs has both its supporters and opponents.. Dog owners can be divided into two camps in relation to sterilization. Some are strongly “against”, others are “for”.

But this is a purely practical question rather than a moral one, and therefore every dog ​​breeder should think about it as early as possible.

Sterilized to control their numbers. And at home - primarily for the purpose of preventing very dangerous diseases, such as pyometra, transmissible sarcoma, breast tumors and other oncological diseases.

In addition, an animal that is not sterilized and not used for breeding often experiences hormonal imbalances. And they lead to behavioral disorders: a tendency to aggression, “escape”, and as a result to injuries, sexually transmitted and infectious diseases. And no one is safe from accidental matings, and then the dog breeder is faced with the question: what to do with unwanted puppies.

A sterilized dog becomes more obedient and therefore, if you do not plan to use it for breeding, it is better to have surgery.

The most suitable age for sterilization is 4-5 months for small breeds of dogs and 6 months for large breeds, that is, before the first heat. It is at this age that sterilization can reduce the risk of genital cancer by two hundred times!

It has already been proven that some owners believe that a dog needs to have at least one litter of puppies to be healthy. In fact, there is no need for this. With later sterilization, this risk is reduced by only four times. Although it makes sense to sterilize an aging animal. This is a good prevention of pyometra and other diseases.

Also from the realm of mythology is the opinion that sterilized dogs live shorter lives, become lethargic and fat. In fact, this operation prolongs life by 20%, and animals that are overfed and given little physical exercise become fat.

In addition, sterilized dogs are stress-free and their appetite improves, but there is no need to overfeed them. Today you can sterilize a dog not only in the clinic, but at home. This is not a complex abdominal operation in which the ovaries and uterus are removed. But the postoperative period requires careful care.

Cons of sterilizing dogs

The disadvantages of sterilizing dogs include the fact that the operation is performed under general anesthesia, and in any case this is a health risk, especially for the puppy. Possible complications of the operation are also dangerous, so you should carefully choose a surgeon. The main thing is that the animal is healthy before the operation and then it will tolerate sterilization well.

Many people feel morally disgusted by the very idea of ​​sterilizing a dog, “humanizing” the animal’s feelings. But in fact, the dog does not dream of becoming a mother - it is just an instinct. And she will not be ashamed in front of her friends for being an “old” maid. In this case, it is better for the dog owner to care not about his own feelings, but about the comfort and health of the pet.

Optimal age of a dog for sterilization

Sterilize your dog at 5-6 months of age. In this case, negative consequences for the dog’s health will be minimized.

Sterilizing a dog: consequences

Any surgical operation has its consequences and sterilization of a dog is no exception. The consequences of sterilizing a dog can be expressed in the following: Tendency to obesity, urinary incontinence. To avoid such a problem, veterinarians often recommend removing both ovaries, and, if the indications are favorable, the uterus.

Dog before and after sterilization

Although the operation is quite simple, it is safer to do it in a clinic. If the dog's health is of concern, it is best to postpone surgery. It is preferable to use general anesthesia. The dog is stopped feeding 12 hours before surgery.

Usually, hospitalization is not required. Males feel well already on the second day; removal of stitches is not required during standard castration.

Bitches can be offered water 1-2 hours after surgery. The first two days should be fed in small portions. Already on the first day after surgery, the dog can be taken for a walk. The surgical suture should not be allowed to lick or become dirty; for this purpose, it should be covered with a blanket. The first days after surgery, you need to carefully monitor the dog's condition. If you feel lethargic, have a fever, have bleeding or sutures are bulging, you should immediately contact your veterinarian. Sutures are removed 7-10 days after surgery

This question worries many pet owners. The main reason is its apparent cruelty and unnaturalness, as well as violence. They are sure that after such a procedure the dog’s life is thrown out of its usual rut. So can these arguments be considered valid? Is it necessary to castrate a dog and how beneficial or harmful is it? Let's figure it out.

What it is?

Castration is a manipulation during which the sex glands (testicles) are removed. As a result of such intervention, hormones that contribute to reproductive function cease to be produced. The operation is not dangerous and is not difficult compared to sterilization.

By the way, many dog ​​breeders think that castration is indicated mainly for males, and only females are sterilized. But this is not true. Sterilization involves ligating: for some, the fallopian tubes, for others, the seminal ducts. In medicine, this technique is called a vasectomy. In sterilized individuals, the genitals remain intact and continue to produce hormones. They remain endowed with all reproductive functions, except the ability to have offspring.

This type of surgery is performed under general anesthesia. The dog in front of her must not eat anything for 12 hours and be healthy. The manipulation lasts about 20-40 minutes. It is practically safe, negative consequences after it occur infrequently.

As for the harmfulness of such a procedure, you need to know that dogs by their nature are designed to live in a pack. And reproductive functions there are not predetermined for everyone, but only for individual individuals. Therefore, scientists claim that the use of such a technique does not have a negative impact on the psycho-emotional and physical development of the dog.

Important! A technique such as castration, in addition to reducing sexual activity and changing the dog’s behavior, no longer has any effect on its body.

On the contrary, an unneutered dog is more stressed when a physiological need is not met. In addition, this condition can provoke certain diseases of the genital area. But excessive activity can also cause harm. Thus, homeless females usually reward male dogs with venereal sarcoma.
Often dogs undergo such surgery due to traumatic lesions, tumors and other ailments.

At what age is this done?

If we talk about the physiological health of the pet and its age, then it is important to know at what time you can castrate a dog. So, if the manipulation is carried out early (before the age of 3 months), the pet, although not always, can grow more frail than its non-castrated relative.

If the operation is carried out in a timely manner, and the best time for its implementation is considered to be the beginning of puberty, no changes are expected. The pet will be the same as without castration.

Females are usually castrated before the onset of estrus, at 6-9 months of age. Proper operation will prevent dangerous tumors from developing in the mammary glands.

Important! The time favorable for castration also depends on the breed of the animal. For representatives of short breeds this is 7 months, for large breeds - a year and a half. But the behavior of the individual pet should be taken into account.

True, it should be recognized that castration at an early age has its own preferences. A young body recovers faster, and the small dog itself will quickly forget the stress of surgery. However, the risks of manipulation in puppyhood are greater:

  • difficulties in determining doses of anesthetics;
  • the possibility of developing deficiencies in the genitourinary system;
  • the occurrence of unforeseen complications on the part of an organism that has yet to grow and develop.

In addition, early neutering increases the risk of dogs developing hip disorders and bone cancer. The reason for this is that their reproductive hormones play an important role in the proper formation of bones and joints. If you deprive a dog’s body of these hormones too early, they will not have time to finish their work.

To determine at what age sex hormones have managed to cope with the task, it is easier not by the breed of the pet, but by its weight:

  • dogs that weigh up to 15 kg should not undergo such surgery before 9 months;
    15-25 kg - earlier than 12 months;
  • more than 25 kg - before 15 months.

As for female dogs, there are no age restrictions for their castration.

Important! Experts are convinced that the main indication for surgical intervention to remove the genital organs in dogs is their well-being, not their age. Therefore, it is better to castrate an overgrown but healthy dog ​​than a young but sick one. And owners of older male dogs must remember that such animals definitely need consultation.

Good and bad

However, castration has both good sides and certain disadvantages. So, what are the pros and cons of neutering dogs?

It must be said that operated pets, regardless of gender:

  • become much more acceptable for living in an apartment;
  • dogs show calmness, do not get involved in fights, show less aggression and do not mark territory;
  • gradually lose passion for members of the opposite sex;
  • they are no longer interested in disappearances and runs away from home;
  • as they age, they become less susceptible to cancer;
  • get rid of the possibility of picking up genital infections.

In addition, castration helps to increase your pet's appetite and promote good sleep. He becomes playful and good-natured.

But you need to know that such an operation does not affect the character of the four-legged friend, it only slightly corrects it. Fundamental changes can only be achieved through training and training. And it happens that sedateness comes to dogs only in old age.

Some people mistakenly claim that this technique leads to a decrease in the dog’s guarding abilities. This opinion is wrong. When your dog has excellent guarding abilities, he will not lose them after castration.

Although there are many disadvantages associated with such an operation. The most important thing is that the hormonal balance is disturbed, which may not have a negative imprint on the pet’s body. Therefore, neutered dogs may experience conditions such as:

  • hypothyroidism - a decrease in thyroid function and the level of hormones that it produces;
  • bone cancer - statistics have proven that it appears mainly in dogs that have been subjected to such manipulation;
  • obesity is the result of an increase in appetite in those who have undergone such surgery, and, in turn, contributes to the occurrence of pathologies of the heart and blood vessels, and this is already serious.

In addition, elderly dogs that have previously undergone resection of their reproductive organs may exhibit behavioral abnormalities.

Important! When your pet is phlegmatic by nature, after surgery it may become even more withdrawn and inactive. In this case, you should pay more attention to him, try to get him to move, encourage him to play.

The lack of testosterone will inevitably affect the animal’s coat over time - the hairs will become softer. This surgical intervention is performed under general anesthesia. Dogs tolerate it more difficult than humans. Therefore, it is important to calculate the correct dose of anesthesia. If it is small, then it will not be enough until the end of the operating process, and if it is too high, it can cause cardiac arrest in the animal.

Consequences of castration of male dogs

Separately, it should be said about castration of males. They mostly think about this when their hormones are playing. They disappear for several days, looking for a mate, get into fights with their own kind, whine, howl. This period is dangerous for the pet due to increased injuries; what’s even worse, it may end up under the wheels of a car.

In such cases, the dog should pay special attention and understand the reasons for this behavior and the possibilities of training. After all, castration is always an irreversible process, and therefore requires a thoughtful approach. This is exactly the case when you need to carefully weigh the pros and cons of castration of male dogs.

It is important to decide for what purposes this surgical intervention will be performed. Is it really necessary and what are its consequences?

When a dog is constantly “bleeding”, he is engaged in marking the territory, disappears from the house, makes cages, reveals aggression towards his relatives or members of your family, such an operation is indicated. This will improve his behavior and calm him down. You should know that if such “cuts” of your pet are not based on hormonal surges, then castration will not help solve the problem. Here we should do more of the educational process.

But if we don’t talk about behavioral changes, then such surgical intervention remains an effective way to prevent many animal ailments based on hormonal activity. In addition, this procedure is indicated for diseases of the genital area - it will help the male dog recover.

Important! The advantage of myths about the dangers of castration of dogs is invented by their owners. Thus, it is argued that such pets reduce their working abilities. As a counterbalance to this - excellent work in husky teams in the North. They are not inferior in their activity to the leader of the pack.

Why is it worth doing this?

Often dog owners treat this operation as something incompatible with their lifestyle, not really knowing what castration of a male dog can do. But you need to know that the dog will in no way suffer from the fact that he does not have a sex drive. On the contrary, the operation will only bring benefits and will allow the pet to spend more time playing and walking with its owners. This technique, when applied correctly and in a timely manner, has only positive solutions.

Here are a few reasons why you should neuter your male dog:

  • it has been proven that castrated dogs live longer than those who have not undergone this operation - after all, unsatisfied sexual desire is one of the most effective negative stresses for the body;
  • there is a positive effect on the animal’s behavior - dogs behave much calmer and become more obedient. Those who are castrated among them more readily recognize the authority of man;
  • on the part of such males, aggressive behavior towards their own kind decreases, or even disappears completely;
  • the calm behavior of those undergoing surgery minimizes the risks of a threat to their health - they do not run away from their owner during a walk, smelling a “girl”, do not get into fights and do not get run over by cars;
  • In such dogs, serious diseases of the reproductive organs are excluded.

Regarding the last point, it should be especially said about non-castrated cryptorchids (these are individuals in which one or both testes have not descended into the scrotum). In such male dogs, cancer occurs much more often than in ordinary dogs, therefore animals with such pathology are always subject to castration.

When is surgery needed?

From the above, it follows that surgical intervention to remove the genital organs in dogs can solve many problems for both the animal itself and its owner. However, this procedure cannot be applied to all four-legged pets. The physical condition of the animal, its hormonal levels, and even the breed of the dog should also be taken into account.

So, the decision on whether to castrate a dog needs to be made together with a veterinarian or dog handler, who, taking into account all these features, will give professional advice and suggest the best way to solve the problem.

To prevent your pet from reproducing, you should usually:

  • if she is a mongrel - after all, it is difficult to place mongrel puppies, and not everyone can abandon them to their own devices or drown them;
  • when the dog is not planned to be shown at exhibitions (the operated dog may simply be rejected);
  • in case the dog is not planned for breeding;
  • when a male dog is aggressive and uncontrollable, which especially manifests itself when he has sexual desires;
  • for all ailments in the genitourinary system;
  • when the male is cryptorchid (as mentioned above).

For females everything is obvious. She will stop attracting male dogs to her, rushing “headlong”, exposing herself to danger. The main thing is that you no longer have to think about where to place your unplanned “offspring.”

Thus, it should be recognized that castration of dogs is a useful and necessary procedure in certain cases. It helps prolong the life of the pet, relieving it of many serious diseases. There is especially no need to refuse this manipulation if it is suggested by a veterinarian for certain indications.

A mockery or a benefit? Necessity or whim? Whatever sterilization of dogs is for the owner, the pros and cons should be considered objectively, without being influenced by emotions. Castration of female dogs (what we call sterilization) is practiced in all developed countries. This is a well-studied process, and veterinarians are aware of both the immediate and long-term consequences. When comparing the pros and cons of sterilizing dogs, it is important to proceed from the given case, not to generalize, not to humanize the pet, and be sure to listen to the opinion of a doctor who knows your dog well.

Sometimes the owner is not against sterilization as such, but he is stopped by the only question: “What if something goes wrong?” I am extremely outraged by authors who try to convince the reader that sterilization is a mere trifle. No, this is a serious abdominal operation. This is deep anesthesia. This is rehabilitation for at least a couple of weeks. Therefore, the procedure must be taken with full responsibility, otherwise the consequences of sterilizing dogs can really be disastrous.

First of all, you should find a competent veterinarian who does not brush aside the client’s numerous questions. Then it is worthwhile to thoroughly examine your pet, even if at first glance she is absolutely healthy. And it is extremely important to follow all the surgeon’s recommendations, without doing anything on your own. If all these conditions are met, the chance that negative consequences will arise during or after sterilization of dogs is about the same as the chance that a brick will fall on your pet’s head when leaving the house. Maybe? Yes. But this happens extremely rarely.

We must not forget that during sexual intercourse, a pet can become infected with many diseases, from specific STDs to viral, fungal and bacterial infections.

Many people are concerned about incontinence, which occurs in about 10% of spayed dogs. But more often these are giant breeds. And in cases where the dog is operated on after childbirth or in adulthood. Those. The chances of an unsuccessful outcome are also extremely small. In addition, incontinence is treatable in most cases.

Some people are afraid of obesity, and a female dog can actually get fat after spaying. But it’s not the procedure that’s to blame, but the owner’s negligence. By revising your diet, obesity can be avoided in 100% of cases. All you need to do is reduce the portion a little.

Others fear hormonal deficiency. Like, there are no ovaries now, where do hormones come from? But sex hormones are produced in sufficient quantities by the adrenal glands, which are stimulated by the pituitary gland. More often than not, there are too many hormones even after sterilization, and their levels have to be reduced with medication. Cases of hormonal deficiency are rare, and most often have nothing to do with removal of the uterus and ovaries.

Nature and childbirth

Often owners, sincerely caring for the well-being of their pet, allow her to become pregnant and give birth, because “this is Nature, and going against it is immoral.” How many women are ready to give birth once a year? No, because we understand that this will simply kill our health. And how to provide for so many children? Yes, a bitch will not be able to give birth after sterilization. But does a dog need this? From our point of view, children are a joy. What if there are five or ten children? And so once a year? Do you have enough money for decent cultivation? Are you strong enough to find a loving family for everyone? Bitches flow 2-3 times a year not at all because it is provided for by Nature. And they raise their offspring not out of love, but obeying naked instincts. Frequent estrus, multiple births and almost 100% survival of offspring are the influence of man on Nature. And life in such a rhythm kills a dog.

Breeding dogs of decorative breeds involves many specific nuances. A narrow pelvis and large head of a puppy mean a difficult birth. Multiple births often end. Timely sterilization of small dogs can save your pet's life. Especially if the owner is not a breeder or a veterinarian.

Under natural conditions (when there are no garbage dumps, warm basements, etc. nearby), a dog becomes pregnant once a year. Due to hunger and physical exhaustion, not every pregnancy ends in childbirth. During childbirth, some of the puppies die (there is no one to resuscitate a choking puppy). Another part of the puppies die within the first three to five days after birth (no one puts weak puppies to the nipple). That is why there are so many fruits, so that at least some of them have a chance to survive. The bitch does not feed ten puppies, she takes care of the survivors, sometimes just a couple of babies. Of course, spaying a female dog is unnatural. However, frequent births and nursing large numbers of puppies are just as unnatural as surgical birth control. It is also unnatural to poison worms and fleas, vaccinate and treat a dog, feed your pet daily not with tripe, but with meat or ready-made food.

Often there are quite a lot of large puppies. And at the same time, large breeds today are not the most popular in terms of sale. Sometimes puppies stay for up to six months, destroying the apartment to smithereens. Therefore, sterilization of large dogs is a reasonable solution if the owner lives in a standard apartment and cannot provide the offspring with conditions for growth and development.

In addition, practice shows that sterilization of females without family or breed is the only truly effective method of reducing the number of stray animals. The point is not that purebred dogs are somehow better than mongrels. And thoroughbreds are thrown away, but this happens much less often. By paying a round sum for a puppy, a person (although this is disgusting) treats it, at least, as an expensive thing. And they try to take care of expensive things. And, getting rid of it, they are looking for ways to compensate for losses - you can resell the dog, this is more profitable than just throwing it away. But outbred puppies, carefully placed in “good hands,” are worth nothing in material terms. And very often they end their lives on the street, having managed to produce dozens of unnecessary dogs, which, in turn, will produce even more strays. And so on ad infinitum.

Read also: Possible complications after sterilization of dogs

Selfishness or caring?

When considering the pros and cons of sterilizing dogs, some owners consider the completely normal desire for convenience to be selfish. Bitches mark during heat, some try to run away “on a date,” others become aggressive, and still others stain linen, furniture, and floors with blood. Walking with a bitch in heat is torture: crowds of male dogs surround the owner and the delicious-smelling girl, fight, mark the entrance door. Particularly active “suitors” howl under the windows day and night. And the especially smart ones quickly figure out who is the obstacle between them and the “bride,” and this is a direct danger to the owner’s health. But what does sterilization of a bitch have to do with it? If you adopted a dog, be prepared to endure inconvenience, it’s your problem!

That’s how it is, but let’s look at “minor” problems from the other side. Is a dog happy if it constantly feels irritated by its family? Does she like to walk for ten minutes? Is she happy about the crowds of “grooms” fighting nearby and ready to literally tear the “bride” apart so that they too get something? And then there are the opposite bitches who show aggression towards their competitors. And the fights of female dogs, as any dog ​​handler will confirm, are always bloodier and tougher than the fights of male dogs.

But what about character?

Sterilization is rarely carried out before six months of age, and by this time pets are already accustomed to the pet’s certain character: “How does sterilization affect dogs? What if our Missy becomes lazy or aggressive? What if she turns into a sleepyhead? What if he gets offended by us?” Sometimes we are not talking about spiritual connection, but about very specific qualities - security, watchdog, hunting, etc.

Let's remember that a bitch sheds on average twice a year. And her behavior changes precisely during this period, and not always for the better. After sterilization, the dog will not react to competitors and males, will not run away, and will not mark (if these are indeed hormone-related marks). The character of the pet will remain the same. Of course, it will change as it gets older - a five-year-old bitch is less active than a puppy, and an older dog does not jump as quickly as a young bitch. But these changes have nothing to do with sterilization; dogs are not changed by the fact that they have lost their ovaries and cannot give birth. The same applies to working qualities: if the bitch was vicious to the point of a beast or had a pronounced territorial instinct, nothing will change.

What does sterilization of dogs mean? Female dogs undergo this procedure. Sterilization is an operation that results in dogs being deprived of reproductive function. In simple words: a four-legged creature cannot become pregnant and bear offspring. In what cases is sterilization relevant:

  • if the animal has genetic and incurable diseases;
  • if the owners do not want the pet to bear offspring;
  • if the animal is stray (stray dogs can pose a serious danger to society).

As you can see, the procedure is relevant and in some cases extremely necessary. But before you put your pets on the operating table, keep in mind that it is often impossible to restore reproductive function after sterilization.

Sterilization of dogs: pros and cons

Neutering female dogs - inhumane treatment of animals or a way to reduce the number of stray/sick dogs? Opinions differ on this matter. We invite you to familiarize yourself with the pros and cons of this operation, and then draw your own conclusion. So, the negative aspects of the procedure include:

  • the risk that the dog will gain extra pounds. But with an active lifestyle, your pet is not at risk of excess fat;
  • the likelihood of a tumor of the heart or spleen. This consequence of sterilizing a dog is a rare occurrence, but it still occurs;
  • risk of hypothyroidism;
  • the likelihood that the animal will not be able to hold its urine or will begin to suffer from urinary tract infections.

What are the reasons used by supporters of sterilization of female dogs? They see the following advantages in the operation:

  • the procedure eliminates the occurrence of unplanned pregnancy;
  • on walks, homeless males will not follow the bitch, as often happens during heat;
  • The dog’s behavior after sterilization will become calmer;
  • the likelihood of a mammary tumor occurring is minimized (if the procedure is performed before the dog is 3 years old);
  • the risk of perianal fistulas is reduced.

Weigh the pros and cons, give yourself time to think. And only then make a decision.

Today, there are two proven and effective types of dog sterilization operations:

  • tubal occlusion;
  • removal of the uterus and ovaries.

How are dogs sterilized in the first case? This is a relatively simple process and does not involve removing the dog's uterus. Through an incision in the peritoneum, the surgeon cuts the fallopian tubes and then ties them. After such a procedure, the animal recovers quite quickly, but there is one caveat. Some owners whose pets have undergone tubal occlusion talk about the restoration of reproductive function in dogs. Why is this happening? The situation develops this way when broken tubes grow together again. After occlusion, the pet still continues to be in heat and experiences hormonal fluctuations.

Therefore, radically minded owners often choose to remove organs responsible for reproduction, namely the uterus and ovaries. The operation can be carried out using two methods:

  • through an incision in the peritoneum;
  • using a laparoscope.

A laparoscope is most often used to remove the uterus and ovaries. This is high-quality and reliable equipment, which is available in the best veterinary clinics. How is laparoscopic sterilization of dogs performed? This method is relevant for abdominal operations. There are no scars left when using a laparoscope. The process itself is reminiscent of jewelry work: precision and accuracy are important here.

First, gas enters the peritoneum - thanks to it, the wall above the internal organs rises. Then punctures are made - instruments are inserted through them, as well as a camera. The operation can either involve removing the dog’s uterus or ligating the dog’s tubes. Rest assured, the laparoscopic method of sterilization always uses anesthesia.

When to spay a dog?

Does it matter at what age a dog has surgery? Definitely yes! And the younger the animal, the better. When can a dog be spayed? Dog handlers say that bitches who have passed their first heat are suitable for the procedure. As a rule, these are 6-8 month old pets. This is the most optimal age for sterilizing dogs. But surgery is contraindicated for puppies - it can lead to disturbances in the animal’s body. Veterinarians refuse to sterilize adult dogs that are more than 8 years old. At this age, the risk of developing side effects (especially urinary incontinence) increases significantly.

Can a dog be spayed while in heat? This is not the best period for surgery. During estrus, hormonal surges occur in the animal's body, pets are too excitable. Therefore, during the operation, a huge dose of anesthesia may be required. Sterilization performed during estrus can also affect the postoperative condition of the dog - it will take longer and more painfully to recover from the procedure.

How to prepare?

Preparing a dog for sterilization does not involve anything complicated. Make sure that the animal does not eat anything 6 hours before the procedure. Also, your pet should not drink water. Mandatory items in preparation for surgery include vaccination and deworming. Before sterilizing your dog, be close to him and do not disturb or scold him. It is important that the animal arrives on the operating table in as calm a state as possible.

When the anesthesia wears off, the four-legged creature returns to consciousness and begins to feel lethargic. Many animals experience tremors and describe themselves. Make sure that your pet has a warm and cozy place at home. Do not disturb her for 24 hours and do not feed her until the anesthesia wears off completely. The seam after sterilization requires special attention: it must be treated with an antiseptic and protected from damage. Often, in such cases, pets are put on blankets or special collars.

What else does post-surgery care include? Try not to overload the animal until the stitch is completely healed. Food should be rich in vitamins and beneficial elements. This helps the dog recover quickly. But under no circumstances should your pet overeat. If the animal's mobility decreases, feeding frequency and portions should also decrease.