Can pregnancy fail on the day of your period? Can you have periods during early pregnancy? How to distinguish spotting from regular periods

Pregnancy and menstruation - these concepts are closely related to each other in the understanding of a modern woman. To some extent there is a connection, of course. But there are a huge number of myths that doctors should probably tell their patients about in order to avoid unpleasant situations. This is what we'll talk about.

It is no secret that the absence of menstruation on time in a woman who is sexually active without a reliable means of contraception is the clearest sign that conception may have occurred. The reason to buy a test at a pharmacy, visit a gynecologist or ultrasound of the uterus. Can pregnancy and menstruation accompany each other? That is, can an expectant mother have her period? Any doctor will answer this question that this is impossible. Uterine bleeding does occur in pregnant women, but it is not called menstruation, but the threat of miscarriage, and perhaps even an abortion in progress. In general, there are only 2 options: the woman has a miscarriage or there is a threat that it will happen soon; or there is simply no pregnancy - sometimes even experienced gynecologists register those who are not pregnant (this can happen if a blood test for hCG and an ultrasound of the uterus are not done). Menstruation during pregnancy and in the first 6 weeks after birth (at least) is always absent.

Another question, no less relevant, is when, on what day after menstruation can conception occur. After all, a woman cannot conceive every day... This day is called ovulation, and ovulation occurs approximately in the middle of the cycle, that is, on average, 12-16 days from the start of bleeding (the beginning, not the end!). Is pregnancy possible during menstruation, that is, can sexual intercourse during menstruation be considered safe, “sterile”? Not always. If the cycle is short - 22-24 days, then ovulation can occur at the end of menstruation, of course, this is possible, if the bleeding is long - up to 7-8 days. When conception occurs, earlier or later, is essentially unimportant. However, we would still not recommend using the calendar method now that pharmacies offer a wide range of different contraceptives.

And the last atypical, but sometimes encountered situation is when menstrual flow is unusually scanty, dark, almost black in color and ends quickly. Sometimes this is a sign of endometriosis, and in some cases it indicates that the woman is pregnant. After all, spotting at the beginning of pregnancy is not uncommon. Therefore, it would not be superfluous to do a test or go to an appointment with a gynecologist.

A woman’s body is designed in such a way that in the absence of pregnancy, an unfertilized egg becomes the cause of menstrual periods. The discharge of blood in the second half of the cycle may indicate conception and not be menstruation.

Pregnancy if you have your period is possible in extremely rare cases. Bloody discharge in this case indicates endometrial detachment and the threat of miscarriage. Even more rarely, it is possible for two eggs to mature - one develops, the second dies and causes menstruation on time.

The logic of many women is clear: if you have your period, it means you are not pregnant. However, possible fertilization of the egg cannot be ruled out.

There are a number of conditions under which they can go:

  1. Time of implantation of the fertilized egg. At 2–4 weeks after fertilization, the fertilized egg implants and damages blood vessels, which cause spotting that vaguely resembles menstruation. More often, this process occurs without bleeding; in rare cases, a woman may notice, during her period when her period should have begun, small brownish spotting for 1–3 days in a row. This is a harmless condition that does not require medical intervention.
  2. The period when the egg has not yet implanted into the lining of the uterus before the onset of menstruation. In this case, scanty discharge may be observed. The whole process takes from 1 to 2 weeks, especially when conception occurred towards the end of the second half of the cycle. That is, menstruation begins exactly at the time when the fertilized egg “looks” for a place for implantation.
  3. The maturation of two eggs at the same time is the rarest case when a woman can become pregnant during menstruation. The eggs develop in different ovaries. One is rejected, stimulating the onset of menstruation, the second is fertilized and continues to develop.
  4. Hormonal imbalance. An excess of male hormones and a lack of progesterone can cause slight bleeding during conception.

The nature, color, and volume of this discharge determines whether such “periods” can threaten pregnancy. A small brownish smear most often does not pose a threat to the development of the fetus, while heavy bleeding is a symptom of miscarriage.

Many women very often wonder whether they can go. However, in this matter it is better to immediately contact a specialist to avoid serious consequences.

Will implantation occur if fertilization has occurred?

So-called implantation bleeding, which is often mistaken for normal periods, can occur if implantation occurs on the day it starts or a couple of days before.

Such bleeding is considered normal and occurs when the embryo naturally implants into the uterine mucosa. That is, it depends on the timing of implantation of the egg whether there can be a pregnancy if menstruation occurs (more likely, a spot).

Implantation does not occur immediately after fertilization of the egg. It moves through the tubes into the uterine cavity, after a few days it attaches, and the fetus begins its development.

If conception has occurred, but the egg has not yet implanted, menstruation may occur. The test will be negative, and only when your period has passed is a positive result possible.

Types of bleeding during implantation

There are two options for bleeding during implantation:

  1. In the process of implantation of the egg into the endometrium, approximately a week after conception (on the 22nd day of the cycle), there is still no delay, but minor spotting may appear. This is a rare case in medical practice.
  2. Most often, implantation bleeding occurs in the 6th week after the first day of the last menstruation. Just at this time, rapid growth of the chorion occurs, which corresponds to a pregnancy period of 4 to 5 weeks. This condition is observed in almost a quarter of expectant mothers and is often perceived by them as an ectopic pregnancy or miscarriage. Stops after 2–4 days.

Only in rare cases, slight bleeding can mean that the pregnancy is ectopic or there is a threat of miscarriage. If there is heavy bleeding, we can say that there was a pregnancy, but it was interrupted for some reason.

Implantation is also possible on the first day of the onset of regula. If fertilization occurs 5–6 days before its onset, then the embryo is implanted on the 1st day of menstruation. The reasons for this are the long stay of the sperm in the fallopian tubes and the displacement of ovulation. In this case, the woman became pregnant if her period came on time, towards the end of the second half of the cycle or immediately before the start of her period.

What do periods mean if you are pregnant?

Whether menstruation can occur after conception depends on many factors: inflammatory processes in the woman’s genital organs, hormonal levels, and the location of pregnancy (in the uterus or outside it).

Fertilization at the same time as menstruation can be a dangerous symptom for the woman and the fetus. Menstruation during pregnancy often indicates pathologies such as:

  1. Unsuccessful embryo attachment. This may cause a small amount of blood to be released over a period of several weeks. As a rule, this occurs due to the presence of myoma/fibromyoma.
  2. Hormonal imbalance, often an increase in the level of male hormones, as well as a decrease in the concentration of progesterone.
  3. Rejection of one embryo from a couple. It rarely happens that two fetuses develop, after which one of them stops developing and is rejected, causing bleeding.
  4. Abnormalities in fetal development during the intrauterine period can cause miscarriage.
  5. Presence of an ectopic pregnancy. In this case, they are associated with the development of the fetus in the abdominal cavity, tubes, and cervix. As the embryo grows, soft tissue ruptures with damage to blood vessels and bleeding.

In general, the state of the mother’s reproductive system determines whether menstruation can occur upon conception. Normal levels of female and male hormones, the absence of chronic diseases of the genital organs, stress, and trauma guarantee the physiological attachment and further development of the egg.

Bleeding that looks like menstruation when tested positive is a serious cause for concern. If the bleeding increases, as during normal periods, and the color is bright red, you should consult a gynecologist.

You can suspect that fertilization has occurred if, instead of regular periods, a woman develops a brownish spot that ends in 1–2 days. A test carried out over such a short period of time often gives a false negative answer, since the level of hCG in the body is still negligible.

In any case, if, it is necessary to repeat the test and consult a doctor.

Every young girl, woman, or even accomplished mother is concerned about the topic of pregnancy. For some, pregnancy is desirable, and they try by any means to fulfill their dream. Others do not need pregnancy, and there are always plenty of reasons for this. Sooner or later, many people have a question: is it possible to get pregnant during menstruation?

Should you try to get pregnant during your period, and what are the possible consequences? Is menstruation a guarantee of the absence of unwanted pregnancy? These questions should be answered in more detail, clearly understood, once and for all.

Menstrual cycle

It’s worth starting with a reminder of the processes occurring in the female body. We will talk about the menstrual cycle - a special reproductive process in the female body. The beginning of the menstrual cycle is considered the first day of menstruation.

The main culprits behind “favorite” periods are the hormones estrogen and progesterone. At the beginning of the menstrual cycle, the body produces a large amount of estrogen, which, in the company of follicle-stimulating and luteinizing hormones (FSH and LH), stimulates the growth of follicles with eggs, and the endometrial layer also begins to grow.

Ovulation occurs in the middle of the cycle. The corpus luteum, a special gland, forms in the ovary and begins to actively produce progesterone, the main hormone during pregnancy. The task of progesterone is to prepare the body for possible fertilization. The formed endometrium prepares to receive a fertilized egg 1.

If during this period the egg meets the sperm, fertilization occurs. Subsequently, progesterone is produced by the formed placenta. If conception does not occur, then the unnecessary layer of the endometrium, the egg and the corpus luteum come out in the form of blood discharge.

A woman's cycle can vary in length, but should be regular. Each woman has her own individual cycle regularity.

Cycles are usually divided into short, long and standard. The duration of a short cycle is 21 days or less, and a long cycle starts at 35 days or more. Accordingly, the normal time value of the menstrual cycle is from 21 to 35 days. The average value is determined by a duration of 26-29 days 2.

Ovum and fertilization

The egg begins its personal journey between days 7 and 21, taking into account the average length of the menstrual cycle. With non-standard cycle values, this period increases or decreases.

Let's say a woman knows exactly when ovulation will occur and her period will begin. Logically, you cannot get pregnant during menstruation. However, there are many cases of such pregnancies, which is also logical, given the unpredictability of menstruation, the unusual behavior of the egg or the survivability of sperm.

The causes of pregnancy during menstruation may be the following:

  • Various lengths of the menstrual cycle. With a short cycle of 20 days, the best days of conception almost coincide with the beginning of menstruation.
  • Sperm survival. They are extremely active, and especially strong ones are able to survive for several days and even a week. If even one sperm survives to ovulation, there remains a high risk of conception.
  • Disturbances in the rhythm of ovulation. This is possible after an abortion, childbirth, during perimenopause and in other cases. As you age, the chance of the problem increases. You should never rely on ovulation timing as a form of birth control.
  • Spontaneous ovulation. In such cases, two eggs mature, which accordingly increases the chances of conception. An unusual phenomenon is possible due to irregular sex life, heredity, a strong hormonal surge or a particularly strong orgasm.
  • Violations in taking oral contraceptives. If you stop taking the pill before your period, your chance of pregnancy during your period increases. Such tablets should be taken strictly according to the instructions - there are no monthly concessions 3.

The period with the lowest chance of conception is the beginning of the menstrual cycle. For most people, sexual intercourse at this time is unpleasant, but some use this condition as a natural contraceptive. In the first few days of menstruation, an aggressive environment is created, a strong blood flow simply sweeps away all sperm in its path, and if someone manages to gain a foothold, then the chances of survival are extremely small.

But even if you decide to have sex in the midst of menstruation, you should remember about real contraceptives, because the chance of conception, although small, remains. Moreover, at this time the risk of infections is extremely high, because the blood is an excellent breeding ground for bacteria, and the uterus is not protected by the cervical plug. It is necessary to pay very close attention to hygiene for both women and men.

The last days of menstruation, especially prolonged periods, pose a particular risk. There is practically no discharge, menstruation is still formally underway, but the sperm are already ready to wait for their egg. If pregnancy is not desired, it is always best to use contraception in the form of condoms or other forms of birth control 3 .

Sex during menstruation - who likes it?

Most people simply do not understand why a person even gets the desire to have sex during menstruation. But in practice this happens quite often, for example among young people for whom the process itself is important, and the rest is simply not important. As a rule, these are loving couples who trust each other so much that menstruation is viewed completely differently from their perspective. Quite often men insist, because they don’t want to miss the opportunity to have sex. No less often, women themselves insist on sex during menstruation, whose libido reaches its climax these days. This is why questions constantly arise regarding pregnancy during menstruation.

In general, there are no special restrictions on sex during menstruation. Of course, it is advisable to have a permanent partner, maintain hygiene and use protection to avoid infections, even if pregnancy is desired.

Is it possible to get pregnant during menstruation using contraceptives?

The best contraceptives are still considered to be condoms, hormonal agents and intrauterine devices. When used correctly, such products almost completely eliminate the possibility of pregnancy; in addition, condoms significantly reduce the risk of infections 4 .

Considering the fact that during menstruation, by coincidence, you can get pregnant, the use of contraceptives is very desirable. Contraceptives do not provide 100% protection against pregnancy, but they reduce the risk to a minimum.

  • 1. Radetskaya, L.E. Mechanisms of uterine bleeding in normal and pathological conditions / L.E. Radetskaya // Protection of motherhood and childhood - 2007 - No. 9 - pp. 54-59.
  • 2. Savelyeva, G.M. Obstetrics / G.M. Savelyeva, V.I. Kulakov, A.N. Strizhakov // “GEOTAR-Media”, - 2011, - pp. 50-62.
  • 3. Sumyatina L.V. Modern hormonal contraceptives: new options for choice / L.V. Sumyatina // Problems of reproduction - 2014 - No. 6 - pp. 46-48.
  • 4. Savelyeva, G.M. Obstetrics: national guide / ed. G. M. Savelyeva, G. T. Sukhikh, V. N. Serov, V. E. Radzinsky // 2nd ed., revised. and additional - M.: GEOTAR-Media - 2018 - P. 1088.

The question of whether it is possible to get pregnant during menstruation worries many. And this applies not only to young couples, but also to doctors. It is impossible to give a definite answer to the question, since each female body is individual and has its own hormonal balance and menstrual cycle.

Physiological characteristics of the female body

Each menstrual cycle is accompanied by the release of an egg by the ovaries, ready for fertilization. Ovulation most often occurs in the middle of the cycle, that is, two weeks before the onset of the next menstruation, or on the fourteenth day, counting from the first day of menstruation (this calculation characterizes a cycle lasting 28 days). Thus, every healthy woman can become pregnant during her period.

After maturation, the egg leaves the ovary and moves through the fallopian tubes, where it meets the sperm (provided there is unprotected sexual intercourse). The fertilized egg moves through the fallopian tubes and attaches to the wall of the uterus on the 7th day of pregnancy. The process of movement is accompanied by cell division and the transformation of the blastocyst into an embryo.

Phases of the menstrual cycle

With a regular cycle, the likelihood is minimal. Over the entire cycle, several successive stages occur that ensure the maturation of the egg and its release from the ovary:

  • Maturation of the follicle, which is a special part of the ovary where the egg is located, ready for maturation. This period begins on the first day of menstruation and lasts about 14-15 days. The maturation of the egg in the follicle is determined by changes in the woman’s hormonal levels.
  • Ovulation occurs on the 15-16th day of the cycle. After leaving the ovary, the egg travels through the fallopian tubes to the uterine cavity. This process may be accompanied by pain localized in the pelvic area, most often from the ovary in which the follicle matured.
  • The luteal phase begins after ovulation and lasts until the next menstruation. It is characterized by the formation of a corpus luteum in the ovaries, which prevents the maturation of other eggs under the influence of the hormones estrogen and progesterone.

In the event of fertilization, the corpus luteum stimulates the production of hormones that support pregnancy until the placenta is mature. If fertilization does not occur, over time the corpus luteum decreases in size and ceases to function. As a result, the endometrium is rejected, and a new menstrual cycle begins.

Since active sperm can stay in the uterus for up to seven days, it is possible to get pregnant during your period.

Why does fertilization occur during menstruation?

The main reason for fertilization of an egg during menstruation is the viability of sperm. The fertilization process does not occur at the very moment of menstruation, but precisely at the moment of ovulation. This is due to the fact that the uterine cavity has a favorable environment for maintaining the viability of male germ cells. They remain active for five to seven days and at the moment of ovulation they can meet a mature egg, fertilizing it.

Unprotected sexual intercourse can result in pregnancy in any phase of the menstrual cycle. Most often, this depends on the individual characteristics of the female body and the health of the reproductive system. Therefore, it is necessary to use barrier contraceptives to avoid becoming pregnant during menstruation.

Probability of pregnancy

Lack of fertilization during menstruation is possible only in women with a regular menstrual and ovulation cycle. In this case, pregnancy is completely excluded, especially if sexual intercourse took place in the first days of menstruation, when bleeding is most profuse. With severe bleeding, sperm are unable to penetrate the female body.

But even in this case, it is impossible to give a definite answer that a girl cannot get pregnant during her period. Since external factors can affect a woman’s hormonal levels and cause spontaneous ovulation.

Factors influencing pregnancy

The likelihood of getting pregnant during menstruation increases due to several factors:

In addition to the duration of the menstrual cycle and the characteristics of the ovulation process, the likelihood of fertilization can be affected by climate change, sudden weight changes, illness, taking hormonal medications and severe stress. Is it possible to get pregnant during menstruation? This is a controversial question, the answer to which depends on many factors.

Do I need to use protection during my period?

Using a condom during menstruation not only prevents unexpected fertilization, but also protects a woman from infections. It is difficult to determine the likelihood of getting pregnant during menstruation, but most often it is minimal.

During menstruation, the cervical canal opens slightly. This facilitates the penetration of infections into the uterus. In addition, menstrual blood is a favorable environment for the proliferation of pathogenic bacteria.

To determine whether it is possible to get pregnant during your period, you need to regularly monitor your menstrual and ovulation cycles.

Pregnancy with oral contraception

Oral contraceptives, like any other method of protection, do not provide complete confidence in the impossibility of pregnancy. Despite the fact that the hormones included in the drug block ovulation, due to the individual characteristics of the body or other factors, the release of a mature egg may occur and, accordingly, during unprotected sexual intercourse it can be fertilized.

Whether a girl can become pregnant during her period while taking oral contraceptives depends on the characteristics of her body and the correctness of the selected drug. Of particular danger is skipping a pill, which, due to a hormonal surge, can cause spontaneous ovulation. In this case, the likelihood of pregnancy will be maximum.

Pregnancy with an IUD

What is the probability of getting pregnant during menstruation with an intrauterine device - this is a fairly common question. Intrauterine devices are the most modern and reliable way to protect against unwanted pregnancy. This type of contraception requires regular examination by a gynecologist who can check the correct placement of the spiral and its integrity. Only a qualified doctor can insert the IUD. Its validity period provides reliable protection for five to seven years.

Despite the high degree of protection, if you have an intrauterine device, it is possible to become pregnant during your period, but the pregnancy is most likely to be ectopic.

When is the minimum chance of getting pregnant?

There is no period that guarantees 100 percent absence of fertilization, but there are days when the chances of getting pregnant are minimal. These include the first two to three days of menstruation. At this time, significant changes in the mucous membrane occur in the uterine cavity, which have a detrimental effect on sperm, so almost all of them die. However, in this case there are also exceptions.

Determining whether a girl can get pregnant during her period is quite difficult. Since the influence of external factors and hormonal imbalances can lead to pregnancy even for a woman with an ideal cycle.

Even men are often interested in the question of whether their partner can become pregnant during menstruation. To give a more accurate answer, a woman should regularly monitor her cycle and visit a gynecologist who will conduct an examination and consultation on issues of interest. Having the examination results in hand, it is easier for the doctor to draw a conclusion about the likelihood of pregnancy for a particular woman.

If you are worried about the question of whether you can be pregnant if you are menstruating, then reading this article will definitely be useful. Most doctors say that this situation is possible, since in the first weeks after conception, spotting may periodically appear from the vagina.

Why is this happening? First, please note that you should not consider menstruation in this position of a woman to be a normal phenomenon, because it is not.

Normal menstruation or bleeding

Based on the normal physiological processes in a woman’s healthy body, menstruation in the usual sense cannot occur after the formation of the fertilized egg. If the fact of conception is confirmed by a test or analysis, and your periods continue, be sure to consult a gynecologist. The problem is that bloody discharge at the beginning of pregnancy means the presence of some problems with the child or a disease of the woman’s reproductive system.

If pregnancy is definitely confirmed and you observe menstrual symptoms, this may indicate abruption. Even if the pregnancy is unplanned and you are not afraid of losing the child, still seek help from a gynecologist. Blood during pregnancy is a sign of reproductive system problems that may affect the future.

Doctors classify any bloody discharge during pregnancy as bleeding.

How to determine pregnancy if you are menstruating

The signs of pregnancy when menstruation continues are no different from those of a normal pregnancy. Let's look at several options on how to determine it.

  1. The first thing you need to do is go through pregnancy test. It will be a test strip or an analysis - it doesn’t matter, since already on the 7-10th day after conception, a woman’s blood is saturated with the hCG hormone, which is a clear sign of pregnancy, even if menstruation continues.
  2. A proven method for determining pregnancy is to measure basal temperature. If pregnancy is present, the temperature will rise above 37 degrees and will remain there for a long time.
  3. A clear sign of pregnancy, even with ongoing menstruation, will be morning sickness. Due to hormonal changes in the body, a pregnant woman may experience dizziness, weakness, nausea and vomiting, especially in the morning.
  4. Increased desire to go to the toilet. This symptom is caused by a strong rush of blood to the organs located in the pelvis during pregnancy.
  5. Increased volume of secretions, although this may not be noticed during menstruation. But what you will definitely feel is thrush.

As can be seen from the list of symptoms, it is possible to calculate whether conception has occurred even if you are menstruating, but it often happens that signs of pregnancy can be confused with signs of menstruation.

Menstruation in the first months of pregnancy

This situation most often happens in the first trimester of pregnancy. During this period, the female body is not yet accustomed to its new state and a failure in the form of menstruation may occur, but over time the level of hormones will become more balanced and the mistake will not be repeated.

Sometimes a cycle failure may occur, for example, menstruation appears earlier than expected. At the same time, pregnancy proceeds according to its own laws, although the expectant mother may not be aware of this. If a pregnant woman experiences menstruation even after the third month of pregnancy, then the gynecologist selects the appropriate treatment to correct the hormonal levels.