Is dry anterior rhinitis treated? Rhinitis: symptoms, causes, diagnosis, treatment and prevention. Which doctor treats dry rhinitis

The common runny nose, scientifically called rhinitis, can not only have a variety of causes, but also occurs with completely different symptoms. Of course, most often a person has a “running nose”, itching and sneezing, and congestion are observed, but some patients develop an atypical form of pathology - dry rhinitis. With this type of rhinitis, instead of nasal discharge, a person feels severe dryness, which is caused by drying out and atrophy of the mucous membrane of the nasal turbinates. Treatment of dry runny nose will also differ from that for ordinary infectious rhinitis, and it requires a careful and adequate approach.

Features of the disease

Dry runny nose is a chronic pathology from the section of otolaryngology, during the development of which drying out and subsequent atrophy of the nasal mucosa occurs. In other words, this is one of the varieties of chronic atrophic rhinitis, covering only the initial parts of the nasal cavity, and therefore its more accurate name is anterior dry rhinitis.

The disease lasts a long time: often a person constantly has a feeling of dryness in the nose of varying degrees of severity. Once occurring, the pathology is often left unattended, which is why it becomes chronic. Dry rhinitis must be treated, because this disease is far from safe. If it persists for a long time, it can cause resorption of the nasal septum, the appearance of ulcers and erosive defects (erosion of nasal cartilage) and perforation zones. Dry rhinitis carries a high risk of severe consequences for young children, since before the age of 2, children have not yet fully developed the functioning of the respiratory tract. Fortunately, the pathology is not common among children; it mainly develops in older people, especially men.

Causes of dry rhinitis

Often, a dry runny nose appears after surgery on the nasal turbinates or after injury to them. In addition, atrophy of the nasal mucosa is very often observed among workers in chemical plants, where cement, lime, ammonia, arsenic, silica and other substances that strongly irritate the respiratory tract are produced.

There are other possible reasons, depending on the influence of which the patient may notice signs of dry rhinitis:

  • a sharp change in climate, for example, moving to other climatic conditions for permanent residence;
  • the presence of long-term simple chronic rhinitis with frequent exacerbations;
  • living next to a highway, plants and factories that release polluting gases into the environment, living in other unfavorable environmental conditions;
  • smoking, alcoholism, drug addiction;
  • chronic trauma to the nasal mucosa, rough nose blowing.

Symptoms of a runny nose

The most striking signs of the disease are as follows:

  • loss of smell, sometimes - change in voice timbre;
  • feeling of nasal congestion;
  • severe dryness in the nose;
  • itching, burning, irritation of the mucous membrane;
  • difficulty blowing your nose, a feeling of incomplete cleansing of the nose;
  • feeling of the presence of a foreign body;
  • periodic nosebleeds;
  • disturbance in general condition, headaches, insomnia, nervousness due to constant discomfort.

If dry rhinitis has already led to the appearance of erosive defects on the mucous membrane of the nasal turbinates, then the symptoms may be supplemented by the appearance of crusts with mucus, pus and blood, pain, and increased discomfort. When erosions scar, a rough protruding growth often appears, which, however, can resolve over time.

Carrying out diagnostics

After contacting a specialist, the patient must describe his feelings as fully and accurately as possible so that the otolaryngologist can make a presumptive diagnosis. The basic and most important information to clarify the diagnosis will be given to the doctor by performing a rhinoscopy - a detailed examination of the nasal cavity. With a dry anterior runny nose, the following objective signs may be present:

  • expansion of the nasal cavity;
  • accumulation of dried mucous accumulations (crusts);
  • sometimes - the presence of greenish-yellow crusts due to the presence of pus in the injured areas;
  • “lacquerness”, dryness, visually noticeable thinning and pallor of the nasal mucosa;
  • a decrease in the number of vessels, their obvious appearance on the pale surface of the nasal turbinates.

Treatment methods

Dry runny nose should be treated under the supervision of an experienced specialist. Treatment methods differ in many ways from those for a common runny nose, so self-medication and abuse of drops and sprays are not allowed. Methods for treating dry rhinitis to accelerate the regeneration of the mucous membrane and eliminate symptoms may include the following measures:

  1. Rinsing the nose with sea water preparations to moisturize the nose and cleanse it of crusts (Aqualor, Marimer). Regular saline solution is suitable for the same purpose.
  2. Irrigation of crusts with a weak alkaline solution and their subsequent removal (this solution cannot be used for a long time due to the risk of increased dryness in the nose).
  3. Lubricating the nasal cavity with glucose on glycerin, rosehip oil, thuja oil, sea buckthorn oil, fish oil, petroleum jelly.
  4. Treatment of the nose with Solcoseryl in the form of a gel or ointment. Read about using nasal ointments
  5. Taking antihistamines if the disease is combined with severe nasal congestion and swelling (Tavegil, Suprastin, Cetirizine, Claritin). Read more about swelling of the nasal turbinates
  6. Instillation of Interferon drugs into the nose (Grippferon, Interferon), as well as Derinat drugs to increase local immunity.
  7. Carrying out alkaline and oil inhalations to moisturize the nasal cavity.
  8. Irrigation of the nose with local antibiotics in case of bacterial infection (Polydex, Isofra).

To completely eliminate dry rhinitis, it is also important to eliminate risk factors - eliminate the influence of occupational hazards, stop smoking, etc. It is imperative to organize non-demic therapy measures - eat a sufficient amount of vitamins, humidify the air in the room, prevent the accumulation of dust in apartment. Balneotherapy, visits to seaside resorts, walks in the fresh air and in the forest help well with dry rhinitis. Patients are recommended to take internally:

  • vitamin and mineral complexes;
  • aloe in the form of juice or tablets;
  • drugs to improve blood microcirculation;
  • angioprotectors;
  • immunomodulators.

In the absence of improvement and the development of complications of the disease, surgical intervention may be necessary, including removal of ulcers, perforations, narrowing of the nasal cavity, moving the side wall of the nose, etc.

Dr. Komarovsky will tell you how to avoid getting a runny nose and how to treat it.

Therapy with folk remedies

Folk remedies - decoctions, infusions, bee products - will help you maintain your health and help your body heal a dry runny nose. With your doctor's approval, you can use the following recipes:

  1. Combine equal parts of calendula flowers, nettle leaves and chamomile flowers. Brew a spoonful of the mixture with a glass of water and leave for 2 hours. Place 5 drops into the nose four times a day.
  2. Squeeze the aloe juice and combine it with honey equally. Lubricate the inside of the nose twice a day with the resulting product.
  3. Combine equal amounts of sea buckthorn oil and menthol oil, lubricate your nose once a day at night.
  4. Add propolis tincture (half a teaspoon) to rosehip oil (2 tablespoons), wipe the nasal passages twice a day.
  5. Internally, for general strengthening of the body, you should take infusions or decoctions of rose hips, Leuzea safflower, Echinacea purpurea and other immunomodulating herbs.

Prevention of dry runny nose

To prevent the disease from bothering a person, you should:

  • regularly clean and rinse your nose with saline solutions without damaging the mucous membrane;
  • live in conditions of sufficient air humidification;
  • eat right, take vitamins and minerals if necessary (especially iron and calcium);
  • get enough sleep, spend more time outdoors;
  • do not have bad habits;
  • keep the house clean, do wet cleaning regularly;
  • avoid untreated, prolonged rhinitis;
  • Consult a doctor immediately if you identify areas of dryness, necrosis, or defects in the nasal cavity.

We all get colds. Each of us has suffered from rhinitis at least once in our lives, the symptoms of which are known to everyone, although some may not even realize that this disease has such a name. In the common environment, rhinitis is better known as a runny nose.

It is no secret that most people suffer from this disease “on their feet”, without paying due attention to treating the disease. But in vain. It has long been known that rhinitis as a separate independent disease is rare. Traditionally, it is either a symptom of another, larger disease, or a consequence of some illness, the treatment of which was not entirely adequate or was not carried out at all.


Rhinitis is a large group of diseases characterized by difficulty breathing through the nose, dullness of smell, discharge, discomfort in the nasal cavity and nasopharynx, and general discomfort. The following types of illness are distinguished:

  1. Acute and subacute.
  2. Chronic.
  3. Dry.
  4. Allergic.
  5. Vasomotor.
  6. Atrophic.

Acute rhinitis

Symptoms: breathing through the nose becomes uncomfortable (an obsessive desire to breathe through the mouth, otherwise there is severe shortness of breath), swelling of the nasal mucosa, unpleasant tickling and scratching sensations in the nasopharynx, headache, malaise, weakness, drowsiness, impaired sense of smell, increased (slightly ) Body temperature. Watery eyes, nasal discharge is initially liquid, mucous, transparent, then becomes more viscous, its color changes to greenish-yellow. The disease lasts for one and a half to two weeks.

Acute rhinitis in a child

The symptoms are the same as in an adult. Children do not attach importance to discomfort, so at the early stage of a runny nose, we adults don’t seem to notice it, and only when the sniffles start flowing in a stream, there is no doubt left. Whatever the type of rhinitis, the symptoms and treatment are usually similar.


Treatment of rhinitis begins with making a correct diagnosis. Acute rhinitis is a symptom in itself, and most often it manifests itself as a sign of acute respiratory viral infection or acute respiratory infections in the initial stage. Therefore, the underlying disease is treated first. But to facilitate nasal breathing, they use either standard dosage forms based on, for example, xylometazoline, which have a vasoconstrictor effect, or they resort to traditional medicine, using the juice of Kalanchoe, agave, onion or garlic, and beets. Whatever juice you decide to use, do not forget that it must be prepared correctly and diluted, otherwise you risk complicating cold rhinitis by burning the nasal mucosa.

When treating the disease in question, it is imperative to rinse the nasal cavity with saline solutions. This also helps reduce swelling of the mucous membrane and facilitate nasal breathing. It is better to make the solution from sea salt, but if you don’t have it, regular table salt will do. Such products can be purchased ready-made in pharmacies.

You should always remember that vasoconstrictor sprays and drops can be used for no more than three days. Otherwise, there is a risk of developing drug-induced vasomotor rhinitis, which is very difficult to eliminate. In addition, the attending doctor, depending on the severity of the disease, may prescribe antibiotics, ointments, antihistamines, vitamins, and physiotherapeutic treatment.

Chronic (dry) rhinitis: causes

Dry rhinitis is a type of disease characterized by a protracted (chronic) course. This disease most often occurs as a reaction to changing weather conditions. Also in the list of reasons for its occurrence can be noted such as a runny nose that cannot be treated with standard treatment (persistent acute respiratory viral infections, acute respiratory infections), the consequences of various surgical interventions in the nasal area.

Symptoms of chronic manifestations

If a patient has dry rhinitis, the symptoms are as follows: constant severe tightness and dryness in the nose, lack of smell, difficulty breathing through the nose, a feeling of fullness in the nose when it is impossible to blow your nose. A common symptom of dry rhinitis is nosebleeds. During an instrumental examination, the doctor may detect an enlargement of the nasal cavity with mucous secretions accumulated there. It would be appropriate to note that for problems such as atrophic rhinitis and dry rhinitis, the symptoms are very similar.

Elimination of chronic (dry) rhinitis

Treatment of dry rhinitis consists of identifying the causes that cause it and excluding them. Also, to reduce the severity of symptoms and to completely eliminate them, it is necessary to constantly ventilate the room several times a day and regularly do wet cleaning in the room. To reduce dryness in the nose, you need to use solutions to moisturize and rinse the mucous membrane.

So, dry rhinitis is a chronic rhinitis, the symptoms and treatment of which depend to the greatest extent on the causes that caused it.

Another variety

Allergic rhinitis is a chronic severe inflammation of the nasal mucosa, caused by an allergic reaction of the body (i.e. hypersensitivity to any allergenic substance), manifested in the form of nasal congestion, lacrimation, itching in the nose, frequent sneezing, serous-mucous discharge from the nasal passages moves.

The cause of allergic rhinitis is always the same - the allergen enters the body through the nose, eyes, and mouth. It should also be noted that the tendency to various types of allergies is inherited.

The most common allergens are:

  • dust of any origin - all year round;
  • pollen from plants (any) is a seasonal phenomenon;
  • food, medicine, perfumes, cosmetics, laundry detergents, household chemicals, etc. - all year round;
  • microscopic dust mites, dust containing microscopic particles of exfoliated skin of pets and birds - all year round;
  • fungal spores in the air - all year round;
  • There is an allergic reaction to acute respiratory viral infections, acute respiratory infections, helminthiasis - based on the fact of the disease.

Allergic rhinitis. Symptoms:

  • itchy sensation in the nose area;
  • feeling of stuffiness;
  • frequent and persistent bouts of sneezing;
  • strong serous or mucous discharge from the nose.

When allergic rhinitis occurs in children, the symptoms are most often similar to atopic dermatitis.

How is allergic rhinitis treated?

Treatment of allergic rhinitis begins with identifying the presence of an allergic reaction in the body. To do this, it is best to donate blood (from a vein) to determine the level of specific immunoglobulin (E). After the analysis confirms the presence of an allergy, you need to determine the allergen or allergens that cause this unpleasant condition.

If a patient has allergic rhinitis, symptoms and treatment depend not even on one type of allergen, but on their combination. Sometimes it happens that after a detailed examination, the doctor comes to the conclusion that an allergic reaction can only occur if there is a combination of any factors or substances. That is, individually they do not lead to an allergic reaction, but in combination - 100%!

The first and main requirement of the attending physician is to eliminate identified allergens from your life. It's very difficult. After all, a favorite dog or cat, perfume, dress can become a kind of allergen... Then suitable conservative treatment is prescribed, which involves taking antihistamines, corticosteroids, restoratives and those recommended for symptomatic treatment. There are other methods of treating allergic rhinitis that are alternative to the conservative method, but it is better to learn about them from the appropriate specialist.

Note that allergic rhinitis must be treated. The consequences of advanced allergic rhinitis are extremely unpleasant. These are, at a minimum, constant colds with complications in the form of otitis media, sinusitis, and sinusitis. At most - bronchial asthma.

By the way, allergic rhinitis (symptoms in children are almost the same as in adults) in children is a frequent precursor to allergic rhinitis - allergic exudative diathesis.

Conclusion: the allergic form of the disease is chronic rhinitis, the symptoms and treatment of which depend on the quantity and quality of irritating allergens and the heredity of the sick person.

Features of vasomotor rhinitis

Vasomotor rhinitis is a classic chronic disease caused by abnormal regulation of blood vessel tone in the nasal mucosa, which leads to a decrease in the mechanical patency of the nasal passages. The main cause of the development of the disease is dysfunction of the autonomic system (vegetative-vascular dystonia). It refers to diseases of general practice and is, in fact, a dysfunction of the autonomic nervous system.

In addition to the presence of vegetative-vascular dystonia, the presence of which the sick person may not know, there are a number of reasons contributing to the development of vasomotor rhinitis:

  • recent acute respiratory viral infection;
  • inhalation of dirty polluted air, chemicals with pungent odors, tobacco smoke;
  • changes in air temperature (during the cold season when leaving the room to go outside);
  • inhalation of cold air during the period of acute respiratory viral infection or acute respiratory infections;
  • psychological and physical stress;
  • diseases and dysfunction of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • nasal injuries causing mechanical obstruction or difficult passage of the nasal passages;
  • anatomical and physiological disorders of the structure of the nose;
  • disruptions in the endocrine system;
  • taking hypotensive drugs;
  • abuse of vasoconstrictors.

Often, vasomotor rhinitis has more than one cause and is combined with an allergic type of illness, so it is extremely difficult to determine the true problem of its occurrence. In such cases it is called idiopathic rhinitis.

Depending on the cause of vasomotor rhinitis, symptoms will vary slightly. There are always several signs, but it is not necessary that all of them are present in one person.

Vasomotor rhinitis - symptoms, treatment

  1. Nasal congestion periodically increases under certain conditions (changes in climatic conditions, in a lying position, during or after any physical activity, when drinking alcohol).
  2. Nasal congestion is often observed on one side.
  3. Serous-mucous discharge from the nasal cavity. They can be constant or periodic, depending on the presence of any specific factor or a combination of them.
  4. Drainage of nasal secretions down the back of the throat, often after sleep.
  5. Sneezing attacks.
  6. Speaking "on the nose".
  7. Poor sense of smell.

Stages of treatment of vasomotor rhinitis:

  • identification and elimination of factors that caused the disease;
  • treatment of the digestive system;
  • if necessary, surgical intervention aimed at eliminating mechanical obstruction of the nasal passages;
  • regular physical activity without much stress (for example, running) to improve the functioning of the cardiovascular system;
  • activities aimed at strengthening the body and increasing immunity, for example, contrast showers, foot or hand baths (based on the contrast shower principle).

Drug therapy:

  • irrigation of the nasal passages with solutions of sea or table salt;
  • the use of sprays with corticosteroids for long courses with gradual abandonment of vasoconstrictor drugs (for drug-induced vasomotor rhinitis);
  • use of antiallergic drugs, including sprays;
  • vasomotor rhinitis, the symptoms of which are most clearly expressed by copious mucous discharge from the nose, are treated with special sprays that reduce this discharge (the active ingredient is ipratropium bromide).

According to indications, the following is prescribed:

  1. Physiotherapeutic procedures
  2. Alternative treatments such as acupuncture.
  3. Nasal blockades with hydrokartisone are a temporary relief of the condition due to the creation of a hormonal depot in the tissues of the nasal turbinates. This method can lead to serious complications.
  4. Surgical methods are minimally invasive interventions in the area of ​​the choroid plexuses of the conchae.

We looked at vasomotor rhinitis. Symptoms and treatment depend primarily on a correctly identified cause of this disease.

Characteristics of atrophic rhinitis

Atrophic rhinitis is one of the types of chronic rhinitis, in which the mucous membrane of the nasal passages, septum and turbinates thins and becomes denser. Due to this, the nasal passages expand. This sign is decisive in differentiating this chronic rhinitis from others.

Atrophic rhinitis is almost always a consequence of other diseases: from radical surgical operations to severe infections. Other reasons for the development of atrophic rhinitis (those that are less common) include heredity, unfavorable or harmful environmental conditions, and iron deficiency in the body.

Medical research has already established the relationship between atrophic rhinitis and active atrophic processes in other organs and systems of the body, which are an indispensable condition for the occurrence of the disease in question as a consequence of the underlying disease.

When atrophic rhinitis occurs, the symptoms are generally very similar to the clinical signs of dry rhinitis, and at the initial stage they can be confused, but as the atrophic processes of the nasal mucosa progress, the so-called dilatation of the nasal passages, characteristic only of this form of the disease, will necessarily occur.

At this stage of the course of atrophic rhinitis, the sense of smell weakens. When examining the nasal cavity using rhinoscopy, a dry, matte mucous membrane of a pale pink color with slight yellow-green crusts is discovered. Particularly severe thinning of the mucous membrane is noted in the nasal septum (in its anterior lobe). There are simple atrophic rhinitis (limited) - it affects only the anterior lobes of the nasal concha, and diffuse (affects the entire cavity).

Treatment of atrophic chronic rhinitis

The main goal of therapy is to reduce the formation of crusts and eliminate the putrid odor. Antibiotics are administered intranasally (sprayed), as well as estrogens and vitamins A and D. The latter can also be taken orally - they enhance the dilution of the secretory discharge of the nasal mucosa. Three percent alkaline ointment is also used.

Surgical treatment comes down to blocking (or narrowing) the nasal passages with or without delicate synthetic implants (such as polyurethane), using the surgical-instrumental method. These measures are also aimed at reducing the formation of crusts and obstructing the flow of air entering the nasal cavity and further drying out the thinned nasal mucosa.

How to protect yourself from illness

Prevention of any type of rhinitis consists of strengthening the body’s nonspecific defenses and increasing the activity of the immune system. In addition, doctors recommend, especially during the season of maximum growth in the number of acute respiratory viral infections and acute respiratory infections, to rinse the nose and moisturize the mucous membrane with special drops and sprays of saline solutions.

The fact is that the very purpose of the mucous membrane is protection. It is thanks to the normal functioning of the nasal mucosa that air coming from outside is warmed to the temperature required by the body and moistened before it enters the trachea, bronchi and lungs. There, in the nasal cavity, viruses and bacteria and dust particles that initially entered by airborne droplets are retained. Take care of your nose, and no rhinitis, symptoms of illness, or even just a hint of a runny nose will bother you.

Dry rhinitis is a chronic inflammatory process accompanied by constant dryness of the nasal mucosa. Often the cause of the development of the disease is a change in weather conditions.

Factors predisposing to the occurrence of dry rhinitis include: prolonged rhinitis, mechanical damage to the nasal cavity, prolonged course of various infectious diseases. If a dry runny nose is not treated in a timely manner, this can lead to the pathological process becoming chronic, which subsequently complicates the treatment of the disease.

The main symptoms characterizing the disease:

  • the most important sign of dry rhinitis is a constant feeling of dryness in the nasal cavity,
  • accompanied by burning and itching;
  • the patient has respiratory dysfunction;
  • Symptoms such as headache, dizziness may also appear;
  • the process of blowing your nose becomes difficult;
  • dry rhinitis may be accompanied by impaired olfactory function, up to complete loss of smell;
  • episodes of nosebleeds are possible.

This form of rhinitis is also characterized by symptoms such as changes in voice timbre and increased body temperature. Upon examination, a significant expansion of the nasal passages is observed, which is provoked by atrophic changes in the lower part of the nasal cavity.

Often the anterior sections of the nose and part of the nasal septum are involved in the pathological process, which is why the disease may be called anterior dry rhinitis. If treatment is not started promptly, cartilage erosion may develop, which can lead to perforation of the nasal septum.

The disease is most difficult for young children to cope with, as they do not yet know how to breathe correctly or blow their nose on their own. Any breathing disorder in a child can lead to an attack of suffocation. Therefore, in order to avoid undesirable consequences, if you discover symptoms that characterize the appearance of a runny nose, you must immediately visit a doctor.

Complications of the disease

Often, in the absence of timely treatment, the paranasal sinuses, nasolacrimal ducts or auditory tube are involved in the inflammatory process. Infection of other respiratory organs is also possible. Often, against the background of a dry runny nose, diseases such as sinusitis, bronchitis and sinusitis develop.

Basic treatment

You should not try to treat the disease yourself; uncontrolled treatment can only worsen the patient’s condition. Therefore, it is very important that adequate therapy is selected by a qualified ENT doctor. To eliminate the atrophic process, it is first necessary to establish the cause of its development. Only taking into account the degree of the disease and the factors that led to its occurrence, suitable medications are prescribed.


First of all, therapeutic measures will be aimed at moisturizing the nasal mucosa, since dryness is the main cause of all related problems. For this purpose, rinsing of the nasal passages with water-salt solutions and nasal products based on essential oils is prescribed. An integral part of treatment is air humidification and systematic wet cleaning.

Eliminating allergens

If the symptoms were caused by an allergic reaction to irritants, antihistamines are used. It is also worth remembering that it is impossible to fully treat an allergic runny nose without eliminating the potential allergen.


To eliminate crusts formed in the nasal cavity and accumulated mucous discharge, you can use. Often, for these purposes, they resort to alkaline-oil inhalation procedures. To cleanse a child's nasal passages, you can use a special children's aspirator.


If, in addition to rhinitis, other symptoms are observed (difficulty breathing, which disturbs sleep, lacrimation, pain in the temporal part), the disease can be treated using nasal vasoconstrictors, and if the body temperature rises, antipyretic drugs should also be taken.

Adjuvant therapy

To speed up the healing process, folk remedies are often used.

The most effective methods are:

  • You can eliminate the symptoms of dry nasal mucosa by using Vaseline-based ointments.
  • The effect can be improved by adding fish oil or propolis.
  • As an antiseptic, you can use calendula juice, which should be instilled 2-3 drops into each nasal passage one by one.
  • For this, juice from black nightshade leaves will be an effective remedy. The use of the drug for more than one week is not recommended.
  • You can also treat a dry runny nose using aloe juice, as it has a number of healing properties. However, it is worth noting that during the first nasal instillation procedures, a burning sensation may occur. But after the swelling is eliminated, the breathing process will become much easier.
  • One of the most common ways to treat a runny nose is warming foot and hand baths using mustard powder or soda. However, such a procedure is allowed only in the absence of elevated temperature.
  • To provide a local vasoconstrictor effect, you can use ephedra-based tinctures. But long-term use of vasoconstrictors is not recommended.

It should be remembered that if a runny nose is not treated, it can become chronic, and then it will be extremely difficult to get rid of the disease. In order to prevent undesirable consequences of dry rhinitis, it is necessary to contact a competent specialist to determine the cause of the disease and subsequent treatment.

Dry rhinitis - this disease is one of the varieties of atrophic rhinitis. The causes of the disease have not yet been clarified, but frequent infectious diseases, allergic reactions of the respiratory type and climate with sudden temperature changes are identified as provoking factors. An increased risk of atrophic rhinitis due to genetic factors and hormonal imbalance cannot be ruled out.

The upper respiratory tract, which is connected by the nasopharynx, plays an important role for the body. Receptors of the mucous membrane produce a secretion that washes away the pathogenic flora, and it enters the body in small quantities. This is why a runny nose occurs - the respiratory organs fight the introduction of pathogenic microorganisms, washing them out.

With dry rhinitis, the secretion is not secreted, and microbes penetrate the body unhindered.

Symptoms and causes of dry rhinitis

When the disease occurs in the initial stage, the patient constantly feels a feeling of thirst, but when he drinks water, the discomfort - dryness in the nasopharynx - intensifies.

There is no mucous discharge at the beginning, but swelling of the mucous membrane gives the feeling that the nose is stuffy. It is impossible to blow your nose - this procedure can cause nosebleeds.

Difficulty breathing causes headaches, heaviness in the forehead, and makes it difficult to concentrate.

At the initial stage of the disease, the temperature may rise to low-grade, a sore throat may be felt, and the timbre of the voice may change.

In most cases, anterior dry rhinitis occurs - the nasal cavity in the area of ​​the front of the nose expands. Ulcerative defects appear on the nasal septum in the front part, the vessels become fragile, and even a small physical impact - when breathing or sneezing - is enough to provoke nosebleeds.

A dry runny nose causes serious complications - the pathogenic flora is not filtered out, but is immediately introduced into the respiratory system through the nasal passages.

If you do not start treating a runny nose at this stage, then dry rhinitis will very quickly turn into acute atrophic, and its symptoms are loss of smell and decay of nasal cartilage.

Therefore, as soon as the first symptoms appear, treatment of dry rhinitis must begin immediately.

Diagnosis and treatment of the disease

If the disease is detected at the very beginning - before the appearance of abundant purulent discharge, then it is possible to prevent an irreversible process - atrophic rhinitis.

The diagnosis is made on the basis of a visual examination - swollen vessels stand out sharply on the hypertrophied mucosa - and a scraping smear from the nasal mucosa - it is necessary to identify pathogenic microorganisms that provoked the disease.

Treatment is only symptomatic - vasoconstrictor drops should be avoided, they cause further drying of the mucous membrane. However, it is impossible to do without them if the swelling is so severe that it makes breathing difficult.

How to treat dry rhinitis?

You should start with regular nasal rinsing. At home, the nose is washed with a solution of table salt - 1 tablespoon per liter of water, sea salt, Aquamaris or Aqualor. On an outpatient basis, procedures are done with a special alkaline solution.

It is very important that the room is regularly wet cleaned and the air humidity is maintained at 56-60%. If the cause of dry rhinitis is considered to be an allergy, then antihistamines are introduced into therapy.

It is necessary to do oil inhalations and lubricate the nasal passages with oil preparations and Lugol's solution. The use of aromatic oils during treatment should be discussed with your doctor.

If a runny nose of this nature is caused by a viral infection, therapy with antibacterial or antiviral agents can be carried out.

The immune status of the body is increased with the help of immunocorrectors and vitamin preparations.


You can try to eliminate unpleasant symptoms with folk remedies:

  1. Drops can be prepared:
  • from the juices of calendula and red geranium leaves taken in equal quantities;
  • ephedra juice;
  • aloe juice - aloe is mixed 1/1 with sea buckthorn oil;
  • St. John's wort tinctures;
  • black nightshade juice - this medicine cannot be used for more than a week;

  1. The nasal passages are lubricated with menthol or sea buckthorn oil, Vaseline;
  2. It is advisable to add tincture of eucalyptus or calendula to the solution for rinsing the nose;
  3. For variety, you can rinse the nasal mucosa with tincture of chamomile, sage, and oak bark. The latter remedy, due to its high tannin content, helps reduce the fragility of blood vessels;
  4. If there is no fever, hot baths for the hands and heels with mustard relieve swelling of the mucous membranes.

Some folk recipes give incorrect advice, for example, lubricate the nasal mucosa with a honey solution with onion or garlic juice, or drip diluted beet or carrot juice onto the nose. When treating a dry runny nose, this cannot be done - since there is no mucous discharge, the nutrient medium will cause rapid growth of pathogenic flora and the disease will worsen.

Preventive measures

Since dry rhinitis is a chronic disease, it is very important not to aggravate the condition. It should be treated as soon as a “chill” is felt in the larynx area. This feeling cannot be confused with anything - it seems that the air enters directly into the throat, and does not heat up at all when breathing.

You should not allow your nose to become stuffy or cause swelling of the mucous membranes. At the slightest sensation of dryness in the nose, it is necessary to start rinsing.

Dry rhinitis is a chronic ENT disease in which an atrophic process of drying out of the nasal cavity is observed. The patient feels constant dryness of the nasal mucosa. Failure to provide timely treatment will significantly worsen the situation, and the disease may become acute.

Dry atrophic rhinitis poses the greatest danger to children, in particular, under two years of age, since the skills of free nasal breathing at this age are not fully developed. Therefore, rhinitis of any type should be treated from its first manifestations.

Dry rhinitis is characterized by excessive dryness in the nasal cavity.

The main factors in the development of dry atrophic rhinitis are traumatic or occupational causes. Chemical production workers, constantly inhaling dust containing cement, lime, and ammonia vapor, experience dry nose.

Other causes of dry rhinitis include:

  • sudden changes in climatic conditions;
  • systematic runny nose;
  • incompletely cured occupational diseases;
  • surgical intervention;
  • infectious diseases.

Lack of adequate treatment can lead to the development of deep necrosis. Surgical intervention in this case is inevitable. Untreated atrophic changes will gradually lead to the development of a chronic form.

Symptoms of the disease

Main symptoms of the disease:

  • Severe dryness in the nose is the most striking symptom of dry rhinitis, which causes a lot of discomfort to the patient.
  • Inability to blow your nose completely – the patient experiences great difficulty while blowing his nose. The process may be accompanied by bleeding.
  • Sensation of a foreign body in the nose.
  • Difficulty breathing, which can cause headaches.
  • Bad dream.
  • Partial or complete loss of smell.

In addition to the main pronounced symptoms, the patient may have an increase in body temperature, a burning and itching sensation in the nose, and a change in the timbre of the voice. During examination of the nasal cavity, its expansion is observed. This occurs due to the atrophic process in the lower parts of the nose. The disease is often called anterior dry rhinitis due to the fact that most of the symptoms are associated with the anterior sections of the nose.

If the atrophic process is not prevented in time, erosion may form in the cartilage area, which will gradually lead to the appearance of a hole in the nasal septum.

Treatment of dry rhinitis

First of all, the patient must be protected from being in polluted, dusty rooms. Constantly wet clean the room and ventilate the room. If the disease appears as a result of harmful fumes at work, you should use a respirator.

The patient is prescribed symptomatic treatment, which includes the following steps:

  • Since dry rhinitis is characterized by dryness of the mucous membrane, you need to moisturize the mucous membrane daily by rinsing the nose with saline solutions, in the best case, use a sea salt solution.
  • At high temperatures, antipyretics are prescribed.
  • Local administration of vasoconstrictors such as Naphthyzin. The dosage and method of administration are prescribed by the attending physician.
  • As an additional therapy, use is indicated. In children, cleansing of the mucous membrane can be carried out using special respirators.

Treatment with folk remedies

Baths with soda or mustard are an excellent and effective addition to the main procedure for treating dry rhinitis.

Traditional medicine recipes can be used as additional therapy to the main treatment. Treatment with folk remedies has been practiced for a long time. But still, before use, it is recommended to consult a doctor.

  • Aloe juice is a very effective method. Place 2-3 drops of aloe juice into each nostril. You need to instill 3-4 times a day.
  • Washing can be done not just with a saline solution, but by adding calendula infusion to it.
  • Foot baths with soda and mustard powder. Foot baths can be performed only in the absence of elevated body temperature.

Timely and correctly carried out treatment will quickly relieve you of the symptoms depressing your health, eliminating the possibility of “degeneration” into a chronic form and the development of other serious ENT complications.