Beautiful quotes and phrases about love in English with translation. Phrases about love in English with translation

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Study of the concept of “love” in English proverbs and sayings


The object of this study is the concept of “love” in English phraseological units, proverbs and sayings.

The purpose and objectives of this study.

The main goal of this study is to determine the place of the concept “love”, its semantic load and semantics of use.

A comparative study of phraseological units of different languages ​​seems extremely important, since phraseology is the most valuable source of information about culture, stereotypes of national consciousness, reflecting the ideas of a particular people about morality, habits, rituals, the uniqueness of the surrounding world, etc., becoming the property of linguistic consciousness.

Russian and English proverbs and sayings have much in common in their basic conceptualizations. Linguistic specificity is expressed in the figurative content of these units and is associated with the cultural and national characteristics of the speakers of the languages ​​under study.

Sociolinguistic monitoring as a research method makes it possible to trace what is the axiology of the ideas of a particular phraseological unit in the Russian and English languages, and how it is reflected in people’s minds. The monitoring results indicate, in general, the coincidence of the attitude of young people (Russians, English and Tatars) to various values/anti-values ​​embedded in phraseological units, and also represent an asymmetry between the morality contained in linguistic units (phraseologisms, proverbs, sayings) and opinion modern people, which belongs to the field of axiological pluralism.

The research material was based on the data of currently available dictionaries of Russian and English phraseology, explanatory dictionaries of Russian and English languages, translated, bilingual, as well as special ones: semantic, associative, ideographic mythological dictionary of the Russian language, dictionary of phraseological synonyms, figurative expressions of the Russian language, dictionary of proverbs and sayings, etymological dictionaries of the studied languages, frequency, etc., works of classics of Russian and English literature.

As necessary, dictionaries of related disciplines were also used: philosophical, sociological, psychological, dictionaries on ethics, etc.

Aspects of the use of the concept “love” in English phraseological units, proverbs, sayings

proverb Russian English linguistic culture

The area of ​​moral feelings is the most extensive and is characterized by increased variability, applicability of various emotional states, and the presence of numerous experiences.

The phraseosemantic subgroup “Love” consists of anthropocentric phraseological units, the main part of which in Russian and English conveys the highest degree of intensity of this mental state: rus. lose/lose your head; English be death on - to be mortally in love. Researcher of the concept “Love” S.G. Vorkachev found that in English proverbs there are about 170 units associated with the concept of love, in Russian - about 220, which indicates less interest in this feeling of English paremiological consciousness [Vorkachev 2003: 23-95].

In English proverbs and sayings, several aspects of the use of the concept “love” can be distinguished.

1. The main part of Russian and English phraseological units of this subgroup is united by linguocultures, distinguished on the basis of basic images: heart (symbol of love) and head (symbol of reason): Russian. give heart; English lose one "s heart to smb. (lit. lose a heart); Russian. lose one's head; English. go off about/over one"s head (lit. remove one's head). In Russian phraseological units, the soul component is also used: to dote on the soul - to love someone very much, limitlessly.

2. A high degree of love in languages ​​manifests itself as a willingness to die for it: Russian. love (to death); English be death on - fall in love to death. In Russian phraseological units, the state of falling in love corresponds to the image of fire: rus. burn with love; and in English - the image of the depths of the sea: be fathoms deep in love.

3. Often there is such an aspect as the fragility, unfaithfulness of love, its changeability and unreliability. When poverty comes in at the door, love flies out of the window - When poverty comes through the door, love flies out the window; Love is blind - Love is blind; Love me little, love me long - Love me not much, but for a long time. An adequate Russian equivalent is the colloquial “There was love, but it floated away.”

4. Another aspect of the concept of love in English phraseological units is the aspect of strong affection, tenderness and devotion. He who loves a tree loves every branch of it - Not that loves the tree, loves the branch; If you love me, love my dog ​​too - Love me, love my dog.

5. The presence of a certain amount of fatalism. No herb will cure love. This phraseological unit can be viewed from two points of view. The first is, in fact, fatalism; nothing can be done about this love, if it has already come. From this point of view, the Russian analogue can be “Love is evil - you will love a goat”; on the other hand, this proverb speaks of love as an incurable disease, as something that brings not so much joy as suffering. This point of view is very characteristic of the Russian mentality: “Darling is not a villain, but will dry you to the bone”; “Even though love is torment, without it there is boredom.”

6. A very common aspect of the concept of “love,” probably in any language, including Russian and English, is the aspect of the enormous power of love, its invincibility. Love is stronger than death - Love is stronger than death; the concept of “death” is often found next to the concept of “love”, sometimes it acts as an antagonism - love and death, good and evil; sometimes - as an enhancement - to love to death - to love deadly. Love moves the world - It is love that makes the world go around; Love will find a way - Love will find a way; Love conquers all - Love conquers all; Love laughs at locksmiths - Love laughs at locksmiths;

7. An indispensable attribute of love (“true love”) is always honesty, nobility, incorruptibility and selflessness. Love cannot be bought - Love is not found in the market; Love lives in cottages as well as in courts; with a cute paradise and in a hut - Love in a cottage.

8. Signs of “separation”. In the Russian mentality, love is closely connected not only with suffering, but also with separation, by which it is tested and which is also its indispensable attribute: In English there are also proverbs with a similar meaning: The less you see, the more you love - Absence makes the heart grow fonder.

9. Love for children is characterized by English proverbs with the ornitonyms crow “crow”, owl “owl”: The crow thinks her own birds fairest (whitest) (lit. The crow believes that her children are the most beautiful), The owl thinks her own young fairest (lit. Owl believes that her children are the best).

This series of aspects can be continued almost indefinitely, since the concept of “love” itself has an unlimited number of meanings, and perceptions at the level of an individual people, a speaker of a particular language, and even more. At all times, love is seen as happiness, and suffering, and deception and honesty, and reward, and punishment, and fidelity and betrayal.

A review of the signs of love indicates the extreme inconsistency of the perception of this moral feeling by the paremiological consciousness of man. Opposite assessments: love is both selfless and mercantile, it is the highest value and evil, it is never forgotten and quickly becomes boring, people fall in love with appearance and love personality, love blinds and sees everything.

A comparison of the semantic features of the concept “love”, presented in the English language and consciousness, shows that the features are presented here in full and create a generalized image of love.

Thus, love is a feeling, an attitude, an action in the broad sense of the word; it has a subject and an object; there is a beginning, development and an end (and the culmination can probably be considered recognition); There are typical ways of manifestation, enshrined in culture.

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Legends are made about love, poems are written, songs are sung. Some lines become so popular that they are translated into many languages. This material presents quotes about love in English with translation into Russian. You will recognize some of them, and some will be a discovery for you.

Without many words

Sometimes something is said so briefly and clearly that there is nothing to add or subtract from. The following words from John Lennon from his song are very popular:

All you need is love.
All you need is love.

Beautiful short phrases about love in English are good because they are easy to remember, and therefore enrich your vocabulary. You can also add them to the status of a social network (thereby enlightening your friends and acquaintances a little).

Love lives forever. Love lives forever.

If you wish to be loved, love! If you want to be loved, love!

Love is friendship set on fire. Love is friendship ignited by fire.
(Jeremy Taylor)

One love, one heart, one destiny. One love, one heart, one destiny.
Bob Marley

A couple of short English quotes about love from famous writers:

Real love stories never have endings.
True love stories never have endings.
Richard Bach

Let's speculate

Let's look at longer phrases about love in English that encourage thinking and reasoning. Translation into Russian will again help us in understanding them.

The magic of first love is our ignorance that it can ever end.
The magic of first love is that we don't believe it will ever end.
Benjamin Disraeli

We are never so defensive against suffering as when we love.
We are never as defenseless as when we love.
Sigmund Freud

Love is the most important thing in the world. It's all for love. L-O-V-E.
Love is the most important thing in the world. All for love. LOVE.
Michael Jackson

Thoughts from the famous Oscar Wilde:

A man can be happy with any woman as long as he does not love her.
A man can be happy with any woman as long as he doesn't love her.

Keep love in your heart. A life without it is like a sunless garden when the flowers are dead.
Keep love in your heart. Life without love is like a garden without the sun, all the flowers in which have withered.

Never love anyone who treats you like you’re ordinary.
Never love anyone who treats you like you're ordinary.

To love oneself is the beginning of a lifelong romance.
Loving yourself is the beginning of a life-long romance.

A few quotes from Friedrich Nietzsche:

The man of knowledge must be able not only to love his enemies but also to hate his friends.
An intelligent person should be able not only to love his enemies, but also to hate his friends.

It is not a lack of love, but a lack of friendship that makes unhappy marriages.
Marriages are unhappy not because of a lack of love, but because of a lack of friendship.

There is always some madness in love. But there is also always some reason in madness.
There is always a little madness in love. And in madness there is always a little wisdom.

To quote famous women:

Any woman can fool a man if she wants to and if he’s in love with her.
Any woman is capable of fooling a man if she wants to and if he is in love with her.
Agatha Christie

To be brave is to love unconditionally without expecting anything in return.
Courage is loving unconditionally without expecting anything in return.

English proverbs about love play a big role in English folklore, because love is the most reverent and strongest feeling in the world.

Having studied proverbs about love in English you will have an idea of ​​what relationships, love, marriage and hate mean to the English.

Proverbs and sayings about love in English can be found in books and romantic films, and by learning them you will better understand the meaning of the work.

English sayings about love are part of the culture of the people. They were created as folklore many centuries ago in order to pass on grains of wisdom through generations and warn us against committing rash acts.

A good wife makes a good husband.
Translation: A good wife has a good husband.
Russian analogues:
A good wife and an honest husband.
A good wife and a bad husband will do well.

A great dowry is a bed full of brambles.
Translation: A rich dowry is like a bed full of thorns.
Russian equivalent:
It is better to marry a poor woman than to quarrel with a rich one.
You don’t live with wealth, you live with a person.
Don't take a dowry, take a sweet girl.
If you take a rich one, you will reproach her.

All are good lasses, but whence come the bad wives?
Translation: All girls are good, but where do bad wives come from?
Russian equivalent: All brides are good, but where (where) do evil wives come from?

Beauty lies in lover's eyes.
Translation: Beauty is in the eyes of the lover.
Russian equivalent:
Not beautiful is beautiful, but beloved.
Not nice in a nice way, but nice in a nice way.

Every Jack has his Jill.
Translation: Every Jack is destined for his Jill.
Russian analogues:
Every bride is born for her groom.
For every product there is a buyer.
For every hole there is a plug.

Faint heart never won fair lady.
Translation: A timid heart has never won a beauty.
Russian analogues:
The city takes courage (prowess).
He who dared ate it.

Far from eye, far from heart.
Translation, Russian equivalent: Out of sight, out of mind.

Faults are thick where love is thin.
Translation: They see many faults in those who are little loved.
Russian analogues:
I endure everything because I love.
Sweet to my dear - and white without whitewash.
Those who are not loved are not listened to.

Hatred is blind, as well as love.
Translation: Hate, like love, is blind.
Russian analogues:
Passions cloud the mind.
Fire has no coolness, anger has no reason.

Love cannot be forced.
Translation: You cannot force love.
Russian analogues:
You won't be nice by force.
Lawless Heart.

Love in a cottage.

Translation: Love in a hut.
Russian analogues:
With a sweetheart, heaven and in a hut.
Love in a hut.

Love is blind, as well as hatred.
Translation: Love, like hate, is blind.
Russian analogues:
Love is blind.
Love doesn't see anything.
Love is blind

Love me, love my dog.
Translation: If you love me, love my dog ​​too.
Russian equivalent: He who is glad to see a guest will feed his dog.

Love will creep where it may not go.
Translation: Where there is no direct path, love creeps in.
Russian equivalent: There is no law against love.

Marriages are made in heaven.
Translation: Marriages are made in heaven.
Russian analogue: Death and wife - narrowed by God.
Neither go around nor go around the betrothed.

No herb will cure love.
Translation: No potion can cure love.
Russian equivalent: Love is not a fire, but once it catches fire, you can’t put it out.

Salt water and absence wash away love.
Translation: Love is lost during a long voyage.
Russian equivalent: Out of sight, out of mind.

They are hand and glove.
Translation: They are inseparable, like a hand and a glove.
Russian equivalent: The devil himself tied them with a string. You can't spill them with water.

That will be up to the ears in love.
Translation, Russian equivalent: To be head over heels in love.

That love somebody (something) as the devil loves holy water.
Translation: To love as the devil loves holy water.
Russian equivalent: To love a dog like a stick.

Then wear one's heart upon one's sleeve.
Translation: Wear your heart on your sleeve.
Russian equivalent: Soul wide open.

When becoming interested in a foreign language, it is useful to pay attention not only to grammatical rules and lexical units: it is also important to realize the beauty of the sound of speech. Famous quotes, common aphorisms and simply beautiful phrases in English with translation into Russian especially show linguistic uniqueness and originality. We will consider examples of such expressions in today’s material. In the article you will find philosophical sayings about life, romantic phrases about love and relationships, popular quotes from songs, books and films, as well as simply short English expressions with meaning.

The most important feeling, about which there are many apt expressions and entire creative works, is, of course, love. In this section, we will look at popular phrases about love in English and find out how romantic the British express their feelings and emotions. A lot of words have been said about the most beautiful feeling on earth, so we have divided all expressions into two categories: aphorisms and quotes about love in English.

Romantic aphorisms and expressions

  • The spaces between your fingers were created so that another’s could fill them in. “The space between the fingers exists to be filled by the lover’s hand.”
  • One word frees us of all the weight and pain of life: that word is love. “One word frees us from the burden of life’s hardships and pain: and that word is love.”
  • Love - as a war. It is easy to begin; it is difficult to finish; it is impossible to forget! - Love is like war. It is also easy to start, it is also difficult to finish, and it can never be forgotten.
  • Love is not blind; it just sees what matters. — Love is not blind: it only sees what really matters .
  • The best thing in our life is love. — The best thing in our life is love.
  • Love is the triumph of imagination over intelligence. — Love is the triumph of the imaginary over the real.
  • My heart aches completely, every hour, every day, and only when I’m with you does the pain go away. — My heart hurts constantly: every hour and every day. And only when I'm with you, the pain goes away.
  • Love is not finding someone to live with: it’s finding someone you can’t live without. — Love is not a search for someone with whom to live. This is a search for someone without whom it is impossible to live.
  • It is better to have loved and lost, than not to have loved at all. “It’s better to love and lose than not to love at all.”
  • We hate the ones we love because they can cause the deepest suffering. “We hate our loved ones because they have the power to hurt us more deeply than others.”
  • People are lonely because they build walls instead of bridges. “People are lonely because they build walls instead of bridges.”

Quotes from songs, books, films about love

Here we will recall words from famous creative works about love in English with translations of quotes into Russian.

Perhaps the most famous movie-song quote is the chorus performed by Whitney Houston from the famous film “The Bodyguard.”

No less famous is the chorus of the hit by the Liverpool four boys, dedicated to the lost happiness of yesterday.

  • All you need is love - All you need is love.

Among the works of writers there are also popular quotes of a love nature. For example, such a sweet and childishly naive book about the Little Prince (author Antoine de Saint-Exupéry) in translation gave the English-speaking world the following aphorism:

  • To love is not to look at one another, but to look together in the same direction. - To love is not to look at each other, but to direct your gaze in one direction.

A widely known excerpt from the novel “Lolita”, written by the famous Russian writer Vladimir Nabokov.

  • It was love at first sight, at last sight, at ever and ever sight. “It was love at first sight, and at last sight—for all eternity.”

Of course, we can’t do without a truly English classic: William, ours, Shakespeare. One of the most famous quotes from his pen is a line from the comedy play A Midsummer Night's Dream.

  • The course of true love never did run smooth. “There are no smooth roads to true love.”

Let's not forget about cinema. Let's look at lines from movies that have turned into famous phrases about love in English, working with their translation into Russian.

The statement of the hero from the classic American film “Love Story” has received wide recognition.

  • Love means never having to say you’re sorry - To love means never to force an apology.

Another famous quote is from the more modern film City of Angels.

  • I would rather have had one breath of her hair, one kiss of her mouth, one touch of her hand, than eternity without it. “I would rather smell her hair just once, kiss her lips just once, touch her hand just once, than be without her for an eternity.”

A very touching dialogue about feelings is spoken by the hero from the film “Good Will Hunting.” Here's a full excerpt.

People call these things imperfections, but they’re not - aw that’s the good stuff. And then we get to choose who we let into our weird little worlds. You're not perfect, sport. And let me save you the suspension. This girl you met, she isn’t perfect either. But the question is: whether or not you’re perfect for each other. That's the whole deal. That's what intimacy is all about.

People call these things bad, but they're not - they're great things. And then we use them to choose those whom we let into our little strange worlds. You are not perfect. And let me speak frankly. The girl you met is not perfect either. But the whole question is: are you ideal for each other or not. That's the whole point. That's what intimacy is.

English phrases-reflections on life

In this category, various remarks with meaning will be given, one way or another related to the philosophy of life. Let's learn these beautiful phrases in English and work with the translation into Russian.

  • Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth. — A person is least sincere when he speaks openly about himself. Give him the mask and he will tell you the truth.
  • Failure does not mean I’m a failure. It does mean I have not yet succeeded. — Failure is not a stigma that I am a loser. It's just a sign that I haven't reached my goal yet.
  • Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I’m not sure about the universe. — Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity. And I'm not very sure about the universe yet.
  • Success is not in what you have, but who you are. “Success is not what you have: it’s who you are.”
  • Do not squander time – this is stuff life is made of. - Don't waste time - this is the thing life is made of.
  • Be careful with your thoughts – they are the beginning of deeds. - Be careful with your thoughts, because actions begin with them.
  • Life is a succession of lessons which must be lived to be understood. — Life is lessons of success that must be lived to understand them.
  • Remember that the most dangerous prison is the one in your head. - Remember that the most dangerous prison is in your head.
  • The inevitable price we pay for our happiness is eternal fear to lose it. — The inevitable price we pay for our happiness is the eternal fear of losing it.
  • Not the power to remember, but it’s very opposite, the power to forget, is a necessary condition for our existence. “It is not the ability to remember, but its opposite, the ability to forget, that is a prerequisite for our existence.
  • The memory warms you up inside, but it also breaks your soul apart. “Memory not only warms you from the inside, but also tears your soul apart.
  • Stretching his hand out to catch the stars, he forgets the flowers at his feet. — Stretching out his hands to the stars, a person forgets about the flowers that bloomed at his feet.
  • When you start thinking a lot about your past, it becomes your present and you can’t see your future without it. - When you start to think a lot about the past, it becomes your present, behind which you can no longer see any future.
  • For the world you may be just one person, but for one person you may be the whole world! - For the world you are just one of many, but for someone you are the whole world!
  • I learned that it is the weak who are cruel, and that gentleness is to be expected only from the strong. “I learned that cruelty is a sign of those who are weak.” Nobility can only be expected from truly strong people.

Short beautiful phrases in English with translation

Brevity is the sister of talent, so cool, and most importantly, small, beautiful phrases in English with Russian translation will be presented here.

  • Everyone has one's own path. - Everyone has their own path.
  • I'll get everything I want. - I will get everything I want.
  • Remember who you are. - Remember who you are.
  • A life is a moment. - Life is a moment.
  • Destroy what destroys you. - Destroy what destroys you.
  • Fall down seven times, stand up eight. - Fall seven times, but get up eight.
  • Never stop dreaming. - Never stop dreaming.
  • Respect the past, create the future! - Respect the past - create the future!
  • Live without regrets. - Live without regrets.
  • Never look back. - Never look back.
  • Nobody's perfect, but me. - Nobody is perfect except me.
  • While I’m breathing - I love and believe. - As long as I breathe, I love and believe.
  • Let it be. - So be it.
  • Wait and see. - Wait and see.
  • Money often costs too much. — Money often costs too much.
  • I shall not live in vain. - I will not live in vain.
  • My life – my rules. - My life my rules.
  • Everything you can imagine is real. “Everything you can imagine is real.”
  • A snake lurks in the grass. — The snake is hiding in the grass.
  • No gain without pain. - There is no effort without pain.
  • Behind the cloud, the sun is still shining. — There, behind the clouds, the sun is still shining.
  • Only my dream keeps me alive. “Only my dream keeps me alive.”

Choose phrases to your liking and learn them by heart. Sooner or later, you will definitely have the opportunity to show off your knowledge of spoken English. Good luck in mastering the language and see you again!