Ginger ale. Making ale at home Make ginger ale

Nowadays, there are a large number of alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks, among which ale is very popular. This is a type of beer that is produced by rapid top fermentation at high temperatures, and the history of the appearance of this drink dates back to the Middle Ages. The drink comes in a variety of variations, including ginger ale. A number of questions arise: what is it, what is its composition, what properties does it have and how to prepare ginger ale at home? To answer all these questions, we need to turn to history. Namely, to the history of the creation of this drink. More on this later.

The history of ginger ale

Ginger ale is a highly carbonated drink that has a sweet taste and a slight aroma of ginger. It is customary to drink this drink both in its pure form and as an additional component of alcoholic cocktails. Ginger ale can be prepared both as an alcoholic and as a tonic drink that does not contain alcohol.

Ginger beer appeared in the mid-18th century in the English county of Yorkshire. Over time, the popularity of ale spread throughout England. And in the 20th century, at the very beginning, when there was prohibition in the USA, ginger ale was a kind of folk outlet. It was at this time that ginger beer gained the status of a fresh, tasty and tonic drink.

Composition and properties of ginger ale

The original recipe for the drink consists of products such as ginger root, granulated sugar, water, lemon juice and yeast. The mixture was left to ferment for several days, after which an excellent ginger beer was obtained. Depending on the recipe, the drink may also contain honey, lemon or lime, fruit and tea tree petals. There are 2 types of ale: dark and light. Dark ale has a richer brown hue and brighter aroma than light ale.

Ginger ale is extremely effective for colds and other inflammatory processes, since its main ingredient, ginger, has very useful medicinal properties. This spice contains a large amount of vitamins and minerals, such as magnesium, phosphorus, silicon, potassium, calcium, vitamin C and others. Ginger works well as a pain reliever and has anti-inflammatory and soothing properties.

However, there are some contraindications to drinking ginger ale. It should not be taken by people suffering from low blood pressure, inflammatory skin diseases during exacerbation, gastric ulcers and cholelithiasis. You should also refrain from drinking this drink during bleeding of various locations, in the 2nd and 3rd trimester of pregnancy and during breastfeeding.

Ginger Ale Recipes

To make ginger ale at home, you do not need to resort to any scientific technologies; you just need to choose a recipe to your taste and arm yourself with the necessary list of products. Let's take a closer look at how to prepare this drink.

The recipe for making non-alcoholic ginger ale includes:

  • ginger root – 150 g;
  • granulated sugar – 4 tbsp. spoons;
  • lemon – 3 pieces;
  • sparkling water – 3 l;
  • mint leaves to taste.

Fresh ginger root must be peeled and grated, then combined with granulated sugar. You need to remove the zest from the lemons, also finely grate them and add to the mixture of ginger and sugar. Peeled lemons must be passed through a juicer. Add the resulting juice to the ginger and fill the entire mixture with sparkling water. Let the resulting ale brew for 10 minutes, then strain the drink, pour into glasses and garnish with mint leaves.

The recipe for making a classic alcoholic ale includes:

  • sugar – 1 glass;
  • ginger root – 30 g;
  • lemon juice – half a glass;
  • dry yeast - half a teaspoon;
  • chilled water – 2 l.

Pour the dry ingredients, i.e. sugar and yeast, into a clean glass jar, then add the peeled and grated ginger. Lemon juice must be thoroughly mixed with ginger, granulated sugar and yeast until a homogeneous consistency is obtained. Cover this mixture with a lid and wait until the granulated sugar dissolves.

Then you need to add water to the jar with the ginger mixture, and then put the ale in a warm place for 2 days until the fermentation process starts. This recipe calls for a fermentation period of 24 to 48 hours, after which the ginger ale must be strained and refrigerated before serving.

The recipe for non-alcoholic ale with ginger and honey consists of:

  • 50 g fresh ginger;
  • 1 lemon;
  • 3 teaspoons honey;
  • 1 liter of mineral water.

In order to prepare the drink, you need to remove the zest from the lemon and combine it with finely grated peeled ginger. Then add honey to the lemon-ginger mixture and stir until it is completely dissolved. Leave this mixture to infuse, and after 10 minutes add mineral water to it. Cover the container with the prepared ale tightly and place in the refrigerator for at least 2 hours.

The recipe for ginger ale with raisins consists of:

  • 4 liters of cold water;
  • 200 g ginger root;
  • 3 lemons;
  • 0.5 kg sugar;
  • 100 g raisins.

This recipe requires painstaking and quite long work, but the result is worth it. In order to prepare this ginger ale, you need to place raisins in a liter jar, add the juice of 1 lemon along with the pulp, 2 teaspoons of sugar and 1 teaspoon of grated ginger. This entire mixture needs to be poured with 300 ml of water, covered with a thin cloth and left in a warm place for 3 days. After a given time, the mixture begins to ferment, and from that moment it must be “fed,” that is, add 2 teaspoons of sugar and 1 teaspoon of ginger every day for 7 days.

On the 10th day, add 0.5 kg of sugar to 600 ml of boiling water and stir until a clear syrup forms. Add the juice of the remaining lemons, stir and strain. Pour the resulting solution into the remaining water, mix thoroughly and pour into containers prepared in advance. Leave to brew for 4 days, then put in the refrigerator.

The recipe for ale with whiskey is also unusual. To prepare it you need:

  • 50 ml Scotch whiskey;
  • 150 ml previously prepared ginger ale;
  • half a lemon;
  • 200 g ice.

Fill a cocktail glass to the top with ice, pour in whiskey and ginger ale, squeeze in the juice of half a lemon. You can decorate the cocktail with lemon zest or mint leaves. It is appropriate to use this recipe when holding a warm friendly party.
In hot weather, a cool ginger drink serves as a direct salvation from thirst, because ginger gives a tonic effect, while lemon imparts pleasant freshness.

Ginger ale

Ginger ale is a refreshing, delicately sweet drink with a subtle ginger aroma. It is most often consumed in its pure form, but sometimes as an additional component to cocktails.

In addition to its taste, ginger ale has many beneficial qualities. It is recommended to be used for indigestion; it also soothes coughs and sore throats. As mentioned above, ginger ale is popular in mocktails. This helps out those people who do not drink alcohol, but also do not want to fight off the company. So let's quickly look at a couple of recipes on how to make ale.

Non-Alcoholic Ginger Ale Recipe


  • ginger root – 150 g;
  • granulated sugar – 4 tbsp. spoons;
  • lemon – 3 pcs.;
  • sparkling water – 3 l;
  • mint leaves - to taste.


How to make ginger ale at home? Take fresh ginger, peel it, grate it on a coarse grater and, without draining the resulting juice, mix thoroughly with granulated sugar. Then add finely grated lemon zest, mix and press the resulting mixture with something heavy for about 20 seconds. Next, we pass the peeled lemons through a juicer and add all the juice to our mixture. Fill with sparkling water and let the drink brew for about 10 minutes. Then, carefully taste it and, if it turns out too sour, add a little more sugar, and if it’s sweet, dilute it with lemon juice. Strain the finished drink and pour into glasses. Decorate the top with mint sprigs. On summer days, you can also add pieces of ice to the drink.

Alcoholic Ginger Ale Recipe


  • sugar – 1 tbsp;
  • ginger root – 30 g;
  • lemon juice – 0.5 tbsp;
  • dry yeast - ¼ teaspoon;
  • boiled cold water – 2 l.


How to make alcoholic ginger ale? So, take a clean 2-liter plastic bottle and, using a funnel, pour sugar and dry yeast into it. Then take fresh ginger root, peel and grate it on a fine grater. You should have about 2 tbsp. spoons of ginger puree. Carefully transfer the grated ginger into a faceted measuring cup and set aside.

Take a lemon, squeeze the juice out of it and add it to a glass with ginger. Mix the contents of the glass thoroughly until a homogeneous mass is obtained. Then add a little pre-boiled but cooled water and stir well. If you still want to make non-alcoholic ale, then at this step just add honey or sugar, mix and pour into glasses, garnishing with fresh mint. But to obtain alcoholic or fermented ginger ale, carefully pour the contents of the glass into a bottle with yeast and sugar. Close everything with a lid and shake well until the sugar is completely dissolved. Then we pour water into the bottle, leaving about 2 cm short of the neck. Now we put our drink in a warm place and wait 2 days for the ale to ferment. You can check the degree of fermentation in the following way: gently press the bottle with your finger and as soon as it becomes hard and does not press down, then fermentation is complete. This process usually takes 24 to 48 hours. After this, the alcoholic ginger ale is ready. Before drinking, strain the drink through a strainer or cheesecloth. One more nuance: before opening a bottle of ginger ale, it must be thoroughly cooled in the refrigerator in advance, otherwise the drink will simply splash out.

Pour the alcoholic drink into glasses, garnish with mint, cinnamon or orange zest and serve.

Ginger ale

We all know a huge number of types of beer. But among them there is one that stands apart - ginger ale (beer). This drink, in principle, only in color and foam can remind us of real beer. It is non-alcoholic in the classic version. But there are recipes that allow you to prepare it as an alcoholic drink. All this can be done at home without much difficulty. Your beer will differ from store-bought counterparts, only because it contains natural products. Ginger beer is a highly carbonated, sweet, brown drink with a strong ginger aroma. As a rule, it is drunk chilled in its pure form or added to strong alcoholic drinks (vodka, whiskey, gin). Ginger beer may taste like regular kvass, which may be a little sweeter. Instead of a malt base, it uses a mixture that consists of ginger, lemon and cane sugar. This drink was invented by the surgeon and American pharmacist Thomas Cantrell. The recipe for such beer first appeared in the 70s of the 19th century.

Non-alcoholic ginger beer recipe



Grate the ginger root and mix it with sugar. Add lemon juice and mix thoroughly. Pour our mixture with cold sparkling mineral water. Let it sit for 5 minutes. Then strain the ginger beer through cheesecloth, add mint and a few slices of lemon. Serve to the table.

Alcoholic ginger beer recipe


  • 25 g crushed ginger;
  • 400 g sugar;
  • 150 ml white wine;
  • 4 liters of water;
  • 15 g dry yeast.


Mix ginger with wine and sugar, add hot water and let cool to 30°C. Add dry yeast. When fermentation is noticeable, after about 2-3 hours, pour ginger beer into a bottle and place it under a water seal (alternatively, you can put a medical glove on the bottle and make a hole in one of the fingers). We filter our drink through cheesecloth after 2 days. Pour it into bottles, close the lids tightly and put it in the refrigerator. After one day in the refrigerator, the ginger ale is ready to drink. It foams like real beer thanks to carbon dioxide.

Jamaican ginger ale


  • 30 g cream of tartar;
  • 100 g ginger;
  • 2 kg cane sugar;
  • 4 lemons;
  • package of brewer's yeast.


Mix chopped lemon with skins, grated ginger, sugar and cream of tartar. Then cook this mixture for half an hour on low heat for half an hour. Cool to room temperature and add yeast. The mixture ferments for a day. Then we pour it into another container and leave it until fully ripe.

A little about the features of ginger beer:

  1. The second name for ginger beer is ginger lemonade.
  2. Pairs well with whiskey.
  3. Non-alcoholic ginger beer is often drunk by characters from the Harry Potter books.
  4. Used to treat headaches, coughs and indigestion.

Ginger beer

Ginger ale or, in other words, non-alcoholic homemade ginger beer is an excellent cooling and tonic drink. Buying a ready-made drink in a store can be problematic, so it’s best to prepare it at home. It perfectly quenches thirst and is good for digestion. Let's look at how to make ginger ale.

Ginger Ale Recipe


  • fresh ginger root – 150 g;
  • sparkling mineral water – 3 l;
  • sugar – 4 tbsp. spoons;
  • lemon – 3 pcs.;
  • fresh mint - to taste.


So, to prepare ginger ale, take ginger root, peel it, grate it on a coarse grater and, without draining the juice, sprinkle it with sugar. Next, add the lemon zest, mix everything well and press down on top with something heavy for about 20 seconds. After this, carefully pour in the juice squeezed from the lemons, add sparkling mineral water and let the mixture brew for 15 minutes. Strain the finished drink, take a sample: if you think it’s too sour, add a little more sugar, and if, on the contrary, it’s sweet, dilute it with lemon juice. Now pour the homemade ginger beer into tall glass glasses and garnish with sprigs of fresh mint if desired.

Ginger beer - recipe


  • granulated sugar - 1 tbsp.;
  • fresh ginger root – 100 g;
  • lemon – 1 pc.;
  • granulated baker's yeast - 0.5 teaspoon;
  • fresh water – 2.5 l.


We take a plastic three-liter bottle of mineral water, wash it, dry it, insert a funnel into the neck and through it carefully, so as not to spill it, add granulated baker's yeast. Grate fresh ginger root on a fine grater, mix with the juice of one lemon and grind with a spoon until a homogeneous paste is obtained. We introduce the resulting mixture into the bottle: if it does not pass through the funnel, dilute it a little with water.

Add the remaining water, close the bottle with a lid and shake its contents thoroughly. Shake the bottle until the yeast and sugar are completely dissolved. We put the bottle in a dark, warm place for about 30 hours. The readiness of homemade beer with ginger can be checked by simply squeezing the bottle; if this creates dents, the drink is not ready yet. Before drinking, cool the ale thoroughly and open it slowly, gradually releasing the gas.

For lovers of non-alcoholic ginger drinks, we recommend trying the ginger tea recipe.

Recipe: Ginger Ale | Beer, brewing and beer mania.

All the ingredients for the ale are assembled!

A few comments on ingredients:

  • Today I’m making 5 liters of ginger ale, so there are 2-2.5 times more ingredients in the photo.
  • Ginger root is sold in stores and is quite inexpensive.
  • I use Saf Levure yeast for three reasons: it is proven, it is sold in many places, and only from this company have I seen yeast for drinks (blue packaging). But regular (red) baker's yeast works just fine, so whatever you find, use it.
  • You can also use regular sugar; it is needed for two things: so that the yeast has something to eat and process into alcohol, and also simply for sweetness. But reed, in my opinion, is significantly better. I buy foreign cane sugar, because in our country there is no GOST for such a concept, and you can often buy regular colored sugar, which you put in tea.
  • Be sure to boil water from the tap or from a household filter, and then cool it so that it is no more than 30-40 degrees; at higher temperatures, the yeast will die. I'm too lazy to boil and cool, so I use store-bought still water.

Let's start making ginger ale.

The first step is to wash the lemon and ginger well. Set aside the lemon for now and peel the ginger as you peel potatoes. Then rinse again.

Peeled the ginger and threw the skin into the trash

The next part can be done using a food processor, maybe a blender. I have neither one nor the other, so I use a fine grater. The smallest one that crumbles, or with small round holes - it doesn’t matter, with holes it’s easier because The ginger fibers constantly cling to the grater, but the effect is the same - I tested it. During the process, you can take a tablespoon and measure out how much you have already grated, otherwise I grated twice as much as necessary the first time.

Fork to the rescue

When there is a small piece left, and some pieces of ginger are quite small, to protect your fingers, use a fork, as shown in the photo above.

This is the ginger mass you get

Now it's the lemons' turn. For 2 liters, I use half, as stated in the recipe, or a whole lemon. Sometimes the lemon is small, sometimes it’s just a shame to throw it away. In general, it won’t get any worse, but it’s always better to follow the recipe. We only need juice from the lemon; for this purpose I have a miracle meat grinder, which with a flick of the hand turns into an elegant citrus juicer. If there is nothing at all, then insert a knife with a narrow blade perpendicular to the cut of the lemon so that it is stuck approximately in the middle and press manually - this way the main amount of juice will flow down the knife, and it will be easier for you to press when the pulp rests against the hard knife surface. Remember that you are working with a sharp object, so be careful and control your movements.

I leave the pulp in the juicer, I also throw it into the juice, you don’t have to throw it in

Squeeze the lemon into an empty container, and then add the previously grated ginger to the resulting juice. Then we set this container aside - let them make friends a little. Let's move on to water, sugar and yeast.

Set aside the ginger and juice, time for the rest of the ingredients

To make it more convenient, I poured water from a five-liter canister into a large saucepan. We won’t cook anything, I just mix all the ingredients already in a container, and then add water - it’s easier for me.

Pour sugar into an empty canister. The photo shows white sugar in a bottle - I forgot that this time I put 5 liters and bought 500 grams. sugar - 2 cups, instead of the prescribed three. I had to add a glass of regular one.

All the sugar in the bottle

Sprinkle yeast on top of sugar. Remember that a teaspoon is prepared for 5 liters, for 2 liters 1/4 teaspoon is enough. If the yeast eats too much sugar, it will make a nasty brew.

Add yeast to sugar

That's all ready, now it's like with an invite: just add water

Actually, we have nothing to wait for, fill the contents of the bottle with water, leaving 3 centimeters free to the lid, screw the lid tightly and shake thoroughly until all the sugar has dissolved. You can, of course, wait until it melts and then shake it a couple of times to stir, but almost a kilo of sugar will take a long time to melt, and 250 grams too, and we still have to wait for the final stage - the water seal.

Place the ginger ale under the water seal

Let me explain, just in case, what a water seal is and why it is needed. During the fermentation process, ale can actively release carbon dioxide, which sooner or later can simply burst your bottle if you do not give it a way out. But the difficulty here is that upon contact with oxygen, the fermentation products turn into vinegar instead of alcohol. Therefore, we have to kill two birds with one stone: vent excess gases and keep oxygen out. To do this, a fairly simple valve design is used, called a water seal. You can buy it in a store, or you can simply make it at home yourself.

To make a simple water seal, we need a tube from a medical dropper (sold in pharmacies, sterile), a cap from our bottle and a container partially filled with water - I use another bottle. We make holes in the cap of a bottle of ginger ale with a diameter slightly smaller than the pipe and manage to insert one into the other. Do it right the first time if you don't have spare caps. The goal is for air to flow only into the tube and not leak into the cracks between it and the lid. We twist our ale with a lid with straws, and lower their other ends into an auxiliary container with water so that under no circumstances do the straws come out of the water.

Everything is ready, there are only 4 days of agonizing waiting ahead

Since I have thin tubes, just in case, I made 2 holes and two tubes for more efficient gas removal. I’m not a pro yet and I can’t explain why, but it happens that with absolutely the same recipe and storage conditions, one batch of ale ferments intensely and bubbles with a water seal, like a steam locomotive, while not a bubble escapes from the tubes of another.

In this form, we put the ginger ale somewhere where it won’t be knocked over by household members. There he will stand for the next two days. There is no need to let it ferment longer, the yeast will eat up all the sugar and you will end up with a bitter mash.

After 2 days, remove the water seal and put the ale in the refrigerator for another two days. Carefully! When opened, there may be a violent reaction to contact with oxygen. Be prepared to close the lid as you would with a shaken soda.

Another feature that makes it worth making ale in 2-liter bottles is that not everyone has space in their refrigerator to accommodate a 5-liter canister. After two days in the refrigerator, you must pour the finished ginger ale into any other container (even the same canister), passing it through cheesecloth. After which the ale can already be drunk, but I like to leave it for another day or two, then it becomes highly carbonated and more tasty, in my opinion.

I hope you enjoy my ginger ale recipe, although it has a very specific taste.

What is ale? Ginger ale? Is this beer or not?


Types and brands of ales:

Light Ale
Mild Ale
India pale ale
Barley wine (Barley wine)
Brown ale
Old ale


ale is always beer

Denis Tereshchenko

Beer analogue, alcohol

Alexander Tulenkov

El beer in English. They make it from the same thing as beer!


This is something similar to beer, but it will be stronger. The thing is delicious.


such a booze. A K


This is Schweppes

Alena Lyakh

Ale (eng. ale) is a strong, bitter beer produced by rapid top fermentation at a relatively high temperature.
Ale has been known in England since at least the 15th century. , a similar drink without hops was brewed back in the 7th century.

Crafting recipe

Ingredients for 5 gallons:
3 and 3/4 pounds cane sugar
3 and 3/4 ounces grated fresh ginger root
1 ounce cream of tartar
4 lemons, quartered
1 packet ale yeast


Ginger Ale is a sweet, highly carbonated drink with the aroma of ginger.
Used pure or as a component of a cocktail with strong alcohol (vodka, gin, whiskey). In film production, it is used as a visual substitute for real beer to prevent actors from getting drunk.
Crafting recipe
Jamaican Ginger Ale (Boston Brewing Company recipe, no longer brewed).
Ingredients for 5 gallons:
* 3 and 3/4 pounds cane sugar
* 3 and 3/4 ounces grated fresh ginger root
* 1 ounce cream of tartar
* 4 lemons, quartered
* 1 packet of ale yeast
Cook all ingredients over low heat for 30 minutes. Cool to 17°C and add yeast. Leave to ferment for 24 hours, then strain. Allow to ripen until fermentation is complete.
It tastes like Soviet Buratino.
The drink was invented in the 70s of the 19th century.
In Russia, Ginger Ales are presented under the Evervess and Schweppes brands.

Tired of coffee and tea?! Are juices and fruit drinks not making you happy?! Make some ginger ale! This light, effervescent, moderately spicy drink will literally become a breath of freshness and taste in a series of monotonous tea and coffee everyday life.

We will prepare ginger ale in two versions at once. Let's prepare a low-alcohol and quick, non-alcoholic version of the drink. Shall we begin?!

Prepare the ingredients according to the list.

Peel the ginger (it’s easiest to use a regular spoon for this) and grate the root.

To prepare a low-alcohol version of the drink: boil 2 liters of water. Once the water boils, turn off the heat and add grated ginger and sugar. Mix everything thoroughly until the sugar dissolves.

Add lemon juice, mix everything again and cool to a temperature of 36-38 degrees.

Then add the yeast.

Stir and pour the drink into plastic bottles, leaving 2-3 cm to the neck of the bottle. Ideally, bottles should be darkened and made of thick plastic.

Infusing ale in plastic bottles, in addition to convenience, also has practical significance - by the hardness of the bottle you can monitor the degree of readiness of the drink. After filling the bottle with the drink and screwing the cap tightly on, squeeze the bottle with your fingers - at this stage it is pliable and compresses quite easily.

Leave the drink at room temperature for one to two days. After just a few hours, the bottle will become harder to the touch - this means that the fermentation process inside is in full swing. When the bottle becomes completely hard, place the drink in the refrigerator for further aging and storage. General recommendation: keep the drink for another 3-4 days before drinking.

Strain the finished drink and bottle it again - in a few hours it will be ready for tasting.

Ginger ale made with this recipe typically contains about 2% alcohol.

Now let's prepare a faster and no less tasty version of the drink - non-alcoholic ginger ale.

Place the grated ginger root in a small container. Add sugar and lemon juice.

Pour in about 1 cup of sparkling water and mix everything thoroughly until the sugar dissolves. Leave the mixture for 5-10 minutes to infuse. Then strain the mixture and squeeze out the cake.

Add a few slices of lemon to the pitcher or serving container and, if desired, some mint or basil.

Pour in the concentrated ginger mixture and then dilute it with sparkling water to suit your taste. Stir lightly and serve the drink.

Ginger ale is ready!

    Here's what you'll need to make ginger ale the old-fashioned way:

    • 1 cup (225 g) sugar
    • 2 tablespoons (30 g) grated ginger root
    • Juice of one lemon
    • 1/4 teaspoon (1.6 g) fresh granulated yeast
    • Cold clean water
  1. Add 1 cup of sugar to the bottle through a dry funnel. Leave the funnel in place until you have completed all the steps and are ready to close the bottle.

    Measure out 1/4 teaspoon fresh granulated active baker's yeast. Use any product you find at the health food store.

    Add yeast through a funnel into the bottle. Shake the bottle to mix the sugar and yeast.

    Finely grate 2 tablespoons of ginger root. Use the finest grater.

    Place the grated ginger in a measuring cup.

    Squeeze the juice from a whole lemon. Lemon is important for keeping pH levels low and preventing unwanted microorganisms. If you don't like lemon, try grapefruit juice instead.

    Add the juice of a whole lemon to the grated ginger.

    Mix lemon juice and grated ginger to form a paste and then add to the bottle. The mixture may get stuck in the funnel. Don't worry, the following steps will push it through.

    Rinse the container containing the lemon juice and grated ginger with fresh, clean water. Add this water to the bottle.

    Close the cap and shake the bottle. This helps activate the yeast and starts the carbonation process.

    Refill the bottle up to the neck with fresh, cool, clean water. Leave about 2.5cm of space and then screw the plug in tightly. Free space is necessary for the gases that will be produced during the fermentation process. Turn the bottle over several times to thoroughly dissolve the sugar.

    • Check the bottom of the bottle, as sugar has a tendency to linger in small pockets. The ginger root, of course, will not dissolve.
  2. Place the ginger ale in a warm place for 24-48 hours. Heat is necessary for the yeast to ferment the drink. But don't forget about him! Fermenting too long will greatly increase the alcohol concentration and the flavor will change greatly.

    Check to see if the carbonation process is complete by squeezing the bottle firmly with your thumb. If it is pressed in as in the illustration, then the process is not finished yet. The fermentation process releases carbon dioxide (as in lemonades), which fills the bottle and makes it difficult to squeeze.

    Once the bottle becomes difficult to squeeze, usually after 24-48 hours of fermentation, place it in the refrigerator. Leave in the refrigerator at least overnight to ensure the drink is properly chilled before opening. Open the cap on the bottle slowly because you don't want to get sprayed with ginger ale!

    On the stove

    1. Gather all the necessary ingredients. Here's what you'll need to make ginger ale on the stovetop:

    • 40 g finely grated fresh ginger
    • 170 g sugar
    • 7 1/2 cups (1.7 L) filtered water
    • 1/8 teaspoon (0.5 g) dry yeast
    • 2 tablespoons (30 g) freshly squeezed lemon juice

      Take a large, 2-liter saucepan. Place over medium heat and add grated ginger, sugar and 1/2 cup (110 ml) water. Stir until the sugar is completely dissolved. This will take a few minutes, so be patient.

      Once the sugar has dissolved, remove the pan from the heat. Set it aside, cover with a lid and let sit for 1 hour. Resist the urge to work on the mixture; you can't touch it now.

      Strain the syrup. The easiest way to do this is to pour the syrup into a bowl through a fine sieve. Press down on the pieces to squeeze out all the juice from the mixture. Once you have collected all the liquid, place the bowl in an ice bath or in the refrigerator until the mixture reaches room temperature of 20-22°C.

      Prepare the funnel. Place it on a clean plastic 2-liter bottle and pour in the syrup. Then add the yeast, lemon juice and the remaining 7 cups of water. Carefully cap the bottle and shake gently to combine the ingredients. Let the ale steep for 48 hours at room temperature.

      • But not longer! If you leave it too long, the taste will become bitter due to fermentation of the yeast.
    1. Open. Open the lid slightly and make sure by the characteristic sound that the carbonation process is complete. If so, put the bottle in the refrigerator, and if the process is not completed, wait a little longer.

      • Store in the refrigerator for up to 2 weeks, opening the bottle at least once daily to release excess gas. Otherwise, the pressure will build up and the bottle may explode.

    Soft drink

    1. Gather all the necessary ingredients. Here's what you'll need to make non-alcoholic ginger ale:

    • 1 cup (200 g) peeled, finely chopped ginger
    • 2 cups (450 ml) water
    • 1 cup (225 g) sugar
    • 1 cup (225 ml) water
    • 1/2 cup (115 ml) soda water (per cup)
    • A few drops of lime juice
    • Lime slices (for garnish)

      Bring 2 cups of water to a boil in a saucepan. Add peeled and finely chopped ginger. Reduce heat to medium-low and simmer mixture for 5 minutes.

      • Remove from heat and leave for 20 minutes. But not longer, otherwise the mixture will become too hot.
    1. Strain the liquid through a fine sieve. Discard the ginger pieces. The water should taste like ginger, so you won't need the root itself.

      In a separate saucepan, prepare simple syrup. Dissolve 1 cup granulated sugar in 1 cup boiling water. Dissolve the sugar completely and set aside.

      Mix 1/2 cup ginger water with 1/3 cup simple syrup and 1/2 cup soda water. This amount of ingredients will be required for each glass of drink. Add a few drops of fresh lemon juice and a wedge of lime to each glass. Serve chilled and enjoy!

    • You can, of course, adjust the amount of sugar to your liking. Please note that adding lemon (step 7) is not necessary, but is recommended to prevent bacteria. If you want a spicier drink, you can increase the amount of grated ginger.
    • As an alternative way to extract ginger flavor, simmer a piece of well-peeled root in water for an hour. This will give a golden brown hue. Start with 20g of ginger root per 2 liters of water and vary the amount to suit your taste.
    • Fermentation has been used by humans for thousands of years to make bread, wine and beer. Carbon dioxide raises bread dough and produces gas in fizzy drinks. Yeast and sugar are used to carbonate drinks, including champagne.
    • Use clean fermentation containers. You can use various powdered disinfectants for cleaning.
    • You can replace most of the sugar with artificial sweeteners, but use at least 2-3 tablespoons (28-42 grams) of natural sugar. This amount is sufficient for the carbonization process.
    • Strain the ginger ale through a sieve if you don't like chunks of ginger floating in it. If you don't do this, the ginger will spill out into the first glass or two, and most of it will sink to the bottom and end up in the last glass of the drink. Wash bottles immediately after consuming all ginger ale.
    • You can personalize your ginger ale by creating your own bottle label and display it proudly in the center of your dining table.


    • Do not leave Ready ginger ale in a warm place longer than expected. Keeping the drink in a warm place for more than 2 days, especially in the summer when the temperature is higher, can create sufficient pressure to bottle explosion. A refrigerated bottle is less likely to explode.
    • When using the first two recipes you will get an alcoholic drink. The amount of alcohol in the finished product after 2 - 3 days of fermentation will be negligible, however, if the drink is left for several days, it will continue to ferment until all the sugar has disappeared and the alcohol content will be significantly higher. The drink will not taste like ginger ale. Please also note that in some regions the consumption of alcoholic beverages is prohibited by law.
    • Do not buy Brewer's yeast, as it is usually inactive yeast left over from the brewing process. This is dead yeast. For best results, purchase yeast from a beer and wine supply store.

Many people want to know how to make ale. Ale is a bitter-sweet, dark-colored alcoholic drink that is prepared using top-fermenting yeast, barley malt and a special mixture of herbs for preservation. Currently, ale is produced in the USA, England, Belgium and Ireland.

Scottish ale recipe

To make ale, we need:

  • 2. 1 kg of dry light malt;
  • 227 grams of crystal malt;
  • 57 grams of Munich malt;
  • 99 grams of chocolate malt;
  • 227 grams of brown sugar;
  • 113 grams of dextrin powder;
  • 1/2 tsp. gypsum;
  • 3/4 tsp salt;
  • 57 grams of hops (Bittering, Fuggle or Willamette);
  • 28 grams of aroma hops (Northern-Brewer);
  • 22 liters of water;
  • 3/4 cup sugar;
  • 14 grams of ale yeast.

How to make Scotch ale?

  1. To make ale, the malt soaked in water needs to be heated to 66 degrees and left in a warm place for about an hour.
  2. Then place a colander on a saucepan, discard the grains and rinse well with hot water. All liquid must be used in further preparation.
  3. Gypsum, dry malt, brown sugar, salt and ale dextrin should be dissolved in 7.5-8 liters of water and boiled.
  4. Add the first variety of hops and brown malt and boil for about half an hour. Lastly, add the fragrant hops.
  5. To prepare ale, the resulting liquid must be cooled to 20-25 degrees and yeast must be added. Then the liquid should be poured into a sterile container, filling it 2/3 full. Seal tightly and leave to ferment for five to seven days.
  6. The finished ale must be carefully poured into another container, being careful not to stir up the resulting sediment. To prepare our ale without sediment, you can do this in two stages with an interval of one to two days. Then you need to boil the sugar and add it to the beer.
  7. Pour the ale into bottles, close and leave some free space under the lid. You can try our ale in one to three weeks.

Ginger ale recipe

In order to make ale, we need:

  • about 400 grams of fresh ginger;
  • 1.5 cups sugar;
  • two glasses of water;
  • two bottles of sparkling water;
  • lime.

How to make ginger ale?

  1. To make this ale recipe, sprinkle thinly sliced ​​ginger with lime juice. Then heat water in a saucepan, add ginger to it and cook for about five minutes.
  2. Then turn off the fire, close the saucepan with a lid and leave for half an hour - an hour.
  3. After that, the ginger ale needs to be filtered through a thick, good filter. Pour the strained liquid back into the saucepan, add sugar and cook over medium heat until the sugar is completely dissolved. Then remove the saucepan from the heat, cool and place in the refrigerator.
  4. Before serving, our ale can be topped with sparkling water, lime slices, ice, and mint leaves added. Now you know how to make ginger ale. Enjoy your meal!

In modern times, there are many alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks, among which ginger ale is very popular. It is a type of beer that is produced by rapid top fermentation at high temperatures, and the history of the appearance of this recipe dates back to the Middle Ages. The drink comes in a variety of variations; one of these drinks is ginger ale. If you have never consumed this drink, then you may have many questions, for example: what is ginger beer, what properties does it have, and, probably the most common, how to make ginger ale at home. To get answers to all questions, let’s turn to the origins of the production of this drink.

The history of ginger beer

Ginger ale is a highly carbonated drink that has a sweet taste and a slight aroma of ginger root. You can drink ginger beer either in its pure form or as part of an alcoholic cocktail. You can make ginger ale either with the addition of alcohol or as a tonic drink - non-alcoholic.

Composition of ginger beer

The original ginger drink recipe includes ginger root, sugar, lemon juice, water and yeast. The mixture was left to ferment for several days, after which an excellent ginger beer was obtained. In addition to these components, you can add honey, lime, tea tree petals and fruits to the drink. Like regular beer, ginger ale can be light or dark with a bright aroma.

Properties of the drink

Ginger Ale is a predominantly low-alcohol (0.5-2%) highly carbonated drink that has a pronounced ginger aroma. It should be noted that despite the name due to the technology and composition of production, ginger beer does not belong to traditional brewing, where ale is a type of top-fermented beer.

They drink ginger ale very chilled, in this form it perfectly quenches thirst, or hot like coffee or tea, this drink helps against colds and can restore strength.

You can also make many cocktails using ginger beer, with the addition of vodka, rum, whiskey, and gin. The optimal proportions are considered to be 1:1 or 1:2, that is, for one part of ale there are two parts of alcoholic beverage.

The American baker Thomas Cantrell is considered the creator of the famous ginger ale; the first recipe for this drink appeared in the 70s of the 19th century. But it gained particular popularity in the United States during Prohibition and was one of the most popular drinks, because it was alcoholic beverages that were added to it for camouflage.

Classic Ginger Ale Recipe

To prepare you will need:

  • 5 cm ginger root;
  • 300 ml water;
  • 10 tbsp. l. Sahara;
  • 2 medium sized lemons;
  • 3-5 grams of dry yeast.

You can use different amounts of sugar as you wish. A dark ale with a pronounced aroma is obtained by using black ginger root, while light ginger produces a more balanced drink.


First, rinse the ginger root and grate it on a fine grater. Boil water, remove pan from heat, add sugar and ginger, mix thoroughly. Then you need to squeeze the juice from the lemons. Cool the mixture to room temperature, add lemon juice and diluted yeast according to instructions.
Pour the resulting liquid into a two-liter plastic bottle (it is not recommended to use a glass bottle due to the risk of rupture), and fill the space that remains in the bottle with water, leaving 2-3 cm of free space, then close it tightly with a stopper. Transfer the vessel to a dark place for 2-3 days, the room temperature should be 18-25 C.
As soon as the bottle becomes hard, it will need to be moved to the refrigerator for aging for 3-5 days.

After this time, open the bottle carefully, filter through gauze, pour into containers in which you will store and seal them tightly. And after 2-3 hours you can invite your friends and taste your ginger ale, prepared at home.

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