Proper feeding of puppies. Feeding a toy terrier correctly, what is possible and what is not allowed, what to give to a puppy

When a small pet appears in the house, the question arises: what to feed a puppy? In this article, the “Dai Paw” website will not only tell you what you can and cannot feed your puppy, but also give recommendations on how to feed the puppy correctly and how much to feed it. All this is divided into different age categories, because the list of products available for feeding dogs expands as the pet grows older.

In addition to natural food, ready-made food will also be mentioned (at what age can you give dry food to a puppy, which brands are best to choose).

What to feed a one-month-old puppy

At such a young age, the animal may still be fed its mother's milk, but the diet available to it has already expanded significantly. The main food for a one-month-old puppy is milk (goat milk is best, its composition is almost the same as that of a dog). If you give your baby cow's milk, you can add a raw egg to it (only a quarter-fifth of an egg). At 1 month, the puppy can already eat low-fat cottage cheese, about 20 g per day.

What you cannot feed a one-month-old puppy is fish in any form. But you should already start giving meat, but only in the form of minced meat and very little (first half a teaspoon per day, after a few days the portion should be doubled, then doubled again. At the age of 1 month, you can start giving the puppy vegetables (only boiled and pureed and in small quantities).

How many times should you feed a one month old puppy?

After reaching the age of 1 month, the number of feedings of the puppy should be reduced to six times a day. For example, the feeding schedule will look like this:

  • at 7:00 - cottage cheese or oatmeal with milk;
  • at 10:00 - porridge with meat and vegetables;
  • at 13:00 - milk;
  • at 16:00 - porridge with meat and vegetables;
  • 19:00 - porridge with milk or milk;
  • at 22:00 - meat.

The time schedule may fluctuate, but at the end of the day it is better to give meat, so the puppy will sleep better and go to the toilet less. By the way, change the cereal for porridge from time to time, and the baby’s night’s sleep should last at least 6 hours.

The little one just ate cottage cheese. Photo by teas Smith.

What to feed a 1.5 month old puppy

First of all, a 1.5 month old puppy can be fed everything already listed above for a one month old baby. This is minced meat, various porridges (rice, semolina, crushed oatmeal), cooked vegetables pureed. You can also give your dog fresh raw liver (a source of iron and vitamins) in small portions. Food should be given warmed up (up to about 40 degrees), so that it is neither cold nor hot. Food should always be fresh; you cannot cook one porridge and then feed it for several days.

How many times to feed a puppy 1.5 months

At the age of 1.5 months, we still feed the puppy 6 times a day, according to the same schedule as a month-old baby. We have provided an approximate schedule above. Give the puppy 15 minutes to eat; if during this time he has not eaten everything, remove the rest. This way, there will be no problem with overfeeding and the pet will get used to discipline (that you need to eat no longer than 15 minutes).

After the puppy reaches 2 months of age, the number of feedings should be reduced to five, and it’s time to add fish to his diet. Make fish meatballs (from cod, pollock) - pass the fish along with the bones through an electric meat grinder; you can add boiled rice, boiled grated carrots and other vegetables to the minced meat. Make meatballs and cook them in boiling water for several minutes.

In addition to everything previous, at the age of 3.5 months, it is time for the puppy to start giving cartilage and soft calf bones. This is because the baby’s teeth begin to change and in order for the jaws and bite to form correctly, it is recommended to give the above. Let us note that at this age you should not take bones or toys from the baby’s mouth, since you can ruin the structure of his teeth. All new teeth usually grow in by the age of six months, and while the teeth are growing, the puppy may not eat well, be lethargic, and may even have a fever.

How many times should I feed a puppy for 3 months?

The number of feedings can already be reduced from five to four times a day. For example, the feeding schedule will be like this: at 7:00, 12:00, 17:00 and 22:00.

“Aren’t you feeding me? Then here it is for you!” - Sydney thought and dealt with the mistress’s slipper.

How many times should you feed your puppy?

At different ages, the number of feedings is different. How many times to feed a puppy at 1 month, at 2 months, etc. see the plate below. The feeding schedule is approximate, it can be slightly adjusted to suit you (for convenience).

Puppy age How many times to feed Feeding schedule
Up to 2 months 6 times a day At 7:00, 10:00, 13:00, 16:00, 19:00, 22:00
2 to 3 months 5 times a day At 7:00, 10:00, 14:00, 18:00, 22:00
3 to 4 months 4 times a day At 7:00, 12:00, 17:00, 22:00
4 to 6 months 3-4 times a day At 7:00, 12:00, 17:00, 22:00
From 6 to 10 months 3 times a day At 7:00, 13:00, 21:00
From 10 months 2 times a day At 7:00, 21:00

How much to feed a puppy

If we can tell you what to feed the puppy and how many times to feed it, then only you can determine how much to feed the puppy. After all, everything here is very individual and depends on the breed; if, for example, a Chihuahua, even at 10 months, is no larger than a cat, then a German Shepherd puppy will already grow many times larger. In general, when feeding homemade food, determine the portions yourself; everything that the dog has not eaten in 15 minutes is unnecessary and should be removed. When feeding with dry food, everything is simpler, because the feeding rate is indicated on the package, but more on that a little later.

What can you feed your puppy?

The list of feeding products depends on the age of the pet. Let's summarize: a month-old puppy can have goat's milk, cow's milk with the addition of eggs and white bread, a little low-fat cottage cheese. At 1.5 months, minced meat and cereal porridge (with milk or with minced meat and boiled vegetables) are added to these products, and after 2 months of age, sea fish is added (to make meatballs from it). After four months, the baby can already do almost everything, the main thing is natural (not fried, salted). But we’ll talk about what you shouldn’t feed your puppy below; be sure to check out the list of undesirable foods.

What not to feed a puppy

We already know what you can feed your puppy, but you should also know what you can’t feed your puppy. There aren't that many junk foods, so they're easy to remember. These include:

  • raw river fish and raw chicken;
  • sausage, sausages, hard bones;
  • everything smoked and salted, also pickled;
  • fried beef and pork;
  • sweets (sweets, cakes, etc.);
  • anything with spicy seasonings;
  • anything with ketchup or mayonnaise (salads from the table).

In general, food for a puppy should be as natural as possible. Remember, proper nutrition will protect your pet from many digestive problems, and although we have already talked about how to treat diarrhea in dogs, it is better to prevent it. Only with proper feeding can a small puppy grow into a completely healthy and strong dog.

Dry food for puppies

The first question is: at what age can a puppy be given dry food? It is possible from the age of one month, but then the food should be soaked. When the baby already has teeth, he will be able to eat dry food without soaking it. The main thing is that if you feed your puppy dry food, be sure to take only high-quality food!

No Pedigris or Friskas - this is an economy of feed made from food industry waste. Even the popular ones we would not recommend because they are of average quality. Good dry food for puppies is Orijen, GO and Now Fresh, as well as other super premium and holistic foods.

The health and physical activity of any pet, including a dog, depend not only on the conditions of detention, but also on proper feeding, so it is extremely important to provide the puppy with the correct regime and high-quality diet from the very first days.

General rules for feeding puppies

As a rule, significant problems associated with the dog’s health are provoked by flaws in feeding, as well as a pronounced violation of the basic principles of the diet.

It is imperative to take into account that feeding the puppy, regardless of its age or breed characteristics, is required strictly after a walk. Along with other predatory animals, the dog completely digests and absorbs food well only in a state of complete rest. Walking your pet after eating can cause stomach problems that will require urgent surgery.

Bowls with food and water should be stable and placed on a special, comfortable stand. It is advisable to place the bowls at the same level as the pet’s chest, which will allow the dog to form the most correct posture. It is best to purchase lifting stands that are adjustable in height throughout the entire growth period of the animal. If the puppy places its hind legs under its body while eating, then you should persistently, but not roughly, pull them back, thus developing the correct stance.

This is interesting! Any food for a four-legged pet should not be very hot, but not too cold. It is optimal to provide natural food feed at room temperature and of medium consistency.

How many times a day should you feed your puppy?

As a rule, depending on the breed characteristics and the chosen feeding method, the feeding schedule may vary slightly. Some experts believe that a puppy can be easily switched to an adult food regimen as early as eight months.

Puppy age (months) Number of feedings per day Feeding mode
from 1 to 2 6 7:00, 10:00, 13:00, 16:00, 19:00 and 22:00
from 2 to 3 5 7:00, 10:00, 14:00, 18:00 and 22:00
from 3 to 4 4 7:00, 12:00, 17:00 and 22:00
from 4 to 6 3-4 7:00, 12:00, 17:00 and 22:00
from 6 to 10 3 7:00, 13:00 and 21:00
over 10 2 7:00 and 21:00

The belly of a freshly fed puppy should in no case look like it is too tight and stuffed, or like a big barrel. This appearance of the abdomen is evidence of severe overfeeding and a signal that the portion of food must be reduced.

Diet depending on age

The basis for creating a complete diet is the rule: the younger the puppy is, the more food is given to him per day. Regardless of the age of the pet, the diet must be completely balanced and must satisfy all the requirements of the growing body.

From the age of three weeks, it is imperative to give the puppy clean and high-quality drinking water, which should be poured into a special bowl or stable drinking bowl. It is very important to replace the water in the sippy cup with fresh water, but not too cold, about three times a day. If the puppy is cheerful and active, and positive dynamics of weight gain and growth are recorded, then the pet is developing absolutely normally.

What to feed a 1 month old puppy

In the first one and a half to two months, the basis of any puppy’s diet is mother’s milk. If the litter is too large or the amount of milk from the bitch is insufficient to provide all puppies with adequate nutrition, then professional breeders and veterinarians recommend the early introduction of complementary foods from the age of two to three weeks.

To three parts of sterilized cow or goat milk, add one part of 20% cream, as well as raw quail eggs at the rate of two or three pieces per liter of the prepared mixture. The mass is thoroughly mixed, after which the milk-egg mixture is given to the puppy warm.

This is interesting! As a rule, for the purpose of complete complementary feeding, special factory-made mixtures are used, which are as close in composition as possible to natural dog milk.

What to feed a puppy for 2 months

Starting from two months, mother's milk is replaced by so-called “adult” food. This period is characterized by very intense growth processes of the puppy, as well as the need to receive a large amount of energy. Up to three months of age, a puppy can be fed dry ready-made food soaked in warm boiled water, at the rate of 100 grams of granules per one and a half glasses of liquid.

The basis of a puppy’s natural diet at this age must be high-quality lean meat, low-fat meat broth, as well as wheat, oatmeal, rice and buckwheat. Starting from the age of two months, your pet should be given fermented milk products such as not too sour and fatty kefir, fermented baked milk or organic yogurt. Cottage cheese must be mixed with a small amount of whey before giving it to your pet. Boiled or stewed vegetables have a very positive effect on the growing body.

Important! If there is even the slightest doubt about the quality characteristics of the meat, then it is necessary to freeze the protein food well or pour boiling water over it immediately before feeding the puppy.

Feeding a 3 month old puppy

Starting from three months, food is given, as a rule, four times a day. Cottage cheese, vegetable soups and chopped lean meat are very suitable for feeding at this age. It is recommended to add mineral supplements and essential vitamins intended for young puppies.

At about the age of three and a half months, the puppy begins to naturally change teeth, so in order to form a correct bite and strong jaws, it is advisable to give your pet soft veal bones, cartilage and crackers. The basic requirements of hygiene should not be neglected, so brushing your teeth should be done regularly, only with special pastes and toothbrushes.

Important! During the period of teeth change, the puppy’s body temperature often rises, so the animal may become lethargic and apathetic, as well as completely or partially lose its appetite for some time.

What to feed a puppy from 6 months

From six months of age, the puppy enters the stage of intensive development and growth, so it is at this age that the pet’s need for complete protein food of animal origin, as well as an increased amount of fiber, various vitamins and essential minerals, increases significantly.

The amount of lean meat in a pet's daily diet should be approximately 50-60%. Also, the diet of natural food must include approximately 15-20%, 25-35% of cereals and cereals. It is advisable to add a small amount of vegetable or butter to vegetable puree, which will significantly increase the nutritional value of the finished dish, and also improve its digestibility by the animal’s body.

Diet depending on breed

It is important to note that, regardless of the breed, it is necessary to feed the puppy strictly at the same time, but the food should remain in the bowl for no longer than fifteen minutes. After this time, the bowl of food should be removed, even if the pet did not have time to finish it completely. This simple feeding tactic allows the animal to get used to a certain feeding routine in the shortest possible time.

Nutrition for small breed puppies

Almost all are characterized by a predisposition to cardiac and vascular pathologies. It is for this reason that toy terrier puppies and other miniature breeds should be given a significant amount of high-grade vitamin supplements from a very early age. The dog's diet must also be extremely balanced.

Small or mini-dachshunds must be provided with complete complementary feeding with vitamin and mineral compositions containing increased amounts of calcium and fluoride. This feature is due to the peculiarity of the structure of the long and therefore very vulnerable spine, which must have time to get stronger in the shortest possible time. It is strictly forbidden to compensate for the poor quality of food by increasing the portions given to the puppy.

This is interesting! As practice shows, a normal and completely healthy puppy of any small breed, if provided with a high-quality and complete diet, should gain approximately 15-20 grams of weight every day.

Nutrition for medium breed puppies

A medium breed puppy requires more energy and essential nutrients than a small breed puppy, but significantly less than a large breed puppy. The nutritional needs of such a pet can be satisfied with ready-made and balanced dry food that has an average content of vitamins, minerals and nutritional components.

It has been experimentally proven that premium-class dry food, as well as holistic food, are characterized by an optimal, balanced amount of proteins, fats, natural and highly digestible fiber, carbohydrates, vitamin-mineral complexes, which allows the owner of a medium-breed puppy to do without the use of additional expensive food additives .

Important! Insufficient or excessive amounts of minerals and vitamins negatively affect the further growth and development of a pet, and food with a high protein content quickly causes an imbalance in the amount of phosphorus and calcium in the puppy’s body.

Nutrition for large breed puppies

Puppies include the husky, the Caucasian shepherd dog, the alabai dog, as well as the rottweiler, pit bull and many other dogs. It is these breeds that need a diet with an increased amount of protein compounds. In this case, lean meat can be combined with stewed or boiled vegetables. This dish is best given to your pet before bedtime and only in small portions.

With the correct diet, a large breed puppy should gain approximately 150-170 grams of weight daily. It is allowed to use both a natural method of nutrition and feeding ready-made diets intended for young pets of large breeds. To correctly determine the one-time amount of daily feed required by the animal, it is necessary to divide the daily amount indicated by the manufacturer on the packaging by the total number of feedings.

Important! Remember that representatives of such breeds are very prone to joint pathologies, so the puppy should not be overfed at an early age.

Puppies between 4 and 6 months of age can chew on everything they see because they are getting their permanent teeth. To reduce your puppy's pain and discomfort and calm him down, you can give him something to chew on or treat him with his favorite treat. In addition, it is important to check in advance whether there are any things in the house that are dangerous for the puppy. This way, your puppy will not chew on your furniture or potentially dangerous objects.


Give the puppy something suitable to chew on

    Buy your puppy new toys. Chewable toys are great for satisfying your puppy's chewing needs. During teething, teeth put pressure on the gums, so the need to gnaw on objects during this period is quite justified. If you don't buy your puppy a toy to chew on, he will find something else to replace, such as pieces of furniture, shoes, or other valuables.

    Spread peanut butter on your new toy. If your puppy is reluctant to choose a new toy over furniture, you can apply a little peanut butter to the toy. A small spoon is enough. Do not put too much peanut butter on the toy, otherwise the puppy may refuse more nutritious and healthy food.

    Offer your puppy a cold cloth. Take a clean, stiff cloth and soak it in cold water, then wring it out. Roll this rag into an elongated shape (like a rope). As soon as the puppy starts chewing the furniture, offer him this cold cloth - it helps to slightly numb the gums, eliminating discomfort. If the cloth gets too hot and loses its shape, simply freeze it again.

    Do not use toys made of thin plastic or rawhide. Toys made of thin plastic or rawhide are generally not recommended for puppies. You don't want your puppy to bite off a piece of the toy and choke or injure himself on the sharp edges. A few things you shouldn't give your puppy:

    • pressed bones,
    • boiled bones,
    • plastic balls,
    • Stuffed Toys,
    • soft toys with cotton filling

    How to reduce pain

    1. Give your puppy an ice cube. The puppy will really enjoy sucking on the ice cube. It will cool and soothe the gums. Try offering the puppy an ice cube, holding it in the palm of your hand; the puppy may take this piece from you. You can also add a couple of ice cubes to the bowl of water to cool it down.

      • If you have a small breed puppy, you can simply offer him a bowl of crushed ice instead of giving him a whole cube.
    2. Massage your gums. Buy a special toothbrush from a pet store or veterinary pharmacy and place it on your finger. Carefully and gently place your finger with the brush attached into the puppy's mouth, then massage the gum with soft circular movements (with the rough side of the toothbrush). This way, you will not only relieve irritation, but also prevent further damage to the furniture.

      • A finger toothbrush should fit snugly on your finger so that you can quickly and easily brush your puppy's teeth.
    3. Treat your puppy to something tasty. Treats will relieve the pain for a while, especially if you give your puppy a treat for not chewing on furniture. Don't give your puppy treats when he's misbehaving! It's better to give him a treat when the puppy does everything right.

      Take your puppy to the vet. The veterinarian will tell you whether the puppy's teeth are growing correctly. If your puppy is older than six months and still has baby teeth, your veterinarian may suggest removing them to allow the permanent teeth to erupt and grow properly.

      • Some dog breeds (such as terriers) are more prone to dental problems than others.

    How to make your puppy's home safe

    1. Remove all objects dangerous to the animal away. Some items can be life threatening to your pet if they are chewed or swallowed. It is very important to make sure that the puppy cannot reach these objects. Be sure to hide:

      • ropes,
      • electric wires,
      • children's toys and figurines,
      • shoes, socks and other items of clothing,
      • plastic bags,
      • houseplants.
    2. Apply a special spray with a repellent odor to the furniture. This product has a very unpleasant taste and smell. This way, you will teach your puppy that chewing furniture is prohibited. The spray can be purchased at a veterinary pharmacy or pet store.

      Raise a puppy. Puppies need constant training. To make sure that the puppy is chewing toys and not furniture or some dangerous objects for play, you need to constantly keep an eye on him when he plays.

How to feed a newborn kitten - this question is of interest to many who bring home small kittens thrown into the street by careless owners who do not want to take care of their cat’s offspring.

In most cases, cat owners in the city kill their offspring or throw them out onto the street. Great happiness for them is to fall into the hands of kind people who are ready to feed them, go out and distribute them to those who want them. The main thing is to have time to bring the kittens into the house before they become hypothermic, so they still have a chance to grow into healthy and strong cats.

Our article will be devoted to artificial feeding of newborn kittens, so that you can know how to properly feed a week-old kitten and an older one.

How and what to feed newborn kittens

The best food for newborn kittens is special milk formula for cats, it is sold in specialized pet stores. But if you can’t buy it, you can prepare a regular formula for infants or take plain milk, diluting it with an egg. Regular milk undiluted should not be given to newborn kittens. The recipe for preparing such a mixture is to mix the following ingredients:

It is very important to maintain proportions when preparing the mixture, so do not add or subtract the weight of the listed ingredients.

Some people feed kittens diluted milk or cream with water, but for kids and their health this is not entirely acceptable.

At one week of age, a kitten requires approximately 38 grams of formula per hundred grams of its weight. Be sure to check the temperature of the mixture before you start feeding your baby: drop it on your elbow, if it is warm and not hot, you can start feeding the kitten.

When choosing food for a newborn kitten remember the following:

  • the most ideal option is to find a nursing cat, you can ask your neighbors;
  • Under no circumstances should you give newborn kittens cow's milk in its pure form, they may die due to indigestion;
  • option - formula for feeding newborn babies, or goat's milk;
  • the prepared mixture can be stored in the refrigerator for no more than a day;
  • do not feed the kitten a mixture from the refrigerator without first warming it up;
  • The optimal temperature for cooked food is from 30 to 36 degrees.

Ways to feed small kittens

We found out what to feed kittens, and now let's find out how does the feeding process take place? and what you need to consider before you start feeding your kitten:

How to properly care for and maintain kittens

If you have adopted newborn kittens at home that were saved from death on the street, then they should not only be fed correctly and regularly, but they also need proper care. Take these into account rules for caring for them:

  • Monitor your babies’ weight daily using scales; with normal development, they gain about 15 grams of weight every day;
  • Since the digestive system of small cats is still very weak, they need help with the toilet. To this end, after you have fed the animal, massage its tummy and anus with a cotton swab or rag soaked in water. An adult cat usually licks its babies after feeding; it is necessary to provide a replacement for this natural procedure;
  • with proper hygiene, the animal will go to the toilet up to 4 times a day;
  • The feces of small cats should be light brown. But yellow and liquid feces indicate that you overfed the animal. If the feces are gray, green and liquid, then this indicates systematic overfeeding, so that the animal does not die, contact a veterinarian;
  • Wipe the animal’s fur and face with a damp cloth twice a day;
  • Toilet training begins from the moment kittens start eating solid food.

Kids in an apartment or house must have their own corner. It should be equipped in accordance with the following rules and recommendations:

If there is a nursing cat, but the kitten does not eat milk

If kittens have a mother, but they refuse her milk, then the problem may be both in her and in the kittens. If the problem is in the baby, then you need feed him artificially, as described above, or squeeze the cat’s milk into a bottle with your own hands.

And the cat's problem may lie in its nipples: they may be hard and overcrowded. The kitten refuses to suckle, and the cat may begin to suffer from mastitis. Squeeze out her milk and apply a cabbage leaf, previously soaked in milk, to the cat’s nipples. You can fix it with a special bandage for a while. This way, the mother cat’s nipples will become softer and the kittens will again be able to enjoy their mother’s milk, which will undoubtedly be the best nutrition for them.

Introduction of complementary food for animals

Like small children, cat babies will eventually no longer have enough milk or formula for adequate nutrition. From about the fourth week of life they complementary foods should be introduced. First, offer the kittens milk porridge, and then you can make cereal porridge with meat and vegetables in water.

Complementary foods are introduced at the rate of 200 grams per kilogram. In this case, meat should make up more than half of the norm; the kitten’s diet should also contain cereals, vegetables, as well as cheese and dairy products.

Complementary feeding table for small cats it looks something like this:

  • in the first month of life, milk porridge and boiled yolk are introduced;
  • on the second you need to add cottage cheese, twisted boiled meat and cheese;
  • on the third - cereal porridges, meat with vegetables, boiled meat in pieces and raw twisted meat, raw vegetables.

You can continue to feed your baby formula, but you must follow the feeding schedule and dose. It is advisable to give a special mixture for cats of this age.

Starting from three weeks of age, specialized food in the form of granules can be introduced into the animal’s diet. The initial dose is a few granules soaked in water. Starting from two months of age, granules can be given in their pure form without soaking.

If you give your baby dry food, don’t forget to place it next to him. bowl of clean water, its contents should be changed every day.

In addition, if you take home a kitten or several kittens, remember that you are responsible not only for feeding and caring for them, but also for raising them. You completely replace his mother and must be responsible for this small and defenseless animal.

What to feed a puppy

It was already noted above that the puppy’s health and its normal development largely depend on how balanced its nutrition is. Your pet's diet must include proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals and fiber. Proteins come into the dog's body from animal products. The puppy can be fed both boiled and raw meat, but raw is preferable, as it is much better digestible and contains more vitamins.

Meat can be given to a puppy from the age of one month, preferably in scraped form (meat is scraped off a thick, lean piece with the edge of a spoon). Up to 2 months, your pet can be given raw beef and boiled rabbit and chicken meat.

Regular minced meat sticks together in the puppy's stomach into lumps and is poorly digested, since gastric juice only affects the surface of the food.

The daily amount of meat should be divided into 3-4 doses.

By-products (heart, liver, etc.) can be given to a puppy no earlier than he is 4 months old. Liver can only be present in a pet's diet in boiled form, as it may contain germs of worms. The heart, lungs and udder are given raw from 6 months, after being crushed. It is useful to feed brains to a puppy if his lipid metabolism is disturbed. By-products cannot replace meat for your pet, so you can give them no more than 2-3 times a week, increasing the norm in relation to meat by 1.5 times.

From 1.5 to 5 months, you need to give your baby large raw beef bones. The puppy will chew them, although he will not be able to chew them. Later, when baby teeth are replaced with permanent ones, these bones will need to be excluded from the diet, since the dog can chew them, and swallowed fragments can injure the stomach and intestines.

You can give your puppy raw beef bones from time to time.

From 4 months, you can introduce sea fish into your puppy’s diet, replacing meat with it 1–2 times a week. A serving of fish should be 1.5 times larger than a serving of meat. It is impossible to give fish more often, since an increase in the concentration of substances contained in fish in the dog’s body leads to the destruction of B vitamins, and this is fraught with growth retardation, the appearance of dandruff and indigestion. You can give your puppy raw or cooked fish fillets.

You can feed your pet river fish only after boiling it first, since it often contains worm larvae.

Raw eggs are poorly digestible by the dog's body, and raw egg whites even cause the destruction of biotin (vitamin H), which can lead to skin diseases. The raw yolk can be given with milk, and the egg white must be boiled and crushed. Eggs are also easily digestible by the puppy in the form of a milk omelet. Your pet needs cottage cheese in its diet, which is a source of well-absorbed calcium. Cottage cheese prepared at home is better suited for feeding a puppy.

1st method. Mix kefir and milk in a 1:1 ratio, let the mixture sour, put it on cheesecloth and strain off the whey, which the puppy can drink.

2nd method. To prepare calcined cottage cheese, you need to add 3-4 tbsp to 1 liter of hot milk. spoons of a 10% solution of calcium chloride, and then strain the mixture through cheesecloth. This kind of cottage cheese cannot be stored for a long time, so it is prepared immediately before feeding the puppy.

Whole cow's or goat's milk is an essential component in a puppy's diet. Milk should be given unboiled, and part of the milk should be used for preparing porridge. Dairy products should be fed to your pet daily.

Fats of various origins (animal, vegetable, dairy) must be present in the dog’s food.

When preparing lean food for your pet, add butter or beef fat to it.

Dairy fats and vegetable oils contain essential vitamins and fatty acids that promote the growth of a healthy puppy and increase its immunity to various infections.

If your pet's diet lacks fat, this will have a negative impact on the condition of its skin and coat. Excess fat is also harmful because it leads to intestinal dysfunction and general lethargy of the body.

Carbohydrates can sometimes replace fats in a dog's diet. Sugar, starch, and vegetable fiber are sources of carbohydrates that provide a large percentage of energy to a growing puppy and stimulate intestinal function.

Food of plant origin - cereals (millet, rice, buckwheat, pearl barley, oatmeal, semolina, barley), flour products (rye and wheat bread, crackers) and vegetables (carrots, potatoes, cabbage, beets) - must be included in the puppy’s food, as they are the main source of carbohydrates.

Porridge must be included in the puppy’s diet.

From 1.5 months, the baby can be given rye bread soaked in low-fat bone broth. White bread is acceptable only in the form of crackers, since when fresh it makes digestion difficult.

You can give your puppy any kind of porridge, the only exception being semolina, since dogs digest it differently. After observing your pet, you can decide whether to feed him this porridge. Up to 2 months, the baby should be given liquid porridge made from cereal ground with a coffee grinder.

Whole “Hercules” can be used for cooking porridge only when the puppy is six months old. This porridge should not be fed to the dog too often, as it can cause inflammation of the anal glands.

Vitamin flour is very useful for a small puppy, and it is advisable to add it to the food. It is prepared as follows: wheat or oats should be spread between two layers of gauze and moistened with water at room temperature until the sprouts hatch. The sprouted grain needs to be ground. The puppy's body does not digest legumes well, so it is better to exclude peas, lentils and beans from his diet. You can sometimes add ground soybeans to your baby's food, as it is a light and very nutritious product.

Puppies can eat almost all vegetables and fruits. It is useful for them to give pureed carrots and apples with vegetable oil or low-fat sour cream. Berries that the pet likes are fed after removing the seeds.

Both puppies and adult dogs need tomatoes, especially in winter. Tomato improves coat color and cleanses the dog's teeth of plaque and stones. From time to time you should give your pet a crushed clove of garlic, which is an excellent preventative against worms, and in winter it is a valuable source of vitamins.

Vegetables can be fed to your puppy either raw or cooked, with the exception of potatoes, which are best given only raw as a treat. Peeled pumpkin seeds are also a good anthelmintic, and boiled pumpkin and beets should be added to porridge.

Herbs, both cultivated and wild, will become a good vitamin supplement for your baby in early spring. Small amounts of chopped parsley, spinach, green onions, lettuce, radish tops, dandelion leaves or nettles can be added to the food.

Mineral supplements are needed daily for your puppy and should be added to their food 2-3 times a day. To improve the structure of the coat, the baby should be given pharmaceutical sulfur on the tip of a knife along with the meat. Raw seaweed has a positive effect on your pet’s color and also contains iodine and many trace elements. This supplement also stimulates the dog's intestines. Crushed eggshells are a good source of calcium, which strengthens the bones and cartilage of a small puppy. From 1.5 months it should be introduced into the food, starting with 0.5 teaspoons per day and gradually increasing the amount to 1 teaspoon 3 times a day by 4 months.

A good feed is meat and bone meal made from discarded carcasses and offal. It should be added to the puppy’s soup 2 times a week. The older pet is given bone meal in a separate bowl so that he can eat it whenever he wants.

Water for a puppy must meet the same requirements as for humans: it must be clean and fresh. It is necessary to boil water only if it has to be taken from questionable sources. When taking your dog outdoors or on a long hike, you need to make sure that there is enough drinking water for him.

From 2 months of age, puppies can be fed mushy soups. This food should be prepared as follows: a soup of vegetables and 2-3 types of cereals is cooked in meat broth. Then the vegetables are kneaded and finely chopped or minced greens (1 teaspoon per serving) are added to the cooled soup, which are first washed or doused with boiling water. Boiled meat is also finely crumbled into the soup. The serving size is determined depending on the breed of the puppy and gradually increases as it grows.

The water in your puppy's bowl should always be clean and fresh.

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