Fortune telling for love at home - how to find out everything about relationships. Just about fortune-telling: types, when and how to correctly fortune-telling House bewitching for love

Tarot cards are used not only to predict the distant future, but also to help solve current issues in the areas of family, career, personal life and self-development. The most popular layouts relate to relationships, work and the near future. If you manage the deck correctly, you can get answers to questions from different areas of life. We will look at the most popular areas of fortune telling and tell you how to make a reading for a given situation.

Guessing about relationships

Probably, it is precisely such layouts that are included in the TOP 3 of any tarot reader. Often the emotional sphere is beyond our control, and fearing to make radical decisions not with our minds, but with our emotions, we turn to cards for objectivity. Fortunately, Tarot has a layout for this case too. In the article we will not talk about very complex types of fortune telling, but will show only those that even a beginner can master.

So, the simplest option involves using only one card and a clearly formulated message (we have already covered how to talk with cards correctly in previous materials). Just ask the deck specifically “What does (name) think about me?”, “Should I wait to continue/start a relationship with (name)” and so on.

A simple fortune telling, in which three cards are laid out in one row, can be interpreted in several ways:

  • Past, future, present. When talking about relationships, it is better to rephrase the time frame to “the beginning of the relationship, its current development and expected completion/continuation.”
  • You, the Couple, your chosen one.
  • Your couple, the situation you are guessing about, the intended action.

The compatibility layout, in which six cards are laid out in two columns of three, is also popular. In this case, one column symbolizes a man, and the second – a woman. Such cards should be interpreted as follows:

  • The bottom row (first and fourth cards) is the physical match of the partners.
  • The second and fifth cards are the emotional component of the relationship.
  • The third and sixth cards are an intellectual, mental coincidence of people.

If these details are not enough, then you can use detailed fortune telling with eight cards. Each of the eight cards symbolizes:

  • Does the other person think about you, and if so, what exactly?
  • What tells others about you.
  • Does the person have feelings for you, and if so, what are they?
  • Does this person want a relationship with you?
  • Will he do anything to fulfill the desire from the fourth card.
  • The sixth card also symbolizes actions, like the fifth.
  • The last two cards are the general goal of communicating with you and the attitude towards you in the future.

There is also a good fortune telling for relationships before a date. It uses six cards, which have the following interpretation:

  • What do you expect from a date?
  • How will the meeting itself go?
  • The atmosphere during the date.
  • Will you be comfortable?
  • Is it possible to count on anything in the best case?
  • Further results of communication after the date.

In fortune telling about relationships, the emotional component plays an important role. If you want to receive objective information, learn to be neutral. Tarot readers do not advise telling fortunes about a person who is unpleasant to you, or vice versa, about whom you are crazy. This will prevent you from adequately perceiving what the cards are trying to tell you. If you cannot get rid of feelings and prejudices, it is better to turn to a professional, he will ensure objectivity.

Schedules for the future

Almost every interaction with the deck affects your future and prospects in one way or another. Today we will tell you only about one very capacious scenario that will help you comprehensively cover the most likely scenario.

The main rule before planning is to set the deadlines correctly. It is believed that the average relevance of a prediction is about one month. But this should not be taken as an axiom. The timing is relative for each specific situation, sometimes the event will take place within one week, and sometimes you will have to wait a couple of months. Also take into account the global nature of the situation itself, the reality of its implementation within one month. Also, the terms are individual for each person, as they adapt to their rhythm and lifestyle. If you are accustomed to the measured flow of days, then the relevance of fortune telling for you may be increased. With experience, you will definitely learn to understand when the old arrangement has ceased to work, and when you need to make a new one.

So, the “Seven Bodies” layout can be considered the most comprehensive fortune-telling for the future for independent use. It will allow you to see what is happening in your life in general, this is especially true if you do not currently have specific problems or questions about the deck. “Seven Bodies” will be more likely aimed at your inner component, but your behavior and thoughts will certainly lead to certain changes in your environment.

The layout uses only the Major Arcana and one white card. The latter will become a symbol of serious changes that will lead to complete renewal (rather spiritual). In the interpretation, the position of the cards is taken into account - upright or inverted. Shuffle the deck and take out seven cards one by one, placing them face down in an ascending diagonal.

The interpretation of this fortune-telling is as follows (according to the number of drawings from the deck):

  1. Physical body. He will tell you about the current state of things. This is something tangible and understandable for you, something that you already see. It also includes predictable events in the near future—something you already expect or know will happen. The card in this position cannot be changed, these are things that have already happened, what you are dealing with now.
  2. Etheric body. The energy you have is vital and sexual. It will show how depleted or full your energy reserves are at a particular moment.
  3. Emotional body. The state of your feelings and experiences must be interpreted together with the next card. Your emotions are a direct reflection of what you think and in what way you think.
  4. Mental. Your worldview and thoughts. What you think about, how you perceive the current situation. Study this card carefully, because it reflects your perception of yourself. If you have any health or psychological problems, then this body will show you how to change your thinking.
  5. Casual body. Causality indicator. He will tell you about the circumstances that will appear in your life very soon. On average, the time frame for realizing the prediction of this card is about two weeks (but do not forget about the conventions for each individual querent).
  6. Budhial body. These are your principles, values ​​and beliefs. Often it is these guidelines that determine your behavior and, accordingly, its consequences. If you cannot understand yourself, study this map. It will show what motives are driving you right now.
  7. Atamanic body. The subtle meaning of this prediction is not easy to understand. She will tell you what global lesson or value the situation that is happening or will have for you, what conclusions should be drawn in order to move forward in the optimal way for you.

Career fortune telling

Despite the fact that Tarot is considered something spiritual, sensual and ephemeral, people often come to tarot readers with quite material questions. If professional development or career is of great importance to you, then pay attention to the layouts that we will discuss below.

What types of layouts exist for career development and material sphere:

  • Layouts to help you understand your current career position. How do your bosses or colleagues treat you, are you in the right place, are there prospects for further development in this place. Tarot readers use this format of fortune telling to tell you whether you will be fired or promoted at your current job.
  • Fortune telling for a new job. If you have just started a position or are just looking for a job, then this arrangement will suit you. The cards will tell you whether a change of activity/job will be profitable, whether it will give you pleasure, or whether it will bring development. By the way, if you cannot find a suitable vacancy for a long time, fortune telling from this group will help you see all the job opportunities that you might have missed.
  • Appeals to the Tarot regarding a job change. If you are in doubt whether you should accept another job offer, then this alignment will help you dot all the i's. The maps will objectively show the situation and help you compare the current work with the planned one, and you will make a decision based on the facts obtained.
  • Layouts for career guidance. Tarot cards will help you determine the most favorable area for you. Strangely enough, such fortune-telling is most often resorted to not by students who choose a university, but by people who have already become disillusioned with their current profession and are afraid of missing out on the opportunity to “find themselves.”

Below is an example of a popular fortune telling for work. One note: do not use vague language in material appeals. A good position, salary, fast career growth - it’s better to express everything in quantitative terms and ask more specific questions. This way you will get a more reliable answer.

The layout uses eight cards (sometimes they also take a significator, but in career layouts it can be ignored). Fortune telling will tell you about the current situation at work and the near future:

  1. The current state of affairs is most likely what you already see if you look at the situation objectively. Shows how your past actions affect your present.
  2. The objective state of affairs now.
  3. It shows whether your work brings you pleasure, whether you are comfortable in your position.
  4. The material side of the job, possible salary increases, opportunities for financial growth.
  5. Is there a chance that something will change at your current job? If it changes, what kind of changes will it be? Positive or negative.
  6. From what area will the changes come, will they affect you, or will it be global changes in the organization.
  7. Will changes from the previous card affect your income at work?
  8. Will these changes make a difference to your future professional development?


If you were able to “feel” the deck, then Tarot will help you in different areas of life. You need to learn to interpret your cards, understand their aspects and deep symbolism. If you doubt whether the online prediction is true or your own reading, contact an experienced tarot reader. The specialist will definitely reveal all the secrets of the Tarot for you.

Fortune telling for love at home is a simple and effective ritual that will help you learn everything about a bright feeling. Using true predictions for love, they determine how the young man feels and what the development of the relationship will be.

In the article:

Fortune telling for love at home with needles

There are different ways that will demonstrate how your loved one feels and what development awaits the relationship. They use different magical attributes: , . The main thing in the art of performing rituals is the interpretation of the results.

Often only a person with a rich imagination or sufficient experience will explain the answer. There are a large number of fortune tellings in which needles are used.

Prepare 13 long thin needles or pins. 3 are bent in half, the remaining 10 remain intact. Take varnish or markers and mark one of the needles - the fortune teller's needle.

If they are telling fortunes about certain people, they mark the needles that are responsible for them. The fortune teller places a blank sheet of Whatman paper in front of her, takes needles in her left hand, lifts them above the white sheet and throws them down.

Interpretation of the result

To correctly decipher the result, mentally (or previously) divide a sheet of paper into 5 parts (top, bottom, right, left and center).

The needles that fall into the upper sector control the circumstances, and into the lower sector they obey. The sector on the left tells about the past, on the right - about future events. The central area is a zone of peace, confidence, harmony.

Determine in which sector the significator needle lies. If the attribute is in the middle and intersects with others, good luck awaits you in love relationships, meeting interesting people, and pleasant surprises from your partner.

They look where the ear of the attribute points: if in the upper right corner, changes in love are positive, if in the lower right corner, they expect unpleasant news from their lover. If the ear looks up to the left corner, global changes in love relationships have already occurred, no changes are expected in the future. An ear directed to the lower left says that relationships depend only on the efforts made.

If the needle does not intersect with others, there will be loneliness, difficulties in communicating with people of the opposite sex, conflicts with a loved one.

If the needle is at the top, it all depends on the girl. If the ear is directed to the right, there is a gradual loss of influence on the relationship. The ear is directed to the left sector - a warning to monitor words and actions so as not to destroy harmony.

If the needle is at the bottom, the girl is led to her partner. Look to see if the needle intersects with other points or eyes. The more ears directed towards the significator needle, the stronger the union and the more the chosen one loves. The bent needles that lie next to the significator will tell you about troubles in relationships.

If the attributes are located close, pointing towards the fortune teller’s needle, there are many ill-wishers who will try to destroy the union. If the needle lands clearly on the significator, there is a rival.

To make fortune telling clearer, divide the sheet into 12 sectors in a circle: each area is responsible for 1 month. Fortune telling will show how relationships will develop throughout the year.

Fortune telling for a guy's love

There are many rituals that will reveal secrets in love relationships. Some are carried out independently at home or in the mode.

To perform the ritual, you will need stockings or socks. Fortune tellers say that it is better to carry out fortune telling at night, from February 14 to 19. Before going to bed, put on one sock or stocking and say:

My betrothed mummer (name), if you love me, if you like me, come and put on my shoes.

Place 2 stockings under the pillow and go to bed. If a young man experiences warm, sincere feelings, he will definitely dream at night and put on a second stocking.

  • We recommend reading: .

Ritual with threads

To tell fortunes for love, men use a simple method that will reveal what is in their lover’s heart. To carry out the ritual, they arm themselves with colored threads: black, white, red, green, blue.

Cut 5 short threads of each color and put them in a small bag. They say:

I want to know everything that is in the heart of my loved one. Open up your darling to me, tell me the whole truth.

With your eyes closed, you randomly pull out 5 threads one by one from the bag. We begin to interpret the result. They look at which color threads there are more. If each is a different color, guess again. If there are two of one color and 1 of another, both predictions are correct. It is possible that events will occur in different time periods. Either the situation is unstable, relations are developing in different directions.

What does the color of the thread mean:

  • Black- the guy looks at other girls, is not ready for a serious relationship, he likes someone else.
  • White- the person will lead you down the aisle. It is unknown whether the marriage will be successful, but the man will make the girl happy.
  • Red thread - a man loves deeply, devotedly, is ready to do everything to make his beloved happy.
  • Green- a man is ready to be with his beloved, but he will shift the responsibility for making decisions and family onto her shoulders.
  • Blue- the guy is more of a friend than a lover. Perhaps the relationship is making life difficult for both of them.

What girl doesn’t dream of finding out who is destined to become her husband? Some of the young ladies go so far in this matter that they resort to the help of fortune tellers and psychics. But there are simpler ways to find out your destiny, including on your own right at home. The main thing is to choose the right time and day for the ritual. The best methods of fortune telling at home are presented in our article. To implement them, you can use items that are always at hand: candles, mirrors, a wedding ring, thread and needle, and others. All that remains is to tune in to the right mood - and you can begin the ritual.

The presence of certain items necessary for the ritual and the desire to quickly find out your fate is not a guarantee that the results will be correct. There are a number of rules that are important to follow when performing love fortune telling at home:

  1. Ritual time. In the old days, fortune telling was carried out on Christmas Eve (the night of January 6-7). All days from January 6 to January 19 (the so-called Christmastide) were also considered favorable. It was during this period that it was customary among unmarried girls to tell fortunes about their betrothed.
  2. Day of the week. It is not recommended to guess on Friday or Saturday, but only if Christmas Eve does not fall on these days.
  3. With whom to guess. In Rus', rituals were carried out in a noisy company of unmarried girls, with the exception of those rituals when the betrothed was supposed to appear in a dream.
  4. Times of Day. The optimal time for fortune telling is after sunset or after 7 pm. Many girls prefer to perform rituals at midnight.
  5. Environment. It is necessary to prepare properly for fortune telling. To do this, you need to turn off all means of communication, TV and computer, close the doors and curtain the windows. Well, the main thing is the right attitude and faith in what is happening.

Fortune telling about your betrothed in a dream

The presented method is one of the simplest. The ideal period for fortune telling for future love at home is Christmastide. But many girls perform it at other times throughout the year.

The essence of fortune telling is as follows. Before going to bed, an unmarried girl should put a glass of water on the bedside table and put a piece of bread or a bun on it, and light a candle next to it. It’s just important to take care in advance so that it doesn’t tip over in the middle of the night. For a girl to dream about her future husband, she must say the words before going to bed:

“Betrothed-mummer, come to dinner with me.”

In a dream, a young lady should see her future love.

Wax fortune telling

The following ritual is performed using a candle. This method of fortune telling is associated with calling a brownie into the apartment, who should point the unmarried girl to her betrothed. Before performing it, you need to melt the wax in a water bath. At the same time, a small saucer of milk should be placed on the threshold of the house. After this, the girl says the following words:

“Brownie, my master, come to the threshold to drink milk and eat wax.”

After this phrase, melted wax should be added to the milk. By the shape of the figure obtained as a result of the ritual, you can judge your future. If the wax resembles a flower, this means that the girl will be able to meet her soulmate this year and even get married. The figure, similar to the silhouette of a person, symbolizes great love. If the wax resembles a star, this means that the girl will have success in all endeavors, including studies.

The presented method can be considered one of the best love fortune telling, despite the fact that its results are quite difficult to interpret.

How to learn to tell fortunes with cards?

Methods of determining your destiny using playing cards are considered one of the simplest and most popular. Such independent fortune telling for love at home allows you to get answers to many questions of interest, including what happened in the past and what awaits a person in the future. To carry out the ritual, in addition to a deck consisting of 36 cards, you will need a special interpreter of their meanings. It can be purchased at a bookstore.

The essence of the simplest fortune telling is as follows. The deck of cards should be shuffled well, while not forgetting to formulate the question of interest. Next, with your left hand, the top part of the deck is removed and placed under the bottom. After this, you need to take nine cards and fan them out face down. The cards can then be turned over and the meaning interpreted according to the interpreter.

The next method of fortune telling is to determine your past, present, near and distant future, as well as to learn about those things that interfere with the fulfillment of desires. During the ritual, 5 playing cards are removed from the deck. On the table they are laid out in the following sequence: No. 1 - center, No. 2 - top, No. 3 - left, No. 4 - bottom, No. 5 - right. The results must be interpreted as follows: the first card shows the present, the second - the near future, the third - the distant future, the fourth - the past, the fifth - things that interfere with the fulfillment of desires.

How to find out the name of your betrothed?

This method of fortune telling for love at home is very simple. To find out the name of your betrothed, just follow a series of simple steps. First, using regular scissors, you need to prepare several pieces of paper of the same size. After that, on each of them you should write male names (familiar or unfamiliar guys). Then the prepared leaves are curled. And in such a way that it would be impossible to read the name written on them.

When performing fortune telling, leaves with names are placed in a bowl of water. Closing your eyes, take one of the leaves out of the water with your left hand. The name that will be written on it is what the future chosen one should bear.

A method of fortune telling on a mirror

The effectiveness of this method has been proven many years ago. In Rus', a mirror and a candle were used as one of the main means for performing strong fortune telling for love at home. The step-by-step ritual is as follows:

  1. It is necessary to prepare two absolutely identical mirrors. One of them should be placed on the table.
  2. Next you need to light two candles. Place them in front of a mirror on the table so that the fire is reflected in it.
  3. The girl picks up the second mirror and stands with her back to the first. It is advisable to prepare both large items in advance. It is important that in the second mirror she can see the first and the burning candles.
  4. After this, the girl pronounces words with which she invites her betrothed to appear before her. At the same time, in the mirror behind her she should see the reflection of her future husband.

Fortune telling by book

This method of determining fate is considered one of the most romantic. For fortune telling for love at home using a book, popular women's novels are most suitable.

In order to find the answer to a previously posed question, it is enough to name the page and line number (top or bottom). Then you just need to read the phrase out loud and try to find the answer to the question posed.

Fortune telling by ring on a thread

This method allows you to get an answer to the question posed and learn about what will happen in the future. For fortune telling, you will need a wedding ring, which you can borrow for a while from your mother, sister or grandmother, as well as a strong thread. To cleanse an object from the energy of its owner, it is immersed in ice water for 5-10 seconds.

The ritual is performed over a photograph if the girl knows a young man, or over a glass of water if fortune telling is being performed on a betrothed who is a stranger. The ring is threaded through a thread and lowered over a glass or photo. Next you need to watch how the object moves. If the ring rotates in a circle, this means that the fortune telling answer will be positive. The girl will soon meet her soulmate or get married. If the ring rotates like a pendulum, this means that the answer will be negative.

Modern fortune telling

The above methods of predicting your fate were more popular in Rus'. Today, when telling fortunes about their betrothed, girls are increasingly resorting to modern technologies, namely a mobile phone.

To carry out the ritual, you just need to think about your loved one and immediately dial the phone number that first came to mind. Fortune telling is interpreted depending on what will happen at the other end of the line:

  • no one answers - the loved one does not think about the girl at all;
  • the number is unavailable - you will have to make a difficult decision;
  • the answer “Hello” indicates that a serious relationship will develop between you;
  • if the answer on the phone sounds like “Yes,” it means that the girl’s life will radically change for the better;
  • the answer “Speak” promises a declaration of love soon;
  • if they answered “Where are you calling”, this means that a serious scandal awaits you very soon.

Other simple methods of fortune telling at home

There are also a number of rituals with the help of which every unmarried girl can predict her fate. Below we present the following simple love fortune telling at home:

  1. Place a short candle in one of the halves of the walnut shell and lower it into a bowl of water. After that you need to wait until it burns out. If this happens quickly, then you can prepare for the wedding, and vice versa.
  2. A lot of pine branches should be scattered in a chaotic manner on the floor in the room. Then, closing your eyes, you should choose one of them and look closely at it. If the bark on the branch is rough, the young man will be financially secure, and vice versa.
  3. The next fortune telling was carried out on Christmas Eve or Christmastide. At midnight the girl ran out into the street and shouted “Oy.” From the direction from which the echo came, she should have expected the groom to appear.

Fortune telling is one of the most interesting and mystical ways to find out the future and influence your own destiny. It appeared in ancient times, when writing and religion were not widely known. Fortune telling is also one of the ways to understand your own inner world, which is extremely simple to master. So, let's try to look at how you can guess.

Fortune telling rules

There is a certain set of rules that must be followed by those who are about to start fortune telling. If they are neglected, the results may turn out to be far from reality.

  1. Many inexperienced sorcerers and fortune tellers wonder how often they can tell fortunes. This rule should not be neglected. You cannot guess more than three times in one day. Experienced magicians recognize this as a disregard for the forces of the Cosmos, which was disposed towards you. This is also explained by the psychology of human behavior, since few people can concentrate more than three times a day.
  2. Before you start fortune telling with any cards, be it Tarot or ordinary cards, you need to accustom them to yourself. Otherwise, they will always deceive you and show you the wrong result. Cards are not such a simple element in fortune telling as it seems at first glance. They can become either your opponent in fortune telling, or, conversely, an ally. It all depends on the intentions that you want to achieve through fortune telling. Is it possible to read the Tarot if it does not belong to you? Of course, if you take other people's magic cards for fortune telling, you will make the biggest mistake. The cards need to be adjusted to suit you; for this there is a special ritual that only professional sorcerers and fortune tellers know. It is advisable to learn about how you can tell fortunes on cards personally from a fortune teller, and not from third sources, such as the Internet or the media.
  3. If you decide to practice fortune telling on coffee grounds, which is popular today, as well as card fortune telling, then it is best to get yourself a special saucer and cup for such purposes. These items should not be stored in the kitchen next to other dishes, as they do not always contain positive energy.
  4. If you are going to tell fortunes by hand, then remember that the effectiveness of such fortune-telling will be evident only after seven years. If you tell fortunes several times a year, then you are unlikely to learn anything new. And the whole point is that every year signs appear and disappear on a person’s hand. Palmistry most often shows what really is, since in this science everything depends on a person’s worldview.
  5. Many novice sorcerers are interested in what days they can tell fortunes. Treat fortune telling with the greatest caution on holidays, since only if you have pure thoughts will the Higher Powers approve of your intention. If everything is the other way around, then They can certainly punish you. The consequences will not keep you waiting. You can tell fortunes on Sunday, but only if the result of fortune telling is vital. Don’t forget to go to church after this and repent.
  6. Now let's decide on the time of fortune telling. It is advisable to guess in the dark, since at this time there is activity of an extraterrestrial entity. However, remember that if you tell fortunes at night, then dark forces come to help you, and if during the day, light forces. Thus, we can answer the question of whether it is possible to tell fortunes during the day.
  7. And the last thing you should pay attention to is fortune telling for a woman during her pregnancy. It is worth remembering that a child who is in the womb is exposed not only physically, but also energetically. Otherworldly forces, giving you an answer to a question that interests you, very often demand something in return. And it’s not a fact that they will take away your energy, and not your unborn child. Thus, if you want to know when pregnant women can guess, then the only answer is never.

Examples of fortune telling

Now let's look at the most famous types of fortune telling, which are most often used by sorcerers and simple thrill-seekers.

  1. Fortune telling with a mirror and decanter for Christmas. Pour some water into the carafe and place it on the table. Then you need to take three candles and place them on three sides of the decanter. Place a mirror behind the decanter and light the candles. If you look long enough in the mirror, you can see what the future holds for you.
  2. Fortune telling with matches for a loved one. In this fortune telling, you need to take a box of matches and insert two matches into it. Now all you have to do is set it on fire. If the heads of the burnt matches are turned towards each other, then the guy is destined to be with this girl.
  3. Fortune telling using an ordinary book. This is the oldest and most harmless method of fortune telling. Enlightened people have used it at all times. For this, you need to prepare questions in advance and prepare yourself mentally. Ask someone to name any page and the line number at the top or bottom. Now open this page and read what is written in the corresponding line. This is what you should expect in the near future.

There are many more ways of fortune telling. The most important thing is that the fortuneteller’s thoughts are pure and sincere, then the results will be correct and will come true very soon. Happy fortune telling!

It is not necessary to go to fortune tellers and psychics. There are fortune telling that anyone who does not have magical abilities can use at home. So if you have a desire to learn about upcoming events, then there is nothing difficult about it!

Fortune telling at home on cereals

If you want to know how this or that matter will turn out, or simply want to get information about the future, then use fortune telling. For this fortune telling you will need a handful of rice and a handful of buckwheat in approximately equal quantities. Mix the cereal and throw it into a plate of water. Then look carefully to see which grains remain on the surface of the water more.

  • If there is more rice, it means that good luck and happiness await you ahead.
  • If there is more buckwheat, it means that in the future everything will not be so smooth for you.
  • If there are approximately equal amounts of rice and buckwheat on the surface of the water, then everything will depend only on you.

Homemade fortune telling by candle

Fortune telling for the future with a candle is recommended to be done in the evening, after sunset. Light one candle and mentally ask a question that interests you. Without looking away, look at the flame and think about your question. You must be as focused as possible. Look carefully at how the fire behaves.

  • If the flame burns evenly, then your situation will not change.
  • If the fire begins to smoke heavily, then difficulties await you ahead.
  • If the flame crackles, it means that your wish will be realized in your favor.
  • If the flame goes out, expect trouble and disappointment.
  • If the fire begins to sway from side to side, then you will have to make an effort to implement your plan.
  • Fortune telling in the mirror

    Take a glass of water and a medium-sized mirror. Place the mirror in a horizontal position. Mentally think about what you want to learn about and drink more than half of the water in the glass. Pour the rest onto the surface of the mirror with your left hand. As the water spreads, so it will be. Drops can form various figures, as in fortune telling on coffee grounds or on wax. Your task is to decipher these signs. To do this, you will have to use your imagination and associative thinking.

    We hope that these fortune telling at home will help you find out your future. We wish you good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and