To open a taxi service, which form is best? Taxi business plan: how to open a taxi dispatch service

– one of the promising areas of business. Private transportation does not provide as much profit as organizing an entire taxi service. Currently, this type of activity is controlled by the state, in particular Federal Law “On Taxi”, which, on the one hand, creates additional difficulties, but on the other hand, allows you not to be afraid of unscrupulous competitors.

Taxi as business envisages or depending on the number of founders. Both forms are acceptable and allow you to engage in business related to the transportation of people. When filling out the form, in the “Type of activity” column you should indicate: transport transportation.

This type of license will help you open both a “classic” taxi, that is, trips within the city, and go on intercity routes. In addition, not only cars, but also minibuses can be brought into the vehicle fleet - for example, for traveling between cities.

The license is issued by the transport supervision service. Its effect applies only to the territory of a certain region. The license is valid for 5 years, then it must be renewed.

To obtain a license, you must prepare at least one vehicle in accordance with the requirements of the law.

The car will be inspected by service specialists and, if everything is in order, a document will be issued. The basic requirements for transport are:

  • it must belong to the applicant on the basis of ownership, leasing or rental;
  • the technical inspection must have been completed a maximum of six months ago - that is, the car must be inspected by mechanics at least 2 times a year;
  • the body should be marked with typical markings - “checkered”;
  • an orange light must be installed on the roof;
  • in some regions the car must be painted a certain color (usually yellow);
  • A taximeter must be installed in the cabin.

In addition, certain requirements are imposed on the driver:

  • he must have at least 5 years of general driving experience (or 3 years of experience as a taxi driver);
  • To be allowed to work, you must undergo a medical examination, and each time you leave, you must undergo a pre-trip medical examination.

The main thing is that there is enough space for the stated number of cars. If the creator of the service plans to unite several private cab drivers, then he does not need a fleet of vehicles: all drivers will have their own cars.

Particular attention should be paid to the choice of control room. This is the “heart” of any taxi service. The following points need to be taken into account:

  • the room should be spacious enough to accommodate several dispatchers - about 30 square meters should be enough;
  • it is necessary to purchase the required number of radio stations, provide drivers and dispatchers with high-quality communications;
  • think over the calculation algorithm

How to calculate salaries for taxi drivers and dispatchers?

There are several options here:

  • Stipulated rate– drivers and dispatchers receive a certain amount each month, which can be increased for overtime work. This quite a convenient option for dispatchers, but it does a poor job of motivating taxi drivers to work productively.
  • By number of shipments– the driver simply has to give part of his earnings to the company. Usually it is 15-20%. Disadvantage: it is difficult to control, because the taxi driver may have “left” passengers about whom he does not inform the dispatcher. The dispatcher, in accordance with this scheme, receives a salary depending on the number of calls received. But this poorly motivates to work, since earnings will not depend on the employee himself.
  • According to the waybill. A driver who wants to work in a service must pay for a so-called “waybill” or “work permit” before going to work. This is a conditional document that allows the taxi driver to receive calls from the dispatcher, similar to a pass. The cost of the sheet is fixed - for example, 500 rubles. This money goes to the company. Whatever the taxi driver earns stays with him.

A combination is often used. The driver goes on a route by paying for a travel ticket, plus from each call he deducts a certain amount to the company. This income pays for the work of the dispatcher.

In addition, you should assign a certain salary for a medical worker who will examine drivers before going on a flight. If the service has its own vehicle fleet, there will be a place for a security guard and a repair team.

How to open your own taxi from scratch?

Other expenses

In addition, it should be taken into account that the responsibility of “care” for the cars will fall on the shoulders of the head of the taxi service. If the service does not have its own fleet of vehicles and employs private taxi drivers, then the good condition of the car is their concern.

By law, taxi cars must undergo technical inspection. every six months. If a private owner has his own vehicle fleet, then he pays for the technical inspection himself. If you don’t have your own vehicle fleet, then you just need to keep an eye on so that cars with expired registration certificates do not board the flight.

The issue of paying for gasoline is also important.

If the owner of the service has his own cars, then refueling them, changing oil and water becomes his responsibility. Freelance drivers must take care of the availability of fuel in their “iron horse” themselves.

In addition, the expense item must include:

  • rent for premises for a control room;
  • payment of utilities;
  • unexpected repairs of radio equipment;
  • regular medical examination of drivers;
  • payment for cellular communications and Internet;
  • costs for the purchase of new cars, their refurbishment and painting;
  • advertising costs.

Taxi advertising

You shouldn’t skimp on taxi advertising. We need to use as much media as possible, especially print media. Posting advertisements at entrances, bus stops and other crowded places works well. If you need to leave urgently, the client will call the first available taxi.

For example, this could be a low price, an increased level of service, only foreign cars in the fleet, only women driving, drivers “without chanson,” etc. You need to carefully consider the taxi format in order to “hook” potential clients and make them regular passengers of the chosen service.

The numbers need to be simple, memorable, ideally consisting of 1-2 repeating combinations of numbers. It’s good if the number can be set to music - that way it will be remembered better.

Taxi service as a business

Business valuation and payback

Before organizing a taxi service, you should consider the form:

  • it will be a private cab service, that is, the owner of the service will be the only driver, will develop a client base, etc.;
  • it will be a company without a fleet and hiring private drivers;
  • it will be an “all-inclusive” company, that is, an organization with its own vehicle fleet, control room, parking lot, repair shop and, possibly, gas station.

Depending on the format, you should consider the drivers, set the optimal fare, compare it with the “hospital average” and adjust if necessary.

To assess the competitiveness of a business, you need to take into account the number of residents of the city and existing taxi services. It is optimal if there are 2-3 services for every 50,000 people.

If it’s more, the competition is quite tough, and a new taxi must really be different in some way to gain loyal customers. Of course, the assessment should be based on the following parameters:

  • length of the city - there are sparsely populated but extended cities in which the need for taxis is high;
  • development of transport infrastructure;
  • the presence or absence of a private area, vegetable gardens, country villages - the more satellite settlements of a city, the greater the need for constant travel among local residents.

According to statistics, a taxi in a city with a population of 500,000, with ten competitors and 50 cars in its assets, breaks even in six months.

Business plan for opening a taxi service

In order to open a taxi from scratch, you need draw up a detailed Initial costs depend on the size of the company and the method of interaction with drivers: So, if you purchase cars as your own, it will be very expensive.

The cost of even a used domestic car is about 50 thousand rubles. To comfortably service most of the city, about a dozen cars will be needed. Not every entrepreneur can afford to spend that amount.

Therefore, for simplicity of calculations, we will take a small company of 30 taxi drivers with personal cars and 10 taxi drivers with rented cars and 2 dispatchers on staff.

Initial costs will be:

  • 10 thousand rubles;
  • obtaining a license – 5 thousand rubles;
  • buying a car – from 50 thousand rubles (to obtain a license you must have at least one vehicle);
  • purchase of radio stations in the amount of 40 pieces – from 5 thousand rubles for each, in total – 200 thousand rubles;
  • purchase of 40 taximeters – from 2 thousand rubles, in total – 80 thousand rubles;
  • purchase of equipment for dispatchers: radio frequency receiving station, computers, printer – from 50 thousand rubles;
  • equipment of the workplace, purchase of office furniture – from 40 thousand rubles;
  • equipment for a taxi rank, repair shop – from 150 thousand rubles;
  • purchase of medical equipment for pre-trip testing of drivers – from 15 thousand rubles.

Thus, to start you will need about 600 thousand rubles.

The main expense item is radio stations and taxi meters. And if instead of a radio you can use a regular cell phone to communicate with the dispatcher, then you won’t be able to do without distance meters.

Monthly expenses:

  • rental of premises and land for parking – from 50 thousand rubles per month;
  • car rental – from 5 thousand rubles per month for each, with 10 cars – 50 thousand rubles monthly;
  • salary for 2 dispatchers – 15 thousand rubles each plus payments to social funds – total about 50 thousand rubles;
  • salary for 10 full-time taxi drivers - 15 thousand each plus payments to the state - total about 250 thousand rubles;
  • costs for technical inspection and minor repairs – from 40 thousand rubles monthly;
  • car refueling – from 50 thousand rubles monthly;
  • payment for communications, internet, etc. – from 5 thousand rubles per month;
  • advertising campaign payment – from 40 thousand rubles.

Total: 535 thousand per month.

Now let's calculate the income.

In an average city with a population of up to 500 thousand inhabitants, 1 taxi driver earns about 2-3 thousand rubles per work shift. In small towns - about 1 thousand per day. In megacities, earnings can reach up to 10-15 thousand per day.

Let's assume that our service is located in an average city (the size of the company is exactly appropriate for the situation). Consequently, one driver earns an average of 2 thousand rubles. Let's assume that 30 hired drivers pay for a waybill costing 500 rubles.

Consequently, they bring in 15,000 rubles daily. Let’s assume that with a 5-day working week, drivers will bring in an income of 300 thousand rubles per month.

The remaining ten drivers are employed, i.e. give all the proceeds to the company. They bring profit: 20 working days * 2000 rubles * 10 people: 400 thousand rubles per month.

As a result, the income is 700 thousand per month, of which 42 thousand rubles are paid as tax, the profit is 658 thousand rubles. We subtract inevitable expenses and get a net income of 123 thousand rubles.

Project payback – about 6 months.

Step-by-step algorithm for opening a taxi from scratch

  1. Decor
  2. Buying or renting a car, obtaining a fresh inspection certificate.
  3. Putting the car in order in accordance with the requirements of the Taxi Law.
  4. Obtaining a license from the Ministry of Transport to transport people and goods.
  5. Purchasing a “beautiful” number at a local telephone exchange.
  6. Searching for a suitable site for equipping a taxi base with a covered room for a control room and equipped parking for a car.
  7. Rent 10 cars.
  8. Search for full-time drivers and private cab drivers willing to work for waybills.
  9. As new cars appear, purchase and installation of radio stations and taximeters is ideal if the team includes a taxi driver with experience and already installed equipment.
  10. Conducting an advertising campaign in print sources.
  11. Systematization and analysis of applications, placement of cars in the most crowded places in order to expand the customer base.
  12. Thinking through unique offers for regular customers.

How to open a taxi service from scratch? Find out in this video:

Taxi has long become not a luxury, but a means of transportation for residents of any city.

If we take into account the cost of gasoline, then everyone understands: it is much cheaper to travel on foot or by public transport, and when necessary (returning home late at night or with heavy luggage) to call a taxi than to purchase your own transport.

A dispatch service can become a good business for an individual entrepreneur (IP). It does not require large financial investments, special knowledge and skills, or the rental of gigantic areas.

The main advantages of opening a dispatch service are:

  • great demand for such services among the population;
  • the opportunity to occupy your niche, because competition in this sector is not yet too high;
  • relatively small expenses for launching your business project;
  • the ability to use competitive advantages to positively differentiate yourself from other taxi services in your city;
  • registration as an individual entrepreneur, which simplifies interaction with the tax service.

In today's business plan you will learn what do you need to open a taxi, how much this project costs and the main advantages of this type of business.

  • Capital investments – 750,000 rubles.
  • Payback period: 8–12 months.

How to open a taxi company: planning


Individual entrepreneur is the most popular form for small businesses, which, of course, includes owning a taxi service.

The increase in gasoline prices has led to many motorists putting their iron horses in the garage and switching to public transport (trams, subways, trolleybuses, buses, taxis, etc.). The 2014 crisis led to many people being unemployed. Having your own car tells experienced drivers that they can make money by taxiing.

The owner of an individual taxi company will definitely not have a shortage of personnel. There is a lot of competition in this sector, but if you do it right, you can build a successful business from the ground up.

The amount of initial investment is 750 thousand rubles.

Pursued goals:

  • Provide the population of your city with a sufficient number of cars, qualified drivers and quality service from dispatchers.
  • Organize a profitable and well-functioning dispatch service from scratch.
  • Hire only professional drivers with at least 5 years of experience.
  • Avoid scandals between drivers due to competition for orders, which can negatively affect your business.
  • Reduce initial costs for radio communications, maintenance of the control room, etc., so that the taxi service pays for itself as quickly as possible.
  • Immediately establish your own competitive advantages so as not to be afraid of other taxi services.
  • Automate most business processes to make it easier to manage.

Marketing plan

Despite the fact that even small towns have their own taxi services, let alone large cities, this type of business can be made profitable and successful.

The main task that you should set for yourself is not how to open a taxi, but how to reduce the initial investment so that the investment pays off as quickly as possible and you start earning money for yourself.

Of course, there are expenses the amount of which you will not influence in any way, for example, registration of an individual entrepreneur, but for the most part you can try to get by with small investments. Then you won’t have to worry about competition from similar companies.

Competitive advantages

One of your main competitive advantages in opening a taxi dispatch service is reducing the cost of organizing a business, but you should not limit yourself to this in any case, because other taxi car owners will take clients away from you.

To make a business started from scratch competitive and profitable, use the following advantages:

  • Hire only experienced drivers who know the city well.
    Passengers tend to get annoyed if they have to tell the driver where to go.
  • All cars in your taxi service should be relatively new, beautiful and in good condition.
  • Supervise drivers to ensure they keep their cars perfectly clean.
  • Your dispatchers not only must cope with the flow of orders without mixing them up, but also be polite at any time of the day. Rudeness towards a client during work should be punished with fines.
  • Don't be afraid to hire female drivers if they have the right qualifications.
    Taxis with a lady driving are in demand among customers.
  • Develop a loyalty program for regular customers by issuing them discount cards.
  • Equip taxi cars with portable terminals so that the client can pay not only in cash, but also with a bank card.
  • Build your IP honestly, punishing drivers for deceiving clients.

The target audience

Taxi services are used by all people, regardless of their gender and age: men, women, children, youth, middle-aged and elderly people.

If we talk about the financial situation of your potential clients, then you should focus on people of average income, since the poor segment of the population moves around the city on foot or by public transport, and the rich have their own cars.

You will be able to attract children's audience if you earn the trust of parents. Moms and dads should know that their child will be safe in your taxi and will not be shortchanged.

Taxi advertising

If your city already has taxi services, then it’s worth running a good advertising campaign for your individual entrepreneur to start earning money quickly. You can do this using:

  • commercials on local radio and television;
  • social networks;
  • advertisements in newspapers;
  • handing out flyers on the streets;
  • advertising banners, stands, showcases, etc.

Once you quickly and inexpensively deliver a client to the address he needs, without spoiling his mood with the boorish attitude of the dispatcher and driver, he will use your taxi again, and even tell his friends about it.

Print more business cards that drivers can hand out to each client and all you have to do is reap the financial rewards of good work.

Taxi service staff

If you have registered your company as an individual entrepreneur, then you will have to officially hire an accountant (you can, however, get by with the services of an outsourcing company), a system administrator and dispatchers.

But you can simply sign cooperation agreements with drivers, giving them the opportunity to independently settle matters with the tax authorities.

You shouldn’t hire a director either (especially in the first year of the company’s operation); you yourself can perform a supervisory and leadership function. P.S. just imagine how much you will save on the director’s salary.

The costs for one month of taxi service personnel can be found in this table:

How to open a taxi service: implementation

“If you don’t roll up your sleeves and try to do everything yourself at least once in your life, you will never know what actions are necessary to promote a new business, expand your circle of clients, increase your sales and make a profit.”
Bill Bishop

Calendar plan

Even before starting work, you need to draw up a business plan with accurate calculations. This will help you get off the ground and get your investment back as quickly as possible.
It would not be superfluous to draw up a work plan for the taxi dispatch service for each month (at least in the first year of operation).
Then you can limit yourself to annual plans.

Stages of starting a taxi company

Finding a suitable room that will serve as your control center is not difficult. One room of 20–30 square meters is enough. Finding dispatch service operators is also not difficult.
It is better to hire adequate young women with pleasant voices. Difficulties can only arise when searching for drivers with their own cars.

The main stages of launching an IP look like this:

Registration of an enterprise (IP)+
Renting premises and purchasing furniture +
Purchase of software and hardware complex,
for example "2T-taxi" or "Taha"
Recruitment of control room operators +
Signing contracts with drivers
(for the investment to pay off, you need to have at least 30 cars at your disposal)
+ +
Advertising company +
Starting a taxi service +

That is, you can start making money from your taxi company within 5–6 months after drawing up a business plan.

Business Starting Costs Chart

One of the main advantages of opening a taxi dispatch service is the relatively low start-up costs.

Average initial expenses can be found in the following table:

Expense item Amount (rub.)
Total:750,000 rub.
Registration of an enterprise and obtaining a permit for road transport30 000
Premises for rent (20 sq. m.)10,000 (per month)
Purchasing furniture necessary for work150 000
Purchase of computer and other equipment
(computer, electric kettle, microwave)
40 000
Cost of equipment180 000
Software cost
(with annual technical support)
200 000
Salary to employees93 000
Advertising10 000
Additional expenses7 000

In order to open a taxi company, you need to have at least 750–800 thousand rubles.

provided in this video.

Take note!

Calculation of revenue and profit

If you do not have your own fleet, but cooperate with drivers who taxi in their own cars, then you should enter into a contract with them, according to which the driver will pay you a monthly fee, for example, 5 thousand rubles per month + a percentage of their own income for the maintenance of the control room services (for example, 15%).

In total, your taxi service will bring in the following profit:

Source of profit May (RUB) Jun. (rub) Jul. (rub) Aug. (rub) Sep. (rub) Oct. (rub)
Subscription fee
(30 drivers)
150 000 150 000 150 000 150 000 150 000 150 000
Dispatch service income30 000 60 000 100 000 130 000 160 000 200 000
Revenue180 000 210 000 250 000 280 000 310 000 350 000

If you promote your business correctly, you will return the initial expenses after 8-9 months of work. But you will start earning decent money after a year of working in the city.

Now you know, how to open a taxi dispatch service, and are unlikely to miss the chance to build a profitable business that does not require large initial investments.

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Are you planning to provide passenger transportation services? You have 2 main ways to implement this idea:

  • Open a dispatch service that acts as an intermediary between drivers with personal cars and passengers
  • Open a company with your own fleet and staff of drivers

The second option is more expensive and requires some experience in managing a large team of specialists, establishing partnerships with car services and a powerful advertising campaign. Therefore, in this article we will take a closer look at the first work scenario.

How to open a taxi dispatch service from scratch and without your own cars

Creation of a taxi dispatch service without own vehicle fleet is quite real. If you don't plan to lease cars, you'll just need a slightly different set of documents than when starting a fleet business. Let's look step by step at what is required for this.

What documents are needed to open a taxi: permits and licenses

According to Federal Law No. 99 of 05/04/2011 “On licensing of certain types of activities”, the activities of taxi companies do not require licensing.

However, to operate it legally, you will need permission to provide services to passengers. To obtain this document, you need to register your business and submit an application to the regulatory authorities.

Business registration

For taxi service it is enough to register the business as an individual entrepreneur and choose UNDV as the taxation system. In this case, an agreement is concluded with vehicle drivers, on the basis of which they pay the company a fixed amount or a percentage of the revenue received. The amount is specified in the contract as a fee for the provision of information services.

Further actions

If you do not plan to lease cars, after registering an individual entrepreneur, you must obtain a power of attorney to use them. Then submit the documents to the authorized organization. For example, for St. Petersburg this is the transport infrastructure committee. If the application is approved, the license will be valid for 5 years.

How to make an application

The application must provide the following information:

  • Legal form of the company
  • Business name
  • Full name of individual entrepreneur
  • Extract from the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs
  • Telephone and email of the applicant for communication
  • Information about registration with the tax service

The following documents must be attached to the application:

  • Applicant's passport
  • Certificate of registration for each vehicle
  • Copies of power of attorney from vehicle owners (if the cars are not owned by the entrepreneur)

It is also necessary to add all issued documents to the register so that anyone can freely clarify whether the license of a particular car is valid.

How much does it cost to open a taxi service: calculations

The specific cost of opening a dispatch service depends on the prices for services in your city. The average cost of starting a business in St. Petersburg will be from 1’000’000 - 2’000’000 ₽.

Which mandatory expenses will be required at the initial stage:

  • Registration of individual entrepreneurs and licensing of activities - 2’000 ₽
  • Radio station 20’000 - 30’000 ₽
  • Radio wave rental - 15’000 - 20’000 ₽
  • Software - 5’000 ₽
  • Phone number - 2’500 ₽
  • Equipment for 1 car - 3’000 ₽: taximeter, walkie-talkie and flashlight with checkers
  • Trademark registration - 6’000 - 7’000 ₽

In addition to one-time expenses, there are monthly expenses:

  • Subscription fee for radio frequency - 10’000 ₽
  • Utility bills - 1’200 ₽
  • Operator salary - 30’000 ₽
  • Renting an office of 100 m² in the city center - 120’000 - 300’000 ₽

A significant cost item will be needed to promote your taxi service. If you plan to launch a website, set up online advertising and promote your business on social networks, the amount indicated at the beginning will increase significantly.

How to open a taxi service and make a profit

Not a single business startup tool guarantees you profit. However, there is a way that allows you to optimize costs. This is a ready-made business. By choosing this option to create your own business, you can get a number of advantages over creating a project from scratch. Thus, a taxi company with its own fleet can be purchased significantly cheaper. You will also receive the previous owner’s advertising efforts, customer base, and partnership agreements.

By doing your due diligence and choosing an option that fits your budget, you can make a good investment. View offers from operating taxi dispatch services in your city:

  • Directory of dispatch services in St. Petersburg
  • Options for operating taxi services in Moscow
  • Offers for the sale of taxi services as a ready-made business

Very often the problem of a beginning businessman is that he simply does not know in which direction to start developing. The considered step-by-step instructions will help you understand how to open a taxi and what you need for this. Many entrepreneurs believe that at the initial stage it is important to invest in personnel and transport, forgetting about promoting their own taxi service. It is very important from the very beginning to decide on the type of services provided: will it be a regular taxi service or a cargo service? The instructions below are a complete guide to help you understand how to open a taxi service from scratch. It is very important from the very beginning to understand the principle of organizing a taxi service, begin to competently build a business, and, of course, correctly organize the work of dispatchers.

As a rule, a well-organized taxi service is a type of business where the owner of the company must organize the transportation of passengers, which will be based on a competent system for receiving and distributing received applications. It is important to correctly distribute responsibilities and delegate the receipt of applications to a centralized team of dispatchers. At the same time, a person who wants to understand how to open his own taxi dispatch office must find the most responsible and polite drivers; only accredited specialists must fulfill all applications. As for the transport itself, all taxi cars must have special equipment. Each car must have checkers, a taximeter and a walkie-talkie.

First steps to opening your own taxi service

A businessman who wants, but does not know, how to open his own taxi from scratch, needs to familiarize himself with a small but competent list of steps that absolutely everyone who wanted to open a private taxi service went through. In fact, private drivers began transporting people for money many years ago. Several decades later, the process changed, everything became more centralized, people came up with technical innovations, and wisely organized the joint service of all personnel. In order for a taxi service to work as smoothly as possible, it is necessary that the driver, dispatcher and other employees function in a tight coupling. Only this principle will help satisfy the end consumer and make the client happy.

An entrepreneur who is thinking about how to open a taxi business from scratch can learn about the Skuterino and Uber service from the global network. The newest scheme for opening a private business will help organize the process in the shortest possible time. However, there is an equally effective standard plan for opening a taxi service. Using the recommendations below, you can easily open your own business both in a small town and in a more populated metropolis. It is worth noting that some drivers, especially in cities such as Moscow, make money on car sharing by renting out their vehicle.

Determining the most profitable business format

Before you understand how to open a taxi service, you should answer several important questions for yourself. So, first you need to learn about all the existing advantages and disadvantages of this business sector, and competently research the market volume. At the same time, you need to correlate your capabilities with the expected reality, for which you need to decide on the amount of the maximum possible initial investment. It will be much faster to open your own business with a businessman who has studied business management techniques in advance.

If an entrepreneur knows how to open a taxi company, he can try his hand at business, making his desire come true. Firstly, you can try to personally start transporting people in your own car, having first purchased the appropriate permit. Secondly, if finances allow, you can invest in a dispatch service, whose employees will regularly receive orders from clients and simultaneously monitor their execution. Thirdly, you can organize a personal taxi fleet, which will include several cars.

As practice shows, the most profitable type of such business is opening at least a small private taxi fleet. In view of this circumstance, you will have to spend a lot of time setting up the control room. In addition, it is very important to train staff, which in the future will be the key to the smooth operation of the entire taxi staff.

Step-by-step instructions for starting an auto business

Step-by-step instructions will help you understand how to open a taxi, what you need to do first. In particular, you should initially legalize your activities. To register an individual entrepreneur, you will need to select a taxation form and collect a whole package of necessary documentation.

Among the important documents, a person who is interested in how to open a taxi service from scratch must collect: a registration card, in which everything will be filled out accordingly, photocopies of the decisions of the founders who agree to open a new entrepreneur. All important documents, as a rule, are drawn up exclusively in 2 copies. In addition, photocopies of the personal documents of the company owner are required. You should take care of making a company seal in advance.

Obtaining a license by the company owner

Every entrepreneur who is interested in how to open a taxi dispatch service should definitely. It is worth noting that this document can be valid exclusively in one region, while an open company can operate for 5 years.

However, if a businessman decides to open a taxi service that will transport people between several regions, this should also be included in the license. It is important to understand that not only the traffic police inspector, but also any other passenger can ask the taxi driver for the appropriate permission.

If you open a taxi service, you need to competently approach the collection of documents and issue all the necessary permits. The list of required documentation should include:

  • State registration extract;
  • a copy of the personal data of hired employees who have direct contact with clients (drivers). This list includes honey. certificates and driver's licenses;
  • those. passports for all cars at the company’s disposal;
  • copies of employment contracts;
  • documents that confirm the fact of purchase and installation of taximeters in cars.

If an entrepreneur does not know how to open a taxi service from scratch, he must understand that the most important document for starting this type of activity is a license, which requires the fulfillment of a whole list of necessary conditions. First of all, all vehicles that transport people must pass the test every six months. At the same time, any taxi fleet vehicle must have certain insignia, such as lights and “checkers.” At the same time, the car in which clients are transported must have only a working taximeter.

As a rule, a businessman who is interested in opening his own taxi service can make money in several ways:

  • find experienced motorists who are ready to work on their personal vehicles;
  • buy cars, hire specialists who know not only the metropolis itself, but also the immediate surroundings.

What is good and bad about each of the proposed methods?

Let's consider both options, which can bring good profits to its owner. If you open a taxi company with drivers’ personal cars, such a company will be budget-friendly and economical for the pocket of its owner. The owner of the company will only have to spend time searching for a more optimal structure and organizing the work of dispatchers. Since the drivers will work for the interest they receive, the profit will ultimately be small.

As for the second possible type of company, having opened a taxi service with purchased cars and cars, you will have to invest much more money into the business. In this case, absolutely all cars will be considered the property of the company, which will allow the owner of the organization to earn many times more. If, in addition to everything else, you have your own Internet resource, the company owner will be able to receive additional income and the functionality of the dispatch service will be optimized. When opening your own taxi service, you should not forget about the loyalty system, which applies to all regular customers.

A businessman who wants to understand how to open a taxi dispatch service from scratch should know about the list of parameters according to which consumers evaluate the work of all taxi fleet personnel: the speed with which the car arrived after contacting the service, the ability to go to the point indicated by the client, polite and sensitive attitude on the part of the staff and accuracy of the driver. Some clients appreciate taxi services where they can order a car around the clock.

Business payback

Many entrepreneurs who are just planning to open their own taxi service are interested in how long it will take for them to recoup the business and return the funds invested in it. Most often, such a company pays for itself in six months.

As a rule, to organize the process, even a large taxi company does not need a very large room for dispatchers; a room of about 30 m2 is sufficient. Equally important is the quality of telephone communication, as well as a stable Internet signal. As for cars, they must have working radios. All equipment, as a rule, has a guarantee and quality certificates. A unique feature can be no less intriguing for customers; such a feature could be an unusual dress code or interesting offers for consumers.

We register a taxi service company correctly

People who are interested in how to open their own taxi, where to start and where to go next, should know that this type of activity falls under UTII, which is why this type of activity can be registered to a simple entrepreneur. In the future, an agreement must be concluded with all service personnel, in particular with drivers, according to which employees receive a fixed percentage of their revenue. If the newly opened taxi service provides, it is advisable to contact an outstaffing company, whose employees will help with the selection of personnel.

So, in order to understand how to open your own taxi dispatch office, you should have your own permit for each car, allowing you to carry out road transportation.

Rental of premises

To open a taxi service, you will need an office of 30 m2, in which dispatchers will be located, for the implementation of which they will only need a small set of furniture. It is important to understand that it is best to locate the taxi service office in a high part of the village, which will help optimize the functionality of the radio station.

Expenses inevitable when opening your own taxi service

All businessmen who open a taxi service will have to pay monthly wages to hired personnel. In addition, they will have to take into account the cost of paying taxes. Almost any taxi service has an administrative staff, which includes a director and an accountant. The dispatch department may consist of three people who could work every other day. Drivers should only recruit those people who have worked for at least three years. In addition to wages, you will have to spend money on a cleaning service every month and undergo periodic technical inspections. Huge payments for telephone and internet.


Many may think that opening your own taxi service is very difficult, since it is difficult to find qualified, polite drivers, and purchasing vehicles requires an incredible amount of money. However, as practice shows, it is much easier to open your own business in which there will be a lot of cars. It is a large number of machines that helps a business quickly pay for itself. If you open a taxi service in a large city, wanting to quickly recoup your investment, you should have about 50 cars at your disposal.

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Taxi transportation in Russia is gaining momentum. Taxi as a business develops most successfully in large cities and regions with consistently high incomes. It is quite difficult for a carrier to find and occupy its niche in the market - competition is high. A new market player must take into account many factors in order for its taxi service to find its customers. Then consistently high profits will be ensured.

Where to begin?

Determine your place in the market. Consider what type of clients you are targeting:

  • social taxi;
  • VIP class;
  • corporate clientele.

Based on the development concept, select a fleet of vehicles and build a pricing policy.

Taxi service organization

The business is transporting passengers. The system for receiving and distributing applications helps to quickly deliver the car to the desired address. A centralized dispatch service receives and processes orders.

Drivers accredited in this dispatch center carry out customer orders. Taxis are equipped with special distinctive signs (“checkered”), a walkie-talkie and a taximeter.

How to open a taxi so that drivers are interested in the final result, and the owner receives maximum profit? Most entrepreneurs use a work scheme in which drivers work individually, “for themselves.” They are required to give a certain amount (plan) to the owner of the taxi service. Profits increase as the number of drivers filling orders increases.

Another option is that the drivers are on staff. The company must have its own fleet of vehicles. All profits are concentrated in your hands. In this case, questions arise about depreciation of the vehicle fleet and the search for good drivers.

Many entrepreneurs prefer to open a taxi service using drivers who work for themselves. As the company develops and the profitability of the enterprise grows, its own fleet of vehicles is replenished. The quality of service and an increase in the number of regular customers contributes to the speedy achievement of the break-even point and the receipt of solid dividends.

Draw up a business plan for a taxi fleet that takes into account the specifics of doing business in a given region, market capacity, and all financial, organizational and legal issues.

Enterprise registration

When obtaining permits, follow the Federal Law “On Taxi” No. 69, as amended and supplemented, which came into force on January 1, 2013. Officially register your business. The business can be registered as an individual entrepreneur. The transportation of passengers falls under UTII. Be sure to enter into an agreement with each of the drivers, in which you stipulate a percentage of the revenue or a fixed amount that they are obliged to give to the owner of the taxi service.

For each car you must obtain a vehicle transportation permit from the transport committee. The permit is valid for 5 years in the territory of the federal district where it was received. The document is in the cabin. At the first request of the passenger, the driver is obliged to present it.


Choose a room at the highest point in the city to ensure good communication quality. To get started, the office size can be small - 25–30 sq.m. A minimum set of furniture (tables, chairs, cabinets) is required in the dispatch service room.

Create comfortable working conditions for taxi service dispatchers to increase concentration levels. Unfortunately, taxi owners often save money on this expense item. Main disadvantages: cramped space, uncomfortable furniture, lack of sufficient time to rest between work shifts, high workload per dispatcher.

Staff are forced to work in uncomfortable conditions. Constant stressful situations and a busy work schedule worsen the quality of work of dispatchers, lead to misunderstandings and mistakes, which ultimately worsens the company’s image and leads to an outflow of clients. By saving little, you lose a lot of money.


Before opening a new taxi service, purchase the necessary equipment:

  • a computer with special software (from 20 thousand rubles);
  • multi-channel telephone communication. The phone number should be simple and memorable. Each channel will cost 2-3 thousand rubles;
  • program for automating order accounting. Cost – up to 200 thousand rubles;
  • "checkers" for taxis. Cost – 600 rub. a piece.

To operate, you need VHF radio communications. You will need a license, which is difficult and expensive to obtain. Many people do the following: they enter into an agreement with a third-party operator who has a license to use radio frequencies and pay him a monthly subscription fee.


You can open your own taxi only after recruiting a staff of competent, stress-resistant workers. For a dispatcher, a prerequisite is fast typing, attentiveness, politeness in communication and a pleasant voice.

  1. Director. In most companies, the director functions as the owner.
  2. Accountant. Hire a visiting specialist. Fixed salary.
  3. Dispatchers. Number – at least 3 people. Establish piecework wages to increase employee commitment.
  4. Drivers. The number of drivers increases as your company becomes more famous. For full-time employees, an acceptable option: rate +%. If the driver works “for himself”, the entire amount in excess of the submitted plan remains with the driver. He pays his taxes himself.


Your task is to inform the population as quickly as possible that a new taxi service has opened, offering customers excellent travel conditions. Where to advertise your company? Good options:

  • on banners and billboards along roads;
  • in popular print media. A newspaper with advertisements is the best option. Your advertisement should occupy a large enough space for readers to notice it immediately;
  • print business cards, leaflets. Hire students to distribute in public places;
  • place an ad on the Internet.

An important detail is the company name. It must contain the word “taxi”. The second word should reflect the concept and range of clients: economy taxi, luxury taxi, ten taxi, first taxi, etc. The name should be easy to remember, as should your company's phone number.

Business payback

A business will pay off faster if there are a large number of cars in the fleet. The shorter the waiting time for an ordered car, the more successful the business develops. If you have about 50 cars, the costs will pay off in six months. If you work with car owners, the profit of the dispatch service is 10-15% of deductions from the drivers’ wages. A taxi fleet business plan will help you calculate labor costs.

How to improve business efficiency

Taxi transportation has its own characteristics. The customer satisfaction factor is important. A satisfied client will recommend calling your taxi. A dissatisfied person will tell everyone he knows that they shouldn’t contact you.

Having regular customers allows the company to develop successfully. Provide such customers with discounts on every 10th or 20th trip, on their birthday or on holidays.

Watch how drivers maintain their cars. Cleanliness and good condition are required.

Keep your rates reasonable. Inflated fares will scare off potential customers.

Reduce machine delivery time. Try to avoid misunderstandings and confusion in addresses.

If you are seriously thinking about how to open a taxi dispatch service, study the recommendations of experts and develop your own concept. Your company must be different from competitors and satisfy customer needs as fully as possible.