What you need to do to find out your blood type. The easiest way. We recognize by psychological characteristics and preferences

There may be situations in a person’s life in which it is necessary to find out what his blood type is - preparation for any operation, donation, including emergency. Despite the fact that everyone should know such information about themselves and their loved ones, unfortunately, not everyone can boast of this basic knowledge. Therefore, we will figure out how to find out your blood type, existing methods and what you will need for this.

What are the types of blood?

Before moving on to defining blood groups and the Rh factor, let's talk about what these concepts mean.

In medicine, there are 4 types of blood. They differ from each other in the presence of antibodies and antigens. Based on the combination in which they are located on red blood cells, they determine whether they belong to a particular group. A huge number of antigens have been discovered, but a single AB0 system has been adopted throughout the world. In addition, a person can have one of two Rhesus (antigens) - positive or negative. These parameters are formed during the development of the fetus in the womb and do not change until the end of life.

Groups are designated not only by numbers, but also by letters:

Groups Designation Differences
I 0 or 00 It differs in the content of both agglutinins. This type suits everyone. It is believed that this is the most ancient group that the first people had.
II A or 0A It contains only β agglutinin. Suitable for transfusion to representatives of the second and fourth. The place of origin is considered to be Europe, about 25 thousand years ago. Much time has passed since then, the spread has occurred throughout the world due to population migration.
III V or 0V Agglutinin α is detected. Suitable for people with third and fourth. It is believed that it arose about 15 thousand years ago, and its representatives belong to the Mongoloid race. Spread in Europe and Asia.
IV AB This type is distinguished by the absence of aglutinins. It is the rarest, due to its late appearance (about a thousand years ago).

The Rh factor (RH) is a special antigen that is detected along with the group. It can be positive or negative. The latter blood Rh factor is more common.

As a result of research, it was discovered that there is a connection between diseases and blood type. Based on what blood type the patient has, he is prescribed a special diet, with which he can more effectively cope with excess weight, as well as avoid the occurrence of many diseases. During pregnancy, it matters what RH both parents have.


Among the methods for finding out your group and RH, there is the very first one that does not require much effort - just look at a new passport or medical record. The designation can be either numbers or letters. Near RH there will be a “+” (positive) or “-” (negative). If such data are not available, then you should move on to other methods for determining blood groups.

A relatively quick and easy way to determine your blood type is, of course, taking a test in a clinic. Blood group and Rh tests are also carried out upon donation.

The most popular technique for determining blood group using standard sera. They are prepared from an untested blood sample, isolating plasma with the antibodies in it, for subsequent mixing with an isotonic sodium chloride solution. Agglutination is assessed within three minutes after the start of the interaction of the sera.

A prerequisite is the room temperature: 15-25 0 C.

The following method for determining blood group and Rh factor is performed using monoclonal cyclones. They have greater avidity compared to the sera used in the first method, i.e. The agglutination reaction occurs faster.

When studying RH, sera with the same type of AB0 as the patient's, as well as special anti-Rhesus antibodies, are used. Mixing takes place in a Petri dish.

Where can I find out my blood type? A blood group test and Rh test can be done at your local clinic or any private clinic. The analysis is also carried out in emergency cases in hospitals before surgery, so that if a transfusion is necessary, the necessary donor blood is on hand.

Is it possible to find out without tests?

Not everyone wants to go to the clinic and stand in line to donate blood, so such people are interested in the question of how to find out their blood type without tests. This is especially true for children. Of course, they are the same as the rest, so the methods for determining blood type are no different from adults, but inheritance from parents can be predicted. It is believed that if mom and dad have the first group, then with 100% probability the child will be born with the same type. For parents with the first, second and third, the baby is equally likely to inherit any of them. The fourth may be in those whose parent is from the third, and the second from the fourth. There is a table by Gregor Mendel that allows you to determine parameters even before birth.

When determining the Rh factor of blood, everything is a little simpler. If mom and dad are negative, then their son or daughter will have the same. All other options involve both positive and negative. Sometimes paternity is determined by blood parameters. This information is not very accurate, because... can only give preliminary results.

Sometimes the type is different from the parent, so a DNA test is needed to establish the relationship.

In addition to laboratory tests, there are tests to determine blood type. They help determine your blood type at home. To check your type, you only need a special strip on which a drop of blood is applied. The result will be ready in a few minutes. There is another home test for which you need to apply a small amount onto a special cardboard with fields. The field in which agglutination is observed is your type.

We recognize by psychological characteristics and preferences

There are suggestions that you can recognize your group and relatives by character. Representatives of the first type are distinguished by their strong character, self-confidence and a penchant for leadership. People with the second type, on the contrary, are soft, calm and peaceful. The third type is found in people who are sociable, cheerful, and active. But representatives of the fourth type cannot be characterized with a specific word; they combine different inclinations. So if you don’t yet know what type your relatives belong to, then you can try to find out on your own, and then compare the results.

What other ways are there to determine your blood type without tests? There is a theory that blood type is also determined using food preferences. Fans of meat products are classified as I, lovers of vegetables and cereals as II, those who love dairy most often have III, and IV does not stand out with a special love for a specific type of food.

Despite the fact that these conclusions were made by scientists as a result of numerous observations, you should not rely only on these data, because they may turn out to be wrong. It is best to find out your blood type in a proven way.

Now science can offer us ways to determine blood type both in medical laboratories and at home. This is great progress, allowing for rapid testing that takes a minimum of time. Of course, additional improvements are currently being made that will make the analysis more accurate, but over time, determining blood groups will become easier, and many will get rid of unwanted trips to the clinic.

In contact with

Modern medicine indicates that human blood has individual characteristics determined by the antigenic characteristics of erythrocyte cells. Despite the fact that every civilized person’s blood type (BG) is established immediately after birth, in some situations he may not remember this indicator.

But the need for information about this sometimes arises unexpectedly. And the question arises, how to determine your blood type at home? Indeed, for various reasons, it may not be possible to conduct research in the laboratory.

Collection of material for analysis

Classification of human blood

The knowledge that people’s blood is different, and that the material of one person is not always suitable for another, appeared not so long ago. For a long time, in surgery, by trial and error, scientists moved towards this knowledge until they determined that human blood differs in several parameters.

The blood grading system currently used is known as AB0. To understand how GC is determined, you need to have an idea of ​​the characteristics by which the division occurs.

The membranes of red blood cells contain agglutinogens (proteins) A and B, and the blood contains proteins called agglutinins, or antibodies, designated by the symbols α and β. Depending on their combination, it is customary to distinguish 4 main types of blood:

  • The first group, denoted 0 (I). Its distinctive feature is the absence of agglutinogens in erythrocytes; antibodies are present. It is believed that this type of blood is the most ancient and is universal for transfusion (hemotransfusion), that is, it is suitable for recipients with any blood.
  • The second is designated A (II), and its structure contains agglutinogen A and agglutinin β. According to the theory, this species arose much later. People with A blood are suitable donors for type A and AB recipients.
  • The third group is designated by the symbol B (III), red blood cells contain protein B, and the blood contains α antibodies. It is believed that the highest percentage of people with this indicator appeared in the Mongoloid race, and due to migration it spread throughout the world. Suitable as a donor material for people with B and AB groups.
  • And the fourth group, designated AB (IV), has both types of antigens, but the difference is the absence of antibodies in the plasma. The youngest species and the rarest. Suitable for persons with AB blood only.

Group classification table

The second system, used simultaneously with the one described above, is designated Rh and assumes the presence or absence of another type of antigen protein. The Rh factor (RF) can be positive or negative. According to statistics, most people are Rh positive.

Methods for determining blood type

There are several ways to check the group and Rh affiliation:

  1. The most common one is going to a medical facility for a standard laboratory test. This option is the most accurate and allows you to reliably determine the characteristics of interest, since the analysis is performed by specialists using modern equipment.
  2. Delivery of material for the purpose of donation. This express method is as accurate as the first method, but is characterized by an increased speed of obtaining results, since it is necessary in the shortest possible time, for example: in case of extensive bleeding in a patient. Express determination of Rh and donor group is carried out even if information about these parameters is available, since it is important to be sure of compatibility with the recipient.
  3. Modern technologies allow you to carry out analysis yourself. A special kit purchased at the pharmacy for establishing BG and RF will help with this.

The first two methods give a person a 100% guarantee of the reliability of the result. The home technique for determining belonging to the Civil Code does not always provide such confidence, but is sometimes used in critical situations to approximately identify information.

Attention! For serious medical examinations, the use of the results of this technique is unacceptable.

In medicine, various biological techniques for laboratory analysis are used. To avoid errors, the procedure is repeated using the gel technique using a gel or the cross method.

One of them involves the use of standard serums, the duration is less than 15 minutes. To do this, the sample taken is examined, serum with antibodies and antigens is isolated and reacted with an isotonic sodium chloride solution. Based on the results of the reaction, doctors draw conclusions.

Another technique for establishing group and rhesus is fast and involves the use of monoclonal zoliclones. The agglutination reaction using them proceeds faster compared to standard sera.

Method diagram

Why know your BG

BG is a numerical indicator that confirms/refutes the presence of certain antigens in erythrocytes. If a blood transfusion is planned, it is extremely important for specialists to know the patient and donor group, since there is a risk of incompatibility.

For a couple planning to conceive a baby, knowledge about the partners’ GC and the Russian Federation is extremely important. Otherwise, an immune conflict may occur.

Self-determination of human BG and RF

The algorithm for calculating BG is simple. The very first possible source of information will be documentation, in which it is possible to indicate parameters: for some, the information is included in the passport (old practice). Someone may have a medical record at home in which the presence of such data is typical.

If a person does not have the opportunity or time to go to a medical clinic to undergo clinical tests in a laboratory with further preparation of a certificate, the necessary manipulations can be performed at home. To carry out testing at home, it is not necessary to have specialized equipment for checking BG; mechanically it is easily feasible. Thanks to the enormous work carried out by modern scientists from Austria, a unique way to determine this parameter without outside help is available.

An instrument specially designed for this purpose presents a small test strip. You should carefully prepare for collecting material, and for your own safety, maintain sterility. Just look at the instructions, following which you can check the result in a couple of minutes.

The second version of the analysis, implemented without going to the hospital and technically easily feasible, is possible thanks to the developments of specialists from Denmark. The express cards they created, called “Eldoncard,” significantly reduce the algorithm of actions for determining the group and rhesus.

A kit for measuring biomaterial parameters from the manufacturer can be ordered at the pharmacy. This is a small tablet with dry reagents. To conduct the study, prepare a saline solution or a few drops of water. The high accuracy of the test allows you to achieve a good level of diagnosis at home.

In general terms, the analysis framework can be briefly described as follows:

  1. Add a drop of liquid to each circle that contains a reagent.
  2. The blood is applied to the stick provided in the set.
  3. A sample of the material is applied to the map, and the result is assessed according to the instructions after a couple of minutes.

The technique allows you to save analysis results for up to 3 years; to do this, it is enough to cover the card with a special film included in the kit. The finished test will easily survive transportation.

Determination of blood parameters in the fetus

Basic knowledge in the field of heredity will help you get an idea of ​​the probable HA and Rh in a newborn or unborn child. The percentage probability of a baby belonging to a particular group can be calculated independently, knowing the parameters of the parents.

If both father and mother have the same GC - I, II or III, then their son or daughter will have a corresponding indicator. You can find out more about the possible blood type in the table below. It is enough to know the indicators of the mother and father of the child.

Possible HA in a child

Inheritance of the Russian Federation looks simpler. A baby will inherit a negative version of the indicator 100% only if both parents have it negative. In other cases, it is impossible to reliably predict this. In any case, in the maternity hospital, when the child is born, initial tests will be carried out, including standard urine and blood tests.

Inheritance of Rh indicator

Attention! In the case where the husband is Rh positive and the wife is Rh negative, the expectant mother should be under the supervision of a doctor throughout the entire pregnancy. Careful observation by a doctor will be a good preventative measure.


Prescription of immunoglobulin for Rhesus conflict, indications and contraindications

Doctors say that a person’s blood type is individual, since the individual antigenic characteristics of red blood cells are described in this way using special designations. How can you find out your blood type, and can this be done at home?

Blood group and its types

It is customary for medical specialists to group the blood of different people into certain groups. The most common system for such gradation is the ABO system - a-b-zero. It is based on immunogenetic blood characteristics that everyone has in the form of antigens. They can be found in red blood cells, leukocytes, platelets, and plasma. Those antigens that are found in red blood cells are called agglutinogens, and agglutinins (antibodies) are located in the plasma.

Depending on the content of antigens or antibodies in a person’s blood, you can find out both his group and its Rh factor:

  1. Group 1 is characterized by the fact that it does not have antigens in erythrocytes, but there are antibodies in the plasma. It is usually denoted “0”.
  2. Group 2 contains antigen A and antibodies B.
  3. Group 3 contains antigen B and antibodies A.
  4. Group 4 combines antigens A and B without having antibodies.

The second classification system for human blood is the Rh system. It is based on the determination of a protein in red blood cells, which also plays the role of an antigen. The mechanism for determining Rh is quite simple: if the protein is present on the surface of red blood cells, then this is a positive result, if absent, it is negative.

Thus, according to their type, each of the four groups is Rh positive or negative. That is, one of eight types of blood can be detected in a person.

How is blood type determined?

To accurately find out your blood type and its Rh, you should contact a special medical laboratory. It is here that this will be determined with the most reliable accuracy. You will need a finger prick test, which will be mixed with a small amount of standard antibodies (monoclanal, they are produced by immune cells against the protein). During the mixing process, a biochemical reaction occurs, thanks to which laboratory specialists will decipher the results obtained. So, in some cases the blood clots in the form of flakes, but in others it does not.

Find out your blood type at home

Many people wonder: is it possible to find out your blood type at home? Experts answer: yes, it is possible.

To conduct such a mini-examination, you need to perform a number of simple steps:

  1. Purchase an express test from a pharmacy to determine your blood type at home (it usually includes instructions, a cardboard strip for applying the sample taken, a diagram card for comparing the results with generally accepted standards, an auto-needle, a plastic pipette, and a disinfectant wipe).
  2. Read the instructions for performing the rapid test at home (by the way, most often it is written in English).
  3. Prepare a place for a mini-examination:
    • seclude yourself so that no one disturbs you;
    • clean the surface on which the reaction will be carried out (for example, a table, of course, not to the point of complete sterility, but it is desirable that there are no crumbs or other food debris on it).
  4. Wash your hands (you will need one of your fingers, usually your left index finger).
  5. Unpack a sterile disinfectant wipe and use it to treat the site of the future puncture for blood collection.
  6. Open the cap of the auto-needle and make a puncture, wait a little until a drop of blood of the required size (for example, the size of a match head) collects on the surface of the skin of the finger, wipe the wound with a disinfectant wipe.
  7. Place the resulting drop in a plastic pipette.
  8. From the pipette, squeeze its contents onto the cardboard test strip with reagents (a few drops may be needed, so you need to massage your finger a little for additional blood flow if it does not appear on its own).
  9. Wait for the result and compare it with a visual diagram card.

Each person has a certain set of indicators that distinguish him from other individuals. This applies to hair color, eye color, body structure and body structure, as well as height and weight.

One of the most important indicators for life is blood type and Rh factor - a combination of characteristics that determine the properties of the human body.

Often a person urgently needs to get to know a group in difficult life situations.

Usually this information is familiar to everyone at an older age, but what to do if the type is still not known? There are several ways to determine your blood type without resorting to laboratory tests.

Why know your blood type and Rh factor?

Blood type is a constant sign of a person throughout life. Regardless of nationality, gender and age, it is inherited and represents a set of specific properties, individual for everyone.

In total, science knows of 4 groups, each of which determines compatibility for the others.

This occurs due to protein metabolism, so only the required type is allowed to transfuse red liquid to another person.

Consider the importance of knowing this information:

  1. Transfusion. No one is immune from the tragic situations that occur today, when an unconscious person urgently needs a blood transfusion.

    The doctor must determine the group in order to select a compatible analogue.

    It is worth noting that those with type 1 can become donors for any person, and a person with type 4 can accept any blood.

  2. Establishment of paternity and relationship. Important genetic testing also requires this information.
  3. Pregnancy planning. During the period of gestation, a woman sometimes encounters the concept of Rh incompatibility, which means a positive and negative group in two parents.

    Then the pregnant woman needs to be tested for antibodies. Also, doctors often suggest administering serum against Rh-conflict.

The Rh factor is determined by the presence of red blood cell proteins: this indicator is often inherited. Correctly identified blood type will help save life in emergency situations.

Determining blood type at home

Most young people want to independently determine their group, but the guys do not want to go to the laboratory. People with health problems also have to think about the indicators.

Then several techniques come to the rescue to help determine ownership at home:

  1. Studying documents. The easiest way to find out what you want is through your passport.

    In some documents, this information is provided with a seal where the group is indicated: the sign 0 indicates that the person has type 1, the sign AA symbolizes the second group; BB is the third, and the combination of letters AB is the fourth blood type.

    You can also find out about this information without tests using your policy number, by calling the clinic and requesting the results of your medical record.

  2. The nature. As you know, each category of people with a certain type is characterized by various behavioral traits.

    The first type is distinguished by its strong character, the second by its gentleness and peace-loving nature. People with the third type are active and sociable, those with the fourth type are multifaceted and versatile personalities.

  3. Innovative methods. Several years ago, Australian scientists invented special test strips that show blood identity.

    The innovation contains a narrow indicator strip onto which you need to drop a drop of red liquid. This helps avoid long hours of waiting for results at the clinic.

In laboratory conditions, for example, when blood is needed urgently, before surgery, doctors use the standard serum method, as well as the use of monoclonal zoliclones.

Important! It is better to know your type in advance and always have this information with you: in critical situations of saving a patient, the doctor will need at least 30 minutes for the procedure.

In Russia you can find special express cards developed in Denmark - they allow you to quickly determine your blood type using water and containers with liquids.

Home test to determine Rh factor

Together with determining the blood type, it is necessary to find out the Rh factor - information is important for all the above cases: during pregnancy, transfusion, before operations, in emergency situations.

Note! Rhesus is determined by the presence of a special gene - agglutinogen. According to statistics known to science, 85% of humanity have a positive Rh factor.

This indicator in humans is formed at the stage of development inside the mother’s womb. It does not change throughout life.

A method for determining a factor without analysis is presented below:

How to find out a child's blood type?

Pregnant women, who are in the process of bearing a fetus, as well as girls who have recently given birth, strive to independently find out the child’s blood type without puncturing its delicate skin.

This can be done, but the probability of accuracy will not be high. For this purpose, a special table created by scientists is used.

It indicates the parents' blood type options, based on the combination of which the baby's blood type is determined.

Several features of the technique:

  1. If dad and mom have the first positive group, then the baby is guaranteed to have the same type.
  2. The combination of groups 1 and 2, as well as 1 and 3, indicates the presence of one of the types in the child.
  3. If the spouses have blood type 4, the baby will have any type except the first.
  4. It is believed that knowing the group and Rh factor of the parents, one can determine the gender of the unborn child.

Human blood consists of a set of cells, enzymes, and red blood cells, which makes it possible to make each person on the planet individual.

If, during laboratory tests, the results of leukocytes increase, there is internal inflammation, you should consult a doctor.

Useful video

Of course, every person should know their own blood type. “Why is this even necessary?” - you ask. The fact is that our lives are sometimes unpredictable and various kinds of unforeseen circumstances often arise. The question of how to find out your blood type should be asked by everyone who does not have information on this matter. For example, there has been an accident, the victim has lost a lot of blood, doctors ask for help, they urgently need a transfusion or there will be death. If you are somewhere nearby, knowing at the same time what your blood type and Rh is, will you really remain indifferent to someone else’s misfortune? What if your family and friends get hurt? Unfortunately, in this case, it may be too late to wonder how to find out your blood type.

And when prescribing a particular diet, the above factor has priority. In any case, there can be many situations.

What is blood made of?

Before we move on to the question of how to find out your blood type, let’s analyze what the red liquid consists of. Many people know that it contains plasma and dense formed elements. Thanks to the first component, the “yushka” in the body is liquid, so all organs and vital systems receive nutrients in a timely manner. The formed elements are leukocytes, erythrocytes and platelets, which ensure blood clotting. The structure of platelets also includes antigens of two groups “A” and “B”.

Blood serum contains agglutinins, which are also divided into alpha and beta categories.

In the process of laboratory analysis, different samples are combined with each other and their reaction determines which group each of them belongs to. This research method was called the “ABO system.” Experts have found that today there are over one and a half million different groups based on the individual characteristics of each person.

At the same time, there is a standard classification, according to which there are four categories, within each of which there can be either a negative or a positive Rh factor. Moreover, the second one is usually dominant. For example, if one parent has blood type 1 with positive Rh, and the other has the same group, but is Rh negative, then their offspring will be 90% Rh positive. This is another reason to inquire about how to find out your blood type.

In which institutions can you find out your own blood type?

It should be noted that the study of “red” liquid for the Rh group is quite common.

The above analysis is mandatory for women who are pregnant, as well as young people called up for service in the Russian Armed Forces.

Don't have the slightest idea where to find out your blood type? Naturally, at the clinic at your place of registration. Consult your local GP about this issue. Moreover, no appointments are required for this. Of course, the doctor will try to provide you with every possible assistance in this matter, since not everyone currently cares about their own health. Where else can I find out my blood type? In a specialized medical institution. It is called a blood transfusion station. This is where people become honorary donors.

Analysis procedure

In the morning on an empty stomach, blood will be taken from a vein and sent to the laboratory, where it will be examined through a simple immunohematological reaction. The meaning of the analysis is quite simple. Using a wax pencil, a laboratory technician makes eight marks on a flat plate according to the number of groups and Rh factors in each of them. Next, next to each of them, a “standard” serum is placed, into the structure of which a small amount of the patient’s blood is added. If the serum antigen combines with the antibody of the “red” liquid, and sand precipitates, this means that an agglutination reaction has occurred.

In order to be sure of the final result, it is additionally confirmed by a cross reaction, which allows you to accurately determine the Rh factor. Moreover, the rarest blood group is the fourth “negative”. Information about the results of the analysis is entered into the passport, since this is the main document for a person.

Is it possible to determine your blood type yourself?

Of course, not everyone has the time or desire to visit doctors. In this regard, some people are interested in the question of where to find out their blood type without resorting to the help of doctors. Well, you can make attempts to find out this yourself. However, we should immediately warn you that without special knowledge in the field of medicine, determining your blood type is quite a difficult task. In addition, no one will give you any guarantees that you were not mistaken.

There is a certain percentage of people who believe that there is no need to do any blood group testing, and that the “red liquid” can be identified based on a person’s external data. In particular, if he has a big nose, it means he is the owner of the first group, if he has huge eyes, he is of the second group, if he has cold ears, he is of the third group, and plump lips are evidence that the fourth blood group flows in his veins.

Of course, it is difficult to judge the degree of effectiveness of the above method, and there are doubts here.

Others advise determining your blood type based on how quickly it clots. An incision is made on the finger, and then it remains to be seen how quickly the wound heals. It is believed that the worse the blood clotting, the lower its group. But then a completely natural question arises: “Isn’t it easier to visit a clinic and get tested?”

Alternative options

To solve the problem under consideration, you can view the information contained in the parents’ passports. Representatives of the weaker sex usually inherit their father's blood type, while the stronger sex inherits their mother's blood type. If the parents have an identical blood category, then the child will have the same blood category.

The easiest way to find out your own group is to look at the medical record, which is mandatory for everyone who has visited a doctor at least once in their life.


Whichever method you use from the above, the most reliable is an analysis in a medical institution.

New technologies certainly open up new horizons of knowledge, and there are rumors that it will soon be possible to purchase a special test at the pharmacy that will help accurately determine your blood type at home. But for now these are just rumors.