Is it painful to have blepharoplasty under local anesthesia? Stages of surgery under local anesthesia

With age, unfortunately, the skin on the face tends to form wrinkles, and the skin of the eyelids is so delicate that it is one of the first to suffer from age-related changes. To preserve their youth as long as possible, some women use folk recipes for cosmetics made from natural materials, and some use the services of plastic and aesthetic surgery.

Nowadays plastic surgery is available to almost everyone, if only they have the desire and the financial opportunity. One of the most popular procedures for women who want to make their eyelid skin more toned and firm is blepharoplasty. Blepharoplasty is considered an uncomplicated procedure that involves correction of the lower or upper eyelids or changing the shape of the eyes. It is indicated not only for age-related changes in the skin of the eyelids, but can also be performed to improve the shape and shape of the eyes.

Like any other operation, blepharoplasty must be performed under anesthesia. What anesthesia is used to perform blepharoplasty? Here the choice is only for the patients, but their individual characteristics are also taken into account.

Blepharoplasty is performed:

  • Under general anesthesia. The patient's consciousness is temporarily turned off with the help of medications, for how long it depends on the time required for the actual operation.
  • By regional anesthesia. With its help, sensitivity disappears in a certain part of the body necessary for the operation.
  • Through local anesthesia. Local anesthesia of a specific area of ​​the body.

Anesthesia for blepharoplasty: surgery under local and general anesthesia

Anesthesia for blepharoplasty is performed by an anesthesiologist-resuscitator. Before prescribing anesthesia, the anesthesiologist must study the medical history, conduct a conversation and clarify the possible negative consequences of its administration. Find out if there are any allergies to any medications and have them familiarize themselves with and sign a consent to the administration of anesthesia. The anesthesiologist bears full responsibility for the patient’s health and for the administered drug.


If you do not have acute or chronic ophthalmological diseases and during consultation with an ophthalmologist he gave the go-ahead, you can go to the clinic for a consultation on blepharoplasty.

Blepharoplasty under general anesthesia is the best option for most patients and surgeons. A peacefully sleeping patient does not distract or disturb the doctor, and, accordingly, the operation goes faster for both one and the other.

Perhaps another advantage of general anesthesia for blepharoplasty is that the patient will sleep, but with any other anesthesia he will see everything. Many people are afraid of general anesthesia because of its consequences, or rather, not everyone knows that now anesthesia used for general anesthesia is well tolerated and does not cause such consequences as hallucinations, nausea and other unpleasant phenomena.


In general, patients can return home after general anesthesia in the evening. But still, the fear of not waking up makes it unacceptable for a certain group of people.

Blepharoplasty under local anesthesia is no longer scary because you may not wake up, but it requires the patient to have a very strong nervous system.

  • Under local anesthesia, the face is treated with disinfectants and an injection is given in the upper or lower eyelid, depending on the chosen operation.
  • The patient is conscious, sees and hears everything, but simply does not feel certain areas around the eyes.
  • This anesthesia is somewhat similar in sensation to the anesthesia used in dental practice.


If you can switch to your thoughts and withdraw into yourself, distracted from everything that is happening around you, you will easily survive this procedure under local anesthesia. You just have to show the surgeon “signs of life”; some people prefer to talk with the doctor about abstract topics.

The main advantage of blepharoplasty under local anesthesia is that you can go home immediately after the operation is completed, simply by wearing glasses.

Is it painful to have blepharoplasty?

Very often, questions and doubts arise in a woman’s head about whether blepharoplasty is painful or not. Of course, any operation, even the simplest one, causes a lot of anxiety.

The procedure itself under anesthesia will be painless, but after the anesthesia wears off, pain may appear, but not necessarily and not for everyone. In such cases, painkillers are prescribed.

The next day, most likely, swelling will appear, there may even be bruises, it all depends on the type of blepharoplasty, the individuality of the body and the literacy of the surgeon.

  • If bruises appear, you will have to hide them under foundation for a short period of time, since they do not go away very quickly.
  • After the stitches are removed, the final result should be fully visible within approximately four months.

If you still decide to make changes through surgery, choose trusted specialists and clinics with experience and good reviews from grateful clients.

Anesthesia or local anesthesia? When performing certain plastic surgeries, the patient can independently choose one of two proposed options. If you decide to do traditional abdominoplasty, then anesthesia will definitely be chosen, even without your participation. But if you just want to have eyelid surgery, then here you can express your preferences regarding pain relief. Blepharoplasty is sometimes performed under local anesthesia, which pleases patients who want to avoid complete immersion in sleep during surgery. What are the obvious and not noticeable features of eyelid correction under local anesthesia?

Eyelid surgery and local anesthesia

If you decide to undergo blepharoplasty, this does not mean that the possibility of general anesthesia is automatically excluded in your case. Avoiding anesthesia during surgical correction of the eyelids is possible only with a technically simple and small-scale operation, for example, with upper blepharoplasty. Of no small importance is the moral state of a person, who must be psychologically prepared to undergo surgery while conscious.

Speaking about the advantages of using local anesthesia during plastic surgery on the eyelids, it is worth mentioning the following points:

  • extremely low risk of developing possible complications, since more “heavy” drugs are used during anesthesia
  • the patient can move his eyelids and open and close them at the request of the doctor, which makes it easier for the latter to carry out the operation
  • the risk of under- or over-correction of the eyelids is reduced
  • opportunity to go home on the day of surgery

But since plastic surgery, regardless of the level of technical complexity, is a surgical intervention, blepharoplasty under local anesthesia has its pitfalls. So:

  • During the operation, the patient will have high blood pressure due to nervous tension. This phenomenon in itself is not dangerous, but it will be less convenient for the doctor to work
  • there is still a risk of allergic and other reactions to drugs
  • Many surgeons fundamentally work only with patients under anesthesia, so as not to be distracted by anything during the operation

How is the operation performed?

Whether local or general anesthesia is ultimately used, the patient follows the same rules regarding the preoperative period. So, you should not take blood-thinning medications, and stop drinking alcohol and smoking 2 weeks before the intervention. The patient submits a list of tests, and doctors also compile his allergy and anesthesiological history so that during the operation there are no complications or threats to the patient’s health and life.

Before the operation, the plastic surgeon applies special markings on those areas of the eyelids where eyelid surgery will be performed. Then an antiseptic is applied to the entire face and painkiller injections are administered. After the anesthetic takes effect, the plastic surgeon begins manipulations.

After the operation is completed, the patient spends several hours in the ward under observation. If no complications arise, painkillers (tablets or injections) are prescribed, then the patient is discharged home.

Is it painful to have blepharoplasty under local anesthesia?

To ensure that the patient does not feel pain and is not under anesthesia, two methods are used.

  1. The first is called application, which involves local application of an anesthetic cream or spray. After this, the area becomes numb, but the cream does not affect the deeper layers. This method of pain relief is usually used for Botox or filler injections.
  2. The second method is injection. From the name it is clear that the anesthetic drug is injected into the tissues using an injection, which allows the active substance to penetrate the subcutaneous fat fiber and muscle. Typically the drug contains lidocaine, ultracaine and bupivacaine.

The injections themselves are quite unpleasant to endure, because the injections are administered to a considerable depth, and the periorbital area itself is very sensitive. When the operation itself takes place, there will be no pain, but all manipulations will be felt - the pressure of the instruments, the moving threads during suturing. The process will resemble dental treatment with anesthesia, when the movements of dental instruments in the oral cavity are felt, but without pain.

During blepharoplasty, the patient will see the light of surgical lamps, and also, if a laser is used instead of a scalpel, the person lying on the operating table will also have to inhale the smell of burnt meat. Not everyone can cope with such an ordeal calmly, so sedatives are often added to local anesthesia to put the patient into a calmer, sleepier state.

If the patient has a low pain threshold or is too sensitive, then intravenous sedation is usually recommended. Consciousness is switched off, which makes this option of pain relief almost equivalent to anesthesia, with which they differ only in the dosage of drugs and the possibility of spontaneous breathing.

How long the pain relief will be provided depends on the amount and concentration of the drug administered. The individual characteristics of the patient’s body also have an impact. There have been cases when during surgery the patient feels that the effect of the painkiller is decreasing. In such a situation, you need to tell the plastic surgeon about this, who will administer an additional injection.

Possible complications after blepharoplasty

The most dangerous complication of local anesthesia is an allergic reaction to the components of the drug, which can lead to anaphylactic shock. To avoid this, the surgeon and anesthesiologist examine the patient's health status and, if there is reasonable doubt, perform a sensitivity test. This test is also performed at the request of the patient. But even if the test turns out to be positive, then with the wide variety of modern anesthetics available today, it will not be difficult for doctors to replace the substance in the drug that causes an allergy in the patient.

Side effects of local anesthesia may include puncture of the vessel, which will cause the patient to feel a burning sensation during the injection. After surgery, puncture of the vessel may lead to the formation of a bruise. There is also a risk of impaired spontaneous breathing, but this complication occurs in patients with a history of serious respiratory dysfunction. But for such patients, local anesthetics are generally contraindicated.

Let's sum it up

The choice of a particular type of anesthesia is influenced by whether upper or lower blepharoplasty will be performed. The individual characteristics of the patient’s body also contribute to the selection process. Patients themselves can express their preferences in choosing pain relief, but the plastic surgeon has the final say. But patients should remember that the use of one or another type of anesthesia does not affect the quality of the operation - only the level of professionalism of the doctor affects this.

Blepharoplasty is intended to correct the shape of the upper and lower eyelids. The operation is usually performed under local anesthesia or medicated sleep.

Doctors believe that anesthesia is preferable to blepharoplasty under general anesthesia. Especially if the operation is performed only on the upper or lower eyelid. Her the advantage is to minimize risks that may occur after drug-induced sleep. Plus, the person is given sedative therapy, as a result of which nervousness and anxiety are completely relieved.

Blepharoplasty can be performed under regional anesthesia. It eliminates sensation in the entire part of the body that is undergoing surgery.

This operation itself is not large-scale, lasting from half an hour to 40 minutes.

Tests before surgery:

  • general blood and urine analysis;
  • coagulogram;
  • HIV, hepatitis and syphilis;
  • analysis for allergic reactions to anesthesia;
  • fluorography.

The person must also undergo consultations with a therapist and an anesthesiologist.

Preparation for surgery:

  • you should not drink alcoholic beverages 24 hours before the intervention;
  • smoking is prohibited;
  • notify doctors about the medications you are taking. Among them may be those that reduce blood clotting. They must be excluded 3 days before surgery;
  1. He uses a special marker to mark future cuts;
  2. The skin is disinfected;
  3. Next, they inject or apply an anesthetic;
  4. Blepharoplasty is performed directly.

Rehabilitation after blepharoplasty under anesthesia is simple. But a complete absence of pain cannot be avoided. Recommendations for recovery:

  • do not strain your eyes;

What anesthesia is used to perform blepharoplasty?, depends on the client’s wishes and the doctor’s opinion after the test results. It is preferable to carry out under local anesthesia.

Pros and cons of anesthesia options:

    • Under local. With it, the risk of complications is much lower: it does not affect the entire body, the sedative effect eliminates anxiety before and during surgery, there is no pain. After blepharoplasty under local anesthesia, the patient can leave the clinic within a few hours, if all indicators are normal. Rehabilitation takes much less time - up to 10 days. Afterwards, the patient almost completely returns to his normal life.

Minuses: you will have to endure the pain of the injection; a person can feel the touch of a scalpel, suturing. This type is suitable for those who are afraid of not waking up after general anesthesia, have contraindications, and can also switch their thoughts well and be distracted from everything that is happening.

    • Under general. Direct indications for medicinal sleep include: transconjunctival aesthetic plastic surgery, when the incision is made from the inside of the eyelid; blepharoplasty of the upper and lower eyelids at once. Advantages of general anesthesia: the patient sleeps peacefully, the operation goes smoothly for the surgeon and staff. A person waking up after upper eyelid blepharoplasty under general anesthesia does not remember any parts of the operation.

Full recovery usually takes more than two weeks. And immediately after the intervention the patient will have to spend about a day in the hospital under the supervision of doctors. The pain after any type will be the same. Bruising and slight swelling may appear, which will go away on its own after a few days.

Read more in our article about blepharoplasty under anesthesia.

Read in this article

What anesthesia is used for eyelid blepharoplasty?

Blepharoplasty is intended to correct the shape of the upper and lower eyelids. With its help, you can make your look more open, remove bags under the eyes and change the shape of the incision. The operation is usually performed under local anesthesia or medicated sleep.

Doctors believe that anesthesia is preferable to blepharoplasty under anesthesia. Especially if the operation is performed only on the upper or lower eyelid. Its advantage is to minimize the risks that may arise after medicated sleep. Plus, the person is given sedative therapy, as a result of which nervousness and anxiety are completely relieved.

Expert opinion

Tatyana Somoilova

Cosmetology expert

It is also possible to perform blepharoplasty under regional anesthesia. It eliminates sensation in the entire part of the body that is undergoing surgery. This may be used for particularly sensitive patients.

This operation in itself is not large-scale. The removed tissue takes up only a few grams. It can last from half an hour to 40 minutes, depending on the complexity of the goal.

Preparatory stage

Before undergoing blepharoplasty, the patient will have to undergo a certain set of tests:

  • general blood and urine analysis;
  • coagulogram;
  • blood glucose level analysis;
  • HIV, hepatitis and syphilis;
  • analysis of allergic reactions to anesthesia;
  • fluorography.

The person must also undergo consultations with a therapist and an anesthesiologist, who will take a complete medical history of the client.

Preparing for surgery is nothing complicated. It is important to follow a number of simple recommendations:

  • you should not drink alcoholic beverages 24 hours before surgery;
  • smoking is prohibited;
  • the surgeon and anesthesiologist must be aware of all medications the patient is taking. Among them may be those that reduce blood clotting. They must be excluded 3 days before surgery;
  • A few days before blepharoplasty, take sedatives.

Right before the operation, the surgeon performs the following manipulations:

  • He uses a special marker to mark future cuts;
  • the skin is disinfected;
  • Then they inject or apply an anesthetic drug.


Rehabilitation after blepharoplasty under anesthesia is simple. But a complete absence of pain cannot be avoided. Doctors can always prescribe additional medications.

To avoid complications, you need to follow the recommendations:

  • do not strain your eyes;
  • the first two days it is forbidden to bend over a lot and move sharply;
  • you need to protect your eyes from the sun, harsh and bright light, it is better to use dark glasses;
  • You can’t get the seams wet, that is, wash your face or put on makeup;
  • temporarily stop wearing contact lenses.

What anesthesia is better?

Under what anesthesia to perform blepharoplasty depends on the wishes of the client and the doctor’s opinion after the test results. Since the operation is not a complex intervention, it is preferable to perform it under local anesthesia. Each type has its own pros and cons.

Under local

The risk of complications is much lower. Local anesthesia does not affect the entire body as a whole. Accompanying sedatives completely eliminate the patient’s anxiety before and during surgery. The man is half asleep.

Blepharoplasty under local anesthesia is performed using two methods:

  • by injection;
  • applique.

In the first case, a special composition is applied to the skin, which blocks the nerve endings. The second involves injecting an anesthetic under the skin. They may also give you an injection of a sedative at the same time.

Performing blepharoplasty under local anesthesia is not painful, since tactile sensations are completely lost. There may be unpleasant moments during injection. The patient can feel the touch of a scalpel and sutures. After the operation is completed, an anesthetic injection is given.

After blepharoplasty under local anesthesia, the patient can leave the clinic within a few hours if all indicators are normal. In addition, the rehabilitation period is much shorter than with general treatment. It lasts up to 10 days. Afterwards, the patient almost completely returns to his normal life.

  • you will have to endure pain from an injection in such tender places as the upper and lower eyelids;
  • the client hears and sees everything that happens around;
  • local anesthesia resembles pain relief during dental treatment, that is, the person feels that something is being done to him.

This type is suitable for those who are afraid of not waking up after general anesthesia, have contraindications, and can also switch their thoughts well and be distracted from everything that is happening.

Watch this video about how blepharoplasty is performed using combined anesthesia:

Under general

These disadvantages may be unacceptable for the patient, so some choose medicated sleep. But there are also direct indications for performing blepharoplasty under general anesthesia. These include:

The advantage of general anesthesia is that the patient sleeps peacefully, the operation goes smoothly for the surgeon and staff. In addition, pain after any type of anesthesia will be the same. Bruising and slight swelling may also appear, which will go away on its own after a few days.

A person waking up after upper eyelid blepharoplasty under general anesthesia does not remember any parts of the operation.

Full recovery usually takes more than two weeks. Moreover, immediately after the intervention, the patient will have to spend about a day in the hospital under the supervision of doctors.

Blepharoplasty is not a complex operation, therefore, to reduce risks and facilitate the recovery period, it is performed under local anesthesia. But the final decision depends on the patient’s opinion and test results, the desired result. A painful recovery awaits in both cases.

Useful video

Watch this video about blepharoplasty under mini anesthesia:

The time has come when cosmetics no longer allow you to look 10 years younger - droopy eyelids show age, no matter how hard you try or cover it up. They say different things about blepharoplasty: the operation is easy, like going to the dentist, the rehabilitation period is from two to three weeks, the next correction will be required no earlier than in 7 years.

I have no time to think - it’s already 50 years. I went to the clinic after reading reviews. It’s surprising that the doctor I chose based on reviews practices practically next to my house. I considered this a lucky sign. I didn’t even have time to comprehend everything that happened then - I called the clinic to find out about a consultation, they said, come over now. I drove up, talked with the doctor for five minutes, and immediately made an appointment for tests and surgery. Less than a week later, I got new eyes.

So, we were shown into the room and given disposable underwear. The surgeon came and took photographs. The anesthesiologist took me to the operating room. There they strapped me to a table, put clothespins on the fingers of my right hand to measure my oxygen level, put a cuff on my left forearm - the whole operation monitored my blood pressure. They covered her with a sheet up to her eyes and injected a sedative into her vein.

The doctor came, drew future incisions on the eyelids, and warned that he would carefully place injections. Indeed, very carefully, with a thin needle, I numbed the eyelids first, then with a thick needle I injected the required amount of painkiller.

To the right and left, two shadowless lamps shone - a little bright, uncomfortable. The operation lasted about an hour and a half, the doctor and I talked constantly. There were almost no unpleasant sensations, only at the end, when we worked on the lower eyelids, it became a bit painful. The doctor sewed the stitches, adding anesthesia.

After the operation, I got up myself and went into the room. There was no dizziness, double vision, watery eyes, and there was no pain either. They put an ice compress on my eyelids and I lay there for about an hour. then they sent me home. An hour later I was already driving my car without feeling any discomfort.

The first day was strange - it’s not very comfortable to be indoors wearing glasses. There was no pain. The most difficult thing was sleeping on my back, half-sitting. The first few days I didn’t watch TV, I listened to audiobooks all day long. You shouldn't strain your eyes.

Today is day five and I feel much better. The second and third days are the hardest - there is severe swelling, there is still blood on the napkins. Now nothing bothers me except the itching from the stitches. By the way, the stitches were not removed; they will be removed on the eighth day.

The face, of course, is very scary in the first days, the bruises are a frightening color. But gradually they become yellow. You cannot smoke or drink alcohol two weeks before the operation and two weeks after; you need to limit yourself as much as possible in salt. Now I apply Traumeel C and Venalife to my bruises, and apply cabbage leaf compresses twice a day. Rehabilitation is still in full swing. It’s as if my eyes are not mine, but I already like me.

What I can confirm or deny: the operation is really painless, no worse than going to the dentist. The rehabilitation period for me personally turned out to be longer than even when the cyst was cut out of my gum. But the dental intervention that time and the postoperative period were more painful and painful. Rehabilitation after blepharo does not fit into 2-3 weeks, I can already feel it. As for everything else, we'll see.


Today is day 9. The stitches were removed yesterday. Bruises remain, but without swelling and are easily masked with concealers. There is practically no swelling; the right upper eyelid remains slightly swollen in the morning. The scabs from the seams have almost come off; when the seams are completely clean, you can take off the glasses.

I would like to give recommendations for quick rehabilitation. In addition to sleeping on my back on high pillows until the stitches were removed, I took Hypotazid 25 mg once a day, half a tablet, for swelling. To strengthen blood vessels and prevent the formation of age spots (it’s still summer) Ascorutin 3 times a day. I lubricate the seams only with Chlorhexidine, moistening cotton swabs with it. Twice a day I apply Venolife ointment and Traumelgel C gel to the bruises in turn. Several times a day I apply very thin plastic sheets of raw potatoes, almost transparent, to the hematomas. Before going to bed, I also apply cabbage leaves, first cutting them crosswise. Thanks to these procedures, within a week the terrible hematomas turned into small bruises.

Today I warmed the blackness of the bruise with dry heat, using boiled potatoes in their jackets. The ink color turned to red. It is very effective, but you can start warming up the hematoma only when the swelling has completely disappeared.


3 months have passed since the operation. The seam on the left upper eyelid is absolutely invisible, on the right it is bright pink, if you do not cover it with shadows, it is visible. I’m used to the face, but if you don’t look at the photos, it seems like it was like that.

I thought that after three months the operation would be nothing but memories, but this is not the case - rehabilitation continues. Only now the numbness of the upper eyelids has gone away, although closer to the inner corner it still persists. Interesting sensations during the transition from the cheeks to the lower eyelids - itching-not-itching, difficult to explain. Those who have undergone surgery say that it is the nerves that are sprouting))) Maybe so. More pleasant than not.

It still hurts to put pressure on the suture of the upper eyelid - the suture from appendicitis has not hurt for so long. I really want to rub my eyes very hard, I start to rub, and I am afraid that the stitches will come apart. In general, I’m already tired of everything, I want to forget. Now I doubt that the seam on the right eyelid will ever lighten.

I’ll wait, maybe in six months after the operation everything will finally go away.


1.5 years have passed since the operation. The white seams with stitches on the eyelids are still visible. The left eye is in a natural fold, almost invisible, and the right eyelid very easily shows where the operation was. If I didn’t use decorative cosmetics every day, I’m sure some attentive friends would ask questions.

The pain has gone away, but numbness in the upper eyelid closer to the inner corner remains.

The lower eyelids have not acquired folds, but they no longer have tone; you cannot hide your age.

And the main conclusion: everything is correct - it was necessary to have an operation. Despite the fact that “wow didn’t happen,” the gaze remains open, the shape of the eyes is not Buryat, like all my elderly relatives. If I changed something, it would probably be the doctor. But how can you guess? The reviews were the best.

Anastasia (40 years old, Moscow), 04/12/2018

Hello, dear Doctor! I am writing to you to get a qualified answer. My name is Anastasia, I am 40 years old. Recently, my friend had eyelid surgery, thereby making her look several years younger. I was also very excited about this idea, talked to my husband and he agreed. But, I am concerned about the issue of money. I looked at the prices on your website, but will I need to buy any additional ointments for the eyelids after the operation? If necessary, then which ones? And what is their price? Thank you!

Good day, Anastasia! After blepharoplasty, you must use a regular night cream for the skin of the lower eyelids. The upper eyelids do not need active moisturizing with special means. Sincerely, plastic surgeon Maxim Osin.

Alexander (44 years old, Moscow), 04/05/2018

Hello, Maxim Alexandrovich! Are there any special rules that must be followed after blepharoplasty? I've heard about reducing physical activity, for example? Sincerely, Alexander.

Hello, Alexander! Indeed, during the rehabilitation period (which usually lasts from one and a half to two months), it is advisable to refrain from an active lifestyle and intense physical activity. This is due to the fact that failure to comply with these requirements can lead to pressure fluctuations, which affect healing. Additionally, there may be individual factors that need to be considered during the rehabilitation process.

Maria (18 years old, St. Petersburg), 03/28/2018

Good afternoon, my name is Maria, I'm 18 years old. Not long ago I had an accident, I had stitches and now one eyelid is drooping over my eye. Please tell me what correction can be used to solve this problem? Thank you in advance.

Hello Maria! To assess the extent of the problem, it is advisable to see you at a face-to-face consultation, or send your photo to me by email. If you have ptosis of the upper eyelid, then blepharoplasty will cost around 50 thousand. If only tissue scarring is observed, then about 30 thousand.

Daria (37 years old, Moscow), 03/13/2018

Hello! Tell me, are the swelling and bruises noticeable after? How soon can I be discharged from the hospital?

Hello! Swelling and bruising after this surgery usually goes away within 7-14 days. If you were admitted to a hospital after the operation (although you may be sent home immediately), you may be discharged within 1-3 days - the decision is made by the surgeon who performed the operation. Good luck to you! Thanks for the question!

Violetta (41 years old, Korolev), 06/04/2017

Hello, Maxim! Due to genetic characteristics, I have very sagging eyelids. It's the same with my mom. I want to have eyelid surgery, but I don’t know how difficult it is to prepare for surgery. Could you tell? Violet.

Good afternoon, Violetta. We always start the examination with an initial in-person consultation and passing all the necessary tests (the list can be requested from the administrator of our clinic). 3 weeks before plastic surgery, I strongly recommend giving up smoking, alcohol and medications containing aspirin. You need to rest before the operation itself. Sincerely, plastic surgeon Maxim Osin!

Olga (37 years old, Moscow), 06/03/2017

Good afternoon, Maxim Alexandrovich! My name is Olga, I am 37 years old. I really want to have blepharoplasty on my eyelids. Tell me, how long does the result last?

Good afternoon, Olga. The result after eyelid surgery can please you for many years (from 7 to 10 years). The only thing you must remember is that eyelid surgery does not reduce the natural aging of the skin. Sincerely, plastic surgeon Maxim Osin!

Alexandra (58 years old, Moscow), 06/01/2017

Hello! Please tell me how long after eyelid surgery I can calmly take a shower and wash my hair? Will I have to wait 2 weeks? Until the rehabilitation time passes?

Hello! Of course not! The very next day after eyelid surgery, you will be able to take a shower and wash your hair. The main thing is to thoroughly dry your head and seams after water procedures. The stitches will be removed approximately the fourth day after surgery. But you can use cosmetics after eyelid surgery only for 7-10 days. Sincerely, plastic surgeon Maxim Osin!

Angelina (44 years old, Moscow), 05/30/2017

Good afternoon I'm getting ready for blepharoplasty. I am 44 years old. Tell me, how long will it take for me to see the results of eyelid surgery? How long will the swelling last? When can you be sure how successfully everything went?

Hello! I recommend assessing the results of eyelid surgery two weeks after surgery. Swelling will persist for the first three days after surgery. Only after 10 days will your bruises completely disappear. The scar will become invisible after 1.5-2 months. Then we can talk about the final result of the operation. Sincerely, plastic surgeon Maxim Osin!