Annunciation - what does this holiday mean? Origin of the Feast of the Annunciation. Folk traditions on the day of the Annunciation

On April 7, Orthodox Christians celebrate one of the main church holidays. This event was a turning point for the entire Christian world: it marked the imminent arrival of the Son of God on earth for the salvation of all mankind.

The significance of the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary in the religious world is enormous. On this significant day, the Virgin Mary received a message from Heaven that she would become the mother of God’s Son and give birth to him from an immaculate conception.

Traditions and customs for the Annunciation

If strict fasting continues on this significant day, the church allows a relaxation to be made in honor of the celebration. Christians are allowed to eat fish products.

Work remains prohibited on April 7. Household chores that require attention can be done, but you should refrain from idle pastime. Free time should be devoted to prayer, reflection on life and spiritual enlightenment. According to legends, on this day you cannot sew, knit or weave - this can bring trouble to the house and ruin relationships with household members.

Particular attention is paid to birds during the holiday. They are released to bring the good news about the good deeds and actions of people to Heaven.

On the night of the Annunciation, it is customary to light bonfires to finally melt away the winter cold and attract a warm spring. Garbage, old household items and any items that have become unusable are thrown into the fires.

Ashes from bonfires on Annunciation were taken to the garden and sprinkled on the beds in order to repel pests and protect the crop from adversity.

Plants are also planted on this day. It is believed that God himself blesses them for rapid growth and an abundance of fruit.

After the church service, prosphora is brought home, which is treated to all household members. Leftovers and crumbs are usually given to pets, protecting them from diseases and predatory animals.

Signs for the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary

Our ancestors carefully watched the weather on this day: rain promised a fruitful year, and a thunderstorm or thunder foreshadowed an abundance of nuts in the fall.

The fishermen at Annunciation hoped for a good catch, because it meant that the fish in the reservoir would not run out and there would be a bite throughout the year.

On the holiday, any swear words, quarrels and showdowns were prohibited. Our ancestors believed that the whole year depended on how the day went. A benevolent attitude, kindness and mutual assistance were mandatory.

Swallows were a good weather indicator: if they appeared before the holiday, it meant a warm winter was ahead.

On this day, nothing can be given away from home, so as not to spend a year in poverty and lack of money.

According to signs, the water consecrated on the Annunciation had healing properties and was used in case of illness of household members.

It is forbidden to wear new clothes on this day: according to legend, they quickly become unusable, and new outfits also do not please customers for long.

It is noteworthy that the weather at the Annunciation reflected the weather at Easter.

The Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary is a special day on which you can ask the Higher Powers for protection and patronage. Any wish of yours, spoken from the bottom of your heart and not containing self-interest, will definitely come true. We wish you good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

07.04.2017 05:15

The holiday of all Christians, the Annunciation is a truly great day, which symbolizes one of the most important...

The most significant celebrations in the church calendar, the Twelfth Feasts, are inextricably linked to each other. For example, believers began to celebrate the Annunciation of the Mother of God, as well as the Exaltation of the Lord, in the 4th century, when 300 years after the crucifixion of Christ, the mother of Emperor Constantine, Queen Helena, traveled to holy places associated with his earthly life. She managed to find the sacred cross on Calvary and clarify the dates of such famous events as the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary and the birth of the baby Jesus.

Since then, it has been believed that the Virgin Mary’s immaculate conception became known on March 25, on which day Catholics celebrate the Annunciation of the Virgin Mary. The Russian Orthodox Church, living according to the Julian calendar, glorifies the Annunciation on April 7; customs and traditions dictate that the holiday be celebrated decorously, with quiet rejoicing in the heart, because it falls during Lent.

News of a miracle

Now it is difficult to imagine what was going on in the soul of sixteen-year-old Mary when the Archangel Gabriel turned to her with the words: “Rejoice, the Lord is with you! May you be the Mother of the Son of God!” How could she, raised in the temple, disobey the Creator, go against his will? However, in order to fulfill it, it was necessary to show considerable courage and steadfastly endure human condemnation. Even her betrothed husband Joseph, who by that time was already in his ninth decade, did not immediately decide to do such an act; at first he wanted to secretly let his chosen one go. He was ashamed, everyone around knew that his bride had voluntarily taken a vow of chastity.

What influenced him more, the persuasion and prophecies of the angel who appeared to Joseph in a dream, or the boundless self-sacrifice of young Mary, who believed in a miracle? After all, her coming into the world was also associated with it; her elderly parents, Anna and Joachim, literally begged their daughter from God. Without his blessing, the Nativity of the Most Holy Theotokos, the Annunciation of the Theotokos, the birth of Jesus, the Holy Resurrection of Christ (), the Exaltation of the Lord and other great events, the memory of which is preserved by the Twelve Feasts, would not have happened.

Releasing the bird

Not all of them are now popular among the people, like the Annunciation, the customs and traditions of which are still observed and passed on from generation to generation. The beautiful rite of liberation of birds is especially loved. Priests usually release snow-white doves from their cages. They soar into the sky, as if souls freed from the oppression of sins, who have received hope, a chance for salvation through the Good News. In the old days, especially for a great Christian celebration, peasant boys caught wild birds in the forest that had managed to return from warmer climes. They brought them to the city market, where they asked for a ransom for them: rescue the bird from captivity, she will put in a good word for you before God. The children persuaded the adults to pay a pretty penny so that the bird could fly home.

Those birds that stayed for the winter, beyond the seas and oceans, were lured with tasty treats. On the Annunciation of the Mother of God, or more precisely the night before, housewives made sweets on the water; during Lent you cannot put the dough, even on a holiday. Funny buns were made from it, exactly like real larks: heads with beaks and raisin eyes, tails, wings. As soon as the “birds” turned brown in the oven, they were taken out, covered with honey and given to the children. They climbed onto fences and barn roofs and called loudly and loudly for spring, urging starlings and larks to build nests.

True, there is a belief that no one should work on the Annunciation of the Virgin Mary, even birds do not build nests on this day. According to legend, the ban was once violated by a cuckoo. As punishment, she turned into an eternal widow, and other birds hatched her eggs. This is how the poor cuckoo chicks grow up as orphans with a living mother. Who would wish such a bitter fate for themselves? That’s why they put off all household and household chores and worries for later, didn’t light the stove, didn’t comb their hair, didn’t braid their hair.

Annunciation of the Virgin Mary: what you can do and what you can’t do

The Most Holy Theotokos has long been known in Rus' as a protector and patroness of women. They turn to her for help and support, and in difficult times they go to the Church of the Virgin Mary for advice. And on her holiday, April 7, they are sure to buy blessed bread there - Annunciation prosphora, for all family members. They say they bring wealth and happiness to the house. Anyone who eats church food will remain in good health.

For the same purpose, on the Annunciation, customs and traditions taught how to make miraculous salt. Everyone, young and old, threw a pinch into a linen bag. Then the eldest woman in the family mixed the salt, calcined it in a cast-iron frying pan in the oven and treasured it like the apple of her eye until a special occasion. It was believed that such a drug raised hopeless patients to their feet, took away any misfortunes from a person, as if the Most Holy Theotokos herself endowed the sufferer with vital forces. If the magic potion was not useful, it was thrown into the fire on the eve of the next celebration.

At the Annunciation, ancient customs and traditions are also aimed at attracting wealth. On this holiday, it is customary to fill your wallet with money, paper bills, preferably larger denominations, and coins. You will count them at the entrance to the Church of the Virgin Mary under the solemn ringing of the bells, then you will give alms to the poor in the square in front of the church, you will not know the need for finances. There is also a completely strange, funny ritual: to steal something small. If you go unnoticed, luck in money matters will not pass you by.

However, everything can easily be ruined if you work on this day, for example, sitting at sewing or knitting. The fact is that the fate of a person is like a thread that obeys the Lord and his assistants - the angels. As soon as she gets confused, breaks off, gets wrapped in the wrong ball, trouble awaits: quarrels with family and friends, separation from her loved one, jealousy and evil gossip. It is better to visit the temple of the Mother of God, pray, and devote time to ancient women’s spells, because the Most Holy Theotokos fulfills all desires on her holiday.

A spell that banishes the blues

Read three times before going to bed, in bed:
“I go to rest with the seal of the cross. The guardian angel guards my sleep, protects my soul from evening to morning, drives away sadness from my heart. Amen".

Annunciation love spell of good luck

On the eve of the holiday, honey is bought. On the Annunciation, rituals and traditions advise them to smear the palm of their left hand, press it tightly to their right palm, and spreading it apart, say:
“Honey melts from the heat, palms join. May good luck and happiness also stick to me, the servant of the Lord (name).

Making a cherished wish

Briefly formulate in advance what you want to ask the Mother of God and Archangel Gabriel. At dawn on April 8, go out onto the street or balcony, turn your face to the east. Cross yourself and say: “Hear my prayer, Archangel Michael, Most Holy Theotokos, I trust in you. Fulfill my tearful request (state it in your own words).” Kiss your pectoral cross and don’t tell anyone about your deepest desire, otherwise it won’t come true.

- the twelfth holiday. What are the features of the iconography of the holiday, why are birds released on the Annunciation, what do this holiday and the Gospel have in common - read the answers to these questions in the material of the magazine “Thomas”.

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The Archangel Gabriel was sent by God to Nazareth to announce to the Virgin Mary that she was to conceive from the Holy Spirit and give birth to a child: He will be great and will be called the Son of the Most High, and the Lord God will give Him the throne of His father David; and He will reign over the house of Jacob forever, and His kingdom will have no end. Mary answered the angel: Behold, the Servant of the Lord; Let it be done to me according to Your word (Luke 1:26-38).

Icon of the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary

Icon from the monastery of St. Catherine in Sinai. End of the 12th century

The icon of the Annunciation depicts the appearance of the Archangel Gabriel to the Virgin Mary, whose visible surprise is shown in conjunction with the deepest humility before the omnipotence of God. Above the archangel and Mary there is a special form of halo - a mandorla, which symbolizes the Divine appearance and the conception of Christ. The red thread in Mary’s hands is the yarn that, according to church tradition, she was engaged in on this great day for the entire Church.

The essence of the feast of the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary

The Annunciation is celebrated exactly 9 months before the Nativity of Christ. According to the teachings of the Church, a person is born at the moment of conception in the womb, and not at the moment of his birth.

According to the teachings of the Church, God in His greatness descended and humbled Himself to man, and the Virgin Mary, having become the mother of God incarnate, surpassed the entire human and angelic world. To explain the mystery of the Incarnation, the church fathers used the Greek word “kenosis,” meaning “humiliation” or “exhaustion.”

Apparitions of angels Divine messengers were known for thousands of years and were not only admired, but also awe-inspiring for their greatness. The man of the Old Testament understood his unworthiness before the bright beings of another world. But Christ, becoming one of the people, made man the most worthy of created beings.

“Virgin Mother of God, rejoice, full of grace Mary, the Lord is with you, blessed are you among women and blessed is the fruit of your womb, for you have given birth to the Savior of our souls,”

The words of this one of the most famous and beloved prayers of the Church, addressed to the Most Holy Theotokos, almost literally repeat the promise to the Virgin Mary pronounced by the Archangel Gabriel.

The Annunciation marked the beginning of the fulfillment of the Divine promise to fallen humanity in the person of Adam and Eve that their descendant, literally, “the seed of the woman” (Gen. 3:15), will destroy the serpent (devil) who deceived them. “The seed of the woman” is an image of the manless conception of Christ, born of the Virgin Mary.

Behold, the Virgin will be with child and give birth to a Son, and they will call his name Immanuel,- lines of the most important Old Testament prophecy about the birth of the Savior from the immaculate Virgin (Isaiah 7:14). The name Emmanuel literally means “God with us,” which is why it is sometimes found on icons above the image of the Christ child.

Archangel Gabriel on icons he is often depicted with a cane as a traveler and messenger, with a candle or mirror - as a messenger of secrets, or with a lily - a symbol of blessing; it is mentioned several times in the Old Testament and is revered in Judaism and Islam.

Annunciation in Greek - Gospel, Good News. This is the name given to the first four books of the New Testament, the most important books of the Bible. The prophecy about the birth of the Savior of the world, the fulfillment of which was so eagerly awaited in Judea, came true like a light breath of wind, unnoticed by the whole world. Bowing before the power of the Mother of God's faith and her complete trust in God, the Orthodox Church gives the Virgin Mary the primacy of honor among all people ever born.

The Annunciation is the central event of all Sacred history, it is exactly halfway between the Old and New Testaments. The covenant with Abraham began with the doubt of his elderly wife Sarah in her ability to become the mother, the ancestor of God's chosen people. The New Testament was made possible thanks to the pure faith of the Virgin Mary in the revelation of the supernatural birth of her future Son - the Messiah, the Savior of all mankind (Luke 1:26-38).

Traditions of the Feast of the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary

The tradition of releasing white doves at the Annunciation goes back to the folk tradition of welcoming spring. Like many others, this tradition became “churched.” From the Gospel we learn that the Holy Spirit descended on the Lord during his baptism in the Jordan River in the form of a dove. The Immaculate Conception of Jesus Christ by the Virgin Mary is also explained by the Archangel Gabriel as the invasion of the Holy Spirit on her : The Holy Spirit will come upon you and the power of the Most High will overshadow you(Luke 1:35). From this fusion of folk custom, the baptismal image of the Holy Spirit and the words of the Gospel, the modern tradition emerged.

On April 7 (March 25, old style), the Orthodox Church celebrates one of the 12 main (twelfth) holidays - the day of the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary.

Annunciation, meaning “good” or “good” news, belongs to the category of permanent holidays and is dedicated to the remembrance and glorification of the event described in the Gospel of Luke. On this day, according to the Gospel, the Archangel Gabriel appeared to the Virgin Mary and announced to Her about the coming birth of Jesus Christ - the Son of God and the Savior of the world.

This holiday was established in ancient times. Its celebration was known already in the 3rd century. Among ancient Christians, this holiday had different names: the Conception of Christ, the Annunciation of Christ, the Beginning of Redemption, the Annunciation of the Angel to Mary, and only in the 7th century in the East and West was it given the name Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary.

In the Orthodox world, the Feast of the Annunciation has been solemnly celebrated since the middle of the 7th century. At the same time, the date of the Annunciation was finally established - April 7 (March 25, old style).

In the 8th century St. John of Damascus and Theophan, Metropolitan of Nicaea, compiled festive canons, which are still sung by the Church.

In the Orthodox Church on this day the Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom, then the all-night vigil, which begins with Great Compline.

The Feast of the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary has long been one of the favorite holidays in Rus'. On this day, during the festive service, a special rite of breaking bread was performed, after which the blessed “grace-filled” bread and wine were distributed to the parishioners. The Patriarch of Moscow offered bread to the sovereign himself, who was sure to be present on this holiday at the service in the Kremlin cathedral.

According to ancient Russian tradition, on the day of the Annunciation, people released birds from cages and nets. This custom was revived in 1995 and is now performed in many temples. After the Liturgy in the Annunciation Cathedral of the Kremlin, the Patriarch, clergy and children release the birds into the wild.

In Rus', on the Annunciation of the Mother of God, various customs, beliefs, and traditions have developed among the people.

The Annunciation was popularly perceived as the beginning and holiday of spring, the beginning of a new agricultural year; it was believed that nature awakens on the Annunciation. People blessed the grain before sowing, placing the Annunciation icon next to the grain.

It is considered a great sin to engage in any business or work on the Annunciation.

On the Annunciation, believers bake so-called prosphora and take them to church for consecration. Next they bring the Annunciation prosphora and place it next to the icons. And in the old days, peasants crumbled prosphora into the seed grain in order to protect the field from pests and reap a good harvest.

The material was prepared based on information from open sources

Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary is an Orthodox holiday that takes place annually April 7(March 25, old style) and is exactly 9 months from the date of celebration. The holiday was established in remembrance of the announcement to the Virgin Mary by the Archangel Gabriel of the good news of the conception and birth of the Divine Infant Jesus Christ. The Annunciation has one day of pre-celebration and one day of post-celebration, on which the Council of St. Archangel Gabriel.

Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Divine service

Holiday Annunciation in the Orthodox tradition is consonant with the Gospel (from the Greek “ good news"). The icon of this holiday is usually placed on the Royal Doors, with the Mother of God depicted on the top right half and the Archangel Gabriel on the left. The Annunciation sometimes coincides with Easter. This holiday is so great that even the Easter service does not cancel it. According to a special Charter, the hymns of the Annunciation and Easter can be combined.

The festive service tells those praying about the event of the holiday and explains the meaning of the fulfilled Old Testament prophecies. Again and again we hear explanations of the great Mystery of the Incarnation. In addition to describing the event of the Annunciation, the stichera express the same thoughts as in general on the feasts of the Mother of God. It is said that, thanks to the birth of the Lord from the Mother of God, heaven is again united with earth, Adam is renewed, Eve is freed, and we become involved in the Divine, we become the church, that is, the temple of God. The stichera of Great Vespers, structured as a dialogue between the Archangel and the Mother of God, are very beautiful and full of deep meaning:

With the Eternal Council, opening the door to you, Gavrii1l appeared before you, kissing you and 3 things, glad to the uninhabited earth. raduisz kupino2 not њpal1maz. raduisz depth2 un0b vi1dimaz, raduisz m0ste k8 nb7sє1m translation. and 3 the staircase is high, just south of їya1kovy vi1de. I'm glad you got a little bit of divine manna. raduisz permission klstve. I welcome God's invocation, with you.

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B Gъ and3he even wants, winsz є3natural chi1n, speechE free. and3 even more than humans do, my1 believe with the true verb, everything is immaculate. even cry2, beat me according to your word2, and3 the birth of the free, the flesh of the less borrowed, and let him raise the member, and the 3d1n power, the more worthy, the extreme descent .

At polyeleos, a glorification of a holiday or a saint is always sung, beginning with the words: “We magnify you...”. The magnification of the Annunciation is special:

Let's cry out in English voices. I'm glad you're happy, I'm with you.

The canon for the holiday was compiled in the 8th century. It was written by the famous Orthodox hymnographers John of Damascus and Theophan, Metropolitan of Nicaea. The canon is structured in the form of a dialogue between the Mother of God and Archangel Gabriel. The canon speaks of the Divine condescension of the incarnate Savior towards people and points to the extraordinary greatness of the Blessed Virgin, who received God into herself.


Library of Russian Faith

The Apostle (Heb. II, 11-18) expresses the idea that in order to save people it was necessary for the Son of God to take on human flesh. The Gospel (Luke I, 24-38) contains the story of the Annunciation to the Blessed Virgin Mary.

Troparion for the holiday. Church Slavonic text

May our salvation be the first fruits, and the eternal secret of the blessing, the dawn of the world, the dawn of the world, and the joy of the gospel. dark and3 we2 with8 no1m btsde vozopіє1m, gladisz њradovannaz gDy with8 you.

Russian text

Today is the beginning of our salvation and the manifestation of a mystery that has existed for centuries: the Son of God becomes the Son of the Virgin and Gabriel proclaims the good news of grace. Therefore, we too will exclaim to the Mother of God: Rejoice, joyful one, the Lord is with you.

Kontakion for the holiday. Church Slavonic text

In the chosen war, we are victorious, and we write down our gratitude to your servants. but if we have an invincible power, let us call all the troubles of freedom, let us call you, gladly, the bride is not the bride.

Russian text

Having been delivered from troubles, we, Your unworthy servants, Mother of God, sing a victorious and grateful song to You, the Supreme Military Leader. You, who have invincible power, free us from all troubles, so that we cry to You: Rejoice, Bride, who has not entered into marriage.

Celebration of the Annunciation in Rus'. Folk customs and traditions

In terms of the strength of popular veneration and the extent of the celebration of Christian holidays in rural life, since ancient times the day of the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary is in third place after the Nativity of Christ and Holy Easter. In everyday life of working village life, this holiday was considered a day of complete peace. In many villages, entire families in the evening, at sunset, went to the mills and here sat on the straw for a peaceful conversation about what the coming spring would be like, what the sowing would be like, what the plowing would be like, what the harvest would be like. The Annunciation was considered a day of blessing for every good deed, especially agricultural work. According to popular legend, on this day, as on Easter, the sun “plays” at dawn and sinners are not tormented in hell. Before the revolution, there was also a custom of releasing caged birds into the wild on this day, as a symbol of the proclamation of freedom to all people.

On this day, the smallest physical work, even leaving or going on the road to earn money, was considered the greatest sin. Not idle fun with the seasoning of festive revelry, but rather concentrated, silent meditation befitted this holiday of complete peace, freedom from business, based on the immutable belief and universal conviction that “ On Annunciation Day, the bird does not curl its nest, the girl does not braid her hair" Not a single day in the year has as many omens and fortune-telling as the day of the Annunciation: the largest number of those beliefs that were strengthened on practical economic foundations depended on it.

Icons of the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary

The oldest images of the Annunciation are frescoes in the ancient Roman catacombs (2nd century) and images on early Christian sarcophagi. Already by the 5th century, icon painting canons had developed from the early Christian ones, which remained almost unchanged in Byzantine and Russian icon painting.

The basic principles of the holiday's iconography are a two-figure composition representing the Archangel and the Virgin Mary.

The most common version is “The Annunciation with Yarn.” The Mother of God is represented sitting spinning; an Angel with a staff in her left hand blesses her with an impetuous gesture, conveying the message sent by the Lord. According to Tradition, the lot fell to the Virgin Mary to spin the red curtain for the Temple of Jerusalem, the same one that was torn in two at the moment of the death of Her Son.

The icons “The Annunciation with the Child in the Womb” (“Ustyug Annunciation”) attempt to present the idea of ​​the virgin birth.

Images of the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary are found not only in icon painting and monumental painting, but also in manuscript miniatures, sculpture, and sewing.

Annunciation churches and monasteries in Rus'

In the 11th century, Yaroslav I, who fenced the city of Kyiv with a stone wall with golden gates entering it, built over them Annunciation Church and said through the mouth of the chronicler: “ Yes, through these gates the good news comes to me in this city through the prayers of the Most Holy Theotokos and St. Archangel Gabriel - the joys of the evangelist" The same temple was built above the gates of the Novgorod Kremlin, and then it became a custom to erect gateway Annunciation churches in all large old monasteries.

In Rus', many churches and monasteries were built, named in the name of the Annunciation, in every Russian city. First of all, the Annunciation Cathedral of the Moscow Kremlin comes to mind. In 1397, Grand Duke Vasily I, son of Dmitry Donskoy, built the first wooden cathedral. It was painted by Andrei Rublev, Feofan the Greek and master Prokhor from Gorodets. Later, the cathedral was rebuilt, in 1475 it burned down, and Pskov craftsmen built a new white stone cathedral on the basement (1484-89).

There was another Church of the Annunciation in the Kremlin. One of the Kremlin towers, now named Blagoveshchenskaya, served as a prison under Ivan the Terrible. The Mother of God appeared to one innocent prisoner and ordered him to ask for royal mercy. At the same time, an image of the Annunciation appeared on the outer wall of the tower facing the royal chambers. Subsequently, a temple was added to the tower, which was destroyed in the 1930s.

One of the most ancient Annunciation churches was located in Vitebsk (Belarus). According to legend, it was built by Princess Olga when the city was founded in 974. The church was rebuilt many times, and in 1961 it was destroyed to make way for a turnaround for trams. Restored 1993–98 in 12th century appearance.

Many monasteries were dedicated to the Annunciation of the Virgin Mary. Perhaps the most ancient ones are located in Nizhny Novgorod (1221), Kirzhach, Vladimir region (founded in 1358 by St. Sergius of Radonezh), Murom.

It should be said that there is even a city named after the holiday - Blagoveshchensk in the Far East, on the border with China. It was founded in 1856 and was called the Ust-Zeya military post (at the confluence of the Zeya and Amur). The first temple that was built there was consecrated in the name of the Annunciation, from which the city received its name. Surprisingly, under Soviet rule the city retained its “Orthodox” name!

Old Believer Churches of the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary

The Old Believers continued the tradition of building Annunciation churches. The church of the Russian Orthodox Old Believer Church under construction in and in (Romania) is dedicated to this holiday.

Communities of the Russian Ancient Orthodox Church in the Saratov region, a village (Kazakhstan) and the Nizhny Novgorod region also celebrate the patronal holiday today.

The churches of the Pomeranian communities of Arkhangelsk, (Estonia), (Latvia), (Latvia) and the chapel of the Riga Epiphany community (Latvia) are dedicated to the Annunciation.