In the left ventricle there is a transverse false chord. An additional chord in the left ventricle of the heart is an anomaly that everyone should know about. What are left ventricular false chords?

Most false chords are not dangerous to life or health. According to statistics and medical statements, men suffer from pathology more often. Whether it is necessary to undergo treatment and what it consists of, we will consider below.

Before talking about whether a false chord is dangerous or not, you need to understand what it is. In the structure of the myocardium there are tissue tendons, they look like threads, so these are the chords.

There are several of them, one end is attached to the valve, and the other to the inner wall of the organ. The purpose of the chords is to prevent the valve from bending, and also to help it close so that the blood is fully retained in the ventricle.

During the prenatal period of development, the structure of the myocardium may be disrupted. False chords may be formed in the left ventricle with a thick diameter, or several with improper attachment.

The first type is hemodynamic, does not affect the functioning of the heart, and does not pose a danger to life. The second ones can behave differently, it all depends on the method of fastening.

They can be of several types:

  • diagonal;
  • transverse;
  • longitudinal.

The first and last types are hemodynamically insignificant, that is, there is no danger. Transverse is hemodynamically significant and requires a longer and more detailed study.

In the absence of timely examination and treatment, it can cause the development of any complications. In general, such patients live a normal life, limiting themselves to virtually nothing.

Clinical picture

False chord of the left ventricle, as a rule, does not make itself felt at all and does not affect a person’s quality of life. Most patients with similar diagnoses may not know for a long time that there is some kind of problem in the main organ.

Important! Anomalies can be not only single, but also multiple.

An anomaly cannot be detected by listening, but in some cases pathology may be suspected. For example, a false chord and blockade of the legs of His may be accompanied by the appearance of systolic murmurs in the upper part of the heart.

Often the patient’s condition may worsen, and the following symptoms will be bothersome:

  • feeling of pain in the chest area;
  • severe fatigue;
  • lethargy and weakness.

A person may be constantly under emotional stress.

Causes of false chord

At present, there is no complete answer to the question of what can cause the development of a false chord of the left ventricle. However, it has been proven that the phenomenon can be hereditary. If the mother had the disease, it is most likely to be passed on to her child.

Doctors say that other, no less dangerous factors can lead to the development of the anomaly. Most of the reasons are related to the lifestyle the expectant mother led.

You can include it here:

  • living in places with poor environmental conditions;
  • the effects of radiation on the body;
  • infection of the fetus inside the womb;
  • weakened immunity of a pregnant woman;
  • abuse of bad habits during pregnancy.

Psycho-emotional stress can also have an impact. That is why a pregnant woman should completely protect herself from stress and depression.

Diagnosis and treatment

If noises are detected during listening, or the person is bothered by the symptoms listed above, the following research methods may be prescribed:

  • ultrasound diagnostics;
  • electrocardiogram.

When the left chord of the left ventricle develops in a child or adult, the severity of the anomaly and the possible danger can only be determined by the results of an ultrasound examination. Special treatment is rarely prescribed as it may not be required. The patient is under the supervision of the attending physician and is periodically re-examined.

In the case where there are ailments due to the left chord, drug therapy may be prescribed.

It can be:

  • vitamin complexes– improve cell nutrition in the heart;
  • antioxidants– improve metabolic processes in cells;
  • nootropic drugs– prescribed in case of detection of a functional disease.

Surgery is extremely rare. They are indicated exclusively for hemodynamically significant type of anomaly. If there is no interference with the functioning of the organ, and the person feels well, all that can be prescribed are medications.

How to live with a false chord?

False chord of the left ventricle does not affect a person’s quality of life and does not cause a deterioration in his condition. From this we can conclude that medical intervention is extremely rarely required.

However, if there are several anomalies, there is a possibility that the heart rhythm will be disturbed and the fibers will no longer fully conduct electrical current.

In this case, doctors recommend protecting yourself from active sports. Regular visits to a cardiologist are indicated. If possible, all measures should be taken to prevent infectious inflammatory processes inside the muscle sheath.

Doctors have different opinions about the lifestyle of people with false chord. Some believe that you can only do exercise therapy or gymnastics, and that physical activity is out of the question.

While others do not see any obstacles to doing physical education. However, there is something on which the opinions of experts agree - it is strictly forbidden to engage in diving and parachute jumping.

It is useful to practice with special sports equipment, it can be a hoop, rope, ball, jump rope. If you wish, you can sign up for dances, the movements of which are rhythmic.

It is extremely important to maintain a daily routine; sufficient time should be allocated for rest and sleep. It is important to take a walk in the fresh air every day. Special attention is paid to nutrition.

It should contain a sufficient amount of vitamins and microelements. There should be no stress or overexertion.


Most often, false chord appears during fetal development, and it is almost impossible to prevent it. Despite this, there are other factors that can cause an anomaly, and you can protect yourself from them.

It is enough to follow simple rules:

  • take a walk in the fresh air every day;
  • to refuse from bad habits;
  • do not engage in heavy physical activity.

When an abnormality is detected in a child, it is important to closely monitor his health, as well as follow all the recommendations of the attending physician. Another equally important rule of prevention is timely treatment of chronic diseases.

If we talk about the prognosis, it is favorable, and all thanks to the fact that the functions of the heart muscle are not impaired. No special treatment is required, and complications are extremely rare.

Frequently asked questions to the doctor


What complications can there be with a false chord of the left ventricle?

With an abnormality in the heart, there are usually no complications. If for any reason the heart rhythm is disturbed, thromboembolic complications, stroke, etc. may develop. In case of fatal disorders, cardiac arrest may occur, but as practice shows, this happens extremely rarely.

An additional chord of the left ventricle is one of the anomalies in the structure of the human heart muscle. This is a collection of connective tissue that runs through the heart valve leaflet to the heart wall. There are several such additional chords in the left ventricle. The main task of such partitions is to maintain the valve in a normal state to retain blood during contraction of the heart muscle.

An abnormal chord of the left ventricle is clearly visible during ultrasound diagnostics; when making a diagnosis, the septum can be called hemodynamically significant or insignificant. In the second case, its presence does not in any way affect the functioning of the heart and human health. In the presence of significant false chords of the left ventricle, observation by a cardiologist, drug or surgical treatment, and maintaining a healthy lifestyle are necessary. An additional chord in the left ventricle is considered a genetic disease that is passed from mother to child during fetal development. This is a certain failure in the formation of connective tissues. The disease is not considered fatal; it is considered a mild form of congenital heart defects that does not significantly impair the function of the organ. An abnormal chord of the left ventricle is detected during examination of a newborn; the diagnosis is the reason for constant monitoring of the child by a cardiologist.

All kinds of defects of the heart muscle, including extra septa in the cavity of the left ventricle of the heart, about half a century ago could only be detected at autopsy. Currently, this pathology can be detected by ultrasound in an unborn child. Some doctors believe that an accessory septum in the left ventricle is a normal variant. But the discovery of such formations in the right indicates the presence of a serious defect. In any case, if there are additional chords of the left ventricle, the child needs timely therapy. Otherwise, in the future he will have problems associated with the presence of abnormalities in the structure of the heart: slowing down of blood flow and heartbeat, damage to the cardiac sac due to the short length of the additional septum, ventricular overstrain, myocardial dyssynergia, and impaired cardiac function.


The causes of mild heart defects often lie in the pathological proliferation of connective tissues. It may be produced in too large a volume or present where it should not be. Because of this, a false chord of the left ventricle appears. According to histological characteristics, LVDC is divided into the following types:

  • fibrous;
  • muscular;
  • fibromuscular.

According to the area of ​​origin, they are basal, middle and apical.

According to the direction of the fabric, additional partitions are divided into the following:

  • diagonal;
  • transverse;
  • longitudinal.

According to the number of additional cords, left ventricular anomalies can be single or multiple.


Visible symptoms of the disease with anomalies of this type are usually absent. Single extra septa do not affect the functionality of the organ; the patient can live with them for many years and not be aware of their presence. The presence of such a defect may be suggested by the detection of a heart murmur during examination of a newborn child. The final diagnosis is made based on the results of an examination of the body in the first 3 years after birth.

Obvious signs of the disease may be:

  • chest pain;
  • fast or slow heartbeat;
  • increased fatigue;
  • general weakness;
  • dizziness;
  • psycho-emotional instability.

Multiple additional septa can be found both in the heart muscle and in other organs that have connective tissue: the spine, bronchi, organs of the digestive system, and the bladder.

Additional chords in the left ventricle are detected by ultrasound of the heart; when examining children under one month old, this method is replaced by ECHO-CG. The information content of such a study is quite high; the procedure does not cause much discomfort to the child. ECHO-CG allows you to monitor the work of the heart in real time. Dopplerography allows you to determine the size of the false chord, its density and location.

Treatment options

If the disease is asymptomatic, treatment is not required. A person should visit a cardiologist at least once a year and undergo regular heart ultrasounds.

If the heart defect has obvious signs, the patient needs medical treatment.

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Twice a year for a month you need to take vitamins B1, B2 and PP. These substances nourish and strengthen the heart muscles. Magnesium and potassium preparations can be different, each of them contains a certain amount of active ingredients. Only a cardiologist can choose the right drug for you. Antioxidants restore impaired metabolism in muscle tissue. Nootropics are prescribed if there are signs of neurocirculatory dystonia.

Non-drug treatment methods include special exercises, hardening, a special diet, and long leisurely walks in the fresh air. A large number of fibers of additional septa or their transverse position may be an indication for urgent hospitalization and examination of the patient. In some cases, surgical intervention is performed - excision of excess partitions or their removal by cryodestruction.

It is very difficult to determine in advance how the presence of additional chords will affect the further functioning of the heart. Typically, this pathology does not cause significant harm to health. If structural changes do not disrupt the functioning of the heart muscle, specific treatment will not be required. Constant observation by a cardiologist, taking the necessary medications, maintaining a healthy lifestyle are the basic rules that the patient must follow.

An additional chord found in a child’s heart is a fairly common anomaly today. Recently, the frequency of registration of pathology has increased. This is largely due to the echographic examination method - ultrasound of the heart.

The heart of a child and an adult: structural features

This organ has 4 chambers - the left and right atrium and, accordingly, the left and right ventricle.

Normally, blood circulates from the atria to the ventricles. The movement of blood in one direction is regulated by the heart valves, which close/open according to heart contractions.

The mobility and flexibility of the valves is provided by peculiar springs - tendon threads - chords. The latter alternately contract, stretching the valve and allowing blood to flow to the ventricle, and then relax, their valves close and the blood is not thrown back.

However, it increasingly happens that during intrauterine development one or several additional (false) chords are formed in the organ.

They are a connective tissue formation. It is worth noting that most often the false chord is localized in the left ventricle of the child’s heart. In the vast majority of cases, these formations do not lead to an increase in hemodynamic load, that is, they do not impair cardiac function. In medicine, such a disease is classified as a minor organ anomaly.

Chords are classified into longitudinal, transverse and diagonal depending on their location. Diagonal and longitudinal ones do not disrupt the blood flow in the organ, but transverse ones can complicate this process, creating obstacles, which, accordingly, affects the work of the myocardium - the heart muscle. In some cases, transverse filaments can provoke heart rhythm disturbances in adulthood (short PQ syndrome, SVC syndrome).

Reasons for the appearance of a chord in the heart of a child

The main provoking factors include hereditary predisposition. If
one of the parents has pathologies of the cardiovascular system, there is a high probability of developing one or more anomalies in the offspring, for example, false chordae, mitral valve prolapse, patent foramen ovale. In addition, external negative influences and mutagenic causes (drugs, alcohol, smoking during pregnancy) cannot be ruled out, especially during the formation of connective tissue, that is, 5-6 weeks after conception.

Additional (false) chord of the heart in a child: symptoms

If there is only one pathology, then there is a high probability that it will not manifest itself in any way throughout life. Doctors first suspect the presence of systolic heart murmurs during listening. It is worth noting that in the vast majority of cases, the pathology is diagnosed during the period from newborn to 3 years of age. This is why this pathology is also called neonatal disease.

The incidence rate is due to the fact that now all children who have reached the first month of life need to undergo a planned ECHO-CG - ultrasound examination of the heart to exclude congenital malformations.

As children get older, during a period of intense growth of the musculoskeletal system, a delay in the development of internal organs occurs. As a result, the load on the heart increases, which is manifested by pain, increased fatigue, palpitations, weakness, dizziness, and psycho-emotional instability. Rhythm disturbances are less common. Most often, these symptoms occur in adolescence and can accompany a person throughout his life.

If there is more than one false chord located in the child’s heart, then the doctor must remember that there are connective tissues in other internal organs.

Accordingly, symptoms can also be expressed through dysfunction. In such a situation, connective tissue dysplasia occurs.

The pathology is manifested by changes in the skeleton (deformation of the limbs, impaired muscle function, scoliosis), the frame of the tracheobronchial tree, the digestive organs (diaphragm hernia, gastroesophageal reflux, deformation/bending of the gallbladder), the urinary organs (prolapse of the kidney, dilatation of the ureter or renal pelvis), etc. d. When there are multiple chords not only in the left ventricle, but also abnormalities are found in other organs, we can say that the connective tissue is poorly developed throughout the body.

We can say that only a pediatrician, cardiologist and a number of other highly specialized specialists will be able to decide whether we are talking about an independent disease or a general lesion of the body. If the chord is an independent pathology, then there are usually no symptoms. Otherwise, when the entire body is affected, this manifests itself in disorders of other organs and systems. Such children must be examined very carefully and comprehensively.

How is an accessory chord diagnosed?

Detection of the disease involves several procedures:

  1. Clinical examination, including auscultation (listening) of the child. In the presence of pathology
    systolic murmurs are heard;
  2. ECHO-CG - ultrasound examination of the heart - the most effective examination method;
  3. If necessary, an ECG is prescribed, which can be performed with or without exercise to exclude heart rhythm disturbances;
  4. Daily ECG monitoring;
  5. Bicycle ergometry – stress tests.

How is false chord treated?

If nothing bothers the child, there is no need for drug therapy. You just need to periodically visit a cardiologist and undergo an ultrasound examination and ECG at least once a year.

Otherwise, when unpleasant symptoms occur, it is necessary to prescribe appropriate medications:

  1. To improve the nutrition of the heart muscle, vitamins B1, B2 (riboflavin), PP (nicotinic acid), and lipoic acid are required. Vitamin therapy is carried out in courses that last at least a month. In addition, such drugs should be taken at least 2 times a year;
  2. To improve the processes of conducting electrical impulses in the myocardium, magnesium and
    potassium. For example, Magne B6 (a combination of magnesium citrate and vitamin B6) is taken in a course of one month, but the drug is contraindicated before the age of 6. After reaching 18 years of age, Magnerot (magnesium orotate) can be prescribed, which is taken for 3-4 weeks. Potassium orotate is taken according to the age-specific dosage for 3-5 weeks. "Panangin" is prescribed for a whole month, but its safety for children has not been proven;
  3. To improve metabolic processes in cells, antioxidants are required: Cytochrome C, L-carnitine preparations and similar ones;
  4. If signs of neurocirculatory dystonia occur, nootropic drugs are required, for example, Nootropil, Piracetam.

Be sure to strengthen the body as part of the treatment complex, as well as for prevention purposes.
Parents of newborn children with such an anomaly must make efforts to prevent the pathology from making itself felt. To do this, you need to harden yourself, eat rationally and balancedly, often be in the fresh air, maintain a regime of activity and rest, and play sports (gymnastics, dancing).

The most important human organ is the heart. Its coordinated work provides blood, and with it oxygen and nutrition, to all cells and tissues of the body. If a malfunction occurs in the heart, a person’s life is at risk. In this regard, in our country, all newborn babies are fully examined for the presence of various pathologies. Often, a baby is diagnosed with an accessory chord of the left ventricle (LVAC). For many parents, this conclusion sounds scary, but is it really so?

Structure of the heart

Chord in the heart - what is it?

It is known that the heart has four chambers: two atria and two ventricles. The heart chambers are connected to each other by valves. To support them, there are special threads of connective tissue - chords. Their function is very important for the heart - they open the valve, and blood flows from the atrium into the ventricle. The chordae pull on the valve flaps, opening them and then closing them, preventing blood from flowing back into the atrium.

Types of chords in the heart

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All chords in the heart are characterized by the same thickness and structure. However, chordae appear that have a different structure than normal and are usually connected at only one end to the ventricle. Such chords are called additional, anomalous or false. Of all heart pathologies, this is the most common throughout the world.

They are often single; two or more additional chords are rarely found. Their usual location is the left cardiac ventricle. Some experts consider an accessory chord in the left ventricle to be a conditional norm, and in the right ventricle as a pathology. This is due to the fact that the chord in the left ventricle does not affect the functioning of the heart. In 90-95% of cases, an additional chord in the child’s heart, formed in the womb, does not pose any problems or consequences.

True and false chords of the left ventricle

It is customary to divide additional chords according to different parameters:

  • influence on normal heart function - hemodynamically significant and insignificant;
  • by location - left ventricular and right ventricular;
  • according to the area of ​​attachment - apical, middle, basal;
  • in the direction of the fabric - longitudinal, diagonal, transverse.


Natural chords have a normal structure, they help the valves contract and the heart perform its usual work. The chordae stretch like a sail and prevent blood from flowing back. If there were no chords, then the valves would not be able to close and open, and the heart muscle would not be able to function fully. The notochord ensures normal blood flow in the myocardium.


An abnormal left ventricular chord (LVAC), that is, one that has abnormalities in its structure, interferes with the proper functioning of the heart. It cannot be treated with any medications and requires constant monitoring. The doctor will prescribe medications only to relieve negative symptoms, strengthen the heart muscle and normalize its function. The baby needs to be protected from stress and excessive loads.


When a child has a false chord, and it is alone, this is not considered a serious pathology. It can pass without consequences for the child’s health.

It happens that upon repeated examination a year later it is no longer detected. Or later, as the child lives and grows, the false chord extends and merges with the valve. In this case, they say that the child has outgrown this anomaly.

Reasons for the formation of accessory chords

Heredity plays a huge role in the appearance of an extra chord, and much more often on the maternal side. It is generally accepted that the following factors during pregnancy lead to the development of this anomaly:

  • smoking, drinking alcohol and drugs;
  • poor ecology, especially exposure to radiation;
  • strong psycho-emotional stress, frequent stress;
  • intrauterine infection;
  • malnutrition;
  • weak immunity, poor maternal health;

Cardiac pathologies develop in the fetus at 5-6 weeks. To exclude this kind of anomaly, a pregnant woman needs to lead a healthy lifestyle and undergo routine examinations at the antenatal clinic on time.

The development of this pathology largely depends on the mother’s lifestyle during gestation.

Symptoms accompanying an abnormal development of the heart

If there is only one abnormal chord, there are usually no symptoms. It is usually found by chance during a routine cardiac examination.

If there are many abnormal chordae, and this happens only in 30% of cases, then the child may develop some warning symptoms:

  • heartache;
  • fatigue, lethargy;
  • irritability, tearfulness, instability of emotional state;
  • high heart rate and rhythm disturbances;
  • dizziness;
  • dysfunction of the digestive system;
  • musculoskeletal disorders.

If there are abnormal chordae, the child constantly complains of fatigue, weakness and dizziness

The last two signs occur already in the presence of complications. Often such symptoms appear in adolescence during rapid growth of the body.

Diagnostic methods

When listening to the heart, the doctor will hear noises that should not normally be present (we recommend reading:). If a heart pathology is suspected, he will refer the baby for an EchoCG, ECG and Holter ECG. The child will be registered with a cardiologist at the clinic; some examinations will need to be done 1-2 times a year as necessary.

Most often, additional chords are first discovered in an infant, because the heart is still small and it is easier to hear atypical noises in it. On echocardiography, the abnormal chord is clearly visible. On the ECG, changes are detected only when there is a multiplicity of abnormal chordae. A Holter ECG may be required - daily ECG monitoring. By deciphering the results, the doctor will be able to assess whether the additional chord affects the blood flow in the heart muscle.

An echocardiogram can also make the following diagnosis: “additional left ventricular trabecula (LVAD),” which also refers to minor cardiac anomalies. Anatomically, the trabecula is another element of the myocardium. However, in the EchoCG conclusion, these diagnoses are often combined, and “notochord” is indicated instead of trabecula.

Why is an extra chord in the heart dangerous?

It is impossible to say unambiguously how exactly the anomaly will affect the future health of the child. It may not manifest itself in any way, or it may give quite noticeable symptoms and develop into a cardiovascular disease.

Hemodynamically significant chords are dangerous, that is, they affect blood flow in the heart and prevent it from functioning normally. In this case, the baby will develop tachycardia, arrhythmia, etc. (we recommend reading:).

If there are many chords, deviations from other organs and systems may appear: digestive, urinary, musculoskeletal. In this case, disturbances interfere with the normal functioning of the heart, and surgical intervention with excision of pathological chords may be required. Deterioration of the condition in such children, accompanied by arrhythmia, requires immediate hospitalization and treatment.

As you grow older, the presence of accessory chordae can develop into disorders of the cardiovascular system: endocarditis, blood clots, changes in the rhythm and conductivity of the heart, ischemic stroke. To prevent this from happening, it is important to follow preventive measures and visit a pediatric cardiologist once a year.

When is treatment for pathology necessary?

If the presence of an additional chord does not manifest itself symptomatically, then no medical treatment is prescribed. It will be necessary to see a doctor and undergo periodic examinations, and parents will need to organize a healthy lifestyle for the baby. If the anomaly provokes symptoms characteristic of cardiovascular diseases, then therapy will be required.

Treatment consists of prescribing medications:

  • vitamins B1, B2, PP;
  • magnesium and potassium (Magne B6, Panangin);
  • antioxidants (L-carnitine preparations, Cytochrome C, Ubiquinone);
  • neurotropic drugs if necessary (Nootropil, Piracetam).
  • engage in suitable exercise therapy, do not overload the child with physical activity;
  • conduct a course of strengthening massage every year;
  • to play sports, and what types of sports will be advised by the attending physician;
  • protect from activities with strong emotional stress - parachuting, diving, etc.;
  • to harden;
  • eat a nutritious and varied diet;
  • walk more in the fresh air;
  • avoid infectious diseases and weakened immunity;
  • ensure proper sleep and rest;
  • create a welcoming, stress-free atmosphere at home.

There is no need to protect the child from the outside world; it is quite possible that he will simply outgrow this pathology. The baby should lead a full life, while being observed by a specialist. Subsequently, in adolescence, boys can serve in the army; the additional chord is not a medical outlet, except in cases where it leads to cardiovascular diseases. Girls can safely endure pregnancy and give birth naturally.

False chord of the left ventricle is considered a minor cardiac anomaly. This is an additional muscle-tissue formation of a connective nature. The notochord is attached to the opposite walls of the ventricular septa. Most often, this anomaly is observed in representatives of the stronger sex.

In medicine, this diagnosis is quite common. But it does not apply to life-threatening pathological conditions. The patient is required to review his lifestyle and undergo regular examination by a cardiologist. If an anomaly is found in a child, then this is not a death sentence. There is no need to limit his activity, attending school, or communicating with peers. It is worth giving up only professional sports when the body is under constant physical stress. Parents need to monitor the well-being of their child and undergo regular medical examinations.

Ways to manifest an anomaly

False chord can form due to a hereditary factor. It is genetic predisposition that is considered the main root cause of the formation of the anomaly. If a pregnant woman is diagnosed with a heart disease, then the percentage of heart pathology in a newborn baby is very high. But the reasons include the harmful influence of the external environment, the impact of mutagenic elements (nicotine, alcohol, drugs). Various harmful habits have a particularly negative effect on the embryo until the sixth week of development, when the formation of connective tissue occurs.

There are no specific manifestations in a single anomalous formation, but false chord and His blockade can be detected due to specific systolic murmurs that are not typical for a healthy body. The difficulty of diagnosis lies in the absence of symptoms in the initial stages or with a single formation. Murmurs may also not be audible, so auscultation alone cannot be relied upon.

As a rule, an additional chord is detected in a child immediately after birth. If it is not detected, then after a while the following signs may appear:

  • heart pain, the intensity and frequency of which may vary;
  • a feeling of contractions of one’s own heart (in a normal state a person does not hear the rhythm);
  • general weakness, high fatigue without objective reasons;
  • autonomic dysfunction of the organ;
  • psychological stress.

The connection between false chord and heart block is arrhythmia, early restoration of the original parameters of the heart chambers, or their overexcitation.

Note! In most cases, the presence of such an anomaly does not affect the health and well-being of the child. Therefore, parents should not panic; it is enough to follow the doctor’s simple recommendations.

Key examination methods

False chord in the heart - what is it? To determine its characteristics and effect on the body, the physician prescribes instrumental research methods:

  • initial examination with listening to the heart to determine the presence and nature of the murmur;
  • EchoCG – ultrasound examination may reveal a dense linear anomaly;
  • ECG - necessary to determine a problem with the heart rhythm;
  • daily ECG monitoring;

The doctor will decide what examination the patient needs to undergo. In most cases, an ultrasound of the heart is sufficient. Additionally, other examinations may be prescribed if there are concomitant diseases of the cardiovascular system or if it is necessary to clarify the effect of the pathology on the contractility of the heart.

Optimal methods of therapy

Without pronounced symptoms of left ventricular false chord in a child, there is no need to prescribe drug therapy. You only need to regularly visit a cardiologist, undergo an echocardiogram and an ECG at least once a year. Such preventive measures make it possible to monitor the patient’s well-being over time and, if necessary, begin therapy.

When symptoms of cardiovascular pathologies appear, groups of medications are prescribed. They are aimed at normalizing the condition and eliminating the symptoms of the abnormality.

  1. The vitamin complex is necessary to improve the nutrition of the heart muscle. The vitamin course lasts at least one month and is repeated at least once a year.
  2. Normalization of the process of conducting electrical impulses, which can provoke arrhythmia. Prescribe medications with a high content of magnesium and potassium. The course of taking these funds is also about a month. The dosage is prescribed by the doctor individually, taking into account the patient’s age, the severity of the disease, the presence of other diseases and the individual characteristics of the body (the presence of an allergic reaction to certain medications).
  3. Antioxidants are necessary to restore metabolic processes. Without normalizing metabolism, it will not be possible to improve the patient’s health, but thanks to taking this group of medications, it is possible to bind and neutralize free radicals.
  4. Nootropic drugs are aimed at combating neurocirculatory dystonia. They significantly increase the body’s energy potential and stimulate the central nervous system, as well as activate natural protective mechanisms.

It is imperative to adhere to a healthy lifestyle and carry out certain health measures:

  • harden the body - hardening helps strengthen blood vessels and increase overall resistance to temperature changes and colds;
  • balance the body, enrich your diet with vitamins and other beneficial elements that are necessary for the normal functioning of all internal organs, including the heart;
  • spend a lot of time outdoors;
  • maintain a work and rest schedule, avoiding overload at school and at work, and we are talking about both physical fatigue and stressful situations;
  • engage in moderate physical activity - sports are always necessary, but the permissibility of the load is determined by the doctor.

Transverse multiple chords can provoke arrhythmia and associated pathological conditions. Diseases that progress on this basis can have a lot of negative consequences and complications. In these cases, careful diagnosis and treatment in a hospital under the supervision of a cardiologist is required.

In particularly difficult cases, cryodestruction (the chord is exposed to cold) or excision of the formation may be required.

It is not always possible to say whether a pathology threatens dangerous complications. The presence of a chord is not considered a dangerous phenomenon for the health of the body if the abnormal formation does not provoke disturbances in the functioning of the cardiovascular system. Complications with an additional chord appear in extremely rare cases. Regular use of medications reduces the possibility of complications to a minimum. The only condition is that you must take only those medications recommended by your doctor, and only in the prescribed dosage. The use of incorrectly selected medications can provoke heart rhythm disturbances and other pathological conditions.

The prognosis for life with this diagnosis is favorable if there are no hemodynamic and arrhythmogenic disorders.

The child can lead a normal lifestyle without significant changes or restrictions. The key rule in this case is a healthy lifestyle and control of pathology.