My eyesight is not very good. Poor vision: ways to prevent and combat the disease. Video - Causes and treatment of myopia

It’s so good when nothing hurts and everything is fine. But what to do if suddenly poor vision begins to bother you? Treat yourself, go to the hospital? The answer is obvious, but many people are in no hurry to put themselves in the hands of specialists, initially trying to cope without them.

Human eyes are a complex and fragile organ that requires increased attention. Vision is the processing of the image we see by the visual system. Visual acuity is the density of photoreceptors on the retina, averaging 1.0.

As a rule, vision does not depend on age. Poor vision occurs in both very young children and older people. The reason for this can be many factors: congenital pathologies, heredity, increased visual stress. This also includes: poor visual hygiene, eye injuries and aging changes. Both nutrition and lifestyle matters: lack of vitamins, smoking and alcohol.

Indifference and negligence can also contribute to the development of various diseases, poor vision and even blindness. Only then do we “grab our heads” and look for answers to questions such as:

  1. My child or I have poor eyesight – what should I do?
  2. How to improve it?
  3. How to save it?
  4. Which correction method is better to choose?
  5. How to restore vision without surgery?
  6. Where to go with problems?

Answer to the first and last question: if an adult or child has or has developed problems with vision, then the first thing to do is contact an ophthalmologist (ophthalmologist). This can be done in a clinic at your place of residence or in a paid ophthalmology clinic. After the examination, the specialist will help with the choice of treatment and correction means. Usually these are glasses or contact lenses.

Despite the fact that surgery is the fastest method of restoring vision, it is still advisable to think carefully before doing it if it is indicated. Of course, today surgical vision correction is considered a safe procedure, but there are always risks.

How to improve and maintain visual abilities?

In general, today there are many techniques that help improve and maintain vision. Among them there are both surgical and non-surgical methods. One of them is color therapy or color pulse vision correction - a safe and effective non-surgical method for improving visual abilities. Color therapy can be carried out in a hospital setting using special devices and at home using a device adapted for use at home.

Color therapy sessions help:

  1. Significantly improve visual acuity.
  2. Improve visual performance.
  3. Feel visual comfort.
  4. Get rid of pain and pain in the eyes, headaches.
  5. Normalize the condition of the eye muscles.

Health-prophylactic color therapy courses are recommended for schoolchildren (over 6 years old) and adults. For a monthly course – 10-15 sessions. Indications:

  • poor vision in a child (especially progressive myopia in childhood);
  • spasm of accommodation (false myopia);
  • farsightedness, including presbyopia;
  • amblyopia;
  • glaucoma;
  • cataract in the initial stage;
  • retinal dystrophy;
  • optic nerve atrophy;
  • recovery after ophthalmic surgeries and eye injuries.

As a rule, color therapy is prescribed in combination with traditional treatment, which enhances its effectiveness.

If you want to use color therapy at home, it is advisable to consult a doctor!

Blades of grass, or folk remedies

If you have problems with your vision, you can take a chance and use folk remedies to improve it. Some of them are absolutely harmless, since the recipes consist of consuming vegetables, fruits and juices.

Others must be made and used with caution, since the ingredients for preparing potions may be poisonous plants. Therefore, despite the fact that some remedy has helped someone, you should consult a doctor before you start using it!

We present several effective and safe (in our opinion) recipes:

Juice to improve vision: Mix equal amounts of nettle and apple juice. We drink this juice as often as possible. By the way, if you eat 40-50 g of nettle shoots daily (in salads or soups), your eyesight will only benefit from this.

Popular blueberries: Freshly squeezed blueberry juice is very useful. You can also make eye drops from it. To do this, take 5-6 berries, squeeze the juice out of them, strain it thoroughly and dilute it with boiled or distilled water (1:2). Apply 1-2 drops daily into each eye. The course of treatment is individual. Improvement in vision is observed after 3-5 days.

Juice mixture to strengthen eye muscles: mix the juices of chicory, parsley, celery and carrots, 30 ml each. We drink at one time (daily). Poor vision is restored within a month after starting use.

Mulberry and good vision: insist 1 tsp. mulberry leaves in 1 tbsp. boiling water for 40 minutes. Soak cotton pads or gauze pads in the broth and apply to the eyes for half an hour.

Parsley to help: Pass the parsley root through a meat grinder, mix with honey and lemon juice. We take the product 1 tsp. an hour before meals. Improvement will occur approximately a few weeks after starting treatment.

Honey and carrots - a killer mixture: in 1 tbsp. add 1 tsp of freshly squeezed carrot juice. honey If you drink this drink every day, then after 2 weeks positive changes will not keep you waiting! Course – 1 month.

Wheat sprouts: 100-150 g of sprouted wheat daily for breakfast and you can forget about poor eyesight.

Method for preparing wheat sprouts: a day before use, thoroughly wash the wheat (100 g per person). When draining the water after the last rinsing, leave it so that it reaches the top layer of wheat, but does not cover it. Cover the bowl with grain with a towel and place in a warm place. A day later, we wash the sprouted wheat again and pass it through a meat grinder. Immediately pour boiling water or hot milk at a ratio of 1:1. Add butter and honey (to taste) to the resulting pulp.

The mixture cannot be boiled; on the contrary, it must be cooled with the lid open and consumed immediately. If you can’t eat everything in one sitting, then the porridge can be stored in the refrigerator for only 2-3 days. At the same time, it should be sufficiently moistened and covered with a towel.

Utensils for preparing porridge can be glass, enamel or ceramic. It doesn't have to be aluminum. While treatment with sprouts is ongoing, it is necessary to reduce the consumption of bread and other flour products.

An ancient recipe for improving vision!

Burnt sugar was added to 0.5 liters of moonshine, then 5 ripened pine cones, 5-7 pieces. galangal roots and 1 sprig of heather. The mixture was infused for 2-3 weeks in a tightly closed jar, after which it was not filtered. The finished medicine was taken as follows: in the evening, 15-20 minutes before bedtime, they drank a glass of weak, warm tea with 1 tbsp. medicinal drink. Today it can be done like this: replace moonshine with vodka or cognac. Use refined sugar for burning: put it on a fork, sprinkle with ash and set it on fire. Its drops will fall into the vodka and immediately dissolve. For 0.5 l you will need 1 piece.

Get ready to exercise!

You can also do a special one if there are signs that your vision has begun to deteriorate. Exercises are usually aimed at relaxing and strengthening the eye muscles.

The first of them can help even in case of serious vision conditions, since tension is relieved not only from the eyes, but also from the body and psyche. It’s not very difficult to do them - for starters, you can just lie down or sit with your eyes closed and think about something pleasant.

Here are a few exercises to strengthen the eye muscles:

  • count to 25, while blinking - first slowly, and then faster and faster;
  • close your eyes and rotate them clockwise, make 6 turns;
  • lower your eyelids and massage your eyes with circular movements of your fingertips;
  • we look into the distance, then look at the tip of the nose, repeat 8 times;
  • close your eyes and lightly press on them with your fingers, open them, do this 3 times;
  • look up, slowly look down, then left, right, do 8 times.

For the methods described above to produce results, you need to improve your lifestyle: eat right, give up bad habits, and exercise. At the same time, you need to remember what you absolutely cannot do: read while eating, travel on public transport, stay at the computer around the clock.

And now we offer you to watch a video where the children of the ophthalmological kindergarten prepared a speech on how to take care of your eyes:

What do you think should be done when vision deteriorates? We are waiting for your comments and answers!

As a rule, in the initial stages of development, degenerative processes and many eye diseases do not manifest themselves in any way. But if your visual acuity decreases, then you need to see a doctor as soon as possible. After all, if the problem gets worse, it may even require surgery. The worst outcome is complete blindness. So, today you will learn why vision deteriorates - what to do, how to treat this or that disease.

Deterioration of vision in a child. Why is this happening?

Modern methods and equipment available to ophthalmologists make it possible to identify diseases of the visual organs, obtaining the most accurate information literally from the very birth of the baby. There are many causes of congenital pathologies, but the most common include birth injuries, heredity (the disease was passed on from parents), prematurity, and some anatomical features.

On a note! It should be remembered that congenital diseases are not diagnosed in a timely manner in all cases.

The appearance of the following signs should definitely alert you:

  • rapid fatigue of the child;
  • burning, ;
  • headache;
  • squinting, inability to look at distant objects.

Myopia is the most common ophthalmological problem in children today. According to statistics, it affects about 55% of school-age children. Typically, the earlier the disease is diagnosed, the more difficult it is to treat. Myopia is especially common among those children whose parents have poor eyesight. And the most dangerous period, perhaps, is considered to be the time when the child goes to school - the strain on the eyes increases, moreover, the educational process is always fears and stress.

The problem only gets worse if:

  • the child is interested in computers, TV, etc.
  • his workplace is not organized correctly;
  • the baby has incorrect posture;
  • he leads a sedentary lifestyle;
  • the child does not eat a balanced diet (there is a lack of vitamins).

To avoid the development of myopia, parents should strictly limit the time their child spends on the phone and computer. He should also be taught to hold his back and head correctly and play sports. The diet deserves special attention - it should include a sufficient amount of vitamins and useful elements, especially during the period of active growth of the child’s body.

Rules for working at the computer

How to plan a child's work area? It's simple - adhere to a few important requirements:

  • the desktop should have a height corresponding to 1⁄2 of the baby’s height minus 5 cm;
  • also the table should be located next to the window; Additional lighting is also required - on the right for a right-handed person and vice versa;
  • your eyes should be from the book/notebook at a distance equal to the distance between your fingertips and your elbow.

Why does an adult's vision deteriorate?

There are many reasons for this problem, but the most common are the following:

  • age-related changes;
  • serious illnesses;

Important! The situation only gets worse if you have bad habits, frequent stress, poor nutrition, or after bruises/spinal injuries. In addition, diseases such as hypertension, osteochondrosis or diabetes are also accompanied by a decrease in visual acuity. And in order to identify them in time, you need to visit the office of a qualified ophthalmologist as early as possible.

Working at a computer for a long time can also cause your eyesight to deteriorate. See for yourself: in normal conditions, we blink approximately 18 times per minute, which is why the cornea becomes moist, but if we look at the screen for a long time, “dry eye” syndrome develops. Under such conditions, we blink less often than usual, which leads to drying out of the mucous membrane. The result is pain in the eyes, burning, redness, which can lead not only to, but also to inflammation of the corneal layer or even complete loss of vision!

Separately, it is worth mentioning farsightedness - a problem that almost all adults over 45 face. This is explained by hardening of the lens, decreased tissue elasticity, and dystrophy of the eye muscles. The fragility of blood vessels increases and they become clogged with atherosclerotic plaques. Due to an imbalance in the inflow/outflow of fluid, the pressure inside the eyes increases, it begins to put pressure on the optic nerve, which as a result atrophies. As a result, glaucoma develops.

Symptoms of lens opacification are observed to varying degrees in 1/6 of all people over 40 years of age. If this process is started, it will ultimately lead to cataracts, so contact your ophthalmologist as soon as possible if you notice any of the following symptoms:

  • photophobia;
  • blurred vision;
  • double vision;
  • headache;
  • « ».

Table. How to identify visual impairment - step-by-step instructions.

Steps, photoDescription of actions

First you need to determine whether you squint in order to see certain objects. Impairments that people with poor vision have prevent the light beam from reaching the retina correctly, as a result of which the person sees an unclear picture. And if he squints, the light beam narrows and the clarity of the image, as a result, increases.

Headaches are one of the main signs of visual strain caused by excessive eye strain or stress. This is observed, for example, when working on a PC, driving a vehicle, reading, watching TV for a long time, etc.

Diplopia is double vision when a person sees two pictures of the same object. It is a consequence of an irregularly shaped cornea or, alternatively, ophthalmic diseases (for example, astigmatism or cataracts).

Halos around light sources (such as car headlights) are another sign of poor vision. They usually appear in the dark. May indicate a number of ophthalmological diseases.

Find out if glare is caused by a light source shining into your eyes. Such glare is observed during the day and indicates a number of ophthalmological diseases.

Bluriness and blurriness of the surrounding world also indicate deterioration of vision. What is typical is that it can be either one eye or two at once. The main symptom of myopia.

Find out if you suffer from night blindness - difficulty seeing at night or in dimly lit rooms. This can occur for various reasons, including vitamin A deficiency, myopia, cataracts, and taking certain medications.

What to do if your vision deteriorates?

The answer is extremely simple - you need to use vision correction. Wearing glasses or contact lenses will help you feel comfortable and see your surroundings clearly. In addition, this will prevent the development of the disease. Indeed, as myopia progresses, for example, the eye shell stretches, and the retina can rupture or detach.

Vision correction using contact lenses

Lenses vary in length of wear. For example, one-day lenses from Bausch+Lomb Biotrue® ONEday are popular. They are made of HyperGel material, which is similar to the structures of the eye and tears, contains a large amount of moisture - 78% and provides comfort even after 16 hours of continuous wear. This is the best option for dryness or discomfort from wearing other lenses. There is no need to care for these lenses; a new pair is worn every day.

There are also scheduled replacement lenses - silicone hydrogel Bausch + Lomb ULTRA, using MoistureSeal® technology (MoischeSil). They combine high moisture content, good oxygen permeability and softness. Thanks to this, the lenses are not felt when worn and do not damage the eyes. Such lenses require care using special solutions - for example, ReNu MultiPlus (Renu MultiPlus), which moisturizes and cleans soft lenses, destroying viruses, bacteria and fungi, is used to store lenses. For sensitive eyes, the ReNu MPS solution with a reduced concentration of active ingredients is optimal. Despite the softness of the formula, the solution effectively removes deep and superficial stains. For long-term hydration of lenses, solutions with hyaluronic acid, a natural moisturizing component, have been developed. For example, the universal solution Biotrue (Biotru), which, in addition to removing dirt, bacteria and fungi, provides 20-hour hydration of lenses due to the presence of hyaluronan polymer in the product.

Note! If a person squints and strains his eyes all the time, this creates additional stress, causing an even greater decrease in visual acuity. Visit a good ophthalmologist and let him choose the right glasses for you. Moreover, they will not interfere with complex therapy.

Useful exercises

Most treatment methods include eye exercises. Everyone recognizes the good results of eye muscle training. The set of exercises presented below is recommended to be repeated twice a day.

It is important that during execution the head remains motionless and the facial muscles are relaxed. To begin, take your starting position - that is, look straight ahead. These exercises should be repeated nine to ten times in each direction:

  • raise your eyes up, then lower them down;
  • move your eyes left and right;
  • move your eyes clockwise on an imaginary dial, trying not to cut corners. Then drive counterclockwise;
  • Raise your head and look up. Then repeat the exercises with the dial;
  • perform all the exercises described above again, but after closing your eyes;
  • describe the outline of an imaginary butterfly with your eyes;
  • describe the figure eight.

Note! After completion, completely relax your eyes, blink slightly without straining.

What about folk remedies?

There are a number of folk methods that will be effective in case of deterioration of vision. First of all, this freshly squeezed carrot juice, mixed with parsley, celery and chicory juice in equal proportions. The resulting product must be taken every day.

In addition, it is very effective tincture, for the preparation of which take calamus and calendula in equal quantities, pour in 0.5 liters of vodka and leave for at least 12 days in a poorly lit place. Take 1 tbsp of tincture before each meal. spoon.

Note! Young nettles and blueberries (both in any form) also have a beneficial effect on vision. They also respond well to sprouted wheat sprouts.

Deserves special attention massage, effectively relieving fatigue and tension. It is quite possible to do it yourself, you just need to ensure that it is not accompanied by pain and discomfort.

As a result, we note that the problem of decreased visual acuity must be eliminated comprehensively, without fail, after consulting with a doctor. Proper nutrition, exercise and minimizing stress - all this will have a positive effect not only on vision, but also on health in general!

Video - Causes and treatment of myopia

One of the most important senses that the human body is endowed with is vision. Thanks to him, a person gains the ability to see the world around him, cognize it, learn and change it according to his desires and needs. A person deprived of vision finds himself in partial isolation - visual images are not available to him, he is limited in perception. Such a person is not destined to see the smiles of his relatives, spring flowers and autumn leaves, snow, the greenness of young grass and the clear summer sky. A person with low vision or completely blind is limited in his personal and professional activities. He cannot engage in many sports, and poor eyesight often vetoes the desire to become a military man, pilot, sailor, driver, and many other specialties.

It’s even worse if visual impairment is detected in a small child. The more serious these violations are, the more difficult it will be for him to recognize the world, learn and develop.

But even for an adult, visual impairment brings many unpleasant moments. The need to wear glasses, extremely unpleasant eye diseases, severe image distortion that interferes with normal vision, reading and writing - all these are mainly consequences of our high-tech computer lifestyle. There are many reasons why a person complains of blurred vision, but the vast majority of them relate to acquired diseases and conditions.

Poor vision is a very broad generalized name for a condition in which visual impairment occurs, leading to a change in the perception of the shape of an object and the assessment of the distance to it. When vision deteriorates, a person complains of a lack of clarity and sharpness of the image, objects “blur”, lose their contours, and become cloudy. The patient cannot make out inscriptions, numbers, and designations, but if his vision has deteriorated greatly, he often experiences difficulty moving and using ordinary household utensils.

Naturally, a decrease in visual acuity significantly affects the patient’s quality of life. Moreover, the degree of negative impact increases as vision decreases. Since there are many causes for this condition, it is important to accurately diagnose and, if possible, cure the underlying disease or eliminate what causes vision impairment.

The reasons why vision deterioration occurs can be classified in different ways. If we focus on what causes it, we can apply the following division:

  • Pathologies of the visual organs of a congenital nature. They can be genetically determined, that is, be hereditary, or appear as a result of various disorders of fetal formation during intrauterine development.
  • Pathology of the elements of the visual organs of an acquired nature, the cause of which may be eye diseases. Eye diseases of various natures, including infectious ones, can lead to a decrease in the quality and acuity of vision.
  • Visual impairment caused by injury to the eyes, nearby organs, and brain. Loss of vision is often the result of severe concussions, blows to the head, falls, eye damage from various objects, or after polytrauma.
  • Visual impairment associated with external influences: thermal, chemical and radiation. This includes burns caused by chemicals, fire or flammable liquids.
  • Visual impairment caused by certain pathologies or diseases of internal organs, for example, high blood pressure or diabetes.
  • External influences of a non-physical nature: reading books with small print, in poor lighting, lying down, in moving vehicles, watching TV programs for too long, working with a computer, especially various games, using electronic devices (smartphones, tablets, e-books).
  • Age-related changes. The older a person is, the higher his risk of developing various eye diseases, as well as decreased visual acuity. Most people develop so-called presbyopia with age, that is, age-related farsightedness. This is why many middle-aged people can easily navigate the street, but are forced to use glasses to read, watch television or do small jobs.

The classification of visual impairments does not always have clear boundaries, since some problems may be interrelated or stem from one another.

Sometimes a person may experience symptoms of rapidly deteriorating vision. This may indicate very dangerous damage to the body, for example, methanol poisoning. In this case, there is a risk of not only irreversible damage to vision or complete blindness, but also death. If threatening symptoms appear, it is necessary to urgently seek medical help and call an ambulance.

With visual impairment, people often complain that they cannot focus their eyes on the outlines of objects. Most often, this indicates the presence of a specific problem with the formation of two foci, which is called astigmatism. It accompanies many vision defects and can occur in both farsightedness and myopia. A defocused image occurs because the optical focus is formed not on the retina, but in front of it. In this case, the eye receives not a clear, but a blurry signal, the image takes on a scattered appearance, and vision can deteriorate greatly.

One of the most common problems with visual acuity among modern youth is excessive computer use. If previously the cause of vision loss was the flickering of a computer screen, now overwork has an increasing impact on visual acuity - many people, mainly children and teenagers, do not leave their computers for hours. Monotonous actions and fixation of gaze on the screen, slow blinking and drying of the mucous membranes of the eyes often become the reasons why vision begins to gradually deteriorate.

Types of vision problems

Poor vision is a serious problem; it should worry not only because a person cannot see some details, but also because it can affect the condition of other organs. Prolonged eye fatigue leads to headaches, cerebral vascular spasms, dizziness, a tendency to faint, migraines and many other extremely dangerous and unpleasant conditions and diseases. If vision deteriorates, it is imperative to look for the reason why visual distortions appear and treat them. This will help not only prevent a decrease in visual acuity, but also identify some other diseases.

The classification of existing visual impairments varies in different countries, but is mainly divided according to the degree of visual acuity of the eye that sees better:

  • Almost normal - 20/30 - 20/60.
  • Moderate visual impairment - 20/70 - 20/160.
  • Severe vision loss - 20/200 - 20/400.
  • Profound vision loss - 20/500 - 20/1000.
  • Almost complete blindness - over 20/1000.
  • Complete blindness - lack of sensitivity to light.

It is also important to consider possible loss of peripheral vision.

Types of visual impairment also leave their mark on the problem of determining the cause of this condition, since there may be a combination of several factors at once, for example, the presence of a congenital defect in the structure of the eye, such as an injury that led to a decrease in visual acuity, as well as diseases of the visual organs. To “get to the bottom” of the reasons why blurred vision occurred, you will have to undergo many different examinations and take many tests.

The most common problem is ametropia of the eye. This concept also includes farsightedness. A huge number of the world's population have various forms and degrees of ametropia. Ideal vision is very rare; vision of about 0 5 is most common, that is, a minimal deviation from the norm. Doctors believe that optics up to 1 do not need correction, that is, wearing glasses or contact lenses, otherwise amblyopia, or “”, may develop. With it, the eye, whose functions are partially compensated by glasses, begins to become “lazy” and vision continues to decline.

Common types of visual impairment are complemented by a huge list of diseases. Sometimes temporary vision loss is associated with injury. For example, when someone faints, vision is not restored immediately; the patient first begins to hear, and only then does the ability to see return to him. In a number of diseases, only impairment of twilight vision appears, that is, perception decreases as the contrast of surrounding objects decreases.

Slightly different is vision loss due to diabetes mellitus, or diabetic retinopathy. This disease develops gradually and over time can lead to complete blindness, which is why it is so important to diagnose and treat diabetes in a timely manner. Risk groups include people with a family history and those who are overweight or obese, even if they do not yet have vision complaints.

The causes of visual impairment, sometimes catastrophic, can be a variety of diseases, for example, or clouding of the lens of the eye, etc. The latter disease is incurable and gradually causes a severe decrease in visual acuity. Its development can only be slowed down with special drops and special techniques. Cataracts are now successfully operated on, replacing the lens with an artificial one and returning people the ability to see clearly.

In recent decades, computer syndrome has become one of the most common causes of vision impairment. In the initial stages, it causes severe drying of the mucous membranes of the eyes, which is successfully corrected with special drops. This condition is caused by radiation from the computer screen and a reflexive slowdown in blinking. In this case, the eyes do not receive enough moisture and suffer from this. There is a feeling of “sand in the eyes,” pain and pain. Over time, with a large amount of computer time, vision weakens due to constant overload. At the beginning of the process, falling can be prevented if you start giving your eyes rest, dosage your work with the computer, get distracted from it more often and use special eye drops.

Poor vision as a social problem

Visual impairment is gradually ceasing to be a private problem and moving to the state level. Because of people with poor vision, accidents occur in transport and at work, poor vision threatens errors in complex and important operations and actions, and visually impaired people are at much greater risk than citizens with good vision. Children are especially affected - they are deprived of the opportunity to engage in active sports associated with stress, shaking or heavy lifting.

In psychologically unstable individuals, which include both teenagers and old people, decreased vision with a high risk of complete or partial loss of vision often leads to the appearance of serious mental disorders, including the desire to commit suicide. The state must take measures to ensure that decreased visual acuity due to illness or injury can be treated, and to work with such patients, attract not only experienced ophthalmologists, but also good psychologists, and sometimes psychiatrists.

But the person himself can influence computer syndrome. Parents should ensure that the child does not spend more than two hours a day in front of a computer screen or sit in the dark with the lights off. Adults, who constantly strain their eyes due to their occupation, can also reduce the impact of the computer on their vision. To do this, you can wear special glasses, use vitamin drops and “artificial tears,” and also take your eyes off the screen more often, changing the focus of your vision. Then the words “I can’t see what is written” will not become an unpleasant and painful discovery for you, and you will be able to maintain good vision until old age.

Date: 04/22/2016

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  • About the phenomenon of vision
  • Visual impairment: types and causes
  • Treatment of poor vision
  • Poor vision and childbirth

The eye is the most mobile organ of our body, the work of which is ensured by the corresponding muscles, and poor vision, according to the famous ophthalmologist U.G. Bates, depends on the incorrect functioning of the muscular system of the eyeball caused by mental stress. This leads to various vision pathologies and their mixed forms.

According to classical ophthalmology, visual impairment most often depends on the weakening of the muscles that ensure eye movement and accommodation (focusing the image on the retina). And the decisive role in decreased vision is played by the weakening of the ciliary (accommodative) muscle, which is responsible for changing the curvature of the lens to ensure focusing of the eye and clear vision both at distance and near.

About the phenomenon of vision

The uniqueness of our vision lies in the fact that the eye is not only a sensory organ that perceives light and color, but also a part of the brain at the forefront of perception. This primarily concerns the retina, which performs the primary processing of visual information - transforms light waves and impulses into an electrical impulse of a neuron. Also, the eye is one of the most complex systems in the body, and the quality of the image it perceives is interpreted by the brain and largely depends on the state of the psyche. The process of mental interpretation of the image obtained on the retina is a complex multicomponent process that connects a person with the outside world. And a person learns to see from birth - before he can walk and even hear. After all, a child’s vision is imperfect from birth and babies are born farsighted.

In our age of information technology and high speeds, the human psyche is subject to constant stress: stress, a lot of information, a fast pace of life. All this cannot but affect the condition of the eyes of a modern person. That is why now there are so many people of different ages, including children, who have various anomalies and are forced to resort to various types of treatment methods, in particular, laser correction operations, wearing corrective glasses and lenses to improve poor vision, etc.

If your vision has deteriorated, your ophthalmologist will tell you what to do and which correction option to choose.

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Visual impairment: types and causes

Before talking about violations, a few words should be said about how the image is produced on the retina. According to the classical theory, accommodation, or focusing of the visual image on the retina, is obtained by changing the refractive power of the lens (refraction) due to a change in its curvature. The main role in this process belongs to the ciliary muscle located around the lens. Due to the incorrect functioning of this muscle and the degree of elasticity of the lens itself, the following anomalies arise and develop:

  • hypermetropia (farsightedness);
  • myopia (nearsightedness);
  • astigmatism (violation of the uniform curvature of the cornea);
  • presbyopia (inability to see small print or objects at close range; “senile vision”);
  • strabismus;
  • amblyopia (a form that cannot be corrected with glasses and lenses);
  • floating particles (vision illusion, which is “flying flies”), etc.

In addition, the above visual anomalies (refractive errors) can be combined and have varying degrees of progression, the signs of which manifest themselves in a decrease in visual acuity.

Deterioration of vision can also be associated with trauma and damage to the visual apparatus, brain and various diseases (uveitis, encephalitis, meningitis, keratitis, etc.).

In addition to the classical theory of accommodation, there are alternative points of view, for example, according to the outstanding American ophthalmologist W.G. Bates, the cause of any refractive error is a conscious or unconscious effort of the psyche to see an object located at a certain distance. For example, myopia is caused by the effort to see objects that are far away, and hypermetropia is caused by the effort to see what is close.

The effort to see always creates tension under which the muscles of the eyeball are forced to work, which leads to their incorrect functioning and the appearance of vision anomalies. Thus, the process of vision is normally completely passive and similar to how the ear picks up sounds. The initial effort to see is a mental effort, and mental tension is always accompanied by a loss of mental control. Eyes that are under constant stress produce various refractive errors: poor vision in the twilight (twilight vision) combined with myopia, astigmatism combined with strabismus, hypermetropia and presbyopia, etc.

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Treatment of poor vision

Modern medicine has a wide range of means for correcting and improving vision. This arsenal includes such methods of treatment and vision correction as:

  • glasses;
  • contact lenses;
  • surgical improvement of vision, including laser correction;
  • therapeutic exercises (eye exercises, video simulators, acupressure);
  • drug therapy (vitamin complexes, etc.).

Naturally, there are alternative treatment methods that have something in common with traditional ones. So, U.G. Bates offers a set of measures to relieve mental stress:

  • palming (from the English “palm”, “palming” - covering the eyes with the palms so that light does not penetrate);
  • solarization (sun treatment);
  • therapeutic exercises (blinking, large and small finger turns, eye training using a check table, central fixation);
  • exercises aimed at relieving mental stress (memories, mental images, relaxing the psyche).

It must be said that when choosing a treatment method, you should definitely consult with an ophthalmologist.

Some traditional means of vision correction, for example, wearing glasses or contact lenses, do not fundamentally solve the problem, but only relieve the symptoms of poor vision and help a person fully live and work with one or another form of refractive error.

In addition, laser correction is now popular, which is a modern and fast method of correcting poor vision. However, this is a surgical operation that has certain contraindications. Therefore, in any case, consultation with an ophthalmologist is necessary.

Alternative methods (for example, a set of classes according to W. G. Bates), in turn, require regularity, perseverance and patience. Also, it may take a long time to restore visual acuity.

If you want to take a comprehensive approach to solving vision problems, then remember, we have 12 reasons.

Olga Butakova: vision restoration program

1. Psychology. Stress can cause vision loss. When adrenaline is released, the microcirculation of the eye is disrupted, and any neurodysfunction occurs. If a person is constantly nervous, then many functions will suffer, not just vision.

2. Food. Vision can be affected by a lack of beta-carotene, lecithin, selenium, vitamins A, E, C.

3. Water. Blood thickening and the presence of toxic fluids in the blood destroy the structures of the eye.

4. Medicines. Many medications damage the liver. The liver affects vision accordingly.

5. Heredity. Teeth and eyes are not inherited. The structure of the entire skeleton is conveyed. If there are many teeth, then the depth of the eye sockets will be shallow. The Japanese all wear glasses, because the teeth are very developed and the eyes are not deep, so it’s very hard for the muscles. If the mother has good teeth, the child’s vision may be impaired.

6. Movement. Microcirculation, cervical osteochondrosis, and spinal disorders in any part lead to visual impairment.

7. Injuries to the head, neck, eyes, liver lead to vision loss.

8. Bioenergy. General state.

10. Time. The lens becomes dehydrated and cataracts occur.

11. Ecology. The liver is damaged, and therefore vision is damaged.

If it is a lack of nutrition, then it needs to be replenished. Check blood pressure, blood thickening and viscosity, diabetes mellitus. There is no disease here, there are only reasons. Vision is impaired not because of diabetes, but because the sugar is coarse and it destroys small vessels. Therefore, a person goes blind, and all the sugar settles in his legs.

Vision restoration programs consist of the following items:

1. Get rid of bad habits. This is where we need to start. It's free.

2. Stop wearing cheap glasses.

3. Check for injuries, examine the neck, move more, look at heredity, eliminate medications.

4. Start drinking water.

And only after that give medications. If you start by taking medications, and the person continues to do as he did before, then nothing will change. The function of vision is complex. Vision cannot be easily adjusted. You can trim the cornea a little, but this is for approximation.

If a person has candida or cytomegalovirus on his retina, then he needs antiviral programs. If there is chlamydia, a herpes virus, in the eye, then antibacterial and antiviral programs are needed. The liver produces beta-carotene. There will be no beta-carotene, there will be night blindness. If there is Giardia in the liver, then it will not produce anything... published.

© Olga Butakova

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