Your yoga unlocks your brain's potential. How to increase brain potential. How to develop the left hemisphere of the brain

Original message by Irzeis Thanks a lot!

At what percentage does the human brain work?

Today no one can give an exact answer to this question. Although this question has been interesting to many for a long time. All we can say is that each person uses a different percentage of their brain.

There are more and more options and assumptions every year, the maximum assumption: the human brain works at 18%, and the minimum - 3%.
It is said that in an average person, the total number of activated brain clusters is approximately 2-4% of its total mass. The only thing that is reliably known is that no one uses the abilities of the brain 100% of the time. The human brain consists of two hemispheres, one of which is dominant, i.e. leading, and the second is not. Thus, the hemisphere that is not dominant is simply underdeveloped, because We practically don’t use it. Humanity has not yet learned to fully use the full potential of the brain.

The volume of a person's brain and his mental abilities are not directly related. If desired, mental abilities can be developed by giving the brain work.

An exercise to activate the brain and intellectual abilities, which has been known in India for many centuries. This simple technique, popularized throughout the world by Master Choa Kok Sui, quickly increases intellectual potential, sharpens memory and concentration.

Two minutes of exercise will change your life!

Yoga exercise to activate brain activity

For more “advanced” yogis, an ancient Yoga exercise is recommended, which allows them to increase the flow of blood to the brain and enhance the development of centers responsible for superpowers: o).
Moreover, this ancient exercise, taken from Kriya Yoga, is the ultimate secret of eternal youth for yogis. The fact is that inverted yoga poses activate the activity of the pineal gland, which is responsible for all hormonal activity of the body. This is precisely what enhances the release of the youth hormone melatonin, which in people who do not engage in such practices ceases to be released by the age of 24...


There are two main variations of this exercise. It can be performed against a wall or without it.

Place a blanket or rug against the wall.

Lie on the mat in such a way that your legs could be placed on the wall, lie there with your legs raised until you feel a slight rush of blood to your head.

Then lift your body so that it forms a 45-degree angle from the floor.

Support yourself with your hands under your lower back, with your palms facing your fingers away from your body.

The first time, do it for 30 seconds, the next day for one minute. So you can increase the time you spend in this pose by 30 seconds every day.
To keep track of time, you can use the electronic alarm clock on your mobile phone.

After just 30 days, you can easily stay in this mudra for 15 minutes. And this, in turn, will significantly increase brain activity.
Your memory, logical thinking, and intuition will improve. Creative abilities will increase and new talents will be discovered.
The skin of your face will rejuvenate every day, you will no longer need expensive creams and plastic surgeries. Truly, one can endlessly continue to describe the advantages of this exercise...


After completing this asana, it is not recommended to stand up suddenly to avoid pressure drop and adverse consequences. You need to lower your feet to the floor, relax and lie on your side for a few minutes. Only after this can you sit down, and only then can you gradually get up.


Brain activation

It is common knowledge that the left hemisphere of the brain is responsible for logic and rational thinking. The right hemisphere is responsible for imaginative thinking and intuition.

How can you develop lateral thinking by activating parts of the brain that were not used before? Brain training does not require much time from you, it is enough to spend only 15 minutes during the day.

There is a simple way to look at the capabilities of your brain differently. Take 4 white sheets of paper. On the first one, write something in your usual hand from left to right. On the second - also with the usual hand, but in the opposite direction.
On sheets 3 and 4, do the same with the other hand.

The first sheet is the template you should aim for. Repeat your attempts day after day and you will see that you begin to think differently.

This simple exercise stimulates areas of the brain that are not used in everyday life.
As a result, such training will allow you to make non-standard decisions and find a simple way out of even the most difficult situations, which will be required repeatedly at work and at home.

Activating and balancing both hemispheres of the brain

Psiactive audio program - the use of sound to awaken the limitless potential of human brain development.
It is believed that each person has his own capacity for processing the amount of information in the right hemisphere of the brain. The majority of human society is dominated by the left hemisphere, which is very energy-intensive and consumes large amounts of vital energy.
The right hemisphere provides and regulates energy-informational processes of the whole organism, because by its nature it is associated with visceral (internal) systems.
Using the sound method of activating the right hemisphere, you can increase the energy capacity of the brain several times.

Preferably listen before bed and through headphones!

Some numbers about the brain

The volume of the human brain is 91-95% of the capacity of the skull.

The thickness of the cerebral cortex is 1-2.5 mm.

The brain of men weighs 100-150 grams more than the brain of women.

The speed of signal transmission from one neuron to another is 200 times per second.

Each neuron can store 1 kilobyte of information, and there are 100 billion neurons in the brain.

So, what percentage of the brain is used by a person? To satisfy his natural needs: thirst, hunger, and for reproduction, a person uses 3-4 percent. Communication skills will require another 5 percent, and training another five. If you like to solve puzzles, logic problems, write and learn poetry, read books, solve in your head and not on a calculator and force your brain to work, then you have passed the 14% mark.

translation into Russian: Nikonov Vladimir
original article:

121 tips on how to think faster, improve memory, better absorb information and use the full potential of your brain.

You can start doing them right from today.

  1. Solve riddles and puzzles.
  2. Develop ambidexterity (two-handedness, the ability to use the right and left hands equally well). Try to brush your teeth, comb your hair, and manipulate the computer mouse with your non-dominant hand. Write with both hands at the same time. Change hands when eating when using a knife and fork.
  3. Work with ambiguity, uncertainty. Learn to enjoy things like paradoxes and optical illusions.
  4. Mind mapping ( note: connection diagram, a way of depicting the process of general systems thinking using diagrams).
  5. Block one or more sensations. Eat blindfolded, temporarily plug your ears with tampons, take a shower with your eyes closed.
  6. Develop comparative taste sensations. Learn to fully feel, savor wine, chocolate, beer, cheese and anything else.
  7. Look for areas of intersection between seemingly unrelated things.
  8. Learn to use keyboards with different key layouts (learn to touch-type).
  9. Come up with new uses for common items. How many different ways can you think of, for example, for a nail? Ten? One hundred?
  10. Change your usual ideas to the opposite ones.
  11. Learn techniques for developing creativity.
  12. Don’t stop at the obvious, look beyond the first, “correct” answer to the question.
  13. Change the established order of things. Ask yourself the question “What if...”
  15. Turn paintings, photographs upside down.
  16. Develop critical thinking. Challenge common misconceptions.
  17. Study logic. Solve logic problems.
  18. Learn the scientific way of thinking.
  19. Draw, draw automatically. You don't need to be an artist for this.
  20. Take up some form of art - sculpture, painting, music - or test yourself in some other creative activity.
  21. Learn the art of performing tricks and develop sleight of hand.
  22. Eat foods that are good for your brain.
  23. Strive to constantly feel a slight feeling of hunger.
  24. Exercise!
  25. Sit up straight.
  26. Drink plenty of water.
  27. Breathe deeply.
  28. Laugh!
  29. Vary your activities. Choose a hobby for yourself.
  30. Make sure you get good sleep.
  31. Practice short naps.
  32. Declare war on your propensity to procrastinate.
  33. Limit yourself in the use of technology.
  34. Study materials on brain research.
  35. Change your clothes. Walk barefoot.
  36. Get better at talking to yourself.
  37. Get simpler!
  38. Play chess or other board games. Play over the Internet (it’s especially fun to play in real time via email!).
  39. Play mental games. Sudoku, crosswords and countless other games are at your service.
  40. Be spontaneous, like children!
  41. Play video games.
  42. Develop a sense of humor! Write or make up jokes.
  43. Make a List of 100 ( note: technique for generating ideas, discovering hidden problems or making decisions).
  44. Use the Idea Quota method ( note: a method of compiling a preliminary list of ideas during the day).
  45. Consider every idea that comes to you. Create a bank of ideas.
  46. Let your ideas develop. Return to each of them at certain intervals.
  47. Conduct case observation. Try, for example, to mark red objects as often as possible throughout the day. Tag cars of a specific brand. Pick a topic and focus on it.
  48. Keep a diary.
  49. Learn foreign languages.
  50. Eat in different restaurants - preference to national restaurants.
  51. Learn computer programming.
  52. Read long words backwards. !einejuborP
  53. Change your environment - change the location of objects, furniture, move somewhere.
  54. Write! Write stories, poetry, start a blog.
  55. Learn the language of symbols.
  56. Learn the art of playing musical instruments.
  57. Visit museums.
  58. Study the functioning of the brain.
  59. Study.
  60. Determine your learning style.
  61. Learn a method to determine the days of the week for any date!
  62. Try to judge the time intervals by your feelings.
  63. "Approximate calculation." What is more abundant - leaves in the Amazon forests or neural connections in the brain? (answer)
  64. Make friends with mathematics. Fight “inability to count.”
  65. Build Memory Palaces.
  66. Study the system of figurative thinking to develop memory.
  67. Have sex (Sorry, no comments here!).
  68. Remember people's names.
  69. Meditate. Train concentration and complete absence of thoughts.
  70. Watch films of different genres.
  71. Give up TV.
  72. Learn to concentrate.
  73. Stay in touch with.
  74. Solve math problems mentally.
  75. Don't rush.
  76. Change your habitual speed of different activities.
  77. Do only one thing at a time.
  78. Develop curiosity.
  79. Try on someone else's consciousness. How do you think other people would think in your place and solve your problems? How would a fool behave if he were in your place?
  80. Cultivate a contemplative attitude towards the world.
  81. Find time for solitude and relaxation.
  82. Commit to continuous learning throughout your life.
  83. Travel abroad. Get to know the lifestyle of people from other countries.
  84. Study the geniuses (Leonardo is great company for you!)
  85. Create a circle of trusted friends.
  86. Look for competition.
  87. You should not communicate only with like-minded people. Surround yourself with people whose worldviews are different from yours.
  88. Participate in brainstorming sessions!
  89. Change the way you plan for the future: short-term/long-term, collective/individual.
  90. Look for the roots of all problems.
  91. Collect quotes from famous people.
  92. Change your medium of communication: use paper instead of a computer, voice recording instead of writing.
  93. Read the classics.
  94. Improve the art of reading. Effective reading is an art, develop it.
  95. Write a summary of your books.
  96. Develop self-awareness.
  97. Voice your problems out loud.
  98. Describe your feelings in the smallest detail.
  99. Use the Braille method. Start by counting the floors as you take the elevator.
  100. Buy a piece of art that will shake you up. Stimulate, provoke sensations and thoughts.
  101. Use different perfume scents.
  102. Mix your feelings. How much does pink weigh? What does lavender smell like?
  103. Argue! Defend your arguments. Try to also accept your opponent's point of view.
  104. Use the time boxing method ( note: a method of fixing a certain period of time to complete a task or group of tasks).
  105. Take time to develop your brain.
  106. Create a mental sanctuary ( note: a place that exists only in your imagination).
  107. Be curious!
  108. Challenge yourself.
  109. Develop the art of visualization. Spend at least 5 minutes a day on this.
  110. Write down your dreams. Keep a notebook and first thing in the morning, or when you wake up, write down your dreams.
  111. Learn to lucid dream.
  112. Get a dictionary of interesting words. Create your own words.
  113. Look for metaphors. Connect abstract and concrete concepts.
  114. Master the method of randomly entering information. Write down random words from a journal. Read randomly selected sites.
  115. Take a different route every day. Change the streets you take to work, jog, or get home.
  116. Install different operating systems on your PC.
  117. Develop your vocabulary.
  118. Achieve more than you thought possible.

Best wishes,
Nikonov Vladimir

What makes a person human? There are many answers to this question, but one of the most common and true is that a person has high self-awareness, is able to think and has a brain that is many times more developed than the brain of any other living creature known to science. Over thousands of years of evolution, the human mind and brain have undergone a huge number of significant changes, and this progress itself is based on the ability to develop. It is for this reason that people have moved their thinking to a qualitatively new level.

But it’s easy to guess that humanity as a whole, and each of us individually, has not yet reached the peak of our capabilities. This means that the brain is still constantly developing. But what is more interesting is that we are able to influence the development of our main organ independently. Moreover, it is also everyone’s responsibility, because first of all, personal life results, work efficiency, success in learning, mastering new skills and communicating with others depend on the degree of brain development.

Taking into account all of the above, today we want to talk about brain development. Next, you will learn interesting information about the human brain, its functions and developmental features, useful tips, exercises and training methods. All of this can create an effective system that you can use every day. To begin with, we will say a few words about the human brain as a whole in order to better understand how to develop it as much as possible.

Briefly about the human brain

The human brain is the most mysterious and enigmatic organ, and many draw an analogy between it and a computer. Throughout his life, a person learns something and everything, and all the information that is useful to him in one way or another goes into his memory and is stored there as long as he needs it. If some data becomes irrelevant, the brain simply erases it.

The functions of the brain can be listed for a very, very long time, but the main thing is that thinking, memory, imagination, speech, feelings, perception, and self-awareness depend on it. Naturally, this list is much larger, and if you want to learn more about the human brain and its development, you can find and read specialized books (Roger Sipe, John Medina, Dmitry Chernyshev and other authors).

The brain consists of the right and left hemispheres, connected to each other by the substance callosum, which serves to transmit information between them. If one hemisphere is damaged, the second is usually damaged as well. But there are cases when, for example, when the left hemisphere was destroyed, the right hemisphere took over its functions, and vice versa, thanks to which a person could continue to live a full life. As for these same functions, they are different.

The left hemisphere is responsible for logical thinking and working with numbers. It processes and analyzes information in a specific, strict sequence. And the right hemisphere is responsible for sensory perception and creative thinking - with its help music, smells, colors, art, etc. are perceived. This same hemisphere helps a person navigate the space around him. And thanks to its ability to synthesize existing information, a person gets the opportunity to think creatively, find non-standard solutions, solve puzzles, perform all kinds of exercises and play games to develop thinking and imagination (by the way, speaking about the development of thinking, it would not be superfluous to mention about, after completing which you You will be able to master twelve different thinking techniques).

In principle, the information considered is more or less sufficient for an approximate understanding of how the human brain works. And it only remains to note that thanks to special exercises the brain can be developed and made more powerful. However, it is very important to pay attention to the so-called preparatory activities, because it does not matter whether the brain of a child or the brain of an adult is trained, in any case it must be prepared for this.

How to prepare your brain for training

There are three basic rules that should be taken into account in order to make your brain more elastic, pliable and ready to perceive and assimilate new information, as well as its subsequent reproduction and competent application.

These rules include:

  • Elimination of physical inactivity. This means that you must provide yourself with the necessary amount of physical activity. Physical inactivity is characteristic of people who lead a passive lifestyle or simply move little, for example, those whose activities involve spending a lot of time in a sitting position, for example, schoolchildren and students, who like to play computer games for hours or hours. And the negative consequences of physical inactivity are expressed in the fact that it does not allow fatty acids in the body to be broken down, which leads to the formation of cholesterol plaques on the vessels that interfere with normal blood circulation. Blood provides the organs, including the human brain, with the amount of oxygen they need, and if this process is disrupted, the functions of the brain are also disrupted, as a result of which the efficiency of its work deteriorates (in particular, physical inactivity negatively affects the brain of a child and an elderly person).
  • Providing the body with phosphates and carbohydrates. Here we will only say that, firstly, you need to include in your diet foods rich in phosphorus (pumpkin, wheat germ, poppy seeds, soybeans, sesame seeds, processed cheese, nuts, oats, beans and others), as well as foods high in healthy carbohydrates (rice, corn flakes, bran, pasta, kefir, milk, shrimp, fish and others). By the way, you can read about proper nutrition. And secondly, you should minimize or completely stop drinking alcohol, which has a detrimental effect on brain neurons. In addition to harmful alcohol, alcohol contains carbon dioxide, and together with alcohol it has a very powerful destructive effect on brain cells.
  • Drinking water. We will talk about the benefits of water in detail, but now let us just remind you that clean water helps the body cleanse itself of toxins and waste, and also helps by maintaining neural communication. To provide yourself with the optimal amount of water, you should drink a liter of water per day per 30 kg of your body weight. If you are exposed to excessive stress, then it is advisable to increase the amount of water consumed even more.

By following these three rules, you will create a serious foundation for brain training. And any development system should be based on them - the brain of a child and the brain of an adult require special “care” and attention to themselves. And a lot of useful information on the presented topic is contained in thematic books (Roger Sipe, Mark Williams and Denny Penman, Alex Lickerman and other authors).

Development of both hemispheres of the brain

Let's remember: the left hemisphere processes speech and numerical information, logic, conclusions, analysis, linearity, etc. The right hemisphere provides spatial orientation, color perception, perception of shapes, sounds, colors, rhythms, dreams, etc. In general, of course, data is perceived by both hemispheres, but each of them predominates in its own area (you can read about functional asymmetry in).

Hence the conclusion: by developing one hemisphere, you can, for example, “get better” in your ability to perceive images and become super creative, but at the same time experience serious difficulties in solving arithmetic problems. Or, conversely, you can become a pro in analytics, but be unable to see beauty in paintings or not be able to compose a banal four-line poem.

Therefore, educational institutions often teach not only core disciplines, but also those that are completely unrelated to the specialty. Remember the same mathematicians who study literature, history and other humanities subjects, or philologists whose schedule includes technical disciplines. This serves as further evidence that both hemispheres require development. And for this you can resort to performing the following exercises:

Exercise 1

For the first exercise you will need a partner. Let him blindfold you with something. Once this is done, take a short walk around the room or area where you are currently located. After that, answer the following questions:

  • Has the activity of your senses increased, and if so, how?
  • What helped you overcome the uncertainty of not being able to see?
  • What sounds do you remember?
  • Was there anything that worried you?
  • Was there anything that calmed you down?

Based on these answers, you will understand how the body reacts to the shutdown of one of the senses. And the exercise itself will help you activate additional resources of both hemispheres.

Exercise 2

Through the second exercise, you will learn to synchronize the work of both hemispheres of your brain. It is done like this:

  • Stand up straight and extend both arms forward or up;
  • Draw a circle in the air with your left hand and a square with your right;
  • Perform the exercise until you succeed, and then switch hands.

This exercise can also be complicated by drawing more complex shapes in the air with your hands. And based on the idea of ​​the same exercise, there is even a special system for the development of both hemispheres. Its meaning is to do familiar things in non-standard ways. You can, for example, wash dishes, brush your teeth or eat with the other hand, hold the phone to the other ear, carry a bag or backpack on the other shoulder (the word “other” means the left side for right-handers, and the right for left-handers).

Exercise 3

A banal and simple exercise at first glance, but in reality it perfectly helps to synchronize the work of the right and left hemispheres. This is done as follows:

  • Stroke your stomach with your right hand clockwise;
  • Now with your left hand, lightly tap your head with vertical movements;
  • After a little practice, perform the indicated movements at the same time.

It is interesting that very often the hands themselves begin to confuse the movements: the left hand does what the right hand should, and the right hand does what the left should. The exercise is very interesting, and after the first option is mastered, simply change hands.

It is very effective to use these three exercises when you want to influence the child's brain. But they will also be extremely useful for adults - despite their apparent simplicity, they perfectly train the brain, as a result of which thinking, memory, imagination, etc. improve. But it will be even better if you combine your training with the development of thinking, for example, with passing.

The exercises of the two subsequent groups can be performed separately and together with each other, as well as in combination with those already discussed. It depends on your personal needs and preferences.

Development of the left hemisphere of the brain

Here we will also look at three exercises:

Exercise 1

The meaning is very simple - you just need to perform all actions and manipulations with objects in the surrounding world using your right hand. Although this is natural for right-handers, even for them it will be extremely unusual, and left-handers will get excellent practice.

Exercise 2

This exercise is not much more difficult than the previous one - to develop the left hemisphere, spend a little time every day on solving arithmetic problems.

Exercise 3

Again, a very simple exercise - solve crosswords and scanword puzzles for 30-40 minutes every day. Solving them is considered to be largely an analytical rather than an intuitive process, which means that the left hemisphere is involved in it.

Development of the right hemisphere of the brain

There are four exercises in this group:

Exercise 1

Systematically listen to your favorite music, and fantasize, because... This is what the right hemisphere of the brain is responsible for. The more relaxed you feel, the better.

Exercise 2

To develop the right hemisphere, perform all actions and manipulations with objects in the surrounding world with your left hand. If in the previous block left-handers experienced inconvenience, then in this case right-handers will have to try. By the way, it will be cool if you learn to read and write from right to left, for which it is very effective to practice Arabic writing. At the same time, you will train your memory.

Exercise 3

Because the right hemisphere is more likely to synthesize rather than analyze data; spend time drawing, because it is during drawing that abstract thinking develops. Set aside 30 minutes daily for this. In addition, drawing can be replaced or combined with interior or clothing design. This exercise can be called an additional advantage.

Exercise 4

Develop empathy. This means that you need to develop the ability to empathize and perceive the world through the eyes of other people. Taking this into account, the right hemisphere is developing just fine, and you can learn more about the development of empathy by going to.

All the exercises we talked about, when performed regularly, will make your mind sharper and more flexible, and your brain trained and capable of serious achievements. The most important thing is to remember to pay attention to both hemispheres.

And finally, some more good tips for brain development:

  • Play sports (go to the pool, jog, etc.);
  • Communicate with people around you on interesting topics;
  • Provide yourself with good sleep and good conditions for rest;
  • Eat right and eat more vitamin-rich foods;
  • Develop stress resistance and positive thinking;
  • Play educational games and chess;
  • Read educational literature and educational books (Roger Sipe, Carol Dweck, Arthur Dumchev, etc.);
  • Educate yourself and take courses on the development of thinking (course in cognitive science).

This development system will allow you to always grow personally, train your intellect and have an active, healthy and strong brain. We wish you success and the opportunity to use your potential to the maximum!

A person currently uses far from the full “set” of his capabilities. A monotonous life, as if according to a program introduced by someone, does not in any way contribute to their development. The human brain literally “goes dull” and gradually forms and adapts to primitive and limited needs, thoughts and the nature of activity. An unremarkable, “refined” life, directed towards some meaningless things, which does not particularly stimulate the development of all human potential - turns a person into a kind of doll, a zombie or a biorobot that is easy to manipulate and control.
There are so many unconscious actions in our lives that we do not notice how our own life passes us by, we do everything mechanically, out of habit, mechanically - we love, smile, speak, think... Life turns into a cycle of actions that do not belong to us and events.
Only sometimes, as they say - in extreme situations, the programs of our brain “break down” and then people are able to enter another reality in which they show phenomenal abilities. Someone begins to write poetry, someone speaks dozens of new languages, someone opens doors to parallel worlds and access to universal information (akasha), someone can control events or external objects (for example, technology) at a distance and read thoughts of other people, animals and even plants, treat others or carry out diagnostics, do any phenomenal physical exercises, etc. Cases when people fall from a great height and do not break (even several kilometers), when they are not affected by poisons and even fire, when in an extreme situation they move a weight that only a tractor and many others can move, are far from uncommon, there are a lot of such cases and they all indicate that there is something in a person that restrains our capabilities, which disappears at moments when circumstances force a person to concentrate as much as possible on the present moment and mobilize all his abilities for his salvation, awakening them from a sleeping state .
Our brain operates at only a few percent of its potential. People with this percentage of 5 to 10 are considered to be geniuses. This means that these people live more consciously, their brain is controlled by them, and not mechanically, it serves them, and does not work in idle mode. One way or another, they have abilities that can be developed and this online training is aimed at this.

When using this program, you bring awareness into your life and force your brain to work in a meaningful (maximally productive) mode, i.e. Your actions will become reasonable, as it should be for a real person.

Result of the training

  1. Harmonious work of the right and left hemispheres of the brain, synchrony of their work and maximum debugging of interneuron connections.
  2. Development of brain potential.
  3. Awareness in every action, thought, word, etc.
  4. A way out of the circular impasse of your life - i.e. gaining the ability to control your life and destiny.
  5. And many other subtle points, of which there can be a lot, because... Every person's potential is infinite.

Description of working with the program

  1. You don't need anything unusual to use the program. Those. You can start working with it right now (sitting in your chair).
  2. Initial position:
  • You need to sit straight on a chair. The distance between the knees and feet is approximately shoulder width. The feet are parallel to each other, the hands lie on the knees with the inside facing up (fingers slightly apart). This is the original position.
  • Click on the "Start" button and look at the screen, taking the starting position described above.
  • Corresponding signs will appear on the screen in a random order, according to which you need to perform very simple actions. And below I explain which ones exactly.
  • The steps are very simple:
    • If a sign appears to combine the pad of the thumb with the index finger (as in the “Knowledge” mudra), then you need to do this for the corresponding hand (each green circle is four fingers: little finger, ring finger, middle finger and index finger; red is alignment with the thumb ). If the sign for the right eye is closed, then it needs to be closed, if the foot of the left foot needs to be turned to the right, then turn to the right, if you see the “letter - A- out loud" - this means that you need to pronounce the letter A (for example, in a whisper).
    • The program also uses a sound signal (ringing a bell). If you hear a sound from the right side, you need to think about the right side (i.e., you seem to focus your attention on the right side), if from the left, then on the left. The headphones must be stereo - since the sound of the bell is stereo.
  • As I already said, all the signs appear in a random order, so there is no addictive effect - there will always be a new combination. But no matter what combination appears on the screen, you need to accept it with your body and spend as little time as possible reacting, i.e. everything needs to be done as quickly as possible (but don’t strain yourself - be flexible and free).
  • After some time of working with the program, your actions will become more free, you will easily (as if playfully) take the desired body positions and do it quickly - as if something inside will “turn on” - this will indicate successful practice.
  • The training runs online (the total size of pictures and sound takes about 80 Kb).

    The browser must have default settings for the program to work correctly (if you disabled frames, you need to enable them. If you do not hear the bell sound, change the browser, for example to Chrome).

    Action value example

    Below you can see an example of actions. Those. a sign is given, what it means and what to do

    Everything is very simple - you accept, put on headphones, look at the screen on which signs appear for the eyes, for fingers, for feet and the letter that needs to be pronounced and make the required combination with your body. You should try to do all this at the same time.
    At first, many will take the indicated body position sequentially - for example, first they will connect the pads of their fingers only on their hands, then they will say the indicated letter, then they will turn the desired foot, close the indicated eye, focus on the sound from the desired side, etc. But over time, you will find that you can easily do everything at the same time - and this is a good indicator of successful practice.
    The program is designed for a calm rhythm - i.e. You take the desired body position combination and hold it,

    The most important organ of the human body is the brain. It controls almost all processes in our body, and constantly maintains a highly complex psychophysical system in working order. At the same time, the brain works without breaks or days off, no matter what you do: breathe, watch a movie, fantasize or sleep.

    It is logical to assume that the quality of our life directly depends on the development of this organ (in all respects, perhaps). Therefore, the demand for intelligence has been and will always be.

    Today there are many methods and approaches to brain development, but, as I have seen from my own experience, few focus specifically on the brain. This is an omission. Therefore, using scientific knowledge, I propose to correct this error and outline my rather simple approach how to develop your brain.

    In this article we will talk about general points how to develop your brain(intelligence), which can be used in everyday life without going into details and details; without specific knowledge, exercises and training.

    The presented “tricks” are suitable for all those who seek to increase the quality of their gray matter and life in general.

    So, let's go.

    How to develop your brain?

    The main role in brain development is not played by genes, natural abilities and potential, as many believe.

    The main role in brain development is played by:


    And this is the most natural way to develop the brain. The rest of the models and techniques are just a nice addition.

    How to develop your brain through learning?

    From the moment of birth, the number of neurons in the human brain reaches about 86 billion. This amount does not increase (neurogenesis is omitted). On the contrary, from the beginning of our lives this amount has been constantly decreasing, and alcohol, stress, infectious diseases and other products of our vital activity accelerate the process. Much.

    But, nevertheless, our brain continues to develop intensively. How is this possible?

    Our mind and intelligence does not depend on the number of neurons in the head, but on the number of neural connections in the brain (roughly: mind), and the speed of transmission of impulses that the neurons generate (roughly: speed of thinking). With old age, the speed of impulses drops significantly, however, many people retain their intelligence.

    According to the latest scientific data, dementia, limited mobility and other manifestations of degradation occur not due to a slowdown in the transmission of impulses in the brain, but when the human brain has lost more than 90% of neurons.

    From this we can conclude that the main role is played by neural connections that make up the neural network in our heads, or, if you like, our mind. Accordingly, the larger the network, the smarter the person and the more intellectually developed his brain is.


    neural connections are responsible not only for the “amount of knowledge” we possess, but also for how “qualitative” and “creative” our thinking is. The larger the network, the better the thinking.

    Having answered the question of how to increase the number of neural connections, we will answer the question how to develop your brain.

    New neural connections are formed whenever we see, learn, or do something new. However, the largest number of them is formed when we are learning.

    This means that training is the main exercise that answers the question how to develop your brain.

    What do you need to know to make learning effective for the brain?

    1. For a good state of the brain (and this can be seen in all centenarians), it must be CONSTANTLY taught various types of new activities

    It can be:

    • dancing
    • martial arts
    • foreign languages
    • new sport
    • music
    • creation
    • reading
    • trips
    • psychotechnicians
    • etc.

    2. Any training must take place over a long period of time:

    from a month to a year (depending on the field of activity).

    Otherwise, the learning effect will be minimal.

    3. Learning must take place in the “right” conditions for your brain.

    • Proper nutrition

    • The right environment

    • Proper sleep

    Let's look at these points in more detail.

    How to develop the brain with nutrition?

    The brain is the most energy-consuming organ. Weighing only 1200-2000 grams, it consumes up to 30% of the body's total energy. This means that in order for it to work faster for you than for the vast majority, it needs to be constantly recharged.

    How to do this correctly?

    1. Food should be supplied evenly throughout the day.

    If you eat a lot and in one gulp, then your brain will work with significant interruptions, because. will not receive energy when needed. At the same time, instead of solving problems, you will walk like a “sleepy fly” with inhibited thinking.

    This process can be compared to a fire - either you keep the fire in the fire even, gradually adding wood at certain intervals; or you wait for everything to burn, and then throw a pile of coals on top again and light the fire again, wasting extra time and having an unequally distributed flame over time.

    Therefore, try to eat so that food comes evenly, constantly feeding your brain. Eat throughout the day

    2. Nutrition must necessarily contain proteins, complex carbohydrates, water, and omega-three fats.

    Squirrels. It is better to take it from fish and seafood - it is absorbed faster and better by the body.

    Complex carbohydrates. This is 55-60% of all incoming energy. We don't save money.

    Omega-3 fats. Or everyone’s unloved “fish oil”, an incredibly useful thing for the development of your brain; increases the speed of impulse transmission, generates more connections and reduces the distance between synapses.

    Water. 2-3 liters daily.

    3. While eating, concentrate on eating and do not do other things.

    If you want to become a better person, stop eating at the computer!

    Brain function and nutrition are directly related. If you engage in other, extraneous activities during the process of eating, the food will not be fully absorbed. For its complete assimilation, it is necessary to perceive food with all the senses and concentrate, focusing the brain on this process.

    Custom psychotechnics from me

    As the Chinese said: we are what we eat. I fully support it. Because correct concentration on this everyday process gives a very good effect - it strengthens the “spirit” and increases internal “strength”.

    Suggestive mental technique to help: before each meal, tune in to the fact that food will make you stronger. Feel it. After which, eat with pleasure, fully concentrating on the process (without losing sight of the thought that “FOOD MAKES YOU STRONGER”)

    Psychotechnics work like “prayer before eating.” Only the effect on the psyche is stronger.

    In the question of “how to develop the brain,” you need to be careful about nutrition. Therefore, it should be healthy, balanced, have a small volume and at the same time saturate you with energy throughout the day.

    How to develop the brain with the help of the environment?

    The environment to one degree or another influences our intellectual abilities. For example, air depleted of oxygen negatively affects the state of your brain, noise interferes with concentration, etc. Therefore, I will highlight several elements in the environment that contribute to the development of your brain.

    1. Fresh air.

    As stated, the brain requires oxygen, and therefore it is important that the air we breathe is full of it. Ventilate the room more often, walk more in the fresh air, sleep with open windows if possible, and periodically do breathing exercises.

    2. Order.

    Our brain has about 7 channels of information perception (analogous to a 7-core processor) with which it can more or less work simultaneously. Often these channels of ours are filled with all sorts of heresy: starting with “remember to congratulate Uncle Vasya on his birthday,” and ending with “remember to call clients.” All this wastes your thinking potential and concentration, at a time when it could be used to solve really worthwhile issues. Therefore, in order to free your channels from “operational matters” and develop your brain (and not clutter it), I recommend keeping your workspace and living space in order. This will free your head from unnecessary thoughts and greatly organize the incoming information.

    After all, every piece of paper is unfinished business!


    Remember that new knowledge that is not implemented within 48 hours has a 95% chance of being forgotten and never implemented!

    Therefore, if you read the previous paragraph and thought that it’s time to tidy up your computer desk – START IMMEDIATELY!

    Don’t debug for later: “for the weekend”, “for tomorrow”, “for the end of the article” - start RIGHT NOW!

    3. Comfort.

    Your environment should be comfortable for work and living. Without noise, vibrations, bright lights, uncomfortable chairs - and everything that irritates you and your brain, interfering with concentration. Therefore, strive to create an environment that promotes your productivity and does not interfere with concentration.

    How to develop your brain with sleep?

    Sleep is one of the most important factors for the smooth and healthy functioning of our brain. This is known, perhaps, to everyone, and I will not dwell on this. However, let's highlight the main points:

    1. Bedtime.

    Optimal brain function requires 6-9 hours of sleep. For each individual. However, I recommend sleeping 8-9 hours - this time is good for optimal development of your brain, because... During sleep, the brain continues to work and, more importantly, learns what you did the day before. Forming new neural connections.

    Useful feature

    In order to identify your own “minimum” time, break your sleep into 1.5 hour segments starting at 6. And take the time that is enough for you to restore your strength and resources.

    2. Optimal bedtime.

    It should be such that within 15 minutes after you get into bed, you pass out.

    We all have peaks and valleys in brain activity, so your task is to identify such a time of withdrawal so that you go to bed just at the decline in mental activity. This way you will fall asleep quite quickly, without extraneous thoughts and insomnia.

    Usually this is until 12 am. And yes, it’s better for the brain to get up early in the morning rather than sleep until lunch.

    3. Calm environment.

    Fresh air. Silence. Darkness.


    So, in this article we examined the question: how to develop your brain. Why to do this - everyone chooses for himself: some, for example, want to live a healthy, bright and long life; some - to achieve success; some just want to become smarter.

    The methods described in the article allow you to develop your brain without specific knowledge, exercises and training. These are the chips that allow you to increase the quality of your gray matter, so to speak, in everyday life.

    1. Proper nutrition for your brain

    2. The right environment for your brain

    3. Proper sleep for your brain

    But, of course, the most important way of development remains training. It is continuous learning and self-improvement that will not only develop your brain, but will also set you apart from the gray crowd and allow you to become successful. Knowledge is power! Don't stop learning new things. Remember - this develops you and your brain.