Tonsillor device. Washing tonsils using vacuum devices

The Tonsillor device for tonsillitis is an effective method of preventing tonsillectomy and other complications. Flushing helps preserve the tonsils, which the body needs as a natural method of resistance and protection from negative environmental influences. The article will tell you about the main advantages, features of the drug, and its effectiveness.

Indications and contraindications - in what cases is the device used?

Tonsillor for the treatment of tonsillitis is a vacuum that has a therapeutic effect through the energy of ultrasonic waves. During the procedure, negative pressure is created in the device, due to which the contents of the tonsils are easily removed. Vacuum aspiration using a device gives much more results than the standard use of a syringe for washing. The device has certain indications for use, the device is suitable for therapy:

The drug is also widely used in operations on the paranasal sinuses, middle ear, and nasal septum. Tonsillor helps in situations where antibacterial and conservative treatment is not effective.

The drug should not be used in the following situations:

  • with hypertensive crisis, arterial hypertension of the 3rd degree;
  • dysfunction of the autonomic nervous system;
  • blood diseases, cancer;
  • if a person is diagnosed with tuberculosis of any form;
  • blood clotting is impaired.

The list refers to absolute contraindications. In addition to them, there are relative prohibitions on the procedure. These include pregnancy, febrile conditions, acute infectious diseases, and menstruation.

Good to know! Despite contraindications during pregnancy, doctors give permission to perform the procedure in the 2nd trimester.

Treatment can be started in the absence of elevated body temperature, if the disease is at the stage of resolution.

How is tonsillitis treated with the Tonzillor device?

Treatment of chronic tonsillitis with Tonsillor takes no more than 10 minutes. A total of 7-10 procedures will be required for complete recovery. To completely clear the tonsils of infection, doctors perform the following steps throughout the procedure:

The procedure requires special preparation. It includes recommendations:

  • You should not eat food at least 1.5-2 hours before the procedure;
  • Do not drink water for 2 hours before Tonsillor therapy;
  • After clearing the tonsils, you should not eat for 2-3 hours so that the drug can achieve high effectiveness.

The doctor should also warn that during the procedure you should not tilt your head back. This can cause injury to lymphoid formations. Throughout therapy, the patient's breathing should be shallow.

Safety and effectiveness of the method

The effectiveness of the method is based on the possibility of avoiding surgery to remove tonsils. Since the lacunae are completely cleansed during the therapy, Tonsillor allows the patient to be free from relapses of tonsillitis and other pathologies for a long time.

If doctors recommend tonsillectomy, you should consult about the possibility of alternative treatment with Tonsillor. If previously patients had no choice, today there is an opportunity to preserve an important organ that provides a protective function for the body.

Medical statistics show that the use of Tonsillor can double the effectiveness of conservative therapy. In 90% of cases, patients experience long-term remission. The disease may not occur for several years if a person takes care of his health. The effectiveness of the procedure can be increased several times by “sealing” the lagoons. Microscopic scars form on the surface of the tonsils, preventing bacteria from penetrating into the organ.

Compared to tonsillectomy, treatment with Tonsillor has a smaller list of contraindications. The procedure helps patients suffering from diabetes, cardiovascular pathologies and kidney dysfunction. Using the device means a lower risk of adverse reactions and complications.

Reviews from people about the effectiveness of the procedure

People's opinions regarding the Tonsillor device are divided into negative and positive. To be fair, it is worth saying that the negative aspects of the reviews do not relate to the ineffectiveness of the procedure. They are associated with cost and unpleasant memories of the treatment itself. According to statistics, patients had to pay from 500 to 800 rubles for one procedure. In total, the average course of treatment costs 5,000-8,000 rubles. People talk about the unpleasant side of the procedure. Many people experience a gag reflex during therapy, they are unable to breathe regularly, and it is difficult to endure the process of inserting the device into the throat.

Positive feedback is aimed at the productivity of therapy. Patients talk about the effectiveness of the procedure and the longevity of the results. After manipulation, you can forget about tonsillitis for at least a year if you follow all the doctor’s recommendations.

After analyzing people’s opinions, we can conclude that most patients highlight the following features of the procedure:

  • during the procedure there is pain or discomfort (with the use of anesthesia);
  • a conservative method of treatment helps to avoid surgery;
  • as a result of therapy, relapses may occur after several years;
  • you cannot undergo rinsing if tonsillitis or tonsillitis is in the acute phase, this can lead to a burn of the mucous membrane and a deterioration in the patient’s condition;
  • when connected to the iontophoresis procedure, the effectiveness doubles;
  • It is not always possible to undergo the procedure for free in a clinic;
  • the disease does not bother you for a long time;
  • After the procedure my throat often hurts.

Feedback from people will help you determine the correct behavior during the procedure, find out the specifics of its implementation, and what you can expect after the manipulations. Only the attending physician should prescribe treatment with Tonsillor. The procedure is not harmless and has a list of contraindications that any specialist takes into account.

The Tonnsillor device is used in the treatment of chronic tonsillitis, as well as other diseases of the ENT organs. This is a special physiotherapeutic method of influencing the tonsils, which can achieve long-term remission of pathologies up to 5 years. The device has no analogues.

Tonsillor device

First of all, Tonnsillor is intended for the treatment of tonsillitis by influencing the tonsil tissue in several ways: ultrasound and vacuum.

This approach allows not only to cleanse the tonsil area, but also to relieve inflammation and ensure the introduction of medications into their deeper layers. It consists of:

  • Control unit;
  • Acoustic system;
  • A set of waveguide tools;
  • Applicator;
  • Devices for endaural processing of auditory canals;
  • Devices for treating the nasal passages;
  • A set of replacement funnels;
  • Devices for supplying medications;
  • Key;
  • Speaker holder.

The device is primarily used for sanitation

palatine tonsils

using a vacuum. In this way, purulent masses are removed from the lacunae (which cannot be achieved to the same extent by the classical procedure with a syringe). With the help of the device, tonsillectomy can be avoided.

The operating principle of the Tonsillor device in our video:


In general, two types of effects are used with this device:

  1. Vacuum. With its help, lacunae on the palatine tonsils are cleared. A special nozzle is applied to the size of the tonsils, after which the foci with pus are opened and cleaned by suctioning out the purulent secretion.
  2. Phonophoresis. This is the effect of ultrasound on the affected areas. With its help, the drug penetrates the tissue and reduces inflammatory processes. As a result, the epithelial tissue heals faster.

Indications for use

Treatment with Tonnsillor is prescribed for chronic pathologies of the upper respiratory tract, as well as ENT organs in general:

  • Acute and chronic rhinitis;
  • Otitis;
  • Adenoids;
  • Tonsillitis;
  • Purulent tonsillitis;
  • Pharyngitis;
  • Diseases of the trepanation cavity;
  • Subjective ear noise;
  • Chronic sensorineural hearing loss;
  • After radical operations on the middle ear;
  • Rhinopharyngitis;
  • Papillomas of the mucous membrane in the nasal cavity, pharynx and mouth.

Carrying out the procedure

The procedure is generally carried out according to a simple scheme:

  • The area of ​​influence is treated with an anesthetic to eliminate pain, and also, in the case of working with tonsils, to eliminate the gag reflex during the procedure.
  • A specific attachment is applied and secured to the inflamed tonsil, after which the vacuum mode is turned on. This way the purulent secretion is pumped out. This method is not used on the ear canals due to the anatomical structure of the ear.
  • Next, the area is treated with an antiseptic to cleanse the area of ​​pathogens that were in the cavities with pus. This helps improve the efficiency of the procedure.
  • After washing the tonsils with the help of special tubes on the nozzle, the drug begins to be supplied to the deep layers of tissue so that the inflammation occurs from the inside. The impact is enhanced by the use of ultrasonic waves in the process.

In general, each side is affected within a few minutes. The optimal course of treatment, depending on the severity of the pathology, is 5-10 procedures. For tonsillitis, the course is carried out every six months at the very beginning of treatment. In this way, long-term remission can be achieved.

Video demonstration of washing the tonsils with the drug Tonzillor:


Contraindications to the use of this physiotherapy are:

  • Exacerbations of chronic pathologies of ENT organs;
  • Acute infectious pathologies;
  • Malignant neoplasms (in any organ);
  • Blood pathologies;
  • Pulmonary tuberculosis (active stage);
  • Pregnancy in the first trimester and a month before the birth process;
  • Hypertensive crisis.


At home, this unit is not used due to the design features and preparation of the procedure itself. the manipulations themselves are outpatient and require a specialist who knows how to handle Tonnsillor and knows the features of the anatomy and effects in various situations.

The cost of the device is on average 80 thousand rubles. The price of the procedure averages 500-600 rubles per session. The price may vary depending on the clinic's policy.

Doctor's reviews about the effectiveness of treating tonsillitis with the Tonzillor device:

Diagnostic value

The device is used not only for treatment. This method is also a unique criterion for the need for surgical treatment: if there is no effect after a year’s course, then the palatine tonsils need to be removed using tonsillectomy.

The device "Tonsillor"-MM (Tonsilor) is intended for the conservative and surgical treatment of diseases of the ENT organs by applying the energy of low-frequency ultrasonic vibrations and vacuum to the affected biological tissues, both through liquid medications and by contact.

The use of the Tonzillo-MM device (Tonsilor) increases the effectiveness of conservative treatment of most chronic diseases of the ENT organs by 1.5-2 times compared to traditional treatment methods. The method, unlike washing the tonsils, is completely non-traumatic and painless

Its use allows, on average, to reduce the number of operations to remove the palatine tonsils, an important immunocompetent human organ, by 4 times, achieving recovery in 59% of patients with compensated and 21% of patients with decompensated forms of chronic tonsillitis. This method is the only one for the treatment of patients with complex somatic pathology who have contraindications to general anesthesia and tonsillectomy.

Operating principle of the Tonsillor device

The ultrasound device “Tonsillor” and the corresponding treatment methods are highly effective in both conservative and surgical treatment of diseases of the ENT organs due to the combination of the effects of low-frequency ultrasound energy and medicinal substances on affected or damaged biological tissues of the body. The healing properties of ultrasound allow for pain relief, anti-inflammatory and resorption therapy, improve blood microcirculation at the site of exposure, clean wounds from necrotic tissue and bacterial contamination, and create a drug depot at the site of the lesion. Under the influence of ultrasound, trophism, blood supply to tissues, and metabolism improve, the process of collagen formation decreases, and the formation of scar tissue decreases.

Sometimes, in some patients, after 2-3 procedures of LFUS (low-frequency ultrasound therapy) sanitation of the tonsil (during sanitation of lacunae and crypts), moderate symptoms of exacerbation of the chronic process may occur, which are subjectively manifested by a slight sore throat, sore throat and low-grade fever. In this case, it is necessary to take a break from treatment for 2-3 days. After the reactive phenomena from the tonsils subside, the course of treatment must be continued.

Indications for the use of LFUS (low-frequency ultrasound therapy) in the treatment of ENT organs are:

Compensated and decompensated forms of chronic tonsillitis;

Catarrhal and granulosa forms of chronic pharyngitis;

Chronic adenoiditis;

Acute and chronic rhinitis;

Chronic purulent otitis media (mesotympanitis),

diseases of the trepanation cavity (condition after radical surgery on the middle ear), acute and chronic external otitis;

Chronic sensorineural hearing loss;

Surgical interventions on the middle ear, paranasal sinuses, larynx

2. Contraindications for the use of NCUS in the treatment of ENT organs are:

Fistula of the labyrinth;

Hypertension (tendency to hypertensive crises);

Severe atherosclerotic changes in the blood vessels of the heart and brain; - severe dysfunction of the autonomic nervous system;

Active pulmonary tuberculosis;

Malignant neoplasms of any location;

Acute infectious diseases;

Pregnancy (first 3 months and last month);

Note - in the presence or occurrence of an acute respiratory disease, NCUS therapy for a patient with chronic tonsillitis can be carried out only 10-15 days after its cessation.

The effectiveness of treatment with the tonsillor device is beyond doubt. The procedure enhances the effect of conservative treatment and helps to quickly restore tissue after surgery. According to statistical data, this technique reduces the need to remove tonsils by more than 3 times.

Treatment with a tonsillor device reduces the need to remove tonsils by more than 3 times.

Positive dynamics are observed even in patients with a decompensated form of chronic tonsillitis - noticeable improvements were noted in 20% of almost hopeless cases. “TONSILLOR-2”, depending on the purpose, has two options, one of which is intended for therapy, and the second for surgery. They differ in the configuration of waveguide instruments.

How the device works. Advantages of the tonsillor treatment method

The tonsillor device is a development of domestic manufacturers; similar equipment is not patented abroad. Indications for the use of such a physiotherapeutic technique are diseases of the ENT organs, including tonsillitis. An ultrasonic device operates in the low frequency range: the action of a sound wave is combined with the creation of a vacuum at a certain point. A powerful mechanical effect occurs and purulent deposits are removed from the lacunae. Also, during the procedure, the tonsils are intensively irrigated with antiseptics, which contributes to the final elimination of foci of inflammation.

Tonsillor mm is used only in specialized rooms of medical institutions. Operating such complex equipment at home without the presence of a specialist is irrational.

Indications for the use of tonsillor are diseases of the ENT organs, including tonsillitis

Why should you resort to this type of physiotherapy? Because it provides deep cleansing of the tonsils. Traditional rinsing and even targeted washing of the tonsils with a syringe disinfects only superficial tissues, while infected deposits remain in the deeper layers. Using the tonsillor device for complete cleaning of lymphoid formations will destroy bacterial cells.

Doctors urge people not to refuse such procedures. And they name several factors that will convince every patient that such equipment is universal:

  • The enormous potential of ultrasonic waves destroys bacteria. Low frequency sound acts at the cellular level.
  • Mechanical release of purulent deposits occurs with subsequent - almost simultaneous - treatment of infected lacunae with bactericidal agents.
  • Minimal trauma is achieved through the use of a universal nozzle, through which the medicine is administered and purulent discharge is drawn out. The device includes applicators for children and adults.
  • A course of procedures significantly speeds up the healing process. The tonsillor mm device can be used for chronic forms of the disease. Thanks to its specific effect, the device accelerates the healing of affected tissue areas.

Tonsillor 2 and its other modification are good because they can be used both during remission and during exacerbation of the disease. The procedures performed quickly improve well-being and prevent acute sore throat from developing into chronic.

Tonsillor provides deep cleansing of the tonsils

How is the procedure performed?

One treatment session takes several minutes. Usually the doctor prescribes from 5 to 10 such procedures. According to patient reviews, noticeable results are noticeable after the third visit to the physiotherapy room. The design ergonomics of the mm tonsillor apparatus allows you to act quickly and perform multitasking without injuring the mucous membrane.

Since the tonsils are located in the problem area of ​​the pharynx and touching them and the surrounding mucous membrane causes a gag reflex, a “freezing” spray is sprayed on them. This also helps reduce the sensitivity of the tonsils.

The analgesic is selected individually. Most often, the use of lidocaine remains rational. During the entire procedure, you must strictly follow the doctor’s instructions. The discomfort will be temporary and will go away some time after the manipulations are performed. All operations are performed sequentially:

  • At the beginning of the session, an applicator is attached to one of the tonsils, the device switches to vacuum mode when the electric suction device is turned on. The resulting vacuum promotes the outflow of purulent extract from lacunae located in the thickness of the lymphoid tissue. Regular pulling with a syringe can only clean the superficial layers.
  • The second stage of the procedure is irrigating the tonsils with an antiseptic, which helps stop the development of deep inflammation and has a detrimental effect on bacteria. This is followed by the supply of medicinal solutions, which provide an intense effect inside the organ.
  • After washing the tonsils, ultrasound therapy is performed, which consolidates the overall effect. “Smart” ions begin the formation of healthy, fully functioning tissues.

The constructive ergonomics of the mm tonsillor apparatus allows you to act quickly and perform multitasking without injuring the mucous membrane

The total time of therapy does not exceed an hour; the doctor works directly with the tonsils for several minutes on each one. Patients are often surprised to see the amount of pus plugs coming out. During the first sessions, you need to adapt to control your body: for example, inhale correctly shallowly while the tonsillor is working. After completing the full course, you need to consult with your doctor and outline a plan for further activities.

The price of the procedure is moderate. Compared to the constant use of expensive medications, antibiotics, and the effect they provide, the cost is very justified.

Unfortunately, there are categories for which such treatment is contraindicated. These are hypertensive patients, people suffering from tuberculosis, and cancer patients. A special approach is also required for those diagnosed with neurocirculatory dystonia. Such intervention is not recommended while the temperature persists. During pregnancy, the appropriateness of the procedure on the device is determined by the attending physician.

Modern treatment with vacuum rinsing of the tonsils will make your throat healthy in 10 sessions!


It took a long time for my daughter to get a diagnosis. Several months of high fever and increased pulse. The doctor at the appointment explained that all our problems were caused by tonsillitis, which had taken on a toxic form.
Thank you very much - we understand what to do next.



from 1 500 RUR 1 procedure

is currently the most effective way to treat chronic tonsillitis, allowing you to completely get rid of throat congestion, bad breath and, ultimately, frequent sore throats, without removing the tonsils.

  • The course of treatment consists of 10 procedures every other day.
    Each treatment session includes:
  • Anesthesia palatine tonsils with 10% lidocaine solution.
    Why is this necessary? This is necessary for the procedure to be painless.
  • Vacuum rinsing of tonsils.
    Using a special device, all pathogenic bacteria, mucus, pus and plugs are removed from the tonsils.
  • Irrigation oral cavity and palatine tonsils using antiseptic using ultrasound.
    This is necessary to relieve inflammation and swelling.
  • Treatment pharynx with antibacterial drugs.
    This is necessary to destroy all bacteria.
  • LASER.
    It has a powerful anti-inflammatory effect and improves immunity.
  • Ural Federal District.
    Ultraviolet irradiation of the tonsils has a disinfecting effect.
  • Vibroacoustic therapy.
    Improves nutrition of the palatine tonsils and enhances the removal of plugs.
  • When paying for the course in full =
    Price: 1,500 rubles for 1 procedure
    The cost of 10 procedures is 15,000 rubles.
  • For a single visit: Repeat appointment + Anesthesia + Procedure + Physiotherapy = Price: RUB 3,500

Frequently asked questions about the procedure for vacuum rinsing of the tonsils using the Tonsillor device

Hello dear patients.
The procedure for washing the lacunae of the tonsils using the vacuum method is prescribed by an ENT doctor in the treatment of tonsillitis that occurs in a non-acute form.
Acute tonsillitis (tonsillitis) is a contraindication to such a procedure.
Washing of the tonsils in our office is carried out using the following devices: TONZILLOR (Russia) and OTOPRONT (Germany).
This procedure is in great demand among patients, as it is part of the prevention of chronic forms of tonsillitis, which is widespread in our country.
The tonsil rinsing procedure is safe and therefore suitable for pregnant women.
If you already have an appointment or an established diagnosis, you can sign up and undergo a course of procedures with us.
The price of one single procedure for vacuum washing of tonsil lacunae is 3,500 rubles.
The price of one procedure, with a one-time payment for the full course of 10 procedures, is 1500 rubles .
The procedure is part of the prescription for the treatment of the following diseases:

  • Tonsillitis
  • Chronic tonsillitis
  • Halitosis / Halitosis (Treatment of bad breath)

What is vacuum rinsing of tonsils? And why is it so effective?

Vacuum rinsing of the tonsils is a modern approach to the treatment of tonsillitis, replacing the older method of rinsing the tonsils with a syringe. The advantage of this procedure is that a special medical device, attached to the tonsils using a vacuum attachment, pulls out all the pathogenic contents (pus, mucus, food waste and bacteria) from the diseased tonsils, removing swelling and inflammation. There are quite a lot of devices for vacuum washing, but they all use the principle of creating negative pressure in their work. One of the proven and most frequently used is TONSILLOR. In Tonsillor, to enhance the therapeutic effect on diseased tonsils, ultrasound is also used, which promotes deeper penetration of medicinal substances into the tonsils and breaks even the oldest tonsillar plugs (tonsilloliths). Over the past 10 years of its use, positive statistics have been accumulated, which indicate a significant reduction in pharyngeal diseases in those who regularly undergo treatment with the Tonsillor device, as well as an unprecedented reduction in operations to remove tonsils in these patients.

How does the washing procedure go for you?

For people suffering from tonsillitis, I use a combination of several treatment methods, such as vacuum lavage, ultrasound and laser treatment in one procedure. First, I anesthetize the palatine tonsils with lidocaine 10% solution to reduce pain from rinsing and reduce the gag reflex, then I proceed directly to the main procedure of vacuum lavage. After removing all the plugs, I treat the tonsils with ultrasound and antiseptic drugs and proceed to treating the tonsils with a low-frequency laser. The combination of laser, ultrasound and rinsing gives a more lasting effect, resulting in the removal of inflammation from the tonsils and even helps to reduce their size. Over several treatment courses, the tonsils return to their previous healthy form.

Is it possible to rinse the tonsils for children and pregnant women?

Yes, sure. For pregnant women and children, a special vacuum attachment is used, which is smaller in size and does not injure the tonsils. I would like to note that children from 5 years of age tolerate rinsing courses well. For pregnant women in the first trimester, laser and ultrasound are not used.

The effectiveness of washing tonsil lacunae was established back in the last century: the general condition of patients improved, the severity of the inflammatory process decreased, and relapses of tonsillitis occurred less frequently. Previously, this procedure was done using a regular syringe and cannula. Fortunately, this scary method is a thing of the past. Today, its place has been taken by more effective and safe devices, such as Tonsilor, which can effectively combat the problem even during pregnancy.

Operating principle of the Tonsilor device

"Tonsilor" is a modern device, the operating principle of which is based on creating a vacuum at the point of application, which is combined with the additional action of ultrasound. The mechanical effect of these waves on the tonsils ensures their cleansing and literally sucking out the purulent contents from the lacunae.

During this procedure, the surface of the tonsils is irrigated with medications that only promote recovery. This is based on the method of low-frequency phonophoresis.

After completing a course of treatment with the Tonsilor device, inflammatory foci in the tonsils are almost completely eliminated.

This contributes to:

  • return to normal life;
  • reducing the frequency of relapses of sore throat;
  • significant improvement in well-being and general condition of the body;
  • prevention of complications of chronic tonsillitis, such as rheumatism, arthritis and kidney damage.

A person’s fear of any manipulation of his body is known. Many patients are afraid to undergo a course of therapeutic lavage of the tonsils. In fact, treatment with the Tonsilor device is absolutely painless. If the patient has a low pain threshold or a very pronounced gag reflex, then before the procedure the oropharyngeal cavity is irrigated with a lidocaine solution. As a result, there will be not only no pain, but the person will not feel anything at all.

After the onset of anesthesia, the procedure itself begins. In strict accordance with the instructions for use, the doctor attaches the cup of the device to the affected tonsil and slowly pumps out air from the created space. The cup is tightly attached to the point of application, and the purulent contents begin to be sucked out of the tonsil.

It is obvious that deep cleansing of the tonsils is impossible with conventional rinsing with a syringe, when a stream of antiseptic penetrates only the superficial layers of the organ. With this procedure, the entire infection remains deep in the lacunae, which makes the treatment ineffective. The "Tonsilor" device not only washes the tonsils, but also pumps out infected masses from the very depths, which ensures complete cleaning and high efficiency.

After cleaning the tonsils, an antiseptic solution is applied to their surface. This is done using special tubes that are included with the Tonsilor device. Thanks to this device, the antiseptic reaches even the most inaccessible areas of the tonsils, and the additional effect of ultrasound significantly increases the overall anti-inflammatory effect of the procedure.

Many patients are interested in whether this device can be used at home. Unfortunately, this is impossible, since working with Tonsilor requires not only special qualifications, but also the help of another person - it is almost impossible to perform the procedure on your own.


There are contraindications for washing the tonsils using the Tonsilor device, which are divided into absolute and relative.

Absolute contraindications include the following:

  • arterial hypertension 3 degrees;
  • hypertensive crisis;
  • bleeding disorders and coagulopathy;
  • pulmonary tuberculosis, active form;
  • malignant neoplasms and blood diseases;
  • dysfunction of the autonomic nervous system.

If these diseases and conditions are present, treatment with the Tonsilor device is strictly prohibited.

There are also relative contraindications to rinsing with Tonsilor. This procedure is not recommended:

  • during pregnancy (in the 1st and 3rd trimesters);
  • during menstruation;
  • during feverish conditions;
  • during periods of acute infectious diseases.

In the 2nd trimester of pregnancy, rinsing the tonsils is allowed. You can start treatment with the Tonsilor device when your body temperature drops and if the infectious process is nearing completion.

A separate contraindication to the treatment of chronic tonsillitis using the Tonsilor device is retinal detachment. According to various data, vacuum exposure, as well as ultrasound, can significantly aggravate the course of eye disease. Therefore, for any problems with the retina, the decision on treatment with the Tonsilor device is made not only by an otolaryngologist, but also by an ophthalmologist.

If the patient has absolute contraindications to washing the tonsils with Tonsilor, then this drug should be abandoned. However, this does not mean that rinsing is completely contraindicated for the patient - in such cases, the use of classical methods using a syringe and cannula is quite acceptable. Regular rinsing with antiseptic solutions at home can help, however, their effectiveness is much lower.

Is the Tonsilor device effective in the treatment of chronic sore throat?

Often, the state of health and the severity of the chronic inflammatory process in the tonsils are so great that doctors strongly recommend that patients undergo a tonsillectomy (surgery to remove the tonsils). The operation allows you to completely eliminate the source of infection, relieving the patient of chronic sore throat.

Unfortunately, tonsillectomy is not possible for all patients. Like any other operation, it has a number of contraindications, in the presence of which it is simply dangerous to do it. In such situations, the Tonsilor device truly becomes a life-saving straw, including during pregnancy.

It allows you not only to completely clean the tonsils, but also to reliably disinfect lacunae even in the most difficult to reach places. This protects against relapses of the disease, improves general condition and is a good prevention of systemic complications of chronic tonsillitis.

Some otorhinolaryngologists still consider the operation more effective than washing the tonsils. This is true when it comes to conventional irrigation using a syringe and cannula, when the source of infection is reduced but not completely eliminated. However, the Tonsilor device provides an unusually deep cleansing of the tonsils, which makes it an excellent alternative to surgical treatment.

According to statistical data, washing the tonsils using the Tonsilor device has increased the effectiveness of treating diseases of the ENT organs by 1.5-2 times compared to traditional methods. More than 80% of patients experience long-term improvement, the frequency of relapses of sore throat decreases, and the person can return to normal life, as evidenced by clinical studies and patient reviews.

An additional advantage of washing the tonsils with Tonsilor is the ability to treat the affected area with a laser. This technology provides reliable protection against re-infection. Using a laser beam, the doctor burns out individual crypts and lacunae, in place of which a connective tissue scar subsequently forms. No infection can penetrate into the tonsil through it. Additional laser treatment further increases the effectiveness of treatment.

Preparing to wash your tonsils

To make the procedure as comfortable as possible, you need to follow a few simple recommendations:

  • It is better to come to rinsing with an empty stomach; in extreme cases, the last meal should be 1-1.5 hours before visiting the doctor. If you come for the procedure after a heavy lunch, your gag reflex will increase significantly, which is why the session will have to be postponed.
  • While the doctor is performing the procedure, you need to keep your head straight. You cannot tilt it back so that liquid from the treated area does not flow down your throat.
  • Breathing should be smooth, measured and shallow. Due to convulsive sighs, some of the fluid and infected material from the tonsils may enter the respiratory tract.
  • After washing is completed, the next meal and liquid should be no earlier than 2 hours later. This is necessary to relieve irritation in the throat and deeper penetration of medicinal substances into the tissue of the tonsils.

In order for the treatment to achieve maximum effect, several therapy sessions are needed. The duration of the course is determined by the doctor in each individual case, however, on average it is 7-10 sessions. If you treat a sore throat with Tonsilor at least 1-2 times a year, you can forget about chronic tonsillitis forever. This is confirmed not only by the opinions of specialists, but also by patient reviews.

Thus, “Tonsilor” is a modern device for deep and effective cleansing of the tonsils, which successfully replaces surgical treatment of chronic tonsillitis. Thanks to the combined effect of several therapeutic factors, a significant improvement in the condition and elimination of the source of infection is achieved.

Useful video about the treatment of tonsillitis with the “Tonsilor” device

With long-term chronic tonsillitis, when antibacterial drugs no longer help much, since pathogenic microbes (staphylococci and streptococci) are “accustomed” to them, otolaryngologists often prescribe rinsing the tonsils.

This is done to avoid a tonsillectomy and often helps preserve the tonsils. Previously, washing the tonsils was done only with a syringe with a special cannula. Today there are many ways that are much less traumatic and more effective. Among them is washing the tonsils with Tonsilor. What is this procedure and how effective is it?

What kind of device is “Tonsilor” and how does it work?

"Tonsilor" is a vacuum device of the latest generation, which uses the energy of ultrasonic vibrations. These waves act directly on the affected areas. In addition, during the washing procedure, the tissues are impregnated with special preparations using the method of low-frequency phonophoresis.

The result of washing the tonsils is the elimination of foci of infection. Relapses of chronic tonsillitis occur much less frequently, attacks of tonsillitis stop, and pharyngitis torments a person less often.

Many people are afraid to do vacuum rinsing of their tonsils, and this is completely in vain. Of course, it cannot be called pleasant (like any medical procedure), but there will be no painful sensations. The patient, if he is very sensitive to pain or has a well-expressed gag reflex, is given anesthesia by injecting lidocaine. Next, a plastic cup is attached to the affected tonsil (it is tightly suctioned to the surface), and under the influence of the created vacuum, the purulent contents of the lacunae come to the surface. This way deep cleaning occurs.

This effect cannot be achieved using a standard syringe, since some of the dead cells and microbes remain in narrow and hard-to-reach places of the gaps. The action of the Tonsilor device is similar to the effect of a vacuum cleaner in miniature.

The second stage of washing the lacunae of the tonsils with Tonsilor consists of applying an antiseptic solution to the tonsils using special tubes, which washes even the narrowest “passages” and voids. Using ultrasound, anti-inflammatory drugs are injected into the tonsils.

Unfortunately, one procedure will not be enough. Doctors usually prescribe 7 to 10 washes to achieve maximum effect. The procedure itself lasts about 10 minutes. Otolaryngologists have different attitudes towards Tonsilor, although many prefer it in their work.

Contraindications to Tonsilor: absolute and relative

Unfortunately, not everyone can have their tonsils washed using a vacuum method, since there are contraindications, both absolute and relative.

Doctors include absolute contraindications to treatment with Tonsilor: dysfunctions of the autonomic nervous system (if they are pronounced), active pulmonary tuberculosis, malignant tumors of any location, and high-grade hypertension.

Relative contraindications: pregnancy (first and third trimesters - in the second, Tonsilor is not contraindicated), menstruation, acute infectious diseases with high fever (washing can be done when the temperature drops).

If you have retinal detachment, you will need to consult an ophthalmologist - it is he who will decide on the possibility of treatment with the Tonsilor device, since there is an opinion that exposure to vacuum and ultrasound can worsen the situation with the retina.

If you have such health problems, the tonsils can also be washed, but in these cases other methods are used, in particular, washing the tonsils with a regular syringe.

The effectiveness of using the Tonsilor device

Sometimes the condition of a patient's tonsils makes doctors so concerned that they would prefer to perform a tonsillectomy in order to permanently rid the patient of a source of chronic infection. However, the patient’s health does not allow the operation to be performed if he suffers from severe diabetes, difficult-to-treat cardiovascular diseases, blood diseases, kidney diseases and some others. In these cases, the Tonsilor device is practically irreplaceable. It allows, by completely cleansing the lacunae of the tonsils, to permanently relieve a person from relapses of chronic tonsillitis. And the need for surgery after such treatment often disappears.

In situations where just 15 years ago doctors saw no other option but to remove the tonsils, today it is often possible to preserve them, thereby leaving the body a natural protective barrier against microbes.

According to statistics, vacuum rinsing of the tonsils using the Tonsilor device has increased the effectiveness of treating throat diseases by one and a half to two times compared to other methods. When using the device, in 80-90% of cases, long-term improvement occurs, allowing the patient to return to an active lifestyle.

Speaking about the advantages of the Tonsilor device, one cannot fail to mention the additional therapeutic effect of micromassage of the tonsils, due to which blood circulation is activated, which means recovery occurs faster.

In advanced forms of tonsillitis, the doctor, after washing and treating with medications using a laser, “seals” some of the lacunae. Microscopic scars are formed at the site of exposure to the laser beam, protecting the palatine tonsil from microbes getting inside. This is almost a piece of jewelry work that requires highly qualified doctors, but it significantly reduces the risk of recurrence of sore throats.

Video about methods of treating chronic tonsillitis, including washing the tonsils using the Tonsilor device:

How to prepare for rinsing with Tonsilor, and how often will you have to do it?

How to prepare for the procedure so that it causes as little discomfort as possible? The last meal should take place no later than an hour before going to the doctor. This will minimize the gag reflex, which, unfortunately, sometimes interferes with rinsing. By the 2-3 session this reflex will become weaker, and in general it is not so pronounced when using Tonsilor. During the procedure, you should not throw your head back, and breathing should be shallow. After rinsing, you should also refrain from eating and drinking for about 2 hours so that the throat “calms down” and the medicine is completely absorbed. How often should I rinse my tonsils with Tonsilor? Everything here is individual and depends on the patient’s well-being and the doctor’s recommendations. But usually 1-2 courses per year are enough to get rid of exacerbations of chronic tonsillitis. In any case, we should not forget that this disease requires complex treatment and constant monitoring by a specialist.

Attention! All articles on the site are purely informational. We recommend that you seek qualified help from a specialist and make an appointment.

Acute and chronic tonsillitis is characterized by inflammation of the tonsils and the accumulation of purulent secretions in their lacunae. The danger of a sore throat lies in the possibility of the infectious pathogen spreading through internal organs and tissues, which leads to chronic, severe diseases.

Tonsillor device

To prevent this, conservative treatment is used, and if it is ineffective, surgical treatment is used. Conservative therapy consists of the use of antibiotics, rinses, local anti-inflammatory drugs and various physical treatments. Such a procedure as washing the tonsils with a special device called Tonsillor has also earned positive reviews from many otolaryngologist patients.

Operating principle of the Tonsillor device

Procedures using the Tonsillor apparatus are among the latest physiotherapeutic methods of treatment. The principle of operation of the device is based on vacuum and ultrasonic effects on inflamed or infected biological tissues, as a result of which the time for their regeneration is significantly reduced.

The Tonsillor device is widely used for the treatment of acute and chronic rhinitis, adenoids, and otitis. After its course of use, some patients no longer have indications for surgical intervention. Rinsing the lacunae of the tonsils using the Tonzillor device has a number of significant advantages compared to the conventional manual method of washing infected tissues.

The ultrasonic waves of the device have a negative effect on any pathogenic microbes and promote increased and accelerated tissue regeneration. Ultrasound, unlike antibiotics, is not addictive and does not lead to the development of allergic reactions. The device is equipped with special nozzles, with their help the selected therapeutic solution can be directly applied to the affected tissues without affecting other areas of the oropharynx. Ultrasonic waves make it possible to deliver medicine to deep-lying tissues, which contributes to better mechanical cleansing of lacunae. The special design of the nozzles makes the procedure less painless, regardless of whether the tonsils are washed for an adult or a child. The Tonsillor device can be used both for acute sore throat and during the period of relapse of the disease, when treatment with antibiotics is inappropriate. The use of rinsing the tonsils helps reduce treatment time, quickly improves overall well-being and, when prescribed in the acute period, reduces the risk of tonsillitis progressing to the chronic stage.

Device for treatment of ENT organs

Washing the tonsils with the Tonsillor device is most often carried out on an outpatient basis; the session takes only a few minutes and after it you can go home almost immediately. In order to achieve the maximum therapeutic effect, 5 to 10 procedures may be required. Most patients experience a noticeable reduction in tonsils and pain when swallowing after 2-3 procedures.

Stages of the procedure

Washing infected and inflamed tonsils using the Tonsillor apparatus is always carried out in approximately the same way. The procedure is less painful, but may cause some discomfort and increase the gag reflex. To prevent this from happening, a lidocaine solution, which has a freezing and analgesic effect, is first applied to the tonsils and adjacent tissues. If the patient is allergic to this analgesic, then a similar analogue is selected. Then washing is carried out in several stages:

Carrying out the procedure

The nozzle is attached to the inflamed tonsil and the vacuum mode of operation of the device is turned on. In this case, purulent contents are pumped out from the inflamed lacunae. The vacuum effect created by the device allows you to achieve the deepest cleaning, which does not occur with conventional suction using a syringe. After pumping out the purulent secretion, a bactericidal solution is supplied to the tonsils, ensuring even greater effectiveness of the procedure. Then, through special tubes, a medicinal solution is pumped into the tonsil tissue using ultrasound, which means that inflammation is treated from the inside.

Having manipulated one gland, the doctor begins to treat the other, following the same scheme. Using the Tonsillor device, it is possible to avoid injury to the tissues of the tonsils and therefore they are then restored naturally without the formation of scar tissue.

Contraindications to the use of the Tonsillor device

The use of vacuum suction of purulent secretion from the tonsils, unfortunately, is not always possible. Absolute contraindications for rinsing with the Tonsillor apparatus include tuberculosis, disorders in the functioning of the autonomic nervous system, high-grade hypertension, and malignant neoplasms of any location. There are also relative, that is, temporary contraindications - these are the first and third trimester of pregnancy, acute infectious and inflammatory processes with high fever. Consultation with an ophthalmologist may be required for patients with retinal detachment, as it is believed that ultrasound may aggravate this pathological process.

In many cases of chronic tonsillitis, patients are offered surgery for complete or partial removal of the tonsils; only such an intervention helps to get rid of the chronic source of infection forever.

For some people, surgery is contraindicated due to the presence of serious pathologies of the heart muscle, diabetes, or other diseases.

The only treatment option remains a course of treatment with the Tonsillor apparatus; after its proper implementation, it is possible to achieve many months of absence of relapse of the disease, and this has a beneficial effect on the condition of other organs.

According to statistical data, washing the tonsils using the Tonsillor device helped achieve greater effectiveness in the treatment of tonsillitis compared to other methods of therapy. In some patients, the number of relapses has significantly decreased; other patients also note an improvement in their overall health.


Masha, 29 years old

“My otolaryngologist advised me to take a course of treatment with Tonsillor. I suffered from chronic tonsillitis for 6 or 7 years, exacerbations always happened not only in spring and autumn, but even in summer. After 10 sessions with the device, for the first time the fall passed without an exacerbation of tonsillitis.”

Reviewed by Zinec

Ksenia, 33 years old

“My son was registered with chronic tonsillitis at the age of five. Since then, every six months, and sometimes more often, we have had to take antibiotics, immunomodulators and constantly beware of colds. The tonsils were washed with the Tonsillor device about six months ago, since then there have been no exacerbations. Let’s see what happens next; perhaps we won’t need the operation suggested by the doctor.”

Chronic tonsillitis is rightfully considered one of the most intractable diseases. Not all patients are able to use conservative therapy to suppress the inflammatory focus, let alone completely eliminate it. When antibiotics become completely meaningless (since the microflora has long adapted to them), and surgery is impossible for one reason or another, ENT doctors often recommend their patients to undergo a course of rinsing the tonsils using the Tonsilor apparatus.

The effectiveness of washing tonsil lacunae was established back in the last century: the general condition of patients improved, the severity of the inflammatory process decreased, and relapses of tonsillitis occurred less frequently. Previously, this procedure was done using a regular syringe and cannula. Fortunately, this scary method is a thing of the past. Today, its place has been taken by more effective and safe devices, such as Tonsilor, which can effectively combat the problem even during pregnancy.

Operating principle of the Tonsilor device

"Tonsilor" is a modern device, the operating principle of which is based on creating a vacuum at the point of application, which is combined with the additional action of ultrasound. The mechanical effect of these waves on the tonsils ensures their cleansing and literally sucking out the purulent contents from the lacunae.

During this procedure, the surface of the tonsils is irrigated with medications that only promote recovery. This is based on the method of low-frequency phonophoresis.

After completing a course of treatment with the Tonsilor device, inflammatory foci in the tonsils are almost completely eliminated.

This contributes to:

return to normal life; reducing the frequency of relapses of sore throat; significant improvement in well-being and general condition of the body; prevention of complications of chronic tonsillitis, such as rheumatism, arthritis and kidney damage.

A person’s fear of any manipulation of his body is known. Many patients are afraid to undergo a course of therapeutic lavage of the tonsils. In fact, treatment with the Tonsilor device is absolutely painless. If the patient has a low pain threshold or a very pronounced gag reflex, then before the procedure the oropharyngeal cavity is irrigated with a lidocaine solution. As a result, there will be not only no pain, but the person will not feel anything at all.

After the onset of anesthesia, the procedure itself begins. In strict accordance with the instructions for use, the doctor attaches the cup of the device to the affected tonsil and slowly pumps out air from the created space. The cup is tightly attached to the point of application, and the purulent contents begin to be sucked out of the tonsil.

It is obvious that deep cleansing of the tonsils is impossible with conventional rinsing with a syringe, when a stream of antiseptic penetrates only the superficial layers of the organ. With this procedure, the entire infection remains deep in the lacunae, which makes the treatment ineffective. The "Tonsilor" device not only washes the tonsils, but also pumps out infected masses from the very depths, which ensures complete cleaning and high efficiency.

After cleaning the tonsils, an antiseptic solution is applied to their surface. This is done using special tubes that are included with the Tonsilor device. Thanks to this device, the antiseptic reaches even the most inaccessible areas of the tonsils, and the additional effect of ultrasound significantly increases the overall anti-inflammatory effect of the procedure.

Many patients are interested in whether this device can be used at home. Unfortunately, this is impossible, since working with Tonsilor requires not only special qualifications, but also the help of another person - it is almost impossible to perform the procedure on your own.


There are contraindications for washing the tonsils using the Tonsilor device, which are divided into absolute and relative.

Absolute contraindications include the following:

arterial hypertension 3 degrees; hypertensive crisis; bleeding disorders and coagulopathy; pulmonary tuberculosis, active form; malignant neoplasms and blood diseases; dysfunction of the autonomic nervous system.

If these diseases and conditions are present, treatment with the Tonsilor device is strictly prohibited.

There are also relative contraindications to rinsing with Tonsilor. This procedure is not recommended:

during pregnancy (in the 1st and 3rd trimesters); during menstruation; during feverish conditions; during periods of acute infectious diseases.

In the 2nd trimester of pregnancy, rinsing the tonsils is allowed. You can start treatment with the Tonsilor device when your body temperature drops and if the infectious process is nearing completion.

A separate contraindication to the treatment of chronic tonsillitis using the Tonsilor device is retinal detachment. According to various data, vacuum exposure, as well as ultrasound, can significantly aggravate the course of eye disease. Therefore, for any problems with the retina, the decision on treatment with the Tonsilor device is made not only by an otolaryngologist, but also by an ophthalmologist.

If the patient has absolute contraindications to washing the tonsils with Tonsilor, then this drug should be abandoned. However, this does not mean that rinsing is completely contraindicated for the patient - in such cases, the use of classical methods using a syringe and cannula is quite acceptable. Regular rinsing with antiseptic solutions at home can help, however, their effectiveness is much lower.

Is the Tonsilor device effective in the treatment of chronic sore throat?

Often, the state of health and the severity of the chronic inflammatory process in the tonsils are so great that doctors strongly recommend that patients undergo a tonsillectomy (surgery to remove the tonsils). The operation allows you to completely eliminate the source of infection, relieving the patient of chronic sore throat.

Unfortunately, tonsillectomy is not possible for all patients. Like any other operation, it has a number of contraindications, in the presence of which it is simply dangerous to do it. In such situations, the Tonsilor device truly becomes a life-saving straw, including during pregnancy.

It allows you not only to completely clean the tonsils, but also to reliably disinfect lacunae even in the most difficult to reach places. This protects against relapses of the disease, improves general condition and is a good prevention of systemic complications of chronic tonsillitis.

Some otorhinolaryngologists still consider the operation more effective than washing the tonsils. This is true when it comes to conventional irrigation using a syringe and cannula, when the source of infection is reduced but not completely eliminated. However, the Tonsilor device provides an unusually deep cleansing of the tonsils, which makes it an excellent alternative to surgical treatment.

According to statistical data, washing the tonsils using the Tonsilor device has increased the effectiveness of treating diseases of the ENT organs by 1.5-2 times compared to traditional methods. More than 80% of patients experience long-term improvement, the frequency of relapses of sore throat decreases, and the person can return to normal life, as evidenced by clinical studies and patient reviews.

An additional advantage of washing the tonsils with Tonsilor is the ability to treat the affected area with a laser. This technology provides reliable protection against re-infection. Using a laser beam, the doctor burns out individual crypts and lacunae, in place of which a connective tissue scar subsequently forms. No infection can penetrate into the tonsil through it. Additional laser treatment further increases the effectiveness of treatment.

Preparing to wash your tonsils

To make the procedure as comfortable as possible, you need to follow a few simple recommendations:

It is better to come to rinsing with an empty stomach; in extreme cases, the last meal should be 1-1.5 hours before visiting the doctor. If you come for the procedure after a heavy lunch, your gag reflex will increase significantly, which is why the session will have to be postponed. While the doctor is performing the procedure, you need to keep your head straight. You cannot tilt it back so that liquid from the treated area does not flow down your throat. Breathing should be smooth, measured and shallow. Due to convulsive sighs, some of the fluid and infected material from the tonsils may enter the respiratory tract. After washing is completed, the next meal and liquid should be no earlier than 2 hours later. This is necessary to relieve irritation in the throat and deeper penetration of medicinal substances into the tissue of the tonsils.

In order for the treatment to achieve maximum effect, several therapy sessions are needed. The duration of the course is determined by the doctor in each individual case, however, on average it is 7-10 sessions. If you treat a sore throat with Tonsilor at least 1-2 times a year, you can forget about chronic tonsillitis forever. This is confirmed not only by the opinions of specialists, but also by patient reviews.

Thus, “Tonsilor” is a modern device for deep and effective cleansing of the tonsils, which successfully replaces surgical treatment of chronic tonsillitis. Thanks to the combined effect of several therapeutic factors, a significant improvement in the condition and elimination of the source of infection is achieved.

Useful video about the treatment of tonsillitis with the “Tonsilor” device

Very often, illnesses suffered in childhood leave remission foci of infection in the body, which, with the slightest decrease in the body’s immune defense, can manifest themselves in adulthood. Therefore, any otolaryngological diseases, which include diseases of the ear, nose, throat, pathologies of the neck and head that arose in childhood, must be treated effectively in a timely manner.

Many diseases of the ENT organs, for example, inflammatory processes in the tonsils and paranasal sinuses, often cause infection to spread throughout the body. Thus, diseases of the heart, liver, joints, kidneys and other internal organs are often the result of acute tonsillitis (tonsillitis) suffered in childhood, which eventually turned into a chronic stage.

The use of potent chemotherapy drugs by modern medicine quickly eliminates the manifestations of the acute stage of the disease, but subsequently weakens the body’s defense reactions, which lead to its chronic course. A good example is vasomotor rhinitis, polyposis, chronic tonsillitis, which prefer to be treated only surgically, that is, radically. As a result of this approach, the effect is removed, but the cause remains.

Otolaryngological diseases that cannot be treated with traditional methods are successfully treated using ultrasound, which has been successfully used in medical practice for a long time. In addition to the main property of ultrasound to scan internal organs, it has another remarkable ability. If low frequencies of ultrasound are used in the treatment of inflamed areas of body tissue, they are disinfected, quickly healed and restored (reparation).

It was this fact that served as the basis for the developers of such necessary equipment for treatment as the Tonzillor device, which induces the lower frequency range of ultrasound and has no analogues in any country in the world.

Purpose, design and advantages of the Tonsillor device

The device has found wide application in the treatment of otorhinolaryngological diseases. Its therapeutic effect is manifested as a result of the production of vibration energy in the lower frequency range of ultrasound through the administration of drugs or contact actions on the pathological focus of the organ.

Indications for using the device are:

  • , adenoiditis, pharyngitis, rhinitis, mesotympanitis (purulent otitis media) in the chronic stage;
  • Pathology of the trepanation cavity;
  • Sluggish hearing loss of the sensorineural type;
  • Surgical interventions in otolaryngology organs.

Otorhinolaryngological pathologies can be successfully treated therapeutically using a low-frequency ultrasound device for surgical and conservative treatment TONSILLOR-MM, the device of which is shown in Figure 1.

The operating principle of this device is based on such physical phenomena as the processes of cavitation and phonophoresis. Based on cavitation, a waveguide instrument (3) is used to reject and remove purulent accumulations in the pathological tissues of the ENT organs, and a device for supplying a medicinal solution (8) produces a therapeutic effect on the organ.

Treatment with Tonsillor promotes resorption at the site of pathology, an analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect, the creation of improved blood microcirculation and a cleansing effect at the site of organ tissue damage. As a result of the procedures performed, the level of life support of organ cells with nutrients (trophism), oxygen saturation of blood cells increases, and the formation of connective (scar) tissue after surgical and injection interventions decreases.

Methodology and advantages of using an innovative device

Before the introduction into medical practice of a progressive treatment method with the Tonsillor apparatus, the course of chronic tonsillitis in children and adults, in which the patient’s tonsils turned into purulent foci of infection, was attempted to be alleviated using classic washing of the tonsils with medicinal solutions.

The pathogenesis of the disease is characterized by inevitable tissue degeneration, that is, the replacement of the lymphoid type with a connective (scar) type. When inserting cannulas into the lacunae of the tonsils with the traditional method of treatment, the process is catalyzed - additional trauma to them, which subsequently leads to even greater scarring of the affected area.

In addition, manipulations with a syringe usually only superficially wash the tonsils; the pathological secretion remains in the depths of the lacunae. Therefore, relapse of the disease was always inevitable.

That is why this method could not compete with the innovative washing of the tonsils with the Tonsillor apparatus.

The method is twice as effective as conservative treatment, quadruples the frequency of surgical interventions and resection of the most important immunomodulatory tonsils. At the same time, for people with problems of somatic origin (who have contraindications to surgery and pain relief procedures), this type of treatment is the only possible one. In addition, the method is non-traumatic and painless.

How does the procedure work?

The preparatory stage includes anesthesia of the pharynx, for example, with the aerosol drug Dicain, to eliminate reflex swallowing. With the patient sitting in a comfortable chair, the lacunae of the tonsils are washed, or sanitized, which takes place in stages:

  • An applicator-limiter is applied to the tonsil;
  • Turn on the electric suction device;
  • A solution is supplied to wash the tonsil lacunae.

The combined combination of antiseptic and low frequency ultrasound represents a powerful disinfecting attack on the pathological focus of the disease. The time spent washing one tonsil is about 2 minutes. The drug entering the tonsil destroys and washes away plaque layers, expands and opens the mouths of the lacunae, which helps to completely wash out caseous plugs and other pathogenic contents.

After the procedure, the patient holds his breath, during which the applicator-limiter is removed. The same manipulations are carried out with the second amygdala.

After the washing process, a phonophoresis session is carried out. A waveguide is attached to the acoustic unit, and its end with a three-layer napkin soaked in a solution, for example, Interferon, attached to the cup-shaped base, is applied to the surface of the tonsil. The action of the waveguide is half a minute.

The course of therapy is up to 8 to 10 procedures performed every other day. Then the patient undergoes a medical examination, and the health status is recorded in the outpatient card.

After completing four courses of medical therapy over a two-year period, the results of treatment with Tonsillor speak for themselves - stable remission and further recovery of patients have been observed for 5 years.

Despite the obvious advantages of the innovative method of treating chronic otolaryngological pathologies, there are also contraindications to treatment with Tonsillor, these are:

  • Atherosclerosis of the vessels of the brain and heart, as well as the presence of hypertension;
  • Vegetovascular dystonia;
  • Cancer formation;
  • Pulmonary tuberculosis in the active phase;
  • Pregnancy in the first and last trimesters;
  • Allergy to ozone.