Self-control, its main methods, indicators, evaluation criteria, self-control diary. Abstract: Methods of self-monitoring of health and physical development As a result of such work, your body will quickly receive the necessary and sufficient arsenal of vitally important

There are strong-willed people who don’t even think about developing self-control, and there are those for whom the lack of this quality becomes a real problem. Let's consider in the article what it is and how it can be achieved and developed.

Definition and Features

Self-control is a manifestation of human will, a character trait and a way of life. Not everyone is born with this quality by nature. As a rule, it is formed throughout life. But often development may not occur at all if a person does not make an effort.

In simple words, the psychology of self-control is the ability to control oneself, to get used to the daily routine and activities. This quality also includes the fight against laziness. But the main advantage is that a person can control himself when things don’t go according to plan or other people almost take him out.

Self-control also helps a person as an individual to go towards his goal and achieve more than relaxed people who find it difficult to pull themselves together. And it also greatly affects self-esteem for the better.


There are many examples of self-control in social studies textbooks. Schoolchildren usually study this in a general course. But we have to agree that you can start thinking about acquiring this quality as early as adolescence.

Very clear examples:

  • The person understands that he needs to read a book/do homework/finish work, but still hasn’t done it. Self-control is when he can deny himself walks with friends or mindlessly watching TV if more important planned activities have not been started.
  • One friend yells at another, but the second has the willpower to control himself so as not to “explode” too. This is called self-control of behavior.
  • The employee never puts off his work and goes strictly according to the plan, under no circumstances deviating from it. An example of self-control as an internal control of the individual also includes the ability to organize oneself and refuse idleness, thoughtless pastime and much more.

  • And this can also include, for example, when a person begins to exercise regularly (running in the morning, going to the gym, etc.). It is worth agreeing that this is still a manifestation of will, because if a person has never done this before because of laziness, but wanted and was able to overcome himself, then he has left his comfort zone and developed self-control.

Examples from literature

Perhaps, in literary works there are a lot of vivid visual plots where the hero developed his will, improved himself, or, conversely, fell into self-destruction. Such examples are most often found in fiction, the basis of which is the struggle with oneself.

For example, it is very noticeable in Ivan Goncharov’s work “Oblomov” that the two main characters are opposites to each other: Stolz is full of self-control, but his friend Oblomov could not find the core and energy in himself.

How to develop self-control?

For each person, the path to development of their personality is individual. But there are a number of points and ways to develop self-control in yourself.

You can start playing sports and taking care of your health if you haven’t done this before, but would like to. This will not only be beneficial for the body, but will also help develop a special core and fortitude.

It would also be a good idea to create a daily routine. There is no point in becoming a night owl or a lark if you are not one, but getting enough sleep is simply necessary. Therefore, even if you are used to sleeping for 4-5 hours and feel sleep deprived, you should exercise self-control and monitor your routine.

Another excellent exercise is the usual counting up to 10/50/100, when the mood is such that you want to quarrel with someone, quarrel, scream. Roughly speaking, control of emotions is also an important and useful quality in life.

But in general, a person’s ability to do what is needed against his will is very good at developing self-control. For example, force yourself to get up in the morning, go for a run, immediately do important things, and only then leave time for rest after everything. Setting larger goals and plans as opposed to a daily to-do list will also help a lot. But we also need to make efforts so that what we plan does not remain a dream, but sooner or later comes true.

The following method is not suitable for everyone. This is meditation. Someone becomes more irritable from it and does not see the point in an activity that only takes up time and does not bring any benefit. But many people note that such unity with themselves helps them concentrate, collect their thoughts and calm down. Thus, meditation is suitable for people who are very rarely alone and feel that they have an excess of communication and there is no rest in solitude. After all, there really is nothing wrong with spending a couple of minutes a day at home in a relaxed state.

How can parents help children develop self-control?

There is a lot of debate about what has a stronger influence on the development of a person’s will: genes, upbringing, or the person himself as an adult. No one will ever be able to answer this, because it’s different for everyone, but parents can also contribute.

For the younger generation (schoolchildren), the following self-control technique is suitable: when solving examples in mathematics and performing other exercises, try not to shirk, but complete everything to the end. It is important for parents to monitor this, but under no circumstances force it if you feel that your child is restless and does not really like to do homework. You can try to motivate your child or reward him if he manages to pull himself together.

This applies not only to studies, but also to daily routine, healthy lifestyle, goal planning and much more. But there’s no point in pushing for longer-term plans, since sometimes children don’t even think about who they will absolutely work for, what path in life they choose, etc. It’s also important for parents to make sure that their child doesn’t get involved in bad company and I didn’t acquire bad habits, I didn’t start self-destruction.

Books on the development of will

There are a lot of manuals about self-development. A significant part of them is aimed specifically at motivation in order to overcome laziness, develop useful qualities and, most importantly, self-control:

  • Kelly McGonigal, Willpower. How to develop and strengthen.”
  • Brian Tracy, Get Out of Your Comfort Zone. Change your life. 21 methods for increasing personal effectiveness."
  • Sharon Melnick, "Resilience."
  • Dan Dubravin, The Psychology of Emotions: Feelings in Control.
  • Walter Mischel, Developing Willpower.
  • Heidi Grant Halvorson, The Psychology of Achievement.

Instead of a conclusion

There are many examples of self-control in our lives. For some, this remains incomprehensible, but we must remember that developing the will and overcoming oneself is more than possible with desire and perseverance. But you should never force yourself.

They have a healing effect on the human body. This fact has been known since ancient times. The fact that exercise is of great importance in the fight against disease and prolongs our lives was indicated by the statements of many generations of philosophers and doctors. For example, Aristotle argued that a living organism has a constant need to move, and nothing destroys a person so much as physical inaction.

Playing sports is a very powerful means of healing. Proper organization of the training process allows you to improve physical development, increase performance and activate the functioning of all body systems.

Another parameter for self-control is the quality and duration of sleep. That is why the athlete’s diary reflects the processes of falling asleep and waking up, as well as the characteristics of sleep (intermittent, restless, etc.). This parameter is very important for the trainee. After all, it is during a night's rest that recovery processes are activated in the human body. Sleep disturbance, in turn, has a negative impact on the central nervous system and the health of the athlete.

Self-control during physical exercise should also evaluate such an indicator of the body’s condition as performance. It can be good, satisfactory or reduced. As a rule, the highest rating for this parameter can be given if you feel well and have a good sleep. However, this is not always the case. Sometimes an athlete, even if he feels well, experiences decreased performance. If such a phenomenon and reluctance to get physical activity lasts for several days in a row, then you need to notify the trainer about this and at the same time consult a doctor. Poor health can be the result of overexertion.

The state of the body is also characterized by appetite. This parameter is especially important in cases where self-control is exercised during physical exercise. A good appetite indicates normal metabolism in the body. On the contrary, the absence of the need to eat in the morning, as well as in the period 2-3 hours after training, gives reason to assume the presence of disturbances in the functioning of certain organs.

In the process of self-monitoring during physical exercise, the athlete should also pay attention to sweating. This is a normal phenomenon, which also indicates the condition of the body. With good muscle training, sweating decreases. Its increased level with high athletic fitness indicates overfatigue.

In addition to the above subjective data, the self-monitoring diary also reflects parameters such as breathing and pulse rates, as well as weight measurements. They can be used to judge the work of the heart and vascular system, the intensity of the load and the general condition of the body.

The importance of self-control when engaging in physical exercise is great. The data obtained is useful material that allows the athlete and coach to analyze classes and, if necessary, adjust the training plan. However, it is worth keeping in mind that even the most thorough and scrupulous self-control cannot replace the control of doctors.

For those who conduct independent training

Self-control techniques during physical exercise should be used not only by athletes. They are also important for those who are simply interested in swimming, cycling, running, etc. The data obtained during self-control in this case is also recorded in a diary, which has some differences from the athlete’s diary.

It is recommended for those who independently engage in physical training to record not only information about the muscular work performed and the body’s reaction resulting from it. This diary also reflects data at rest.

Height and weight control

The body shape and performance of the human body undergo changes throughout his life. But this process can be observed especially actively during training. Methods of self-control during physical exercise, which determine the characteristics and level of development of the body, include the determination of anthropometric standards, indices and correlations. The data obtained make it possible to identify those changes in physical development that occur due to training.

In order to exercise self-control during independent physical exercise, it is necessary to take anthropometric measurements of the circumference of the chest, abdomen, waist, lower leg and thigh at a certain frequency (month, week, etc.), as well as record body weight. It is recommended to record the strength of the muscle hand, as well as the amount of body fat, in the self-monitoring diary.

When conducting self-monitoring during independent physical exercise, it is important to monitor such characteristics as body length and weight. These indicators are the most important.

It is worth keeping in mind that the greatest growth in humans is observed in the morning. After intense training, as well as in the evening, body length decreases by two centimeters or more. Thus, when performing exercises with a barbell, the intervertebral discs become compacted. This causes a decrease in the athlete's height by 3-4 centimeters.

As for body weight, this objective indicator of the state of the body also changes during physical activity. This is especially noticeable in the initial stages of sports. Changes in body weight occur due to the combustion of fat and the release of excess water. After this, the weight stabilizes. Further values ​​of this anthropometric indicator will depend on the focus of training. An athlete’s body weight can either decrease or increase. A person who exercises self-control in the process of independent physical exercise is able to analyze his training. So, if the body receives light loads, then body weight decreases within three hundred grams. The average intensity of exercise allows you to get rid of 400-700 g. Heavy load causes weight loss of 800 g or more.

Body weight can also be controlled using the Broca-Brugsch index. Body weight, according to this indicator, is equal to the height of the human body, reduced by one hundred.

When self-monitoring the state of the body during sports training, the Quetelet weight-height index can be used. To calculate it, you need to divide body weight by height. The norm is considered to be a condition when per centimeter of height is calculated from 350 to 400 g of weight in men and from 325 to 375 g in women.

Other indicators of physiological development

When conducting self-control, it is important to measure the chest circumference. Its good development is a guarantee of good health. You need to study it at rest, measuring this indicator both when inhaling and exhaling. The difference in the obtained values ​​is nothing more than It depends on the type of breathing and muscle development.

When exercising self-control during sports, it is necessary to measure the muscle strength of the arms. For this there is a special device called a dynamometer. Indications of arm muscle strength are directly dependent on chest circumference, body weight, etc. Typically, the strength of men's arms is 60-70 percent of body weight, and women's - 45-50%.

During self-control, muscle strength is also measured. This is the strength of the spinal extensor muscles. Its value directly depends on age and gender, occupation and body weight.

Self-monitoring of the student also includes spirometry. In this case, vital capacity is measured - the volume of air exhaled from the lungs. The values ​​of this indicator characterize the elasticity of the lung tissue and the strength of the respiratory muscles.

Control over the functioning of blood vessels and the heart

When exercising, it is important to pay attention to how you feel. It expresses the response of systems and organs of the human body to physical activity. The most important indicator in this case is the indicators of changes in the functioning of the respiratory organs, as well as blood vessels and the heart.

What are the methods of self-control when doing physical exercises in this case? To resolve the issue of a particular amount of training load, blood pressure is also measured. A person’s performance largely depends on these indicators.

Heart rate

What are the methods of self-control during physical exercise that allow you to determine this value? For example, to measure resting heart rate, the trainee must be in a sitting position. In this case, it is necessary to feel the temporal, carotid or radial artery, counting the heart beats for five seconds. This must be done two or three times in a row. After receiving the data, the average value is multiplied by 12. This makes it possible to find out the number of heart beats per minute. In untrained people, heart rate is 60-89 beats/min.

Exceeding the normative limits indicates the likelihood of tachycardia, and a rarer pulse may indicate bradycardia. Also, a high heart rate (80-85 beats/min) at rest indicates fatigue of the body. Of course, after training, a person’s pulse increases. However, normally the body should spend from five to ten minutes to restore it. This characteristic will indicate optimal physical activity.

Arterial pressure

This indicator is objective. It is no secret that certain fluctuations in blood pressure indicate the rhythm of cardiac activity.

There are various types of self-control during physical exercises, used in sports practice, which allow one to assess the state of the body. Among them are functional tests. So, when doing it on your own, it is recommended to do twenty squats in half a minute. After this, the trainee must sit quietly for 3 minutes. A heart rate from 100 to 130 beats/min after physical activity will indicate a low level of load, 130-150 beats/min will indicate average intensity.

Sometimes the pulse with this method of self-control can increase to 150-170 beats per minute. This indicator is typical for the maximum load. The obtained values ​​are an excellent guide for self-control.

State of the nervous system

The central nervous system is the most complex of all body systems. It consists of brain sensory centers designed to analyze changes in both the external and internal environment. They are the ones who control all the functions of the human body. The main task of the central nervous system is to accurately and quickly transmit the necessary information. The operation of this system also needs to be checked when performing self-monitoring during sports. There is a method for this. The results of such a study reflect the excitability of the central nervous system.

To obtain the necessary data, a person must take a lying position, rest for 5-10 minutes and count his pulse. Next, you need to stand up and measure your heart rate while standing. The difference in heart rate values ​​over one minute will indicate the state of the central nervous system. So, with weak excitability this value will be from 0 to 6, with normal excitability - from 7 to 12, and with lively and increased, respectively, from 13 to 18 and from 19 to 24 beats per minute.

Self-monitoring of the functioning of the nervous system is also recommended through observations of the skin-vascular reaction of the body. It is determined by rubbing the skin several times with any non-sharp object. If the place of pressure turns pink, then this reaction will indicate that the body’s vascular response is within normal limits. White or red coloring of the skin area will indicate high or increased innervation of the skin vessels, observed, as a rule, during overwork, during illnesses or when they are not completely cured.

To self-monitor the functioning of the central nervous system when performing physical exercises, you can do the following:

  • Romberg test, which detects imbalance;
  • Yarotsky test, which determines the sensitivity limit of the vestibular apparatus;
  • finger-nose test.

Application of hygiene rules

Each person, in addition to self-control over the performance of sports exercises, must be able to properly organize their work and rest. In other words, follow the rules regarding personal hygiene. This concept includes a number of factors, namely:

  • maintaining a daily routine;
  • balanced diet;
  • hygiene of the body, shoes and clothing;
  • rejection of bad habits.

Strict adherence to all these rules is an important factor in maintaining normal performance and maintaining health.

When engaging in regular exercise and sports, it is very important to systematically monitor your well-being and general health. The most convenient form of self-control is keeping a special diary. Indicators of self-control can be divided into two groups - subjective and objective. Subjective indicators include well-being, sleep, appetite, mental and physical performance, positive and negative emotions. The state of health after physical exercise should be cheerful, the mood should be good, the practitioner should not feel a headache, fatigue or a feeling of overwork. If you experience severe discomfort, you should stop exercising and seek advice from specialists. As a rule, with systematic physical exercise, sleep is good, with falling asleep quickly and feeling cheerful after sleep. The loads used must correspond to physical fitness and age. Appetite after moderate physical activity should also be good. It is not recommended to eat immediately after class; it is better to wait 30-60 minutes. To quench your thirst, drink a glass of mineral water or tea. If your health, sleep, or appetite worsen, it is necessary to reduce the load, and if the disturbances occur again, consult a doctor. The self-monitoring diary is used to record independent physical education and sports activities, as well as to record anthropometric changes, indicators, functional tests and control tests of physical fitness, and monitor the implementation of the weekly motor regimen. Regular keeping of a diary makes it possible to determine the effectiveness of classes, means and methods, optimal planning of the amount and intensity of physical activity and rest in a separate lesson. The diary should also note cases of violation of the regime and how they affect classes and overall performance. Objective indicators of self-control include: monitoring heart rate (pulse), blood pressure, respiration, vital capacity of the lungs, weight, muscle strength, and sports results. It is generally accepted that a reliable indicator of fitness is the pulse. The heart rate response to physical activity can be assessed by comparing heart rate data at rest (before exercise) and after exercise, i.e. determine the percentage of heart rate increase. The resting pulse rate is taken as 100%, the difference in frequency before and after the load is X. For example, the pulse before the start of the load was 12 beats in 10 seconds, and after it was 20 beats. After some simple calculations, we find out that the heart rate has increased by 67%. But it’s not just the pulse that you should pay attention to. It is advisable, if possible, to also measure blood pressure before and after exercise. At the beginning of the loads, the maximum pressure increases, then stabilizes at a certain level. After stopping work (the first 10-15 minutes), it decreases below the initial level, and then returns to its initial state. The minimum pressure does not change during light or moderate loads, but during intense, heavy work it increases slightly. It is known that the values ​​of pulse and minimum blood pressure are normally numerically the same. Kerdo proposed calculating the index using the formula IR=D/P, where D is the minimum pressure and P is the pulse. In healthy people this index is close to one. When the nervous regulation of the cardiovascular system is disrupted, it becomes larger or smaller than one. It is also very important to assess respiratory function. It must be remembered that when performing physical activity, oxygen consumption by working muscles and the brain increases sharply, and therefore the function of the respiratory organs increases. By breathing frequency you can judge the amount of physical activity. Normally, the respiratory rate of an adult is 16-18 times per minute. An important indicator of respiratory function is the vital capacity of the lungs - the volume of air obtained during the maximum exhalation made after the maximum inhalation. Its value, measured in liters, depends on gender, age, body size and physical fitness. On average, for men it is 3.5-5 liters, for women 2.5-4 liters.

The use of methods, standards, anthropometric indices, exercise tests to assess the physical condition of the body and physical fitness.

To assess the physical condition of the human body and its physical fitness, anthropometric indices, exercise tests, etc. are used. For example, the state of normal function of the cardiovascular system can be judged by the coefficient of economization of blood circulation, which reflects the emission of blood in 1 minute. It is calculated by the formula (BPmax - BPmin) * P, where blood pressure is blood pressure, P is pulse rate. In a healthy person, its value approaches 2600. An increase in this coefficient indicates difficulties in the functioning of the cardiovascular system. There are two tests to determine the state of the respiratory system: orthostatic and clipostatic. An orthostatic test is carried out like this. The exerciser lies on the couch for 5 minutes, then counts the heart rate. Normally, when moving from a lying position to a standing position, the heart rate increases by 10-12 beats per minute. It is believed that an increase in frequency up to 18 beats per minute is a satisfactory reaction, more than 20 is unsatisfactory. This increase in heart rate indicates insufficient nervous regulation of the cardiovascular system. There is also one fairly simple method of self-control “using breathing” - the so-called Stange test (named after the Russian physician who introduced this method in 1913). Inhale, then exhale deeply, inhale again, hold your breath, using a stopwatch to record the time you hold your breath. As your training increases, the time you hold your breath increases. Well-trained people can hold their breath for 60-120 seconds. But if you have just trained, you will not be able to hold your breath for long. Of great importance in increasing performance in general and during physical activity in particular is the level of physical development, body weight, physical strength, coordination of movements, etc. When exercising, it is important to monitor your body weight. This is as necessary as monitoring your pulse or blood pressure. Body weight indicators are one of the signs of fitness. To determine normal body weight, various methods are used, the so-called height-weight indices. In practice, Broca's index is widely used. Normal body weight for people 155-156 centimeters tall is equal to the body length in cm, from which the number 100 is subtracted; at 165-175 - 105; and with a height of more than 175 cm - more than 110. You can also use the Ketle index. Body weight in grams is divided by height in centimeters. A normal weight is considered when there are 350-400 units per 1 cm of height in men, 325-375 in women. Weight change of up to 10% is regulated by physical exercise and restrictions on carbohydrate consumption. If you are overweight by more than 10%, you should create a strict diet in addition to physical activity. You can also study static stability in the Romberg position. The test for body stability is carried out as follows: the athlete stands in the basic stance - the feet are shifted, the eyes are closed, the arms are extended forward, the fingers are spread (a more complicated version - the feet are on the same line, toe to heel). The stability time and the presence of hand tremors are determined. In trained people, the stability time increases as the functional state of the neuromuscular system improves. It is also necessary to systematically determine the flexibility of the spine. Physical exercise, especially with a load on the spine, improves blood circulation and nutrition of the intervertebral discs, which leads to spinal mobility and the prevention of osteochondrosis. Flexibility depends on the condition of the joints, the extensibility of ligaments and muscles, age, ambient temperature and time of day. A simple device with a moving bar is used to measure the flexibility of the spine. Regular physical exercise not only improves health and functional state, but also increases performance and emotional tone. However, it should be remembered that independent physical education cannot be carried out without medical supervision, and, more importantly, self-control.

In this series of articles we will introduce you to a unique methodological approach, thanks to which you can quickly and easily master the basic motor skills that are the foundation of the Kadochnikov System. Even if you don’t have an instructor or the opportunity to attend seminars and trainings, you will learn how you can start learning correctly on your own, at home.

  • Part 1.
  • [You are here] Part 2. Basic Principles of Self-Control During Independent Study of the Kadochnikov System
  • Part 3. How to Properly Dose the Load When Self-Studying the Kadochnikov System

From this article you will learn how you can quickly and easily master the skills of hand-to-hand combat and personal safety equipment of the Kadochnikov System from scratch if you follow the rule "start with the main thing" and be guided by the basic principles of self-control when independently learning the Kadochnikov System.

Many people are trying to learn some kind of self-defense skills in order to stand up for themselves in case of emergency...

But they either fail, finding themselves in a dangerous situation, or do not even try to provide at least some resistance.

Why is this happening? What mistake are they making?

Or maybe they are not given this in principle and should not even try? But the truth is that they are not to blame. It's just that the methods they chose to develop certain skills in themselves are most likely unsuitable for these purposes.

The root of the problem is that to master such special motor skills as self-defense and hand-to-hand combat, the vast majority of people use motor training, which is used in sports. They don't know the main secret:

The motor training that is necessary in such life situations is fundamentally different from sports training for a number of reasons...

Motor training of a fencer, wrestler or boxer is aimed at developing certain physical qualities - strength, speed, general and special endurance, etc.

Without developing these qualities, it is difficult to become a sufficiently qualified athlete to show good competitive results in the chosen sport, even with a high level of technical and tactical training.

In the Kadochnikov System, everything is the other way around, because it begins where sport ends.

It initially proceeds from the fact that the enemy ALREADY surpasses you in physical qualities, as well as in weight, height, etc.

That is why motor training in the Kadochnikov System is aimed at developing skills conscious control of your body, which do not depend on your physical capabilities and allow you to use the enemy’s strength against him, to counter the speed of his movements with angular accelerations, and to any types of blows - the skill of decomposing their destructive effects into components...

In the most general form, the essence of the Kadochnikov System can be formulated something like this:

In any situation, identify the problem in a timely manner, identify the goal of overcoming it, set the task and solve it, taking into account the fact that several solution options may be needed (after all, the only solution option may not work). Moreover, the more extreme the situation, the faster decisions must be made.

This means that basic motor skills must be developed subconscious level– the body performs them automatically. But if the basic skill was formed with an error, or the most optimal set of such skills was chosen, then instead of helping, they can cause harm.

How can you determine that the skills you are gaining as a result of your classes or training are correct? There are only two main criteria.

  • First, any movement you make should be carried out along the shortest path to the goal. Otherwise, you may not have time to repel that blow, for example, which could be fatal.
  • Secondly, each of your skills must be biomechanically verified. Otherwise, in a difficult situation, injuries are inevitable - this could be a strong impact of the body on the ground when falling or an injury from an opponent’s blow, etc.

That is why, even after studying some kind of motor action, its development and consolidation in the form of a skill must be carried out with mandatory pedagogical control. This means that the instructor must constantly monitor your every action during classes and correct you every minute so as not to allow the formation of an incorrect motor stereotype.

You probably thought now that this is unrealistic.

After all, as a rule, there are many people in a group, but only one coach. However, it is impossible to master the correct basic skills without constant supervision. That is why training in martial arts at a decent level has always had the character of individual training - the student is one on one with the master.

It is no coincidence that such a tradition was preserved for a long time both in European fencing schools and in the eastern tradition of martial arts. That is why there are so many different stories about how difficult it was to get trained by a real master.

But The Kadochnikov system has become a unique phenomenon in the field of hand-to-hand combat and personal safety equipment not only due to its efficiency and reliability in extreme conditions. The approach to teaching itself is no less unique. Let's be frank - there are many secrets in the theory and methodology of the Kadochnikov System, and most of them are not included in the topic of this article. But we want to tell you about one thing – the very first one.

As in any fairly serious discipline, the Kadochnikov System has several important sections that complement (and expand) each other, although in certain situations they can be used independently.

In classical mechanics there are three sections - statics, kinematics and dynamics. But in the human body this is already psycho-bio-mechanics. The entire theory and teaching methodology in the Kadochnikov System is based on a deep understanding of human motor activity as a psychobiomechanical system.

That is why in each of the main sections of the System, such as complex body training (lower acrobatics or combat gymnastics), controlling the enemy or disarming, there is a special complex exercise for developing the most important set of motor skills. And what is especially important is that each such exercise already has a method of pedagogical control (self-control) BUILT IN.

This is one of those secrets thanks to which the Kadochnikov System is simple and accessible to master (of course, up to a certain level) at almost any age.

Because built-in methods of pedagogical control(self-control) allow you to obtain high quality basic motor skills, which will be almost the same as with individual training with a good instructor.

Right now we will look at one simple example to make this method absolutely clear and understandable. Let's take the section of combat gymnastics or lower acrobatics. If you are already familiar with the Kadochnikov System in practice, then of course you already understand what exercise we will be talking about. And you are absolutely right - this is a toss.

When performing this exercise, your first task is to learn how to maintain a continuous curve of your body, using mainly thoracic motor skills.

The preparatory version of this exercise is performed from the knees. It is mastered quickly enough, so the transition from training to the formation of the most important basic motor skill is minimal. The most interesting thing is that you will perform pedagogical self-control over the correct formation of this skill, regardless of whether you want it or not. And that's why…

In this exercise, your instructor, who is constantly watching you while you practice, takes over the role of your instructor. floor, on which you work it out.

Because until your body learns to create a continuous curve where it contacts the surface on which you are doing your activity, you will be “skipping” - hitting hard parts of your body. And the higher the speed, the more noticeable the reaction of the support will be.

But having mastered this exercise, your body will learn to avoid sharp corners both literally and figuratively, which means it will be able to "get up from your knees" and begin other exercises to develop the following basic skills. So, for example, to prevent yourself from being hit, thoracic motor skills alone are not enough.

This skill is based on manual motor skills. which allows break down any negative impact into its components to take him beyond the plane of his body. In this case, other “instructors” will help you carry out pedagogical control - a wall, a stick...

As a result of such work, your body will quickly receive the necessary and sufficient arsenal of vital skills.

In this article, we introduced you to a unique methodological technique, thanks to which you can quickly and easily master basic motor skills, which are the foundation of the Kadochnikov System. Even if you don’t have an instructor or the opportunity to attend seminars and trainings, now you know how you can start learning correctly on your own, at home.

Training at all three levels of the Kadochnikov System is discussed in detail in one of the most effective video trainings for home training

Well-being. Well-being is one of the important indicators of assessing physical condition and the effect of physical exercise on the body. Those involved in physical education usually feel unwell due to illness or when the functional capabilities of the body do not correspond to the level of physical activity performed. The state of health can be good (feeling of strength and vigor, desire to exercise), satisfactory (lethargy, loss of strength), unsatisfactory (noticeable weakness, fatigue, headaches, increased heart rate and blood pressure at rest, etc.). If you feel unwell for a significant period of time, then in such cases you should consult a doctor.

Dream. The most effective means of restoring the body's performance after physical exercise is sleep. During sleep, performance is restored. Sleep is critical for nervous system recovery. Sleep is deep, sound, and comes immediately - it has a refreshing effect on the body, causes a feeling of vigor, and a surge of strength.

Appetite. The more a person moves and exercises, the better he should eat,

as the loss of energy substances in the body increases. Appetite, as is known*, is unstable; it is easily disrupted by illness and illness, or by overwork. With large and systematic physical activity, appetite can sharply decrease. Consequently, based on appetite, a student can judge whether physical activity corresponds to the individual capabilities of the body. Meals should be regular, 3-5 times a day, balanced. Appetite can be assessed as good, satisfactory and bad (lack of appetite, aversion to food).

Fatigue. Fatigue is a physiological process that occurs normally in the body, and the greater the fatigue, the more active the recovery processes. It is a means of training, a means of increasing performance. Fatigue goes away 2-3 hours after exercise. If it lasts longer, then this should be regarded as performing a lot of physical activity during classes. Fatigue should be dealt with when it begins to move into a state of overwork, when it does not disappear the next morning after training. One of the important and difficult aspects of assessing the state of fatigue is the general emotional background of a person. In a state of heightened emotions, an interesting game, etc. students often do not notice fatigue.

Performance may be increased, normal, decreased. With proper organization of classes, correspondence of the volume and intensity of physical activity to the capabilities of the body, physical performance should increase over time.

Objective methods of self-control These include indicators of external signs of fatigue, heart rate, blood pressure, body length and weight, vital capacity, etc.

Visual observation. Assessment of physical exercise tolerance based on external signs of fatigue in combination with subjective data allows the teacher and student to judge the degree of fatigue of the body when performing physical exercises. An approximate diagram of external signs of fatigue is shown in Table 2.

Heart rate. Currently, heart rate is considered by both doctors and physiologists to be one of the main and most accessible indicators characterizing the state of the cardiovascular system and its response to physical activity. Heart rate is determined by palpation on the carotid or radial arteries after 3 minutes of rest. 10, 15 or 30 s before receiving 2 - 3 identical indicators, after which the resulting value is recalculated into min.

After active physical exertion, at high heart rate numbers (150 and above), it is advisable to determine it by the cardiac impulse at the apex of the heart or at the carotid artery.

It must be remembered that after physical activity, heart rate is determined immediately after completing the exercise, since during the first 15 seconds, heart rate can decrease by 10-20 beats/min.

Normal heart rate in young people at rest is 60-78 beats/min. In the prone position, she is 4-8 beats lower compared to men. It is lower for endurance trainees.

It is measured in the same position (sitting, lying or standing) at a certain time, immediately after sleep, before exercise after 2-3 minutes of rest, etc.

If at rest in the morning or before each lesson a student’s heart rate is constant, then we can talk about good recovery of the body after the previous lesson. If it is higher, then the body has not recovered. After exercise, heart rate should recover within 5-10 minutes. This recovery indicates optimal physical activity.

After a heavy running load, it takes longer for your heart rate to recover. If the restoration of pulse and respiratory rate continues for 20-30 minutes or more, then it is necessary to further reduce the load; in some cases, it is advisable to consult a doctor. A prolonged increase or decrease in heart rate due to poor health is one of the symptoms of fatigue or poor health.

Orthostatic test. It is recommended to widely use the active orthostatic test. To do this, calculate the heart rate in a lying position for 5-10 minutes of rest, then immediately in a standing position. The difference between the pulse rate while lying down and standing is used to judge the functional state of the cardiovascular and nervous systems. A difference of 6-12 beats is good, 13-18 beats is normal, 19-25 is the onset of overwork or pre-pathology, more than 25 beats is overwork or exacerbation of the disease.

The functional state is judged by the strength index. The higher the strength and mobility of the nervous processes, the higher the strength index. The functional state of the pulmonary system is studied using a functional test - the Stange test and others (see below). One of the important methods of self-control is following the physiological pulse curve in the lesson.

Physiological heart rate curve in the lesson. The impact of the load on the body can be judged by heart rate before classes, after the preparatory, main part of the lesson, at the end of the lesson and 10 minutes after the end of the lesson. Before exercise, your heart rate is usually 3-10 beats higher than your resting heart rate. The physiological pulse curve by the end of the preparatory part of the lesson rises to 110-125 beats/min, by the middle of the second part of the lesson to 150-160 beats/min, for athletes to 180-200 beats/min. In the final part, the heart rate is 5-10 beats higher than the initial one, and after 10 minutes it is restored to the initial level. To smoothly change the physiological pulse curve, it is not recommended to start the lesson with running, include exercises for speed, strength, with maximum intensity, and in the final part, also running and exercises at a fast pace.

Principles for assessing the impact of physical exercise on the body based on heart rate (bpm):

Heart rate - 100-130 - low intensity, recovery zone, training load threshold;

Heart rate -140-150 - the middle zone that supports fitness;

Heart rate - 150-170 - middle zone, developing intensity;

Heart rate -180-200 - high, extreme;

Heart rate no more than 170 - aerobic type of energy supply;

HR-170-190 - mixed aerobic-anaerobic type of energy supply;

Heart rate more than 190 - mixed, but predominantly anaerobic type of energy supply.

When assessing the cumulative effect, a gradual decrease or stabilization of heart rate at rest or during the same physical activity in combination with other indicators indicates an increase in the functional state of the body and the effectiveness of the training method.

Blood pressure (BP). To others An important indicator of the state of the cardiovascular system is blood pressure. In young people, the maximum systolic blood pressure (SBP) is 100-130 mm Hg, the minimum diastolic blood pressure (DBP) is 60-80 mm Hg. Art. It is recommended to measure blood pressure once every 2 months. A constant value or a decrease in blood pressure will indicate the positive effect of physical exercise on the body.

Respiratory frequency (RR). The norm is considered to be 14-16 breaths per minute (inhalation and exhalation - one breath). For those who regularly engage in physical education, it may decrease, but only slightly and range from 10-14 times per minute.

After physical exercise, the breathing rate increases sharply and can reach 50 or more breaths per minute, but the most effective breathing after exercise is observed at a frequency of 30-40 breaths per minute. RR is calculated in 1 minute by placing your palms on the lower chest and upper abdomen.

Stange's test. Hold your breath while inhaling while sitting. After 3 minutes of quiet rest, take a deep breath and exhale. Then, after inhaling as deeply as possible, hold your breath, close your mouth and pinch your nose. On average, students hold their breath for 30-50 seconds. With increasing training, this indicator increases, which indicates an improvement in the function of the respiratory and circulatory organs and characterizes, to some extent, the body’s resistance to oxygen deficiency. In case of overtraining, tiredness, exhaustion, the time of holding your breath is reduced.

Objective morpho-functional indicators based on the study of body length (height), body mass (weight), muscle strength, chest circumference, chest excursion, lung capacity, physical development indices, are most often used when assessing the cumulative effect, during repeated medical examinations.

Physical fitness. The results of control standards, their positive shift under the influence of classes, confirm that physical exercise is a powerful, indispensable health-improving and hygienic factor in strengthening their health for those involved.

Properly organized self-control during physical exercise is combined with a good mood, sound deep sleep, good appetite, positive dynamics of objective indicators, increased physical fitness, and increased athletic performance.