Lucid dreams and the astral plane. Lucid dreaming (astral travel) Dream astral world

IN We all see dreams. Some may not remember them, but that doesn't mean they don't dream about them. We usually remember what is expressive and bright. It’s the same with dreams - we usually remember dreams that are bright, colorful or interesting in content.

T well, as I said earlier, dreams are actually real astral travels. As night approaches, in addition to the fact that the physical body gets tired, the brain begins to produce a special hormone. This hormone causes our sleepiness. When we go to bed, it also facilitates an easier separation of the astral body, since this is given to us by nature. If our head at this time is full of thoughts about the past day, this prevents us from falling asleep - thinking does not allow the brain to switch to producing alpha waves (sleep state). That's why To fall asleep faster, you need to:

  1. Complete physical relaxation.
  2. Mental relaxation, which is achieved by simply concentrating on the breathing process.
  3. Getting rid of the influence of surrounding noise: discard every extraneous splash of noise, do not let your thoughts start thinking about it. Discard the reaction to noise at the stage of its occurrence.

AND So, when the physical body lies relaxed and thinking has more or less calmed down, you fall asleep - the astral body floats above the physical. The night period of sleep is divided into stages of deep sleep, when we do not dream (at this time the astral body simply floats, separated from the physical by a “silver” cable) and stages of short sleep, when we see dreams.

WITH dreams are created by our subconscious on the basis of the information it contains and sometimes on the basis of impressions received from the free and uncontrolled flights of the astral body. That is, the astral body flies in reality, and what we consider to be dreams is in most cases a figment of our imagination, hallucinations. All flights in a dream are precisely impressions from the flights of the astral body.

N Since dreams are created by everything that we have accumulated throughout our lives, then in dreams we seem to process various situations of everyday life, we get rid of some problems of the subconscious, but at the same time we think that we are simply participating in the adventures of a dream. Hypnotists use this when, through hypnosis, they put a person to sleep and then make any suggestions to rid the person of negative blocks or behavior.

L People have always tried to interpret dreams by compiling various dream books. Really, in a dream information about the future may appear, events that have not yet occurred(usually in the form of symbols). And this is explained by the properties of the astral plane (and higher), when we see the future and the past at the same time. Because the events of the past and the probabilities of future events, flowing by cause-and-effect nature from past events, are stored in a certain area between the astral and mental planes. Sometimes such a probability of a future event appears to us through a dream in the form of images-symbols (which they try to explain by compiling dream books).

E Also, during sleep, sometimes such a thing happens to us as understanding that you are sleeping. Suddenly a thought comes to us: “Wait a minute! I'm sleeping! It’s great, you can do whatever you want!” And people begin to “look for adventure,” knowing that nothing will happen to them for this, since everything is a dream. You can walk through walls, create a “sleep at will” with a mental effort, but all these are actions that have no meaning and meaning. Awareness in a dream should be used for completely different purposes. Namely - lucid dreams are one of the ways to move into astral consciousness with full understanding of everything you see and do. After all, the astral body during sleep is already outside the physical, and if you force yourself to discard hallucinations and see Reality, you WILL see it. Reality can appear in a small volume of space - for example, everything around you was created by your imagination, and the book you are looking at is real (you can even read the letters on it, and after waking up, check whether what you saw coincides with the real thing). In general, if you completely reject hallucinations, you will find yourself in the astral consciousness and will be able to take advantage of all the advantages and unusual properties of the astral plane.

TO By the way, the “Son-3” device (the Russian analogue of the foreign one) has already been developed and is being sold, which monitors the phase of a person’s sleep and at that moment sends him an impulse so that the person remembers that he is in a dream.

IN In general, they have been studying dreams for a long time and seriously. Although ordinary dreams can be interesting, it is much more useful and interesting to use awareness in dreams, since through lucid dreams there is a path to astral travel.


Astral projection is inextricably linked with the phenomenon of lucid dreaming. These phenomena have many similarities, but there are also differences. Like lucid dreaming, it is quite possible to induce an astral dream, and below you will find the corresponding techniques.

In the article:

Lucid dreams and access to the astral plane

Astral projection represents the exit from the physical body of its subtle component. The subtle body of a person is capable of much after it temporarily leaves the physical. For example, in the astral plane a person can pass through walls and travel to any point in the world and the Universe. Astral projection allows you to visit any place that is inaccessible to you in normal life.

How does the astral differ from? The latter represents the fact of self-awareness in a dream. If the astral plane is a journey through the outside world, then a lucid dream allows you to travel through the dreamer’s inner world and become more familiar with your own subconscious.

Lucid dreams, just like the astral plane, are fraught with dangers that it is advisable to be aware of. For example, a dreamer may encounter nightmares during a lucid dream, but they do not cause any real harm. Astral entities can follow a disembodied traveler and cause a lot of trouble.

Like awareness, going to the astral plane in a dream is often an accidental experience. Relevant literature will help you master this skill and use it to improve your quality of life in the real world. Astral projection is no less useful than lucid dreaming.

In general, astral projection can be called the next step after realizing oneself in a dream. This is a longer journey than a lucid dream, a way out from the inner subtle world to the outer one. Astral projection is much more difficult to master, but it is not at all necessary to master awareness in a dream in order to study the astral plane and its capabilities. Some authors reduce these two terms to one phenomenon; accordingly, the methods of teaching such travel are interconnected.

Book Out of Body Travel and Lucid Dreaming for the Lazy

The authors of the book Out-of-Body Travel and Lucid Dreaming for the Lazy have combined terms that many other authors consider to be completely different phenomena. In fact, lucid dreams and astral travel are closely related; their main differences have already been described above.

Mikhail Raduga and Andrey Budko They call everything connected with out-of-body experience a phase. They give concrete examples that can prove that the process of learning these things is almost indistinguishable. According to the authors of the book, the phase has many applications - travel, communication with any people, obtaining information that cannot be learned by other methods, creative activity, as well as self-medication and rehabilitation after illness.

In order to fully learn how to enter the phase, you need to succeed in this at least once.
This is what the methods outlined in the book “Out-of-Body Travel and Lucid Dreaming” are aimed at. It is suitable both for those who already have experience in expanding their capabilities in the subtle world, and will tell the principles and secrets of astral projection for beginners.

Regarding the dangers, for example, meeting with a real demon and taking over the physical body while in the subtle world, the authors of the book have a clear opinion - this is the result of the fears and experiences of beginners, as well as the prejudices of people who do not have any knowledge about astral projection and lucidity of dreams. They recommend expecting only pleasant impressions from the phase, and they will not keep you waiting.

Ways to induce astral sleep

Astral dream, like a conscious one, can be caused. The techniques are slightly different from those that allow. Timing is also required here - you need to either wake up in the middle of the night and then go back to sleep, or practice leaving the body before falling asleep. Experiment and you will find the time that suits you best.

So, how to go to the astral plane before bed? Close your eyes and try to see any images. Look at the pictures that appear before your eyes, try to see them better. This only takes a few minutes, and if you don’t see any pictures, move on to the next method.

It involves trying to hear the noise in your head. Listen to it, trying to feel it getting louder. Some people manage to increase this noise through an effort of will, after which they leave the body. Sometimes this noise takes the form of music, which literally takes the subtle body to other worlds.

If you cannot hear the noise, you can try to feel the rotation around the longitudinal axis of the body. There is also phantom swing - for this you need to move any part of the body without straining the muscles. In this case, you need to increase the amplitude. Attempts to sense the movements of the subtle body, if successful, will lead to the ability to control it. You can also try to get up without making any movements, that is, get out of bed, leaving the physical body on it.

In the same way, you can try to “link” separation to any physical sensation. For example, the mobile phone technology is popular - this item is easiest to imagine in your hand. Feel that it is in your palm, based on these sensations, try to get out of bed and separate from the body.

A method that has been successful should be stuck with. Carry out it until separation from the body occurs - you will immediately feel it. If you can’t separate, change the technique or repeat the chosen one again.

In general, the astral world is fraught with a lot of interesting things. However, in order to explore new worlds and expand your capabilities, you will have to master special techniques. It will not be superfluous to read the relevant literature - as in the case of lucid dreaming, thoughts about the astral plane can bring you closer to obtaining an out-of-body experience.

It will be useful for beginners and those who have been practicing out-of-body experiences for the first time to know how to go to the Astral through lucid dreaming through practice false awakening. I really love this technique for its simplicity, because all you need is an electronic timer on your phone, a little time at the beginning of the day and the desire to become an astral traveler. So that you can experience for yourself what it is like to be in the astral body and leave your “physical clothes”, do not move when you wake up. Otherwise, you can scare off the sleepy state, tone your muscles and destroy the fragile balance between sleep and wakefulness.

The principle of operation of this technique of leaving the body

You will wake up to the sound of your alarm or timer every time it rings. Due to the fact that the intervals between calls will be uneven, you will be able to tune in such a way that you will wake up in the Astral, want to turn off the alarm clock and separate from the physical body. This always works 100%.

The main thing is that the intervals are uneven.

Since it's easiest to go out at 4 or 5 am, I recommend setting the alarm for this time, then at 5:15, 5:30, then at 5:45, 6:00, 6:10, 6:25 and 6:35. The body will adapt and will not react too sharply to each subsequent signal. Gradually, he transfers himself into a mode of existence on a thin line between sleep and wakefulness.

From this moment you will find out why this out-of-body technique really works, because when you transition to a state where the mind is awakened, and the body, on the contrary, is immersed in the arms of Morpheus, a portal opens through which you can easily go to the Astral or OS.

What not to do?

You shouldn't move when you wake up, which means you need to keep your phone handy so you can quickly turn it off. Ignore further signals, noting them to yourself, but continue to sleep. It's better not to turn around or open your eyes. Your task is to keep your body motionless.

What happens after 4-6 awakenings?

The body will not fall into a deep, long sleep, because it subconsciously waits for the next signal to sound. We wait a little more and “voila” - a false awakening occurs. At this moment, it is possible to experience for yourself what lucid dreams are; practice will help you wake up in a dream, see the room and understand that you are actually dreaming.

You will experience slight vibration in your body, tingling and even heaviness in your limbs.

My students, whom I helped to master out-of-body techniques, said that sometimes such a state is determined by the stone immobility of the whole body. Sometimes they simply could not move while in a lucid dream or the Astral Plane.

As soon as you understand what happened, try to get out of bed, if you haven’t already. This will be the division. Get out of your apartment and start exploring a new world.

I remember when I managed to get out using this technique, I went to the gym and worked out a little. I wanted to check how the training would be reflected on the physical body. It really works! The experiment was a success and I still do it.

I recommend that before going to bed, at night, read books, reviews on forums about lucid dreams, OBEs and the Astral. This way you will prepare yourself even better, and by the morning your subconscious will already know what awaits it. But please do not treat leaving the body as an exam. Keep calm and read more, just in case.

Astral projection in our world is inextricably linked with lucid dreaming - processes that have similarities and at the same time characteristic differences. Astral sleep is induced by following the technique, and one enters astral projection from one’s own physical body in the format of its subtle component - this makes it possible to travel through time and space, to reach any place that is inaccessible in reality.

In this article

Differences between the astral plane and lucid dreaming

A lucid dream is the comprehension of oneself and exclusively in a dream. At the same time, the astral plane is a person’s wanderings around the outside world, but a lucid dream is rather a journey within one’s own subconscious, getting to know it.

But a lucid dream, just like the astral plane, is fraught with dangers - for example, sometimes a dream is accompanied by nightmares without causing any real harm, and an astral entity can cling to a disembodied wanderer, causing a lot of trouble.

Astral projection is the next step after realizing oneself in one’s own dream. Makes it possible to make long journeys, leaving the inner world to the outer one. But in terms of the technique of execution, it is quite complex, however, there is no need to comprehend the conscious in a dream in order to master the capabilities of the astral plane. Many people combine both terms into a single phenomenon and, as a result, teaching methods are interrelated.

Entry technique

An astral dream, just like a lucid one, can be caused by each person independently. In this case, it is also important to choose the time - wake up in the middle of the night and go back to sleep, or practice leaving the body before going to bed. In this matter, it is important to experiment and choose a time that suits you.

If you decide to enter the astral plane before going to bed, close your eyes and imagine a certain image before your inner gaze. Consider in detail, in every detail. Take 2-3 minutes to do this, but even if you haven’t seen any pictures, don’t worry, you’ll get better with practice.

The next stage is an attempt to hear the noises in your head, listen to each overflow and feel the loud increase. Some can increase the volume by force of their own will, and it is after this that the exit to the astral occurs. Noises can take the form of a piece of music, which carries the subtle astral body to other prostrations and worlds.

When you can't hear sounds and noises– it is worth resorting to the technique of rotation around the longitudinal axis of the body, a special phantom rocking. It is enough to move any part of the body, no matter what, but it is important not to strain the muscles, gradually increasing the amplitude. An attempt to consciously feel the movement of the astral body will make it possible to control it. Try to stand up in the projection and at the same time not physically move, remaining lying on the bed.

Try the “separation” practice, linking it to any of your own sensations that exist on the physical level. For example, a popular technique for training a mobile phone is that it is easier to imagine it in your own hand. Just feel how it lies in your hand and, starting from this, try to sit or stand, separating from the physical body. Remember the sensation, linger on it and repeat until there is a complete disconnection from the body, which you will feel immediately.

Newbie mistakes

First of all, the beginner separates the worlds - the physical and the more subtle, astral. The problem is that they should be perceived as one whole, a continuation of each other - it is important to understand that both of these terms are united by the word, world. To master the technique of entering the astral plane, it is important to understand that you continue to live in the subtle astral world even after returning to the physical, waiting for a new adventure.

The second mistake of someone who cannot enter the astral world is the inability and inability to control their own feelings and emotions. And taking the practice of leaving the body too seriously is also an obstacle to astral travel. Therefore, if you are afraid of the difficulties of leaving your body on the astral plane, just switch your thoughts and emotions. This will work and after just two minutes of falling asleep you can successfully practice entering astral projection.

Travel hazards

You shouldn’t get too carried away and zealous in mastering techniques - everything should be in moderation, the psyche itself improves gradually:

  1. Addiction. You shouldn’t go into the astral plane to escape reality. Here it is important to understand your own life, whether it brings you pleasure or whether other worlds hide you from reality. Use dreams as a means to change your real life for the better.
  2. Inadequacy in perception of the world. Manifests itself with an unstable psyche. In a dream, a person succeeds in a lot, and if he transfers such abilities into reality, then this becomes a problem when communicating with the environment at work and at home.
  3. Personal destabilization. This threatens those who have not previously remembered their dreams and have succeeded thanks to the practice used. As a result, the lines between the subconscious and consciousness itself, reality and fantasy are blurred. That's why it's so important to sort dreams from reality.
  4. Mystic. Many practitioners, traveling in dreams, may encounter the terrible and inexplicable, a force that will take away energy. Therefore, recovery, on a mental and physical level, after the experience can take 3–5 days. And here it is important to exclude or practice polite treatment of all creatures and entities.
  5. False awakenings are forming. Trying to get out of a dream is often unsuccessful and if you seem to have woken up, the dream continues. This may awaken fear and here it is important to think through the actions by which you can stop the dream.

additional literature

The authors of the book “Out-of-body travel and lucid dreaming for the lazy,” M. Raduga and A. Budko, combined most of the terms that others consider different and imply incompatible phenomena. They note that everything you touch in a dream, conscious and incorporeal, is based on experience and fantasy. Dreams are multifaceted - communication and travel, obtaining data and self-medication, recovery from serious illnesses.