Main causes of hip pain and treatment methods. Causes of back pain What causes gastritis

Eupatorium purpureum (Eupatorium purpureum)
Bone pain; dull pain in limbs, as if bones were broken; the pain comes on suddenly and spreads quickly, the patient is very restless, movement does not bring relief.
Boring pain in thigh bone.

Ferrum metallicum (Ferrum metallicum)
Pain in the pelvic bones becomes more intense when lying down.

Graphites (Grafites)
The warmth of the bed significantly reduces scrofulous bone lesions.

Heloderma (Geloderma)
Boring, sharp pain in the tibia on the right.

Indigo (Indigo)
Indescribable bone pain from mid-thigh to knee; decreases when walking, resumes at rest, in the afternoon.

Iodum (Iodum)
Growth defects, bone curvature. Bone deformation. Bone pain at night.

Lachesis (Lachesis)
Bone pain. An indication of Lachesis is a dull pain in the bones of the lower leg. Severe aching (but not sharp) pain in the bones of the lower leg.
Osteomyelitis of the tibia. Burning areas on the tibia. Excruciating pain in the tibia (in combination with throat damage).

Lac vaccinum (Lac vacinum)
Dull pain in the bones, extending from both hip joints to the feet; combined with burning in both feet.

Lycopodium (Lycopodium)
Increase in bone size.
Bone curvature, osteomalacia.
Periostitis with night pain. Osteomyelitis.

Magnesium sulphuricum (Magnesium sulfuricum)
Tearing pain in the legs, especially in the thigh bones, and shootings in the fingers, which clench spasmodically.

Manganum carbonicum (Manganum carbonicum)
Inflammation of the bones with intolerable boring pain at night. Increased sensitivity to touch in all bones of the body, especially the bones of the legs; with typhus.

Bone hypersensitivity; Raising areas of redness on the skin indicating bone damage in these areas.
Osteomyelitis with piercing unbearable night pain. Periostitis.

Mercurius (Mercurius)
Periostitis with necrosis. Bone pain at night. Damage to the shoulder blades; shin bones. Punctures in the bones. Thickening of the periosteum; exostoses and osteomyelitis.
Softening of the bones, expressed to such an extent that they bend (rickets); bone damage, osteomyelitis; bone inflammation; stitching and tearing pain in bones.
Burning in the periosteum of the tibia. Drawing pain in the tibia.

Mercurius corrosivus (Mercurius corrosivus)
Drawing pain in the periosteum (as at the beginning of an attack of intermittent fever), with heat in the head. Pain in the tibia.

Mercurius iodatus flavus (Mercurius iodatus flavus)
Bone pain. Pain occurs simultaneously in the right forearm and left hip area.

Mezereum (Mesereum)
Bone lesions. Pathological processes in bones: rickets; osteomyelitis.
Pathological processes in bones; especially in the diaphysis of long bones; osteomyelitis after mercury intoxication.
Great soreness in the bones, which appear swollen. Ulceration of bones.

Natrium sulphuricum (Natium sulfuricum)
Tearing pain in the bones and muscles of the shoulders and forearms.

Nitricum acidum (Nitrikum atsmdum)
Boring, gnawing pain in bones and soft tissues.

Phosphoricum acidum (Phosphoricum acidum)
Pain in bones and periosteum.
Sensation as if a knife were scraping along the periosteum; like after a bruise.
Sensation of sponginess and swelling in the bones or periosteum; burning and necrosis. Bone destruction and burning pain. Osteomyelitis.

Phosphorus (Phosphorus)
Bone diseases. Periostitis. Osteosarcoma. Osteomalacia. Rickets. Exostoses of the thigh.
Swelling of the tibia. Pain as from a bruise in the periosteum of the tibia.
Gangrenous periostitis of the tibia with fever, the periosteum sloughs off all the way to the knee, leaving the bone exposed.

Phytolacca (Fitolyakka)
The bones are inflamed and swollen. Bone diseases and tumors.

Raphanus sativus (Raphanus sativus)
Bone pain. All the bones are cracking, especially in the back of the neck. Feeling of swelling of the bones while the legs appear small.
Bone pain on palpation; numbness of soft tissues near painful areas of bones. The tibia is painful on palpation; burning sensation in a small area,

as if hot coals were being held over him.

Ranunculus sceleratus (Ranunculus sceleratus)
Gnawing, boring, shooting and tugging in the bones of the fingers.

Rhododendron (Rhododendron)
Bone pain.
Painful sensation in the metacarpal bones, as if exostosis was forming there.

Rhus toxicodendron (Rus toxicodendron)
Feeling of dull pain in bones.
A scraping sensation in the bones, as if the muscles were torn from the bones.
Bone pain. Pain in the periosteum.

Ruta (Rue)
Pain, as if bruised, in the bones, especially when touched. The pain seems to be localized to the bone marrow or the bone is broken.
We resort to this remedy when the periosteum is injured as a result of an accident or a fall, when it becomes extremely painful, as if bruised.
Wounds with bone damage. Burning and gnawing pain in the periosteum of the bones of the limbs. Pain in long bones, as if they were broken.
The patient cannot bend over due to pain in the hip bones.

Sabadilla (Sabadilla)
Sensation as if the inside of the bones were being scraped out with a sharp knife. Pain in the bones, as if someone were scratching them or scraping them out from the inside with a knife, especially in the joints; worse from touching; weakened by sudden movements of the affected part.

Sabina (Sabina)
Sharp, shooting and drawing pain inside the bones.
Burning, pressing sensation in the periosteum, which swells.

Spigelia (Spigelia)
Spasmodic drawing and tearing pain in the bones of the hands.

Staphysagria (Staphysagria)
Bone diseases. Bone deformation. Painful inflammation of the bones; purulent processes in the bones and periosteum.
Pressing, stinging and tearing pain in the periosteum. Exostoses and gouty nodules on the fingers and toes. Pain in the tibia.

Teucrum marum verum (Teukrum marum verum)
Tearing pain in the joints and bones of the legs, feet and fingers.

Theridion (Theridion)
Pain in the bones, as if all of them, from head to feet, were broken and were about to fall into pieces; later feeling cold.
In cases of rickets, caries and necrosis, Theridion, which, although it does not affect the external manifestations of scrofula, reaches its roots and eliminates the very cause of the disease.

Ustilago (Ustilago)
Stitches in the second metacarpal bone of the right hand.

Vinca minor (Vinka minor)
Arthritic tearing in the bones of the limbs.

Viola odorat a (Viola odorata)
Bone pain is relieved by rising in the morning.

Many people are familiar with pulling or aching when it twists and breaks, which is simply impossible. Is this a disease, why do my legs hurt and what are these unpleasant symptoms associated with? We can only give brief information on the basis of which you should not make a diagnosis. All examinations and treatment prescriptions must be done by the attending physician.

Main culprits

The causes of nagging pain in the legs are numerous. This may also be overwork as a result of long walking in uncomfortable shoes or after intense sports. But now we will not talk about banal and completely normal causes of pain, but will talk about health problems. You can list the main ones: diseases of the spine, diseases of the blood vessels or joints of the lower extremities, muscles.

So, let's look at some causes of leg pain:

These are the most common reasons. However, in addition to aching pain, paroxysmal pain can be caused. The attack of pain may stop very quickly, or may last several minutes. Myositis or muscle inflammation also causes quite severe pain, which is treated in a hospital setting. Infectious disease - provokes acute and prolonged pain. In this case, the pain is caused by the bones themselves.

If there is a sharp pain in the ankle, combined with an elevated temperature, you should consult a doctor, as there is a suspicion of erysipelas. Cellulitis or lymphedema is indicated by dense, pulsating swelling. If these symptoms do not go away within three days and spread completely along the legs, and you feel weak and cyanotic, you should immediately go to the hospital.

How to prevent a problem from occurring?

There are a number of rules on how to prevent the development of pain in the legs. In case of vascular diseases, it is necessary to limit the consumption of fatty foods rich in cholesterol as much as possible. If you are overweight, firstly, you should try to reduce it. Systematically engage in physical exercises aimed at strengthening the tone of the leg muscles and preventing varicose veins. More movements will help overcome this unpleasant disease. For diseases of the spine, you must first consult a specialist. Pain associated with the spine and radiating to the leg can be overcome with massage and special exercises to strengthen the abdominal muscles.

Hip pain is a common complaint with which patients come to see a traumatologist or other doctor. Does hip pain suddenly appear and go away just as quickly? We can say with 99% confidence that there is nothing to worry about. If pain persists for a long time - more than 2-3 days, you should be wary. This situation may indicate serious problems and pathologies.

What can cause hip pain?

Unpleasant symptoms in the hip area can often be confused with groin or pelvic pain. If the pain actually arose in the hip, then it could be provoked by a variety of reasons: problems with muscle tissue, bones, serious infections and even malignant neoplasms.

Tumors and infectious diseases are rare “culprits” of hip pain, no more than 2-3% of the total number of cases.

Diseases and pathologies that cause pain

Arthrosis. A serious disease that causes sharp or nagging pain in the upper part of one or both legs. Against the background of severe wear and tear of the hip joints (HJ), the condition of which worsens over the years, they cease to fully cope with the shock-absorbing function. What is the result? Strong impacts of bones against each other, and pronounced pain in the femoral area.

In 95% of cases, arthrosis affects people who have crossed the age limit of 50 years. However, there are cases when joint ailments begin to “torment” very young patients, aged 20 to 35 years.

Arthrosis of the hip joint, well known to older people, can cause pain of varying localization, radiating to different parts of the legs and the whole body: in the pelvis, buttock or lumbar area, in the groin area. A common occurrence with arthrosis is increased pain in certain areas of the thigh when the weather changes.

Systemic arthritis. A pathology in which damage to several large joints is diagnosed at once, which provokes pain in the femoral area.

Inflammation of the piriformis muscle (video)

Pain in the buttock and how to get rid of it? Pinched sciatic nerve as a cause of hip pain. Recommendations for prevention and treatment from Elena Malysheva and her colleagues.

Rheumatism. The disease, which many consider not a very dangerous pathology, often becomes the culprit of chronic hip pain. Unpleasant sensations appear in parallel with the spread of rheumatic processes in the connective tissue.

Inflammation of the hip joint. The hip joint is a complex mechanism consisting of a large number of different elements: ligaments, cartilage, muscles, joint capsules, etc. In each of these elements, due to various reasons, an inflammatory process can develop, causing pain in the thigh.

Intervertebral hernia lumbar spine. It manifests itself with characteristic pain along the back, side or front surface of the thigh. With this diagnosis, hip pain is not the only unpleasant symptom that a person who seeks medical help complains about. As a rule, the pain is widespread: it covers the lumbar area, the femoral area and reaches the feet.

Osteochondrosis. If the pathology has arisen in the sacral or lumbar spine, then pain in the hip no longer occurs from time to time, but regularly, becoming a constant companion of the patient. With osteochondrosis, the pain radiates: it radiates to the buttock area, spreading mainly along the back of the thigh.

Damage to the musculo-ligamentous apparatus. If tissue damage occurs in the hip joint area, the pain will certainly make itself felt and will radiate directly to the hip area.

Pain syndrome can occur not only against the background of natural processes occurring in the body (as with arthrosis, osteochondrosis), but also due to other reasons:
  • congenital leg defects;
  • against the background of metabolic disorders;
  • as a result of injury (severe bruise of the hip joint, sprained ligaments, etc.).

Dangerous pathologies and hip pain

All of the above-described causes of hip pain are changes and deviations that are not life-threatening to the patient. However, there are also more serious pathologies, accompanied by pain in the upper part of the lower extremities and posing a real threat not only to human health, but also to human life. We are talking about severe infectious diseases, diseases of the cardiovascular system and oncology.

Neoplasms of a malignant nature. A fairly rare but possible pathology that causes hip pain. Primary tumors in the hip joint and nearby tissues are extremely rare. A more common occurrence is metastases in bone tissue (for example, with malignant neoplasms of the prostate or breast).

Infectious diseases. The most common are bone tuberculosis and osteomyelitis. As a result of serious illnesses, individual parts of the femur are affected. If a person suddenly experiences lameness, sharp pain in the thigh, or an increase in body temperature, then first of all the infectious nature of the pathology should be excluded. In addition, pain in this area of ​​the lower extremities can be caused by infectious diseases of the genitourinary system, abscess of the ischiorectal fossa, and pelvic abscess.

Narrowing (stenosis) of blood vessels. It manifests itself as pronounced pain in the hip, which intensifies with any load. In addition to pain, a person may experience lameness, the appearance of which in many cases complicates diagnosis and misleads both the patient and the doctor.

Main types of hip pain

There are different classifications of hip pain. So, depending on the intensity, it can be:

  • Spicy. It occurs suddenly, usually in case of damage to soft tissues. In this case, the person clearly feels the location of pain and can show the most painful place to the doctor.
  • Aching. It is characterized by a more extensive localization and often occurs in parallel with acute pain syndrome. As a rule, the aching nature of the pain increases as the underlying illness against which it arose progresses. The peculiarity of aching pain is the difficulty of diagnosing and determining the causes that caused its occurrence.
  • Chronic. Appears after a certain period of time. It can torment a person for weeks and even months. Most often they talk about the development of an extensive inflammatory process of various localizations.

In addition, pain in the hip area may be:
  • Somatic. Damage to ligaments, tendons, joints and bone tissue provokes this type of pain. In this case, the patient experiences aching pain in the hip area, which can be either dull or more acute. Often it is impossible to accurately indicate the location of the pain syndrome.
  • Neuralgic. Appears against the background of damage to nerve fibers. It seems to a person that it is the hip that hurts, despite the fact that no obvious pathologies are detected in this part of the body.
  • Skin. The most short-term type of hip pain, which occurs as a result of damage to the nerve endings located on the surface of the epidermis. This type of pain disappears as soon as the irritating (traumatic) factor ceases to have its effect on the skin.
Any type of pain in the hip can be accompanied by accompanying symptoms: limited mobility of the joint, pins and needles in the leg, a feeling of instability of the joint.

Features of pain of various localizations

As you already understand, pain in the leg can have not only different origins, but also localization. Most often, pain occurs in the leg:
  • From hip to knee. A person experiences unpleasant symptoms not only in the femoral area and below, but also in the groin area. Pain often extends to the lumbar region. Quite often, a similar pain syndrome is observed in women and girls during menstruation.
  • From the hip to the foot. In most cases it is acute, radiating to the lumbar region. The person feels as if a nerve has been pinched or seriously dislocated. The pain intensifies during movements.
  • At rest. Hip pain does not always occur during exercise. Some patients complain of increased pain at rest (for example, when lying on the left side or back). Frequent accompaniments of this form of pain are a feeling of numbness in the legs, as well as a feeling of “burning” in the muscles. In this case, a person can calmly make basic movements - bending to the sides, squats, without experiencing any discomfort.
  • In the left or right thigh. It could be due to any of the reasons described above. In 95% of cases, the pain is aching in nature and intensifies over time. A person experiences obvious discomfort not only during movements, but also at rest.

Hip pain (video)

What to do if your hip joint hurts? Advice from Elena Malysheva and other experts in the “Live Healthy” program.

Pain in the thigh while walking: why does this happen?

Most patients, when visiting a doctor, complain of hip pain when walking. The following factors can cause unpleasant sensations in this localization during movement:
  • problems with the hip joint;
  • muscle-tendon injuries;
  • disturbances in the structure of the femurs;
  • damage to nerve endings located in this area of ​​the lower limb.
In some cases, varicose veins and other vascular problems can cause pain in this localization.

Autoimmune diseases and vascular obstruction of the lower extremities are uncommon causes of hip pain.

It is quite simple to determine the “vascular” nature of the pain: pain in the thigh with varicose veins occurs along the vein, and the pain is aching in nature. As soon as a person begins to walk, the nature of the pain in most cases changes to throbbing.

Thrombophlebitis provokes the appearance of moderate pain, which can intensify when a person walks. In addition to pain in the thigh, the patient is worried about: fever (local or widespread), redness at the site of inflammation, swelling of the lower limb.


Due to the fact that hip pain can be caused by dozens of different reasons, a thorough diagnosis should be carried out. For each patient, an individual comprehensive examination program should be developed depending on: the nature of the pain, localization, concomitant symptoms, patient’s age, etc.

The most informative diagnostic methods:

  • MRI. If it is determined that the pain is not caused by any injury or damage to this area, and is combined with pain in the lumbar region, then the first thing the patient is prescribed is magnetic resonance imaging of the spine and hip area.
  • Vascular studies. Most often, a Doppler examination of the vessels of the lower extremities is performed, which allows one to assess the condition of the vascular system and identify existing pathologies (including such common diseases as varicose veins or thrombophlebitis).
  • Tendon reflex studies, electromyography. Special research methods to assess the activity of ligaments and muscle fibers.
  • General clinical and immunological tests, biochemistry. They allow you to draw conclusions about the presence of an inflammatory process in the body, confirm or refute the causes of hip pain determined using other research methods.

Most often, specialists such as a traumatologist, surgeon or therapist are involved in diagnosing hip pain.

Basic treatment methods

Any therapeutic measures and drug therapy are prescribed after obtaining reliable research results and making an accurate diagnosis.

In case of pronounced pain, the patient is first recommended to use symptomatic treatment methods, the main purpose of which is to quickly relieve severe pain. For this purpose, the doctor may recommend taking modern analgesics (usually in injection form).

Did your hip pain occur due to an intervertebral hernia? A novocaine-based blockade in the area where the sciatic nerve is pinched will come to the rescue.

  • Treatment with anti-inflammatory drugs. In recent years, so-called non-steroidal drugs (Diclofenac, Indomethacin, etc.) have become widespread. In the most severe cases, steroids such as cortisone may be used for prolonged acute pain.
  • Use of muscle relaxants. They make it possible to relieve spasm in muscles and tendons, which occurs as a response to any pain. In the case of pinched nerves in the lumbar region, muscle spasm aggravates the situation and leads to increased pain. Also, muscle relaxants improve blood circulation and help get rid of swelling (if any).
  • Taking chondroprotectors. They are used for the treatment and prevention of “articular” diseases, improve trophism at the site of the pathological process.
  • A course of vitamin preparations. A sufficient amount of necessary micro- and macroelements in the body, as well as vitamins of all groups, improves the general condition of the body, reduces the severity of the inflammatory process, prevents the development of pathologies, and helps to recover faster from injury. Vitamin complexes are a mandatory component of the treatment of diseases that cause pain in the hip joint.
  • Taking medications with diuretic effects. They help get rid of swelling at the site of the pathological process.
  • Manual therapy course. It can be recommended for pinched sciatic nerves and other pathologies of the spine.
  • Exercise therapy. A special set of therapeutic exercises makes it possible to improve blood circulation at the site of injury, increase joint mobility, develop the muscular system after injury, and strengthen the “necessary” muscle groups.
  • Physiotherapy. Allows you to achieve improved well-being and increase the effectiveness of basic treatment. Along with physiotherapy, it is often used

Stomach pain can be severe or mild, depending on the disease that causes it. It is very important to understand the nature of stomach pain in order to receive the necessary medical help in a timely manner.

If you have a stomach ache, first of all it is necessary to characterize its intensity, nature and location of pain. This will help in making the correct diagnosis and prescribing adequate and effective treatment.

Pain in the stomach can be of different types: burning in the pit of the stomach, aching, gnawing, dull, sharp pain in the stomach, pulling, cramping, cutting, often accompanied by stomach cramps.

Pain in the stomach and its connection with food intake is very important in the topical diagnosis of the pathological process.

With a stomach ulcer, you often feel “hunger pains” that disappear after eating. Pain in the stomach one to two hours after eating can cause spasmodic contractions of the intestines.

A stomach ache that wakes you up in the middle of the night deserves attention. Night pain in the stomach area may indicate, first of all, a stomach ulcer. Similar stomach pains can appear with functional disorders of the stomach, including various indigestion and dyspepsia.

Causes of stomach pain

When your doctor makes a diagnosis, he will try to find out the causes of stomach pain in order to make a correct diagnosis. Stomach pain may be associated with:

  • Incorrect food intake (long breaks in its intake)
  • Overeating
  • Poor quality food
  • Stress
  • Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract
  • Internal organ injuries

If stomach pain occurs immediately after eating, this may indicate chronic gastritis. If pain occurs immediately after eating and lasts for an hour and a half, this may be a sign of a stomach ulcer. If pain occurs after an hour and a half, it may be a peptic ulcer of the pyloric canal (pylorus).

If the pain occurs mainly at night, accompanied by a feeling of hunger, it may be caused by a duodenal or stomach ulcer. Or the cause may be duodenitis.

Diseases that cause stomach pain

Let's take a closer look at the diseases that can cause stomach pain.


What causes gastritis?

Gastritis can be caused by irritation from alcohol, chronic vomiting, stress, or the use of medications such as aspirin or other anti-inflammatory drugs. It can also be caused by any of these reasons:

  1. Helicobacter pylori (H.): a bacterium that lives in the lining of the stomach. Left untreated, the infection can lead to ulcers and, in some cases, stomach cancer.
  2. Stomach anemia: a condition in which the stomach lacks the natural substances needed to properly absorb and assimilate vitamin B12.
  3. Gastric reflux: backflow of bile into the stomach from the bile ducts (to irritation due to which the liver and gallbladder become involved.
  4. Infections caused by bacteria and viruses.

If gastritis is left untreated, it can lead to severe blood loss and may increase the risk of developing stomach cancer.

What are the symptoms of gastritis?

Symptoms of gastritis vary depending on the individual; many people do not have any symptoms until the disease flares up. However, the most common symptoms are:

  • Nausea or recurring stomach upset
  • Bloating
  • Abdominal pain
  • Vomit
  • Indigestion
  • Burning or pain in the stomach between meals or at night
  • Hiccups
  • Loss of appetite
  • Vomiting blood

Stomach cancer

Stomach cancer begins due to failures in the division of cells that make up the tissue. Tissues form organs.

As a rule, cells grow and divide to form new ones; the body needs them. When cells age, they die and new cells take their place.

Sometimes this process goes wrong, new cells are formed when the body does not need them at all, and old or damaged cells do not die as they should. The growth of additional cells often forms polyps or tumors.

A tumor in the stomach can be benign (not cancer) or malignant (cancer). Benign tumors are not nearly as harmful as malignant tumors.

Benign tumors:

  • rarely life threatening
  • can be removed and usually does not grow back
  • do not penetrate into surrounding tissues
  • does not spread to other parts of the body

Malignant tumors:

  • may be life threatening
  • Often cancerous tumors can be removed, but sometimes grow back
  • can grow and damage neighboring organs and tissues
  • may spread to other parts of the body

Stomach cancer usually begins to develop in the cells of the inner layer of the stomach. Over time, the cancer can invade the deeper layers of the stomach wall. A stomach tumor may begin to grow through the outer layer of the stomach into nearby organs such as the liver, pancreas, esophagus, or intestines.

Stomach cancer cells can spread by breaking away from the original tumor. They affect blood vessels or lymphatic vessels, which branch throughout all tissues of the body. Cancer cells can also spread to the lymph nodes in the abdomen. They can also spread to other tissues and grow to form new tumors that can damage those tissues. The spread of these cells is called metastasis.

Symptoms of stomach cancer

Early stomach cancer often causes no symptoms. As cancer cells grow, the most common symptoms are:

Discomfort or pain in the stomach area

  • Difficulty swallowing
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Weight loss
  • Feeling of stomach fullness or bloating even after small meals
  • Vomiting blood or blood in the stool

These symptoms may not be related to cancer. Other health problems, such as an ulcer or infection, can cause the same symptoms. Anyone who notices these symptoms, especially stomach pain, should tell their doctor about them, as these problems require diagnosis and treatment as early as possible.

Peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum

Stomach polyps

Gastric polyps are abnormal growths on the lining of the stomach. They occur rarely and usually attach to the upper gastrointestinal tract. They are usually discovered during endoscopy. As an additional method of examination, a biopsy is usually performed. Then the doctor determines whether it is a hyperplastic polyp or an adenoma.

Hyperplastic polyps are the most common form of gastric polyps. They can occur singly or in groups and are most often found in the lower part of the stomach, called the gastric cavity. Hyperplastic gastric polyps are smooth, round, pedunculated growths that grow on the lining of the stomach. They often develop in the presence of chronic inflammation, such as in the case of gastritis or H. pylori infection. Treatment, if necessary, may include medications to treat inflammation or infection; The consolation is that hyperplastic polyps rarely become cancerous.

If you have stomach polyps, you may experience:

  • Abdominal pain or tenderness to palpation of the abdomen
  • Bleeding
  • Nausea and vomiting

Stomach polyps form in response to inflammation or other damage to the stomach lining.

Gastric adenomas can form from glandular cells found on the inner lining of the stomach. Her cells develop as a result of a DNA error. These changes make the cells vulnerable and they can become cancerous. Although adenomas are a less common type of gastric polyp, they can cause stomach cancer.

Other diseases can also cause stomach pain. For example:

  • Constipation.
  • Indigestion.
  • Abdominal muscle tension.
  • Injuries to the stomach and other internal organs.
  • Overwork.
  • Severe stress.
  • Allergy.
  • Inflammation of the appendix.
  • Infections.
  • Fears, phobias.

Intensity of stomach pain

Each disease produces its own type of pain. For example, with chronic gastritis, stomach pain can range from barely noticeable to severe. And with a stomach ulcer, the pain can be so intense that a person cannot bear it. Duodenitis or duodenal ulcer can be accompanied by the most intense and sharp pain in the stomach. If you feel that the pain is constantly getting worse, you should consult a doctor. Otherwise, if you wait until the last minute, the person may die from painful shock. An example of such a disease would be a perforated ulcer.

It is important to know that the intensity of stomach pain can be significantly reduced if a person has had stomach surgery. Then he may not feel pain even when the ulcer worsens.

Nature of stomach pain

It may vary depending on the type of disease and complications that are caused by this pain. For example, burning pain characterizes gastritis or an ulcer, and a dull aching pain can be a symptom of chronic gastritis or a stomach ulcer in the initial stage. Sometimes a stomach or duodenal ulcer can be accompanied by severe pain, similar to cramps.

If the middle of the abdomen hurts, this may indicate chronic gastritis with low acidity. If the pain increases sharply, this means that the person may have colitis, cholecystitis or pancreatitis. If the pain is cutting, acute, and occurs suddenly, then the diagnosis may reveal cholecystitis or pancreatitis, as well as a duodenal ulcer.

If the pain is very sharp, dagger-like, which cannot be tolerated, it may indicate perforation of the ulcer.

Who should I contact if my stomach hurts?

If you have stomach pain, you can contact an oncologist, gastroenterologist, surgeon, or therapist.

It is important to know!

Stomach pain during pregnancy is called gastralgia. It can occur for various reasons, including poisoning, hormonal changes, stress, and poor diet. Stomach pain during pregnancy is dangerous for a woman because she may experience intestinal spasms, which means the uterus may become toned and this may result in a miscarriage.