Is it dangerous to pierce the frenulum under the tongue? The best offers from piercers. Care and selection of jewelry

Piercing has recently become a way to express one’s fantasies and demonstrate one’s self. If this procedure is performed on the genitals only by young extreme sports enthusiasts, then piercing the tongue, ears and nose is also popular among the older generation. Piercing the tongue and installing a special decoration in this place is a simple procedure, but it requires certain knowledge and experience from the master.

Read in this article

Types of tongue piercing

When you first visit a piercing specialist and announce your desire to perform the procedure on the tongue, the client will listen to a fairly long lecture about its types.

Vertical tongue piercing

Performed with a special needle, several punctures can be made at once along the center line of the tongue. The procedure is not very painful and does not require anesthesia. Complete healing of the tongue occurs within 4 - 6 weeks; during this period there may be severe swelling of the organ, and problems with diction and eating.

Horizontal tongue piercing

It is performed in the same way as the vertical one - by puncturing the organ through and through. The only difference is in the direction of the puncture: in this case, the piercing is done in the direction “from ear to ear.”

Surface puncture

The tongue is not pierced through; the puncture is made along the surface of the organ (can be compared to an ordinary suture on fabric). This type of piercing can be done on the front surface and on the back. In the first case, the specialist warns the client that there is a high probability of displacement of the installed jewelry or its complete rejection. When puncturing the posterior (lower) surface of the tongue, such complications are rare.

Tip puncture

A complex procedure that can lead to dental damage in the future. The specialist must carefully select not only the jewelry that will be inserted into the puncture, but also the piercing site.

When you have a piercing on the tip of your tongue, your diction will definitely change.

Frenum piercing

The piercing is done where the tongue “joins” the lower part of the mouth. The puncture procedure is considered painless, but rejection of the jewelry is quite common. In some cases, this type of piercing is impossible; this may be due to the anatomical features of the structure of the human oral cavity.

Tongue and frenulum piercing jewelry

The most popular decoration for piercing is a barbell; even in the case of a tongue piercing, it is successfully inserted into both the frenulum and the tip of the organ. But if desired, a specialist can supply:

  • horseshoe;
  • banana;
  • spiral;
  • ring with ball clasp;
  • segment rings.

During the first conversation with the client, a competent specialist will tell you about the features of each piece of jewelry and what troubles can be expected in the near future. For example, various rings and spirals on the tongue often tear off or become dislodged.

Pros and cons of tongue and frenulum piercings

For many people, the term “advantages of piercing” is generally incomprehensible, but they really
available. Performing a puncture and installation of jewelry on the tongue or its frenulum:

  • is a virtually painless procedure and does not require anesthesia or anesthesia;
  • extremely rarely accompanied by complications such as wound infection;
  • makes sexual relations more piquant.

The procedure under consideration also has its disadvantages:

  • the healing process of the puncture site for tongue or frenulum piercing takes a long time to heal, swells greatly and causes discomfort to the person;
  • if the wound becomes infected, the consequences can be very serious, including tissue necrosis (death);
  • diction is violated in 97% of cases;
  • taste sensations and preferences may change;
  • damage to the enamel and tissues of the teeth (decoration is to blame).

Preparing for tongue and frenulum piercing

Before carrying out the procedure in question, you need to approach the choice of a specialist with all seriousness. Banal assurances from a friend or neighbor that they are the “best piercers” are not an indicator. But a person doing a piercing in a beauty salon or beauty salon is quite suitable.

You need to visit a specialist and have a conversation with him. Pay attention to how he answers the questions asked, whether he provides complete/detailed information on the upcoming procedure, and whether he explains all the risks. Be sure to make sure that the procedure is carried out with gloves and only disposable instruments.

You need to choose the decoration in advance, but not only in shape. You definitely need to pay attention to what material the rods, rings, and spirals are made of. The best option would be titanium or medical steel.

“Piercing at home” is nonsense! Even if a good master is found, you should not risk your health and have your tongue or frenulum pierced outside a specialized office. This is due to the fact that it is impossible to comply with all sterility requirements at home.

Immediately before the procedure, the client must eat a hearty meal, since in the next few days he will be forced to remain on a strict diet. Alcohol is strictly contraindicated.

Contraindications for tongue piercing

The procedure in question is not carried out if the following factors are present:

  • the client’s age is less than 18 years and there are no guardians or parents nearby who must give written consent to piercing the tongue or frenulum;
  • chronic diseases of any system/organ that are in the acute stage;
  • hyperthermia – increased body temperature of various etiologies;
  • allergy to the metal from which the piercing jewelry is made;
  • epilepsy and other neurological and mental disorders;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • problems in the blood clotting system;
  • allergies to antibacterial drugs (in case there are complications);
  • alcohol/drug intoxication.

How to do tongue and frenulum piercings

The procedure in question is carried out quickly and without any special equipment. The wizard works according to the following algorithm:

Immediately after the puncture, the technician inserts a larger barbell than required. This is necessary to create at least some comfort during active swelling of the tongue. Then it changes to a more suitable one.

To see how tongue piercing is performed in the salon, watch the video:

Care after tongue and frenulum piercing

To avoid possible complications after tongue and frenulum piercing, you should follow the rules for caring for the oral cavity and jewelry during the recovery period:

How long does a tongue and frenulum piercing take to heal?

It depends on the individual characteristics of the organism. Some people can talk and eat normally already 3-4 days after the procedure, while others experience difficulties with this even a month later. On average, swelling of the tongue and/or frenulum persists for 10 days, and complete healing is completed only after a month and a half.

Consequences :

  • diseases of the soft tissues of the oral cavity of an inflammatory nature that occur in a chronic form;
  • infection with herpes, human immunodeficiency virus, hepatitis B or C;
  • penetration of infection into the wound after a puncture, its inflammation and suppuration;
  • nerve damage in the tongue;
  • long continuous bleeding from the puncture site;
  • allergic reaction to metal;
  • serious violations of diction;
  • permanent damage to the enamel and tissue of the teeth;
  • inhalation decoration.

Contacting a professional for tongue and/or frenulum piercing in a beauty salon reduces the likelihood of developing these consequences, but does not provide a 100% guarantee.

Tongue and frenulum piercing is a procedure that should only be performed in specialized offices and by professionals. Minor discomfort in the first 4 - 6 weeks after the puncture is not remembered in the future, but the jewelry is worn with great pleasure. Having decided on this procedure, it is worth obtaining information about upcoming medical procedures in advance.

Once upon a time, a body decorated with various earrings meant that a person belonged to a certain tribe. Over time, this meaning was lost. Today, piercing is the most common decoration. Moreover, more and more new options appear from time to time. For example, smiley piercing. This is certainly brave! But nevertheless, very beautiful.

Smiley piercing: what is it?

So, more details. If you're considering getting a smiley piercing, think carefully about it first. Such decoration is not for everyone. In addition, the procedure requires compliance with various safety measures. That is, you need to contact only a good, proven master.

“Smile” is a piercing of a thin frenulum located directly under the upper lip. Segmental or circular rings are implanted there, as well as banana earrings intended for eyebrows. As a rule, earrings made of hypoallergenic metal (titanium or surgical steel), bioflex, bioplast, glass or natural bone are used as jewelry. It is not advisable to use precious metals. They contain impurities that oxidize upon contact with lymph and blood. Decorative elements made from expensive metals are most often simply attached to the main earring. A wide range makes it easy to choose exactly what you need.

Just decoration

Smile piercing is an ordinary piercing of the frenulum of the upper lip. This is the simplest decoration without being overly exposed. It is its versatility that attracts a considerable number of people. However, it is necessary to remember that such a puncture is done only from the moment of adulthood. And only if you have a passport (in professional salons).


Despite its simplicity, the smile piercing is a very unusual decoration. Of course, such earrings are most often worn by representatives of the younger generation, which is not surprising. After all, not everyone would risk decorating their face with earrings with balls at the ends.

Where did the name of this piercing come from? But the fact is that the earring is visible only when the person smiles. So, if you wish, you can easily hide this decoration. If you won’t be hired for an office job with a chin or nose piercing, then there won’t be any problems with the “smiley face”. The main thing is to control yourself and not smile widely.


Let's say you decide to get a smiley piercing. The price of such a puncture in the Russian Federation is about 1,500 rubles. The client must first rinse his mouth with a special liquid that eliminates all bacteria and germs. After this, the needle is inserted by the master using a special apparatus through the frenulum, and the earring is threaded into the hole made.

The main thing is to be prepared for the fact that the procedure can cause considerable pain. In addition, bleeding is often observed. Therefore, the specialist, as a rule, prescribes ointments or rinses, which will need to be used until the wound heals and stops inflaming.

However, we cannot fail to mention one point regarding pain. Each person has a certain threshold of sensitivity. Some clients don’t even notice the punctures, and some have lip pain for several hours. Therefore, do not stress yourself out and do not be afraid, so as not to worsen the situation.

Choosing an earring

Most often, smiley piercing receives positive reviews. Those who made it claim that the most important thing is to choose the right earring. In this case, it is advisable to give preference to small rings, since large jewelry causes pain and discomfort to a person. In addition, according to many, it is advisable to choose products made from steel. Although, more budget options are also acceptable - copper or titanium earrings.

Possible complications

You should also not forget about the problems that such jewelry as smiley piercing can lead to. The consequences, unfortunately, may not be the most rosy. In principle, everything depends, first of all, on the professionalism of the master. If the procedure is done incorrectly, the earring may become dislodged. In addition, the puncture site may become inflamed if your body rejects the metal from which the earring is made.

Remember also about the contact of jewelry with teeth. Constant friction can damage the enamel. Moreover, the earring can move down if your bridle is too thin.

Further care

Experts and girls who have had this piercing also talk about how to care for your smiley piercing in the future. After all, if you are not careful, you will cause inflammation and the proliferation of pathogenic bacteria. The best option, in their opinion, is to use a saline solution to rinse the mouth. To prepare it, you need to stir a teaspoon of salt in one glass of warm water. And rinse - morning and evening, for five minutes.

You also need to be careful when brushing your teeth. The brush should not catch the earring. It is best to stick with a soft paste and brush. The plaque must be completely cleared.

After the piercing, the lip may swell for a couple of days. Although, sometimes for a longer period of time. Therefore, it is best to choose a large earring to begin with.

Complete healing, according to experts, lasts approximately two months. During this time, the wound has time to heal completely, and the risk of infection disappears.

And in order for all this to happen faster, those with piercings are advised to take B vitamins. You cannot eat, smoke or drink alcohol for three to four hours after the piercing. In addition, you need to adhere to a gentle diet (fruits, baked goods, dairy products and cereals are allowed). Hot, spicy, sour, pungent and salty foods should not be consumed until healing. After each meal, the mouth must be rinsed.

Antibacterial and anti-inflammatory lozenges can reduce the risk of infection and swelling. Also, pain and inflammation are reduced by eating ice cream and any other cold food.

Stains that form on the earring are removed with a toothbrush. Judging by the reviews, during rehabilitation it is necessary to refrain from kissing and using lipstick. Of course, you should not bite your nails or “play” with the decoration. Otherwise, you may end up with a scar. It is necessary to adhere to these recommendations even after complete healing, so as not to damage the tooth enamel.

The earring cannot be removed from the puncture. Inserting it back will be extremely problematic. You can remove jewelry for more than one day only a year after the procedure. The fact is that the puncture narrows very quickly even after the wound has completely healed. Only a professional can replace the earring.

In order to remove the ball, special pliers are required. You can replace the carnations yourself, but follow the instructions very carefully. If the puncture narrows too much, you will also need the help of a specialist. Salons have tools that can be used to expand it. According to reviews, this is an absolutely painless procedure and harmless to the integrity of the lip.


Don’t forget that you can’t do a smiley piercing at home. It is very easy to damage your teeth if you choose the wrong jewelry, “play” with it, or try to remove it. The puncture can also become infected. And this leads to blood poisoning. And if you do not properly care for the puncture site, a fistula can form.

In general, before carrying out the procedure you should pay attention to existing contraindications. Smile piercing is contraindicated for people with poor blood clotting, chronic diseases in the acute stage, or with elevated body temperature.

The portal contains all the salons offering lip frenulum piercing services in Moscow. Convenient tables for comparison show prices for the service - you can compare the offers of salons and choose the best option in terms of cost. Reviews of companies left by real clients deserve special attention.

Lip frenulum piercing - impressive and barely noticeable

Lip frenulum piercing is a relatively new type of body modification that has already become popular. Some people are not allowed to wear visible jewelry due to the dress code at work, at an educational institution, or because they do not want to attract unnecessary attention, and in this case, a “smiley” is an excellent solution. Many tattoo parlor artists in Moscow are ready to help, but before making an appointment with a piercer, you need to learn more about the procedure.

Lip frenulum piercing - types, puncture sites

Despite the localization of piercing quite obvious from the name, variations remain. The upper lip frenulum piercing is called a smiley piercing because it is only visible when the wearer smiles. Thus, piercing the frenulum of the upper lip is an almost ideal option for those who have certain boundaries in self-expression through piercings.

The pierced frenulum of the upper lip looks quite neat, and the procedure itself is simple to perform, compared to piercing the tongue, for example. The peculiarity of the anatomy of the frenulum of the upper lip is its relatively small thickness, therefore, faster puncture, less pronounced pain and ease of wound healing. The oral mucosa recovers faster, so the wound itself can heal in 3-4 weeks.

The procedure is performed without anesthesia, since usually pain is not expressed, but if the client’s pain threshold does not allow a puncture without an anesthetic, you must take a certificate from an allergist with you to the procedure stating that you are not allergic to medications.

Lower lip frenulum piercing

Piercing the frenulum of the lower lip is an anti-smile, slightly less popular, and is associated more with frowning. However, it looks aesthetically pleasing if the main condition is met: the puncture is visible only if the jewelry is large enough and the owner of the earring is smiling. It is performed using the same technique as the upper lip frenulum piercing with one slight difference: the lower lip frenulum is slightly thicker than the upper lip, and the piercing itself is performed under local anesthesia.

How to prepare for a lip frenulum piercing?

Choosing a salon in Moscow, a master specialist, sterile instruments are important for successful piercing. The basis, as elsewhere, is caring for the puncture site. A few days before the procedure, it is necessary to rinse the mouth with antiseptic solutions two to three times a day in order to reduce the percentage of possible infection. You need to remember that some sensations after a puncture are quite normal and you shouldn’t be afraid of them, especially at first:

  • slight aching pain;
  • in the first three days after the puncture, a small amount of blood is released from the puncture;
  • temporary swelling, discomfort.

It is important to continue processing with the frequency that the specialist advises the client, and with those antiseptics that are more suitable for the mucous membrane. Alcohol, for example, is absolutely not intended for caring for frenulum piercings, as it causes a slight burn to the mucous membrane and slows down healing.

The decoration itself must be made of a suitable material that does not cause an allergic reaction. Size is also important, as an earring that is too large can cause a tear in the frenulum of the upper or lower lip. Do not forget that the jewelry cannot be removed for a long time, since the puncture of the upper frenulum can heal relatively quickly.

Among all body parts, upper or lower lip piercing is the most painful. For some people, a way of self-expression such as lip piercing or upper lip frenulum piercing is not only an addition to style, but also an individual highlight. Is there any danger in such a procedure and what types of it are you should read in more detail.

Piercing the lower lip is one of the ways to decorate your own body. There are many varieties of this procedure:

  1. One of the most beautiful types of this procedure is the Monroe version. It is performed on the right side of the face; in appearance it is similar to the mole of the famous Marilyn Monroe. It's like an imitation of a mole. Much less often, such a puncture is performed above the upper lip on both the right and left.
  2. Another option is Monroe Madonna. It is done on the left above the lip.
  3. Madonna or upper lip frenulum piercing. To pierce the frenulum, additional anesthesia is not required, since the procedure is painless. The negative aspects of such oral decoration include the constant traumatization of tooth enamel by metal decoration.
  4. Piercing Smile. This option is characterized by the fact that the piercing decorates the nasolabial cavity in the center.
  5. The Lowbrett Medusa is distinguished by a piercing under the lip, very low.
  6. Ashley - performing a piercing in the center of the lower lip. This procedure is very painful.
  7. Ashley Estrum is a horizontal earring placement. This procedure is not only very painful, but also dangerous. If the depth of the puncture is chosen incorrectly, the jewelry may be rejected by the body or the healing process may take too long.
  8. Lowbrett is a piercing of the lower lip on the inner side.

Each of the listed options has its fans. But in an effort to create an individual image, you need to remember that it is best to turn to a professional who will do all the necessary manipulations in sterile conditions using special medical equipment. Before piercing your mouth, it is important to make sure there are no contraindications. It is not recommended to perform a lip piercing yourself at home, since this is fraught not only with infection in the wound, but also with other, no less dangerous consequences.

Execution technique

You can pierce your lip using two methods: using a gun or a needle. According to many craftsmen, it is better to use a needle for such purposes. To reduce excessive salivation, cotton swabs are placed under the tongue and cheek. The intervention site is treated with chlorhexidine or miramistin; such care will prevent the penetration of pathogenic microorganisms. Next, the upper lip is pulled back to get to thin places. If the frenulum is pierced, you need to hit it exactly in the center.

After the procedure is completed, the lip is re-treated with an antiseptic and the tampons are removed. When I get my lip pierced, what is most important? Proper further care is very important.

How to care

Care depends on which area is being pierced. It is important to wash both the inside and outside of the wound to prevent the wound from rotting. Care consists of rinsing the mouth with antiseptic and regenerating solutions. It is imperative to wipe the mucous membrane with miramistine or chlorhexidine. To speed up tissue regeneration, it is recommended to rinse the mouth with medical antiseptic solutions, for example, Stomatidin.

Since plaque and food particles will constantly collect under the earring, you should thoroughly clean all areas - both internal and external. The duration of cleansing procedures should be at least 10 days. It is better to use a cotton swab soaked in an antiseptic solution for cleansing.

It is not recommended to wet the wound during the first day. If this cannot be prevented, it is better to apply a greasy ointment to the earring. During the first few days, redness, swelling, and soreness may be visible in the damaged area. If care is carried out correctly, healing and recovery will occur quickly. You should also avoid applying decorative cosmetics and possible mechanical injuries.

When the procedure cannot be performed

Any puncture carries a danger to human health. There are also certain contraindications to getting a piercing. These include the presence of herpes and other inflammatory or infectious processes on the skin. You should not carry out such manipulations if you have colds, flu, or acute respiratory viral disease. Other contraindications include:

This type of piercing (smile piercing) appeared in Europe and entered modern fashion relatively recently, but was very quickly popularized in youth circles. Nowadays, hundreds of young people around the world get this type of piercing.

But why has smiley piercing gained such crazy popularity? Perhaps the whole point is that fashion and convenience are combined here, as they say, “in one bottle.” Technically it's a facial piercing, but it's not on display for the world to see.

It is intended only for a circle of selected and dear people. After all, a smiley piercing can only be detected during a wide, friendly smile. In an educational institution or at work, no one will forbid you to wear it, since your “smile” is hidden from prying prying eyes.

What is a smiley piercing?

A smile is a piercing of the frenulum that connects the lip to the gums. The purpose of the cosmetic operation is to implant into the hole made a decoration in the form of a segmented ring, as well as a circular or small banana earring (usually).

How to prepare for a piercing - smiley piercing?

If you decide to get a smiley piercing, then you need to first take care of the sterility of your mouth. For three days before the scheduled procedure, you must rinse your mouth after eating and after every snack (even if you only ate one sandwich or apple).

A highly diluted solution of hydrogen peroxide (2-3 drops for one tablespoon of water) is suitable for rinsing. Ordinary table salt diluted in warm water (1 teaspoon per glass of water) or potassium permanganate dissolved in water until pinkish in color is also suitable. Keep in mind that it is not advisable to rinse the oral cavity with a more saturated solution of potassium permanganate, as this can cause a burn to the mucous membrane.

The choice of decoration must be approached very responsibly. After all, choosing the wrong size can lead to a whole series of troubles. Wearing too much jewelry can damage your tooth enamel and irritate your gums. And if it’s too small, it interferes with the healing of the piercing due to ingrowth into the formed canal.

A small silver circular with screw-on balls is ideal to start with. But if you couldn’t buy such jewelry, then a titanium earring will do just fine. But a product made of surgical steel will be appropriate a little later, when the upper frenulum has completely healed.

It is advisable that the smiley piercing be done by a professional who has the skills to work in a special salon. But if you decide to pierce the frenulum yourself, then it is quite possible to do it at home. You just need to buy sterile gloves, special forceps, a needle, alcohol and potassium permanganate at the pharmacy. And also choose an assistant for this mini operation.

The fact is that doing a piercing and holding your lip at the same time - two hands will not be enough. Therefore, an assistant will be needed to support your upper lip and fighting spirit.

Before starting the operation, you need to disinfect the jewelry and tongs: first put them in alcohol for a few minutes and then sterilize them. There is no need to disinfect the needle, because you bought it in a sterile package. Place everything you need near the mirror in a sterile container and direct the light so that the frenulum can be seen as clearly as possible.

Keep in mind that you can only do one puncture. If something goes wrong, then it will be possible to pierce the smile again only after the old channel has healed. Attention! It is not allowed to make several punctures of the frenulum at the same time.

The smiley piercing procedure is usually not anesthetized even in salons, since the frenulum is very thin and is pierced in a second.

So, put on sterile gloves on your hands washed with bactericidal soap. Take the forceps in your left hand and the needle in your right. Ask the assistant to stand behind you and, with soapy hands, lift and hold your upper lip.

While looking at the bridle in the mirror, pinch it with the tool. Then, with a sharp movement, make a puncture. The forceps are removed, and the earring is inserted into the hole of the needle and pulled into the formed channel. After which the decoration is clamped and twisted. The operation is completed. Remember that smiley piercing is not the same thing as .

Attention! It is strictly forbidden to treat smile piercings with alcohol or hydrogen peroxide to avoid burns to the mucous membrane. After eating, you must thoroughly rinse your mouth with a solution of potassium permanganate or saline (the proportions of the solutions given above). This procedure will have to be performed until the canal is completely healed (about three weeks, or maybe a month).

In the first three days after the puncture, discomfort and pain will occur when smiling, sticking out your tongue, and while chewing food. There is no point in fighting this, you just have to be patient. But if the pain gets on your nerves, you can use an anesthetic spray or rinse your smile with an ice-caine solution.

How to make a smiley piercing at home - video