Menstrual cycle calculations. Calculation of ovulation using test strips. Phase separation

Regular menstrual cycle– an indicator of a woman’s health.

Keeping a monthly calendar allows you to identify days when there is a high probability of getting pregnant, and when it is almost impossible to get pregnant.

Menstrual cycle concept

Menstrual cycle– cyclically repeating changes in a woman that allow her to become pregnant. The menstrual cycle begins on the first day of menstruation and continues until the first day of the next menstruation. The range of normal cycle length is from 21 to 35 days.

How to get rid of women's disease? Irina Kravtsova shared her story of curing thrush in 14 days. In her blog, she explained what medications she took, whether traditional medicine was effective, what helped and what didn’t.

Period– bloody discharge from the uterus. Such discharge begins if a woman does not become pregnant. The normal duration of menstruation is from 3 to 7 days. The volume of blood released should not be more than 80 ml.

The arrival of the first menstruation is influenced by many factors, but heredity plays a significant role. Typically, menstruation should begin between 9 and 14 years of age. A girl should be shown to a gynecologist and endocrinologist if she has no menstruation after 14 years of age.

The fact that the first menstruation is coming soon can be judged by the following signs:

  • breast growth;
  • the appearance of hair in the armpits and pubic area;
  • the appearance of transparent discharge.

It is very important to mentally prepare a girl for the onset of menstruation. She must know the rules of hygiene. She needs to be told about the consequences associated with early sexual activity.

Hygiene during menstruation:

  1. Refusal to visit the bathhouse, sauna and bath.
  2. You should wash your hands thoroughly when changing a pad or tampon.
  3. The gasket must be changed when it is one third full. Tampons last no more than 3-4 hours.
  4. After changing a pad or tampon, you need to wash yourself or use intimate hygiene wipes.
  5. When washing, use products intended for intimate hygiene that have a neutral pH.

The best time to get pregnant is between the ages of 25 and 35. Menstruation begins to gradually stop around age 50.


The ovulation stage begins approximately on the 14th day of the cycle. Its duration ranges from one to two days. The egg leaves the ovary and travels through the fallopian tube. If a sperm meets on her way, there is a high chance of conceiving a child.

Each woman’s body is individual, but there are signs by which ovulation can be determined:

You can use several methods to determine the days of ovulation:

  • Conduct a special test, which is sold at the pharmacy. It is dipped into a container with urine. Two lines on the test indicate ovulation. The test is used daily 2 weeks before the expected date.
  • Body temperature measurements over several months. At the initial stages of the cycle, the temperature is at 36.2-36.6 degrees. During ovulation it rises sharply to 36.8-37 degrees.
  • Ultrasound for ovulation. The most reliable method.

Phases of the menstrual cycle

The menstrual cycle includes three phases:

After the third stage, the first begins again.

Stories from our readers!
“The gynecologist advised me to take natural remedies. We settled on one drug - which helped cope with hot flashes. It’s such a nightmare that sometimes you don’t even want to leave the house for work, but you have to... Once I started taking it, it became much easier, you can even feel it "that some kind of internal energy appeared. And I even wanted to have a sexual relationship with my husband again, otherwise it was all without much desire."

Why do you need to calculate your menstrual cycle?

The need to calculate the menstrual cycle is explained by several reasons:

Menstrual irregularities

A woman's cycle should be constant. The exception is adolescents, since their reproductive system has not yet fully formed, and women awaiting menopause. In other cases, you should visit a doctor with the issue of cycle failure.

Failure of menstruation may be the cause of pathology in the body:

My personal story

Premenstrual pain and unpleasant discharge are over!

Our reader Egorova M.A. shared her experience:

It’s scary when women don’t know the true cause of their illnesses, because problems with the menstrual cycle can be harbingers of serious gynecological diseases!

The norm is a cycle lasting 21-35 days (usually 28 days), accompanied by menstruation lasting 3-7 days with moderate blood loss without clots. Alas, the state of the gynecological health of our women is simply catastrophic; every second woman has some kind of problem.

Today we will talk about a new natural remedy that kills pathogenic bacteria and infections, restores the immune system, which simply restarts the body and includes the regeneration of damaged cells and eliminates the cause of disease...

Causes of irregular menstrual cycle

The violation may be due to:

Menstrual cycle calendar

To create it you will need a regular calendar. When the first day of your period arrives, you need to mark the date on the calendar. This is how you should mark every day of your period. It is advisable to write down the nature of the discharge at the top.

Then the next menstruation is marked on the calendar. Knowing the cycle for two months, you can calculate the date of ovulation. It is necessary to subtract 14 days from the last day of the cycle.

Thanks to this calendar, you can identify dangerous and safe days. Dangerous days are days when there is a high risk of getting pregnant. Safe days are days when the risk of getting pregnant is low.

How to calculate dangerous and safe days?

Methods for calculating such days do not provide a 100% guarantee that a woman will definitely become pregnant.

The following methods are distinguished:

  1. Ogin-Knaus method. His theory says that sperm can survive up to 72 hours, and the viability of the egg is 48 hours. For a more successful calculation, you need to keep a monthly calendar for one year. This method is not suitable for women with irregular periods. The calculation is made using the formula:

First dangerous day = duration of the shortest cycle minus 18 days.

Last dangerous day = duration of the longest cycle minus 11 days.

Delay of menstruation

If your period does not come for more than 35 days in a row, you can talk about its delay.

Natural causes of delayed menstruation that do not require a visit to the gynecologist include:

  1. Setting menstruation. When menstruation has just begun, the cycle is inconsistent. Formation occurs within 1-1.5 years.
  2. Pregnancy and lactation.
  3. Stopping menstruation. In women after forty, menstruation gradually stops.

Other reasons for the absence of menstruation are a reason to contact a gynecologist and endocrinologist.

Hormonal disbalance

Hormonal imbalance is the insufficient or excessive production of hormones. For this reason, various serious diseases develop. Irregular periods are a sign of disruption in hormone production.

Causes of hormonal imbalance with delayed menstruation:


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  1. Pathologies of the adrenal glands, thyroid gland or pancreas.
  2. Incorrect use of oral contraceptives.
  3. Ovarian pathology.
  4. Cauterization of cervical erosion.

Symptoms of hormonal imbalance:

  1. Increase or decrease cycle duration.
  2. Uterine bleeding.
  3. High breast sensitivity.
  4. Dryness in the vagina.
  5. Pain in the lumbar region.

If you suspect a hormonal imbalance, you should make an appointment with an endocrinologist.

For research you will have to pass:

  • general blood analysis;
  • blood test for hormones.


Pregnancy– a condition of a woman in which an embryo develops in her uterus.

The main signs of an interesting situation include:

During pregnancy, the following tests must be taken:

  1. Analysis for blood group and Rh factor. It is given at the beginning of pregnancy and shortly before childbirth.
  2. Blood test for HIV, syphilis, hepatitis B and C.
  3. General blood analysis. Rented once every two months.
  4. Blood chemistry.
  5. Ultrasound. This is done three times: at 10-12, 20-22 and 30-32 weeks.
  6. A smear to examine the flora of the vagina, cervical canal and urinary tract.

The basic nutritional rules for a pregnant woman include:

  1. Eat often, but little by little (4-5 times a day in portions of 200-300 grams). You should not overeat to avoid a feeling of heaviness in your stomach.
  2. Refusal of alcohol, carbonated drinks, concentrated juices.
  3. Refusal of products containing various preservatives and flavoring additives.
  4. Eat more vegetables, fruits, berries, meat, fish, dairy products.
  5. Limit the consumption of sweets, flour products, salt and sugar.
  6. Don't skip breakfast. The ideal option for a morning meal would be porridge (oatmeal, buckwheat, corn).
  7. Drink enough water.
  8. Steam, stew, boil or bake food.

Gynecological problems

Gynecological problems are diseases of the reproductive system.

Signs of gynecological problems:

Female gynecological diseases can be divided into three groups:

  • Infections:
    • sexually transmitted diseases (gonorrhea, candidiasis, chlamydia and others).
    • diseases caused by a virus (HIV, human papillomavirus).
    • purulent-inflammatory diseases (vulvitis, colpitis, adnexitis and others).
  • Hormonal imbalance. Signs:
    • disruption of the menstrual cycle.
    • uterine bleeding.
  • Tumor diseases: cystic formations, uterine fibroids, cervical erosion.

Preventive measures

To reduce the likelihood of developing various gynecological problems, you need to:

  1. Take a more correct attitude towards your well-being during menstruation.
  2. Keep a monthly calendar. Nowadays, there are special applications, programs for the phone that can be downloaded for free, so this can easily help you count and monitor your menstrual cycle.
  3. It is normal to visit a gynecologist 1-2 times a year.
  4. If symptoms of gynecological diseases appear, consult a doctor for treatment or restoration of the cycle.

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We wish you good health!

Every girl and woman should know the menstrual cycle. The female body is designed in such a way that every month there are cyclical periodic fluctuations in the concentrations of sex hormones, which lead to changes in the ovaries and uterus.

Any disturbances at the level of hormone synthesis, egg maturation, or the presence of pathological processes in the genital organs can lead to disruption of the cyclicity of menstruation. Of course, there are other, physiological reasons for its violation. Let's look at how you can calculate your menstrual cycle and why this is necessary.

What it is?

The menstrual cycle can be calculated in the presence of stable menstruation, and they appear in girls at the age of 11-15, and it often happens that the period from the first menstruation to the second is several months, in which case they do not talk about cyclicity.

The very concept of cyclicity is changes that repeat after a certain period, therefore the menstrual cycle is menstruation occurring every 28 days. Of course, different organisms, genotypes, development and living conditions require certain adjustments. Therefore, the duration of the menstrual cycle is considered to be 21-35 days.

Moreover, it should be stable, without strong fluctuations. For example, if your period comes on the 23rd, 24th or 25th day, then this is normal, but when it is delayed by 5-7 days, it means something has happened. This could be stress, severe weight loss, even just a bad case of the flu or taking medications. Single deviations are not a reason to panic.

Interesting fact! The menstrual cycle in women who live together for a long time can adjust, that is, their periods come at the same time. This was discovered in women's sports teams during long training camps.

How to count?

To correctly make the calculation and find out your cycle, you need to record the day your period begins, preferably write it down or mark it on a calendar. The first day is the day the menstruation begins, and the last day is the day before the start of a new menstruation. Interestingly, many people make calculations including both, which is wrong.

The calculation can be carried out in different ways, and it will be correct to record data for at least a year. If you are marking dates on a calendar, you can simply count the days between the marked ones and add the first day of your period, but when you are writing down the days of your menstruation, the calculation can be done as follows:

Example 1: The calculation is carried out every month in order to determine whether there are cycle fluctuations or not. Let's say your period started on May 6th, the next one appeared on June 3rd. There are 31 days in May, which means 31-6+3=28. Notice that we subtracted the first day, but added the first day of the next one.

Example 2: The calculation is carried out if the fluctuations are 1-3 days. If, when calculating the duration of the cycle, you received different results with fluctuations of 3 days, for example, the duration was 26, 28, 27 days, then the average value is the menstrual cycle, that is, in this example, 27 days.

Example 3: Calculation for an unstable cycle. Let’s say that during the course of a year the same figure or small fluctuations are determined in the calculation, but 1 month falls out of the general pattern, then its value should not be taken into account, since there was probably a reason at that time that caused the change, for example, overwork, stress or other disorder in the body.

If the duration of your periods changes each time and the fluctuations exceed 1-2 days, but do not go beyond 21-35 days, this may indicate that you have unstable periods, but it is impossible to calculate the duration.

What should the menstrual cycle be like?

The menstrual cycle can be unstable, and this is normal in the following situations:

  • during its formation in adolescents;
  • during menopause;
  • after childbirth;
  • during feeding;
  • after scraping.

Stress, overwork, and changing climate zones can affect it, but these changes pass quickly. Violations are often observed against a background of anxiety and restlessness.

Important! An unstable cycle in adolescents during menopause and breastfeeding does not mean pregnancy is impossible, so if it is undesirable, you should use contraceptives.

Pathological changes in the duration of the cycle can be associated both with problems in the reproductive sphere and with the general condition of the body; this is observed if there is:

  • hormonal imbalance;
  • sudden change in weight;
  • diseases of the genital organs;
  • taking medications;
  • other acute, chronic diseases.

In such situations, you need to consult a doctor to identify and treat the disease.

What will the calculations show?

People often ask why you need to know your menstrual cycle? A stable menstrual cycle helps determine:

  • days of menstruation, and this helps to prepare for it, take hygiene products with you;
  • plan a pregnancy by calculating favorable or unfavorable days for it;
  • probable pregnancy, in the absence of menstruation;
  • notice changes in the body, since menstrual irregularities are often associated with other diseases;
  • plan your leisure time, trips, vacations. It is not always pleasant to be far from comfortable conditions on critical days.

Many women experience discomfort not only during menstruation, but also before it, this is the so-called postmenstrual syndrome, when everything around is irritating, against this background problems arise with others. It would be a shame to ruin your holiday mood for yourself and your loved ones, and knowing when this happens, you can reschedule your trip or event to another time.

By calculating favorable and unfavorable days for conception, you can protect yourself from unwanted pregnancy. Of course, this method of contraception does not always provide a complete guarantee, especially if it is unstable, especially since now there are many other effective methods of contraception, but many prefer it.

For those who, on the contrary, want to get pregnant, this method is also useful; you can plan several days of rest during this time, especially if the work involves various business trips and shifts. How is it calculated? This is quite simple, for example, the duration of the cycle is 28. We subtract from it two numbers 18 and 10, that is, 28-18 = 10, the tenth day is the first favorable for conception. And 28-10=16, the sixteenth day is the last. That is, from 10 to 16 days the probability of getting pregnant is high.

When you experience instability and the cycle duration often changes, then we select the largest and smallest values ​​and calculate from them. For example, the longest is 33 days, and the shortest is 24. From the long one we subtract 10 (33-10=23), and from the short one 18 (24-18=6), that is, in the period from 6 to 23 days you can get pregnant.

The duration of the menstrual cycle is important for determining the level of health of the female body; its calculation is quite simple. Duration disturbances can be associated with various pathologies and stress, so you need to be careful not to miss the first symptoms and consult a doctor in time.

Sooner or later, every girl turns into a beautiful girl due to the appearance of menstruation. The appearance of the first menstruation indicates the completion of the formation of the genital organs and the beginning of the production of female sex hormones. Many women ask the question “how to count the menstrual cycle?” You can find the answer to this question in our article. In order for your period not to take you by surprise and spoil your appearance, you need to correctly calculate the day when your periods begin. In order for the calculation to be correct, first of all you should find out how the process of the menstrual cycle occurs. To do this, you need to familiarize yourself with the structure of the female genital organs.

Anatomy and physiology of the female reproductive system

The female reproductive system consists of external and internal genitalia. Organs such as the clitoris, labia majora and minora, vestibule of the vagina, and pubis are classified as external genitalia. The internal organs should be examined in more detail, since they are directly related to menstruation.

The ovaries play an important role in the reproductive function of the egg. From the moment of birth, more than a million immature eggs are laid in the ovaries. There is a constant change in hormonal status in them, associated with different concentrations of two hormones: estrogen and progesterone. The stroma of the ovaries contains follicles, which are replaced by the corpus luteum after the release of a mature egg. The corpus luteum is capable of producing many different hormones that affect the development and functioning of other organs. These hormones include progesterone, estrogen, a small amount of androgen, oxytocin, relaxin. Near each ovary there are fallopian tubes that go to the uterus. The egg moves through the fallopian tubes into the uterus, after which the mature egg performs its function.

Female reproductive system: ovaries, fallopian tubes, follicles, corpus luteum, uterus, uterine walls, mucous membrane, external os and vagina

Stages of the menstrual cycle, characteristics

For every woman, ovulation occurs at different times. It is said that the complete maturation of the follicle and the release of the egg is individual for each organism. If you take into account various factors, you can make an approximate calculation of the cycle.

First you need to understand what the menstrual cycle is, or as it is also called, the female cycle. Experts have determined that this is the time between the beginning of the last menstruation and the beginning of the current one. On average, the menstrual cycle is 28 days.

Calculate cycle

To calculate your cycle, we recommend keeping a women's calendar. On it you need to mark the day of the beginning and end of menstruation. If menstruation begins in less than 20 days or more than 29 days, you should immediately consult a specialist. To calculate, take the day your period started last month and the day your period started this month and subtract the difference.

It started last month on March 7, and this month on April 5, the cycle will be 29 days. (31-7+5=29)

There are also electronic calendars to calculate the arrival of your period. They can be on your phone or tablet and alert you when your period is coming soon. The only thing you need to do is mark the beginning and end of your period. After which the program will give you favorable days for pregnancy and the next date for the start of menstruation.

A program for calculating menstruation can be found completely free on the Internet.

Why do you need to calculate your periods?

Today, there are 4 reasons based on which every woman should correctly calculate her menstrual cycle.

  • Eliminating the chance of pregnancy. There are days in the women's calendar when a woman cannot get pregnant. And if you identify them correctly, then you can do without protecting sexual contact without fear of getting pregnant.
  • Pregnancy. If you are able to correctly calculate your menstrual cycle, then your chances of getting pregnant on certain days become greater.
  • Knowing the approximate day your period is due to start will help you calculate when your period will begin, as well as prepare and avoid any unpleasant surprises.
  • Detection of diseases. If your periods are irregular, this can cause many diseases and lead to serious consequences. Therefore, calculating your periods is a prerequisite for maintaining health.

How to calculate your menstrual cycle to get pregnant?

Most married couples try to conceive a child for several years, but nothing works. After all, they are absolutely unaware of how to count the menstrual cycle. To calculate the cycle, you need to know the complex mechanism of passage of a mature egg to fertilization.

The most favorable time for fertilization of an egg is ovulation. It takes 24 hours for the egg to fertilize, after which it dies and menstruation occurs.

But there is a chance of getting pregnant even after your period arrives, since male reproductive cells remain active for 2 to 5 days. To correctly determine the most active period for conception, it is necessary to keep a calendar of the menstrual cycle. The calculation should be done this way: choose the longest cycle and the shortest cycle. Then subtract 18 from the short cycle, and 11 from the long cycle. The calculation is simple and does not require much effort to perform.

  1. 30 days is a long cycle (calculated as follows: 30-11=19).
  2. 22 days is a short cycle (we do the calculation like this: 22-18 = 4).

These results mean that the period between 4 and 19 days is the most suitable moment for conceiving a child.

A cycle lasting 30 days is considered long

Phases of menstrual flow

The menstrual cycle can be divided into 3 phases: beginning, middle and end. The initial phase includes the period of menstruation and 3 days after it. The middle phase includes the period of ovulation. The final phase refers to the period before the onset of menstruation.

In most cases, menstruation lasts from 3 to 6 days, after which the follicular stage begins. It is characterized by the maturation of a new egg. Next comes the period of ovulation, during which the mature egg enters the fallopian tube. The third phase of the cycle is the luteal phase, the duration of which is from 13 to 14 days. During this phase, the follicle turns into the corpus luteum and produces hormones that are necessary for fertilization. If fertilization does not occur, menstruation occurs.

The average duration of menstruation is three days

Premenstrual syndrome

This syndrome notifies a woman about the imminent onset of menstruation. Signs of premenstrual syndrome include: increased sensitivity and size of the mammary glands, sudden mood swings, irritation, headaches, swelling, bloating, and acne. If you experience several of the above symptoms, then expect your period soon.

Period failure

There are many reasons for cycle disruption, such as changes in hormonal levels, adolescence, the use of antibiotics, dysfunction of the reproductive system, abortion, menopause, nervous disorder, tension, lack of nutrients and vitamins.

If a failure occurs, you should consult a gynecologist and determine the cause. Failure to contact a specialist in a timely manner can lead to complications and bad consequences.

Every woman must understand that menstruation is not a pathology, but an important biological process in her life, which must be carefully monitored. Every girl should be able to correctly determine the cycle, because this is an integral part of physiological processes.

Menstruation (regular or monthly) affects the psycho-emotional and physical state of a woman; on certain days the likelihood of conception increases, which helps plan pregnancy. Every girl needs to know how to count her menstrual cycle. The calendar or our online calculator will help you make accurate calculations.

Why do you need to know your menstrual cycle?

The interval between regulations in a healthy woman of reproductive age is cyclical and has a certain duration. But sometimes various failures occur, the breaks between menstruation increase or decrease, with correct and regular calculations, you can prepare in advance for the arrival of critical days.

Why do you need to know when your period arrives?

  1. Knowing the frequency of the onset of menstruation, you can plan important events and prepare the necessary hygiene products in advance.
  2. The schedule allows you to notice deviations in time, in a timely manner - any disease is easier to cure at the initial stage of development.
  3. It is easier to plan a pregnancy, or find out about conception if your period is late.
  4. Track the time when PMS appears - for many women this period is difficult, it is necessary to take painkillers or sedatives, it is better to prepare in advance.

Calculating your menstrual cycle makes it easier to plan a pregnancy

Knowing the time of arrival of critical days, it is easier to calculate the moment of ovulation - phase II always begins 14 days before the onset of the next menstruation.

How to correctly count your menstrual cycle

Online calculator for calculating your menstrual cycle

Duration of the menstrual cycle: days

Indicate on the calendar the start date and end date of your last menstruation: Menstruation Safe Day
Possible ovulation Estimated day of ovulation

Calendar calculation method

To correctly calculate the duration of the intervals between menstruation, the first day of the appearance of discharge and the date before the start of the next menstruation are noted on the calendar; observations are carried out for 3–12 months.


  1. The start date of menstruation is 6.05, the next one is 06. Calculation: 31 (number of days in May) – 6 (day of the start of the period) +3 =28. The next critical days should occur on July 1st.
  2. If over several months the calculation showed fluctuations of 1–3 days, then the duration of the intervals between menstruation is the average value of 3 indicators. For example: (27+25+29) : 3=27.
  3. If during the year all the intervals between the regulations are approximately the same, and one month stands out greatly from the overall picture, you can not take its duration into account when calculating the average indicators - such a failure may be associated with stress or climate change.
  4. If the duration of the intervals between critical days is more than 30 days, the time of their occurrence will shift monthly by several days, if the intervals are less than 30 days - by several days ago.
  5. On the calendar you need to mark the number of days when spotting appeared and when your period ended, usually 3-7 days. With regular charting, you can calculate not only the start date of menstruation, but also its end.

Knowing the number of days in your cycle, you can easily predict the dates of menstruation and days of possible fertilization

There is probably no woman who doesn’t like surprises? True, there is one surprise, the appearance of which will darken the mood of even the most optimistic and unfading lady - these are menstruation. Menstruation, the onset of which is taken by surprise, can ruin not only a woman’s appearance, but also put her in an awkward position. To prevent this from happening in the future, it is important to know how to count your cycle and keep a pad or tampon in your purse for emergencies.

Why count your menstrual cycle?

Before you start counting the duration of the menstrual cycle, you need to find out why. There are four sure reasons that help a woman to be always on the alert:

  • To eliminate the chances of getting pregnant. Knowing the “dangerous” days will eliminate the likelihood of unnecessary pregnancy and serve as a kind of natural contraceptive.
  • To have a chance to get pregnant. If you correctly calculate the date of ovulation and have an active sex life at this time, your chances of conceiving a child will increase.
  • For hygiene purposes. You need to count correctly so that there are no surprises.
  • To eliminate the possibility of an emerging health problem. If the cycle has a pronounced irregularity for a long time, then this is enough to contact a gynecologist to find out the reasons for this behavior of the body.

Cycle duration

The very name “menstruation” speaks for itself, because the lunar month consists of 28 days, like the average menstrual cycle. But in contrast to the strict regularity of astronomical laws, the female body is individual and chooses the cyclicity of menstruation for itself.

A normal duration is considered to be within the range of 21-35 days, i.e. 28 ± 7 days.

How to make the correct calculation

First you need to decide what you will use to keep records. Choose the method that is convenient for you and will not get lost in a pile of papers at the earliest opportunity. Some prefer to count in a calendar, notebook, notepad, while others use applications on a computer, tablet and smartphone. The main thing is not to keep all the data in your head, otherwise there is a high probability of confusing or forgetting something.

The menstrual cycle is the interval between the first days of the previous and current menstruation. By marking each first day of your discharge on the calendar, the cycle period automatically appears. If last month the beginning fell on December 5, and next month on January 3, then the cycle will be 29 days, i.e. 31-5+3=29. And this is how it is calculated every month.

Cycle disruption

Calculating the menstrual cycle in advance is not entirely logical and correct, since menstruation tends to be disrupted for several days, either decreasing or increasing. This may be due to several reasons:

  • hormonal imbalance;
  • postpartum recovery and lactation;
  • teenage years;
  • the beginning of menopause;
  • restoration of the body after an abortion;
  • change in climate;
  • weight change (increase or decrease);
  • reproductive system problems;
  • taking medications;
  • illnesses and emotional disorders.

Natural causes find solutions over time, while acquired ones only through examination and treatment.

If a one-time failure has occurred, then you should not “sound the alarm” ahead of time; to some extent, this is normal, especially taking into account the conditions of modern life: stress and overexertion at work, bad habits, fatigue and lack of sleep. Observe the flow of your periods, their consistency, color and smell. If everything is in order, then calm down and continue calculating the cycle.

How to calculate the length of the menstrual cycle to get pregnant

Ovulation is considered the most favorable phase for conception, the activity of which begins already on the 14-16th day of the cycle. A mature egg has “set off” for fertilization and has only 1 day, after which it dies and “awaits” the arrival of menstruation. However, you can get pregnant before ovulation, since sperm retain their viability and mobility for 2-5 days. To calculate your cycle correctly and determine the most suitable days for conception, you need to use data on your cycles over the past year. Choose one longest cycle and one shortest. Subtract 18 from the short term, and 11 from the long term. For example, here is the calculation:

34 (long cycle) - 11 days = 23;

25 (short cycle) – 18 = 7.

This means that between the 7th and 23rd day of the cycle is the most suitable period for conceiving a new life.

PMS syndrome (premenstrual syndrome)

After the period of possible conception has passed, the next phase begins - premenstrual syndrome, popularly known as PMS. Its appearance notifies the woman that the time of conception has passed and that in about a week her period will begin. PMS is accompanied by unpleasant and painful symptoms caused by “playful” hormones:

  • the mammary glands increase in size and become sensitive to touch;
  • there are sudden mood swings, irritability, tearfulness and emotional breakdowns;
  • headaches, nausea, swelling, bloating and loss of strength appear;
  • jumps in blood pressure are noticed;
  • a rash in the form of pimples and acne may appear on the face and chest;
  • the size of the thyroid gland increases.

Counting your menstrual cycle is also necessary to assess women's health. If there is a significant delay or menstruation occurs with pain and fever, then this may indicate an inflammatory process, endometriosis and other problems that can be determined by examination and the professional eye of a gynecologist.