How to eliminate coughing attacks in a child. How to relieve a child’s coughing attack at night: tips. Inflammatory diseases of the lower respiratory tract and pleura

There can be many reasons for a sudden and prolonged cough, ranging from common factors: the development of a viral infection, allergies and lung diseases, to less common helminthic infestations, thyroid pathologies or small foreign bodies entering the laryngeal mucosa. Regardless of the reason that provokes the cough reflex, quickly relieving the attack is the main help for the suffering person.

Coughing attack and its dangers

Prolonged coughing attacks bother people mainly at night; most often they are a symptom of some serious illness, and do not develop as an independent illness. Among mothers of frequently ill children or people with allergies, you can often hear about coughing attacks during which it is difficult to breathe and fully clear the airways. Constant and frequent attacks of dry cough can damage the laryngeal mucosa and gradually exhaust the patient. In addition, a non-productive dry cough does not relieve a person of bacteria, viruses and sputum, and is therefore more dangerous.

Doctors call a dry cough unproductive because it does not help clear the airways.

A coughing attack develops especially often in young children between six months and two to three years of age; among adults, this symptom is more rare. This is due to the anatomical feature of the structure of the larynx and respiratory system of small patients: infants and young children have a very narrow funnel-shaped larynx, up to a centimeter thick, as well as underdeveloped muscles that facilitate breathing. All these nuances lead to the rapid appearance of edema of the laryngeal mucosa, during which its lumen is halved. Therefore, the younger the child, the greater the chance of a rapid spread of infection in the throat and the development of complications in the form of coughing attacks.

False croup, as a rule, attacks a child unexpectedly, most often at night

Does this condition require calling a doctor or can it be resolved independently? If a toddler, in addition to coughing, is breathing heavily, has bluish skin and a foggy consciousness, then do not hesitate - this condition is called false croup. If these signs are obvious, you should call an ambulance, let the doctors examine the child, and, if hospitalization is necessary, agree to go to the hospital. Cough and difficulty breathing can be symptoms of extremely dangerous diseases - obstructive asthma, and bronchial asthma.

How to help a sick person at home

You can help with a paroxysmal cough without calling a doctor if the patient does not have other alarming and dangerous symptoms: shortness of breath, high fever, bluish skin and loss of consciousness.

At night, it is necessary to place another pillow under the patient’s back to change its position to a more vertical one: in this position, the development of an attack is less likely, since the mucus flowing down the back wall of the larynx will not have an irritating effect.

To alleviate the condition, it is recommended that the patient change the tilt of the pillow.

All general rules for getting rid of attacks boil down to the rapid transition of a painful dry cough into a more productive wet one. To do this, it is necessary to provide the patient with sufficient fluids (herbal infusions, tea, warm milk with honey, compote, still mineral water, etc.) and create conditions for moisture to enter the respiratory tract from the outside:

  • humidifying the air using a special device or by hanging wet towels, sheets, and placing containers of water;
  • taking a shower or bath provided there is no high body temperature;
  • regular ventilation of the room in which the patient is located.

If an adult and a smoker suffers from coughing attacks, then he should get rid of the addiction at least until complete recovery - this will contribute to a faster and easier recovery from paroxysmal coughing.

Video: how to relieve a dry cough attack correctly

Use of medications

It is better to take certain cough medications only after consulting a doctor, since it is necessary to correctly determine the type of cough: dry or wet, and only then select more effective medications. Without a correct diagnosis, you can only make the situation worse.

For those who do not have the opportunity to see a doctor, there is a special group of drugs that are equally suitable for treating both dry and wet cough. For children from one year of age and adults, it is recommended to use Prospan, a herbal medicine that can be found both in the form of drops for inhalation and in the form of syrup. Prospan based on ivy extract helps to cope with coughing attacks and has both an expectorant and antitussive effect, promoting a faster transition of cough into productive one.

The drug has virtually no side effects, it can be given to pregnant women and even babies

Drugs for the treatment of dry cough attacks

A dry cough can be recognized by the following signs:

  • a sore throat;
  • soreness;
  • insufficient relief from cough;
  • lack of expectoration of sputum.

Taking medications that relieve irritation in the throat and moisturize the cough is aimed at suppressing the cough reflex. Many of these drugs affect the cough center in the brain and block its functioning; some medications (codeine-based) can be addictive.

For a dry cough, it is good to take medications that actively promote mucus removal. After the cough changes to wet, doctors prescribe other drugs: expectorants or mucolytics (thinning phlegm).

  • Herbion with plantain extract;
  • Dr. MOM;

Such drugs are taken only as prescribed by a doctor, especially for children. These medications should not be taken simultaneously with mucolytic medications - this can lead to serious complications.

Photo gallery: drugs for dry cough

Sinekod is a strong and effective drug that has a suppressive effect on the cough center of the brain and has a moderate anti-inflammatory effect Bronchicum can be used for any type of cough, it helps to liquefy and remove mucus Gerbion is a herbal remedy with antitussive, antibacterial, and anti-inflammatory effects. The main active ingredient of Codelac Neo is codeine, which can be addictive. Omnitus has a direct effect on the cough center, has an expectorant and anti-inflammatory effect Stoptussin is a combined action drug that suppresses cough and reduces sputum viscosity

For attacks of dry cough, taking strong medications is justified if it is a symptom of an allergy. These medications can negatively affect the nervous system, so in case of respiratory diseases, it is preferable to relieve coughing attacks by humidifying the air and drinking a sufficient amount of warm liquid.

Medicines to relieve attacks of wet cough

Attacks of wet cough are characterized by the passage of sputum clots, easier or more difficult, depending on its viscosity. Often during the next coughing attack you can hear wheezing in the chest, as well as a kind of bubbling or gurgling. Medicines taken to relieve this symptom should facilitate the removal of phlegm and help increase the mucus that is expelled when coughing (if necessary).

When treating a wet cough, inhalations are often prescribed, both steam inhalations based on traditional medicine recipes, and with the use of special medications that the patient breathes using a nebulizer.

Steam inhalations are prohibited in children under 4 years of age due to the high likelihood of developing bronchospasm; it is better to use a nebulizer to treat cough

In the latter case, expectorants and mucolytic drugs are best suited, which, in addition to increased expectoration of sputum, can have an antiseptic and antibacterial effect. These effects are very important during attacks of wet cough, since a bacterial infection can easily join difficult-to-remove mucus and develop a more severe disease: pneumonia or purulent bronchitis.

To relieve attacks of wet cough, it is necessary to get rid of its cause - the inflammatory process in the bronchi, as well as edema of the lung tissue. When the lumen of the bronchi returns to normal size, the coughing attack subsides, swelling and inflammation decrease. Preparations based on fenspiride relieve spasms in the bronchi and have an anti-inflammatory effect:

  • Siresp;
  • Eladon;
  • Epistat;
  • Erispirus.

Mucolytic drugs that can thin sputum include agents based on bromhexine:

  • Ascoril;
  • Bronchosan;
  • Cashnol.

Medicines based on ambroxol:

  • Ambroxol;
  • Lazolvan;
  • Ambrobene;
  • Halixol;
  • Ambrogesal;
  • Ambrosan;
  • Flavamed;
  • Codelac Broncho;
  • Orvis Broncho.

Mucolytics, the main substance of which is acetylcysteine;

  • Acetylcysteine ​​Teva;
  • ACC long;
  • Fluimucil.

Mucolytics are not recommended for use by toddlers, since the use of such drugs can cause “swamping” of the lungs, and, as a result, provoke serious complications. The best solution for children is to take medications with a mucolytic and at the same time expectorant effect: Bromhexine or Ambroxol.

Preparations in which the active ingredient is carbocysteine:

  • Fluditek;
  • Libexin Muco;
  • Bronchobos;
  • Libexin.

I am familiar with attacks of wet cough firsthand; unfortunately, for two years in a row, every spring my daughter has been suffering from pneumonia. We periodically see a pulmonologist to monitor emerging cough or general malaise, in order to, if possible, control the development of pneumonia. When we went to the pulmonologist to register, my daughter was recovering from her first pneumonia, and, to my horror, within a week she again developed a wet cough in the form of night attacks. We were already imagining returning to the hospital and taking antibiotics, but the doctor, after listening to our lungs, suggested that we just drink syrup. I was shocked: how will regular syrup without an antibiotic prevent complications? But, on the advice of a pulmonologist, I gave my daughter a drug based on carbocysteine, half an hour before meals. In addition, we had a massage and the baby constantly drank some kind of liquid: juice, tea, water, her favorite compote - it doesn’t matter. It was unexpected, but already on the first night my daughter slept peacefully and was not tormented by a wet cough. A week later we forgot about this symptom during the daytime.

Bronchodilator drugs are more often used for attacks of wet cough caused by bronchospasm. This situation is often observed in bronchial asthma or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. These drugs include Berodual, Serevent, Salbutamol and other prescription drugs.

Photo gallery: popular drugs for wet cough

Berodual is a popular inexpensive drug that helps with bronchial spasm Fluifort is excellent in relieving coughing attacks accompanied by the formation of difficult-to-clear sputum. Lazolvan improves sputum discharge and relieves cough; in this dosage form it is suitable for inhalation ACC promotes increased mucus removal; taking the drug hot relieves coughing faster Bromhexine increases the secretion of secretions by the bronchial glands and is less toxic compared to other cough medications Erespal is able not only to relieve coughing spells, but also to help eliminate the current inflammatory process in the lungs

Folk remedies

Before using any of the folk remedies, you must make sure that you are not allergic to the components suggested in the recipe. Many of the ingredients in the product (honey, oil, baking soda) can cause a negative reaction from the patient.

Warm milk remedy

At the onset of an attack of dry cough, you can give this drink, the effectiveness of which has been tested by time.

Warm milk for coughs is a method passed down from generation to generation as a homemade panacea for relieving coughs from colds, flu, bronchitis, laryngitis


  • milk - 250 ml;
  • baking soda - 0.5 tsp;
  • honey - 1 tsp;
  • butter - 0.5 tsp.


  1. Heat the milk so that it is as hot as possible, but does not burn (about 50 0 C).
  2. Add the remaining ingredients to it and stir thoroughly.
  3. Wait until the oil and honey are completely dissolved.

The drink should be drunk hot, in small sips. The product softens the throat and well moisturizes the damaged laryngeal mucosa.

Onion broth

Onions have long been known as one of the best antiviral natural remedies. You can calm a cough by preparing an onion decoction, but not with water, but with milk.

It is best to boil the onion in milk until soft; if you are limited in time, then the onion can be cut into pieces


  • onion - 1 pc.;
  • milk - 1 glass.

Preparation of the drink:

  1. One onion should be washed and peeled.
  2. Place the onion in a saucepan and pour in a glass of milk.
  3. Cook the onion in milk over low heat for 50 minutes, then remove the vegetable.

The drink should be drunk while still warm, taken in teaspoons until the cough completely calms down.

Recipe with black radish

This root vegetable is known for its effectiveness in treating coughs and relieving attacks. It will take time to prepare the healing remedy, so it is better to prepare it in advance.

Radish juice contains a complex of phytoncides that have an immunostimulating, antiviral and mucolytic effect.


  • black radish - 1 large root vegetable;
  • honey - 3 tbsp. l.


  1. Using a knife, cut a hole in the radish and discard the excess.
  2. Add honey to the resulting hole.
  3. Place the radish in a warm place for 4–5 hours.
  4. Mix the juice formed in the cavity with honey.

Radish should not be used for inflammation of the stomach or pancreas, as well as for gastrointestinal ulcers and existing severe heart pathologies.

Herbal tea with ginger

To prepare a remedy that helps relieve a cough attack, you can take any herbal tea, for example, use chamomile, which has an anti-inflammatory effect. The flowers are first soaked in hot, non-boiling water for 20 minutes to preserve the nutrients. Tea is ready.

The tea will relieve pain and irritation in the throat, warm you up and help cope with coughing attacks.


  • chamomile tea - 500 ml;
  • ginger - 1 piece.


  1. Grate the ginger on a fine grater, take 1 teaspoon of the root.
  2. Add ginger to chamomile tea and stir.
  3. If necessary, strain the drink.

Ginger root has a good warming effect, so it can be seen in many folk recipes for coughs. The drug is taken every 4 hours and during a coughing attack.

Preventing coughing attacks

No matter how trivial the recommendation to adhere to the principles of a healthy lifestyle sounds, it does not lose its relevance here either. The likelihood of developing a coughing attack will be reduced by frequent and long walks in the fresh air, as well as by quitting smoking and visiting places with a concentration of tobacco smoke.

If you have an allergic cough, you need to take care to reduce the risk of encountering an allergen: it is recommended to wet clean the house as often as possible, get rid of flowers and household items made from wool and fluff (carpets, pillows), house pets, and remove mold. The air should be clean and humidified; it is advisable to use a humidifier in the winter.

Often, coughing attacks can be caused by eating fragrant and aromatic spices, hot seasonings and carbonated drinks.

If the patient is most worried about a cold cough, then it is worth boosting your immunity by eating healthy foods and vitamin complexes, playing sports and hardening (using a contrast shower, walking barefoot in the summer). The pool provides good help in this matter: swimming helps improve the functioning of the respiratory system, strengthen the muscles of the chest and increase blood supply to the lungs.

It is also important to treat an incipient illness in a timely manner and get vaccinated against influenza and pneumococcal infection, this will help avoid the development of serious complications. Compliance with all recommendations for prescribed treatment and dosages of medications, visiting a massage therapist and herbalist will help you quickly overcome the disease and not return to it for a long time.

Coughing attacks can be relieved at home, but the patient’s condition should always be monitored. Severe shortness of breath, bluish skin, obvious lack of air are signals to call a doctor. If you know that one of your family members has a predisposition to coughing attacks, then you should take care in advance to prevent their occurrence and take measures to help: keep medications at home, agreed upon with your doctor, prepare in advance folk remedies that will help alleviate the patient’s condition. Proper help and timely contact with a doctor will contribute to a speedy recovery.

What to do if a child’s severe cough manifests itself as an attack? Is it possible to get rid of attacks in the future? Many parents are concerned about coughing attacks in their children. Treatment of severe cough in children is a whole range of measures, they can improve immunity through vitamins, medicines, and folk remedies. The disease can occur in case of inflammation of the trachea, with allergic reactions to something. Doctors recommend treatment with medications, traditional medicine, massage and rubbing procedures, and aromatic therapy.

What is a cough

The baby reacts to inflammation, allergies, and viruses by coughing: the body tries to remove harmful viruses and cleanse the main respiratory organs of mucous, purulent sputum and secretions. The cough reflex can appear as a result of inflammation of the throat mucosa; it can be short-term, acute, protracted, or chronic. Wet is treated with expectorants, and dry with drugs that suppress it. Dust, foreign microparticles entering the respiratory tract, inflammation processes, dry stale air can trigger coughing attacks.

Causes of cough in children

Your baby may be coughing due to:

  • infection, virus;
  • bacteria;
  • allergies.

The baby's lungs fill with a mucous substance, and the body tries to free itself, provoking a cough reflex. It can be dry and moist, appearing only at night or during the day. One of the main causes of the disease may be a cold. When the body is infected with viruses, coughing can become prolonged and cause a gag reflex. To prevent vomiting, you can give your baby cough suppressants.

Child has severe cough at night

At night the child coughs when he sleeps and is in a horizontal position. Mucus and phlegm quickly collect in the nose and throat, do not dissolve, making breathing difficult, provokes a cough reflex and requires long-term treatment. A change in the climate in the room where the baby sleeps can cause coughing. At night, the air cools down and becomes dry, which negatively affects the mucous membrane of the throat, irritating it. A warm drink at night, a well-ventilated room, and also humidification will help.

Accompanied by vomiting

To avoid the gag reflex, it is possible to alleviate the attack with the help of tablets, inhalation, applying a compress, massage, and manipulation by rubbing. Attacks contribute to the occurrence of vomiting, and vomiting can also be provoked by severe irritation of the mucous membranes of the throat when:

  • A dry cough reflex is observed, as a result the baby breaks into a painful cough. The gag reflex is caused by tension in the throat and irritation of the vomiting centers.
  • A wet cough reflex is observed, the baby's respiratory organs are so congested that mucus and phlegm provoke vomiting (symptoms of bronchitis).

Dry cough

A severe dry cough in a child (non-productive cough) can manifest itself as a sore throat when the air masses in the room are dry and cold. It is best to give the baby a warm drink with a spoonful of honey added to it and well ventilate the room where he is. The cause may be irritation of cough receptors in the trachea, bronchi, and laryngeal mucosa. Breathing becomes difficult, coughing becomes exhausting and intrusive. It is observed with irritation of the respiratory tract, ARVI, allergic manifestations, colds, sore throat.


As a rule, the doctor first listens to the bronchi and lungs. Specific tapping is also used to determine the disease, and in difficult cases, X-rays and bronchoscopy are used. When diagnosing a cough, many factors are taken into account:

  • Acute coughing is typical in the presence of a virus in catarrh of the upper respiratory tract in bronchial asthma, bronchitis, tracheitis, laryngitis, pneumonia, and sore throat.
  • Signs of ARVI: a child has a hoarse, low voice, breathing is difficult, and the nasopharynx is stuffy.
  • A lingering cough for more than 10-12 days is accompanied by acute bronchitis and the presence of a virus in the respiratory tract.
  • A wet and severe night cough in a child occurs during purulent processes in the lungs and bronchi, accompanied by the release of sputum, mucus, and pus.

How to treat

In cases of damage to the bronchi by a viral infection, when the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract are inflamed, the normal functioning of the lungs and bronchi is disrupted in the child’s body. It can be eliminated with the help of medications and agents that suppress the cough reflex. The pediatrician prescribes antitussive drugs, depending on the child’s age, his physical condition and the danger of the disease. Antibiotics are given when there is a wet cough to remove phlegm, when the throat is inflamed, and fluid collects in the lungs and bronchi.


Coughing can be effectively treated with drugs that promote expectoration and remove phlegm and mucus from the body. For children, such medicines are available in the form of tasty syrups. Prospan syrup is a leader in the treatment of infants and is intended for babies under one year of age. Antibiotics are used for purulent sputum in the bronchi and nasopharynx. It will relieve pain, help you recover and will not cause allergies, a medicine from the penicillin group Ampiox: the drug helps reduce coughing and helps relieve bouts of barking.


If the cough starts to get worse, it means it's time to use chest massage. For inflammatory diseases, massage should be done for several days, before starting, give the child an expectorant, apply protective baby cream to the skin, and then massage the baby’s chest, back, sides, shoulders, rubbing, pinching those parts of the body where phlegm and mucous secretions accumulate . Any adult can master the massage procedure, which is very helpful in combating wet cough.


When a baby has been bothered by a barking cough, runny nose, or pathological cough accompanied by mucus for a whole month, aromatherapy works great. Therapy with aromatic oils is also necessary for other characteristic symptoms of a cold:

  • For colds, essential oils of chamomile and calendula will help cure coughing in infants.
  • For older children, orange, lemon, and mint oil can be an effective treatment.
  • For signs of bronchitis, orange and eucalyptus oils work well on the mucous membranes of the throat.

Traditional medicine methods

Traditional medicine has many effective recipes for treating cough in children:

  • For acute bronchitis and signs of pneumonia, doctors prescribe treatment with warm milk and honey.
  • Frequent coughing can be cured and suppressed well by using black radish with honey, the juice of which is great if a child coughs a lot at night.
  • In case of complications, decoctions of medicinal herbs - chamomile, calendula, linden flowers - work well on the mucous membranes of the larynx in case of complications. They are able to suppress an attack and disinfect the mucous membrane.


In case of dangerous diseases, the child is bothered by difficulty breathing, elevated body temperature, and sometimes the disease is accompanied by swelling of the larynx. You can cure your baby with generally accepted medications and by rubbing:

  • Rubbing with bear and goose fat helps a lot, as it improves immunity and prevents dangerous complications. You need to rub your legs, feet, back, sides, chest (excluding the heart area).
  • Honey or vodka are very effective and help the body warm up well. After rubbing the baby, you need to cover it with a warm blanket. The procedure is indicated for children from 6 months.

Water treatments

Warm or hot baths with the addition of medicinal herbs are indicated for any cold and will help relieve irritation. All herbs and flowers must first be brewed with boiling water and infused:

  • Raspberry leaves, chamomile inflorescences, calendula, linden blossom, mint are plants that have soothing bactericidal properties.
  • Water treatments with lavender, valerian, and mint relax the baby’s nervous system and promote healthy sleep.

Features of the treatment of children's severe cough

Treatment before recovery has its own characteristics and should be carried out in combination:

  • antibiotics to destroy viral infections and pathogenic microorganisms;
  • expectorants;
  • inhalations for colds, inflammatory processes of the throat mucosa, sore throat;
  • compresses on the chest and back to warm the body;
  • rubbing to improve blood circulation;
  • massage;
  • water treatments in the form of baths, foot baths with medicinal plants and herbs;
  • aromatherapy;
  • use of traditional medicine methods.


Attention! The information presented in the article is for informational purposes only. The materials in the article do not encourage self-treatment. Only a qualified doctor can make a diagnosis and make recommendations for treatment based on the individual characteristics of a particular patient.

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A child’s severe paroxysmal cough always worries parents. And it is right. Although it may not only be a symptom of a viral disease, it can be very irritating to the larynx and can cause a sore throat and even damage to the vocal cords. Therefore, treatment is necessary, but first the cause that caused the attack must be established.

TEST: Why do you have a cough?

How long have you been coughing?

Is your cough combined with a runny nose and is most noticeable in the morning (after sleep) and in the evening (already in bed)?

The cough can be described as:

You characterize the cough as:

Can you tell that the cough is deep (to understand this, take more air into your lungs and cough)?

During a coughing attack, do you feel pain in the abdomen and/or chest (pain in the intercostal muscles and abdominal muscles)?

Do you smoke?

Pay attention to the nature of the mucus that is released during a cough (it doesn’t matter how much it is: a little or a lot). She:

Do you feel a dull pain in the chest that does not depend on movements and is of an “internal” nature (as if the source of pain is in the lung itself)?

Are you worried about shortness of breath (during physical activity, you quickly become out of breath and get tired, your breathing becomes faster, followed by a lack of air)?

Non-infectious causes

  • allergic reactions - children have a narrower lumen of the larynx than adults and they cough even with weak exposure to the allergen;
  • chemical or physical irritation - causes inflammation of the mucous membranes and a reflex cough, dry and barking;
  • dehydration – when the temperature or air humidity is too high, the mucous membranes of the nose and throat quickly dry out, the baby begins to cough;
  • foreign body - this especially often happens in young children during the teething period, when everything that comes to hand goes into the mouth;
  • chronic diseases - bronchopulmonary, heart failure, some gastrointestinal diseases.

Attacks of a dry cough in a child for the reasons listed above are not accompanied by fever or other symptoms characteristic of respiratory diseases. It’s not difficult to deal with them - just eliminate the irritant and relieve inflammation of the mucous membrane, if present.

An allergic cough can be easily stopped by taking antihistamines.

If a child’s severe cough is accompanied by fever, runny nose, weakness, and lack of appetite, urgent treatment is necessary. These symptoms clearly signal that there is an infection in the body and the disease is developing in full swing. In the early stages, you can try to treat it with home remedies.

How to relieve an attack

There are several ways to relieve a coughing attack in a child, and each of them is good in its own way. Once the cause of the problem is known, this is easy to do. But while it is being figured out, one often has to act at random. Moreover, if the attack occurred at night, and there is no opportunity to consult a doctor or buy fast-acting pharmaceutical drugs.

In any case, there is no need to panic. Here is the simplest algorithm for what to do if an attack occurs suddenly:

It is not recommended to relieve an attack with antitussive drugs unless they are prescribed by a doctor. Even with a large accumulation of mucus, the cough can be dry, without sputum production. This happens when the mucus is too thick and the child simply cannot cough it up. Antitussives inhibit the cough reflex and in this case only worsen the situation, promoting stagnation of sputum.

When the cough has calmed down, it is necessary to measure your body temperature. If it is above 38, give the baby antipyretic drugs: Panadol, Paracetamol, Aspirin. It is advisable to consult a doctor in the morning. He will examine the child, prescribe tests if necessary, and tell you how to treat the cough in your particular case.

Folk remedies

When used regularly, folk remedies help not only to quickly relieve a cough in a child, but also to prevent its recurrence. They are natural, safe and suitable for children of any age. However, in case of infectious diseases, you need to carefully monitor the child’s general condition and if it begins to worsen even a little, consult a doctor immediately.

  1. Gargling. It is better to use pharmaceutical antiseptics: solutions of chlorophyllipt, furatsilin. You can use herbal decoctions or saline solution with added iodine.
  2. Warm milk with fat. Cocoa butter, goat or badger fat is suitable at the rate of a teaspoon per glass of milk. You can add a pinch of soda.
  3. Ginger tea. Peel 2-3 cm of fresh ginger root, finely chop and pour boiling water over it, add a slice of lemon with peel. When it cools down a little, strain, add a teaspoon of honey and drink warm in small sips.
  4. Honey with ghee. Combine in equal proportions, mix well, form a small candy out of it and give it to the child as a lollipop.
  5. Onion syrup. You will have to prepare it in advance. Peel 3-4 large onions, chop well, add a glass of sugar. After 1-2 hours, when the onion releases its juice, put on low heat and simmer until the sugar thickens and acquires an amber color. Strain and give by teaspoon.
  6. Inhalation with cedar oil. It has the most powerful antiseptic properties of all coniferous plants. Pour a few drops into a container of hot water and sit the child to breathe over the steam. Not suitable for children under one year old!

Warming has a good therapeutic effect: rubbing, compresses, a salt bag, honey cake, paraffin therapy. Such procedures can only be done when the body temperature is below 37.2 and there is no blood and/or pus in the sputum.

Drainage massage helps to cough up accumulated mucus faster. It is performed with tapping movements when the child lies on his stomach with his head down. Sometimes pieces of mucus literally fly out of the bronchi after it, making breathing easier and speeding up the healing process.

Self-medication is prohibited

If a cough of an infectious nature cannot be cleared up quickly, it means that the child has a weakened immune system or you have chosen the wrong treatment methods. The disease cannot be left untreated – it can lead to very serious complications. You should immediately stop self-medication and go to the doctor if the following symptoms appear:

They can be signs of serious diseases: pneumonia, purulent bronchitis, bronchial asthma, pleurisy, tuberculosis, emphysema, diphtheria, croup, etc. Incorrect treatment or lack thereof in this case can even lead to death.

Before the doctor arrives, you need to pay attention to all the symptoms of the disease: control the temperature, frequency of attacks, color and consistency of sputum, and the amount of mucus secreted. All this will help the doctor when making a primary diagnosis. He will give the final one only after carrying out the necessary tests and laboratory analyses.

Drug therapy

If the baby’s body cannot cope with the infection on its own or with the help of folk remedies, the doctor will prescribe antibacterial drugs. Most often these are broad-spectrum antibiotics: Amoxiclav, Augmentin, Cefazolin, Clarithromycin, Cefpirom. Their dosage is calculated based on the weight, age of the child and the degree of development of the disease.

A dry paroxysmal cough is quickly relieved by antitussive drugs. They are prescribed in cases where there is no sputum, and the cough is caused solely by irritation of the larynx: with pharyngitis, laryngitis, etc. Not used in combination with mucolytic agents.

Cough syrups for children are varied and have a gentle effect. This is an excellent remedy to stop a coughing attack, relieve inflammation and sore throat. They dilute mucus and help remove it from the body. It's best not to give these medications right before bed, so your child has time to clear their throat.

Antihistamines (Diazolin, Tavegil, Claritin, etc.) help not only with allergic cough. They are able to reduce the amount of mucus secreted and relieve swelling of the mucous membranes, thus making breathing much easier. They are often prescribed in conjunction with antibiotics to prevent a possible allergic reaction to them.

Immunomodulators (Interferon, Anaferon, etc.) are most effective for viral diseases. They activate the immune system and help it cope with viruses faster, without destroying beneficial microflora. They can also be given to a child for preventive purposes during the massive spread of respiratory diseases.


Simple preventative measures often help prevent very serious diseases, such as bronchial asthma. It is rarely congenital, but generally develops gradually, with prolonged irritation or inflammation of the larynx, from chronic bronchitis. So what should you do to prevent the disease:

And most importantly, do not start coughing attacks. If your baby still gets sick and you couldn’t get rid of it with home remedies in a few days, seek qualified help.

Remember also that residual cough goes away within a maximum of 2-3 weeks. If it continues, further examination and, possibly, an additional course of treatment are necessary. You bear full responsibility for the health and life of the child, so be attentive to even the smallest things until complete recovery.

Dry cough in children, its attacks, occur with constant and severe irritation of local receptors located in the mucous membrane of the tracheobronchial system.

Causes of dry cough attacks in children

Dry, unproductive paroxysmal cough can occur with the following diseases:

Bronchial asthma

This pathology is characterized by a strong paroxysmal, unproductive cough, which occurs most often at night. The cough can continue for half an hour, the attack ends with the discharge of viscous glassy sputum. During an attack, the muscles of the diaphragm constantly tense, and the patient may experience chest pain, shortness of breath, weakness and malaise. Most often, bronchial asthma develops against the background of increased reactivity of the body, frequent viral infections, bacterial infections (chlamydia, toxoplasmosis, giardiasis).

Foreign body in the respiratory tract

Attacks of a dry irritating cough in a child can occur as a result of various foreign bodies (dust particles, crumbs, pieces of food, small beads, buttons, peas, legumes) entering the respiratory tract. The coughing attack ends only after these irritating agents are removed from the lungs and bronchi by bronchoscopy or other means.

Whooping cough and parawhooping cough

Childhood infections of whooping cough and parawhooping cough are accompanied by a severe dry, convulsive paroxysmal cough. Most often, these attacks occur at night and may be accompanied by gagging and difficulty breathing (relapses). At first, these diseases manifest themselves in the form of a common cold cough, but over time the symptoms increase and cannot be treated with conventional means (mustard plasters, inhalations). The illness usually lasts five to six weeks. Diagnosing whooping cough and parawhooping cough is a rather complex process, and treatment in most cases, especially in young children, is carried out in a hospital.

Infectious viral respiratory diseases

A severe dry paroxysmal cough can be observed in respiratory diseases of the upper respiratory tract caused by the parainfluenza virus, rhinosyncytial virus and adenoviral infection, which are accompanied by damage to the larynx, nasal cavity, trachea and pharynx. Diseases are often characterized by “. With proper and timely treatment, relief and elimination of cough occurs within 3-5 days, and lack of treatment can lead to the development of bacterial complications in the form of bronchitis, pneumonia, alveolitis and pleurisy.

Inflammatory diseases of the lower respiratory tract and pleura

Severe and frequent attacks of dry, unproductive cough often develop with obstructive bronchitis, pneumonia (pneumonia) and pleurisy (inflammation of the pleura), which are complications of viral infections. accompanied by pain in the chest and abdomen. Treatment lasts from 5 to 15 days, antibiotics, antihistamines and antispasmodics are often prescribed.

Attacks of dry cough in a child at night

Coughing attacks at night in a child cause concern for parents, especially in cases where the baby feels well during the day, and going to bed and falling asleep often causes heartbreaking coughing. The cause of this symptomatology is most often inflammation and swelling of the larynx, trachea and bronchi of various origins in laryngitis, tracheitis, bronchitis or irritation of the bronchopulmonary tree with viscous sputum in spastic (asthmatic bronchitis), pneumonia, cystic fibrosis. Nocturnal coughing attacks can occur during childhood infections, most often with whooping cough and parapertussis. If coughing attacks begin immediately after the baby goes to bed, he may have an allergic reaction to the mattress padding, feathers and textile dyes.

Therefore, to eliminate dry cough as a symptom of the disease, it is necessary to determine and eliminate the cause of the disease (infectious or inflammatory process). It is also important to remember that you should not self-medicate, but consult a specialist in a timely manner.

The primary task of parents is to alleviate the child’s condition, determine the cause of the cough and eliminate it as soon as possible.

How to help your child with dry cough attacks

To help a child with frequent attacks of dry cough, it is necessary, first of all, to determine the cause of its occurrence - allergies (use of washing powder with a large number of fragrances or dietary supplements in the composition, bed linen conditioner, feather pillows, fish food, parrots or hamsters), respiratory infection or its complications in the form of obstructive bronchitis, pneumonia or pleurisy.

If you have a paroxysmal, frequent cough, you need to humidify the air in the room with a special humidifier or place an open container of water next to the crib. Lollipops with an antitussive effect or emollient cough syrup can help relieve an attack. If there is no high temperature, you can apply a warming compress, mustard plaster or warming ointment.

Significantly relieve cough:

  • an influx of fresh air by ventilating the room before going to bed;
  • humidification of the room with wet cleaning;
  • plenty of warm drinks;
  • cleansing the nose from accumulation of mucus by rinsing the nasal passages with sea water or decoctions of anti-inflammatory herbs;
  • Inhalations and antitussive drugs are used with extreme caution due to the possible aggravation of swelling of the mucous membrane.

If the cough worsens or shortness of breath develops, you should urgently seek medical help.

Coughing is a protective reaction of the body to foreign objects entering the respiratory tract. By coughing, the body tries to get rid of the allergen. But most often, a cough occurs when mucus is expelled - this reflex jerk helps to remove mucus. Often the cough gets worse at night. This happens because mucus draining from the nose irritates the diaphragm, causing a cough reflex. Sometimes a cough can be so debilitating that it prevents you from falling asleep normally, and when you fall asleep it immediately makes you wake up. At these moments, I really want to help my child and relieve a coughing attack. But first, let's look at the reasons for its appearance.

Why does a child cough?

A severe coughing attack can be caused by several factors.

  1. Foreign object. If a fish bone, a piece of a bag, or a plant stem gets into the throat, the foreign object can become stuck on the wall of the trachea, constantly irritating it and causing coughing. In this case, you need to let the child eat a crust of bread so that a hard object pushes through the stuck body. If this doesn’t work, go to the doctor immediately.
  2. Allergy. If completely healthy people react only to strong dust and the pungent smell of pepper, then allergy sufferers may begin to cough after sleeping on a feather pillow, after contact with an animal or eating citrus fruits. Very often, children begin to cough after sweets - such products increase the production of mucus, therefore they are strictly prohibited for throat diseases. Sometimes a lingering cough after an illness can develop into an allergic form.
  3. ARVI. Almost all respiratory diseases are accompanied by a cough and runny nose. In this case, coughing is needed to remove mucus from the lungs.
  4. Adenoiditis. If the baby's nose is constantly stuffy, mucus drains from the nose, which irritates the receptors of the diaphragm. A characteristic feature of cough with adenoiditis is that it appears only in sleep, when the child is in a horizontal position. During the day there is practically no cough.
  5. Respiratory tract diseases. Bronchitis, tracheitis, asthma, tuberculosis, tonsillitis, sinusitis are often accompanied by a cough - dry or wet. Laryngitis is characterized by a “barking” cough.
  6. Gastroesophageal reflux. This condition of the esophagus occurs due to weakening of the food sphincter. The muscle valve opens when the baby is lying down and the contents of the stomach flow back into the esophagus. This irritates the trachea and causes coughing.
  7. Whooping cough. This is a bacterial infectious disease that is characterized by a debilitating cough. In this case, the child turns red, tears appear, and coughing can provoke vomiting.
  8. Stress. Sometimes a cough can be a consequence of serious worries, fear, or stress. Nerve endings are located on the trachea, and when irritated, a cough appears. This cough usually occurs only during the day. You can check the psychogenicity of a cough by talking with your child about a topic that is unpleasant for him. If your child starts coughing while worried, this is your case.

Whatever the cause of the cough, it is not the symptom that needs to be treated, but the disease itself. However, the treatment process is long, and I want to alleviate the child’s condition and save him from a coughing attack now.

Warm drink

Sometimes, in order to get rid of a coughing attack, you can simply give your baby a drink of water. Often this is enough - warm water soothes the receptors, rinses the throat from irritating mucus and phlegm. But to achieve a longer lasting effect, you can give your child more than just water. An excellent solution would be to give your baby warm milk. And if you add a piece of butter to it, you can sleep peacefully for the next few hours.

It is very good to drink a decoction of medicinal herbs - string, sage, coltsfoot. Linden tea is known for its excellent anti-cold properties. It will not only relieve cough, but also relieve nasal congestion. You can soothe your throat and get rid of a cough with chamomile decoction - it has soothing and anti-inflammatory properties. Alkaline mineral water will help soften the throat mucosa. It will soothe the excited mucous membrane, relieve swelling and inflammation. It can be replaced with plain water with a pinch of baking soda added.

Drinking plenty of warm drinks will not only relieve coughing attacks, but also speed up recovery. After all, as you know, the best remedy for a viral disease is a large amount of fluid. Drinking plenty of fluids flushes the virus out of the body, and the baby will feel much better. Drinking plenty of fluids means at least one liter of fluid per day for a two-year-old child. For older children, accordingly, more. Let the baby drink what he likes - compote, fruit drink, tea with lemon, the main thing is that there is a lot of liquid.

If your baby coughs nonstop and even warm drinks don’t help, use the following methods to relieve an attack.

  1. Massage. You can calm the bronchi and lungs with a regular massage. Place the baby on his back and make stroking circular movements. Then, with both hands, move along the lungs - up and down. Such smooth movements will improve blood circulation in the lungs and help stop an attack. The rest of the time you need to give the baby a percussion massage. It involves patting, rubbing and pinching the chest and back in the lung area. Competent and professional percussion massage promotes rapid mucus removal.
  2. Air temperature. Very often, a runny nose and cough get worse in a hot room. High air temperature in the room contributes to the drying out of the mucous membrane, which is another powerful provocateur for the resumption of coughing. The optimal air temperature in the room should not exceed 25 degrees. The lower limit is 18 degrees. If your child is cold, dress him warmly, but do not turn on the heater. In addition to temperature, humidity is very important. It should not be less than 60%.
  3. Inhalations. If the cough does not go away, the child needs to be given inhalations. The ideal option is a nebulizer. You can fill it with plain sea water, chamomile decoction or furatsilin solution. If you don’t have a nebulizer, you can do inhalations the old fashioned way. To do this, prepare boiling water or a decoction of any medicinal herbs. The water should be moderately hot. Add a piece of Zvezdochka balm to the water. Essential oils not only relieve coughing, but also relieve nasal congestion. Cover your child's head with a towel and ask him to take a few deep breaths. Hot steam will disinfect the respiratory tract, breathing will become much easier, and the cough will stop. If the baby coughs very much and there is no time for all the manipulations, just lock yourself in the bathroom and run hot water - the effect will be about the same. Have your child inhale the hot steam.
  4. Vertical position. If the child cannot clear his throat, pick him up and hold him upright for a while. The cough should stop.
  5. Antihistamines. If the cough is allergic, it is enough to give the baby an antihistamine - Zyrtec, Zodak, Dezal, Suprastin, Ketatifen, etc. The dosage is determined depending on age. If your child has asthma, he or she should have special drops or sprays on hand that will stop the attack. If necessary, call an ambulance to get advice on the dosage of a particular medicine.
  6. Antitussive drugs. Despite the fact that they are taken according to the schedule regardless of attacks, these syrups contain essential oils that can instantly stop a cough. Among the cough syrups we can mention Doctor Mom, Lazolvan, Prospan, ACC.
  7. Rubbing. Sometimes, in order to stop the cough, you need to warm the child's chest and back. For this purpose, warming rubs are used. You can rub your baby's chest with lamb, badger or goose fat - animal fats provide excellent warmth and retain heat for a long time. You can smear the child's chest and back with iodine - make an iodine net. Honey and camphor oil heat very well. Mix the two ingredients and apply thoroughly to the chest and back, avoiding the spine and area around the heart. Then wrap your baby in a scarf and put on a tight-fitting blouse. The cough will quickly stop, and the child will be able to sleep until the morning.
  8. Folk remedies. A honey cake will help stop a coughing attack. It is made from honey, mustard, flour and vegetable oil. The child's skin is pre-lubricated with oil and a cake is applied. It warms the bronchi well, not only relieves an attack, but also treats the cough itself. Onions with sugar help very well. You need to prepare the onion tincture in advance - cut the vegetable into small pieces and add sugar. Keep the mixture at the ready - during an attack, give your baby a teaspoon of sweet onion juice. This medicine is useful not only for coughs, it is excellent against flu and runny nose. One of the best home remedies for cough is black radish. Cut the fruit, make a hole in it, pour a little honey. When the radish begins to secrete juice, you can give it to the child one teaspoon three times a day and when an attack occurs.

Try all these remedies one after another until you can stop the compulsive coughing attack.


This is a disease of the upper respiratory tract, which is accompanied by laryngeal stenosis. Croup is characterized by high fever, a strong barking cough, leading to nausea and vomiting. Croup is very dangerous - inflammation of the larynx can lead to a narrowing of its lumen. Cereals are especially dangerous for young children - up to the first year of life. The physiological structure of their larynx is designed in such a way that even slight inflammation and minor swelling leads to suffocation. This is why you should not self-medicate when a small child has a cough. Call an ambulance immediately to avoid suffocation. Symptoms that indicate suffocation include bluish skin, shortness of breath, inability to breathe deeply, and increased production of saliva. If you observe such symptoms in a child, immediately call an ambulance, and before it arrives, let the child breathe in the steam.

Cough is an advantage and a disadvantage of the body at the same time. On the one hand, the cough is tormenting and debilitating, does not allow you to sleep, and it scratches your throat. On the other hand, with the help of coughing, the body can get rid of excess phlegm and other irritating factors. If your cough does not go away within a week and home treatment does not work, contact your pediatrician. A pulmonologist treats long-term and severe coughs. Be careful, do not neglect this symptom, take care of your baby’s health!

Video: how to relieve a dry cough in a child