How to determine that the cervix is ​​shortening. Diagnosis of “short cervix”: what is its danger for a pregnant woman

A short cervix is ​​not a death sentence for a woman, however, when planning a pregnancy, such a pathology should not be ignored. The fact is that it is precisely because of the shortened cervix (the length of which is less than 2.5-2 cm) that the process of bearing a child can occur with very serious complications, the main of which is considered to be isthmic-cervical insufficiency. This problem often causes a threat of miscarriage or premature (premature) birth.

What to do if the cervix is ​​short? First of all, strictly follow all the doctor’s recommendations and prescriptions aimed at maintaining pregnancy. Unfortunately, this pathology is most often discovered during the period of pregnancy, during a gynecological examination, and is confirmed by an ultrasound examination during an intravaginal examination.

If there is such a problem, a woman may be unable to carry a normal pregnancy and give birth without medical intervention. A normal cervix has a length of approximately 4 cm. If in the 1st-2nd trimesters its shortening to 2-3 cm is observed, we can talk about the development of isthmic-cervical insufficiency. This condition is characterized by softening and expansion of the sphincter, as a result of which the first section of the birth canal may open, and this is fraught with premature birth.

The congenital form of ICI is most often associated with genetic predisposition or individual characteristics of the female body structure. The acquired nature of this pathological condition can be a consequence of medical and spontaneous abortions (miscarriages), previous births that were complicated by injuries (ruptures), as well as surgical interventions in the uterine cavity and other factors that one way or another lead to injury to the cervix and its deformation , scar formation, etc. Thus, an expectant mother diagnosed with a “short cervix” must follow the instructions of a gynecologist and, if necessary, undergo treatment in a hospital in order to maintain the pregnancy.

Drug treatment for short cervix

If a pregnant woman is diagnosed with a “short cervix,” the doctor prescribes treatment based on the specific situation. It is necessary to take into account the condition of the pregnant woman, the length of the cervix, concomitant pathologies, the results of studies and diagnostic measures. To avoid possible consequences, it is important to carry out early prevention of the disease: visit a gynecologist in a timely manner, use reliable methods of contraception, and plan your pregnancy wisely.

The medications prescribed for therapy will depend on the causes of the pathology. First of all, a pregnant woman needs to take a blood test to determine hormone levels. If the cause of cervical shortening is a hormonal imbalance, the danger can be eliminated with the help of hormonal therapy. A pregnant woman is prescribed glucocorticoid drugs: Microfollin, human chorionic gonadotropin, Turinal, Dexamethasone, etc.).

For minor changes in the cervix, a conservative method is used, which consists of intravenous administration of Ginipral or Magnesia. These medications eliminate the tone of the uterus. Other drugs include sedatives (motherwort, valerian), multivitamins, as well as drugs that relax the smooth muscles of the uterus. Several weeks of intensive therapy give a positive result, and the condition of the cervix stabilizes. If the problem remains, surgical correction (suturing) or an obstetric pessary is used to hold the uterus in the correct position.

If cervical insufficiency has developed due to a short cervix, the expectant mother is prescribed tocolytics - medications that help relax the uterus (b-adrenergic agonists, Magnesium sulfate, Indomethacin). To prevent placental insufficiency, vasodilators and vasoactive drugs, as well as low molecular weight dextrans, are used. Non-drug methods of therapy include acupuncture, electrorelaxation of the uterus, electroanalgesia, and endonasal galvanization.


A short cervix during pregnancy is often a factor that provokes the threat of miscarriage. If the condition worsens due to hormonal imbalance, the expectant mother is prescribed drugs whose action is aimed at reducing the contractile activity of the uterus.

Utrozhestan is one of these drugs (available in the form of capsules and vaginal suppositories). Its purpose is associated with a situation when insufficient production of the hormone progesterone occurs in the body of a pregnant woman. The dosage of this medication is selected individually in each case, based on the symptoms of threatened interruption and their severity. The usual dose is 200 to 400 mg/day. every 12 hours. The drug is contraindicated for liver disease and varicose veins.

In modern medicine, the use of Utrozhestan is widely practiced when there is a threat of miscarriage due to a lack of progesterone. Therefore, a pregnant woman should not worry that this hormonal drug may harm her health or negatively affect the development of the fetus. On the contrary, this medicine is necessary, and if taken as prescribed by the doctor, there will be no side effects. Moreover, we obtain this natural progesterone from plant materials. In the first trimester, intravaginal use of the drug is recommended, however, when used vaginally, the medicine is absorbed faster and better tolerated by the body.


A short cervix often provokes unforeseen complications during pregnancy (ICI, increased uterine tone, infection of the fetus), so it is important to identify the pathology in time and avoid serious problems.

Ginipral is prescribed to the expectant mother if she has uterine hypertonicity. This condition not only increases the risk of miscarriage or premature birth, but also “inhibits” the flow of nutrients and oxygen to the fetus. The drug is available in tablet form or as injections and has a direct effect on the vessels of the uterus, promoting “soft” relaxation of the reproductive organ. It should be noted that in the first trimester, taking this drug is contraindicated. Its administration is possible only after the 16th week, and the dosage and duration of administration are determined by the doctor. This requires control of blood pressure and blood sugar levels. If a pregnant woman has strong uterine tone, the dose of Ginipral can reach 500 mcg when taken every 3 hours.

Contraindications can also be noted: individual intolerance to the components of the drug, hyperfunction of the thyroid gland, glaucoma, bronchial asthma, heart disease, renal and liver failure. Side effects associated with the use of this medication include headaches, rapid heartbeat, agitation, and dizziness. Therefore, along with Ginipral, drugs are prescribed whose action is aimed at reducing cardiac activity. To avoid swelling in a pregnant woman, it is recommended to limit fluid and salt intake. The withdrawal of the drug is carried out gradually, the dose is reduced at each dose.


A short cervix is ​​a factor in the development of isthmic-cervical insufficiency, which means that a pregnant woman is at risk of spontaneous miscarriage or premature birth. When a pathology is identified, it is necessary to prescribe medications, the action of which is aimed at eliminating the main problem - uterine hypertonicity.

Magnesia (magnesium sulfate) is an effective drug that helps prevent various complications when there is a threat of miscarriage. Its action is aimed at relaxing muscle muscles and the walls of blood vessels, normalizing pressure, and accelerating the removal of fluid from the body. The effectiveness of this drug is manifested only with intramuscular and intravenous administration. Taking it in powder form will not give the desired result, since the drug will not enter the bloodstream from the intestinal tract.

The use of the drug is contraindicated before childbirth and in the first trimester of pregnancy. At later stages of pregnancy, such treatment should take place exclusively in a hospital, under the strict supervision of the attending physician. The dosage of magnesium will depend on the situation, i.e. the health status of the pregnant woman, as well as concomitant pathologies. As a rule, the usual dose of 25% of the medicine is 1-2 times a day, for the second stage of nephropathy - 4 times. It should be noted that the introduction of magnesium is a very painful process that requires the experience and skill of a medical specialist.

Side effects that may occur as a result of taking magnesia include weakness, drowsiness, anxiety, headaches, sweating, hypotension, and speech impairment. If blood pressure is low, the drug cannot be prescribed. In addition, its combination with biological food additives and calcium supplements is not allowed. Since there are risks involved in taking this medication, your doctor will weigh the pros and cons based on your specific situation before starting treatment.

Duphaston for short cervix

A short cervix can become a prerequisite for the threat of miscarriage, especially against the background of hormonal changes in the female body during pregnancy. In particular, this is due to a lack of progesterone, confirmed by laboratory tests.

Duphaston for a short cervix is ​​used if a pregnant woman has problems bearing a child and has uterine hypertonicity. This drug is a synthetic analogue of the hormone, but its structure is close to natural progesterone produced in a woman’s body. The effectiveness and safety of the drug (especially in the early stages, up to 16 weeks) has been proven by many years of its use. A positive property of the drug is its gentle effect on the liver and blood clotting. The treatment regimen and dosage of Duphaston should be selected by the doctor individually, based on the clinical picture and condition of the patient.

Typically, if there is a threat of miscarriage, the dosage of the drug is 40 mg once, and then reduced to 10 mg every 8 hours. Therapy continues until symptoms disappear completely. If symptoms recur after stopping Duphaston, it is necessary to continue therapy by returning to the optimal dosage.

Traditional treatment

A short cervix is ​​a pathology that can lead to such a dangerous condition during pregnancy as isthmic-cervical insufficiency. At the same time, the internal cervical pharynx is not able to cope with the “obturator” function, and it is more difficult for the uterus to hold the growing fetus in its cavity. Under pressure, the cervix shortens and opens even more, which provokes the threat of miscarriage or premature (most often rapid) labor. In addition, due to the deformed neck, favorable conditions are created for the penetration of infections.

Alternative treatment for the threat of miscarriage should be used with extreme caution, only after consultation with your doctor. In this case, effective means are:

  • A decoction of viburnum bark. One teaspoon of crushed viburnum root is poured into a glass of boiling water, placed on low heat and removed after 5 minutes. After the decoction has infused, you can start taking: 1-2 tbsp. spoons of the product throughout the day. You can also use viburnum flowers by taking approximately 30 grams of raw material and pouring 1.5 liters of boiling water over it. The broth is infused in a thermos for about 2 hours, then taken ¼ cup 3-4 times a day.
  • Dandelion decoction. A pinch of herb (5-10 g) should be poured with a glass of boiling water and boiled a little. It is recommended to use the finished product ¼ cup several times a day. Dandelion root can be used in the same dosages.

A good remedy is an infusion made from calendula flowers and St. John's wort. The ingredients should be taken in equal proportions and pour 200 g of boiling water, then leave in a thermos for half an hour. The finished infusion should be consumed throughout the day, 2 glasses each (you can add honey to taste).

Herbal treatment

A diagnosis such as a short cervix, if established during pregnancy, requires immediate methods to solve the problem, i.e. prescribing effective therapy aimed at preventing the threat of miscarriage. In addition to medications, which should be prescribed by a gynecologist (self-medication is excluded), herbs are often used that have a beneficial effect on the condition of the cervix and decrease the tone of the uterus.

Treatment with herbs should be strictly under the supervision of a doctor and with his permission, since some plants can have the opposite effect and harm the expectant mother and her child. Herbs that have proven to have a positive effect on the cervix, in particular its preparation for childbirth, include evening primrose (plant oil). This product is available in capsules and is most often prescribed to pregnant women from the 36th week. The plant promotes the synthesis of estrogen and testosterone, and also stimulates the production of prostaglandins. In addition, it is rich in healthy fatty acids (especially gamma-linolenic acid), which contributes to the elasticity of the cervix, as well as the prevention of cervical rupture during childbirth. Primrose is taken in the form of capsules, 2 pcs. per day, but from the 39th week you can gradually increase the dose to 3 capsules.

Decoctions of herbs (calendula, St. John's wort, viburnum, chamomile, etc.) also have a general strengthening effect on the pregnant woman's body, and also improve the tone of the uterus and help prevent the threat of miscarriage in combination with medications. Tea made from raspberry leaves has a good effect, it is recommended to take ½ cup before meals. Infusions of hawthorn and rose hips should be consumed in the morning, on an empty stomach.

No less useful is a decoction of strawberries, for the preparation of which you need to take 100 grams of berries and pour 1 liter of boiling water along with crushed dry leaves. Then the broth is brought to a boil and boiled for 30 minutes, filtered, cooled and taken half a glass (at least 1 liter) throughout the day.


A short cervix during pregnancy can cause the expectant mother a lot of troubles, one of which is ICI, leading to the threat of miscarriage or rapid labor (at a later stage). Along with drug therapy, the use of various homeopathic drugs is used, but their prescription should be carried out under the strict supervision of a doctor and only according to his instructions.

Homeopathy, aimed at preventing the threat of miscarriage and improving the condition of the uterus, includes taking the following medications:

  • Arnica – used in complex treatment for the development of isthmic-cervical insufficiency and the threat of miscarriage; improves blood circulation of the pelvic organs;
  • Aconitum - usually combined with other remedies for feelings of fear and anxiety, accelerated pulse accompanying ICN, has a calming effect on the nervous system;
  • Arsenicum album is an effective remedy that helps with the body’s tendency to miscarriage and is used to prevent recurrent miscarriage;
  • Chininum arsenicosum - this remedy has a good immunomodulatory effect and is prescribed for miscarriage and the threat of miscarriage due to infection of the genital tract, including due to a short cervix;
  • Sabina - the drug is indicated to prevent miscarriage, often in the early stages (8-12 weeks);
  • Zincum valerianicum - this remedy is used for hyperestrogenism, because. enhances the secretion of the hormone progesterone.

In addition to the above homeopathic drugs, a pregnant woman can be prescribed Calcium carbonicum, Sulfur, Silicea (as auxiliary drugs if the therapy is ineffective). When prescribing homeopathy, anamnesis is taken into account, as well as the characteristics of the patient’s constitutional type.

Surgical treatment of a short cervix

A short cervix diagnosed in a pregnant woman may require surgical intervention, especially when the threat of miscarriage increases, i.e. severe, progressive isthmic-cervical insufficiency is observed.

Surgical treatment includes the use of the following methods:

  • mechanical narrowing of the uterine internal os (a gentler method);
  • suturing the external pharynx (circular suture);
  • narrowing of the neck by strengthening its muscles along the side walls.

The main indications for the above manipulations are cases of premature birth and a history of miscarriages, as well as progressive insufficiency of the uterine cervix, i.e. its constant softening and shortening.

The main contraindications to surgical treatment can be:

  • increased excitability (uncorrectable) of the uterine walls;
  • various diseases of internal organs (liver, kidneys, heart);
  • genetic, mental illnesses;
  • bleeding during pregnancy;
  • the presence of developmental defects in the fetus.

It is most advisable to perform operations in the period from the 13th to the 27th week. In order to prevent the rise of infection, interventions can be carried out at a stage from 7 to 13 weeks. If there are contraindications, the pregnant woman is prescribed conservative therapy (drug reduction of uterine excitability), bed rest is recommended.

Bandage for short cervix

A short cervix is ​​not a death sentence, but during pregnancy it is advisable to prevent the development of isthmic-cervical insufficiency in order to maintain pregnancy. Many women are interested in whether it is possible to wear a bandage in this case.

A bandage for a short cervix is ​​indicated when the expectant mother experiences uterine hypertonicity against the background of a shortened cervix, which is physiologically unable to maintain the pressure of the uterus with the growing fetus. The fact is that high tone of the uterine muscles can provoke premature ripening of the cervix. This is fraught with its softening and opening, as well as increasing the risk of premature birth or miscarriage. In such cases, the pregnant woman is recommended to completely abstain from any physical activity and wear a special device - a support bandage.

You need to wear it correctly, without squeezing your tummy. Thanks to this proven remedy, it is possible to prevent early descent of the fetus, as well as ensure its correct location in the uterine cavity. In addition, modern bandages help a woman prevent the appearance of stretch marks, relieve physical fatigue, make walking easier, and avoid fatigue and heaviness in the body. A well-designed bandage can relieve excess stress from the spine and prevent the occurrence of lower back pain.

There are practically no contraindications to the use of such a device, but consultation with a doctor is mandatory. Typically, the use of a bandage is recommended for expectant mothers at 4-5 months of pregnancy, when the tummy begins to increase in size and the pressure of the fetus on the short cervix increases every day.

Ring for short cervix

A short cervix can cause many problems for a woman carrying a baby. This is due to the constant pressure of the uterus on the cervix due to the growing fetus. As a result of softening and even further shortening of this organ, isthmic-cervical insufficiency may occur, i.e. threat of miscarriage. In particularly severe cases, medical practice uses a special device - the so-called. "obstetric pessary". This involves a procedure called non-surgical cerclage.

The ring for a short cervix is ​​most often used for a period of 25 weeks or more, when suturing the cervix is ​​contraindicated for a pregnant woman to avoid injury to the amniotic sac and infection of the fetus. An analogy can be drawn between a pessary and a bandage, since both devices are designed to reduce the pressure of the uterus on the cervix and, thus, reduce the risk of infection of the fetus by preserving the cerumen plug.

To prevent infectious complications, the vagina and installed pessary are treated with special antiseptic agents every 15 days. This design is removed at 37-38 weeks of pregnancy.

There is also a relief pessary called a Meyer ring. This device is made of plastic and has a special shape. It is inserted into the vagina to support the cervix, as well as redistribute the weight of the fetus. This is one of the most effective methods of treating ICI, allowing you to maintain pregnancy. The Meyer ring is installed at any stage when the pregnant woman’s condition is not aggravated by other pathologies and the ICI is not advanced. Otherwise, this method of treatment can be used only as an auxiliary one.

Exercises for a short cervix

A short cervix is ​​a problem for a pregnant woman, because due to the short length (2.5-2 cm) of this organ, isthmic-cervical insufficiency can develop when the cervix softens and opens, causing the threat of miscarriage. In this case, the woman is prescribed special therapy aimed at maintaining pregnancy. She is advised to limit physical activity and adhere to bed rest (in particularly dangerous cases).

Exercises for a short cervix can only be prescribed by the attending physician, since with such a pathology you need to be as careful as possible so as not to provoke premature dilatation of the cervix. A pregnant woman should definitely consult a doctor on questions regarding physical exercise, its types and frequency.

If the expectant mother has uterine hypertonicity, low blood pressure, varicose veins, and there is also a threat of miscarriage due to a short cervix, gymnastics is contraindicated. In such situations, it is advisable to perform breathing exercises. In especially severe cases, when the threat of miscarriage increases, any physical activity should be avoided, since it can cause the most dangerous consequences (miscarriage, premature birth).

Today, many pregnant women practice Kegel exercises, aimed at physically preparing the muscles of the perineum and cervix for labor. These exercises can only be performed with the permission of a gynecologist, who will objectively assess the situation and health status of the expectant mother. The essence of Kegel exercises is to tighten the muscles of the vagina. The technique is simple: sitting on a chair, you need to slightly tilt your body forward, and then squeeze and unclench your vaginal muscles 10 times. You should do such simple but effective gymnastics 2-3 times a day.

Reading time: 9 minutes

Often during pregnancy, if a short cervix is ​​detected in the early weeks, the doctor can register the patient for the threat of miscarriage and prescribe certain treatment. As a rule, a small cervix is ​​rarely a congenital anomaly; often a change in its size is a consequence of aggressive intervention: hysteroscopy, abortion, curettage.

What is a short cervix

The length of the lower segment of the uterus is of great importance when carrying a child, so gynecologists pay special attention to this issue even when planning pregnancy. The length of a normal uterine cervix should be from 3.5 to 4 cm; if it is less than 2.5 cm, then the organ is considered short. While carrying a child, the cervix should be tightly closed, which prevents the fetus from appearing prematurely. The condition when the organ is short and involves premature opening is called isthmic-cervical insufficiency - it threatens the expectant mother with premature birth.

A shortened neck is a serious pathology that is almost asymptomatic, i.e. in most cases, girls do not even realize that there is a serious problem. A short organ threatens complications, especially for pregnant women. Only a gynecologist is able to determine the presence of a problem during a vaginal examination, but only a specialist who performed an ultrasound examination will make an accurate diagnosis.

Short cervix during pregnancy

If a woman has a short neck due to heredity, then this fact can be recognized long before pregnancy. Girls who regularly come to the gynecologist from the beginning of puberty, as a rule, are aware of the diagnosis. To avoid complications, the doctor must take it into account at the conception planning stage. If the patient came to the doctor already pregnant, then the specialist is able to determine the presence of pathology during a routine examination.

The anatomical feature in the form of a shortened neck poorly protects the fetus from infection. In addition, such a deviation can cause a woman to have a miscarriage or premature birth. This happens due to the fact that the small neck is not able to withstand the ever-increasing load due to water pressure. Even with timely delivery, a short organ can provoke an acceleration in the appearance of the fetus. Often the occurrence of pathology is facilitated by a hormonal disorder that appears in a pregnant woman at the 15th week.

Symptoms of shortening of the cervix

A woman may not feel any health problems for a long time, because the shortened neck does not manifest itself in any way. As a rule, a gynecologist makes a diagnosis during an examination or ultrasound examination. Only in 20% of cases does the pathology have symptoms that actively begin to appear at 15 weeks. This is no coincidence, because at this time, the fetus increases in size, gains weight, and puts more pressure on the muscular sphincter of the pharynx. A shortened cervix during pregnancy has the following symptoms:

  • mucous, bloody or watery vaginal discharge;
  • slight pain in the lower abdomen;
  • feeling of pressure, fullness in the vagina.

For any unfavorable symptoms, a woman should visit a doctor who will help determine the main cause of the problem. It is difficult to independently identify pathology; this will require a targeted study using ultrasound. The sooner a specialist diagnoses the disease, the faster therapeutic measures will be taken. Timely treatment with medications will help maintain pregnancy.

Reasons for shortening

A small cervix is ​​a dangerous pathology that has a negative impact on the normal bearing of a child. Aggravating circumstances of this condition may include multiple pregnancies, large fetuses, and polyhydramnios. The pathogenesis of the processes that determine the development of this disease depends on internal and external factors. The reasons for shortening the cervix during pregnancy may be the following:

  • hormonal disorders;
  • congenital pathologies of the structure of the uterus, which are caused by heredity (underdevelopment of the cervical canal, genital infantilism);
  • organ deformation;
  • hyperandrogenism (excessive production of male sex hormones - androgens);
  • connective tissue dysplasia;
  • mechanical injuries received during diagnostic curettages, abortions, surgical operations;
  • organ rupture during previous births.

Complications and consequences

A shortened organ does not cause discomfort in everyday life and does not have severe symptoms. Only when a woman is expecting a child can a gynecologist identify the problem during a medical examination. The consequences of the disease are serious. This concerns the threat of miscarriage or premature birth, because under the pressure of the baby, the cervix begins to open up and shorten more. To maintain pregnancy, it is important to diagnose the problem at an early stage in order to take measures to eliminate it. In addition, the following consequences of pathology may be observed:

  • infection of the fetus due to its insecurity;
  • rapid childbirth, accompanied by ruptures of the vagina and perineum;
  • development of ICI (isthmic-cervical insufficiency), this condition is accompanied by the inability of the uterus to hold the fetus.


Timely identification of the pathology will help the specialist select effective methods of treating it. As a rule, diagnosis of a shortened organ is carried out from the 11th week of pregnancy, when the patient is examined by a gynecologist and registered. Suspicion of the disease is the appearance of watery blood discharge and pain in the lower abdomen. In this case, only a comprehensive diagnosis will help to accurately establish the diagnosis, which includes:

  • mirror examination (determines the condition of the external pharynx);
  • urine test for ketosteroids;
  • tocography to determine the presence of contractions and uterine tone;
  • digital examination of the vagina (helps to assess the patency, length and condition of the organ);
  • blood test for antibodies to hCG;
  • ultrasound procedure;
  • blood and smear testing for the presence of bacterial infections (chlamydia, gonorrhea, mycoplasmosis);
  • determination of the level of hormones (testosterone, estrogen, progesterone) in the blood of a pregnant woman;
  • coagulogram;
  • blood test for thyroid hormone levels;
  • dynamic echography;
  • Doppler blood flow;
  • transvaginal echography;
  • cardiac monitoring (to determine the intrauterine condition of the child).

Differential diagnosis

It is almost impossible to make a diagnosis on your own. The symptoms can be so subtle that they can easily be ignored by the patient and the doctor. It is important to conduct a comprehensive examination, including palpation and gynecological examination. Differential diagnosis is used as a technique that is aimed at excluding possible diseases in the patient and establishing an accurate diagnosis. The success of such an audit is determined by a thorough due diligence examination.

Differential diagnosis in case of threat of early labor is carried out with diseases of the abdominal organs: septic colitis, acute appendicitis, cystitis, diseases of the urinary tract. A dangerous condition is often differentiated with acute pyelonephritis, food toxic infection, renal colic, and the presence of fibroids. For an accurate diagnosis, assistance from doctors of other specialties may be required.

Can the cervix lengthen during pregnancy?

When carrying a baby, the cervix may undergo various changes. Depending on the circumstances, it either lengthens or shortens. If the patient has been doing hard work all day, the neck will shorten. Although after a good rest it may lengthen. The main thing is to visit the doctor on time and follow all the recommendations given by the gynecologist. A short neck during pregnancy is often corrected surgically or conservatively.

Based on what week of pregnancy the specialist chooses a specific treatment method. Women whose organ length is 30 mm before week 20 are at risk and are closely monitored by a gynecologist. For multiple births up to 28 weeks, the norm is 36 mm, for primigravidas - 45 mm. If the neck length is 20 mm, surgical intervention is required. The organ can be lengthened with the help of medications, but they should only be prescribed by a gynecologist.

How to lengthen the cervix during pregnancy

Treatment of a short neck requires strict supervision by a gynecologist, who will determine the most effective methods. If the patient experiences a slight change in the length of the uterus, the specialist may prescribe treatment with medications that are aimed at reducing tone. As a rule, for this purpose, the patient is indicated for intravenous administration of Magnesia and Ginipral. Pregnant women with ICI may be prescribed hormonal therapy, surgical and conservative treatment. This depends on the threat of miscarriage and the duration of the pregnancy.

Conservative treatment

If during examination the doctor finds softening and hypertonicity of the uterus, he may prescribe medications. The most important recommendation for a patient with a short neck is to limit any physical activity. If the appearance of the ICI condition is caused by a lack of hormones, then the specialist may prescribe medications such as Duphaston, Turinal, Microfollin, Dexamethasone. If the patient is at risk of premature birth, the doctor will suggest that the pregnant woman undergo suturing. In addition, additional treatments may include:

  • Homeopathy. A doctor can prescribe auxiliary drugs Sulfur, Calcium carbonicum, Silicea to a pregnant woman.
  • Herbal treatment. Decoctions of calendula, viburnum, St. John's wort, and chamomile have a general strengthening effect on a woman's body. Such therapy should be carried out under the supervision of a physician.
  • Bandage. Thanks to this tool, you can ensure the correct positioning of the fetus and prevent its early descent.
  • Gynecological ring or obstetric pessary. It is used for a period of 25 weeks or more, when the pregnant woman cannot use sutures to avoid infection of the fetus.

Treatment with Utrozhestan

Hormonal imbalance during pregnancy can provoke the appearance of isthmic-cervical insufficiency, which negatively affects the health of mother and baby. In this condition, the doctor may prescribe medications whose action is aimed at reducing the activity of the uterus. The most popular is Utrozhestan, available in the form of vaginal suppositories and capsules.

The dosage of the medication is selected individually, based on the symptoms and the severity of the threat of interruption. Typically, the dose is 200 or 400 mg every 12 hours. When taken vaginally, the medicine is absorbed faster and better tolerated by the body. Natural progesterone Utrozhestan is contraindicated for varicose veins and liver disease.

Surgical intervention

Surgical treatment is best performed from the 13th to the 27th week. To prevent infection, it is better to carry out interventions from the 7th to the 13th week. Indications for surgery may include premature birth, abortion, or rapid progression of pathology. In addition, when the pharynx opens, there is also a need for sutures. Surgery is performed in several ways:

  • narrowing of the cervix by strengthening the muscles along the side walls of the organ;
  • suturing the external pharynx;
  • mechanical narrowing of the internal os of the uterus.

Often, with a shortened neck, cerclage is performed - an operation to apply temporary sutures. It is carried out until the 28th week of pregnancy. The procedure helps prevent premature dilation of the uterus. Typically, staples and sutures are removed when the amniotic fluid breaks. Contraindications for the operation:

  • genetic, mental diseases;
  • kidney, heart, liver diseases;
  • child developmental defects;
  • bleeding during pregnancy;
  • increased excitability.

Short cervix during childbirth

If a woman managed to carry a fetus to term with isthmic-cervical insufficiency and the birth was on time, this does not mean that complications were avoided. A short cervix affects the entire period of delivery. Often childbirth occurs quickly or rapidly. A woman who is preparing to become a mother for the first time can give birth in 4 hours, and a multiparous woman in just 2. Such a rapid delivery is dangerous due to complications, injuries and ruptures. Therefore, the pathology requires timely treatment.


To avoid the appearance of such a pathology as a shortened cervix, it is necessary to follow a number of preventive recommendations and rules:

  • using reliable contraception to protect against unplanned pregnancy;
  • regular visits to the gynecologist;
  • maintaining a healthy lifestyle sexually;
  • proper pregnancy planning;
  • constant health monitoring;
  • For chronic diseases, it is necessary to undergo colposcopy.


Probably the biggest danger facing a woman during pregnancy may be the threat of miscarriage or. Because if this happens, then neither illness, nor treatment, nor other factors will have any special significance - there is no pregnancy.

The threat can hang over each of the expectant mothers at any period of gestation and for one of the many possible reasons for this. One of these is a short cervix during pregnancy.

What are the dangers of a short cervix during pregnancy?

Normally, the size of a woman’s cervix is ​​on average 4 cm. But in some cases it can be shortened or even short. This diagnosis is made if the length of the cervix is ​​2 centimeters or less.

A short cervix may be one of the signs of the so-called cervical insufficiency (ICI). This is a condition in which pregnancy is at risk due to the physiological inability of the cervix and isthmus of the uterus to support the fetus in the cavity. That is, under the pressure of an ever-growing baby, the cervix opens and a miscarriage or premature birth occurs. In addition, a deformed cervix is ​​not able to protect the fetus from infections. And during childbirth, this condition is also dangerous due to the rapid course of events and, as a result, ruptures of the cervix and vagina.

The gynecologist may suspect that the cervix is ​​shortened during an examination, but usually the pathology is detected during a transvaginal ultrasound.

Why is the cervix short?

It can be congenitally short (when the anatomical features of the structure are present), but most often it is an acquired characteristic. In what cases does the cervix shorten?

Well, firstly, during pregnancy this can happen due to hormonal imbalances. The risk of developing this condition increases from 1 to 27 weeks of pregnancy, most often occurring at 16 weeks.

Also, the cervix often becomes shorter after mechanical damage due to various intrauterine interventions: abortion, curettage, or previous pregnancies. Scars form on it, as a result of which the cervix loses its ability to stretch, becomes deformed and shortens.

What to do if the cervix is ​​short during pregnancy?

The very first and true thing is complete peace and a particularly attentive and careful attitude towards yourself. If you have a short cervix, you must constantly be under medical supervision, periodically undergoing examinations with a gynecologist.

Caused by hormonal imbalances, ICI is usually corrected with medications.

If the situation is critical, you will most likely have temporary sutures placed on your uterus, which will be removed before giving birth. This procedure is called cervical cerclage and is performed under general anesthesia, so there is no need to worry.

Your doctor may suggest that you wear a pessary - a special gynecological ring that will hold the cervix in a stable state, preventing its premature dilatation. Wearing a ring may cause some discomfort at first, but this quickly passes, and in order to maintain the pregnancy it is quite possible to endure it.

It should be said that women often refuse any safety measures, relying on chance. Sometimes they actually carry their babies to term safely and give birth on time. But many pay too high a price for their decision. So if your doctor insists on stitches or a pessary and you trust him, then the best thing to do is listen.

But ideally, of course, let everything be good and stable for you!

Especially for- Elena Kichak

A short cervix during pregnancy is not such a rare problem, and the main feature of this pathological condition is the absence of pronounced clinical symptoms for a long time. A shortening of the cervix can be determined by an obstetrician-gynecologist when monitoring the expectant mother.

Shortening of the cervical canal is a dangerous pathology that can have a negative impact on pregnancy. Therefore, during pregnancy, you should regularly visit your doctor to promptly identify situations that require correction. It is important to know the probable causes, as well as the signs of shortening, and the expected complications that can be caused by this pathological condition.

ICD-10 code

According to the international classification of diseases ICD-10, the pathology has code O34.4 and refers to other anomalies of the cervix that require medical care for the expectant mother.

Causes of a short cervix

Very short cervix

Shortening the cervix may not cause the woman any discomfort, but still this situation is pathological due to the fact that the short cervical canal does not properly fix the closed state of the uterus. For this reason, when a problem is identified, a woman should be regularly observed by specialists to monitor the condition.

A very short length of the cervix (less than two centimeters) is extremely dangerous, as it provokes miscarriage or rapid labor. To correct ICI, the woman is prescribed glucocorticoid drugs, and, if necessary, temporary sutures are placed on the uterus. Another correction method is overlay. Physical activity should also be limited.

Complications and consequences

Complications with insufficient cervix length may include miscarriages, pathological delivery, early labor or its rapid course. All this negatively affects the health of mother and child.

Timely detection of the problem allows timely determination of measures to correct the ICI. It is important to follow all doctor's orders and follow all recommendations. Throughout pregnancy, ultrasound monitoring determines the length of the cervix, which makes it possible to detect any abnormalities as early as possible.

Diagnosis of a short cervix

Shortening of the cervix can be detected as early as 11 weeks of gestation. Diagnostics involves:

  • digital examination of the vagina to assess the length of the cervix, patency and condition of the cervical canal;
  • ultrasound examination, which is the main method of identifying and instrumental monitoring of ICI;
  • examination in mirrors to record the condition of the external pharynx.

Diagnostic criteria for ICN are the length of the organ is 20-25 millimeters and the opening of the canal is more than 9 millimeters. This situation requires the immediate initiation of corrective measures.

Important! Natural opening of the cervix is ​​possible immediately before delivery, but not before the time predetermined by nature.


To clarify the diagnosis and determine the general health of the expectant mother, additional laboratory tests are prescribed:

  1. Detection of bacterial infectious pathologies, sexually transmitted diseases (blood).
  2. Determination of intrauterine infectious pathologies - herpes, rubella, toxoplasmosis, cytomegalovirus (blood).
  3. Determination of the level of human chorionic gonadotropin hormone, testosterone, estrogen and progesterone, as well as thyroid hormones in the blood.
  4. Urine analysis for ketosteroids.
  5. Coagulogram.
  6. Determination of lupus anticoagulant.

Instrumental diagnostics

The list of necessary instrumental diagnostic methods includes:

  • transvaginal ultrasound examination;
  • tocography, which is implemented to identify uterine tone and contractions;
  • dynamic echography, which is important in case of threatened miscarriage;
  • Doppler blood flow (uteroplacental and fetal);
  • cardiac monitoring.

Shortening of the cervix during pregnancy

Shortening of the cervix is ​​a dangerous condition that requires strict dynamic monitoring and the adoption of timely measures if correction is necessary. The short length of the canal outside of gestation does not pose a threat to the woman, but during gestation it can cause serious health problems for both mother and child.

What can a short cervix cause during pregnancy?

This pathological condition in the early stages creates the threat of miscarriage and miscarriage, and in the later stages - the rapid progress of labor or its premature onset. A shortened cervix is ​​not capable of supporting the uterus with a growing child. In addition, due to the short length of the cervical canal, the barrier function deteriorates and the risk of intrauterine infection of the child increases.

To prevent problems during pregnancy, you must regularly visit your doctor. Currently, there are effective ways to correct ICI and prevent the negative consequences of this condition.

Childbirth and short cervix

In case of negative dynamics when monitoring a woman with ICI, hospitalization is required. The negative direction of dynamics is understood as a sharp decrease in the length and smoothing of the cervix. Hospitalization is also advisable if the woman has a history of early childbirth. Upon admission to the hospital, manifestations of premature birth are eliminated and the patient is transferred to the pathology department for subsequent therapy.

If the woman had stitches to allow her to bear the baby, the doctor removes them before giving birth. Since with a short cervical canal there is a high risk of rapid delivery, the woman in labor should be under the constant supervision of specialists to prevent ruptures and other complications of the birth process.

Treatment of a short cervix

In case of minor changes in the cervix, conservative therapeutic measures are sufficient. The expectant mother is prescribed medications to relieve excess uterine tone and return the cervix to an acceptable state. To do this, medications such as magnesia and are administered intravenously.

Suturing the cervix

In a number of clinical situations, prompt measures to correct the condition may be required. Their list should include:

  1. Mechanical narrowing of the internal pharynx (the most acceptable technique).
  2. Suturing the external pharynx.
  3. Strengthening the muscle structures along the lateral walls of the cervix to narrow the canal.

Surgery may be prescribed if there is a history of miscarriages and early births, or with intensive progression of ICI. However, surgical correction may be contraindicated in pathological conditions of the cardiovascular system, liver, kidneys, hereditary and mental pathologies, uncorrectable increased excitability of the uterine walls, bleeding, and developmental abnormalities of the child.

The operation can be performed between 13 and 27 weeks of pregnancy. To prevent upward transmission of infection, intervention can be done from 7 to 13 weeks. If there are contraindications, conservative therapy is carried out, bed rest and drug reduction of uterine excitability are recommended.

There are also non-surgical methods for correcting the condition. They are safe, non-invasive and easy to perform in an outpatient setting. These include the installation of a pessary or Golgi ring. These correction methods show effectiveness in cases of mild manifestations of pathology. However, these techniques are also advisable after surgical correction to reduce pressure on the sutured neck.


Shortening of the cervix is ​​most often detected when a woman is registered to monitor the pregnancy process. After all diagnostic studies, when determining the threat of miscarriage, the doctor must select a set of measures to maintain the pregnancy.

In order to prevent the consequences of this pathology, you need to understand the importance of early preventive measures. Prevention should be aimed at implementing the following recommendations:

  1. Regular visits to the gynecologist for early diagnosis of pathological conditions of the reproductive system and their timely correction.
  2. Use reliable contraception to protect against unwanted pregnancy, abortion and infections.
  3. The right approach to planning the birth of a child, especially rational for women who have a history of miscarriages or early births.
  4. A healthy lifestyle, including regarding its intimate sphere.
  5. Monitoring your health status and promptly contacting a specialist if alarming signs appear.

If shortening is detected after pregnancy, the woman should be attentive to her health and follow all medical prescriptions and recommendations. It is important to limit physical activity, wear a bandage, and abstain from active sex life.

A short cervix is ​​a typical pathology, detected mainly in pregnant women, usually detected from 11–18 weeks of gestation. Does this problem pose a threat to the expectant mother and child? How to detect it in time? Is it possible to cure the pathology? You will read about this and much more in our article.


There are many reasons for the formation of a short cervix. Some of them are congenital, while others are acquired. The most common:

  • Genetic predisposition. A proven factor in the congenital form of pathology is heredity, which provokes a special structure of the genital organs and their elements;
  • Congenital anomalies. In addition to heredity, during the intrauterine development of the expectant mother, as well as at the stage of maturation of the body (up to puberty), there is a chance of the formation of anomalies - various defects and underdevelopment of the uterus in general and the cervical canal in particular, genital infantilism;
  • Hormonal imbalances. Due to the influence of various negative factors that provoke hormonal disorders (for example, with hyperandrogenism), there is a high probability of secondary changes in the soft tissue of the genital organs;
  • Mechanical injuries. Difficult previous births, abortions, various surgical interventions contribute to the formation of a short cervix;
  • Connective tissue dysplasia. The problem most often occurs against the background of an increase in relaxin levels;
  • Volumetric internal formations. Both malignant and benign formations inside the organ create the prerequisites for the development of various pathologies, including structural changes in the cervix.

As modern gynecological practice shows, in the vast majority of cases, a short cervix is ​​diagnosed during a woman’s pregnancy - previously this pathology is asymptomatic and does not manifest itself in any way.

Potential external symptoms that may indicate a problem are also not specific. It can be attributed to a number of other negative circumstances. Moreover, the problem does not appear from the beginning of pregnancy, but as the fetus grows, starting from 15–20 weeks and later. The most significant primary signs:

  • Unusual vaginal discharge. They can be either watery or mixed with blood clots;
  • Mild pain in the lower abdomen, usually developing during physical activity. Sometimes, the pain radiates to the lower back.

The main danger of a negative condition lies in the formation of isthmic-cervical insufficiency (ICI), which ultimately leads to the inability of the uterus to hold the fetus. The cervix gradually comes off, which provokes a miscarriage (in the early stages), premature pregnancy (in the middle stages) or a rapid course of labor during physical pregnancy.

In addition to the dangers described above, a partially open cervix provokes the penetration of various infections in the form of bacterial and viral agents, since the physical barrier between the placenta and the external environment is de facto broken. The problem can be aggravated by polyhydramnios (a large amount of amniotic fluid), the large size of the unborn child, its low or incorrect presentation.

The following parameters are considered pathology:

  • The length of the uterine element is from 2 to 3 centimeters, the diameter of the internal os is from 0.9 to 1.2 centimeters - a shortened or short cervix;
  • The length of the uterine element is less than 2 centimeters, the diameter of the internal pharynx is from 1.2 centimeters - a very short cervix.

As a rule, pathology can be visually and instrumentally diagnosed as early as 11–12 weeks of pregnancy, naturally with a highly qualified specialist and modern equipment. In case of subjective complaints from the patient or the doctor, the following diagnostic procedures are applied:

  • Digital examination of the organ with a qualitative assessment of the length of the neck, the condition of the canal and its patency;
  • Examination using a gynecological speculum, allowing monitoring of the external pharynx;
  • Ultrasonography.

Based on the procedures described above, an appropriate preliminary diagnosis is made to clarify the degree of threat of miscarriage within the framework of the development of isthmic-cervical insufficiency.

Typical laboratory methods used in this situation:

  • Coagulogram;
  • Determination of levels of individual hormones (progesterone, testosterone and estrogen);
  • Taking a smear for bacterial infections;
  • Analysis for the presence of intrauterine infections and antibodies in hCG (human chorionic gonadotropin);
  • Detailed biochemical blood test;
  • Urine test for ketosteroids;
  • Other techniques if necessary.

Only after the complex diagnostic procedures described above, a specialized specialist prescribes appropriate treatment, taking into account the individual characteristics of the woman’s body, the presence of concomitant chronic diseases, the current state of the pathology and other factors.

It is impossible to completely get rid of the pathology of a short cervix during pregnancy - the only method available for this (a fairly complex plastic surgery) can only be performed if the fair sex is not in an interesting position, and conception is only planned in the future.

All the main efforts of complex therapy, including conservative treatment, physiotherapeutic techniques and surgical intervention, are aimed at preventing complete premature dilatation of the cervix and the onset of labor, leading to miscarriage in the early stages and or the birth of a very premature baby in later stages. If the expectant mother was able to carry the fetus to term before the expected date of physiological birth, then in most cases it proceeds normally, but under the additional supervision of a medical specialist who complements the midwife due to the rapidity of the process itself. Caesarean section can be prescribed only in exceptional cases if there are appropriate indications.

Drug therapy:

  • Glucocorticosteroid drugs. Designed to normalize hormonal levels in cases where the main pathological factor that increases the risk of premature softening of the cervix and its dilatation is a corresponding imbalance of biologically active substances that regulate the metabolic and physiological functions of the body of the fair sex. Typical drugs in this group are Dexamethasone, Prednisolone, Turinal, human chorionic gonadotropin;
  • Inhibitors of uterine tone. Tocolytics are used as an addition to hormonal therapy to eliminate the tone of the organ, which has an inducing effect on the start of labor, the formation of uterine contractions and dilation of the cervix. Typical representatives are Ginipral (intravenously or orally in tablet form), other beta-adrenergic agonists and Magnesia (intramuscular magnesium sulfate);
  • Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. To reduce the level of potential inflammatory processes and as an analgesic, Indomethacin and Diclofenac in tablet forms are used;
  • Preventative drugs. Used to prevent placental insufficiency. Typical groups are vasoactive and vasodilating drugs, low molecular weight dextrans;
  • Antispasmodics. Designed to relieve spasms and tone smooth muscles. Typical representatives are Drotaverine and Spazmalgon;
  • Sedatives and vitamins. As an addition to the main therapy, the use of valerian with motherwort, as well as specialized ones, may be prescribed.

Physiotherapeutic procedures:

  • Acupuncture;
  • Electroanalgesia;
  • Endonasal galvanization;
  • Electro-relaxation.


In the absence of the necessary effect from conservative therapy and additional instrumental procedures, a specialized specialist may decide to suture the cervix. The radical technique is prescribed from 13 to 27 weeks of actual pregnancy in the absence of direct contraindications such as the presence of systemic chronic diseases of the kidneys, liver, cardiovascular system, infectious lesions, as well as mental and genetic syndromes.

The procedure itself (called cervical cerclage) is performed using a needle and surgical sutures directly through the vagina or using laparoscopy. Basic approaches to suturing:

  • Suturing the external pharynx with kengut threads to create a complete closed space in the uterus. Not effective in the presence of erosion on the cervix;
  • Narrowing of the internal pharynx with the formation of a hole for drainage.

After the operation, the woman must follow a special regime (antiseptic treatment of the vagina, maximum rest without physical activity, limiting the consumption of liquids, prevention of viral and bacterial infections, etc.), and the sutures applied are removed by the 37th week, after which the pregnant woman will be able to give birth physiologically or through cesarean section section.

Preventive measures for a short vaginal neck are relevant only in cases where the pathology was identified in advance and did not have time to manifest itself. If the organ is regularly in good shape, characteristic vaginal discharge is observed, other symptoms appear that precede isthmic-cervical insufficiency, then classical preventive measures will not work to protect the fetus from premature exit - complex therapy is necessary.

Basic principles of prevention include:

  • A special set of exercises;
  • Special regime;
  • Installation of an obstetric pessary.

Special regime

It is prescribed when there is a high probability of developing isthmic-cervical insufficiency, when there are no visible symptoms of the pathology yet, but data from laboratory tests, ultrasound and other diagnostic methods clearly indicate the presence and potential development of the problem described above.

First of all, physical activity is limited - this is carrying heavy objects, running, exhausting and long work. In the early and middle stages of pregnancy with a short cervix, the gynecologist recommends refraining from sexual intercourse. In especially severe cases, bed rest is prescribed.

Exercises for a short cervix during pregnancy

In the absence of uterine tone in the active phase, varicose veins, low blood pressure and a direct threat of miscarriage, a specialized specialist may prescribe a set of Kegel exercises. It is quite simple to perform even at home. However, it is worth considering the potential dangers of physical activity and not prescribing it yourself - this is the prerogative exclusively of a gynecologist, who will be able to professionally assess the potential benefits and risks, if necessary, replacing Kegel exercises with classical breathing exercises or elements of light yoga.

Before performing the basic complex, it is necessary to empty the bladder and intestines as much as possible. During gymnastic actions, it is undesirable to strain muscle groups other than those indicated, and the procedures themselves are carried out sitting, lying or standing - in a position comfortable for the pregnant woman from 2 to 4 times a day for 3-4 weeks or longer (on the special recommendation of a doctor).

  • Voltage. Smoothly tense the pelvic floor muscles (PFM) and hold them in this state for about 10 seconds, then smoothly relax and after 2-3 seconds repeat the action again - a total of 2-4 sets of 10 cycles;
  • Relaxation. Smoothly contract the MTD for 3-5 seconds, then quickly relax and repeat the procedure after 5 seconds. A total of 3-4 approaches of 10-12 times;
  • Moving. Imagine that your body is in an elevator that moves quickly down and up the shaft of a multi-story building. Start with a potential lift, tightening the MTD accordingly and gradually increasing the holding force over 10-12 seconds. After completing the first stage of the trip (the elevator has arrived at the top floor), begin to relax slowly, again for about 10-13 seconds (the elevator goes down all the way to the basement), reaching the peak of relaxation on the last lower “floors”. Repeat the event 5–10 times;
  • Ripple. Contract the vaginal muscles first in waves, and then the anal area, and then relax in the reverse order. 1 cycle of such a “wave” is 10 seconds. The total number of repetitions per lesson is from 5 to 20;
  • Fixation. From a state of complete relaxation, imitate pushing in the same way as you strain during bowel movements. Hold the contraction at its peak for about 3-5 seconds, then relax by breathing deeply. A total of 10–15 repetitions per lesson.

Pessary for short cervix

An obstetric pessary is a special mechanical product, which is a structure of several rings and is designed to constantly support the uterus during pregnancy. It is made from elastic, hypoallergenic material and is a modern alternative to surgical suturing of the cervix.

The main functional task of the pessary is to redistribute the load on the uterus in the direction of reducing the pressure of the growing fetus. Typically, device installation is prescribed in the presence of ICI, multiple pregnancies, as well as preventive measures to reduce the risks of miscarriage and premature birth.

The procedure for introducing the structure itself is not painful, although somewhat unpleasant, it is carried out by a gynecologist and takes about 5 minutes. Important factors:

  • Selecting a quality product. The purchased products must be certified and made from the highest quality materials that do not have sharp corners, burrs, and so on;
  • Right size. A qualified specialist will help you choose the most suitable pessary size so that the ring “falls” in the exact physiological place allotted to it. This parameter correlates with linear indicators of cervical diameter, the volume of the upper third of the vagina and the number of previous births;
  • No local infections. The product can be installed only if the pregnant woman does not have local or systemic sexually transmitted infections, for example, candidiasis.

Before installing the pessary, the patient is moved to the gynecological chair. The structure is lubricated with glycerin and inserted into the vagina, after which it is correctly positioned by an experienced gynecologist. The device is removed from the 36th week of pregnancy, when the period of physiological labor is approaching. While wearing, there is no discomfort or unpleasant sensations, no specific maintenance of the structure is required - you just need to avoid vaginal sex, regularly perform general hygiene of the intimate areas, and also undergo a routine examination by a gynecologist every month with a smear test for bacterial infections.

A short cervix during pregnancy should not be taken as a death sentence for the unborn child. Under a certain set of circumstances with a combination of various negative factors, there is a risk of miscarriage or premature birth, but modern medicine, with timely access to specialized specialists, will reduce them to a minimum.

  • Be sure to visit a gynecologist. Any representative of the fair sex in an interesting position is obliged to take care of the health and life of the unborn baby, especially if she has been diagnosed with a pathology of a short cervix. Regular visits to a specialized specialist with the necessary tests and ultrasound will allow you to quickly monitor potentially dangerous situations and respond to them in a timely manner;
  • Do not self-medicate. Any medications, instrumental techniques, gymnastics and other activities must be prescribed or, as a last resort, agreed upon with the attending physician, who takes into account the individual characteristics of the body of the future woman in labor, the presence of negative factors, the current state of the woman’s health and other nuances;
  • Follow the regime. If you have a short cervix during pregnancy, limiting physical activity becomes mandatory for every woman.

Sex with a short cervix during pregnancy

As modern gynecological practice shows, in the vast majority of cases, pregnancy provokes an increase in sexual desire - this is due to complex biochemical processes of radical restructuring of the entire body and changes in hormonal levels. That is why, in the presence of pathology of a short cervix, special attention must be paid to sex.

Gynecologists here recommend limiting or completely stopping any contact in the first trimester of pregnancy, when the potential risk of miscarriage is high. Starting from the second trimester and in the absence of obvious signs of isthmic-cervical insufficiency, as well as other complications, sex is possible with restrictions on the intensity of sexual intercourse. Starting from the third trimester, restrictions on sexual intercourse are lifted.

It is worth understanding that each case is individual and the recommendations presented above must be agreed upon with the specialized gynecologist who is managing the woman’s pregnancy.