How does the Earth's magnetic field affect a person? I. Earth’s magnetic field Features of the Earth’s magnetic field

It is known that the Earth's magnetic field protects us from the harmful effects of sunlight, but it can also have a direct effect on the human body. Both favorable and negative.

Magnetic field and living organism

Modern science has already proven that the Earth's magnetic field affects living organisms. It has also been established that living beings not only perceive electromagnetic currents, but also generate their own.

Biophysicists and doctors note the positive effect of the magnetic field on the circulatory system - the condition of blood vessels, the activity of oxygen transfer through the blood, and the transport of nutrients.

Back in the 19th century, the French neuropathologist J. M. Charcot and the Russian clinician S. P. Botkin drew attention to the fact that the magnetic field has a calming effect on the nervous system.
Soviet scientist A. S. Presman put forward a hypothesis according to which electromagnetic fields existing in nature had an impact on the evolution of living organisms. According to Presman's theory, along with energy interactions, information interactions play a significant role in biological processes. Moreover, if the sensitivity of the perceiving systems is high enough, the transmission of information by an electromagnetic field can be carried out using very low energy. This theory has been confirmed in the research of modern, in particular, American scientists.

Pervasive Impact

The characteristics of the influence of a magnetic field on a person are fundamentally different from any other influence - chemical, thermal, radiation, electrical. For example, if the muscles and circulatory system can partially bypass the dangerous current, and the radiation is partially absorbed by the surface layers of the body, then the magnetic field affects the entire body.
Employees of the Institute of Terrestrial Magnetism, Ionosphere and Radio Wave Propagation of the Russian Academy of Sciences suggest that magnetic fields operate in the ultra-low frequency range, and therefore correspond to basic physiological rhythms - heart, brain, and breathing rhythms.

In particular, it has been confirmed that the frequencies of the so-called “Schumann resonance” (amplification of electromagnetic atmospheric noise) coincide with the frequencies of the brain.

According to scientists, unlike other physiological influences, a person may not feel the wobbling of the magnetic field, but the body still reacts to it, first of all, with functional changes in the nervous, cardiovascular systems and brain activity.

Magnetic field and psyche

Psychiatrists have long traced the connection between surges in the intensity of the Earth’s magnetic field and exacerbations of mental illness, which often lead to suicide. Leading psychiatrist at Columbia University in the USA, Kelly Posner, notes that “the most likely explanation for the close relationship between psychological abnormalities in people and geomagnetic storms is that there is a mismatch in the body’s circadian rhythms (cyclical fluctuations in the intensity of various biological processes with a period of approximately 20 to 28 hours. ) and a failure in the production of melatonin, the main hormone of the pineal gland, responsible for the regulation of circadian rhythms.

Geomagnetic storms directly affect the body’s internal biological clock in a destructive manner, thereby provoking the onset of depression and increasing the likelihood of suicide.”

British scientists also drew attention to the connection between neuropsychic disorders and processes in the Earth’s magnetic field. They were able to identify this pattern by studying about 40 thousand patients.

Response to magnetic storms

At one time, domestic biophysicist Alexander Chizhevsky, based on numerous statistical data, pointed out the seriousness of the impact of geomagnetic storms on human health. Such storms, according to the scientist, are responsible for outbreaks of plague, cholera, diphtheria, influenza, meningitis and even relapsing fever.
The Yerevan Medical Institute studied the effect of disturbances in the Earth's magnetic field on the incidence of myocardial infarction. This disease is convenient for research because it is possible to clearly determine the time of its onset, and then correlate the data with the time of the onset of magnetic storms.
Research has shown that on the day of the magnetic storm and over the next two days, the number of people calling for cardiovascular problems, as well as the number of fatal cases, increased.

But doctors say that most often the human body reacts to disturbances in the Earth’s magnetic field not immediately, but about a day after the start of a magnetic storm.

Numerous studies show that geomagnetic activity also affects the circulatory system. Even during storms of moderate intensity, blood clotting increases approximately 2.5 times, and the erythrocyte sedimentation rate also increases, which leads to the risk of thrombosis.

"Magnetic field deficiency syndrome"

Doctor of Biological Sciences Petr Vasilik discovered that during periods of strengthening of the Earth’s magnetic field, human growth slowed down, but now humanity is experiencing a period of decline in the activity of the planet’s magnetic field and, accordingly, Vasilik explains this acceleration observed today.

And according to the Japanese scientist and doctor Kyochi Nakagawa, weakening geomagnetic activity is the cause of many disorders: poor sleep, loss of appetite, decreased immunity, a tendency to frequent diseases, diseases of the joints, skin, genitourinary system, nervousness and general weakness.

Nakagawa's theory was called "Magnetic Field Deficiency Syndrome".
However, a magnetic field deficiency can be caused artificially. For example, in a spaceship or submarine, a magnetic field shielding effect is created. In people exposed to such conditions for a long time, significant impairments in functional indicators were observed, a decrease in metabolism and a decrease in the total number of leukocytes in the blood were observed, and precursors of various diseases appeared.

Creation date: 2015/02/16

How do electromagnetic fields affect the human body? Without an answer to this burning question, the further development of civilization, in which almost all equipment runs on electricity, is impossible; the problem of the negative impact of these fields is of direct importance for everyday medical practice. Indeed, in recent years in Russia, environmental pollution by electromagnetic radiation, both in production and non-production, has increased significantly: seven million computers, six and a half million kilometers of power lines, four hundred thousand mobile phones and other electronic amusements that the departed 20th century gave us are indecently emitting century

It is significant not only for its brutal wars and numerous revolutions. One of them, the scientific and technical one, passed bloodlessly, but not without leaving a trace. We swapped the typewriter for a computer keyboard and got used to talking on the phone on the go. But the things without which we can no longer imagine our lives not only make our work and life easier, but also frighten us - like everything that has not been fully studied.

The computer is becoming more and more part of our lives, but electromagnetic radiation emanating from all its parts negatively affects human health. The computer has such radiation, however, like any device that operates from the mains.

Of course, the radiation level from a toaster or refrigerator is disproportionately lower than from a computer monitor. But in vain it > is associated with something like X-ray or radioactive, that is, provoking cancer. Experts will say that the amount of ionizing radiation created by the cathode ray tube inside the monitor is insignificant and is very effectively shielded by the glass of the tube. But the harmful effects of normal levels of electromagnetic radiation on the human body have not yet been proven. At the very least, there is no unanimity among doctors and consumer advocates on these issues.

A hundred years ago, the telephone was a wheezing, hissing device that could hardly convey the voice of the operator, but now you can answer a call even from the North Pole. The world has become more mobile, Bell's invention has changed along with the world. But the more advanced the device becomes, the more fear it causes among people. The fact is that mobile phones cause cancer. This is how Australians studied mice: they exposed them to radiation equivalent to that received by a person talking on a mobile phone for an hour a day. Over the course of a year and a half, observations were carried out on two groups of rodents. Those who > used the phone were twice as likely as those who were deprived of it > to develop cancer-lymphoma. Analyzing the results of research by Australian scientists, one of the participants in this experiment, director of the Institute of Cancer Medicine and Biology, Professor Tony Basten, came to the conclusion that people and mice still differ somewhat in weight and absorb energy differently. And, therefore, it is too early to ban mobile phones.

The UK's National Radiological Safety Council found that 70% of phone radiation that penetrates the user's skull and brain is absorbed by the body and leads to brain tumours. Complaints from phone owners about headaches, ear pain, skin irritation, blurred vision, nausea, and dizziness are constant. Their memory deteriorates, their immune system falters and fatigue increases. Scientists have found that mobile phone radiation can damage cellular DNA and trigger the process of carcinogenesis.

is it so bad? Not at all. Cell phones curb the spread of smoking among teenagers. The observation was reported by scientists at a conference organized by the Society of Thoracic Surgeons and the University of West London Center for Public Health. A mobile phone, just like cigarettes, gives teenagers the opportunity to feel more mature and significant in the eyes of their peers. Now, in order to impress their acquaintances, young people increasingly prefer not to smoke, but to talk on a cell phone. And the Finns claim that communicating by radiotelephone has a positive effect on brain activity, significantly speeds up reactions and improves short-term memory function.

Much more harm these days is caused to humanity by the energy installations he designed and built. Even when no accidents or other emergencies occur to them, their effect on the human body is by no means beneficial.

For example, an unusual trial took place in England. The school administration was suing an electrical company that had installed a high-voltage power line near the school grounds. Experts have proven that after this, children at school actually began to get sick more often and study worse.

Despite this, we do not have such enormous power to stop tremendous progress and return to those times when food was cooked over fires and housing was illuminated with a torch.

Positive effects of the magnetic field on the human body

Magnetism is the most ancient means of treating acute and chronic ailments. Aristotle (III century BC), Plato (IV century BC), Paracelsus (XVI century AD) and others successfully treated with magnets. In ancient times, magnetic powder was used in the form of tablets.

The use of magnets in medicine is currently growing. In surgery, magnets are used to eliminate a severe physical defect - the formation of a funnel-shaped cavity in the chest due to excessive development of the costal cartilages. Having removed unnecessary sections of cartilage, surgeons leave the surrounding films - subchondral, and then form > in the tissues. A magnetic plate covered in silicone is inserted into it, which will support the sternum from the inside. Then a custom-made corset is put on the patient. Made from polyamide. A metal suspension made of stainless steel with an external magnet is attached to the front. Due to the mutual attraction of the internal and external magnets, the chest is always in a given position. After 1.5-2 months the corset is removed, and after 6-8 months the inner plate is removed.

The possibilities of magnetic surgery are expanding due to the emergence of new magnetic materials - compounds of the rare earth element samarium with cobalt. Such alloys have high magnetic energy with small mass and volume. They are not susceptible to the destructive effects of time and temperature.

The idea of ​​seamlessly joining hollow tubular organs has always been tempting. Here, a vast field of activity opened up for magnetic surgery: narrowing (stenosis) of the esophagus and intestines and other ailments. If magnets are placed in the tubular organ on both sides of the stenosis, then, by attracting, they will squeeze it and gradually it will be eliminated.

Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor Evgeniy Vasilievich Utekhin has been successfully using magnetic field treatment for several years at the Dzerzhinsky sanatorium in Sochi. More than 5 thousand patients with various diseases (hypertension, osteochondrosis, endarteritis and atherosclerosis of the vessels of the lower extremities, various joint diseases, traumatic injuries) were treated. Evgeniy Vasilievich uses magnetized water for drinking. They are also used in sanatoriums and baths with magnetized sea and iodine-bromine waters. Never in the sanatorium were any negative symptoms observed when treating patients with magnetic fields and magnetized liquid media.

Leningrader Fever created devices of small magnets - tape recorders. They duplicate the effect of magnetic water. Candidate of Medical Sciences Mikhailik found that irrigating the oral cavity with magnetized water helps eliminate tartar and periodontal disease. The healing of bones during fractures is much faster if the fracture zones are exposed to a magnet for 20 minutes, 2-3 times a day. After 15-25 days, pain and swelling disappear, regeneration processes in soft tissues and blood vessels are activated, and wounds heal quickly.

There is a great proliferation these days of objects based on the beneficial effects of magnets. These are a wide variety of magnetic bracelets, crosses, earrings, pillows, insoles, belts and much more. The field generated by magnets has a positive effect on the body: it reduces pain, regulates blood pressure, helps with bronchitis, insomnia, neurosis and other diseases.

In many areas of medicine: gastroenterology, pulmonology, neurology, endocrinology, psychiatry, dermatology, surgery, orthopedics - the device developed by engineer Nikolai Dmitrievich Kolbun is widely used. The device is based on the undoubted distinctive properties of all living things - the ability to absorb, process and emit information, the material carrier of which is electromagnetic fields of the extremely high frequency (EHF) range.

> tested on bacteria - half of them lost the ability to attach to red blood cells and provoke disease, on fish eggs - the yield of fry increased sharply, on plant seeds their germination accelerated by 20-40%.

But the most valuable thing is that the device helps restore impaired self-regulation processes in the human body. Of 9,700 patients, complete healing of gastric and duodenal ulcers occurred in 99.8 cases, uterine erosion in 100%, and psoriasis in 70%. The action of the device gives a powerful impetus, mobilizing the internal reserves of the body. But > has a super task - studying the whisper of weak electromagnetic fields.

A magnetic field can cure one of the most terrible diseases of mankind - cancer. A unique method of fighting cancer was proposed by scientists V.F. Gudov and V.P. Kharchenko. They presented a system based on the introduction of many metal microparticles into the tumor and its surroundings, followed by heating by a high-frequency electromagnetic field to a certain temperature, leading to the destruction of the tumor. This method, called > gives a clear picture of the diagnosis of the disease due to X-ray contrast, which reveals even dormant metastases. The development of special therapeutic capsules is underway, including not only a ferromagnet (fine iron), but also special chemicals. Such capsules can be moved around the body and concentrated at the desired tumor points using permanent magnets

A new drug developed by prominent Moscow scientists was called the invention of the third millennium. The name of the device stands for: magnetic-infrared-laser-therapeutic device. It is an achievement of quantum medicine. It combines all the factors of all life on Earth. Earth's magnetic field, laser radiation, solar radiation in the infrared spectrum. > provides a person with a set of natural factors, forces them to heal the patient. Protocols of clinical trials of the device indicate rapid cure of stomach and duodenal ulcers, hepatitis, neuralgia, osteochondrosis, ischemia, asthma, radiculitis, tumors. Among the 150 ailments that can be treated with the device are prostatitis, impotence, female infertility, bronchopulmonary diseases, asthma, varicose veins, healing of open wounds and burns. Under the influence of the device, trophic ulcers and complex postoperative sutures heal, calluses and spurs on the heels disappear, and salt deposits in the joints disappear. The device treats alcoholism and other types of substance abuse. Cerebral palsy and senile dementia are successfully cured. MIL therapy is used in the treatment of cancer patients. Medical centers in the USA and Germany have become interested in the method of treating such patients with power; the results they obtained are encouraging. There is no analogue to this device in the world; medical specialists from different countries purchase it in large quantities. Today, 8 thousand clinics around the world have this modern technology. > are treated in Europe, America, Asia and even Africa, but in Russia they know about this device only by hearsay.

Thus, the influence of magnetic fields on human life, activity, and health is enormous. But these fields are capable of not only influencing all living things, but also changing them.

Studies of the influence of the magnetic field on various functions of human life were carried out under various conditions: firstly, under conditions of shielding from the geomagnetic field, secondly, under conditions when the geomagnetic field was compensated by an artificial field, as well as under natural disturbances of the geomagnetic field - geomagnetic storms .

Direct shielding from the geomagnetic field consists of creating chambers with walls whose thickness is designed to reduce the strength of the geomagnetic field. Such walls are usually made of parmalloy or mu-metal with a thickness of 1 mm. In a chamber made of such walls, the geomagnetic field decreases from 50,000 to 50 ± 20 gamma.

Experiments were carried out in such a chamber with healthy people. Two subjects were in a similar chamber for 5 days, and for three days before and after the experiment they were in an unshielded room. When they were in a room without a geomagnetic field (the residual field was only 50 gamma), their critical frequency of light flickers changed. After they moved into an unshielded room with normal geomagnetic conditions, the frequency of light flickers again became normal. The frequency of light flickers is determined by how many light flashes on the screen in the dark the subject manages to detect. This means that under magnetic conditions a person’s reaction becomes slower, therefore the frequency with which he is able to register light flickers decreases. The frequency of light flickers is an indicator of the quality of functioning of the central nervous system.

In other experiments, in people who were in a shielded underground bunker, where the geomagnetic field was reduced 100 times, the period of circadian rhythms increased to 25.65 ± 1.024 hours. In an unshielded room it was 25.00 ± 0.55 hours. Let us explain that Under normal conditions, rhythms with a period of one day (24 hours) predominate in the human body. If a person is in constant conditions, then he experiences so-called circadian rhythms with a period that differs from the length of the day, namely 20 - 28 hours.

Thus, the described experiments showed that in a person, during a short-term stay in a non-magnetic (hypomagnetic) environment, the reaction of the central nervous system immediately changes.

The geomagnetic field can be eliminated not only by shielding, but also by compensation. It is possible to create a magnetic field that is opposite in direction and the same in magnitude as the geomagnetic field. These two fields will ideally add up to zero. That is, the environment will be non-magnetic. Of course, it is not possible to absolutely accurately compensate for the geomagnetic field in the entire space, but in the most important part of space for the experiment, such compensation can be achieved.

It must be borne in mind that there is a significant difference between these two methods of eliminating the Earth’s magnetic field, namely shielding the room or creating a magnetic compensating field. When a room is shielded from the Earth’s magnetic field, then any other electromagnetic radiation that, under normal conditions, affects the human body does not penetrate into it. Therefore, in experiments with shielding, it is not always reliably clear which part of the changes in the human body occurs due to the absence of a geomagnetic field, and which part is due to shielding from electromagnetic radiation at different frequencies. Let's return to the experiments on geomagnetic field compensation.

The geomagnetic field was compensated using a system of large electromagnets in the form of three modified Helmholtz rings, which were placed perpendicular to each other. The entire system was interfaced with an electric clock and a magnetometer to determine the magnetic field strength. In the center of the indicated volume, the intensity of the total magnetic field was practically equal to zero, and at a distance of 2.5 m from the center it was no more than 100 gamma. In the place where the subjects were located, the magnetic field was 50 gamma.

Six men aged 17 - 19 years were tested for 10 days. Two of them were for control, that is, they were in natural conditions with a normal geomagnetic field. The subjects were in a room with a normal geomagnetic field for 5 days before and after the experiments. The following indicators were recorded from them: weight, body temperature, respiratory rate, blood pressure, blood composition, changes in the electrocardiogram and electroencephalogram, psychophysiological tests and a number of other indicators (about 30 in total). All main tests did not change during 10 days in conditions without a geomagnetic field. Only the critical frequency of light flickers changed, which is an important functional characteristic associated with the reaction of the central nervous system. This frequency, as in experiments on shielding the geomagnetic field, decreased significantly.

Experiments were also carried out in which the geomagnetic field was screened, and an artificial magnetic field was created in the room where the subjects were located. An electromagnetic field of 25 mV/cm·s was created in mutually intersecting directions, varying with a frequency of 10 Hz (i.e., 10 oscillations per second). The control group of subjects was in the same room, not shielded from the geomagnetic field. A group of subjects placed in an artificial electromagnetic field were unaware of its presence. The experiments lasted 3 - 4 weeks. In continuation, the subjects were measured for their time of active activity and rest, body temperature, as well as kidney excretory function and the electrolyte composition of urine.

The experiments showed that the period of circadian rhythms in those exposed to an artificial electromagnetic field was shortened by 1.27 hours. They showed phenomena of internal desynchronization. Internal desynchronization of rhythm in people was observed more often in a shielded room. At the same time, the period of activity in people was abnormally extended to 30–40 hours. The period of simultaneously recorded autonomic functions remained normal (about 25–26 hours). There was no strong phase connection between the period of activity and the period of vegetative functions. When the artificial field was turned off, the phenomenon of internal desynchronization in the subjects disappeared. Subjects who were in an unshielded room also experienced a lengthening of the period of activity, but there was a strong phase relationship between this period and the period of change in the body temperature of people: the period of activity was exactly twice as long as the period of change in body temperature.

The main conclusion that can be drawn based on the experiments conducted is the following. Weak electromagnetic fields, both artificial and natural, affect circadian rhythms and some physiological functions in people, and therefore their general condition. Both fields prevent desynchronization, which is observed in the absence of natural and artificial magnetic fields. Of course, the 10 Hz magnetic field is not the only component of the natural field that affects the human body.

Other experiments have shown that low-frequency (2 - 8 Hz) electromagnetic fields affect a person's reaction time to an optical signal. A magnetic field of 5 - 10 Hz and a frequency of 0.2 Hz changes a person’s reaction time to other stimuli.

It has been shown that if the human body is exposed to a short-term alternating magnetic field with a frequency of 0.01 - 5 Hz and a strength of 1000 gamma, then the nature of the electroencephalogram changes dramatically. After switching on weak alternating magnetic fields, people's heart rate increases, their health worsens, weakness and headaches appear. At the same time, a strong change in the electrical activity of the brain was recorded.

In another experiment, an artificial magnetic field of 1 G was applied to the head of a subject, which varied with a frequency from 0 to 10 Hz, while the subject's heart rate decreased by approximately 5%.

All these experiments show that there is a direct effect of short-period oscillations of the geomagnetic field on the human body. This fact is of great scientific and practical importance, since during disturbances of the Earth's magnetic field (magnetic storms), short-period oscillations of the geomagnetic field are recorded. This means that these fluctuations will negatively affect the human body and its health.

Conditions in a submarine and spacecraft can be compared to those of shielding from a geomagnetic field. Significant functional impairments were found in people underwater, despite the fact that their living conditions were good. They lacked the Earth's magnetic field, which could not penetrate the metal walls of the boat's premises. At the same time, a decrease in basal metabolism, a decrease in the total number of leukocytes in the peripheral blood and inhibition of digestive and diuretic leukocytosis were observed. In addition, the crew’s daily cycles of various functions were disrupted, and signs of various diseases appeared, in particular stomach diseases.

Astronauts also exhibit deviations compared to their condition on earth. There are changes in metabolic reactions, in particular calcium metabolism. In addition, a decrease in the number of red blood cells, changes in circadian rhythms and sleep disturbances were detected.

All these facts indicate a certain similarity between the consequences of being under water and in space. That is, a strong decrease in the geomagnetic field is the main factor that determines the similarity of changes in people under both conditions.

There is a huge amount of material in medical statistics, where nature itself “carried out” experiments. All we can do is correctly and correctly analyze the results of these experiments; we need to conduct statistical studies of medical data. These statistical studies are very important for resolving questions about the relationship between fluctuations in natural electromagnetic fields and human health.

The incidence of myocardial infarction depending on the disturbance of the Earth's magnetic field was studied at the Yerevan Medical Institute1.

It is convenient to conduct quantitative studies of the relationship between myocardial infarction and helio-geophysical factors because the very moment of the onset of the disease is clearly defined.

An analysis was carried out of the history of patients with acute myocardial infarction admitted to the therapeutic and specialized cardiology departments of the Yerevan clinic for 1974 - 1978. in order to establish the exact date of onset of the disease, depth, extent of necrosis, age and gender of patients.

Short-term magnetic disturbances do not affect the incidence of myocardial infarction. Long-term magnetic disturbances caused a significant increase in incidence over the next two days. Of 3279 patients with myocardial infarction in 1974 - 1978. there were 80.6% men and 19.4% women.

On magnetically quiet days, the average daily incidence was 1.62 ± 0.038. On magnetically active days it was 2.43 ± 0.109.

Statistics show that patients over 60 years of age were more sensitive. On moderately active days, the influence of the magnetic field was approximately the same in all age groups.

Male patients turned out to be more sensitive to the activity of the Earth's magnetic field than female patients. On magnetically quiet days, the incidence rate in men was 0.31 ± 0.033, and in women 0.31 ± 0.016. On magnetically active days, these figures became 1.99 ± 0.095 for men and 0.44 ± 0.04 for women. The ratio of morbidity rates on magnetically quiet and magnetically active days was 1:1.52 for men; for women - 1:1.42. Among the 3279 patients studied, 31.7% had small-focal and 68.3% had large-focal and extensive transmural myocardial infarction. If on magnetically quiet days small-focal myocardial infarctions amounted to 32.8%, then on magnetically active days - 28.3% (large-focal 71.7%). Thus, on magnetically active days, large-focal and extensive transmural myocardial infarctions are 4.5% more common than on magnetically quiet days.

Analysis of the presented data showed that under conditions of activity of the Earth's magnetic field, there is an increase in the frequency of pain syndrome of a compressive-pressure nature, which has important diagnostic and prognostic significance.

Statistical processing of data on emergency medical calls in Leningrad in 1969 allowed us to conclude that the leading factor influencing the dynamics of exacerbations of cardiovascular diseases is the disturbance of the Earth’s magnetic field. The greatest influence is exerted by very large and long-lasting magnetic storms.

Using a direct comparison method, a close relationship was discovered between changes in the geomagnetic field and changes in blood pressure and the number of leukocytes in the blood. Changes in the threshold level of adaptation to darkness in humans, which is a good indicator of the functional state of the brain, are also very closely related to disturbances in the Earth's magnetic field. Moreover, changes in genetic, physiological, biochemical and radiobiological processes in a wide variety of organisms also correlate with solar and magnetic storms.

Comparisons were made of short-period oscillations of the geomagnetic field with the state of the human body. It has been shown that when the magnetic field strength of the fundamental frequency of the ionospheric waveguide (8 Hz) increases, human reaction time reliably decreases by 20 ms. When there are irregular oscillations of the magnetic field with a frequency of 2 - 6 Hz, the human reaction time increases by 15 ms.

Studies have been carried out to compare the disturbance of the Earth's magnetic field and the number of diseases of various diseases. Thus, a connection was shown between the intensity of the geomagnetic field and attacks of eclampsia, acute glaucoma, epilepsy, cardiovascular accidents, labor and heart rhythm disturbances.

It has been established that not only the central, but also the autonomic nervous system of healthy people is very sensitive to geomagnetic field disturbances. Studies have shown that during small and moderate geomagnetic storms, the tone of the mainly sympathetic part of the autonomic nervous system increases. Only in 30% of cases (most often in men) is there an increase in the tone of the parasympathetic division of the autonomic nervous system.

Changes in the autonomic nervous system under the influence of disturbances in the Earth's magnetic field affect the composition of the blood. In the human body, under the influence of geomagnetic field disturbances, the same changes occur as in animals when they are exposed to weak artificial magnetic fields. In this case, there is an increase in the inhibitory process in the central nervous system, a slowdown of conditioned and unconditioned reflexes, memory impairment, and a change in the regularity of normal and pathological processes.

Based on measurements of blood pressure throughout the year and determination of the number of leukocytes in the blood of 43 patients, it was reliably shown that daily changes in diastolic pressure and leukocyte content coincide with daily changes in the Earth’s magnetic field. The heart rate also depends on the disturbance of the Earth's magnetic field.

More than 24 thousand heart rate measurements were carried out in practically healthy people aged 20 - 40 years. Based on these data, a connection was established between heart rate and changes in the magnitude of the Earth's magnetic field.

It is important to note that of all the elements of the geomagnetic field, magnetic inclination turned out to be the most effective in terms of influencing heart rate. The meaning of the magnetic field elements is explained at the beginning of the book. Here we only emphasize that the angle at which the vector of the Earth’s magnetic field is directed is important. During magnetic storms, this angle changes.

Evidence has also been obtained that during geomagnetic storms, elderly people have increased heart rates and increased blood pressure. Changes in the level of adaptation to darkness of the retina are also clearly related to the daily activity of the geomagnetic field. At the Department of Ophthalmology of the Military Medical Academy named after. S. M. Kirova (Leningrad) studied the relationship between the frequency of acute attacks of glaucoma and changes in the geomagnetic field2. Material from the emergency room of the Leningrad City Eye Hospital from 1961 to 1967 was studied. Data on the Earth's magnetic field were taken from the Voeikovo Magnetic Observatory, near Leningrad. Analysis of this material showed that on days with attacks of glaucoma, the average amplitude of the horizontal component of the geomagnetic field was 1.3 gamma less than on days without attacks of glaucoma. Based on this, it is concluded that decompensation of the glaucoma process, among other reasons, depends on the state of the Earth’s magnetic field. This conclusion seems natural, since glaucoma is a general disease of the body and neurovascular, endocrine and metabolic disorders play an extremely important role in its etiology.

At the Department of Eye Diseases of the Sverdlovsk Medical Institute, the relationship between compensation of the glaucomatous process and geomagnetic storms was studied3. Based on 666 observations over 17 years, a relationship was discovered between the average daily number of acute attacks of glaucoma and geomagnetic activity, as well as the connection between these indicators in the 27-day cycle in solar activity. This connection manifested itself most clearly during intense geomagnetic storms. Data for 9 years (1964 - 1972) were then analyzed separately for geomagnetic storms with gradual and sudden onset. In Fig. 30, a shows the dependence of the number of acute attacks of glaucoma on weak geomagnetic storms with a gradual onset. It can be seen that the largest number of attacks occurs on the day the geomagnetic storm begins, one day before the maximum disturbance of the geomagnetic field. When the geomagnetic field is restored, the number of cases of glaucoma attacks decreases. But already on the 6th day after the start of the geomagnetic storm, a new, equally intense wave of increasing the number of acute attacks of glaucoma appears.

The comparison results for moderate and strong geomagnetic storms with a gradual onset are shown in Fig. 30, b. It can be seen that the largest number of acute attacks of glaucoma also occur on the day the geomagnetic storm begins. But on the 4th, 7th and 9th days after the start of the storm, there is a tendency towards a slight increase in the number of acute attacks of glaucoma against the background of already low geomagnetic activity.

The comparison results for weak geomagnetic storms with sudden onset are shown in Fig. 30, c. It can be seen that the largest number of acute attacks of glaucoma occur on the day the storms begin, which coincides with maximum geomagnetic activity. Two waves of a sharp increase in the number of acute attacks are observed on the 2nd day before and on the 4th day after the start of the storm. These geomagnetic storms cause significant fluctuations in the frequency of acute attacks of glaucoma, which continue to occur against the background of an already calm geomagnetic field. Cases of moderate and strong geomagnetic storms with sudden onset are shown in Fig. 30, g. These storms contribute to the development of the maximum number of acute attacks of glaucoma in the first day after the start of the storm, which coincides with the maximum solar activity. Again, the number of attacks increases on the 3rd, 6th and 9th days after the start of the geomagnetic storm. The data obtained allow a more objective approach to the prevention of acute attacks of glaucoma, taking into account the specific geomagnetic situation.The general and local incidence of malignant neoplasms in Turkmenistan for 1959 - 1967 was studied.4 Only patients in whom the specified diagnosis was established for the first time were taken into account. Data are presented in intensive rates per 10,000 population. The results of the study are visible in Fig. 31. Shown here are the relationships between the relative numbers of solar activity (left axis) and the incidence rate for the period from 1954 to 1967. It can be seen that during the years of decreased solar activity (1959 - 1964), the incidence of malignant neoplasms increased. The highest incidence of cancer (both general and local) occurred during the quiet Sun period of 1964 - 1965. Let us recall that this year coordinated international studies of solar-terrestrial connections were carried out under the International Year of the Quiet Sun (IYYS) program. The lowest incidence of cancer occurred at the highest solar activity.

What explains this dependence? It has been experimentally shown that during the years of maximum solar activity, the leukocyte count becomes lower than during the years of the quiet Sun. With a decrease in solar activity, the content of leukocytes in the peripheral blood increases.

The most sensitive to radiation are young, rapidly dividing, poorly differentiated cellular elements. Leukopenia during periods of increased solar activity is apparently explained by inhibition of the mitotic process due to the influence of solar activity on poorly differentiated bone marrow cells.

Since cancer cells are also poorly differentiated, rapidly dividing elements, it can be assumed that there is an inhibitory effect of solar activity on the development of malignant tumors. It can be assumed that solar activity retards the growth of emerging malignant tumors and does not affect benign processes and precancerous formations.

The maximum increase in the incidence of cancer during the years of the quiet Sun is not the result of the malignancy of the descendants of cells “irradiated” during the years of the active Sun, i.e. 6 - 7 years ago. Apparently, it is the result of the lack of an inhibitory effect of solar activity on the division of malignant cells in the early stage of a developing tumor that arises from any other cause.

The daily rhythm of radiosensitivity has been noted by many researchers. Comparing it with the course of disturbance in the geomagnetic field showed that the results of radiation exposure on a living organism at any given moment in time depend on the state of the geomagnetic field in the given place where the experiments are carried out.

It was noted that fluctuations in body weight in control and irradiated animals also have clear synchrony with changes in the geomagnetic field precisely during the period and in this place where the studies were carried out.

Stressful and critical periods in the physiology of the female body, such as labor and the course of the menstrual cycle, were also studied. Statistical processing of a large number of data was carried out, which were compared with indicators of geomagnetic field disturbance. It was found that the number of occurrences of menstrual bleeding in women on certain days depends on the disturbance of the Earth’s magnetic field. During the calming of the Earth's magnetic field, the frequency of the onset of menstruation increases, and during increased disturbance of the magnetic field, on the contrary, menstrual bleeding begins less frequently. The duration of the menstrual cycle is also associated with disturbances in the geomagnetic field. This connection is direct, i.e., greater magnetic activity corresponds to a longer duration of the menstrual cycle.

It has been established that the daily rhythm of both the beginning and the end of labor depends on the daily variation of the geomagnetic field disturbance. With increased disturbance of the Earth's magnetic field, labor activity intensifies, i.e. magnetic storms provoke premature birth.

When the curve of the daily variation of the disturbance of the Earth's magnetic field and the curve of the daily rhythm of childbirth were compared, it turned out that they are very similar, practically repeating each other. Only the curve of the daily rhythm of labor is shifted by 6 hours relative to the curve of magnetic disturbance. This gives reason to assume that the latent period of manifestation of the effect of the geomagnetic field on labor activity is close to 6 hours.

Strong geomagnetic disturbances cause a disruption in the rhythm of labor intensity. On the 1st day of a magnetic storm, cases of the onset of labor become more frequent. On the 2nd day of the storm, the number of births decreases, and on the 3rd - 4th day it increases again. By the end of the magnetic storm, the number of genera decreases to the initial level characteristic of the Earth's undisturbed magnetic field. During a magnetic storm, premature births begin more often, and towards the end of the storm the number of rapid births noticeably increases.

The dynamics of the occurrence and changes in the amplitude and frequency properties of short-period oscillations of the Earth's magnetic field, which accompany geomagnetic storms, largely corresponds to the dynamics of the occurrence of processes in the body of women.

Of all the diseases that are susceptible to the effects of magnetic storms, cardiovascular diseases were highlighted first of all, since their connection with solar and magnetic activity was the most obvious. Actually, the discovery of this connection made by French doctors led to the fact that, having understood this connection, they were able to give a picture of solar activity based on the condition of patients with cardiovascular diseases.

The connection between magnetic activity and the human body during the development of any disease is important both at the initial stage of the disease and at its subsequent stages. The difference is that if at the first stage of the development of the disease the consequences of the influence of the magnetic field may not be catastrophic, then at the stage when the body is severely affected by the disease, the effect of the magnetic storm, as a rule, causes large changes. This can be seen in conditions such as preeclampsia and eclampsia, toxicosis of pregnancy, etc. The most obvious example of such a dependence is the group of cardiovascular diseases. Recently, many facts have been accumulated indicating the influence of geomagnetic disturbances on the course and exacerbation of these diseases, especially in the later stages of disease development.

A comparison was made of the dependence of the severity of cardiovascular diseases on many environmental factors, such as atmospheric pressure, air temperature changes, precipitation, wind speed, cloudiness, ionization, radiation regime, etc. However, a reliable and stable connection of cardiovascular diseases is revealed precisely with chromospheric flares and geomagnetic storms.

The number of cardiovascular diseases clearly differs in number on magnetically quiet days and on disturbance days. For example, according to Sverdlovsk data for 1964, the average daily rate of cerebral strokes was 3.5, and on magnetically active days - 5.2. According to Leningrad data for 1960 - 1963, the number of ambulance calls to patients with myocardial infarction on one day with high magnetic activity was 6.6, while on a magnetically quiet day the number of calls was 3.4. The number of complications that arise from cardiovascular diseases, including the number of cases of sudden death, increases with increasing magnetic field disturbance. These phenomena are observed simultaneously in distant cities.

It has been established that on the day of a magnetic storm and in the next day or two after it, the largest number of cardiovascular accidents and deaths is observed. The fact that the maximum incidence occurs on the first or second day after a magnetic storm indicates the reactivity of the body itself and the latent period in the development of one or another complication. But, apparently, what is more important is that the very structure of the electromagnetic field that accompanies geomagnetic storms changes depending on the time measured from the beginning of the geomagnetic storm. This is the presence of short-period magnetic field oscillations (SMF), their amplitude, frequency, as well as their changes in the solar cycle. Indeed, the days when cardiovascular morbidity and complications associated with these diseases increase coincide with the days when the geomagnetic field CCP appears and intensifies. This once again confirms that CCPs have a particularly strong effect on biological objects. Short-period oscillations have different patterns and characteristics during geomagnetic storms with a gradual and sudden onset. Therefore, it becomes clear that these and other magnetic storms affect biological objects differently, since the effect of the CPC is affected here. For the same reason, apparently, the dynamics of the course of the disease itself differs in different phases of the same magnetic storm.

Let us recall that short-period oscillations of the Pс1 type most often appear on the 3rd - 4th day after the passage of a magnetic storm with a sudden onset. Oscillations of the РсЗ type are observed on the 2nd - 4th day after a geomagnetic storm with a sudden onset. These days we should expect their negative aftereffects on human health (and the condition of other biological objects). If earlier the increase in the number of heart attacks these days was surprising, then linking this fact with the strengthening of the CCP explains everything.

We have already said that during geomagnetic storms, changes in blood composition occur even in healthy people. Let's look at this issue in more detail.

A direct comparison of the geomagnetic field disturbance and the number of leukocytes in the blood showed that both of these quantities change synchronously. It was further discovered that the functional state of the blood in healthy people changes during geomagnetic storms. At the same time, the activity of fibrinolysis decreases, which increases the likelihood of thrombosis. It will seem strange to the reader that the value of ESR (according to the previous terminology - ROE) in the same person changes during the day and even many times a day. It has been established that these changes in healthy people are associated with changes in the vertical component of the geomagnetic field over the same period. Using daily measurements for 4 months, the dynamics of the number of red blood cells and hemoglobin content in healthy people was studied. It turned out that with weak and moderate geomagnetic field disturbances, blood parameters change in accordance with the dynamics of global changes in geomagnetic activity. When a sharp change in geomagnetic activity occurs (increases by more than 100 in one or two days), a decrease in the number of red blood cells and hemoglobin may be observed. Studies have shown that in healthy young people during geomagnetic storms, the number of leukocytes and platelets in the blood decreases, blood clotting slows down, ESR and fibrinolytic activity increases.

It turned out that in different cities of the USSR (Kirovsk, Petrozavodsk, Moscow, Ternopil, Uzhgorod) the nature of changes in erythrocytes and hemoglobin in the blood is similar and is associated with the dynamics of global changes in geomagnetic activity.

1. Karazyan N. N. Dependence of myocardial infarction on the activity of the Earth’s magnetic field. - Blood circulation, 1981, XIV, No. 1, p. 19 - 21.
2. Zhokhov V.P., Indeikin E.I. - Bulletin of Ophthalmology. 1970, No. 5, p. 29 - 30.
3. Kachevanskaya I.V. - Bulletin of Ophthalmology, 1976, No. 4, p. 16 - 18.
4. Kupriyanov S.N., Goering-Galaktionova I.V. - Healthcare of Turkmenistan, 1967, No. 11, p. 25 - 29.

Source -Mizun Yu. G., Mizun P. G. Space and health. - M.: Znanie, 1984. 144 p. - (Science and progress).

What is the Earth's magnetic field?

The Earth's magnetic field is the area around our planet where magnetic forces operate. The Earth's magnetic field is at least partly due to its core. The earth's core consists of a solid interior and a liquid exterior. The rotation of the Earth creates constant currents in the liquid core, and the movement of electric charges leads to the appearance of a magnetic field around them. Convective or turbulent movements of the conducting fluid in the core contribute to self-excitation and maintenance of the field in a stationary state.

The earth can be considered as a magnetic dipole. Its south pole is located at the geographic North Pole, and its north pole, respectively, is at the South Pole. In fact, the geographic and magnetic poles of the Earth do not coincide not only in “direction”.

The deviation of the Earth's geographic axis from the magnetic axis is 23.5 degrees. According to Vastu, a piece of land or a dwelling in the shape of a square or rectangle and correctly located along the cardinal points has the same characteristics of energy movement as along the planet Earth itself. In this case, we can say that the home is in harmony with the universe and receives maximum benefit from its surroundings, i.e. maximum positive energy of the cosmos.

How does a magnetic field affect a person?

Science has long proven that the Earth’s magnetic field affects people and animals, and each atom of living beings not only reacts to electromagnetic flows, but also generates its own. Biophysicists and doctors who study physiological processes occurring under the influence of a magnetic field in the human body, first of all, note the important influence of the magnetic field on the circulatory system, the condition of blood vessels, the activity of oxygen transfer through the blood to surrounding tissues, and the transport of nutrients through semi-permeable cell membranes. A sharp change in the external magnetic field, for example, during a magnetic storm or an active geomagnetic zone, always negatively affects well-being and health.

In electromagnetic biology, a striking example is the concept proposed by A.S. Presman. It was first outlined in his book “Electromagnetic fields and living nature,” published in 1968, and then was supplemented with very valuable considerations about the role of electromagnetic fields in the evolution of living organisms in his brochure “Ideas of V.I. Vernadsky in modern biology” , published in 1976. Presman openly declared the inconsistency of a purely physical approach to research into the biological activity of electromagnetic fields. This approach is based on the fact that weak natural EMFs operating in the biosphere supposedly cannot cause any effect. The same was considered true for a constant geomagnetic field, since in order to cause changes in the orientation of paramagnetic and diamagnetic molecules, its strength would have to be tens of thousands of times higher. In this case, the resulting effect supposedly depends on the magnitude of the effective EMF energy.

The experiments, however, revealed patterns that conflicted with the accepted approach. It turned out “that organisms of various species - from single-celled organisms to humans - are sensitive to a constant magnetic field and EMF of various frequencies with an applied energy tens of orders of magnitude (!) lower than the theoretically estimated one.” Also, the biological effects were not at all proportional to the intensity of the EMF, but demonstrated completely different relationships: in some cases they increased with decreasing intensity, in others they arose only at certain optimal intensities, in others, at low and high intensities the reactions were opposite in nature. Finally, for the same average EMF energy absorbed in tissues, the nature of the reaction significantly depended on the mode of modulation and EMF, on the direction of the electric and magnetic vectors of the EMF relative to the axis of the animal’s body, on the area of ​​the body exposed to EMF, etc.

Based on the analysis of a large amount of experimental material and relying on the results of the application of information theory in biology, A.S. Presman proposed a fundamentally new approach. This was his hypothesis about the fundamental role of electromagnetic fields as a carrier of information in living nature - within organisms, between organisms, between organisms and the external environment. The main idea was that “along with energy interactions in biological processes, information interactions play a significant (if not the main) role. “...” The biological effects caused by these interactions no longer depend on the amount of energy introduced into a particular system, but on the information introduced into it. A signal carrying information only causes a redistribution of energy in the system itself and controls the processes occurring in it. If the sensitivity of the receiving systems is high enough, information can be transmitted using very little energy. Information can accumulate in the system when weak signals are repeated.” In subsequent decades, these ideas about the informational role of EMFs in living nature were confirmed in studies in both electromagnetic biology and photobiology. Among the developments in the field of electromagnetic biology, a significant contribution was made by the work of domestic research groups of Yu.A. Kholodov, N.F. Devyatkov, M.B. Golant, N.V. Krasnogorskaya and others, as well as foreign ones, mainly in the USA.

The results of foreign research, supplementing the data of A.S. Presman, can be found in many publications - in collective monographs, collections of articles, conference abstracts. As examples, we can mention the two-volume book “Biogenic magnetite and magnetoreception” published in Russian translation and the major work “Modern Bioelectricity”, published in the USA. There are many surprising facts here, among which the results demonstrating the biological effect of low-intensity fields are of particular importance: the development of a conditioned reflex in fish to small gradients of the electric field and the influence of weak EMF on previously developed conditioned reflexes of animals; changes in the functions of the cardiovascular system (heart rate, blood pressure) of animals when irradiated with weak microwave fields; the influence of variations in the Earth's magnetic field on the behavior of living organisms, changes in birds' ability to navigate during natural disturbances of the geomagnetic field (magnetic storms) or artificial distortions; the phenomenon of so-called “radio sound” - the appearance of sound sensations (whistles, clicks, buzzing) in a person when his head is irradiated with low-intensity radio waves; the influence of a magnetic field on the regeneration of amphibian limbs and changes in joints during the treatment of various diseases.

Scientists are close to unity in describing the mechanism of action of a magnetic field on a living organism, although there are some differences in the interpretation of research data. Ultimately, the general concept looks something like this: blood contains metal ions, among numerous other components, so the flow of blood in the vessels leads to the formation of a magnetic field around the vessel. Since the vessels supply blood to absolutely all parts of the body, it means that the magnetic field is everywhere in the body. A decrease in the magnetic field in the environment leads to disruption of the magnetic field in the circulatory system, resulting in poor circulation, disruption of the transport of oxygen and nutrients to organs and tissues, which leads to the development of the disease.

According to the degree of sensitivity of various body systems to the magnetic field, the first place is occupied by the nervous system, then the endocrine system, sensory organs, cardiovascular, blood, muscular, digestive, excretory, respiratory and skeletal systems.

The effect of a magnetic field on the nervous system is characterized by changes in the behavior of the body, its conditioned reflex activity, physiological and biological processes. The most pronounced reaction from the central nervous system is observed in the hypothalamus, followed by the cerebral cortex, hippocamea, and reticular formation of the midbrain. This to some extent explains the complex mechanism of the body’s response to exposure to a magnetic field and the dependence on the initial functional state, primarily of the nervous system, and then of other organs. Exposure to a magnetic field has a significant impact on the body's metabolism.

Psychiatrists have long noticed a clear correlation between surges in the intensity of the magnetic field and the number of suicides, depression and exacerbation of psychological pathologies. As Kelly Posner, a leading psychiatrist at Columbia University in the United States, says, “... the most likely explanation for the close relationship between psychological abnormalities in people and geomagnetic storms is that there is a mismatch in the body’s circadian rhythms (cyclical fluctuations in the intensity of various biological processes with a period of approximately 20 to 28 hours ) and a failure in the production of melatonin, the main hormone of the pineal gland, responsible for the regulation of circadian rhythms. Geomagnetic storms directly affect the body’s internal biological clock in a destructive manner, thereby provoking the occurrence of depressive states and increasing the likelihood of suicide.”

Thus, scientists have established that magnetic field fluctuations actually stimulate, control and regulate all vital processes in the body. It is a catalyst for metabolic (metabolic) processes; without it, the necessary reactions in the body do not occur.

The results of studies of electromagnetic phenomena in living nature provide grounds for a conclusion that is of great importance in the formation of a more comprehensive understanding of a living being, for going beyond the “material” level of discussion of biological problems in science, in identifying ways of higher influences on the state of living beings and interactions between them. And the conclusion is the following.

A living being can be considered as a system consisting of two parts (elements) - a material body and its electromagnetic double, or an electromagnetic body that is active in the entire known region of the electromagnetic spectrum. The electromagnetic body has a certain organization that reflects the individual characteristics of a given creature. There is a close relationship between these two bodies, so that changes in one body inevitably generate changes in the other. At the same time, each of these bodies has its own special structure and properties and ensures interaction with the environment at its own level, that is, in a certain range of states of physical matter: a material body - at the level of matter, an electromagnetic body - at the level of electric and magnetic fields and electromagnetic waves. It can be assumed that the electromagnetic body is nothing more than the highest component of the physical body, which connects it with the higher (or deeper) spheres of matter of a living being.
Surprisingly, the ancient sages of India, many thousands of years ago, also knew about the existence of the earth’s magnetic field, about its influence on people, about the north and south poles, and believed that electromagnetic energy moves along trajectories that envelop the Earth like a grid. Vastu, like modern science, also considers people as magnetic bodies, with the north pole of a person’s magnetic field located in the head area, and the south pole in the legs area.

It is due to the enormous influence of the magnetic field on people that Vastu Shastra takes this factor into account when designing buildings. In this case, primary attention is paid to the orientation of houses to the cardinal directions. It is argued that the orientation of houses should be determined precisely along the magnetic axis of the Earth, which has a positive effect on the people in them.

In addition, taking into account this knowledge, in Vastu it is not recommended to sleep with your head facing north, because two identical poles repel each other, which can disturb sleep and worsen your well-being. Moreover, Vastu states that only a dead body can lie with its head facing North. In the living room or dining room, you should sit facing east, north, or west, avoiding facing south. Elements of the cult (icons, images of deities) should be located facing South, because then the person, facing them, faces the North, and his magnetic axis is synchronized with the magnetic axis of the Earth.
Man on planet Earth is constantly under the influence of a magnetic field. The human body also has its own magnetic field, different for different organs. An important point is to maintain a relative balance between external and internal magnetic fields. It is an indisputable fact that external magnetic fields largely determine the state of our internal magnetic fields.
Scientific studies of the influence of the magnetic field on humans can be divided into three main categories: under conditions of shielding from the geomagnetic field; in conditions where the geomagnetic field was compensated by an artificial field; during natural disturbances of the geomagnetic field - geomagnetic storms.
As we have already said, a person has his own electromagnetic field, since neurons in the nervous system are carriers of electrical charge, and in various cells of our body and in the blood there are ions (charged particles) of metals. Consequently, all these components are sensitive to external magnetic fields.
Doctors and scientific experts in the field of physiological processes occurring under the influence of a magnetic field in the human body pay increased attention to the influence of the magnetic field on the human circulatory system, the efficiency of oxygen transfer in the blood, and the transport of nutrients, but the nervous system is the most sensitive to the magnetic field . Many other systems of the body also respond to magnetic fields: endocrine, cardiovascular, respiratory, musculoskeletal and digestive systems, sensory organs and blood.
Magnetotherapy - the beneficial effects of magnetic fields on our health
Magnetotherapy -
treatment with magnetic fields
In macromolecules (nucleic acids, proteins, etc.), under the influence of magnetic fields, charges arise and their magnetic susceptibility changes. The magnetic energy of macromolecules as a result of such influence exceeds the energy of thermal motion. It is this effect that makes it possible to use a magnetic field to trigger orientation and concentration changes inside biologically active macromolecules. This effect affects the rate of biochemical and biophysical processes. Ion activity is the most important regulatory mechanism of the human body. This activity is determined primarily by the connection with macromolecules and the degree of hydration (that is, connection with water molecules). Due to the increase in ionic activity in the tissues of the body under the influence of magnetic fields, cellular metabolism is stimulated, that is, an increase in metabolism.

The influence of the magnetic field on various body systems
In a person, during a short-term stay in a non-magnetic (hypomagnetic) environment, the reaction of the central nervous system immediately changes.
The circadian rhythm (biorhythm of human life) directly depends on the Earth’s magnetic field
Circadian rhythm (biorhythm of human life)
directly depends on the Earth's magnetic field
Weak magnetic fields - man-made and natural - affect circadian rhythms and physiological functions of a person, which ultimately affects the general condition. In natural conditions, a person is exposed only to natural electromagnetic fields to which he has tuned throughout the entire process of evolution on planet Earth. When artificial sources of magnetic, electric and electromagnetic fields interfere with this interaction process, a synchronization disorder occurs. On average, the Earth's magnetic field varies at an average frequency of 8 Hz, although this value can fluctuate significantly. Our body is already tuned to perceive this frequency and considers it a natural background. Our cells are thus sensitive to a given frequency of exposure to a magnetic field.
Various scientific studies have shown that low-frequency (2 - 8 Hz) electromagnetic fields affect the speed of a person's reaction to an optical signal. A magnetic field in the range of 5 - 10 Hz changes the reaction time of the human brain to many other external influences.
Studies have shown that when the human body is exposed to a short-term alternating magnetic field with a frequency of 0.01 - 5 Hz, a sharp change in the nature of the electroencephalogram of the human brain occurs. Under the influence of weak alternating magnetic fields, a person’s pulse rate increases, his head begins to hurt, his health worsens and he feels weak throughout the body. In this case, a strong change in the electrical activity of the brain occurs.
Geomagnetic storms - the Earth's reaction to the solar wind
© RIA Novosti/Denis Kryukov
Magnetic storm is a reaction
Earth's magnetosphere on the solar wind
The influence of magnetic storms on humans. Experiments confirm the existence of a direct effect of extremely low-frequency oscillations of the geomagnetic field on the human body. Based on this information, we can conclude that during magnetic disturbances on Earth (that is, during magnetic storms), low-frequency variations in the geomagnetic field will negatively affect the well-being and health of people.
The relationship between geomagnetic field disturbances and the incidence of myocardial infarction was studied at the Yerevan Medical Institute. Myocardial infarction is very convenient for research, since the time of its occurrence can be clearly determined, and then correlated with the time of various helio-geophysical phenomena, for example, magnetic storms.
The human body reacts to low-frequency oscillations of the geomagnetic field: with an increase in the field at the fundamental frequency of the Earth's magnetosphere (8 Hz), the human reaction time decreases by 20 ms, and in the presence of irregular oscillations of the magnetic field with a frequency of 2 - 6 Hz, the reaction time increases by 15 ms.
Based on measurements of blood pressure throughout the year and determination of the number of leukocytes in the blood of 43 patients, it was reliably shown that daily changes in diastolic pressure and leukocyte content coincide with daily changes in the Earth’s magnetic field. The heart rate also depends on the disturbance of the Earth's magnetic field.
The influence of solar activity on humans. Studies have shown that depending on solar activity, the number of leukocytes in a person’s blood changes: with high solar activity, the concentration of leukocytes drops, and vice versa.
The daily dynamics of radiosensitivity is the subject of many studies, which have shown that the result of radiation exposure on a person at any time depends on the state of the geomagnetic field in the immediate location of the research.
The influence of the magnetic field on women. Based on numerous studies of the dependence of the menstrual cycle, the course of pregnancy and childbirth on the level of geomagnetic field disturbance, it was found that, for example, the higher the magnetic activity, the longer the menstrual cycle, and the daily rhythm of the beginning and end of childbirth is directly dependent on the dynamics of changes in geomagnetic disturbance fields. It was also found that magnetic storms provoke premature birth.
The influence of the magnetic field on the development of diseases. Since magnetic fields affect the entire human body - all systems are affected to one degree or another, then during diseases nothing changes significantly. However, if a healthy body can still cope, that is, adapt, to the effects of magnetic fields, then the more sick it becomes, the more significant the impact becomes. To an organism weakened by a long-term illness, even a minor, weak impact can cause significant and sometimes irreparable damage.

Effect of magnetic field
on heart rate and blood pressure
Studies have shown that on the day of a magnetic storm and over the next 1-2 days after it, the number of people with cardiovascular problems and deaths increases greatly. Our body does not react to the impact instantly, so the peak of requests does not occur on the day of the magnetic storm itself, but on the first or second day after it. Also affected is the change in the magnetic field itself, the frequency, amplitude and modulation of which changes as the magnetic storm passes and subsides.
As already mentioned: even in healthy people, some changes in the composition of the blood occur during magnetic storms. With direct synchronous measurement of the concentration of leukocytes in the blood and the level of disturbance of the Earth's magnetic field, it turned out that they change almost simultaneously. During magnetic storms, the likelihood of blood clots increases. The vertical component of the Earth's magnetic field changes during the day and this leads to a change in the sedimentation rate of erythrocytes in the blood.
During geomagnetic storms in healthy young people, blood clotting slows down, the number of leukocytes and platelets in the blood decreases, the erythrocyte sedimentation rate and thrombus formation activity increase. Studies in various cities have shown that the nature of changes in hemoglobin and red blood cells in the blood is similar and is associated with global changes in geomagnetic activity.
Under the influence of magnetic fields, the permeability of blood vessels and epithelial tissues increases, which makes it possible to accelerate the resorption of edema and the dissolution of medicinal substances. This effect forms the basis of magnetic therapy and is widely used for various types of injuries, wounds and their consequences.
The importance of the magnetic field for humans. A decrease in the level of the external magnetic field leads to disruption of the magnetic field in the circulatory system, as a result of which blood circulation and the transport of oxygen and nutrients to organs and tissues are disrupted, which can ultimately lead to the development of the disease. Thus, an insufficient level of external magnetic influence in terms of the degree of harm it causes to the body can easily compete with a deficiency of minerals and vitamins.

Based on all the above factors, it becomes clear that you should not neglect the state of the magnetic field in your home, and therefore in your body. In order to find out the level of the magnetic field, you can order an examination, during which specialists will not only measure it, but also give practical recommendations for normalizing the fields if the standards are exceeded. You can also undergo a GDV examination to find out how being in a particular place in your home affects the psycho-functional and physiological state of the body.

Studies of the influence of the magnetic field on various functions of human life were carried out under various conditions: firstly, under conditions of shielding from the geomagnetic field, secondly, under conditions when the geomagnetic field was compensated by an artificial field, as well as under natural disturbances of the geomagnetic field - geomagnetic storms .

Direct shielding from the geomagnetic field consists of creating chambers with walls whose thickness is designed to reduce the strength of the geomagnetic field. Such walls are usually made of parmalloy or mu-metal with a thickness of 1 mm. In a chamber made of such walls, the geomagnetic field decreases from 50,000 to 50 ± 20 gamma.

Experiments were carried out in such a chamber with healthy people. Two subjects were in a similar chamber for 5 days, and for three days before and after the experiment they were in an unshielded room. When they were in a room without a geomagnetic field (the residual field was only 50 gamma), their critical frequency of light flickers changed. After they moved into an unshielded room with normal geomagnetic conditions, the frequency of light flickers again became normal. The frequency of light flickers is determined by how many light flashes on the screen in the dark the subject manages to detect. This means that under magnetic conditions a person’s reaction becomes slower, therefore the frequency with which he is able to register light flickers decreases. The frequency of light flickers is an indicator of the quality of functioning of the central nervous system.

In other experiments, in people who were in a shielded underground bunker, where the geomagnetic field was reduced 100 times, the period of circadian rhythms increased to 25.65 ± 1.024 hours. In an unshielded room it was 25.00 ± 0.55 hours. Let us explain that Under normal conditions, rhythms with a period of one day (24 hours) predominate in the human body. If a person is in constant conditions, then he experiences so-called circadian rhythms with a period that differs from the length of the day, namely 20 - 28 hours.

Thus, the described experiments showed that in a person, during a short-term stay in a non-magnetic (hypomagnetic) environment, the reaction of the central nervous system immediately changes.

The geomagnetic field can be eliminated not only by shielding, but also by compensation. It is possible to create a magnetic field that is opposite in direction and the same in magnitude as the geomagnetic field. These two fields will ideally add up to zero. That is, the environment will be non-magnetic. Of course, it is not possible to absolutely accurately compensate for the geomagnetic field in the entire space, but in the most important part of space for the experiment, such compensation can be achieved.

It must be borne in mind that there is a significant difference between these two methods of eliminating the Earth’s magnetic field, namely shielding the room or creating a magnetic compensating field. When a room is shielded from the Earth’s magnetic field, then any other electromagnetic radiation that, under normal conditions, affects the human body does not penetrate into it. Therefore, in experiments with shielding, it is not always reliably clear which part of the changes in the human body occurs due to the absence of a geomagnetic field, and which part is due to shielding from electromagnetic radiation at different frequencies. Let's return to the experiments on geomagnetic field compensation.

The geomagnetic field was compensated using a system of large electromagnets in the form of three modified Helmholtz rings, which were placed perpendicular to each other. The entire system was interfaced with an electric clock and a magnetometer to determine the magnetic field strength. In the center of the indicated volume, the intensity of the total magnetic field was practically equal to zero, and at a distance of 2.5 m from the center it was no more than 100 gamma. In the place where the subjects were located, the magnetic field was 50 gamma.

Six men aged 17–19 years were tested for 10 days. Two of them were for control, that is, they were in natural conditions with a normal geomagnetic field. The subjects were in a room with a normal geomagnetic field for 5 days before and after the experiments. The following indicators were recorded from them: weight, body temperature, respiratory rate, blood pressure, blood composition, changes in the electrocardiogram and electroencephalogram, psychophysiological tests and a number of other indicators (about 30 in total). All main tests did not change during 10 days in conditions without a geomagnetic field. Only the critical frequency of light flickers changed, which is an important functional characteristic associated with the reaction of the central nervous system. This frequency, as in experiments on shielding the geomagnetic field, decreased significantly.

Experiments were also carried out in which the geomagnetic field was screened, and an artificial magnetic field was created in the room where the subjects were located. An electromagnetic field of 25 mV/cm·s was created in mutually intersecting directions, varying with a frequency of 10 Hz (i.e., 10 oscillations per second). The control group of subjects was in the same room, not shielded from the geomagnetic field. A group of subjects placed in an artificial electromagnetic field were unaware of its presence. The experiments lasted 3 - 4 weeks. In continuation, the subjects were measured for their time of active activity and rest, body temperature, as well as kidney excretory function and the electrolyte composition of urine.

The experiments showed that the period of circadian rhythms in those exposed to an artificial electromagnetic field was shortened by 1.27 hours. They showed phenomena of internal desynchronization. Internal desynchronization of rhythm in people was observed more often in a shielded room. At the same time, the period of activity in people was abnormally extended to 30–40 hours. The period of simultaneously recorded autonomic functions remained normal (about 25–26 hours). There was no strong phase connection between the period of activity and the period of vegetative functions. When the artificial field was turned off, the phenomenon of internal desynchronization in the subjects disappeared. Subjects who were in an unshielded room also experienced a lengthening of the period of activity, but there was a strong phase relationship between this period and the period of change in the body temperature of people: the period of activity was exactly twice as long as the period of change in body temperature.

The main conclusion that can be drawn based on the experiments conducted is the following. Weak electromagnetic fields, both artificial and natural, affect circadian rhythms and some physiological functions in people, and therefore their general condition. Both fields prevent desynchronization, which is observed in the absence of natural and artificial magnetic fields. Of course, the 10 Hz magnetic field is not the only component of the natural field that affects the human body.

Other experiments have shown that low-frequency (2 - 8 Hz) electromagnetic fields affect a person's reaction time to an optical signal. A magnetic field of 5 - 10 Hz and a frequency of 0.2 Hz changes a person’s reaction time to other stimuli.

It has been shown that if the human body is exposed to a short-term alternating magnetic field with a frequency of 0.01 - 5 Hz and a intensity of 1000 gamma, then the nature of the electroencephalogram changes dramatically. After switching on weak alternating magnetic fields, people's heart rate increases, their health worsens, weakness and headaches appear. At the same time, a strong change in the electrical activity of the brain was recorded.

In another experiment, an artificial magnetic field of 1 G was applied to the head of a subject, which varied with a frequency from 0 to 10 Hz, while the subject's heart rate decreased by approximately 5%.

All these experiments show that there is a direct effect of short-period oscillations of the geomagnetic field on the human body. This fact is of great scientific and practical importance, since during disturbances of the Earth's magnetic field (magnetic storms), short-period oscillations of the geomagnetic field are recorded. This means that these fluctuations will negatively affect the human body and its health.

Conditions in a submarine and spacecraft can be compared to those of shielding from a geomagnetic field. Significant functional impairments were found in people underwater, despite the fact that their living conditions were good. They lacked the Earth's magnetic field, which could not penetrate the metal walls of the boat's premises. At the same time, a decrease in basal metabolism, a decrease in the total number of leukocytes in the peripheral blood and inhibition of digestive and diuretic leukocytosis were observed. In addition, the crew’s daily cycles of various functions were disrupted, and signs of various diseases appeared, in particular stomach diseases.

Astronauts also exhibit deviations compared to their condition on earth. There are changes in metabolic reactions, in particular calcium metabolism. In addition, a decrease in the number of red blood cells, changes in circadian rhythms and sleep disturbances were detected.

All these facts indicate a certain similarity between the consequences of being under water and in space. That is, a strong decrease in the geomagnetic field is the main factor that determines the similarity of changes in people under both conditions.

There is a huge amount of material in medical statistics, where nature itself “carried out” experiments. All we can do is correctly and correctly analyze the results of these experiments; we need to conduct statistical studies of medical data. These statistical studies are very important for resolving questions about the relationship between fluctuations in natural electromagnetic fields and human health.

The incidence of myocardial infarction depending on the disturbance of the Earth's magnetic field was studied at the Yerevan Medical Institute1.

It is convenient to conduct quantitative studies of the relationship between myocardial infarction and helio-geophysical factors because the very moment of the onset of the disease is clearly defined.

An analysis was carried out of the history of patients with acute myocardial infarction admitted to the therapeutic and specialized cardiology departments of the Yerevan clinic for 1974 - 1978. in order to establish the exact date of onset of the disease, depth, extent of necrosis, age and gender of patients.

Short-term magnetic disturbances do not affect the incidence of myocardial infarction. Long-term magnetic disturbances caused a significant increase in incidence over the next two days. Of 3279 patients with myocardial infarction in 1974 - 1978. there were 80.6% men and 19.4% women.

On magnetically quiet days, the average daily incidence was 1.62 ± 0.038. On magnetically active days it was 2.43 ± 0.109.

Statistics show that patients over 60 years of age were more sensitive. On moderately active days, the influence of the magnetic field was approximately the same in all age groups.

Male patients turned out to be more sensitive to the activity of the Earth's magnetic field than female patients. On magnetically quiet days, the incidence rate in men was 0.31 ± 0.033, and in women 0.31 ± 0.016. On magnetically active days, these figures became 1.99 ± 0.095 for men and 0.44 ± 0.04 for women. The ratio of morbidity rates on magnetically quiet and magnetically active days was 1:1.52 for men; for women - 1:1.42. Among the 3279 patients studied, 31.7% had small-focal and 68.3% had large-focal and extensive transmural myocardial infarction. If on magnetically quiet days small-focal myocardial infarctions amounted to 32.8%, then on magnetically active days - 28.3% (large-focal 71.7%). Thus, on magnetically active days, large-focal and extensive transmural myocardial infarctions are 4.5% more common than on magnetically quiet days.

Analysis of the presented data showed that under conditions of activity of the Earth's magnetic field, there is an increase in the frequency of pain syndrome of a compressive-pressure nature, which has important diagnostic and prognostic significance.

Statistical processing of data on emergency medical calls in Leningrad in 1969 allowed us to conclude that the leading factor influencing the dynamics of exacerbations of cardiovascular diseases is the disturbance of the Earth’s magnetic field. The greatest influence is exerted by very large and long-lasting magnetic storms.

Using a direct comparison method, a close relationship was discovered between changes in the geomagnetic field and changes in blood pressure and the number of leukocytes in the blood. Changes in the threshold level of adaptation to darkness in humans, which is a good indicator of the functional state of the brain, are also very closely related to disturbances in the Earth's magnetic field. Moreover, changes in genetic, physiological, biochemical and radiobiological processes in a wide variety of organisms also correlate with solar and magnetic storms.

Comparisons were made of short-period oscillations of the geomagnetic field with the state of the human body. It has been shown that when the magnetic field strength of the fundamental frequency of the ionospheric waveguide (8 Hz) increases, human reaction time reliably decreases by 20 ms. When there are irregular oscillations of the magnetic field with a frequency of 2 - 6 Hz, the human reaction time increases by 15 ms.

Studies have been carried out to compare the disturbance of the Earth's magnetic field and the number of diseases of various diseases. Thus, a connection was shown between the intensity of the geomagnetic field and attacks of eclampsia, acute glaucoma, epilepsy, cardiovascular accidents, labor and heart rhythm disturbances.

It has been established that not only the central, but also the autonomic nervous system of healthy people is very sensitive to geomagnetic field disturbances. Studies have shown that during small and moderate geomagnetic storms, the tone of the mainly sympathetic part of the autonomic nervous system increases. Only in 30% of cases (most often in men) is there an increase in the tone of the parasympathetic division of the autonomic nervous system.

Changes in the autonomic nervous system under the influence of disturbances in the Earth's magnetic field affect the composition of the blood. In the human body, under the influence of geomagnetic field disturbances, the same changes occur as in animals when they are exposed to weak artificial magnetic fields. In this case, there is an increase in the inhibitory process in the central nervous system, a slowdown of conditioned and unconditioned reflexes, memory impairment, and a change in the regularity of normal and pathological processes.

Based on measurements of blood pressure throughout the year and determination of the number of leukocytes in the blood of 43 patients, it was reliably shown that daily changes in diastolic pressure and leukocyte content coincide with daily changes in the Earth’s magnetic field. The heart rate also depends on the disturbance of the Earth's magnetic field.

More than 24 thousand measurements of pulse were carried out in practically healthy people aged 20 - 40 years. Based on these data, a connection was established between heart rate and changes in the magnitude of the Earth's magnetic field.

It is important to note that of all the elements of the geomagnetic field, magnetic inclination turned out to be the most effective in terms of influencing heart rate. The meaning of the magnetic field elements is explained at the beginning of the book. Here we only emphasize that the angle at which the vector of the Earth’s magnetic field is directed is important. During magnetic storms, this angle changes.

Evidence has also been obtained that during geomagnetic storms, elderly people have increased heart rates and increased blood pressure. Changes in the level of adaptation to darkness of the retina are also clearly related to the daily activity of the geomagnetic field. At the Department of Ophthalmology of the Military Medical Academy named after. S. M. Kirova (Leningrad) studied the relationship between the frequency of acute attacks of glaucoma and changes in the geomagnetic field2. Material from the emergency room of the Leningrad City Eye Hospital from 1961 to 1967 was studied. Data on the Earth's magnetic field were taken from the Voeikovo Magnetic Observatory, near Leningrad. Analysis of this material showed that on days with attacks of glaucoma, the average amplitude of the horizontal component of the geomagnetic field was 1.3 gamma less than on days without attacks of glaucoma. Based on this, it is concluded that decompensation of the glaucoma process, among other reasons, depends on the state of the Earth’s magnetic field. This conclusion seems natural, since glaucoma is a general disease of the body and neurovascular, endocrine and metabolic disorders play an extremely important role in its etiology.

At the Department of Eye Diseases of the Sverdlovsk Medical Institute, the relationship between compensation of the glaucomatous process and geomagnetic storms was studied3. Based on 666 observations over 17 years, a relationship was discovered between the average daily number of acute attacks of glaucoma and geomagnetic activity, as well as the connection between these indicators in the 27-day cycle in solar activity. This connection manifested itself most clearly during intense geomagnetic storms. Then data for 9 years (1964 - 1972) were analyzed separately for geomagnetic storms with a gradual and sudden onset. In Fig. 30, a shows the dependence of the number of acute attacks of glaucoma on weak geomagnetic storms with a gradual onset. It can be seen that the largest number of attacks occurs on the day the geomagnetic storm begins, one day before the maximum disturbance of the geomagnetic field. When the geomagnetic field is restored, the number of cases of glaucoma attacks decreases. But already on the 6th day after the start of the geomagnetic storm, a new, equally intense wave of increasing the number of acute attacks of glaucoma appears.

The comparison results for moderate and strong geomagnetic storms with a gradual onset are shown in Fig. 30, b. It can be seen that the largest number of acute attacks of glaucoma also occur on the day the geomagnetic storm begins. But on the 4th, 7th and 9th days after the start of the storm, there is a tendency towards a slight increase in the number of acute attacks of glaucoma against the background of already low geomagnetic activity.

The comparison results for weak geomagnetic storms with sudden onset are shown in Fig. 30, c. It can be seen that the largest number of acute attacks of glaucoma occur on the day the storms begin, which coincides with maximum geomagnetic activity. Two waves of a sharp increase in the number of acute attacks are observed on the 2nd day before and on the 4th day after the start of the storm. These geomagnetic storms cause significant fluctuations in the frequency of acute attacks of glaucoma, which continue to occur against the background of an already calm geomagnetic field. Cases of moderate and strong geomagnetic storms with sudden onset are shown in Fig. 30, g. These storms contribute to the development of the maximum number of acute attacks of glaucoma in the first day after the start of the storm, which coincides with the maximum solar activity. Again, the number of attacks increases on the 3rd, 6th and 9th days after the start of the geomagnetic storm. The data obtained allow a more objective approach to the prevention of acute attacks of glaucoma, taking into account the specific geomagnetic situation.

The general and local incidence of malignant neoplasms in Turkmenistan for 1959 - 1967 was studied.4 Only patients in whom the specified diagnosis was established for the first time were taken into account. Data are presented in intensive rates per 10,000 population. The results of the study are visible in Fig. 31. Shown here are the relationships between the relative numbers of solar activity (left axis) and the incidence rate for the period from 1954 to 1967. It can be seen that during the years of decreased solar activity (1959 - 1964), the incidence of malignant neoplasms increased. The highest incidence of cancer (both general and local) occurred during the quiet period of the Sun 1964 - 1965. Let us recall that this year coordinated international studies of solar-terrestrial connections were carried out under the International Year of the Quiet Sun (IYYS) program. The lowest incidence of cancer occurred at the highest solar activity.

What explains this dependence? It has been experimentally shown that during the years of maximum solar activity, the leukocyte count becomes lower than during the years of the quiet Sun. With a decrease in solar activity, the content of leukocytes in the peripheral blood increases.

The most sensitive to radiation are young, rapidly dividing, poorly differentiated cellular elements. Leukopenia during periods of increased solar activity is apparently explained by inhibition of the mitotic process due to the influence of solar activity on poorly differentiated bone marrow cells.

Since cancer cells are also poorly differentiated, rapidly dividing elements, it can be assumed that there is an inhibitory effect of solar activity on the development of malignant tumors. It can be assumed that solar activity retards the growth of emerging malignant tumors and does not affect benign processes and precancerous formations.

The maximum increase in the incidence of cancer during the years of the quiet Sun is not the result of the malignancy of the descendants of cells “irradiated” during the years of the active Sun, i.e. 6 - 7 years ago. Apparently, it is the result of the lack of an inhibitory effect of solar activity on the division of malignant cells in the early stage of a developing tumor that arises from any other cause.

The daily rhythm of radiosensitivity has been noted by many researchers. Comparing it with the course of disturbance in the geomagnetic field showed that the results of radiation exposure on a living organism at any given moment in time depend on the state of the geomagnetic field in the given place where the experiments are carried out.

It was noted that fluctuations in body weight in control and irradiated animals also have clear synchrony with changes in the geomagnetic field precisely during the period and in this place where the studies were carried out.

Stressful and critical periods in the physiology of the female body, such as labor and the course of the menstrual cycle, were also studied. Statistical processing of a large number of data was carried out, which were compared with indicators of geomagnetic field disturbance. It was found that the number of occurrences of menstrual bleeding in women on certain days depends on the disturbance of the Earth’s magnetic field. During the calming of the Earth's magnetic field, the frequency of the onset of menstruation increases, and during increased disturbance of the magnetic field, on the contrary, menstrual bleeding begins less frequently. The duration of the menstrual cycle is also associated with disturbances in the geomagnetic field. This connection is direct, i.e., greater magnetic activity corresponds to a longer duration of the menstrual cycle.

It has been established that the daily rhythm of both the beginning and the end of labor depends on the daily variation of the geomagnetic field disturbance. With increased disturbance of the Earth's magnetic field, labor activity intensifies, i.e. magnetic storms provoke premature birth.

When the curve of the daily variation of the disturbance of the Earth's magnetic field and the curve of the daily rhythm of childbirth were compared, it turned out that they are very similar, practically repeating each other. Only the curve of the daily rhythm of labor is shifted by 6 hours relative to the curve of magnetic disturbance. This gives reason to assume that the latent period of manifestation of the effect of the geomagnetic field on labor activity is close to 6 hours.

Strong geomagnetic disturbances cause a disruption in the rhythm of labor intensity. On the 1st day of a magnetic storm, cases of the onset of labor become more frequent. On the 2nd day of the storm, the number of births decreases, and on the 3rd - 4th day it increases again. By the end of the magnetic storm, the number of genera decreases to the initial level characteristic of the Earth's undisturbed magnetic field. During a magnetic storm, premature births begin more often, and towards the end of the storm the number of rapid births noticeably increases.

The dynamics of the occurrence and changes in the amplitude and frequency properties of short-period oscillations of the Earth's magnetic field, which accompany geomagnetic storms, largely corresponds to the dynamics of the occurrence of processes in the body of women.

Of all the diseases that are susceptible to the effects of magnetic storms, cardiovascular diseases were highlighted first of all, since their connection with solar and magnetic activity was the most obvious. Actually, the discovery of this connection made by French doctors led to the fact that, having understood this connection, they were able to give a picture of solar activity based on the condition of patients with cardiovascular diseases.

The connection between magnetic activity and the human body during the development of any disease is important both at the initial stage of the disease and at its subsequent stages. The difference is that if at the first stage of the development of the disease the consequences of the influence of the magnetic field may not be catastrophic, then at the stage when the body is severely affected by the disease, the effect of the magnetic storm, as a rule, causes large changes. This can be seen in conditions such as preeclampsia and eclampsia, toxicosis of pregnancy, etc. The most obvious example of such a dependence is the group of cardiovascular diseases. Recently, many facts have been accumulated indicating the influence of geomagnetic disturbances on the course and exacerbation of these diseases, especially in the later stages of disease development.

A comparison was made of the dependence of the severity of cardiovascular diseases on many environmental factors, such as atmospheric pressure, air temperature changes, precipitation, wind speed, cloudiness, ionization, radiation regime, etc. However, a reliable and stable connection of cardiovascular diseases is revealed precisely with chromospheric flares and geomagnetic storms.

The number of cardiovascular diseases clearly differs in number on magnetically quiet days and on disturbance days. For example, according to Sverdlovsk data for 1964, the average daily rate of cerebral strokes was 3.5, and on magnetically active days - 5.2. According to Leningrad data for 1960 - 1963, the number of ambulance calls to patients with myocardial infarction on one day with high magnetic activity was 6.6, while on a magnetically quiet day the number of calls was 3.4. The number of complications that arise from cardiovascular diseases, including the number of cases of sudden death, increases with increasing magnetic field disturbance. These phenomena are observed simultaneously in distant cities.

It has been established that on the day of a magnetic storm and in the next day or two after it, the largest number of cardiovascular accidents and deaths is observed. The fact that the maximum incidence occurs on the first or second day after a magnetic storm indicates the reactivity of the body itself and the latent period in the development of one or another complication. But, apparently, what is more important is that the very structure of the electromagnetic field that accompanies geomagnetic storms changes depending on the time measured from the beginning of the geomagnetic storm. This is the presence of short-period magnetic field oscillations (SPV), their amplitude, frequency, as well as their changes in the solar cycle. Indeed, the days when cardiovascular morbidity and complications associated with these diseases increase coincide with the days when the geomagnetic field CCP appears and intensifies. This once again confirms that CCPs have a particularly strong effect on biological objects. Short-period oscillations have different patterns and characteristics during geomagnetic storms with a gradual and sudden onset. Therefore, it becomes clear that these and other magnetic storms affect biological objects differently, since the effect of the CPC is affected here. For the same reason, apparently, the dynamics of the course of the disease itself differs in different phases of the same magnetic storm.

Let us recall that short-period oscillations of the Pс1 type most often appear on the 3rd - 4th day after the passage of a magnetic storm with a sudden onset. Oscillations of the РсЗ type are observed on the 2nd - 4th day after a geomagnetic storm with a sudden onset. These days we should expect their negative aftereffects on human health (and the condition of other biological objects). If earlier the increase in the number of heart attacks these days was surprising, then linking this fact with the strengthening of the CCP explains everything.

We have already said that during geomagnetic storms, changes in blood composition occur even in healthy people. Let's look at this issue in more detail.

A direct comparison of the geomagnetic field disturbance and the number of leukocytes in the blood showed that both of these quantities change synchronously. It was further discovered that the functional state of the blood in healthy people changes during geomagnetic storms. At the same time, the activity of fibrinolysis decreases, which increases the likelihood of thrombosis. It will seem strange to the reader that the value of ESR (in previous terminology - ROE) in the same person changes during the day and even many times a day. It has been established that these changes in healthy people are associated with changes in the vertical component of the geomagnetic field over the same period. Using daily measurements for 4 months, the dynamics of the number of red blood cells and hemoglobin content in healthy people was studied. It turned out that with weak and moderate geomagnetic field disturbances, blood parameters change in accordance with the dynamics of global changes in geomagnetic activity. When a sharp change in geomagnetic activity occurs (increases by more than 100 in one or two days), a decrease in the number of red blood cells and hemoglobin may be observed. Studies have shown that in healthy young people during geomagnetic storms, the number of leukocytes and platelets in the blood decreases, blood clotting slows down, ESR and fibrinolytic activity increases.

It turned out that in different cities of the USSR (Kirovsk, Petrozavodsk, Moscow, Ternopil, Uzhgorod) the nature of changes in erythrocytes and hemoglobin in the blood is similar and is associated with the dynamics of global changes in geomagnetic activity.

1. Karazyan N. N. Dependence of myocardial infarction on the activity of the Earth’s magnetic field. - Blood circulation, 1981, XIV, No. 1, p. 19 - 21.

2. Zhokhov V.P., Indeikin E.I. - Bulletin of Ophthalmology. 1970, No. 5, p. 29 - 30.

3. Kachevanskaya I.V.—Bulletin of Ophthalmology, 1976, No. 4, p. 16 - 18.

4. Kupriyanov S.N., Goering-Galaktionova I.V. - Healthcare of Turkmenistan, 1967, No. 11, p. 25 - 29.