Endocrinology. Department of Pediatric Endocrinology What an endocrinologist does when examining children

Almost all life processes in the human body are controlled by active chemicals called hormones. In turn, hormones are produced by the endocrine system, which includes the pancreas, adrenal glands, and thyroid gland. When the functions of the endocrine system are disrupted, the entire body is damaged, physiological processes are disrupted, various diseases arise, and the functioning of the brain and nervous systems may be disrupted. Therefore, it is extremely important to undergo a systematic examination by an endocrinologist, and for children there is a pediatric endocrinologist.

Let's consider what diseases this specialist can identify, and in which cases you should contact him immediately.

What diseases can an endocrinologist identify?

In children, diseases of the endocrine system can “masquerade” as completely innocent diseases - indigestion, sweating, increased fatigue, irritability. Therefore, if you find the indicated signs of the disease in your child, then you should not ignore them; contact an endocrinologist who will conduct an examination. If the examination does not reveal the presence of diseases, then this will reassure you. Otherwise, the following diseases may appear:

  • dysfunction of the adrenal glands;
  • thyroid diseases;
  • dysfunction of the hypothalamic-pituitary system;
  • diabetes.

All these diseases can cause significant harm to a child’s body, slow down and even stop its development. Therefore, a pediatric endocrinologist is a specialist who must be visited regularly, preferably undergoing medical examination at least twice a year.

Clear signs of endocrine system diseases

Every person is well aware that the earlier a disease is diagnosed, the easier it will be to treat. In relation to endocrinology, this means that in addition to regular preventive examinations, you must monitor the health of your child. Diseases of the endocrine system, as mentioned above, can be identified by external signs, which will require a pediatric endocrinologist to identify. In addition to those already mentioned, these signs include the following:

  • disturbance of night sleep and increased sleepiness during the day;
  • obvious deterioration in intelligence, learning difficulties;
  • constant thirst;
  • dry skin combined with swelling;
  • frequent toilet;
  • obvious delay in puberty;
  • pain in the front of the neck;
  • excessive weight.

It should be noted that one should not expect that a child suffering from diseases of the endocrine system will exhibit all of these signs. Often, only one symptom may indicate a disease. Therefore, if your child, for example, clearly drinks too much water, then a pediatric endocrinologist is already necessary.


If you suspect a pathology of the thyroid gland, you need to contact a specialist. This is where the patient becomes aware of what endocrinology is and how dangerous diseases in this area are. Pathologies of the endocrine system disrupt hormonal levels and, if left untreated, lead to serious health consequences.

Who is an endocrinologist

If you have thyroid dysfunction, you cannot do without taking medications. They can only be prescribed by a highly specialized specialist. An endocrinologist works fruitfully in a given direction, checking the functions of internal organs that produce hormones or are controlled by them. We are talking about the thyroid, pancreas, thymus and gonads, adrenal glands, hypothalamus, pituitary gland, pineal gland. Correcting hormonal imbalance is the main task of an endocrinologist who successfully treats adult patients and children.

What does an endocrinologist treat?

An endocrinology specialist works in two main areas: pediatric endocrinology and diabetology. The first group covers the age category of children and adolescents who, due to hormonal imbalance, develop problems with sexual development. The second area that an endocrinologist does covers such acute and chronic pathologies as diabetes mellitus and complications that can be caused by a characteristic illness. The disease is difficult to treat and can be congenital or acquired.

Other groups of diseases that an endocrinologist treats are presented below:

  1. Acromegaly– accelerated production of growth hormone.
  2. Itsenko-Cushing's disease with extensive damage to the functions of the adrenal glands.
  3. Diabetes insipidus acquired form against the background of progressive diseases of the hypothalamus and pituitary gland.
  4. Autoimmune thyroiditis– a disease when, due to iodine deficiency, the thyroid gland becomes pathologically enlarged.
  5. Pathologies with progressive disorders of calcium metabolism.
  6. Obesity, which equally occurs in women, children and men against the background of hormonal imbalance.
  7. Osteoporosis– a diagnosis that is accompanied by a decrease in the density of bone structures due to disturbances in the concentration of hormones.

Why do you consult an endocrinologist?

If a patient experiences an unbearable feeling of thirst and complains of frequent urination, it is possible that an endocrine disease such as diabetes insipidus predominates in his body. In such a difficult situation, an endocrinologist will help - who he is and what he treats is already known. Do not hesitate to visit, otherwise the disease becomes chronic. Therefore, a visit to an endocrinologist is appropriate in the following clinical situations:

  • adrenogenital syndrome;
  • autoimmune diseases;
  • dysfunction of the adrenal cortex;
  • nodules in the thyroid gland;
  • acute and chronic adrenal insufficiency;
  • lipid metabolism disorder.

Endocrinologist - what treats women

More often, a specialist in diseases of the endocrine glands is needed by the fair half of humanity, especially in reproductive age. An endocrinologist is the first relevant specialist, a gynecologist is the second. Such highly specialized doctors in a duet successfully treat hormonal imbalances in the female body and normalize the functioning of the reproductive system. They equally help young girls and older ladies during menopause to cope with ailments. In more detail, an endocrinologist treats the following diseases in women:

  • type 1 diabetes mellitus;
  • diabetes insipidus;
  • autoimmune thyroiditis;
  • menstrual irregularities;
  • premenopausal syndrome;
  • problems with lactation;
  • excess male hormones in women;
  • multiple endocrine neoplasia;
  • benign cysts or malignant tumors of the thyroid gland.

Endocrinologist - what treats pregnant women

It is advisable to check the functioning of the thyroid gland even when planning a pregnancy, otherwise a relapse of adrenal gland pathology, for example, may worsen during pregnancy against the background of radical changes in hormonal levels. This is a dangerous condition that can affect intrauterine development. Therefore, it is necessary to register with a doctor, undergo constant examination, and conduct a series of laboratory tests for further correction of biochemical parameters. In pregnant women, an endocrinologist treats the following pathologies:

  • diabetes;
  • hypothyroidism;
  • thyrotoxicosis;
  • thyroid cancer;
  • neoplasms of the adrenal glands (oncological diseases).

Endocrinologist - what treats men

Representatives of the stronger sex also turn to this doctor, and also visit a urologist. Such highly specialized specialists know exactly what to do if there are pronounced symptoms of pathologies of the endocrine system. First, the suspected focus of pathology must be examined, and then immediate therapy must be initiated. An endocrinologist for men helps with the following clinical pictures:

  • apudoms;
  • nesidioblastosis;
  • androgen deficiency in men;
  • improper calcium metabolism in the body;
  • pubertal-adolescent dispituitarism.

What does an endocrinologist treat in children?

Under the influence of external and internal factors, hormonal imbalance can also be observed in a child. Taking medications with a diseased thyroid gland is strictly limited, so if you have characteristic symptoms, you need to see a specialist doctor. It is necessary to check the thyroid gland, since at such a young age it is a very fragile organ of the child’s body. In children, an endocrinologist treats the following extensive pathologies:

  • dwarfism;
  • gigantism;
  • diffuse goiter;
  • cerebral gigantism;
  • hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism;
  • Itsenko-Cushing's disease.

Examination by an endocrinologist

The first step is to contact a specialist. The doctor will not only examine the patient, but also make decisions regarding further diagnosis and successful treatment with conservative methods. Do this quickly to prevent the chronic development of such dangerous pathologies. The initial examination by an endocrinologist is just the beginning; the doctor places the main emphasis on conducting a series of laboratory tests in order to determine the characteristics of the hormonal background in a specific clinical picture. This is a blood test for hormones and sugar that checks for diabetes.

Examination by an endocrinologist

Having made an appointment with a specialist, the patient must understand what awaits him. The first examination by an endocrinologist involves collecting medical history data, an external examination of the clinical patient, and a more detailed study of the medical history. Next, a highly specialized specialist probes the inflamed thyroid gland for the presence of foreign nodules and neoplasms, and gives a preliminary medical opinion regarding the predominant disease. An analysis of sugar and hormones confirms all medical suspicions, but to be sure, the doctor recommends an ultrasound of the thyroid gland.

Video: what an endocrinologist does

Attention! The information presented in the article is for informational purposes only. The materials in the article do not encourage self-treatment. Only a qualified doctor can make a diagnosis and give treatment recommendations based on the individual characteristics of a particular patient.

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The baby’s health is determined by the timely development and coherence of all organs and systems.

The most important system in a child’s body, which regulates many processes, is the endocrine system.

To understand whether the baby’s endocrine system is in order, it is advisable for every mother to know what the symptoms of endocrine diseases are, for which it is necessary to consult a doctor. We'll talk about this today.

Endocrinologist: what kind of doctor?

Endocrinologist is a doctor who diagnoses and treats diseases of the endocrine system in adults and children.

Endocrine system - these are endocrine glands (hypothalamus, pituitary gland, pineal gland, pancreas, ovaries, testicles, etc.), which release hormones into the body’s bloodstream that regulate important life processes of the body.

The endocrine system is a very delicate mechanism that reacts sharply to all harmful factors. Endocrine system of children more susceptible to environmental factors than the adult system.

Many pathologies of the endocrine system begin to develop in childhood, so it is very important to regularly visit an endocrinologist and be sure to show your baby to the doctor if you notice symptoms of endocrine diseases in a child in order to identify the problem in time and begin treatment for the disease.

The most serious symptoms indicating endocrine diseases

Delayed puberty or precocious development

It is worth talking about delayed sexual development if girls over 15 years of age do not have menstruation and the mammary glands are not enlarged, if boys over 15 years of age do not have hair in the armpits and pubic area, if the size of the testicles is too small.

It happens that delayed puberty is not associated with endocrine system disorders, but is hereditary (that is, the parents also began sexual development later). In this case, you still need to contact an endocrinologist to rule out any disorders of the endocrine system.

Precocious puberty usually means enlarged mammary glands, the appearance of hair in the pubic area and armpits in girls under 9 years of age, as well as enlarged testicles, the appearance of hair in the pubic area and armpits in boys under 10 years of age.

Almost all cases of premature puberty are associated with endocrine problems, and therefore require immediate consultation with a doctor.

Diabetes symptoms

With endocrine disorders, the child may develop symptoms : the baby drinks too much, he urinates frequently, he abuses sweets, his body weight decreases for no apparent reason, weakness appears, and he does not want to do anything or move actively.

If these symptoms occur, you should immediately consult a doctor to make a diagnosis and begin treatment.

Short stature and excessive growth

The easiest way to determine Is your child's growth normal? , compare it with 5-10 peers. If your baby is significantly shorter than other children, your child may have growth retardation. If, on the contrary, the baby is too tall in comparison with other children, this may indicate excessive growth.

The cause of short stature or excessive growth can be not only endocrine diseases, but also heredity, diseases of the musculoskeletal system

According to the norms, average height of a boy should be 92-99 cm, girls - 93-98 cm, at 4 years old, a boy's height should be approximately 99-105 cm, girls - 98-104 cm, at 5 years old, boys' height can be 105-112 cm, girls - 104 -110 cm, at 6 years old - boys - 112-118 cm, girls - 110-118 cm, at 7 years old - boys - 118-125 cm, girls - 118-124 cm. At each age, fluctuations in the height of boys and girls are possible + /- 5-7 cm.

The cause of short stature or excessive growth can be not only endocrine diseases, but also heredity and diseases of the musculoskeletal system. Only a doctor can determine what caused the problem. Typically, the doctor will X-ray of the hands and wrist joints , which can be used to determine the state of growth zones.

Mom Elena shared her story: “My son has always been short, shorter than everyone else his age. At first I thought that this would soon be corrected, but now he was already in his 6th year, and the situation had not changed, I began to worry a lot. I decided to go with the child to an endocrinologist. The doctor ordered tests for us, we passed everything, it turned out that our son was healthy, short stature was his peculiarity. The doctor said to carefully monitor the baby’s health during adolescence, since at this time the child’s growth can increase greatly in a short period, and this is harmful to the spine.”

Underweight or overweight

A serious symptom of endocrine disorders is insufficient or. According to medical standards, at 3 years the boy must weigh approximately 13-16 kg, girl - 13-15 kg, at 4 years - boy - 16-18 kg, girl - 15-17 kg, at 5 years - boy - 18-20 kg, girl - 17-19 kg, at 6 years old - boy - 20-22 kg, girl - 19-22 kg, at 7 years old - boy - 22-25 kg, girl - 22-25 kg. Weight fluctuations are possible at any age from 1 to 2 kilograms.

For weight problems it is necessary consultation with an endocrinologist , you should not torture your child with a diet yourself or, conversely, force-feed. Perhaps it's not the diet, but the hormones.

An endocrinologist is a doctor who specializes in the diagnosis, prevention and treatment of diseases related to the endocrine system. The endocrinologist's area of ​​expertise includes organs such as the thyroid gland, adrenal glands, pancreas, pituitary gland, hypothalamus and pineal gland. Endocrinology is divided into pediatric and diabetology.

What does an endocrinologist treat in adults and children?

  • Diabetes. This is an endocrine disease in which the body stops producing the hormone insulin in the required amount.
  • Diabetes insipidus. This is a rare disease that occurs when the hypothalamus and pituitary gland malfunction.
  • Thyroid diseases, such as diffuse goiter, autoimmune thyroiditis.
  • Hyperandrogenism in women. This is a disease in which the content of male sex hormones increases in the female body. Typically, a gynecologist is involved in the treatment of this disease.
  • Acromegaly. This is a disease associated with dysfunction of the pituitary gland.
  • Adrenal diseases, Itsenko-Cushing's disease.
  • Hyperprolactinemia. This is a disease in which the body increases the production of the hormone prolactin.
  • Age-related testosterone deficiency in men.
  • Obesity. An endocrinologist treats this disease together with a nutritionist.
  • Hypothyroidism. This disease is associated with a lack of thyroid hormones and is often found in children.
  • Pseudohypoparathyroidism. This disease is treated by a pediatric endocrinologist; it manifests itself as seizures in children, often from birth.
  • Premature sexual development and delayed puberty in children.

When is a pediatric endocrinologist needed?

It is very important that there are quite a lot of diseases that a pediatric endocrinologist treats. A pediatrician can see the pathology in a timely manner and refer you to a specialist, which is why it is so important to undergo preventive examinations in a timely manner and not refuse to visit a pediatric endocrinologist if recommended.

Below are the symptoms of diseases treated by an endocrinologist in children:

  • Constant thirst and frequent urination;
  • Changes in appetite, it may decrease or increase;
  • Obesity;
  • Low weight gain or sudden weight loss;
  • Weakness, fatigue, anxiety, muscle weakness;
  • Developmental delay;
  • Enlargement of the thyroid gland, possible pain.
  • Convulsions;
  • Early menstruation in girls, appearance of early secondary sexual characteristics (up to 7 years in girls, up to 8 years in boys);
  • Delays in sexual development in children 13-14 years old.

If one or more of the above symptoms appears, a pediatric endocrinologist is needed.

Children are often registered with a doctor. Often this decision is made by a pediatric endocrinologist if:

  • At birth, the child was low in weight or, conversely, more than 4 kilograms.
  • Metabolism is disrupted;
  • The child has been diagnosed with problems with the thyroid gland;
  • A diagnosis of “disorder of sexual development” or another diagnosis requiring constant monitoring has been made;
  • Pathology of the adrenal glands was discovered.

When is an adult endocrinologist needed?

Most often, a referral to an endocrinologist is given by other specialists, such as a therapist or gynecologist for women and a urologist for men. It is difficult to make a diagnosis that is associated with endocrine disease in men and women, but attention should be paid if the patient is concerned about the following signs:

  • Decreased ability to work, general weakness, fatigue, memory impairment.
  • Numbness of the limbs, causeless pain in the arms and legs.
  • Irritability, tearfulness, depression.
  • Unreasonable decrease or increase in body weight.
  • Constant thirst and frequent urination, especially at night.
  • Feeling hot, sweating, chilliness, palpitations.
  • Feeling of a lump in the throat, swelling and pain in the neck.
  • Headache.
  • Menstrual cycle disorders in women.
  • Infertility.
  • Frequent constipation, nausea.

In some situations, an examination by an endocrinologist is necessary even in the absence of symptoms of the disease. Doctors often refer women to see a gynecologist-endocrinologist in situations such as:

  • Pregnancy planning, gestation period;
  • If there is a need to choose oral contraceptives;
  • The period before menopause.
  • Age over 45 years. (Applies to men as well).

A gynecologist-endocrinologist specializes in the diagnosis and treatment of diseases related to reproductive function. A woman may need a gynecologist-endocrinologist regardless of her age, since at a young age a girl may experience acne, heavy menstruation, and excess hair growth. Young women often experience symptoms such as painful menstruation and breast pain, and infertility problems. In adulthood, ovarian cysts, cervical pathologies and other gynecological disorders are common.

Doctor's office. What examinations does an endocrinologist prescribe?

Since an endocrinologist treats diseases associated with general disorders in the body, his office is equipped with such components as scales, a measuring tape, a stadiometer and a glucometer. Also, the office usually always has a neurological kit and tests for ketone bodies in urine. A gynecologist-endocrinologist has a gynecological chair in his office.

An appointment with a pediatric and adult endocrinologist begins with interviewing the patient and collecting an anamnesis. The doctor is interested in the patient’s condition and asks what is bothering him. At the first appointment, the endocrinologist will ask whether the patient has relatives with endocrine diseases, listen to the heart and measure blood pressure, and also examine the lymph nodes, thyroid gland, genital organs, and the gynecologist-endocrinologist will examine the woman in a gynecological chair.

Based on the examination results, the endocrinologist may prescribe tests:

  • Ultrasound of the thyroid gland, adrenal glands or pelvic organs;
  • blood sugar test;
  • blood test for hormones.

It is very important to take hormone tests correctly; failure to comply with the conditions may affect the results, which will prevent the doctor from making the correct diagnosis.

Thus, testing for sex hormones in women is carried out only on certain days:

  • Testosterone. The analysis is taken 6-7 days after menstruation;
  • Luteinizing hormone. The analysis takes place on days 3-8 and 19-21 of the cycle.
  • Progesterone. This test is taken in the second half of the menstrual cycle.
  • Estrogen. The analysis is taken on the 3-5th day of the beginning of the cycle.