Dementyev Petr Vladimirovich. Davydov Sergey Viktorovich

Born on April 1, 1958 in Chelyabinsk. He graduated from the Chelyabinsk Institute of Mechanization and Electrification of Agriculture with a degree in Mechanical Engineer and the Ural Electromechanical Institute of Railway Transport Engineers with a degree in Organization of Train Traffic. He worked as deputy head of the Chelyabinsk-Glavny station, deputy chairman of the youth affairs committee of the Chelyabinsk region administration, head of the organizational department, deputy head, head of the organizational department of the Chelyabinsk city administration. Until recently, he was deputy head of the executive committee of the political council of the Chelyabinsk regional branch of the United Russia WFP, head of the party building department.

Publications with mentions on

In Chelyabinsk on October 14, 2012, by-elections of deputies to the City Duma will take place in two electoral districts. As the correspondent of "UralPolit.Ru" reports, this was announced today...

In Chelyabinsk, thirteen candidates for deputies in the by-elections to the City Duma in electoral districts No. 9 and No. 35 dropped out of the election campaign. As the correspondent reports...

In Chelyabinsk, deputy city manager and chief of staff of the administration, Evgeniy Shinin, was elected chairman of the new city election commission. How...

CHELYABINSK, December 10, news agency UralPolit.Ru. Deputy head of the city administration Evgeny Shinin left the post of chairman of the Chelyabinsk election commission. From December 10th he...

CHELYABINSK, March 17, news agency UralPolit.Ru. The Chelyabinsk administration will create a working commission to assess the availability of the services provided to it. The corresponding order...

CHELYABINSK, March 25, news agency UralPolit.Ru. Chelyabinsk officials and deputies were required to report on gifts received. The corresponding situation of the parliamentarians of Chelyabinsk...

CHELYABINSK, April 22, news agency UralPolit.Ru. The South Ural government will determine a structural unit responsible for storing, evaluating and selling received by officials...

16.03.2007 00:00 47 (10682)

The hero of today’s “Famous Graduate” column was remembered at school for two reasons. Firstly, he played guitar in a student ensemble. Such musical guys, you know, cannot go unnoticed. Secondly, he was an athlete and defended the honor of the school in many competitions. Both hobbies, by the way, will be useful to my interlocutor in his current work. How? Read the material and find out everything.

Starting this year, the city election commission was headed by Evgeniy SHININ. He was unanimously elected to the position of chairman. In addition to other advantages (we will discuss them below), the Vecherka correspondent discovered in Evgeniy Aleksandrovich one more quality that would be very useful for a manager in such work.

It turned out that he is a very balanced person by nature. To the question “Can you be pissed off?” He answers that it’s probably possible. True, no one has ever managed to do this...

From the HF dossier

Evgeniy SHININ

born on April 1, 1958 in Chelyabinsk. He studied at primary school No. 81 and secondary school No. 107. He graduated from the Chelyabinsk Institute of Mechanization and Electrification of Agriculture and the Ural Electromechanical Institute of Railway Transport Engineers.

He worked as deputy head of the Chelyabinsk-Glavny station for passenger transportation. His Komsomol career began on the railway. Head of the organizational department and second secretary of the Soviet district committee of the Komsomol, leader and second secretary of the city Komsomol committee - this is Yevgeny Shinin’s Komsomol track record.

After the collapse of the Komsomol, he worked as deputy chairman of the regional committee for youth affairs, and later as head of the organizational department, deputy head, and then head of the organizational department of the Chelyabinsk city administration.

In 2005 - 2007 - deputy head of the regional executive committee of the United Russia party.

Third Coming

Evgeniy Aleksandrovich, this is your third visit to the building located on Revolution Square, 2. The walls won’t let you go or are you drawn to this house?

Why the third? - thinks. - Although you are right! Once upon a time, this building housed the Komsomol city committee, where I had the opportunity to work as second secretary.

Later he worked in the organizational department of the city administration - also here. Now again, every day I walk through the corridors of my home - the city election commission is on the first floor. It must be the way fate has decreed!

The business we are now dealing with is also not unfamiliar. When we worked in the organizational department of the city administration, we paid a lot of attention to elections.

Moreover, since 2004 I have been a member of the city election commission. In principle, the work is familiar to me, but I will have to study its subtleties and nuances...

- ...And you will also have to spend sleepless nights during the voting period. I know that many members of election commissions lose a lot of weight during elections due to constant tension and stress.

There is definitely no time for rest during the election campaign. Then the work is around the clock. In the meantime, there are many things to do without which we cannot do without holding elections at a high level.

Dead Souls

What problems are making your head spin right now?

From many. For example, it is no secret that on election day there are cases when dead people suddenly find themselves on the voter lists, while some living and healthy people, on the contrary, do not appear on the lists. By the way, there are fewer and fewer such facts in Chelyabinsk every year.

But ideally they should not exist at all. We will try to solve this problem together with the relevant authorities. Another nuance: residential buildings are being built in Chelyabinsk and are being occupied. This is very good! However, we have more work to do: we need to create new precinct election commissions, find premises...

Have you already stocked up on headache pills?

I'm worried, of course. Sometimes I can’t even sleep - problems are spinning in my head. However, I generally know what to do and how to do it. Last year, on October 3, the city's election commission turned ten years old. During this time, major elections were held three times - in 1996, 2000 and 2005, additional and repeat elections - six times. All work was analyzed and the results were summed up.

Based on these data, we have determined further steps and prospects for ourselves. We are going to learn from the experience of other cities and regions. In March, elections took place in many regions of Russia. We followed their progress and results with interest - we will learn lessons.

Let's improve voter culture

Do you have many assistants?

There is a lot during elections. One might say, an army of thousands of assistants. Do the math for yourself. There are thirty-seven electoral districts in the city, more than four hundred precinct election commissions. Each commission has from nine to thirteen people.

There are several thousand commission members alone. Plus, on election day, about a hundred more people help the city commission. In total, there are more than five thousand election organizers. And I will have to manage all these people and the process in general. Wow!

Add to this the number of voters!

By the way, about them. We are currently working on developing a program to improve the legal culture of voters in the city of Chelyabinsk. Let's pay special attention to educational institutions - today's high school students will come to vote in a year or two. We want our voters to be literate.

How are you going to lure them to the elections? Previously, people went to vote because they could buy scarce products - canned meat and condensed milk. Now times have changed.

I already have some ideas, but I won’t give away the secrets yet. We will definitely introduce new forms to get people interested.

Despite the fact that the Central Election Commission abolished the turnout threshold. By the way, how do you feel about this decision?

On July 21, 2006, the Legislative Assembly of the region adopted a law on municipal elections in the Chelyabinsk region, in which the turnout threshold was abolished at the local level.

My attitude towards this is twofold. On the one hand, this saves budget money - elections will take place in any case, there will be no need to hold repeat ones. On the other hand, this all points to insufficient voter activity.

Let's do without secrets

The issue of the independence of the city election commission, which was previously subordinate to the city duma and the mayor, has already been resolved...

- The Election Commission, within its competence, is independent of state authorities and local self-government.

What is your relationship with the regional election commission? Have you become friends with Irina Starostina?

- I met with Irina Arkadyevna. I hope that we will have mutual understanding and cooperation. We constantly consult with lawyers of the regional election commission and are grateful to them for their help.

Are there any professional secrets in your work?

- I think there is no need for secrets in our business - both the regional and election commissions are doing the same thing. This year, on December 2, we will have to hold federal elections to the State Duma, then, next spring, we will elect the President of Russia. Big municipal elections await Chelyabinsk residents on the second Sunday of March 2009, when we will go to vote for the head of the city and deputies of the city duma.

I have heard this expression more than once: “The elections end - the work begins.” Explain?

- And this is really so. Losing candidates begin to appeal against certain actions of the election commission. For example, in the last elections of the head of Chelyabinsk and deputies of the City Duma, 47 cases were considered in the courts. The largest number concerned challenging decisions of commissions in connection with the refusal to register candidates.

Boxing will not be useful at work!

Evgeniy Alexandrovich, your work is still serious. Sometimes you need to take a break from this. What techniques do you use to relax?

I really like men’s activities such as fishing and hunting. Once I caught a ten-kilogram pike. I also make sure to work out in the gym several times a week and swim in the pool. I can't live without sports. He started doing it in childhood. When I was studying, I competed a lot for the school in various competitions.

I heard that you are a candidate for master of sports in boxing. Therefore, you know how to turn away from blows and defend yourself. Do you think such abilities will be useful in your new job?

- Are you kidding?! If anything comes in handy, it’s that the body is accustomed to the stress.

I know that your son is a hockey player. 23-year-old defender Alexander Shinin now plays for Severstal Cherepovets, where he has already become a silver medalist in the Russian Championship among Super League teams. Why, by the way, is he not a patriot of his native land? Chelyabinsk "Traktor" sets goals for itself year after year, and the son of the chairman of the city election commission plays in a foreign land.

- Maybe he’ll also play in Traktor. Sasha graduated from the ChTZ sports school. I studied with Alexander Glazkov, a talented coach whose students constantly became champions and prize-winners of the Russian Championship in their age group.

In the history of the Traktor children's and youth school, this is an outstanding result. When my son turned seventeen, he and I went to Toronto for the NHL draft. True, Sasha did not fall for him. But he was invited to Severstal. So he performs there.

The son earns more than his father. Did he give you something from your first salary?

- When he started receiving money, Sasha bought two cars - one for himself, the other for me. I enjoy driving the Ford Focus I was given as a gift. And his wife Tatyana is happy that her son helped renovate the apartment. This is how a child was raised!

Surrounded by hockey players. On the left is son Alexander Shinin, defender of Cherepovets
Severstal. On the right is Alexander Semin, who now plays for the Washington club.

Guitarist of the ensemble "Mifa"

What kind of child were you? For example, how did you study at school?

- I was a normal child and studied in the same way. In elementary school it’s generally like four and five.

Which teachers do you remember more often than others?

Before graduation, my class teacher was Nina Dovzhenko. I remembered it well. You know what age high school students are. All kinds of maximalist antics, the desire to stand out, to prove our importance - all this accompanied us everywhere.

The teachers had different attitudes to this, but Nina Vladimirovna only had understanding. She turned out to be a real senior comrade, a mentor, and a congenial person. After graduation, we talked with her for a long time.

What might teachers remember you for?

Playing in a school vocal and instrumental ensemble! It was called “MiFa” - they combined the names of the notes together into the mysterious word “myth”. I was a guitarist. I still play the guitar. The main listener - the wife - likes it. I dream of learning to play the button accordion...

Then to sing ditties about the elections?

- Just to relax! (Laughs.)

Photo by Sergei ARSENIEV and from the SHININ archive.

The leadership of the Chelyabinsk City Election Commission may change. Source: “The chairman wrote a statement today on his own.” Shinin: “I didn’t write anything”

The head of the Chelyabinsk election commission, Evgeny Shinin, apparently will leave this position in the near future. As a source in the City Duma told the site, today Shinin wrote a letter of resignation, and on December 10, Chelyabinsk deputies will make a decision on it. Meanwhile, the chairman of the city election commission himself, in a conversation with our correspondent, denied the information, saying that he did not know where such conversations came from.

“I haven’t written any statements yet,” said Evgeniy Shinin. – The question that I work as the deputy head of the Chelyabinsk administration, the head of the apparatus and at the same time hold the public post of chairman of the city election commission is really worth it. But this does not contradict the law; I have already conducted several campaigns in this position. The City Duma cannot remove me from the post of chairman of the election commission. This will happen if I make this decision. But it’s too early to talk about this yet.”

Meanwhile, at the end of November, the site wrote that the new first assistant to the governor of the Chelyabinsk region, Alexey Vybornov, who came to the Southern Urals from Astrakhan to work on election campaigns, proposed replacing the chairman of the Chelyabinsk election commission. The reasons for this replacement were not reported at that time. However, it can be assumed that Vybornov was not satisfied with the results of United Russia in the State Duma elections at the end of 2011. Let us remind you that the party in power in the city received a little more than 40 percent of the votes, and many experts have doubts about this result. Perhaps some people considered Yevgeny Shinin’s desire to “ensure the victory” of United Russia not strong enough.

Evgeniy Shinin himself stated that he had not met Alexei Vybornov and had not heard any complaints against him from high-ranking officials of the city and region. At the same time, he admitted that a person who will be involved in elections not on a voluntary basis, but on an exempt basis, will have more time.

“Shinin is a good specialist, but he is supported by the apparatus of the Chelyabinsk administration, which cannot work on its own,” our source in the city duma agreed with him. – The previous elections, which he held while combining positions, were not so large-scale. Now there will be 39 single-mandate constituencies, two new ones are being added - in Churilovo and on the Krasnopolskaya site. Accordingly, there will be re-cutting. In the last by-elections there were 11 and 14 candidates in two constituencies. And how many of them there will be next year! They will all have to be registered, checked, and paperwork completed. There may be lawsuits. The election commission should be headed by a person who is not burdened with any other functions. I think Evgeniy Aleksandrovich is glad that this burden will be lifted from him, considering that he does not receive anything for this additional work.”

Shinin’s place, according to our interlocutor, will be taken by the lawyer of the regional election commission, Elena Shubina, a person with a suitable education and good work experience. Also, a new lady from Troitsk may appear in the city election commission, who will replace the permanent secretary Tatyana Sikorskaya. “She also leaves not under pressure, but due to her own circumstances,” our source clarified. “Most likely, she will leave not together with Evgeny Shinin, but on December 24, that is, she will complete her work before the end of the year.”

Let us note that previously Tatyana Sikorskaya, in a conversation with the site, did not say a word about such a development of events - she was preparing for the 2014 City Duma elections.

if(location.hostname!.hostname="site") Many names are known only to journalists, but many will be curious about the wealth of the deputies of the Head of Administration. We present the data without cuts.

Aleynikov Vladimir Georgievich

Deputy Head of the City for Roads

Total annual income - 1,293,280 rubles. 02 kop.

The official owns an apartment with an area of ​​154.7 square meters. meters and two garages - 19.4 and 24 meters. There are no personal vehicles registered for the Deputy Head of Administration.

Antipov Sergey Vasilievich

Head of the administration of the Metallurgical District of Chelyabinsk.

Total annual income - 100,823 rubles. 81 kop.

Sergey Vasilievich owns a land plot of 900 square meters. m., apartment with an area of ​​42 sq.m. and two garages of 2 sq. m. Antipov also owns a VAZ-2110 car.

Burenkov Mikhail Vasilievich

Head of the administration of the Sovetsky district.

Total annual income - 955,204 rubles. 89 kopecks

Mikhail Burenkov owns a land plot with an area of ​​31.1 sq.m. and a third share in an apartment with an area of ​​159 sq.m. m., garage 26 sq. m. The Head of the Sovetsky District has a Volvo XS90 car, a trailer and a snowmobile.

Gibadulin Ravil Khamitovich

Head of the Central District Administration.

Total income for the year - 1 million 299 thousand 132 rubles.

Ravil Khamitovich owns land with an area of ​​1,000 square meters. m, houses of 242 square meters and two garages. I have a Dodge Caliber 1.8 SE.

Gorbunov Vladimir Alexandrovich

Head of the Traktorozavodsky district administration.

Total annual income. - 922 thousand 274 rubles. 49 kopecks

The Head of Administration owns a 1/4 share in an apartment with an area of ​​112.1 sq. m. m. And also the Nissan X-Trail car.

Davydov Sergey Viktorovich.

Head of the Administration of Chelyabinsk.

Total annual income - 1 million 343 thousand 286 rubles.

Sergei Viktorovich does not own any real estate. Among other valuable things - only the Audi A-6 car.

Dementyev Petr Vladimirovich

Head of the Kalininsky district administration.

Total income - 949 thousand 501 rubles. 47 kopecks

Petr Vladimirovich owns: land plots with an area of ​​950 square meters. m. and 4483 sq. m., a house with an area of ​​273.3 sq. m, apartment area 93 sq. m., two garages. The official owns a Nissan X-Trail car, a trailer and a T-25A tractor.

Istomin Vyacheslav Viktorovich

Head of the Leninsky District Administration.

Total annual income - 919 thousand 479 rubles.

Istomin owns six apartments with an area of ​​119.9 square meters. m., 51.5 sq. m., 54.7 sq. m, 40.7 sq. m., 40.7 sq. m., 49.0 sq. m., 45.6 sq. m. There is a garage and non-residential premises with an area of ​​130.3 sq. m. m. There is a Toyota Camry car.

Kovalchuk Egor Viktorovich

Deputy Head of the City for Urban Affairs of the Chelyabinsk City Administration.

Total income - 1 million 614 thousand 178 rubles. 88 kop.

Egor Viktorovich owns: 1/2 share in an apartment of 81 sq. m. m., apartment area 43 sq. m., 2/5 shares in an apartment of 124 sq. m. m., apartment with an area of ​​200 square meters. There are land plots with an area of ​​1500 sq. m. m and 1499 sq. m. And also - two garages and non-residential premises with an area of ​​29.9 sq. m. m. Kovalchuk owns Land Rover Freelander 2.

Kotova Natalya Petrovna

First Deputy Head of the City.

The total income for 2009 is 752 thousand 724 rubles. 46 kopecks

Kotova's property is a plot of land with an area of ​​600 sq. m. m, 1/2 share in an apartment with an area of ​​127.4 sq. m. m, 1/2 share in an apartment of 53.9 sq. m. m. And also a garden house with an area of ​​70.7 sq. m. m. Natalia Kotova does not own any cars.

Kuzmenko Anna Igorevna

Head of the legal department of the city administration.

Total income - 977 thousand 800 rubles. 26 kopecks

Natalya Igorevna has an apartment with an area of ​​75.9 square meters. m. And also a Lexus RX 400H car.

Letyagin Evgeniy Ivanovich

Deputy head of the city, head of the Health Department of the Chelyabinsk Administration.

The total income for 2009 is 516 thousand 264 rubles. 08 kop.

The chief health officer owns two apartments with an area of ​​72.8 square meters. m. and 33.9 sq. m. And also a Toyota Corolla car.

Lopatkin Igor Vladimirovich

Deputy Mayor of the city for social issues.

The total income for 2009 is 803 thousand 523 rubles.

Igor Lopatkin owns two apartments with an area of ​​41.3 square meters. m. and 28.1 sq. m. As well as non-residential premises with an area of ​​48.3 sq. m. m. There are no cars.

Manuilov Sergey Nikolaevich

Deputy Head of the city, Chairman of the Committee for Property Management and Land Relations of the city administration.

Total income for 2009. - 1 million 112 thousand 398 rubles.

Manuylov owns an apartment with an area of ​​48.7 square meters. m. As well as a Ford Mondeo car and an Aprilia motorcycle.

Osipenko Maxim Mikhailovich

Head of the Kurchatovsky district administration.

Total income - 2 million 179 thousand 928 rubles.

Osipenko owns: a land plot with an area of ​​1223 square meters. m. and 1/4 share in an apartment with an area of ​​66.5 sq. m. m. There is a car - Mercedes-Benz GL 450.

Slinkov Oleg Gennadievich

Deputy head of the city for economics and finance.

Total income - 394 thousand 168 rubles. 37 kopecks

Slinkov owns two land plots with an area of ​​698.6 square meters. m. and 750 sq. m., apartment with an area of ​​63.5 sq. m., residential building with an area of ​​452.3 sq. m. There is also a Jaguar XF car and a trailer.

Slobodskoy Vladimir Ivanovich

Deputy Head of the city for urban planning.

The total income for 2009 is 930 thousand 748 rubles. 77 kop.

Slobodsky owns only a Nissan Teana car.

Shinin Evgeniy Alexandrovich

Deputy Head of the City, Chief of Staff.

Total income for 2009 is 1 million 432 thousand. 356 rub. 27 kopecks

The head of staff owns 1/2 share in an apartment with an area of ​​40.3 square meters. m., two apartments with an area of ​​102 sq. m. and 47.8 sq. m. There are two land plots with an area of ​​900 sq. m. m. and 600 sq. m. There is a dacha with an area of ​​59 sq.m. and a garage. Land Cruiser car.