What to do when you get a spot instead of your period. Any type of surgery on the female organs. Causes of light brown discharge instead of menstruation

For every woman of reproductive age - this is the time when a woman is able to become pregnant and give birth to a child - on average, menstruation or menstruation occurs once a month due to the separation of the endometrium of the uterus. At the same time, a woman can lose about 50 ml of blood per day, which does not threaten anything for a healthy body. Brown spotting instead of menstruation on the day of the start of menstruation is not a deviation. If, after which normal menstrual flow begins, there is no cause for concern.

However, if brown is smeared throughout the entire period of menstruation, this can be an alarm bell that notifies about problems in the woman’s body. There are also cases when the time for menstruation has not yet arrived, but a brown spot of unknown nature appears, which indicates certain problems in the body. If the discharge appears during menstruation, it does not pose any danger, and usually disappears simultaneously with the end of menstruation. But sometimes extraneous symptoms appear that should alert the patient. To find out exactly why you have brown discharge instead of your period, you need to consult a doctor and undergo the necessary diagnostics.

The reasons for brown discharge instead of menstruation vary. Some are absolutely safe and do not require any intervention, while others can pose a danger to a woman’s health. Before talking about the exact reason for this phenomenon, it is necessary to find out:

  • whether the woman had sexual intercourse before menstruation;
  • woman's age;
  • is there a history of surgery;
  • is she pregnant?
  • have not appeared?
  • were there any problems with the endocrine system;
  • Did you have gynecological diseases before, and do you have them now?

Following from this, we can establish exactly why the brown daub appeared. Let us consider in detail all the causes of brown daub.

This phenomenon is normal for girls aged 12–15 years, because their body develops and acquires reproductive function. They establish a normal menstrual cycle and the discharge is associated with ovulation, which has not yet become established. But, if the spotting is permanent, then it is better to be examined by a gynecologist.


Brown spotting can appear as a result of a woman’s pregnancy, ectopic pregnancy, or when there is a threat of pregnancy failure.

It is normal to have a brownish discharge when the fetus attaches to the uterine wall. It may also be accompanied by pain in the lower back and lower abdomen, and the woman may confuse this discharge with menstruation.

If a woman previously had unprotected intercourse in order to become pregnant, but soon after that her period began, then a health-threatening disease may occur that is caused by an imbalance of hormones. If menstruation has not begun, but spotting remains, this indicates that pregnancy has occurred, but the woman’s body does not fully produce the hormones that support it, which is a threat of miscarriage.

For a correct diagnosis, it is important to confirm that the woman is really pregnant, or to refute it, because treatment directly depends on this. Therefore, if brown is observed, a test must be done, but even if the test is negative, an additional ultrasound and other types of diagnostics should be performed, since this does not exclude an ectopic pregnancy. This is a serious condition that can threaten a woman's life. Symptoms, in addition to brown smear, may include pain in the lower abdomen and symptoms of toxicosis, which include nausea, general malaise, dizziness and some other phenomena. In an ectopic pregnancy, the fetus begins to develop in the fallopian tube, damaging it, which is accompanied by brown discharge, which is not actually a period.

Infectious diseases

If you are pregnant you need to look elsewhere. Sometimes they appear after a woman has been hypothermic or has been outside for a long time, as a result of which inflammation of the genital organs can develop. Inflammation can also be triggered by swimming or unprotected sexual intercourse during menstruation. Sexually transmitted infections should not be ruled out. Among them are the following:

  • gonorrhea;
  • syphilis;
  • chlamydia;
  • mycoplasmosis;
  • candidiasis and others.

These diseases may be accompanied by discharge with an unpleasant odor, brown or yellow color, discomfort during urination, pain and some other symptoms.

Non-communicable diseases

In diseases of non-infectious origin, a brownish daub may also be released. Among these diseases:

  • hormonal imbalance, endocrine disorders;
  • endometriosis;
  • inflammation or neoplasms in the genitals.

But you shouldn’t diagnose yourself and despair. Only a gynecologist can definitively and reliably confirm or refute any disease.

Irregular sex life

If sexual intercourse occurs extremely rarely or does not occur at all, pregnancy or an infectious disease is out of the question. In such a situation, the role of the cause of the appearance of discharge may be played by factors such as fatigue, frequent stress, hormonal disorders, diabetes, constant physical activity, weight loss, lack of vitamins, essential amino acids in the body, various injuries, etc.

Physiological state of the body

It should be remembered that after giving birth for some time in a woman, the uterus is cleansed after being freed from the child. This is a natural process, and this discharge may be brown in color and even look like clots.

(feeding with milk) menstruation does not occur, but after a certain time the cycles are restored, and at first a brown spot may be observed instead of menstruation. It may be spotting and should not alarm a woman. Typically this period lasts from one to six months.

Brown smear can also occur after surgical interventions such as laparotomy, curettage, or abortion. Taking chemical abortifacients leads to the appearance of brown discharge for several months.

In addition, sometimes there is a light brown daub, which may indicate poor hygiene. This means that you need to be more responsible when it comes to water procedures.

Oral contraceptives

After starting to take oral contraceptives for several months, a brownish smudge may be observed between doses of the packages, or in the middle of the cycle. This phenomenon is normal, but if it continues longer, you need to talk to your gynecologist; perhaps these particular oral contraceptives are simply not suitable.

In some cases, treatment with oral contraceptives may be prescribed, during which you need to take several packs in a row without a break. Subsequently, when it is possible to take a break, during it brown discharge will be observed, which may be all, and menstrual discharge will not appear. In the future, with continued use of contraceptives in the interval between packs, normal bleeding will begin to appear again.


Brown discharge happens at least once in every woman’s life. But there is no need to panic right away - if you wait a little, normal menstrual flow may begin the next day. Don't rush to look for reasons. They may accompany some natural processes, such as implantation of the embryo in the uterus, and indicate the onset of menopause.

If the discharge is not during proper menstruation or lasts for several days, especially if it is accompanied by changes in well-being, you need to contact a specialist to find the cause of this phenomenon, because this is how any disease of an infectious or non-infectious nature can begin.

Severe stress, physical activity, intoxication, hypothermia can also cause changes in the color of the discharge. Insufficient hygiene and unprotected sexual intercourse can lead to conditions that are accompanied by this problem.

Women's health is fraught with many secrets and uncertainties. Any woman throughout her life faces a number of gynecological problems, which can be easily solvable troubles or carry preconditions for the development of serious diseases. The first signs of problems in an established body system are nonspecific discharge.

Often, ailments relate to menstruation - monthly bleeding from the vagina. They contain vaginal secretions and the rejected mucous layer of the uterus, formed as a result of the rupture of an unfertilized egg. Normal menstruation lasts from 3 to 5 days, with about 50 ml of discharge per day. A woman of reproductive age takes a break from menstruation only during pregnancy.

Often the structure of the discharge, its duration and nature may change. If you find darkdischarge instead of menstruation or during them, this may be due to many reasons. Let's find out the prerequisites and figure out what this threatens in this article.

When should you not worry?

In some cases, scant dark be justified. There is no reason to panic when:

  1. After a couple of days after the discharge, menstruation began.
  2. Dark stains on laundryappeared immediately after menstruationand ended quickly.
  3. You recently said goodbye to your virginity. Discharge after the first sexual intercourse is considered normal.
  4. The discharge was preceded by active, prolonged sex. In this case, damage to the vaginal mucosa is possible, which is why the discharge appears.
  5. You are protected by hormonal contraceptives, includingpatches, coils or tablets. Then minor discharge may bother during menstrual cycle.
  6. Lactation period. Dark discharge instead of menstruation may indicate that the body has not yet returned to shape after childbirth.

When to sound the alarm?

If you do not belong to any of the items on the above list, then you need to make an appointment with a gynecologist. Discharge indicates serious consequences when:

  • Dark spots on your underwear appear in the middle of your cycle, but you are not taking hormonal medications.
  • They are accompanied by itching, burning and dryness in the vagina, pain in the lower abdomen and during sexual intercourse.
  • Body temperature rises.
  • There is a possibility that you are expecting a baby. Then the discharge may signal a threat of miscarriage.
  • Discharge appears after each sexual intercourse with your spouse.
  • You are over 45 years old and have not had menstruation for more than a year.
  • The discharge comes out in clots and is accompanied by an unpleasant odor.


So, what causes dark ones to appear?discharge instead of menstruation? Causes can be different, the most common of them are surgical interventions shortly before the appearance of discharge, pregnancy (including ectopic), the period of breastfeeding or the age of the woman.

The appearance of stains on underwear is also provoked by external factors, such as:

  • Poor nutrition or starvation diets.
  • Moving to another climate zone or going on vacation.
  • Taking medications or hormonal drugs.
  • Intense physical activity.
  • Infectious diseases.
  • Stress or lifestyle changes.
  • Failure in the metabolic system.
  • Poisoning and intoxication of the body.

Thick discharge, accompanied by clots and streaks, may indicate aging of endometrial cells. During menstruation, old exfoliated cells come out along with the discharge. If not all the cells have passed away during menstruation, then the remaining darkened cells may be rejectedin the middle of the menstrual cycle. They may be brown or black.

Such cases often occur in women at the beginning of menopause. At this time, the established long-term cycle is disrupted, menstruation is less intense, and obsolete cells are not completely released. This is the norm, but if your period ended about a year ago, and the discharge makes itself felt again, you need to contact a gynecologist.

Light brown discharge

No worriesif light brown spotsvisited you after your period. Discharge within a couple of days is considered normal. If they last longer than three days after your period, you should consult a doctor. It's another matter if stains on your underwear suddenly caught you in the middle of your cycle. Then the following diseases may be to blame:

  1. Cancer or cervical erosionif you notice dischargeafter every sexual intercourse.
  2. Inflammation due to sexually acquired infection. The discharge is accompanied by itching, burning, and discomfort when urinatingand during sexual intercourse.
  3. Ectopic pregnancy or miscarriage.
  4. Endometritis, which is accompanied by aching pain in the ovarian area.

Discharge may be a consequence of vaginal microtrauma that occurs as a result of douching, sexual intercourse or a gynecological examination. The main thing is to ensure that the injured area does not become a site for the development of infection.

Dark brown or black discharge

Most often, the shade of the discharge does not affect the diagnosis. Their color is affected by the amount of blood rejected. Darkerdischarge may signalabout the occurrence of the following diseases:

  • Endometriosis.
  • Ovarian cyst .

Dark brown discharge instead of menstruation maybe caused by surgeryin the pelvic organs. For example:

  1. Curettage for diagnosing diseases.
  2. Surgery for ectopic pregnancy.
  3. Laparoscopy to remove the cyst.
  4. Removal of polyps in the uterus.
  5. Surgical abortion.

In these circumstanceswithout pain, they serve as a kind of cleanser of the body from the consequences of surgical intervention. The color of the discharge can reach black, and the period can last up to 10 days. If the discharge turns red and there is an unpleasant odor, this indicates an infection, and you should urgently make an appointment with a doctor.

Discharge during sexual activity

During an active sexual life, a woman who neglects contraceptives, dark spotting instead of menstruation maybe caused by pregnancy, ectopic pregnancy or an incipient miscarriage.There are cases when sexual activity is regular, the couple does not use protection, and the woman’s menstrual periods are delayed. Thenshe notices dark discharge, which can be of different intensity. The discharge passes and is replaced by normal menstruation. This process indicates a temporary hormonal imbalance in the body. women.

When instead of menstruation are coming dark discharge, but menstruation never comes after them, it is recommendedtake a pregnancy test and analysis hCG . This may indicate the beginning of pregnancy, when the fertilized egg is formed and some blood is rejected. If the test is positive, the discharge is dangerous and serves as a sign of pathology - it indicates that the woman’s body does not have enough hormones for the healthy development of pregnancy. For the fetus of a pregnant woman, those periods when menstruation previously occurred are very dangerous and can provoke detachment of the endometrial layer.

The cause of discharge can also be an ectopic pregnancy. The test will be positive, but only an ultrasound can reveal abnormal development. Therefore, it is important, after doing the test at home, to contact a gynecologist for a follow-up examination. With severe hypothermia, a woman may notice scantdark brown discharge instead of menstruationand subsequent failurecycle. This is a clear sign of inflammation of the cervix or appendages.

After sexual intercourse without a condomwith a dubious partner, thick dark hair may appeardischarge instead of menstruationwhich are accompanied by:

  • Burning and itching of the vagina (inside and outside).
  • Pain when urinating.
  • Pain in the lower abdomen.
  • Cutting during sexual intercourse.

The presence of two or more symptoms from the list indicates the appearance ofsexually transmitted diseases. This could be syphilis, gonorrhea, trichomoniasis, chlamydia and other diseases. It is necessary to urgently contact a gynecologist who will issue a referral for tests..

If the test is negative

If upon suspicionpregnancy testshowed at home negative result, relaxnot worth it. For ectopic pregnancy test can show one strip. Its early stages maybe accompanied by cyclicalpain in the lower abdomen, often the girl experiences something similar to toxicosis. To non-specificpregnancy the body reactsthe production of hormones necessary for the development of the fetus, but with ectopic flow, the embryo is fixed not in the uterus, but in the fallopian tube.

The fallopian tubes are not prone to stretching, and the fetus continues to grow. Therefore, the walls of the fallopian tube are damaged, and the blood comes out in the form of dark (almost black) discharge. They can occur during and after your planned menstruation. An ectopic pregnancy is dangerous not only for a woman’s health, but also for her life, and its occurrence can only be detected by ultrasound and a hCG test. We need to take this very seriously.

Discharge after pregnancy

Among women appear after childbirthdark discharge that lasts about 14 days. They are called lochia and may be brown in color and contain clots. This is a normal process in the body that prepares a woman for the normalization of the menstrual cycle. If a woman is breastfeedingand the child is only breastfedWithout complementary foods, there should be no menstruation.

The process of normalizing the cycle is also accompanied by dark discharge. If unprotected sexual intercourse occurred during this period, you shouldtake a pregnancy test. In women who have given birth, ovulation occurs before the first menstruation occurs, and a new one is likely.pregnancy. If the test is negative, but darkdischarge instead of menstruationdon't stop during several cycles and become thick, this is a reason to visit a doctor.

Discharge in the absence of sexual activity

If a woman who has, is not sexually active, options with pregnancy and sexually transmitted infections are dismissed. In any case, there remains a fairly extensive list of reasons:

  • Drastic weight loss and starvation diets.
  • Overwork or stress.
  • Anemia.
  • Vitamin-poor diet.
  • Hormonal imbalances.
  • Endometritis.
  • Endometriosis.
  • Ovarian cyst.
  • Inflammation of the appendages.
  • Unbearable physical activity.

Perhaps the worst thing that discharge can indicate is malignant formations. Cervical cancermay be accompanied not only by dark spots on underwear before menstruation, but also by almost constant discharge. It must be remembered that most pathologies associated with gynecology causedark brown discharge.

Age-related changes

Girls just entering puberty have darkdischarge instead of menstruation- a common occurrence. The menstrual cycle is just beginning, ovulation may or may not occur. In the first year after the start of your period, you do not need to worry about such discharge. But if the discharge continues for more than a year and has already become a habit, this is a reason to consult a gynecologist.

Scanty dark discharge instead of menstruationin women after 40 years of age may indicate a decline in ovarian function and changes in hormonal levels. Recently, doctors have noted a decrease in the age of menopause - if previously it appeared in women after 45 years, now the first signs of menopause appear already at 38-40 years.

Medicines and contraceptives

Girls who have just started taking oral contraceptives are wondering why they have dark discharge instead of menstruation? Pills can cause hormonal imbalance, which is why discharge appears. Also, when taking contraceptives, girls often experience deterioration in ovarian function and the development of endometrial atrophy.

Dark spots on underwear may appear as a result of taking inappropriate medications if the woman herself prescribed the drug or the doctor prescribed the wrong pills. Failure in the menstrual cycle or discharge can also provoke irregular use of contraceptives. In addition, the activity of the secretions may depend on the use of other anti-inflammatory drugs or antibiotics. Diet pills also often cause irregular menstrual cycles or dark discharge.

If your periods are irregular for 3-4 cycles in a row or appear brown discharge insteadthem, you need to go to the gynecologist and ask them to prescribe other pills. Darkdischarge instead of menstruation mayalso appear as a result of any imbalance of hormones in a woman’s body. In diabetes mellitus, thyroid hormonal deficiency, and decreased prolactin levels, symptoms often appear. spotting discharge.

If instead of menstruationthere is dark discharge, but none of the above points apply to you, try to wait a couple of days - maybe you just have a slight delay, and the discharge serves as a harbinger of menstruation. Otherwise, be sure to consult a doctor. Health is what a woman should pay attention to first. You should visit a gynecologist at least once a year, even in the absence of any unpleasant sensations. Identifying a disease at an early stage and nipping it in the bud is much easier than undergoing prolonged and painful treatment.

The presence of a menstrual cycle indicates the health of a woman of reproductive age. Ideally, every girl should keep a calendar where the days of the beginning and end of menstruation are recorded. With normal functioning of the cycle, there cannot be delays, unless it is pregnancy. Some patients say that in the middle of the month they are bothered by spotting instead of menstruation. The reasons for this phenomenon do not always indicate deviation and pathology. We'll look into this.

Ectopic pregnancy or threatened miscarriage

Many people believe that spotting instead of menstruation is a sign of pregnancy. There is some truth in this. Scanty signals a complicated pregnancy. More precisely, fertilization of the egg occurs outside the uterine cavity.

This is very dangerous for the health of the expectant mother. There is severe pain in the abdominal area, the temperature rises and frequent urination occurs. The test does not always show a positive result (two stripes), so you should get tested for hCG. Sometimes, even with the onset of a normal pregnancy, spotting brown or

This process is due to natural implantation of the fetus. If bloody periods do not disappear, this indicates a deficiency of progesterone, which is necessary to maintain the normal development of pregnancy. If you do not pay attention to this, the likelihood of spontaneous miscarriage increases. In medical terms, endometrial tissue is detached.

Effect of contraception

It is often used instead of menstruation in women who use hormonal medications. These include tablets, rings, patches and intrauterine devices. In such cases, the basic function of the appendages decreases and the uterine tissue atrophies.

Incorrectly selected contraception provokes This is a kind of side effect on the part of the body that prevents conception. If brown mucus has been bothering you for several months, this is a reason to consult a gynecologist.

Common causes of violation

Stressful situations, obesity, intense exercise, hypovitaminosis negatively affect the menstrual cycle. A weakened body immediately informs us of problems. Pathological disorders and undermined psycho-emotional background are one of the many causes of a disrupted cycle. A spot appears instead of menstruation (pregnancy is excluded), usually brown in color. Doctors identify a number of disorders that can cause such deviations:

Infectious diseases that occur in severe form;

Mental and nervous disorders;


Rehabilitation after surgery and childbirth;

Congenital anomalies of the genital organs;


Inflammatory processes and STDs

The reason for scanty spotting is endometritis - inflammation of the tissue inside the uterus. The mucus turns brown and has an unpleasant odor. Douche instead of menstruation, the causes of which are varied, is accompanied by pain. With the uterus, polyps, cysts and cervical erosion, as well as hypothermia, a similar clinical picture occurs.

By delaying therapy, the risk of complications and additional infection increases. Against the background of hidden diseases transmitted exclusively through sexual contact, pink ichorous discharge is observed, itching, frequent urination and burning are bothersome. These infections include chlamydia, trichomoniasis, gonorrhea, syphilis, and mycoplasmosis.

Spotting instead of menstruation: physiological reasons

Often such a reaction is considered completely normal and does not pose a threat to health. During lactation, slight leakage of bloody mucus is possible. Within 40 days after birth this is considered normal. Brown mucus is possible at the time of puberty in girls, when the cycle is just beginning to form.

During menopause, scanty spotting occurs instead of menstruation. “A sign of pregnancy or a terrible pathology,” many women think. It turns out that the reason may lie in a completely different area.

What to do when you smear instead of menstruation?

The answer to this question is obvious - run to the doctor and get examined. After all, disorders and negative changes in the body of any woman will not disappear on their own, but will go into a chronic stage. Today, there are modern painless and accurate diagnostic methods that make it easy to identify why spotting occurs instead of menstruation.

A negative test may indicate a hormonal imbalance. However, it can also give a false result in the presence of pregnancy, when performed very early (before two weeks). For an accurate determination, it is better to do a blood test for the hCG hormone. The doctor will also prescribe an ultrasound of the genitourinary system and kidneys, a smear for hidden infections, and a general blood and urine test. To exclude malignant and benign formations, you will need to undergo a computed tomography or MRI.

The main thing in therapy is the identification and elimination of provoking factors. It is necessary to undergo a consultation with a gynecologist, immunologist, endocrinologist and nutritionist. At the discretion of the physician, he may prescribe examination by other specialists if the diagnosis is difficult to identify.

If the disorder is caused by a hormonal disorder, medications containing the missing hormones will be prescribed. Stress is treated with sedatives. More serious problems can be treated with antibacterial medications.

In order not to aggravate an already difficult situation, a woman needs to eat a balanced diet, add complex carbohydrates, proteins, fresh vegetables, herbs to her diet, give up alcoholic beverages and get enough sleep. Proper rest and elimination of stressful situations will help improve your condition.


Spotting instead of menstruation, the causes of which can lead to dire consequences, hides a number of factors. Even minor bleeding on the days of the cycle can be pathological. Remember that untreated inflammation affects the reproductive system.

Many women are interested in why, instead of normal menstruation, scanty brown discharge suddenly appears. If this is a sign of a disease, how dangerous is it? The nature of menstruation is an indicator of a woman’s reproductive health. But such symptoms are not only due to illness. Even stress can cause problems. If you have doubts about your health status, or signs of diseases of the uterus or appendages appear, you should visit a doctor and undergo an examination.


What menstruation is considered normal?

Normally, menstruation should occur regularly and last from 3 to 5 days. The color of normal discharge is burgundy-red, its total volume for all days of menstruation is about 80 ml. For some they come after 21 days, for others - after 35, but the main thing is that the interval is approximately constant. The color is due to the presence of coagulated blood from vessels damaged during endometrial detachment. The consistency is explained by the presence in the discharge of dead epithelium and mucus produced by the glands of the cervix.

Various deviations in the nature of menstruation may occur, including volume, duration and color. The reasons are varied: from individual characteristics of the body to serious diseases.

If a patient complains of hypomenorrhea (brown spotting instead of menstruation), the doctor determines the cause, taking into account the woman’s age, general health, and sexual activity. It is important to know whether the woman gave birth or not, whether there were abortions and other operations on the uterus and appendages.

Natural causes of hypomenorrhea

In some cases, the appearance of brown discharge instead of menstruation is not a pathology:

  1. In the first 1.5-2 years after the first menstruation appears in girls, the cycle is most often unsteady, they are either heavy, sometimes spotty, and brown in color. This is explained by fluctuations in the ratio of sex hormones produced by immature ovaries. Pathology is the existence of similar deviations in the future, after 2 years.
  2. Spotting brown discharge sometimes appears at the beginning of pregnancy at the time of attachment of the embryo to the wall of the uterus. This damages small blood vessels in the endometrium. Oxidized blood, released in small quantities, gives ordinary mucus a brown tint. A woman, not yet knowing about her pregnancy, may think that the discharge appeared instead of menstruation. If the pregnancy test is positive, but scanty brown periods continue to appear, this indicates insufficient production of progesterone necessary to maintain pregnancy. In this case, the discharge is a warning about the threat of miscarriage. It is necessary to take a hormone test and undergo treatment.
  3. During menopause, 2-3 years before the onset of the last menstruation, the cycle is also disrupted, ovulation does not occur every month. Therefore, the intensity of discharge and the time of its onset can vary greatly. The closer you get to menopause, the more scanty your periods become, gradually acquiring a faint brown tint, and then disappearing completely.
  4. After childbirth and during breastfeeding, as well as after cessation of lactation, menstruation does not return immediately. At first they may have a brownish color.

Video: Reasons for the appearance of brown discharge instead of menstruation

Causes of abnormal periods

The causes of menstrual disorders that are not associated with natural physiological processes are, as a rule, diseases of various organs and abnormal changes in hormonal levels. There are factors that contribute to the occurrence of amenorrhea.

Ectopic pregnancy. If the test shows the presence of pregnancy, but scanty brownish discharge continues to appear at the time when your period should come, this may indicate that the embryo has settled not in the uterus, but in the tubes. In this case, partial detachment of the endometrium occurs, and a faint pinkish-brown discharge appears. This dangerous condition must be diagnosed as early as possible.

Sudden changes in body weight. Menstruation turns brown if a woman suddenly loses weight through fasting or intense exercise. A similar deviation occurs with vitamin deficiency, a lack of iron in the body. A sharp increase in body weight is also fraught with disruption of the menstrual cycle and the appearance of spotting instead of menstruation.

Metabolic disease as a result of diseases of the liver, intestines, pancreas and thyroid glands.

Poisoning of the body food or industrial toxins, alcohol, nicotine.

Stressful situations, neuropsychiatric diseases. They affect the production of hormones and lead to changes in the nature of menstruation. Stress can be the result of injury, illness, or poor lifestyle choices.

Surgical operations(abortion, caesarean section, partial hysterectomy). Such operations lead to disruption of hormonal processes in the body. Therefore, after them, the first periods may be scanty, and their color may be brownish-brown. If there are no complications, then after some time the nature of menstruation is restored.

Note: Brown discharge instead of menstruation and abnormalities in the cycle can be a woman’s result of improper development of the genital organs or their damage during childbirth.

Infectious diseases and inflammatory processes in the organs of the genitourinary system. Infection with hidden infections (Trichomonas, gonococci, gardnerella, genital herpes viruses and others), as well as inflammation of organs as a result of the proliferation of fungi, streptococci, staphylococci, lead to disruption of the ovaries. This affects the course of cyclic processes associated with the appearance of menstruation.

Hormonal disorders. As a result of taking hormonal drugs, using birth control pills, or an intrauterine device, the ratio of sex hormones is disrupted. If the level of estrogen decreases significantly, then menstruation is delayed, and its intensity decreases until spotting brown discharge appears. The causes of hormonal disorders are diseases of the endocrine system, emotional overload, lack of sexual activity, disruption of breastfeeding, and termination of pregnancy.

Addition: Brown periods may occur due to certain medications, such as antidepressants, that cause bleeding disorders.

Video: Discharge in early pregnancy

When to see a doctor

You should not postpone a visit to the gynecologist in the following cases:

  1. When brownish discharge appears not only on the days of menstruation, but also continues throughout the next week. This may be a sign of serious diseases: cervical erosion, ovarian cysts, endometritis (overgrowth of the endometrium), endometriosis (inflammation of the uterine epithelium), fibroids or cancer.
  2. Brown discharge has a greenish tint and smells unpleasant. In this case, there is pain in the lower abdomen, itching in the vagina, pain when urinating. Such symptoms are characteristic of sexually transmitted diseases.
  3. Brown discharge appears during a possible pregnancy and indicates the threat of its termination.

You should urgently call a doctor if, during menstruation with brown discharge, your body temperature rises and nagging pain occurs in the ovarian area and lower back. This condition indicates the presence of inflammatory disease of the ovaries (oophoritis).

What to do if brown discharge appears instead of menstruation

First of all, a woman needs to take a pregnancy test. The doctor recommends taking a blood test for clotting, hemoglobin content, and hormones. When using hormonal contraceptives, you will need to choose a more suitable remedy with the help of a gynecologist. During the examination, a smear is taken from the vagina to determine the type of infectious agent. An ultrasound is performed to detect inflammation or tumors. If such discharge appears in a woman after 40 years of age, then she is recommended to take hormone replacement therapy.

Every woman experiences monthly menstruation. It’s good when they go systematically and without failures, and the amount of discharge remains approximately unchanged. But what to do when, instead of normal discharge, a girl has brown smear? It is better to seek advice from a specialist.

Of course, spotting does not always indicate pathologies in the body, but you need to monitor your health. Especially when it comes to the reproductive system.

Monthly discharge is given to a woman by nature for favorable conception and gestation of the future human being. They should be cyclical and constant - this is the main indicator of women's health.

Each body is individual, and the menstrual cycle is different for all women. On average, its frequency is 21-35 days, and spotting is considered normal from 3 to 7 days.

There are peculiarities of the body when, a few days before the expected discharge, a brown smear begins. Then it develops first into scanty periods, and then recovers to normal. This situation does not threaten anything terrible - it is a simple reaction of the body to changes in a woman’s hormonal levels.

But, if menstruation does not come, but continues, you should be wary and seek advice from a specialist.

Let's look at the most common causes of such discharge.

Spotting instead of menstruation: possible causes

If instead of monthly discharge there is a scanty smear, it is worth finding out the reasons, what is happening in the body and what could influence this course of events. When your period smears but does not start during the postpartum period, there is no need to worry too much.

It is also acceptable to smear it during the period after surgery.

Such changes are also typical before. Menstruation smears, but may not begin.

During reproductive age, in a healthy woman, spotting instead of menstruation may indicate a number of problems. Including, it may be.

Age group

The first thing you should pay attention to is the age of the representative of the female part of the world.

The very first menstruation - menarche - occurs during puberty of a teenager, on average, the age is 11-16 years. It is quite normal if at this stage, when the young lady’s monthly cycle is restored, spotting occurs.

The recovery period takes up to two years, and the frequency between cycles can be up to six months. All this is considered the norm. If this period is somewhat prolonged, it is worth informing the gynecologist about this in order to prevent possible unpleasant consequences.

The second age group is women aged 40 to 55 years. It is at this time that women’s reproductive system declines.

It can all start with spotting plus additional symptoms:

  • Heavy sweating.
  • It can make you feel hot, especially the upper body: neck, face.
  • Sudden mood swings.
  • Other.

All these are signs of approaching menopause. During such a period, a woman should be especially attentive to her health and be under constant medical supervision.


may indicate a possible pregnancy. Typically, such discharge accompanies the implantation of the fertilized egg to the walls of the uterus. Therefore, if you have had unprotected sexual intercourse or there is a chance of this happening, buy a pregnancy test and take it.

You can also donate blood to check the level of hCG - this is a pregnancy hormone.

If pregnancy is confirmed, you need to go to the doctor. This is especially true for ladies with long-lasting brown discharge.

Such “periods” may indicate the presence of hormonal disorders or be a threat of miscarriage. In any case, the doctor will determine the cause and prescribe special medications to maintain pregnancy and eliminate the threat to the embryo.

"Wrong" pregnancy

The presence of spotting during pregnancy can cause the fertilized egg to attach to the wrong place. This type of ectopic pregnancy includes:

  • Pipe;
  • Ovarian.
  • Cervical.
  • And abdominal pregnancy.

If you take a pregnancy test, it will be positive. Sometimes, the second stripe may be faded. To establish an accurate diagnosis, the gynecologist will order an ultrasound examination.

Postpartum period and breastfeeding

For a certain time after giving birth, a woman experiences heavy periods - lochia. At first they are very strong, gradually the abundance decreases and sometimes ends with spotting.

Then the young mother’s body needs time to restore the entire function of the reproductive system.

It even happens that throughout the entire feeding period, menstruation does not come and this is normal. And it happens that there is a daub. It all depends on the individuality of the body of the girl who gave birth.

After delivery, spotting is normal. After a woman stops breastfeeding, she should begin having full periods and her cycle should be restored.

Surgical intervention

The cause of brown spotting can be surgical interventions. But when they are added to increased body temperature, the discharge has an unpleasant odor, plus a burning sensation, pain in the perineum - run to the doctor. This may be a complication after surgery.

Any type of surgery on female organs:

  • Laparoscopy;
  • Abortion;
  • Scraping;
  • Removal of fibroids;

After any surgical intervention, you need to take any deviations from the norm very seriously.

Gynecological problems

Very often, menstruation is smeared during obvious illnesses. The girl may not even realize that she has problems, since some diseases are practically asymptomatic.

For example, cervical erosion can only be detected at an appointment with a gynecologist. A woman cannot determine its presence on her own.

What diseases in the female genital organs can cause scanty discharge:

  • Polycystic ovary syndrome;
  • Uterine fibroids;
  • Endometriosis;
  • Endometrial polyp;
  • Cervical erosion;
  • Similar.

In addition to diseases, spotting can be caused by an inflammatory process in a girl’s body. They often result from hypothermia.

Also, disruptions in the monthly cycle occur due to a woman’s infection with sexually transmitted diseases.

Among these diseases are:

  • Chlamydia;
  • gonorrhea;
  • Syphilis;
  • And others.

Most often, after the incubation period, such diseases of the reproductive system are accompanied by a number of unpleasant symptoms.

A woman can feel b:

  • Pain in the lower abdomen;
  • Painful urination;
  • Unpleasant odor of discharge;
  • Burning, itching of the vagina;
  • Discomfort during sexual intercourse.

Taking hormonal drugs

Incorrectly selected hormonal drugs cause consequences such as spotting instead of menstruation. It is worth sticking to the recommended doses, studying all kinds of side effects and contraindications.

A situation where the application lasts for more than three monthly cycles requires stopping the use of the hormonal drug and then replacing it with a suitable remedy.

This also includes the intrauterine device. One of the side effects of this contraception is scanty menstruation of a light brown color.

External factors

Even such seemingly simple circumstances as the external influence of the surrounding world on a woman can bring “turmoil” into the regular cycle of menstruation. No one is immune from overwork at work or emergency situations that can disrupt the usual way of life.

Constant grueling diets can also do a bad “service” to the body. However, just like smoking, alcohol.

Among the external factors that affect the amount of discharge:

  • Stressful situations.
  • Climate change.
  • Change in weight in one direction or another.
  • Bad habits.
  • Fatigue of the body.
  • Similar.

Treatment of scanty menstruation

Treatment is prescribed by the doctor, depending on the cause of the spotting. Proper treatment is to eliminate the cause of menstruation irregularities.

In different cases, these are completely different medications or their withdrawal (in the case where hormonal pills have affected your periods).

In case of ectopic pregnancy, surgical intervention is required.

If your period is smeared but does not come and the cause is stressful situations and other external factors, non-medicinal treatment is prescribed.

First of all, these are changes in living conditions:

  • Complete rest.
  • Proper nutrition.
  • Rejection of bad habits.

If the cause of the failure is illness, a course of medications is prescribed.