How does sexual reproduction differ from asexual reproduction? Features of reproduction. Advantages of sexual reproduction What are the advantages of sexual reproduction over asexual reproduction

The essence of sexual reproduction is the creation of new genetic combinations. In the most typical cases, a male and a female mate and produce individuals whose genotypes are not identical to either the genotype of the father or the genotype of the mother. In some animals, new genotypes can be created as a result of processes of a different kind. In protozoa such as paramecia, autogamy occurs, in which one individual creates new homozygous genotype. Other forms, including some flatworms and molluscs, are hermaphroditic, i.e. have both male (sperm-producing) and female (egg-producing) gonads. There are hermaphroditic forms that are capable of self-fertilization.

Not all reproduction is sexual (that is, it creates new genotypes). For example, paramecia are capable of dividing in two to form two new daughter organisms, genetically identical to the original individual. Hydroid polyps (one of the groups of coelenterates) can produce new individuals identical to themselves as a result of the budding process. In this case, several new organisms can form in one budding zone. Other animals, including many insects and some fish, are capable of parthenogenetic reproduction, in which offspring develop from unfertilized eggs

The vast majority of animals, especially forms that have arisen relatively recently, reproduce sexually, that is, by the fusion of male and female gametes. Theorists disagree about the reasons for this predominance of the sexual process. Since sexual reproduction requires certain costs, it obviously must provide some significant advantages. The following main reasons have been put forward for explanation:

1) an evolutionary advantage for populations that can change faster than others through sexual reproduction;

2) evolutionary advantage due to the fact that this method of reproduction facilitates speciation (the emergence of new species);

3) that individual parents can create diversity in their immediate offspring, making it easier for them to adapt to unpredictable changes in the environment.

During sexual reproduction, as a result of the fusion of gametes, a fertilized egg is formed - a zygote, which carries the hereditary inclinations of both parents, due to which the hereditary variability of the descendants sharply increases. This is the advantage of sexual reproduction over asexual reproduction. Those. in the presence of genetic recombination, parental individuals produce offspring that will differ from them in the most unpredictable way, and among new random combinations of genes, at least half may turn out to be worse than the parent genotype, however, the shuffling of genes during sexual reproduction contributes to the survival of the species when environmental conditions change. If a parent produces many offspring with a wide variety of gene combinations, there is a greater chance that at least one offspring will be well suited for future life circumstances, whatever they may be.

In the presence of genetic recombination, parental individuals produce offspring that will differ from them in the most unpredictable ways, and among the new random combinations of genes, at least half may turn out to be worse than the parent genotype, but the shuffling of genes during sexual reproduction contributes to the survival of the species when environmental conditions change. If a parent produces many offspring with a wide variety of gene combinations, there is a greater chance that at least one offspring will be well suited for future life circumstances, whatever they may be.

Many hypotheses have been proposed to explain the advantages of sexual reproduction in the struggle for existence. One of them gives an idea of ​​what the first stages of the evolution of sexual reproduction might have been. The course of evolution depends largely on mutations, which change existing genes, forming instead new alleles (variants) of these genes. Suppose that two individuals in a certain population have favorable mutations that affect certain genetic loci, and therefore different functions. In an asexual species, each of these individuals will give rise to a clone of mutant offspring, and the two new clones will compete until one of them wins. One of the favorable alleles produced by mutation will thus spread, while the other will eventually disappear. Now imagine that one of the original mutants has a genetically determined feature that allows it from time to time to include genes from other clones into its genome. In conditions of the struggle for existence, the acquisition of genes from cells of a competing clone is equivalent to the creation of a cell that carries all the favorable mutations. Such a cell will have the greatest fitness, and the advantages it receives will ensure the spread in the population of a feature that allows it to include genes of other cells in its genome. Natural selection will favor such primitive sexual reproduction.

Spermatozoa are one of the main characters in sexual reproduction.

Yeast has helped scientists show that interbreeding leads to greater ecological adaptability of a species.
The survival of a species is associated with the accumulation of genetic changes that help the organism survive in a particular habitat. It is believed that sexual reproduction, which increases genetic variability, contributes to the rapid evolution of the species. But in the case of sexual reproduction, the offspring takes on the genes of two different individuals. Let's imagine that the mother and father came from different populations; The mother’s genes allow her to survive under certain conditions, while the father’s genes are “tailored” for others. The offspring in this case will not be adapted to either one or the other: the genes will weaken each other and will not be able to work adequately under any conditions at all. It turns out that sexual reproduction does not contribute to the survival of the species?

Researchers from the University of Auckland (New Zealand) set up an experiment that was supposed to directly answer the question of whether interbreeding between populations helps or hinders evolution. Scientists used yeast, which can reproduce both asexually and sexually. The first crop was grown under one conditions, the second - under different ones. At some point, the yeast switched on the mechanism of sexual reproduction and made it possible for fungi from different populations to find each other.

In a paper published in the journal Ecology Letters, the authors write that offspring produced through sexual reproduction adapted more quickly to their environment. If the parents were from different populations, then their children felt equally well in both “maternal” and “paternal” environmental conditions. That is, sexual reproduction not only does not interfere, but also stimulates the evolution of the species, especially when individuals from different populations meet.

In fact, the results of the experiment confirm one alternative, but relatively little-known hypothesis, according to which genes “tailored” to one condition do not necessarily interfere with life in another. Genes for different environments do not come into confrontation, but coexist peacefully in one genome, turning on and off as needed.

Previously, evolutionary biologists had to come up with clever tricks that were supposed to prevent individuals from different populations from interbreeding with each other and thereby weaken the evolutionary position of the species. And although, as already mentioned, there was an alternative hypothesis, experimental confirmation was necessary to raise it above all others. When preparing this article, compulsory information was used.

4. Structure, biological properties and development of sperm:

Related information.

The main process is natural selection. It decides which adaptations for a given habitat are favorable and which are not so desirable. If the adaptation is favorable, then organisms that have , encoding that trait, will live long enough to reproduce and pass on their genes to the next generation.

In order for natural selection to work on a population, there must be diversity. To obtain diversity in individuals, different genetics and expressions are required. All this depends on the method of reproduction of a particular species.

Asexual reproduction

Asexual reproduction is the production of offspring from one parent, which is not accompanied by mating or mixing of genes. Asexual reproduction results in cloning of the parent, meaning the offspring has identical DNA to its ancestor. As a rule, there is a lack of species diversity from generation to generation.

One way to gain some species diversity is through mutations at the DNA level. If an error occurs in the process or copying of DNA, then this error will be passed on to the offspring, possibly changing their traits. However, some mutations do not change the phenotype, so not all changes in asexual reproduction result in variation in the offspring.

Sexual reproduction

Sexual reproduction occurs when a female reproductive cell (egg) combines with a male cell (sperm). An offspring is a genetic combination of mother and father, with half of its chromosomes coming from one parent and the other half from the other. This ensures that the offspring are genetically different from their parents and even siblings.

Mutations can also occur in sexually reproducing species to further increase the diversity of the offspring. The process that creates the (sex cells) used for reproduction also helps increase diversity. It ensures that the resulting gametes are genetically different. Independent recruitment during meiosis and random fertilization also influences gene mixing and allows offspring to better adapt to their environment.

Reproduction and evolution

As a rule, it is believed that sexual reproduction contributes more to evolution than asexual reproduction, since it has a much greater

The essence of sexual reproduction is the creation of new genetic combinations. In the most typical cases, a male and a female mate and produce individuals whose genotypes are not identical to either the genotype of the father or the genotype of the mother. In some animals, new genotypes can be created as a result of processes of a different kind. In protozoa such as paramecia, autogamy occurs, in which one individual creates new homozygous genotype Other forms, including some flatworms and mollusks, are hermaphroditic, that is, they have both male (sperm-producing) and female (egg-producing) gonads. There are hermaphroditic forms that are capable of self-fertilization (Bermant, Davidson , 1974)

Not all reproduction is sexual (that is, it creates new genotypes). For example, paramecia are able to divide in two to form two new daughter organisms that are genetically identical to the original individual. Hydroid polyps (one of the groups of coelenterates) can produce new individuals identical to themselves as a result of the budding process. In this case Several new organisms can form in one budding zone. Other animals, including many insects and some fish, are capable of parthenogenetic reproduction, in which offspring develop from unfertilized eggs (Bermant and Davidson, 1974)

The vast majority of animals, especially forms that have arisen relatively recently, reproduce sexually, that is, by the fusion of male and female gametes. Theorists disagree about the reasons for this predominance of the sexual process. Since sexual reproduction requires certain costs, it obviously must provide some significant advantages. The following main reasons have been put forward for explanation:

1) an evolutionary advantage for populations that are able to change faster than others due to sexual reproduction; 2) an evolutionary advantage due to the fact that this method of reproduction facilitates speciation (the emergence of new species); 3) the fact that individual parent individuals can create diversity in their immediate offspring, facilitating their adaptation to unpredictable changes in the environment (Stanley, 1975; Williams, 1966; Wilson, 1975).


One of the main features of the breeding cycle of many vldas is its seasonality, that is, it is confined to certain times of the year. The complete reproductive cycle includes courtship, mating, mating consequences, and care of eggs and young.


Many species, especially those found in temperate zones, breed only at certain times of the year. The spring peak of reproductive activity in birds has served as a source of inspiration for many writers and poets. Other animals, however, breed at other times of the year. Many species of deer and moose breed in the fall, wolves and coyotes breed in midwinter, and some seals and sea lions breed in late spring and early summer. Within a given species, breeding seasons often vary depending on latitude. The common denominator among all these different breeding seasons is the time of birth of the young. Although gestation periods vary among animals, most give birth to their young in late spring and early summer. Apparently, an equal advantage of seasonality is that it allows the birth of offspring to coincide with good weather and the greatest abundance of food resources. Mating and gestation seasons appear to be coordinated so that in most species young are born in late spring and early summer (see Sadleir, 1969).

The factors that are directly related to the onset of reproductive activity vary from species to species. Conditions such as temperature, precipitation, vegetation development, and day length vary with the seasons, all of which can influence reproductive activity in particular animals. Apparently, the onset of reproduction in many species is determined by the length of the day, “since in many habitats this factor is most reliably correlated with the change of seasons. For example, if the Far Eastern quail is kept under short-day conditions (8 hours of light and 16 hours of darkness) , then in both males and females the reproductive organs are reduced and sexual reactions disappear.Appropriate changes in the light regime (16 hours of light and 8 hours of darkness) lead to restoration of both morphology and behavior (Sachs, 1969; Adkins, 1973).


The function of courtship is to bring two animals of different sexes together under conditions that provide a greater likelihood of successful mating. First of all, it is necessary that the animal can find a potential marriage partner. The importance of mating with a conspecific and the role of mating behavior in reproductive isolation are discussed in Chapters 2 and 13. Courtship is often a complex sequence of interacting signals (such as those shown in Fig. 5.1) that should lead to the mating of a given individual with a suitable partner. Timing is of great importance for successful reproduction; When mating, both male and female must be in proper physiological condition. This is achieved by synchronization of cycles, which is ensured by the interaction of external stimuli and the behavior of the partners themselves. Representatives of classical ethology pointed out that many forms of courtship contain elements of conflict, often for the reason that the initial reaction of an individual to another individual appearing nearby can be aggressive.

Mating systems vary greatly among species. A number of species, such as some swans and geese, are true monogamists and choose a partner for their entire lives. Many migratory birds form pairs for only one season. Some primates exhibit sequential polygamy, i.e., the formation of pairs with several partners at different times, over a certain period with each of them. With simultaneous polygamy, one individual is connected by marriage simultaneously with several individuals of the other sex. Many species of mammals seem to be characterized by completely promiscuous sexual relations, that is, copulation with many different partners in the complete absence of pairs (see Brown, 1975).

Forms of courtship among different species are very diverse. Below are some examples.

Figure 51. Diagram of courtship behavior of butterflies, illustrating the chain of sequential stimuli and reactions in the relationship between the female (A) and the male (B). (Brower, Brower, Cranston, 1965.)

Arthropods. The initial detection of an individual of the opposite sex often occurs through the sense of smell. For example, male silkworms (Bombyx mori) are unusually sensitive to bombi-col, a sexual attractant secreted by the female. This attractant attracts males over very long distances; one of its molecules is enough to cause a nerve impulse in a receptor cell (Schneider, 1974). Crickets make a variety of sounds that attract mates and also play a role in other aspects of courtship behavior.

Visual signals are also common. Male alluring crabs (Uca) make species-specific ritual movements with their enlarged claws during courtship. When courting, jumping spiders also perform characteristic visual displays.

The most spectacular visual displays include the mating signals of fireflies (Fig. 5.2). Flying over fields or forests, males produce flashes of light that are species-specific in nature. Females respond to signals from the male of their species with a short flash. Both the latent period and the signal itself are characteristic of each species and also depend on temperature. The male responds to the female's signal by moving closer and closer to her, and the pair continues to exchange signals until the male descends and mates with the female (Lloyd, 1966). An experienced observer can attract a male by using a miniature flashlight to imitate the female's reaction to the male's outbursts.

Much work has been devoted to courtship in fruit flies of the genus Drosophila (see Spieth, 1974). A number of behavioral elements have been identified (wing vibration, leg trembling, wing signaling, circling and licking), which in various combinations constitute the courtship ritual in different species.

Fish. Different types of fish exhibit different forms of courtship. The most detailed description of the behavior of one of the tropical aquarium fish is Tilapia melanotheron, in which four “purely mating” forms of behavior have been identified (which do not occur under any other circumstances): rapid bends down and forward, a special kind of head shaking, biting the substrate and a motionless posture. at the nest (Barlow and Green, 1970). The most expressive display in the courtship ceremony of guppies is the “sigmoid”, or S-shaped, pose adopted by the male. In swordtails, the male approaches the female sideways, and can also approach her, backing away, shaking his whole body, or waving his gonopodium (Clark, Aronson, Gordon, 1954).

Amphibians and reptiles. Male bullfrogs occupy certain territories from where their loud choruses can be heard. Females are obviously attracted to such choruses. Many species of crocodiles make loud roars.

The courtship ritual of Anolis carolinensis lizards is well known to many Americans who have a plot at home. The male hops in a rhythmic manner, displaying a bright red gular pouch (a fold of skin hanging under the chin) (Grews, 1975). In most species of snakes, the main role in the courtship procedure is played by tactile stimulation of the female and olfactory stimulation of the male. So-called “mating dances,” in which two snakes are closely coiled together, have been shown to involve two males, and the interaction between them is likely to be aggressive (Porter, 1972).

Birds. Some of the most striking examples of mating behavior are known in birds. The complex courtship ceremonies of grebes, gulls, ducks, herons and other birds have been favorite subjects of study for ethologists. Bird singing and related legends also received significant attention.

Lorenz studied various forms of courtship behavior in drakes (Fig. 5.3); they can be observed on many duck ponds. The drake tilts its beak towards the water and arches its body upward; at the same time, he waves his beak and emits a loud whistle, accompanied by a sound reminiscent of a grunt. The “head up, tail down” pose is accompanied by a loud whistle. In the up-and-down display, the chest plunges into the water and the beak makes a sharp upward and forward sweep, raising a fountain of spray (see McKinney, 1969).

In Fig. Figure 2.1 shows four types of displays by the green night heron. Males occupy individual areas. A male who has occupied a site drives other males away from it, resorting to “full speed ahead” behavior. The calls of males attract females. Females are initially put off by the "full speed ahead" behavior, but do not leave the area and courtship in the form of "flicking" and "neck craning" eventually begins. Having formed a pair, the male and female fly around the territory, sometimes displaying intense flapping flight. Subsequent behavior leads to increasing proximity until copulation occurs (Meyerriecks, 1960).

In many birds, singing serves to drive other males away from an occupied area and attract females. The nature of the song in some species is as specific as their external characteristics.

Mammals. Ewer (1968) reviewed some forms of mating behavior in mammals. The sense of smell plays an important role in regulating this behavior in many species. Shirok”, such actions as examining the anogenital area and sniffing urinary marks are common. In many species, males, upon sensing the scent of a female, exhibit a Flehmen reaction, expressed by stretching the neck and raising the upper lip. This reaction appears to facilitate the perception of the odor rather than to serve as a display.

Female mammals often encourage the male to mount, sometimes approaching him, sniffing him and licking him, and often running away from him. In many cases, the female's flight from the male appears to serve to attract him rather than to actually escape.

In bottlenose dolphins, courtship rituals include vocalizations, biting the partner, sniffing his genitals, rubbing against each other, stroking fins, exposing the white underside of the body, jumping, chasing each other and butting (see Puente and Dewsbury, 1976 ).

Rice. 5.3. Ten postures observed in mallards and other ducks that forage on the surface of the water. (Lorenz, 1958.)

/ – initial swaying of the beak; 2 – head toss; 3 – tail wagging; 4 – whistling and rumbling; 5 – “head up – tail up”; 6 – turn towards the female; 7 – bows while swimming; 8 – turn of the head with the back of the head towards the female; 9 – protrusion of the chest; 10 – “up and down”.


Mating behavior ends with the act of copulation, which ensures the fertilization of eggs. The forms of copulation are almost as varied as the forms of courtship, and fertilization can be either internal or external. Several different forms of mating will be described here by way of example.

Arthropods. In many species, sperm is packaged in spermatophores, a type of pouch or sac that contains sperm. The highest degree of “impersonality” is achieved in some species of mites, pseudoscorpions, millipedes and springtails; in these forms, the male leaves the spermatophore on the substrate, and later the female comes and takes it; in this case, the male and female may never meet. In many aquatic forms, fertilization is external (for example, the male horseshoe crab Limulus attaches itself to the female from behind and remains there until she lays eggs in the sand, which he inseminates). Most terrestrial species experience some form of internal fertilization, in which the spermatophore is introduced directly into the female's body by means of some kind of appendage (see Alexander, 1964).

Fish. Fertilization in fish can be either external or internal. Representatives of the family Anabantidae, such as gourami or cockerels, build a nest on the surface of the water from air bubbles and a special secretion they secrete, and spawning usually takes place under this nest. Eggs and sperm are spawned simultaneously, and the eggs are fertilized as they float to the nest. In other fish, such as guppies, swordtails and mosquitofish, sperm is introduced into the female's body using a gonopodium (a modified anal fin). The male nurse shark, grasping the female by the posterior edge of one of her pectoral fins, turns her onto her back and inserts specialized copulatory organs, pterygopodia, into her (Budker, 1971).

Amphibians and reptiles. In most tailed amphibians, internal fertilization occurs after the female captures the spermatophore deposited by the male; In some species external fertilization and parthenogenesis occur. Most frogs and toads are characterized by external fertilization, which occurs as eggs are laid. The exceptions are tailed frogs, which have a copulatory organ, and African viviparous toads, whose cloaca touch during mating. As a rule, a sexually mature female frog goes to the male, who makes calling sounds; the male grasps the female in a special way (the so-called “amplexus”). The eggs come out and are fertilized in several stages. If a male grabs another male or a female that has already laid eggs, then such an erroneously chosen partner makes a special sound, after which he is released (Rabb, 1973).

In reptiles, internal fertilization takes place using copulatory organs. In Anolis carolinensis, the male grabs the female by the neck, twists his tail around hers, and inserts one of his paired copulatory organs into her.

Birds. In contrast to the varied mating behavior of birds, the process of copulation occurs in them more or less in the same way. Most species do not have a copulatory organ, so sperm is transferred from the male's cloaca to the female's cloaca. During copulation, both cloaca come into contact. For example, in the Far Eastern quail, the male grabs the feathers on the female’s neck with his beak, climbs onto her back and tries to bring his cloaca into contact with the female’s cloaca (Sachs, 1969).

Mammals. Most of the work on copulatory behavior has been carried out on laboratory strains of the gray rat (Rattus noruegicus). Therefore, copulation in rats will be described here in some detail. If a female in a state of readiness for mating is placed in a cage in which a male is located, then further events are quite predictable. After the initial courtship ritual (sniffing, running around, provocation from the female), the male begins to chase the fleeing female. When he mounts the female from behind, she assumes a stereotypical position called lordosis. At the same time, its head and back of the body are raised, its back is bent down, and its tail is pulled to the side. Two types of copulations are usually observed. One type of copulation, called "intromission," involves the male inserting his penis into the female's vagina for about a quarter of a second and then quickly dismounting the female. Before inserting the penis, the male can make several thrusts with the pelvis, but intravaginal. There are no penile thrusts. After about a dozen of these short intromissions, following each other at minute intervals, the male proceeds to the second type of behavior, called “ejaculation.” When ejaculating, the male makes convulsive thrusts with his penis and grasps the female for a few seconds before dismounting from her, after which he assumes a stereotypical vertical position. The complete set of intromissions that culminate in ejaculation is called a “series.” Ejaculation and, accordingly, the introduction of sperm never occur without preliminary intromissions. After ejaculation, sexual activity temporarily stops; after about 5 minutes it resumes and the second episode begins. Typically, rats complete about seven such series before satisfaction sets in, a sign of which is the absence of attempts at intromission for half an hour (Beach and Jordan, 1956).

Rice. 5.4. Classification scheme for types of copulatory behavior in male mammals. (Dewsbury. 1972.)

The type of behavior characteristic of each species can be classified depending on whether 1) mating occurs, 2) whether the male makes intravaginal thrusts, 3) whether multiple intromissions are necessary before ejaculation, and 4) whether multiple intromissions occur during one mounting. There are 24, i.e. 16 possible types of copulatory behavior.

A male or female can develop a randomly selected operant response, using as reinforcement the opportunity to copulate with an individual of the other sex. If a satisfied male is given another female instead of his previous partner, he can resume sexual activity.

Not all mammals copulate in the same way as in laboratory rats. A possible classification scheme for the copulatory behavior of mammals is presented in Fig. 5.4 (Dewsbury, 1972). This scheme is based on four criteria: 1) whether “gluing” occurs during copulation, that is, whether the penis is held mechanically in the vagina; 2) whether intravaginal thrusts of the penis are produced; 3) are preliminary multiple intromissions necessary for ejaculation; 4) whether repeated ejaculations occur in the same episode. This system allows 24, i.e. 16 types of copulation and allows any species to be characterized in this regard. In rats, neither mating nor intravaginal thrusts occur, but ejaculation is preceded by multiple intromissions, and ejaculation also occurs multiple times. Thus, rats are type 13.

Dogs behave very differently when copulating than rats (Hart, 1967). Their most characteristic feature is the mating of a male with a female: the male’s penis, while in the vagina, becomes engorged with blood, after which it is very difficult for the partners to separate, even if they strive for this. Usually the male gets off the female when copulation has not yet ended, after which the mated partners stand with their backs to each other. Copulation in dogs often lasts about 20 minutes, in contrast to the very short intromissions in laboratory rats. In dogs, grinding and intravaginal thrusting occur, but in them ejaculation is not preceded by multiple intromissions and there are several ejaculations, so their behavior belongs to type 3.

It should be remembered that the types of copulation differ in many respects and the scheme proposed here represents only one possible way of classification. Different species belonging to the same type in terms of copulatory behavior can differ greatly in their copulation postures and quantitative aspects of activity.

Advantages of sexual and asexual reproduction

Give your last 17 POINTS ONLY begs Explain the evolutionary advantage of sexual reproduction over asexual reproduction 2 What is the biological role of asexual reproduction in the evolution of life 3 Replace the term with highlighted words The union of two adjacent cells lying next to each other is a method of fertilization in many primitive organisms Mobile sex cells of males develop in most animals and plants and the sex cells are still male only in the testes

1 Explain the evolutionary advantage of sexual reproduction over asexual reproduction
2 What is the biological role of asexual reproduction in the evolution of living things?
3 Replace the highlighted words with the term:
The fusion of two adjacent, adjacent cells is a method of fertilization in many primitive organisms
Motile male sex cells develop in most animals and plants, while immobile male sex cells develop only in seed plants.

  • 1) Sexual reproduction has a very large evolutionary advantage over asexual reproduction, because based on new combinations of genes that ensure the adaptation of the species to changing environmental conditions.
    2) The biological role consists of maintaining the greatest fitness in slightly changing environmental conditions; as it ensures rapid reproduction rates.
    3) conjugation
    sperm are motile
    sperm are immobile
  • Evolution(from Latin evolutio - “unfolding”) - the process of development of all living organisms, which is accompanied genetic changes, adaptations, modifications and extinction of individual populations and species, resulting in changes in ecosystems And biosphere generally.

    Scheme of the evolution of living organisms on Earth.

    Today there are several main theories of evolution. The most common is synthetic theory of evolution(STE) is synthesis Darwin's theory of evolution and population genetics.


    STE explains the connection between way of evolution (genetic mutations) And mechanism of evolution (natural selection according to Darwin). STE defines evolution as the process during which the frequency of gene alleles changes over a period of time that significantly exceeds the lifespan of one member of the population.

    The essence of the theory of evolution of Charles Darwin, who formulated it in his work "Origin of Species"(1859), is that the main “engine” of evolution is natural selection, a process consisting of three factors:

    1) More offspring are born in populations than can survive, taking into account environmental conditions (amount of food, presence of living creatures that feed on a given species, etc.);

    2) Different organisms have different traits that affect their ability to survive and procreate;

    3) The above-mentioned traits are inherited.

    These three factors explain the emergence of intraspecific competition and selective extinction (elimination) of those individuals who are least adapted to survival. Thus, only the strongest leave offspring, which leads to the gradual evolution of all living things.

    Natural selection is the only factor explaining the adaptation of all living things, but it is not the only cause of evolution. Other equally important reasons are mutations, gene flow and genetic drift.

    One of the basic abilities of all living organisms is reproduction. There are two main options for the formation of new individuals. Experts also distinguish asexual.

    Methods of self-reproduction

    Every living organism can create similar individuals. Many plants and lower animals use an asexual method of self-reproduction. To produce offspring, one parent is sufficient, which is capable of forming daughter organisms.

    But this information is not enough to understand how sexual reproduction differs from asexual reproduction. These forms of reproduction are fundamentally different. Thus, sexual reproduction is possible only with the participation of two parent individuals. The sexual method is characterized by the formation of gametes. These are special reproductive cells with a haploid set of chromosomes.

    Main differences

    The sexual method is considered more progressive compared to the asexual method. It is used by the vast majority of living beings to produce offspring. You can understand how sexual reproduction differs from asexual reproduction if you know the following.

    The first form of reproduction requires the participation of two parent individuals. Each of them produces special sex cells - gametes. During the process of reproduction, they fuse and form a zygote. It is from it that a new organism is formed.

    Gametes are not needed in the process. A new individual is formed from somatic cells. It is an exact copy of the parent organism. This method of reproduction makes it possible to quickly obtain offspring.

    Features of asexual reproduction

    Self-reproduction of new organisms from has its advantages. Knowing them, it is easy to explain how sexual reproduction differs from asexual reproduction. It makes it possible to create a large number of individuals in a short time. In this case, the resulting offspring is no different from the parent individual. Daughter organisms are exact copies.

    This method of reproduction is beneficial to those organisms that live in unchanging conditions. Genetic variation during asexual reproduction can only arise as a result of genetic mutations. In the process of such self-reproduction, cells divide, usually through mitosis.

    Higher animals cannot reproduce their own kind asexually. The only exception is cloning them artificially.

    Types of asexual reproduction

    There are several options for organisms to create their own kind without the participation of specialized germ cells. When figuring out how sexual reproduction differs from asexual reproduction, we should not forget that the latter method of reproducing offspring is divided into several types.

    Separately, division, sporulation, vegetative propagation, including budding, and fragmentation are distinguished. With each of these methods, a new individual is formed from one or a group of somatic cells. Protozoa reproduce by division: amoeba, paramecium. This method is also used by certain bacteria.

    All groups of green plants, fungi, some bacteria and protozoa reproduce by sporulation. Spores are formed in special structures - sporogony.

    When clarifying the differences between sexual and asexual reproduction, do not forget that these methods differ significantly. After all, during self-reproduction without the participation of gametes, somatic cells begin to divide. For example, it is possible with the help of cuttings, tendrils, roots, rhizomes, tubers, bulbs, corms.

    Features of sexual reproduction

    To obtain offspring using this method, two individuals of the same species are needed, which produce special germ cells. The appearance of offspring is possible when they merge and form zygotes. This is precisely what is worth remembering when telling how sexual reproduction differs from asexual reproduction.

    Gametes contain a haploid (single) set of chromosomes. These cells are formed through the process of meiosis. It is with their help that genetic information is transmitted from both parents to daughter organisms. The process of fusion of gametes is called fertilization. As a result, the haploid nuclei unite and a zygote is formed. This is the basis for the intraspecific variability of organisms.

    When clarifying the features of asexual and sexual reproduction, we must not forget that there are two types of gametes. They are produced by males and females. But in nature there are types of organisms that can simultaneously produce two types of germ cells. They are called hermaphrodites. Small crustaceans, snails, and some fish can reproduce this way.

    Possible exceptions

    You can understand how sexual reproduction differs from asexual reproduction if you know that the first method is characterized by the formation of special gametes, and in the second method, the somatic cells of the parent organism begin to divide.

    It is important that for asexual reproduction one individual is enough, but for sexual reproduction two are needed. True, we should not forget about exceptions. These include hermaphroditism and parthenogenesis. Although the first indicated form of reproduction often involves gametes from different individuals, processes occur in the body that interfere with self-fertilization.

    Also one of the types of sexual reproduction is parthenogenesis. With this method, female reproductive cells are able to develop into a new individual without the participation of male gametes. Both some animals and plants can produce offspring in this way.

    Depending on the number of chromosomes in female germ cells, diploid and haploid parthenogenesis are distinguished. This reproductive mechanism allows you to regulate the number of offspring and their types. For example, a queen bee can lay eggs, which will produce either females (queens, workers) or males (drones). Reproduction - sexual and asexual - in classical versions does not have such capabilities.

    Questions at the beginning of the paragraph.

    Question 1. Why can a species exist for an almost unlimited time, while each individual is mortal?

    An individual cannot evolve. It can change, adapting to environmental conditions. But these changes are not evolutionary, since they are not inherited. The species is usually heterogeneous and consists of a number of populations. The population is relatively independent and can exist for a long time without connection with other populations of the species. All evolutionary processes take place in a population: mutations occur in individuals, crossing occurs between individuals, the struggle for existence and natural selection operate. As a result, the gene pool of the population changes over time and it becomes the ancestor of a new species. That is why the elementary unit of evolution is a population, not a species.

    Question 2. How do sperm and eggs mature?

    Male reproductive cells - sperm are formed in the testes (testes). Sperm maturation occurs at a temperature of about 35 "C. This is lower than the temperature of the abdominal cavity of the body. Therefore, the testes are located outside the abdominal cavity, in the skin sac - the scrotum. Full maturation of sperm occurs in the system of the vas deferens, and then they enter the urethra, at the beginning of which The ducts of additional glands - the seminal vesicles and the prostate gland, or prostate - also flow into it.

    The maturation of the egg occurs in the Graafian vesicle of the ovary. The development of the egg lasts about 28 days. As a result of reduction division, the mature egg, like the sperm, remains with half the set of chromosomes. Each egg contains only an X chromosome. Consequently, the sex of the unborn child depends on the father.

    Question 3. What determines the sex of a child?

    The sex of the offspring depends on the sex chromosomes.

    If there are two X chromosomes in the germ cell (zygote) (X from the mother and X from the father), a girl will be born. If there are X and Y chromosomes (X from the mother and Y from the father), a boy will be born.

    Questions at the end of the paragraph.

    Question 1. What are the advantages of sexual reproduction over asexual reproduction?

    With the help of sexual reproduction, the genetic apparatus of the offspring is updated, new combinations of genes appear, since the maternal and paternal organism participates in it, and the diversity of individual characteristics is beneficial for the survival of the species in changing environmental conditions. In asexual reproduction, in which only one individual participates, the set of genes in the mother and daughter organisms is the same.

    Question 2. Explain the biological significance of the presence of a half set of chromosomes in the sperm and egg.

    The nuclei of male and female germ cells each contain half the set of chromosomes characteristic of a given species. When an egg and sperm merge, their chromosome sets are combined, the chromosome set characteristic of a given species is restored, and the future organism combines the hereditary characteristics of both parents.

    Question 3. Where does fertilization occur? What is formed as a result of this process?

    The fusion of the egg and sperm occurs in the fallopian tube. After the sperm penetrates the egg, a zygote is formed - a germ cell that carries the hereditary characteristics of both parents.

    Question 4. Why can an embryo stay in the uterus, but an unfertilized egg cannot?

    An unfertilized egg, unlike an embryo, does not have villi, which allow it to remain in the uterus.