The effect of smoking on the endocrine system. About female smoking: how dangerous are the consequences? What hormone is produced when smoking?

Smoking is essential changes the metabolism of many hormones. Thus, smoking women have increased levels of triiodothyronine and thyroglobulin, but the level decreases thyroid-stimulating hormone involved in the regulation of thyroid function. Hormone imbalance makes active smokers more susceptible to diseases of this important internal secretion organ.

Women who smoke have reduced levels prolactin in blood plasma, which is associated with the dopaminergic effect of tobacco smoke ingredients on the central nervous system. Dopamine inhibits the secretion of the anterior pituitary gland not only of prolactin, but also luteinizing hormone regulating the activity of the gonads. In addition, the tobacco alkaloid nicotine and its derivatives are capable of inhibit aromatase activity(estrogen synthetase) - an enzyme from the group of cytochromes P450, which ensures the conversion of androgenic precursors into female sex hormones. In women who smoke during pregnancy, the excretion of estrogen in the urine is reduced and their content (especially estriol) in the blood is reduced. Hormonal imbalances between estrogens, follicle-stimulating and luteinizing hormones increase the likelihood of double ovulation in women who smoke, which leads to development of multiple pregnancy(fraternal twins). It has been established that smoking women experience an average of 1-2 years reduced age threshold for menopause. The reason for the earlier decline of menstrual function is hormonal disorders caused by smoking.

Carbon monoxide inhibits the activity of some steroid metabolism enzymes, which provide, for example, the hydroxylation of progesterone and the release of its side chain. At the same time, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons of tobacco smoke activate a number of steroidogenesis enzymes, promoting the formation of free radical metabolic products of classical estrogens - catechol estrogens. The latter play a key role in DNA damage(genotoxic effect). Violation of the genetic coding of cells leads to their malignant transformation and causes the occurrence of hormone-dependent tumors of the female reproductive system. Cadmium also disrupts the synthesis of progesterone in the ovaries and placenta.

Associated with smoking increased secretion of contrainsular hormones(somatotropic hormone, cortisol, etc.), which, in combination with low levels of insulin in the blood, causes higher levels of glycemia. In this regard, diabetic patients who smoke require larger doses of insulin than non-smokers.

You are reading the topic: Part 1. Toxicity of tobacco smoke ingredients. Their influence on organs and systems of the human body

Modern science provides thousands of evidence that smoking has a detrimental effect on the human body. This is proven by studies with careful sampling and numerous resets of statistics.

Healthy and smoking are practically incompatible things due to the effect of nicotine on the corresponding brain receptors.

This leads to rapid addiction and weak production of a substance similar to it in the body. How do smoking and hormones interact? And why are cigarettes in the hands of women and men fraught with serious damage to reproductive function?

Impact on the endocrine system in the long and short term

The cigarette also has positive aspects that are often overlooked. The problem is that any positive effect on the endocrine system is short-term.

And all the negativity that smoldering tobacco carries remains with people for a long time, and some of it even forever. What is the positive effect on the endocrine system?

Positive effects of nicotine on the body and endocrine system

First of all, the amount of hormone increases, which is responsible for part of cognitive abilities and, of course, for pleasure. This happens in leaps and bounds:

  • after 20–40 minutes the person will feel exhausted;
  • the feeling of euphoria goes away;
  • thoughts slow down a little (this effect will last for 1 hour or even 1 day, depending on your experience);
  • dopamine is released in smaller quantities after smoking, compensating for the previous excess.

Nicotine is also a short-acting nootropic, that is, for a short period of time a person remembers information faster, concentrates more easily and is able to remember in large volumes.

But this effect is observed only in experienced smokers, while beginners may experience dizziness and clouding of consciousness due to a sharp hormonal surge.

Negative effects of nicotine

In the long term, when smoking, people only “raise” their cognitive abilities and the concentration of certain hormones to the previous level that was before they started smoking, and due to our body’s desire for a constant increase in dopamine, inherent in evolution, a constant increase is required drug dosages.

Due to disorders associated with testosterone and obtaining enough of the happy hormone, metabolism can speed up or slow down, which also leads to an excess or deficiency of other hormones secreted by internal organs.

Thus, the entire hormonal system begins to suffer.

All this is associated with changes in the endocrine system. And the reproductive function of men depends on the level of the same testosterone, which leads to serious problems.

Effect on the reproductive system

Due to the biochemical processes occurring in the cerebral cortex, male smokers begin to suffer from problems with potency; sperm is produced in smaller quantities, while being more rarefied. And also the number of “defective” sperm increases several times.

That is why many doctors, having heard about problems with pregnancy in women, advise their husbands to quit smoking. The fact is that by changing the body at the hormonal level (and this is done not only by nicotine, but also by many carcinogens contained in ordinary cigarettes for a longer smoldering period), the concentration of testosterone in a man’s blood also decreases.

Because of this, smoking athletes suffer from problems gaining muscle mass, and ordinary people begin to notice sexual dysfunctions that never happened before.

Along with testosterone, the production of estrogen also decreases, which is already dangerous for the fairer sex. That is why it is necessary to quit a bad habit six months before pregnancy and forget about it as long as the woman continues to breastfeed.

By influencing certain receptors in the cerebral cortex, toxic substances slow down the production of certain hormones in the body, sending false signals about their excess.

In turn, the liver, trying to free the blood from harmful substances, accelerates its work and, among other things, the decomposition of the same hormones. And the result of such a “double” attack on the endocrine system can be:

  • disrupted menstrual cycle;
  • frequent pain in the abdominal area;
  • the appearance of menopause, shifted 2–3 years earlier.

Effect on FSH

All active substances in a cigarette or hookah tobacco affect blood levels. This leads to disturbances in the functioning of the gonads and creates problems with conception.

Elevated FSH is one of the most common causes of infertility. Artificial insemination does not always save you from this, but to achieve results in this process it is necessary to undergo a long course to restore the entire hormonal system.

This is due to polycyclic aromatic carbohydrates, which begin to act as a catalyst, accelerating egg necrosis.

Well, the most dangerous thing for pregnant women is that the content of oxytocin in the blood begins to increase. And this, in turn, can lead to dire consequences, from mechanical injuries to the fetus to involuntary uterine contractions, which can cause premature termination of pregnancy. Therefore, for women who smoke, the chances of becoming pregnant are almost equal to those with one ovary removed.

This is precisely what explains such inflated statistics of people who have experienced strokes and heart attacks among smokers, as well as the large number of diseases of the endocrine system they have. From this it follows that the health of the endocrine system and smoking are in no way compatible.

Numerous studies have proven thatinterconnected. This bad habit affects all organs, including brain and heart, and also causes enormous damage to the reproductive system as in women as well as in men.

It is worth noting that special influence of smoking has an effect on the body of the fair half of humanity.

This article will talk about how smoking affects on hormonal levels and reproductive function.

The influence of a bad habit on the reproductive system

Smoking influences on the body of both sexes. Male reproductive function suffers due to the fact that nicotine leads to a decrease in sperm production and a change in its density. Additionally, it results in increased morphology. U smokers In men, the reproductive process is disrupted due to a decrease in the quality and motility of sperm. In addition, it has been proven that nicotine affects on the level of testosterone in the blood, which can lead to sexual dysfunction.

What is the effect of tobacco on the female body? Action Nicotine spreads to estrogens - sex hormones that are needed for the appearance and gestation of pregnancy. Their number is significantly reduced.

In addition, chemical compounds and toxic substances found in cigarette smoke slow down the formation of hormones, influencing on the menstrual cycle, and lead to the destruction of existing ones. Ultimately, disruptions in the flow of menstruation begin, severe pain occurs and menopause occurs faster.

Also, nicotine leads to an increase in follicle-stimulating hormone, which affects the functioning of the sex glands.

The result of this process is a decrease in the likelihood of conception. The mechanism of destruction of the egg is launched.

Tobacco smoke can influence on female reproductive function in such a way that oxytocin vasopressin begins to be intensively produced, leading to reflex contraction of the uterus, which can cause problems during pregnancy, including its termination. Which What are the chances of a smoking woman getting pregnant? The same as the one that has only one ovary.

It is also worth noting that a bad habit also affects smoker's brain. Nervous system appears to be negatively affected by nicotine. The danger arises when the next dose stops coming. Then the body begins to rebel, the woman becomes aggressive and irritated. In the head brain Nicotine arrives within 8 seconds after the first puff. It begins to constrict blood vessels, which impedes the flow of blood to the nerve cells. This can lead to headaches. Besides, brain begins to produce the hormone of joy - endorphin, and this leads to the formation of nicotine addiction.

What hormones are negatively affected by smoking and what can this lead to?

Does smoking affecton hormonal levels in men? Definitely. In both sexes, the level of sex hormones increases, which can lead to an increase in biological age. Nicotine leads to sleep disturbances and a deterioration in a person’s general well-being.

In addition, this substance has a negative effect on follicle-stimulating hormone, which increases the concentration of estrogen in the blood. This is dangerous because an increase in the amount of estrogen can lead to the formation of blood clots and cause thrombosis. This disease can lead to a heart attack or stroke.

Women over 35 years of age are at risk, since the habit of smoking increases the risk of thromboembolic deposits by 4 times.

Note that when smoking 10-15 cigarettes a day, female representatives are prohibited from takinghormonal pills, as they increase the amount of estrogen in the blood. This is very dangerous for blood vessels.

If pain suddenly arises in the legs and calves, lower abdomen and chest area, and a migraine begins to torment, then this indicates an increase in the level of this hormone. Therefore, it is necessary to make an appointment with a doctor.

How smoking affects female hormones: myths

There is a misconception that the bad habit of smoking can reduce weight by affecting hormonal levels. But this is not true, smoking in itself does not lead to weight loss. It reduces appetite and dulls the feeling of hunger. Therefore, if you give up a bad habit, your appetite will resume, which can lead to weight gain. In this case, it is recommended to change your diet, go on a diet and exercise.

Another myth is that you should not quit smoking during pregnancy, as this can negatively affect your hormonal levels. It's not like that at all. Women who smoke give birth to children with slow development, weakened and sickly. This is due to the fact that they did not receive enough oxygen while in the womb.

We hope that our article helped you at least think about the negative impact of this bad habit on the body and over time you will be able to give it up.

A woman's body is more vulnerable to such destructive addictions as alcoholism and smoking. At the same time, in most civilized countries there are very disappointing statistics, noting the rapid growth of smokers among women of childbearing age.

The impact of smoking on the female body is colossal. In Russia alone, about a third of all heavy smokers are representatives of the fair sex. Next, we will talk about the consequences of addiction and methods of overcoming it.

The effect of smoking on the female body in facts and figures

Tobacco smoke not only weakens the immune system and poisons the entire body as a whole, but also has a most detrimental effect on the reproductive system. Literally with every cigarette smoked during the three-year period before conceiving a child, the risk of miscarriage and various pathologies and abnormalities in fetal development increases significantly. Smoking mothers often give birth to children who are lagging behind in mental and physiological development, which is expressed in mental retardation or underweight.

German scientists who studied the harm of smoking on a woman’s body were able to identify very disappointing statistics, according to which:

  • More than 40% of women who smoke suffer from infertility (among the non-smoking half of the female audience, such figures do not exceed 3%).
  • Almost 90% of miscarriages are associated with systematic poisoning of the body with nicotine and tobacco tar.
  • Premature babies are born mainly to women suffering from addiction to cigarettes.

For a woman who smokes half a pack a day, the chance of conceiving is reduced by exactly half. The fact is that the egg accumulates toxins and poisons that enter the body through tobacco smoke, which ultimately leads to the inability to conceive a child. In the case of simultaneous use of tobacco products while taking hormonal contraceptives, there is a huge risk of various complications, primarily affecting the cardiovascular system.

Is smoking harmful for women? Many ladies clearly underestimate the risks of such addiction, which leads to periodontitis, pneumonia, acute myeloblastic leukemia, abdominal aortic aneurysm and other dangerous diseases.

Expectant mothers who smoke even 1/4 pack a day or less during pregnancy expose the fetus to oxygen starvation, and due to vasoconstriction due to exposure to nicotine, red blood cells lose the ability to deliver oxygen to the placenta. Pregnant women who smoke half a pack of cigarettes per day or more increase the risk of placental abruption by up to 70%.

Smoking mothers often give birth to children with diseases caused by systematic poisoning of the body with tobacco smoke. Moreover, they appear already during the first year of a child’s life. The harm of smoking for women is not limited to problems with the cardiovascular and reproductive systems. In women suffering from an addiction, the likelihood of inflammation of the eye membrane and age-related degenerative damage to the retina increases three times.

The vessels regain their lost tone only 30–40 minutes after smoking a cigarette. If a woman smokes more often without observing this interval, the blood vessels become critically narrowed, their walls lose elasticity, and the cardiovascular system literally works into wear and tear.

Important! According to statistics, children who from the very first years of life are forced to observe the harmful addiction of their mother or father to nicotine, try smoking already at the age of 6–8 years, imitating their parents.

How does smoking affect a woman’s appearance and health?

How does smoking affect a woman's appearance? First of all, chronic smokers have a hoarse voice with an unpleasant timbre. In addition, the absolute majority of women who cannot imagine their life without a cigarette experience the following metamorphoses:

  • The skin of the face and other parts of the body becomes dry and dull, bags and puffiness appear under the eyes, as well as wrinkles and other signs of aging.
  • The menstrual cycle is disrupted, and severe pain occurs in the ovarian area.
  • Reproductive ability is rapidly lost, which is reflected in the death of eggs and menopause, which develops prematurely.
  • Teeth and nail plates become yellow, losing their healthy shade. Nails lose strength and split.
  • Body weight is rapidly falling, but those who want to achieve a slim figure at such a price are exposing their own body to unjustified risk.
  • Nicotine reduces the production of the female hormone estrogen, which leads to a decrease in mental abilities.

A woman who is systematically exposed to the negative effects of tobacco combustion products is plagued by: increased fatigue, headaches, irritability, sweating and loss of vitality. Heavy smokers are susceptible to the development of diseases such as hypertrophy of the thyroid gland, myocardial infarction and inflammatory processes in the organs responsible for reproductive function.

Nicotine interferes with the absorption of important vitamins and minerals, as well as collagen synthesis, which makes the skin wrinkled and pale. In the body of a smoker, the absorption of phosphorus and calcium occurs, which leads to the destruction of tooth enamel.

Excess carbon monoxide provokes thrombosis and coronary artery disease, which lead to hemorrhage in the placenta and a number of other serious problems with pregnancy. Nicotine, in combination with carbon monoxide, binds hemoglobin and disrupts tissue respiration, which has an extremely negative effect on the functioning of all body systems without exception.

Bad breath, brittle hair and nails, wrinkled skin, intensive aging and exacerbation of chronic ailments - this is not a complete list of changes occurring in the body of a smoking woman.

How to give up a bad habit

If a woman stops smoking before pregnancy, her chances of giving birth to healthy offspring will be much higher. Scientists have proven that the most favorable period for a woman, during which it is easier for her to give up her addiction, is the time immediately after the end of the menstrual cycle, since the body at this moment is most resistant to withdrawal symptoms caused by stopping smoking.

First of all, a woman who has decided to give up a destructive addiction should get rid of the psychological factor that influences the formation of addiction on a subconscious level: for some, the first cigarette was associated with the desire to demonstrate to the outside world (including parents) their own independence, for others On the contrary, the habit arose as a desire to get away from problems and offenders, surrounding oneself with an impregnable curtain of acrid tobacco smoke.

Recognizing that smoking is harmful not only to future children, but also to health and appearance, a woman should minimize the number of situations that make her nervous, relax more and spend time with non-smoking friends in the fresh air or visit entertainment venues such as theaters, cinemas and bowling clubs.

When quitting nicotine addiction, the body actively recovers, and taste buds become sharper. Therefore, during the period of getting rid of a bad habit, it is recommended to adhere to a healthy diet rich in fresh fruits, vegetables and natural juices.

Smoking affects the body of both sexes. Male reproductive function suffers due to the fact that nicotine leads to a decrease in sperm production and a change in its density. Additionally, it results in increased morphology. In men who smoke, the reproductive process is disrupted due to a decrease in the quality and motility of sperm. In addition, nicotine has been proven to affect testosterone levels in the blood, which can lead to sexual dysfunction.

What is the effect of tobacco on the female body? The effect of nicotine extends to estrogens - sex hormones that are needed for the appearance and gestation of pregnancy. Their number is significantly reduced.

In addition, chemical compounds and toxic substances found in cigarette smoke slow down the formation of hormones that affect the menstrual cycle and lead to the destruction of existing ones. Ultimately, disruptions in the flow of menstruation begin, severe pain occurs and menopause occurs faster.

Also, nicotine leads to an increase in follicle-stimulating hormone, which affects the functioning of the sex glands.

The result of this process is a decrease in the likelihood of conception. The mechanism of destruction of the egg is launched.

Tobacco smoke can affect female reproductive function in such a way that oxytocin vasopressin begins to be intensively produced, leading to a reflex contraction of the uterus, which can cause problems during pregnancy, including its termination. What are the chances of a smoking woman getting pregnant? The same as the one that has only one ovary.

It is also worth noting that a bad habit also affects the smoker’s brain. The nervous system is under the negative influence of nicotine. The danger arises when the next dose stops coming. Then the body begins to rebel, the woman becomes aggressive and irritated. Nicotine enters the brain within 8 seconds after the first puff. It begins to constrict blood vessels, which impedes the flow of blood to the nerve cells. This can lead to headaches. In addition, the brain begins to produce the hormone of joy - endorphin, and this leads to the formation of nicotine addiction.

What hormones are negatively affected by smoking and what can this lead to?

Does smoking affect hormonal levels in men? Definitely. In both sexes, the level of sex hormones increases, which can lead to an increase in biological age. Nicotine leads to sleep disturbances and a deterioration in a person’s general well-being.

In addition, this substance has a negative effect on follicle-stimulating hormone, which increases the concentration of estrogen in the blood. This is dangerous because an increase in the amount of estrogen can lead to the formation of blood clots and cause thrombosis. This disease can lead to a heart attack or stroke.

Women over 35 years of age are at risk, since the habit of smoking increases the risk of thromboembolic deposits by 4 times.

Note that when smoking 10-15 cigarettes a day, female representatives are prohibited from taking hormonal pills, as they increase the amount of estrogen in the blood. This is very dangerous for blood vessels.

If pain suddenly arises in the legs and calves, lower abdomen and chest area, and a migraine begins to torment, then this indicates an increase in the level of this hormone. Therefore, it is necessary to make an appointment with a doctor.

Many people think that nicotine calms the nerves and reduces stress from smoking, however, this is a temporary relief. It, like a real toxic substance, penetrates nerve cells, inhibiting some mental processes. As a result, temporary calm occurs.

However, once the nicotine wears off, the person experiences:

  • even greater horror;
  • emotional arousal;
  • anxiety.

All these sensations are fueled by the thought that the cigarettes may run out, or there will not be a suitable moment to smoke. It is not difficult to guess that this entails additional worries and stress, so it is naive to believe that cigarettes calm the nerves.

The detrimental effect of nicotine on the human nervous system can be considered the fact that whenever a smoker is denied the opportunity to take a drag from a cigarette, it causes rage, trembling hands, a nervous state and other unpleasant symptoms.

Pseudo-help of cigarettes for stress

Nicotine is a stress factor because:

  • This is a toxic substance, therefore, like any drug, it is addictive. The dose has to be increased, and the lack of nicotine itself puts pressure on the nervous system.
  • Poisoning the body with the toxic component contained in a cigarette leads to the fact that the cells do not have enough oxygen. This reduces productivity, the ability to control your emotions and causes additional stress.
  • Psychological factor. A person gets very used to holding a cigarette in his hands several times a day, so on a subconscious level he can no longer quit this bad habit. This causes psychological discomfort and nervous agitation.

As we can conclude, cigarettes do not calm the nerves, but, on the contrary, have an extremely negative effect on them.

Prognosis for the body

Smoking has a particularly negative effect on women, causing major harm to the respiratory system. It's no secret what a smoker's lungs look like compared to the same organ of a non-smoker. Attention! The female body is more susceptible to the influence of cigarettes, and the development of diseases as a consequence of the habit is almost inevitable. Smoking women suffer from pulmonary obstruction 5 times more often than smoking men. Nicotine, by increasing the heart rate, again causes tachycardia in women.

Smoking causes hair loss

Long-term smoking develops problems with the retina and, in especially severe cases, can lead to blindness. Decreased estrogen production leads to weakening of the female brain. So the myth about “stupidity” from smoking is not a joke.

#2 Smoking limits muscle growth

According to a 2007 study¹, smoking directly increases myostatin levels in the body. Myostatin, in turn, is a peptide that limits the growth of muscle tissue. Blocking myostatin causes significant muscle hypertrophy, and its increase causes a decrease in muscle mass.

By producing myostatin, the body thereby limits the ability of muscle cells to grow, and smoking spurs myostatin production even more - by 33-45% according to research. As a result, your results will always be lower compared to non-smoking athletes.

The danger of elevated hormone levels

Constantly elevated levels of both female and male sex hormones increase a woman’s biological age by 10 years. This means that a 30-year-old woman who smokes is at risk for the same diseases as a 40-year-old non-smoker. Also, due to nicotine addiction, early menopause may occur, not to mention menstrual irregularities.

Alarming symptoms that indicate health problems caused by increased estrogen include pain in the legs and calves, headache, pain in the lower abdomen, and dull pain in the chest. In this case, you need to consult a doctor.

In addition, many researchers believe that as a result of the negative impact of smoking on the hormonal system, sleep can be disrupted, or more precisely, the alternation of sleep phases necessary for proper rest.

#3 Smoking increases cortisol levels

According to most studies, smoking either has little effect on testosterone levels or (bingo!) causes a slight increase of about 10%. However, with its antagonist, cortisol, things were not so rosy. A 2006 scientific paper confirmed: smoking increases its level. In turn, this hormone breaks down muscle and causes fat accumulation.

Correcting the situation is quite simple - you need to quit smoking. A more recent study from 2014² strongly supports this solution: when stopping a habit salivary cortisol levels decreased significantly.

Changes in the body's functioning

A representative of the fairer sex with a cigarette in her hands is not only unattractive. Inhaled nicotine kills the feminine principle in her. You need to know how smoking affects women.

  1. Reduces the chance of getting pregnant. The remaining tars that enter the body with nicotine accumulate in the egg, and it gradually loses its main properties. The onset of menopause and effects on hormonal levels are likely, since cigarette toxins kill female hormones. It has been proven that when a woman smokes about a pack a day for a long time, her ability to conceive is significantly reduced.
  2. Risk during pregnancy. A heavy smoker has a greater risk of miscarriage than a non-smoker. Excessive consumption of nicotine leads to oxygen starvation of the placenta: the blood vessels narrow and red blood cells cannot supply oxygen. And if a woman does not give up her habit during pregnancy, then the likelihood of a miscarriage increases significantly.
  3. Risk of placenta expulsion. In smokers, it may also move from a position on the side of the cervix to directly above it. Childbirth threatens to be difficult, with an unpredictable outcome.
  4. A baby born to a smoker may have congenital pathologies associated with the endocrine system, heart disease, as well as physical and mental retardation.
  5. Taking hormonal contraceptives simultaneously with regular smoking increases the risk of cardiovascular diseases and sudden heart attack.

When planning a pregnancy, the expectant mother should quit the bad habit at least six months before the expected conception. The same goes for her partner. If we consider the problem from a moral point of view, it becomes obvious that a child of smoking parents will also pick up a cigarette in adolescence.

Cortisol, nervous agitation and smoking

Cortisol is a hormone that is released by the adrenal glands into the blood at times of danger, overexcitement and emotional shock. The body seems to create a protective barrier, providing the body with an increased dose of stress hormone.

However, in a smoker’s body soaked in nicotine, the rise in cortisol occurs only due to the presence of this toxic substance in the blood. As soon as a cigarette is smoked, the hormone rises, and within an hour, in order to cope with stress, a person has to take another puff of smoke. Only this gives him the opportunity to provide himself with cortisol for the next 60 minutes. When trying to avoid smoking, the body produces cortisol for only 15 minutes, after which it drops sharply.

The smoker feels irritation and an obsessive desire to smoke, which he cannot cope with. Instead, his nerve cells receive a dose of another emotional explosion.

The dependence of the level of cortisol in the blood on smoking also explains such a fact as mood swings after an attempt to give up an addiction.

The level of cortisol is extremely low in the first few weeks after quitting cigarettes, and its rise is associated with nicotine; not everyone can quit smoking. Nervous tension is everywhere, and the level of stress hormone is too insignificant to help a former smoker cope with it without the participation of a smoking “magic wand”.

Impact of smoking and stress

Beauty killer

The impact of smoking on the female body is not limited to harm to health. It would be more accurate to say that changes inside the body cannot help but “crawl out” to the outside. Damage is also caused to appearance, which is perceived by most girls as a much more terrible consequence.

Think about it, girls!

The skin of smokers ages very quickly as a result of vasoconstriction from nicotine, and constant oxygen starvation keeps the epidermis in a state of stress. The result of many years of daily smoking a large number of cigarettes is dull, unhealthy skin that ages prematurely. The first wrinkles appear and bags under the eyes appear. Similar changes are “obvious” after 1-2 years of smoking experience.

A smoker will have to sacrifice a beautiful tan in the summer. It is known that exposure to ultraviolet rays accelerates the aging process of the entire body. For a nicotine lover, 5 minutes spent in the sun is enough for tissue oxidation to begin.

The teeth of a woman who smokes have a characteristic yellow color, and they also become victims of periodic caries. Nails suffer from brittleness, and hair loses shine and moisture.

The risk of such consequences will force many girls to reconsider their habits. Neither of them is ready to sacrifice their appearance.

The effect of smoking on a woman's hormones

Not so long ago, doctors believed that a woman who continues to smoke acquires the characteristics of a man, since smoking leads to a decrease in the level of the female hormone. However, research suggests the opposite. Today, scientists clearly understand that smoking leads to infertility.

As studies have shown, an increase in the level of estrogen and androgen in the body of a person who smoked affects the function of FSH, namely, it reduces it, which leads to negative consequences, as a result - the maturation of the egg does not occur, and accordingly, there can be no pregnancy and speeches.

With the childbearing state, everything is clear. Regarding health, things are extremely negative. It has been proven that a person who smoked and took contraceptives increases the risk of developing pathologies such as:

  1. Phlebeurysm.
  2. Embolism.
  3. Atherosclerosis.
  4. Stroke.
  5. Thrombosis.
  6. Heart attack.
  7. Vascular diseases.

The risk group included women in the age group 35 and above. According to the latest data from scientists, there is information that an increase in female and male hormones associated with taking medications and smoking leads to the development of cancer and type 2 diabetes.

The effect of smoking on blood vessels

So, smoking causes an increase in FSH, which activates the production of estrogen. A distinctive feature of this hormone is that it promotes the formation of blood clots. Consequently, one of the dangers of smoking is the threat of thrombosis, which can lead to strokes and heart attacks.

Women over 35 who smoke are at increased risk. Smoking increases the likelihood of thromboembolic complications (deep and superficial vein thrombosis) at this age by four times.