Download editor for reading fb2. Book reader for computer - review of the best programs

Fb2 format was created as a universal way to store books. It has many useful properties, and one of them is the ease of conversion to a number of other formats. However, not every user has a fb2 reader on their computer. This is what slowed down the development of the format. But if you have a special utility, you can enjoy convenient book reading.

Free FB2 readers

Universal "reader". It supports most formats for storing books and works with any amount of information and number of sheets. To use it, you don’t need to install anything, you just need to run the executable file. It's really convenient and fast.

It would seem that such a simple program should have little functionality, but this is not true. In fact, Cool Reader meets all modern requirements. In addition to reading the fb2 format, this program will ensure work with any documents, including those located on the network! For this, there is convenient access to online libraries.

The utility's interface is very convenient and simple. It is divided into several parts, one of which shows recent files, the second - the document directory, and the third - settings. This approach allows you to use it regardless of the localization language. According to many users, this is the best program.

A little old-fashioned, but very functional program for Windows. It allows you to work with absolutely any text formats, and can also connect to archives! Now you don't need to extract books from RAR, ZIP or other packages, you just need to specify the path to them.

In addition, it should be noted that there is a huge variety of settings. In the program you can customize almost everything - from the catalog to the font. It should also be noted that the cataloging system is incredibly extensive and convenient. In it you can divide books by categories, genres, your own wishes, the number of bookmarks and even corrections. By the way, they allow you to remove typos from the text.

ICE Book Reader Professional will help you preserve your vision. There are a number of different viewing modes available to suit different conditions.

It's not called that for nothing. This program works with all formats that a user can find on the Internet. Docx, abw and even chm books can be read in Alreader. This is the main advantage of the utility. It does not have any outstanding interface design, but it is not irritating to the eyes, even after a very long time of reading.

Alreader will help you tune in and focus on the process. To do this, you can choose the most convenient font, background color and illumination, and even anti-aliasing mode. This approach to customization allows the user to truly enjoy reading. The program has the usual “day” and “night” modes, as well as a lot of unique settings.
It is important to note that the background for reading can be as authentic as possible - in the form of paper of varying degrees of preservation. The background images are made of very high quality, which will help you get aesthetic pleasure.

At this stage, the program is still being finalized, so it has several shortcomings. For example, table formats and CSS styles are not fully supported. However, this practically does not limit the reader. Problems will occur extremely rarely, on single copies.

In FB2 Reader you can create an entire library, cataloging information according to one of a dozen different parameters. This program can be downloaded for free and used without any restrictions.

STDU Viewer- can hardly be called a classic reader. It is designed to work with any documents, including e-books. Many free programs specialize in reading ease. This is very important, but not in all cases. The same program is more aimed at maximum functionality. You can view any document format in it. It's hard to even think of a book that STDU Viewer can't open.

The program interface is laconic, but very convenient. Small symbolic icons can be understood intuitively, especially since everything is translated into Russian. Despite the huge number of different possibilities, they are neatly placed in several panels, allowing the user to concentrate on the text.

Among the unique features, it is worth noting the format converter and the ability to work with images. Also, STDU Viewer allows you to print documents.

Despite the fact that mobile e-books have appeared, replacing traditional paper sources of information for readers, it is advisable to have a book reader on your own computer. It may be needed, for example, for reading technical, scientific and fiction literature, as well as for viewing drawings that are now created in book format.
There are a lot of programs for reading books on a computer. Below is a selection of readers that have managed to prove themselves from the best side.

Cool Reader

It can rightfully be called the most popular and widespread among users. There is a version for both computer and mobile device. Supports many different book formats: .doc, .txt, .fb2, .rtf and .epub. The program allows you to browse websites.

The features of the computer reader are as follows:

  • automatic page turning. The function can be disabled if you need to spend significant time familiarizing yourself with the data on the page;
  • adjusting the background and font brightness in accordance with the user's wishes;
  • viewing the contents of books in archives without unpacking them.


is a program for reading e-books that can run on computers with the Linux and Windows operating systems.

The main feature of the reader is its many settings. But the average user is unlikely to have to change anything, and he can easily get by with the default settings. ALReader supports a lot of formats, including ODT and FB2. It is precisely thanks to the ability to view the last two formats that the reader has become in demand.

It is noteworthy that when creating the program, the creators paid special attention to its design. Having opened ALReader, the user will be surprised to see a book on printed newspaper sheets in front of him. To use the reader there is no need to install it. Immediately after downloading it can be used in full mode.


If the user often has to resort to viewing documents and reading literature in various formats, then he is recommended to download this reader. The reading experience can be customized to suit your personal preferences.

It has a simple and intuitive interface that is easy to customize if desired. All open book files are classified according to characteristics - title, genre and author.

There is no need to move e-books to a shared folder - FBReader automatically creates links to their location in the computer's memory. The program has one drawback - a two-page mode is not provided.

Adobe Reader

It is difficult to find a computer user who has never encountered this program in his life. As a rule, if you need to open a book in PDF format, then Adobe Reader is used. Not only books, but also magazines and other journalism are now being created in this format. Many other readers cannot always open documents and books in PDF.

Documents in PDF format can also pose a threat to your computer. Attackers inject malicious scripts into them, and therefore, before opening anything, you should check the file in an antivirus program.

The same problem applies to other programs where you can open books and documents in PDF. To minimize risks, you should use only the latest versions of the reader. The program takes up a lot of space in the computer's memory and takes much longer to install than other software products with similar purposes.


The .djvu format is gradually and steadily replacing documents in the .pdf format. The fact is that the first format compresses files better, which allows you to save space in your computer’s memory. If you need a modern reader for reading data in .djvu format, then this is the best of them.

The advantages of the program are as follows:

  • opening documents in other formats besides .djvu;
  • you can scroll through all the pages, rather than flipping through them two at a time, which happens in the vast majority of programs;
  • creating bookmarks in a simple and convenient way;
  • fast speed of opening books.

Foxit Reader

Like the previous reader, Foxit Reader can also be used to read documents in pdf format. But, unlike Adobe Reader, it requires less hard disk space for installation. The range of possibilities of the reader is quite huge.

The program menu is presented in several languages. The application operates primarily on computers running Windows. But, recently, versions have appeared that can run on PCs running Windows OS.

ICE Book Reader Professional

The word Professional is used in the program name for a reason. This reader has quite enviable functionality, which is easy to understand after testing the program for a few minutes. It is distributed absolutely free of charge and is presented in Russian.

The program includes two modules of equal importance - a library and a reader. You can choose one-page or two-page mode to view documents.

Often the mode is selected in accordance with the user's preferences and the size of the monitor screen. Each mode has its own set of settings.

The advantage and at the same time the disadvantage (due to the increase in data space occupied) of the reader is that it automatically downloads all books to the library in full. So the file can be deleted from the main location at a later time.

If the amount of data storage space is small, then you should go to the settings and adjust the compression level.

ICE Book Reader Professional has the following features:

  • support for files in various formats. Exception - .pdf;
  • The entered settings are remembered by the reader automatically. The next time you turn it on, you will not need to change the parameters again;
  • data can be opened from archives without involving one or another archiver. Information can be viewed in archives in the following formats: .zip, .rar and others.
ICE Book Reader Professional is one of the best readers and the most customizable. Just sit with it for a few minutes, changing the parameters in the settings, and the program can be applied to use it at night and on the street. Thanks to this, the negative impact on vision will be minimized.

STDU Viewer

Its interface is not so attractive, but it is easy to use and allows you to change a lot of parameters in the settings. There is a multi-tab mode, which makes it possible to open several books at the same time.

The most important advantage is multi-format. With it you can open documents in .pdf format.


Everyone makes the final choice of reader for themselves. However, if you have difficulty choosing, then you should focus on the most functional ones - STDU Viewer, ICE Book or AlReader.

Reading occupies an important place in the lives of many people, but there is not always a place for an ordinary paper book next to a person. Paper books are, of course, good, but electronic books are much more convenient. However, without *.fb2 reading programs, the computer will not be able to recognize this format.

These programs will allow you to open books in *.fb2 format, read them and even edit them. Some of them have a few more functions than just reading and editing, and some were not intended to read *.fb2 at all, but were included in this list because they can open such files.

FBReader is the simplest example of a reader that there can be. There is nothing superfluous in it, and there is something that complements it - network libraries. Using them you can download books directly in the program. This program for reading books in fb2 format is almost completely changeable, although there are fewer settings in it than in Caliber.


This fb2 reader program is more complex than the previous one and does not require installation, which is undoubtedly a plus. But that's not all that sets it apart from FBReader, it also has a translator, bookmarks, and even changes the book format. In addition, it has more extensive settings.


Caliber is not just an e-reader, but a real library with many functions. In it you can create and divide your libraries as you please. Allow other users to access your libraries or connect to others using the network. In addition to the reader function, it combines several other useful functions, such as downloading news from around the world, downloading and editing books.

ICE Book Reader

A simple library, auto-scrolling, searching, saving and editing - that’s all there is in this program. Simple, low-functional and understandable for everyone, and, at the same time, very useful.


This program is a unique exhibit on this list. If Caliber was not just a reader, but a library, then Balablolka is a program that can speak any printed text out loud. It just so happens that the program has the ability to read files with the *.fb2 format, and that’s why it ended up on this list. Balabolka has a lot of other functions, for example, it can convert subtitles into sound or compare two text files.

STDU Viewer

This program was also not designed for reading e-books, but it has this function, especially since the developers added this format to the program for a reason. The program can edit files and convert them into plain text.


WinDjView is designed to read files in the DjVu format, but it also has the ability to open files in the .fb2 format. A simple and convenient program can be an excellent replacement for an e-book reader. True, it has very little functionality, especially when compared with Balabolka or Caliber.

In this article we looked at the most convenient and well-known programs that can open books in *.fb2 format. Not all of the above programs are designed specifically for this, and therefore their functionality differs. All these programs are different from each other, and what program for opening fb2 is on your PC?

Which can be read on almost every computer are doc, txt or pdf. However, when reading fiction and technical literature, you often come across other popular extensions. Trying to read such books for the first time, users wonder what fb2 is, what format it is, what program opens it. After all, this cannot be done using ordinary office applications, as well as built-in resources of Windows and other operating systems. And automatically searching for programs that can open books with the fb2 extension does not always give positive results.

Advantages of the format

Created back in the 1990s, the fb2 (Fiction Book) standard is intended for creating electronic versions of documents and books in which each element has its own tag (informative label). And among the features that distinguish it from other formats, it is worth noting:

  • ease of creating an electronic document;
  • a wide range of programs for reading literature in this format on a computer and on a mobile phone;
  • the presence of structural markup with information about the book and attachments in the form of quotes, illustrations and book covers.

Another advantage that is worth noting when answering the question, fb2 - what is the format and how to open it, is the lack of a specific appearance of the document. The file will be displayed as specified by the program settings for viewing it. This means that the user can customize the design of the e-book to his taste (for example, make a large font, a yellow background and blue letters - this combination allows for less eye strain) without changing the document itself.

Programs for working with fb2 on a Windows PC

One of the first programs to answer the question, what is fb2 format, was the free Cool Reader application. It is noteworthy that it first appeared for Android platforms, but then gained popularity on PCs. The differences between the “reader” and the others are its simplified design and a significant number of supported electronic document formats.

Another simple and free reading program is FBReader. An almost completely absent interface consisting of several buttons is combined with the ability to open most popular book formats. In addition, with this application, books can be read directly from the archive.

Allows you to answer the question, fb2 - what is the format and how to open it on a computer, and the STDU Viewer application. Among the advantages of using it:

  • the ability to easily select and copy text to save interesting moments;
  • a system of bookmarks that do not change the document itself, but can be imported onto another PC with the STDU Viewer program installed;
  • the presence of a Portable version of the application, which allows you not to install it on your computer for reading books.

How to open the format on other OS?

Users of devices running other operating systems can also open the fb2 format. For computers with MAC OS, this opportunity is provided by the Caliber program, with which you can open e-books with almost any popular extension. Moreover, using the application you can directly connect to online libraries like Amazon.

If the user has a question: fb2 - what is the format and how to open it on an Android phone, you should use the same Cool Reader program, which is easy to find in the Play Market. If the functionality of the application is not enough, you can download another “reader” for Android - Esi Reader. With its help, you can change the display of information, save bookmarks and read almost all popular e-book formats.

For smartphones with IOS, the Total Reader application, which has approximately the same functionality as Cool Reader, allows you to answer the question: fb2 - what is the format and how to open it. And owners of mobile phones running Windows Mobile OS should pay attention to the Faction Book Reader program.

Read fb2 online

Having found out what fb2 format is and what programs should be used to read books saved in it, you can view files on the Internet. There is no need to download and install any applications, but you will need a constant connection to the Internet. Among the services that allow you to read directly in your browser, it is worth noting the sites Magazon, ChitaiKnigi and BooksGid. Moreover, the latter option offers not only reading books in fb2 format, but also connecting to a free library.

Hello dear readers of my blog. Today I want to advise book lovers on how to read books on a fb2 computer and recommend one of the most convenient programs that I myself sometimes use. With this reader (reading program), your reading will become a pleasure, since it has settings that you will be delighted with and that are easy to get used to. We will also learn about its history, why this program is so popular, and also talk about the possibilities...

What programs can you use to open Fb2?

Icecream Ebook reader

Download from the official website

Size - 26.2 MB

Its advantage is that it works with various “book” type files (epub, mobi), and copes with its tasks with a bang. In it you can change the font size and choose to display text in one or two columns. She understands chapter references and compiles the book's table of contents.

I especially liked the night mode feature. If you read a book on your computer at night or just in a dark room, then the night mode will change the background and text colors for convenience. It is advisable to enlarge the font so as not to strain your eyesight. The average user only needs to download it, install it on the PC and start working. The program differs from its analogues in that it is updated at a time when similar readers are no longer supported by their creators.

History of the creation of the format

The FB2 format was designed from the very beginning to provide storage of printed information. Its main purpose is reading books and electronic magazines. Russian programmers Dmitry Gribov and Mikhail Matsnev proposed an extension that could be supported by a wide variety of programs.

To do this, they developed data storage in the form of an XML table. Such a solution ensures that all content about the text, book, and pictures is recorded. The format has gained popularity and now when downloading literature you can see its prevalence in online libraries

Who is this application suitable for?

Ebook reader is perfect for those users who like to read fiction. It structures the text content well. When you close the program, it remembers the page you stopped on and opens the desired page the next time you read. Adjusts font smoothing for long screen reading times.

What to do if you don’t have an Ebook reader at hand?

How to read publications and magazines if the computer does not have the necessary “program” and it is not possible to download it? In this case, you should simply change the file extension from fb2 to htm and save. You can then use any browser to read it.

You can also open a book or magazine in fb2 using “Word”, and then rename the extension to rtf. Next, open it in any text editor and save it as a doc. format. This way, you can easily and simply read the necessary text and look at the pictures. True, the structure of the text may change slightly...

With this I say goodbye to you, my dear subscribers. In my next posts I will go into detail about other popular computer applications and tell you how to use them. Subscribe to my blog and recommend it to your friends and acquaintances!