Project activity I will go to school soon. Project “Soon to school” (preparatory group)

Municipal state preschool educational institution kindergarten "Rodnichok".

Teacher of 1st qualification category


Objective of the project : fostering a positive attitude towards school in children of the preparatory group. Tasks: - introducing children to school and the teaching profession; - creation of a subject-development environment to familiarize students with school (didactic and role-playing games)

Project participants: children, their parents, preparatory group teachers.

Duration: short

The implementation of the “Soon we will go to school” project involves adherence to the following pedagogical principles:

The purposefulness of the process of developing a positive attitude towards school;

Scientifically based combination of different types of activities (games, work, activities);

Unity of content of forms and methods of work;

A personality-oriented approach in the process of developing a positive attitude towards school;

Cooperation between children, teachers and parents;


Systematicity and consistency.


Bringing work on this issue into the system;

Increasing the competence of teachers in matters of successful adaptation of children to school.

Action plan for the implementation of the project “Soon we will go to school”

Final event: entertainment"1 September is the day of knowledge".

Working with parents of preschool children.

Consultation “Soon to school”

Exhibition of drawings “School”


1. O.V. Dybina Classes on familiarization with the outside world.

2. R.S. Bure "Preparing children for school."

Game activity. Role-playing game "School".

Didactic game “Assemble a briefcase”, “First grader”, game – chant “Day of Knowledge”, speech game “Assemble a briefcase”, andball game "Say the opposite."

Relevance of the problem. Entering school is a serious stage in the life of every child. And it’s no secret that many children experience difficulties during the period of adaptation to school, a new daily routine, team, and teacher. It's not easy for parents either. Over the summer, the child has grown up, he needs to buy a backpack, shoes, clothes, textbooks. But with all due respect to parental concerns, we can say with confidence that the future schoolchild has much more worries than mom and dad: he is discovering a completely new world. What is studying? Is it fun or boring? Difficult or easy? First of all, it is responsibility. Now the child must forget the word “want” for the word “need”. In the first grade he begins his social and working life. The initial period of education is associated with a restructuring of the child’s lifestyle and activities. The main problems that he will have to face at school include: - a change in the daily routine and nutrition, - a change in the air regime (staying indoors for a longer time than in kindergarten), - an unusually high level of noise during recess. , -increasing the time spent without movement, sitting at the table; - a change in the style of communication with adults (the teacher is often not focused on care, praise and protection); - the need for complete self-service in dressing and undressing; -the need to organize your workplace at your desk; -requirements to correctly respond to calls from lesson to lesson, follow the rules of behavior in the lesson, restrain and voluntarily control motor, speech and emotional reactions; -the need to establish contacts with unfamiliar peers; -possible failure in activity; -increasing the volume of intellectual load. Entering school is a qualitatively new stage in the development of a child, associated with a change in the social situation and personal transformations that L.S. Vygotsky called it the crisis of seven years. The adaptation period at school takes from a month to six months. All life situations associated with entering school and their experiences require the child to reconsider and sometimes seriously adjust the picture of the world he has created. The main thing a child needs is positive motivation to learn. Most future first-graders want to go to school, but they have a certain idea, which can be formulated something like this: a real schoolchild is the happy owner of a briefcase and school uniform, a diligent follower of school rules, he listens to the teacher, raises his hand and receives grades. Moreover, “grade” and “A” are almost the same thing for a future first-grader. The child is confident that he will be a good student, because... I saw that his mother bought everything he needed for school. Such children's hopes are fraught with great danger: the child perceives school as just another game, which may not be so attractive if it does not turn over time into educational cooperation with the teacher and peers. A child’s attitude towards school is formed before he goes there. And here information about the school and the way it is presented by parents and preschool teachers plays an important role. Many parents try to create an attractive image of the school: “you will be an excellent student here,” “you will make friends,” “teachers love smart people like you.” Adults believe that by doing so they are instilling in the child an interested attitude towards school. In reality, a future schoolchild, tuned to joyful, exciting activities, may lose interest in studying for a long time, experiencing even minor negative emotions. The school provides plenty of reasons for experiencing such emotions: -failures against the backdrop of seeming universal success, -difficulties in finding friends among classmates, -a discrepancy between the teacher’s assessment and the usual parental praise, etc. Sometimes parents and educators use the image of the school as intimidation, without thinking about the consequences: “for such behavior at school they will immediately write you down as a hooligan,” “you can’t put two words together, how will you answer in class.” Such parting words are unlikely to inspire a child. Thus, an exclusively positive or, on the contrary, negative image of the school will not be beneficial. It is important to set the child up for daily work and inspire him that he can do anything if he tries. Currently, the school is solving complex problems of education and upbringing of the younger generation. The success of school education largely depends on the level of preparedness of the child in the preschool period. Psychological and pedagogical research examines issues of special and general psychological readiness of a child for school. According to scientists, one of the aspects of psychological readiness is the personal readiness of a preschooler for the upcoming learning, which is expressed in the motives of learning, the attitude of children to school, the teacher, school responsibilities and the position of the student, and the ability to consciously manage their behavior. And the high level of intellectual development of children does not always coincide with their personal readiness for school. A preschooler may not have formed a positive attitude towards a new way of life, changes in conditions, rules, requirements, which is an indicator of his attitude towards school. School teachers also note this discrepancy. In the literature on this issue, a number of authors emphasize the need to cultivate a positive attitude towards school as a condition for successful learning in the future. And practice today is aimed primarily at the intellectual preparation of children for school; little attention is paid to the formation of the student’s internal position. It is no coincidence that the issues of preparing children for school and continuity in work are among the main topics for discussion by specialists and practitioners of preschool institutions and schools. To solve them, various forms of working with children and interacting with parents are proposed. Considering that recently in the practice of preschool education preference is given to the project method.

Games on the topic: school.


Didactic task: To consolidate children’s knowledge of what a first-grader needs to study at school; cultivate a desire to study at school, composure, and accuracy. Game rule. Collect items when signaled. Game action. Competition - who can quickly collect everything needed for school in a briefcase. Progress of the game. There are two briefcases on the teacher’s desk. On other tables there are educational supplies: notebooks, primers, pencil cases, pens, colored pencils, etc. After a short conversation about the fact that the children of the preparatory group for school will soon go to school and that they themselves will collect everything they need for studying into their briefcases, they start the game: two players come to the table; at the driver’s command, they must select the necessary educational supplies, carefully put them in the briefcase and close it. Whoever does this first wins. To keep the game going, children who complete the task choose other participants to take their place. The rest act as fans and objectively evaluate the winners. The game defines the name and purpose of all items. The teacher draws the children’s attention to the fact that they not only need to fold everything quickly, but also carefully; rewards those who strictly followed these rules in the game.

Game: “Collect a briefcase” Shall we put some vinaigrette in there? (NO)What about a grocery store? (NO)A box of pencils? (YES)Shall we put the salad in the bag? (NO)Putting a smile and success? (YES)

Game - chant “Day of Knowledge”.

Game of who can shout loudest.(1st team) you will shout “day”, (2nd team) you will shout “knowledge”. To whomever I point my hand, he shouts his word. If I raise 2 hands, then we shout together “Hurray!”

Didactic game “Pick a sign”:

briefcase (which one?) -

notebook (what kind?) – ...

pencil case (which one?) – ...

pen (which one?) – ... etc.

Game "Catch the Sound"

Goals: develop phonemic awareness.

Progress of the game. The teacher invites the children to “catch the sound”: the children must clap their hands if this sound is in the word, and

determine where it is (at the beginning, in the middle or at the end of the word).

For example:

Sound [s]: pencil, eraser, backpack, class, brush, school, pencil, classmate.

Sound [h]: textbook, school, student, pen, notebook, brush, reading, pencil case, teacher.

Game "Giants - Dwarves"

Goals: to form the grammatical structure of speech, teach the use of diminutive suffixes.

Progress of the game. The teacher tells the children that everyone goes to school. The gnomes and giants also went to school.

For example:

Giants have big briefcases, and gnomes have small briefcases.

Giants have big books, and gnomes have small books.

Giants have big pencils, and gnomes have small ones...etc.


Goals: to develop general speech skills (speech breathing, clarity of diction, intonation expressiveness of speech).


- Grisha, Grisha, give me the knife.

- You won't get it back.

- Give me a pencil, Grisha.

- You won't give it back.

- Grisha, Grisha, give me a rubber band.

- You bite off half.

- Grisha, Grisha, give me some ink.

- You should run out and buy it. S. Marshak

And it’s our turnPlay the game "On the contrary"

I'll say the word "high"And you will answer... (low).I'll say the word "far"And you will answer... (close).

I'll say the word "ceiling"And you will answer... (gender).

I'll say the word "lost"And you say... (found).

I'll say the word "coward"You will answer... (brave man).

Now I’ll say “the beginning”, And you say... (the end).


Lesson on cognitive and speech development with children of the senior preparatory group

Program content:

1. Develop in children observation, attention, ability to listen and hear the teacher.

2. Cultivate the ability to show initiative and curiosity in order to gain knowledge about the school.

3. Expand ideas about school: here children learn to read, write, and learn a lot of interesting things.

4. Create a desire to learn as much as possible about school life, a desire to study at school.


1. Viewing the school through the window.

2. Reading and analysis of children's fiction about school life, memorizing poetry

3. Conversations and stories from children’s siblings about their studies and favorite teachers.


Listen, guys, to the poems and tell me what they are talking about.

Write different letters

With a thin feather in a notebook

They teach in…..

That's right, well done! About school.

Love nature

Respect old people.

So September has arrived. All children who are 7 years old go to school.

Look at the building, how many floors? Is the building tall, large, spacious?


Yes, it is two-story, high, large, spacious. There are curtains and blinds hanging on the windows to make the school feel as comfortable as home.

Children, who do you think built the school? What professions did people take part in the construction of the school?


There are many students at school.

What do you think they teach at school?


IN school needs to be able to behave correctly: (answers)

1. Don't make noise

3. raise your hand to answer questions 4. answer, ask questions one at a time.

- What kind of lessons are there at school? (physical training , drawing , reading , letter etc.)

-What are the activities in kindergarten?

How does the teacher know that it is time to end the lesson? (rings call )

Let's let's hear the bell ring (rings call )

How quickly the summer flew by
Autumn is coming again.
And this means
What awaits us to work with you!

"Soon to school"

Target: help children adapt to school. Find yourself some friends.

Dictionary: activate words related to topics (school, friends) in children’s speech; learn to compare and generalize, choose the right words.

Grammar: learn to select words with the same root for a given word; practice differentiating the sounds S and Sh; learn to give the statement shades of question and joy.

Developmental environment: painting “To school”, card, pencils.

Physical education lesson “Curious Varvara”

Curious Barabara

Looks to the left

Looks to the right (head turns left - right)

And then forward

Take a little rest here (relaxed head tilt forward)

The neck is not tense

A relaxed (keep your head straight)

And Varvara looks up,

(head tilt back)

Comes back

Relaxation is pleasant (relaxed head tilt forward)

The neck is not tense

The teacher places the picture “To School” on the stand.

Asking questions:

What can you call this picture? Give it a name.


Why do you think these children go to school and not to kindergarten?

How to call children who go to school in one word? (pupils, schoolchildren, first-graders).

What does schoolchildren have in their briefcases?

How can you call all these objects in one word?

What time of year do children go to school?

Listen to the words - teach, teacher.

What part do the words - relatives have in common?

And the word “school” has related words... (schoolboy, schoolgirl, schoolgirl).

What is the difference between a school and a kindergarten?

Name what is missing in kindergarten?

Do you think children are friends with each other at school?

Yes. At school, the children are also friends with each other.

You will also find friends there. And maybe for life.

Why are friends needed at school?

Let's remember the proverbs about friendship.

The teacher gives a task;

Say the sentence “I’m going to school” so that it is clearly audible, it is clear that you are happy about this, you want to go to school...

Now say this sentence so that it is clear what you are asking.

Game “What We Are”

Cards depicting several faces in different emotional states. A sheet of paper with a drawn circle (for each child), pencils.

Draw a person with the facial expression you would like to see in your friend.


SOFTWARE CONTENT: Clarify and expand children's knowledge about school. To arouse interest in school, learning, to set the mood for readiness for school, to cultivate composure and accuracy; develop skills of cultural behavior; consolidate the rules of “school life”.

VOCABULARY WORK: teacher, lesson, assessment, schoolchildren, responsibility, regime, benefits.

PRELIMINARY WORK: Reading fiction about “school”, didactic games.


The song is playing in the recording “What they teach at school”

    What is this song about?(about school, what they teach at school ). Today, guys, we will continue talking about school.

The children sit at the tables.

Our flowers have faded

Birds fly away

You're going for the first time

To first grade... (study)

    Autumn has come . Guys, what holiday did the children have at the beginning of autumn - September?(1 September is the day of knowledge ). After the long summer holidays, the children returned to school, and some went for the first time. So next year you will also go, for the first time to first grade - you will...(first graders)

    Now you are in kindergarten and they call you children. When you go to school, you will become - (schoolchildren , students ).

    Difficult, responsible days of school life will come. What is responsibility?(Children's answers).

    You will need to maintain a daily routine. Maintaining a daily routine is very important for the body.

    Get up early in the morning at the same time.

    Gymnastics is a must, so that your body wakes up and is ready to work all day.

    Wash, brush your teeth.

    Have breakfast, because it will be difficult to work in class on an empty stomach

    Getting yourself in order, putting on a school uniform, combing your hair, because a neat student is always nice.

    And of course, don’t forget your school bag.

Some people live near the school, while others live far away; they need to leave home early so as not to be late for school. Having reached school, you should not linger while talking with your friends, but rush to your class. They will already be waiting for you there. Who?(teacher)

    White chalk and colored chalk

Always with me at the blackboard

Both the textbook and the pointer -

Let the lesson go like a fairy tale.

    Teacher - from the word teach. What other words - relatives - can be chosen for the word “teach”? (Teacher, teacher, student, students, student, textbook, study).

    Look how big the picture I brought.

Looking at the painting “Lesson at School”

    What do you see in the picture? (teacher , student )

    What does the teacher teach? (lesson )

    What does the teacher do? What about the students? (listening , answer , work for lesson )

    Where are they sitting? ( behind desks )

    What does the teacher use?(Chalk, pointer, aids: books, pencils, pens, notebooks, etc.)

    What kind of lesson do you think the teacher is teaching? (mathematics) Why ( writes numbers )

    How do the students behave? How did you find out?(no one turns around, they raise their hands)

Students have their own rules:

Get up together every time

When the teacher enters the classroom

When he asks, you have to stand up

When he allows you to sit down, sit down.

If you want to answer, don’t make noise,

Just raise your hand.

    What other lessons are there at school? (physical training , drawing , reading , letter etc.)

    How does the teacher know that it is time to end the lesson? (rings call )

I'm calling. This is a change.

    We will also have a rest, but first remember a few rules: during recess, the guys relax, solve their questions (problems), play, but at school you can’t be very noisy, it’s better to play quiet games, in a friendly manner, without quarreling; don't push.

    Physical education lesson (children clap where Vova did wrong)

Change, change -

The call is ringing.

Vova will definitely be the first

It flies out of the threshold and knocks seven people off their feet.

He made it in five minutes

Redo a bunch of things:

He tripped him up three times

(Vaska, Kolka and Seryozhka),

Rolled somersaults

He sat astride the railing,

Dashingly fell off the railing,

Got a slap on the head

He gave someone back on the spot,

He asked me to write off the tasks,

In a word, I did everything I could!

Well, here comes the call again...(bell rings)

The children played

The bell rang

Kolya and Lena are having fun -

Begins … (lesson)

    The teacher will now begin the drawing lesson. Yesterday he warned the guys that there would be a drawing lesson and they needed to bring paints, a brush and a jar of water.

    I'm reading a story.

“One student came home from school, changed clothes and ran to play with her friends. And I forgot about the task. How embarrassed she was in class! All the kids laid out albums, paints and what the teacher asked for on their desks, but she had nothing. She was ready to cry."

    What would you do with the girl? (maybe they would laugh and start saying offensive words)(children's answers). Of course they would help. Yulia would give her an extra brush, Roma would give her his paints to use together.

    After this incident, the girl never forgot about the teacher’s assignment, so as not to upset him.

    “First, put everything in your briefcase that you will need at school tomorrow, and then go and play.” I also realized that if you have an extra brush or pencil, let it lie in your briefcase, maybe you will need to help a friend. And the teacher will be pleased, praise you, and the lesson will pass without a showdown.

    I think and want you to be diligent students. All the best!

Summary of GCD in the preparatory school group

"Lesson of peace and kindness"

Types of children's activities : gaming, communicative, cognitive-research, perception of fiction.

Goals: generalize children’s ideas about peace and kindness, form an attentive attitude towards other people. Develop skills of friendly behavior in everyday life.

Move . The song sounds...

A smile makes a gloomy day brighter,

A smile in the sky will wake up a rainbow.

And she will come back to you again.

Questions. Are you familiar with this song? What is the name of? What does it sound like? When we listen to a happy song, what happens to us?

Educator. Let's smile! You have such radiant, sunny smiles! Let us please those who are near you today with our smile and greet them with important words...

Guys, show me your hands. In boys they are strong and big, but in girls they are gentle and affectionate!

The teacher reads poetry.

What a miracle - miracles:

One hand and two hands!

Here is the right palm,

Here is the left palm.

And I’ll tell you, without hiding,

Everyone needs hands, friends.

Strong hands will not rush into a fight,

Kind hands will pet the dog.

Clever hands know how to sculpt,

Sensitive hands know how to make friends.

We love our hands, because they can do anything.

What can they do?

Children's answers...

Educator. Yes, our hands can do everything: hug a friend, raise a fallen comrade, give food to hungry birds and beautifully set the table.

What kind and smart hands you have! Take the hands of the one standing next to you and feel the warmth of the hands of your friends.

Now put your hand to your heart. Our hearts are beating. Mine is big, and yours are small, like your fists.

Educator. Remember guys, we read Agnia Barto’s story “Vova, kind soul!” What good deeds did he do?

We read about the girl Zhenya from the fairy tale “The Flower of Seven Flowers.”

What did she do?

What good deeds have you done? Children's answers...

Educator. Our hearts are given to us in order to love with all our hearts, with all our souls! You have kind hearts, children! Let's cut out hearts from cardboard and give them to our friends and loved ones!(Cut out a few hearts )

Educator. I suggest you playgame "Polite words".

I start a sentence, and you continue...

Even a block of ice grows from a warm word...thank you;

The old tree stump turns green when it hears...good afternoon.

If we can’t eat anymore, we’ll tell mom…thank you.

The boy is polite and developed and says, when meeting...hello.

When they scold us for pranks, we say... forgive me, please.

Educator. Let's talk about the mood. Mood is a state of mind. A kind person has a cheerful, kind, bright, joyful, wonderful mood; the evil one has a gloomy, angry, gloomy mood.

A man is beautiful when he smiles!

So, let's always smile and rejoice! Please your loved ones, moms and dads, teachers with good deeds and kind words! Hold hands friends, feel the warmth of your friends' hands. Our group is called “Kittens”, let’s say a loud slogan: “we are kittens - friendly guys!” – 3 times, hurray!!!

Mikhalkova Anna Nikolaevna

Musical director : Naam Natalya Yurievna

Goals and objectives: show children the social significance of the holiday - Knowledge Day; bring joy, create a cheerful festive mood.

Develop independence and initiative, artistic and aesthetic taste; cultivate neatness, friendliness and a caring attitude towards people.

Ved. Hello adults! Hello children!

We are very pleased with today's meeting.

A variety of people are in a hurry to learn.

The Day of Knowledge is taking place in our Motherland.

Red day on the calendar!

Festival of Knowledge in September!

*This holiday is the most important of all,

This is a holiday for all children.

This day is everywhere for us

The whole country celebrates.

This day is the best

Good calendar day!

We congratulate everyone on the holiday and want you all to enjoy it and remember it. This day opens a new academic year. Let it be exciting, interesting for you and bring you new knowledge, discoveries and new friends.

Summer has flown by and we are all together again here in our kindergarten. You have matured and you have been transferred to the senior group. Now you are the oldest children in kindergarten.

The maple leaf is shining scarlet again,

Again in the worries of new children,

After all, a fun school holiday has arrived

We always meet him in kindergarten.

1 September is the day of knowledge! On this day, all schoolchildren begin classes. Graduates of our kindergarten, your friends, went to school today. What do you think the faces of schoolchildren are on September 1, when they come to school after the holidays?

( Children's answers.)

That’s right, everyone’s faces are cheerful and joyful. It is clear that the children miss their friends, they are happy to go to school, because there they can learn a lot of new and interesting things. They have matured and are proud of it.

And you all became a year older, stronger, tanned.

Pull yourself up, show how big you have become!

(Show .)

It is very noticeable that you have also matured, and we will now check how you have become wiser.

Ball game "Say the opposite."

And it’s our turn

Play the game "On the contrary"

I’ll say the word “high” (throws a ball to the child)

And you will answer... (low).

I'll say the word "far"

And you will answer... (close).

I'll say the word "ceiling"

And you will answer... (gender).

I'll say the word "lost"

And you say... (found).

I'll say the word "coward"

You will answer... (brave man).

Now I'll say "beginning"

And you tell me... (end).

Ved. Well done boys.

1 r–k. There is a miracle garden in the world,

I'm glad to go to this garden,

Here both in summer and winter

All my friends are with me.

Song "Our Favorite Kindergarten".

2 r-k. The kindergarten prepares us for work,

What business will I do?

I'll probably become a pilot,

I will be a brave pilot.

3 r-k. And I want to go on patrol, to post,

Where our border is.

But, the way to space, to the very stars,

I often dream about it too.

4 r-k. And the work of a doctor is my dream.

Eh, become a scientist, or what?

Then I'll find a cure

From all kinds of pain.

5 r-k. We have a lot to do in the garden,

And everything is so interesting.

Who I will be is even for me

It is still unknown.

6 r-k. Train yourself to order

Try swimming and diving

Learn to love exercise -

And you will stop sneezing.

Dance "Charging".

7 r-k. Here we grow stronger, learn, grow,

We dream about the future.

We've been counting for a long time.

Leading: Now let's have a game of who can shout loudest(to the 1st team) you will shout “day” (to the 2nd team) and you will shout “knowledge”. Whoever I point my hand at is the one who shouts his word.Game – chant “Happy Knowledge Day”

Magpie takes off: I was flying around the city and learned some important news:That today is such a very important, difficult day!Children with their mothers walk, smile, sing. They are so beautifully dressed, and they have bouquets in their hands.Leading: Yes. The boys are going to school -A new school year has arrived.As September arrives, the bell calls them to school.Magpie: Will all the children go to school, but will they take me with them?Leading No, don’t be offended, go to the green forest.You are already smart, cunning, school is not a game.We need to get up early in the morning and quickly pack our briefcase.WITHOroka: Do children know what to put in a briefcase?
Leading Certainly. Now I will ask you guys. answer “yes” or “no”!

Game: “Collect a briefcase” Do we put a bag of candy at the bottom? (YES)What about a police pistol? (NO)Shall we put some vinaigrette in there? (NO)Or maybe a light of smiles? (YES)Notebooks, pens, plasticine? (YES)What about a grocery store? (NO)A box of pencils? (YES)And multi-colored pretzels? (NO)Shall we put the salad in the bag? (NO)Putting a smile and success? (YES)Playful children's ringing laughter? (YES)

Song "What they teach at school"

Enter the Cat: Meow-meow, it looks like I want to go to school too.I’ll be there looking out the window and singing songs in class.I’ll run along the school roof – I wonder if there are mice there?Presenter: Stay home with Sharik and watch the mice.Let's dance togetherSo that Kiska doesn't get bored.I invite you friendsI'm going to a fun dance.

Presenter: Hold hands together and stand around the cat.Place the handles on their sides and point out the heels.
Dance "Chok - chok heel"

Cat : I congratulate you on the holiday and present you with a gift. Balloons are obedient to the breeze.

Ved. Like a little child's planet

We are launching this balloon.

Fly, fly into the depths of the universe.

Today is our holiday - the Day of Knowledge.

Strive, guys, for the science of good.

On a good journey, on a glorious journey, children!

Balloons are launched into the sky and children sing a song.

Song "Let there always be sunshine."

Presenter: How quickly the summer flew by
Autumn is coming again.
Day of Knowledge! This means
What awaits us to work with you!

Presenter . What new things await us,
Ideas, plans, kids!
Victory awaits and good luck awaits,
Yes, and it cannot be otherwise!

Excursion to school.

Classroom for 1st grade children.

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“Project “Soon to School” (preparatory group)”

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution

Child development center - kindergarten No. 51 "Rodnichok" of the first category, Kagalnik village

Project "Soon to school"

(preparatory group)

Vereshchagina M.L.

2016-2017 academic year year.

1. Project passport

2. Relevance of the project and analysis of the initial state of the problem

3. Timing and stages of project implementation

4. Expected results

5. Intermediate results

6. Literature

Project passport.


"Soon to school"

Project participants:

Children of senior preschool age, preparatory group teachers, parents, teacher - speech therapist, teacher - psychologist.

Project type:

Long term.

Project type:

Cognitive - creative

Project implementation timeline:

September 2016 – May 2017


Project implementation base:

MBDOU CRR - kindergarten No. 51 “Rodnichok”, village of Kagalnik, Azov district

Forms of organization of activities:

1. Direct educational activities with children.

2. Joint activities of the child with adults.

3. Independent activity of children.

4. Interactive work with parents.


Formation of the “internal position of a schoolchild” in children of the preparatory group with the involvement of participants in the educational process for the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard.


formation of positive learning motivation;

To form children’s ideas about school and its significance;

Foster a culture of communication and behavior in public places;

Develop the basic mental processes necessary for successful learning at school (attention, memory, thinking, etc.);

Development of a creatively active personality, development of communication skills, teamwork;

Systematize children's knowledge about a healthy lifestyle as a condition for successful schooling.

To cultivate positive qualities in children, the ability to listen to adults and other children.

Activate vocabulary, develop expressive speech, means of verbal and non-verbal communication;

Increasing parental competence in matters of pre-school preparation

Prevention and relief of anxiety and fear of school; psycho-emotional development of the child and correction of speech disorders.

Expected result:

The formation of the “internal position of the student” in children of senior preschool age, the prerequisites for educational activities at the stage of completion of their preschool education;

Accumulation of a large amount of knowledge about the school;

Reducing anxiety in children associated with schooling;

Normalization of the level of development of mental processes and speech activity of children;

Increasing the competence of parents in preparing children for school.

Children will develop an educational-cognitive motive and arbitrary behavior.

Preparing your hand for writing;

Providing students with comfortable conditions for development, training and education.


The life of a child entering school is completely restructured! At school, the child finds himself in new social conditions. His usual way of life changes, new relationships with people arise. A change in environment may be accompanied by an increase in anxiety and a decrease in activity. The result of this may be the emergence of inadequate coping mechanisms, which are commonly called school maladjustment. How to help a child adapt to a new life situation? The teacher and parents are interested in children entering school life faster and easier, so that a high level of anxiety gives way to positive emotions associated with school. A modern teacher needs to become wiser and closer to the child so that learning becomes valuable and positive and contributes to the child’s personal development, as well as the establishment of a positive emotional contact between the future student and his first teacher.

Different children experience this period of life differently. For some, getting used to long-term daily exercise goes smoothly. Such a child went to kindergarten calmly and without whims, and now he will study well and enthusiastically at school. Daily long exercise tires you, your resistance to stress decreases and tension increases. Sleep may be disturbed and appetite may be upset. The consequence may be weight loss and temperature fluctuations. Therefore, it is necessary to clearly understand whether the child is ready to go to school. Being ready for school does not mean being able to write and read, you need to be psychologically ready for school!

A child's attitude towards school is formed before he goes there. And here information about the school and the way it is presented by parents and kindergarten teachers plays an important role. Parents try to create an emotionally attractive image of the school: “You will be an excellent student here,” “You will make new friends,” “Teachers love smart kids like you.” Adults believe that by doing so they are instilling in the child an interested attitude towards school. In reality, a child who is tuned to a joyful, exciting activity, having experienced even minor, negative emotions (resentment, jealousy, envy, annoyance) can lose interest in learning for a long time. The school provides plenty of reasons for such emotions: failures against the backdrop of seeming general success, difficulties in finding friends among classmates, discrepancies between the teacher’s assessment and the usual parental praise, etc. It is no secret that in modern schools the number of unsuccessful students among younger schoolchildren has increased. There are several reasons for this, and one of them is the insufficient level of formation of motivational readiness for schooling of children aged 6–7 years. Motivational readiness is manifested in the child’s desire to learn, in cognitive interest in the environment, in the development of intellectual potential. It does not arise spontaneously in children, it is formed gradually and, most importantly, requires the competent guidance of adults - parents and teachers. It should be noted that at present, first-graders are less developed than their peers in the middle of the last century, because psychological readiness is not formed in school-type classes. Parents play a big role in preparing children for school, but not all of them know how to properly prepare a child for future school life. The main reason for parents' mistakes when preparing children for school is the insufficient level of educational culture of the family.

Most teachers and parents pay attention to the child’s intellectual readiness for school. However, the high level of intellectual development of children does not always coincide with their personal readiness for school; Children have not formed a positive attitude towards the new way of life, upcoming changes in conditions, rules, requirements, which is an indicator of their attitude towards school. This is also explained by the fact that our children play traditional games less and less (role-playing games, educational games, games with rules, didactic games, and are less likely to engage in design, modeling, drawing, appliqué. All types of children's activities are being replaced by computer games. Parents are trying to start systematic education of their child as early as possible, and in addition to kindergarten, he can be taken to sports clubs, a music school, an art studio, etc. They have no idea what education is, which, as a rule, boils down to developing skills and abilities in a particular area , does not contribute to the mental development of the child. Psychological readiness for school is the psychological prerequisites for mastering educational activities, which are formed within the leading activity, that is, in play. The formation of readiness for school is determined, first of all, by the formation of the child as a subject of available types of children's activities: games, cognition, communication, subject-labor, artistic activities. The child’s full readiness to study at school acts, on the one hand, as a unique indicator of the achievements of his personal development in the preschool period, and on the other hand, as a basic level for mastering the school curriculum and as an indicator of readiness to accept the position of a subject of educational activity.

Educational activity is difficult for a preschooler and an automatic transition to it without the child’s prior preparation is simply not possible. But preparation is needed not only for the child, but for his parents, especially those whose first child is going to school. How to get your child ready to study? How to choose primary education (which educational program) from the many offered, focusing on the characteristics and abilities of your child? How to reduce anxiety levels in yourself and your child? What “right” shoes and backpack should a first-grader choose to stay healthy?

The “Soon to School” project has been developed and prepared for the joint activities of parents and children of the school preparatory group. This project will be useful in the work of teachers of preparatory groups, as well as parents, in order to increase parental competence in matters of preschool preparation of children. The presented material involves the use of various forms and methods of work: the creation of a subject-development environment, pedagogical education of parents. Carrying out targeted work in kindergarten to cultivate a positive attitude towards school in children of the preparatory group helps to increase social and cognitive activity, and the targeted formation in them of integrative qualities necessary for the successful inclusion of children in school life.

Project implementation stages.

IStage. (September 2016)



IIIStage(May 2017)


IStage. (September 2016)


Goal: creating organizational and pedagogical conditions that ensure the implementation of the project idea.

Monitoring the state of speech development, motivation for schooling.

Determination of school maturity and risk factors for school maladjustment. (Kern-Jerasek test, method by S.D. Zabramnaya). October, April.

Participation in PMPk Doe identification of children with low motivational readiness for school.

Work on the compilation and execution of joint documentation of the teacher - psychologist, speech therapist and educators "Journal of interaction of specialists."

Selection of methodological material for drawing up long-term plans for working with children and parents;

Selection of methods, reference literature on preparing children for school;

Preparation of the necessary material for cognitive and productive activities (development of notes on educational activities, conversations, etc.);

Parent survey.

Consultation for parents “Joint activities of families and teachers of preschool educational institutions to develop the child’s readiness for school and successful adaptation to schooling”


Goal: implementation of educational activities for the implementation of the project.

Determining the level of psychological readiness of children for school;

Strengthening the material and technical base in preschool educational institutions and building an appropriate development environment;

conversations with children;

Individual consultations and workshops for parents;

developmental work with children experiencing temporary difficulties in the development of basic cognitive processes;

Developmental work aimed at the personal development of the child (motivational readiness for school, development of the ability to interact with peers and adults in a new social situation);

Meeting with primary school teachers;

Parent meetings;

Demonstration classes for educators and primary school teachers with subsequent analysis.

IIIStage(May 2017)


Goal: summing up the results of the project.

The final stage includes the collection and processing of diagnostic results, and the correlation of assigned tasks, predicted results with the results obtained.

Includes the implementation of the following activities:

Assessing the effectiveness of project implementation;

Identification of problems that impede the achievement of the expected result;

Carrying out work on the “Soon to School” project in the period from 2016-2017, the following conclusions can be drawn:

The “Soon to School” project fits well with the program of education and upbringing of children at MBDOU;

This project helps you learn to work in a team, developing an algorithm of actions to achieve your goal;

Interaction with the family allowed us to achieve good results in preparing children for school.


Name of events



Verbal and didactic games on school topics. "Dominoes "First Grader", "Fractions"

Game - journey “The path from home to school”

Conversation about school.

Reading and telling poems about school.

- “What is school”

Examination of pictures reflecting school life and composing stories.

Listening to children's songs

"Letters and words" Lyrics: Olga Bezymyannaya Music: Igor Rimdenok

“Twice two is four” Words: M. Plyatskovsky Music: V. Shainsky

Workshop for parents “How I imagine my child to be at school”

Memo for parents of future first-graders “What a 6-7 year old child should know and be able to do”

Questioning parents “Your child will soon become a schoolchild.”

Replenishment of the card index of games for the development of the emotional-volitional sphere in children of senior preschool age.

Goal: to teach children to recognize emotions by facial expressions and intonation; depict these emotions using gestures, movements, and voice. Contribute to the enrichment of the emotional sphere of children.

Consultation “Left-handed child”

School excursion (presentation)

Group teachers

Vereshchagina M.L.

Veretelnik S.V.

Teacher - psychologist Negodaeva E.N.


Individual correctional and developmental activities for the development of the cognitive sphere according to the “Flower-Seven-Flower” program by N.Yu. Kurazhev, for children of senior preschool age;

Group correctional and developmental activities for the development of the emotional-volitional sphere of preschool children:

Additional adapted program “Tsvetik-Semitsvetik”, author N.Yu. Kurazheva,

Additional adapted correctional and developmental psychological and pedagogical program “Immersion in a fairy tale” for children of senior preschool age, author N.M. Pogosova.

Creation of an exhibition of objects and illustrations “School Supplies”

Lotto “School supplies. Didactic games “Collect a briefcase”, “Decipher the words”

Conversation about school rules

GCD "School supplies"

Reading poems about 1st grade “A Word about my teacher”

Reading A. Lindgren “Pippi Longstocking”, “The Princess Who Didn’t Want to Play with Dolls”. Victor Golyavkin "Carousel in the head"

Application "School supplies"

Listening to the song “First time in first grade” Words and music by Sergei Yarushin

Advice from an educational psychologist to parents “Back to school soon”

Memo to parents of future first-graders - “Features of the psychology of older preschoolers”

Games for the development of communication: social and personal development.

Teacher - speech therapist "What parents of a preschooler need to know about writing skills."

Teacher - psychologist Negodaeva E.N.

Teacher - psychologist Negodaeva E.N.

Teacher - psychologist Negodaeva E.N.

Teacher - psychologist Negodaeva E.N.


GCD for teaching literacy “Magic Flower”.

Reading "Three Bells"

Introduction to proverbs and sayings about learning.

Evening of riddles "Soon to school."

Application "School"

Didactic games “Spell by letter”, “Cubes for everyone”, “Funny stories”

Reading poems about school supplies by O. Driz “When a person is six”

Conversation about what Yu. Viira read, “Grandfather’s Felt Boots.”

Construction of the “School Building”

Listening to the song “First-Grade” Lyrics: Yuri Entin. Music: Vladimir Shainsky.

Consultation with a teacher-psychologist “Attention is one of the important mental processes for the development of a child’s personality. How to overcome absent-mindedness."

teacher - speech therapist Streltsova E.A.

Teacher - psychologist Negodaeva E.N.


Conversation “How to build your day.” Creating a daily routine

Reading and conversation based on the works of N. Nosov “Dunno Learns” by L. Tolstoy “Filippok”

Victor Golyavkin “My work”

Listening to the song “Natasha is a first-grader” Words: Konstantin Ibryaev Music: Yuri Chichkov

Consultation “The daily routine of a future first-grader”

Watching cartoons on a school theme.

Additional adapted correctional and developmental program for the psychological and pedagogical orientation of the emotional development of children “I am surprised, angry, afraid, boastful and happy”, Kryukova S.V., Slobodyanik N.P.

Consultation “Criteria for a child’s readiness for school”

Teacher - psychologist Negodaeva E.N.


Consultation “Preparing your hand for writing”

Didactic games “Fold the pattern”, “Reading sentences”, “Number houses”

Compiling a story based on the painting “To School”

Parent meetings with the participation of an educational psychologist with a discussion of the causes of difficulties during the period of children’s adaptation to school, the role of the family in overcoming these difficulties;

Conversations: “We are future first-graders”, “What happens is what happens”

- “Dad, mom, I am a sports family”

Integrated activity “In search of a smile”

Target: identifying the level of formation of the intellectual and emotional-volitional sphere of the child’s readiness for school.

An hour of riddles and puzzles about school.

teacher - speech therapist Streltsova E.A.

Teacher - psychologist Negodaeva E.N. group teachers.

Lobacheva A.S.

Teacher - psychologist Negodaeva E.N. , teacher - speech therapist Streltsova E.A.


Didactic games “Decipher the words”, “Chain of words”.

Conversation “How do you imagine yourself at school”

Reading stories by K. Dragunskaya “When I was little” by M. Zoshchenko. "Do not lie"

Drawing “Portrait of Mommy” “Flowers for Grandma”

Listening and singing music about mom. Audio recording “We are in first grade” lyrics: Yakov Serpin Music: Thomas Korganov

Consultation for parents What does it mean to be “ready for school”?

Six rules for adapting a child to school.

- “Games for speech development”

Round table with demonstration of activities

“Continuity of preschool and primary education in the context of the implementation of educational standards”

Art teacher Dvornichenko M.L.

Teacher - psychologist Negodaeva E.N., group educators, teacher - speech therapist Streltsova E.A.


Didactic lotto games “Counting and reading”, “Making a sentence”

Memorizing the poem “What awaits me at school?”

Listening to the audio recording “Hello first grade!” Words: Vladimir Stepanov Music: Stanislav Stempnevsky

Consultation for parents of a future first-grader

"Psychological readiness for schooling"

Advice from a teacher-psychologist “The 7-year crisis and how to cope with it”

Note to parents: “First-grader’s room”

Work in a notebook on FEMP

Evening (tongue twisters and proverbs about numbers)

Teacher - psychologist Negodaeva E.N.

Didactic games “Are you ready for school”, “Let’s spell.

Reading a story

Memorizing poems: Agnia Barto “Little Schoolgirl” Sergei Makhotin “That’s what dad gives!”

Application “My school uniform”

Drawing “Schoolbag”

Listening and singing “To the lesson” music and words by V. Topilnitsky

Parent meeting. “A child is on the threshold of school. Let's go to school with joy."

Open demonstration of activities for parents “The Tricks of Metra the Raven”

Design of a photo album, presentation about the work done on the project.

The final event “Graduation party”.

teacher - speech therapist Streltsova E.A.

Type, type of project: information-practice-oriented, creative.

The goal of the project: preparing children and their parents for school education.

Dates: 2012-2013 academic year.

Number of project participants (adults, children): speech therapist, speech therapy group teacher, children (23 children).

Children's age: 5.5-6.5 years.

Expected results (project product: development of knowledge about schooling, persistence of cognitive interest in learning, creative work of children, awareness of parents, psychological readiness for school (both children and their parents).

Planned project activities

Event name the date of the Responsible
1. Communication of the project topic to the orientation pedagogical council, parents and children September

Teacher speech therapist


2. Diagnostics of children (pedagogical, speech therapy).

Parent survey “Is your child ready for school?”

September Teacher speech therapist


3. Children compose stories on the topic: “What is school?” October Teacher speech therapist


4. Drawing on the topic “My school” November Educator
5. Writing a fairy tale on the theme “Once upon a time there was a letter.” Analysis of fairy tales. December Teacher speech therapist


Consulting parents on topics:

“Psychological readiness of a child for school”, “What a child entering 1st grade should know and be able to do”

February March Teacher speech therapist



7. Parent meeting on the topic: “A healthy lifestyle is the key to successful schooling” February Teacher speech therapist


Physical training instructor

Senior teacher

8. Book design: “I’m getting ready for school” During a year Teacher speech therapist


9. Comparative diagnostics of the level of development of children, their knowledge about school.

Final parent meeting.


May Teacher speech therapist


School is a new step in the life of every child and his family. The child turns into a schoolboy. But are children ready for these changes? Are parents ready? After all, preparing a child for school should not be limited to teaching the child to read and write. Preparing for school is a complex impact on the intellectual and psychological status of the child. Alo will teach you how to hold a pen correctly, sit upright, fold your hands on the table in a “shelf”, it is necessary to stimulate cognitive interest.

According to the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation, among children entering first grade, over 60% are at risk of school, somatic and psychophysical maladjustment. Of these, about 35% show obvious disorders of the neuropsychic sphere even in the middle group of kindergarten. The number of primary school students who cannot cope with the requirements of the standard school curriculum has increased threefold over the past 20 years, reaching 30% or more.

Entering school is a serious stage in the life of every child. It is no secret that many children experience difficulties during the period of adaptation to school, a new daily routine, team, and teacher. These difficulties are both psychological and somatic in nature. It's not easy for parents either.

The main task of preparing children for school is to increase the level of mental development of the child: intellectual, emotional and social. Close cooperation with parents to prevent possible problems is also important.

Taking into account all the above factors, we chose a project on the topic: “We will go to school soon.”

The goal of the project: to prepare our preparatory group children for school.

  • determine the level of readiness of children for school;
  • create opportunities for children to carry out meaningful activities in conditions that are optimal for their comprehensive and timely mental development;
  • ensure the protection and promotion of children's health;
  • correct (correct or weaken) negative development trends;
  • stimulate and enrich development in all types of activities (cognitive, play, productive, labor);
  • Conduct consultations with parents on issues of concern.

They planned to broadcast their achievements among preschool teachers, at city methodological associations, and in electronic media.

Expected results: psychological and social readiness of children for school, development of cognitive activity, development of school-significant psychophysiological functions.

At the beginning of the project activities, we conducted a pedagogical diagnosis of the level of development of children, which showed that 40% of preschoolers have a low level of development of cognitive activity, higher mental functions, and communication skills; 28% - low level, 58% - average level, 14% - high level.

At the same time, we conducted a survey of parents with the goal of identifying parents’ ideas about the level of readiness of their children for school. Parents were asked to rate their child on the following parameters: Does your child know how to behave in public places? Can you say that your child is strong, resilient, and able to cope with school workloads? Are your vision and hearing normally developed? Is his hand developing well? Does your child want to go to school? Do you think he is well prepared for school? and so on. Answer options: (yes; more likely yes than no; more likely no than yes, no).

Analysis of the data obtained showed that all parents are confident that their children are ready for school and have indicators that correspond to the age norm. 18% of parents assessed the readiness of their children not objectively, overestimating the indicators (“My child knows everything and can do everything” (and this number includes the opinions of parents of weak children); 13% treated their children too critically, underestimating the knowledge and skills of their children. The results of our diagnostics showed that all preschoolers in our group are ready for school, but 30% of them are predisposed to experience difficulties during the period of school adaptation.

In parallel with the survey of parents, we surveyed children on the topic: “What is school?” The first survey was carried out in October-November.

Preschoolers wrote stories about school. The survey showed that almost all the children in the group have correct ideas about school: they are not interested in school paraphernalia, but in the opportunity to learn new, interesting things and the fact that they can make new friends at school. Most children want to study and are confident that they will study well. However, 18% are not interested in schooling, they prefer to play during breaks with friends and even agree to get “D” grades because: “D’s are cool! School is bad!”

Here are some examples of stories.

School is needed to learn. For example, learning to write unknown words.

If you don’t study, you won’t be rich, you’ll live in the trash like homeless people.

At school I like it when we study on a computer - on a device with a screen.

The hardest thing for me at school is doing nothing. I don't like to sit idle. And I still don’t like to write. And I will study well.

Azgaldyan Edgar 6.11 years old

A school is a building where people study. I don’t like changes, I don’t like going for walks, because I’m not a truant.

I love to study. I like the lessons. I like going to the board.

It's my pleasure, I'm glad. I don’t know anything anymore. It is impossible to know everything. I'm not Znayka.

Borisov Andrey 6.5 years

School is about teaching children to draw letters. I still need to go, I need to study, I also really like school: it’s very beautiful there. They prepare children well there. School is interesting. Great there. I will study well and excellently so that I will be praised with A's.

Bukhantsev Nikita 6.10 years old

School is where children study, and they also do physical education there. And there are also breaks, and after the break the children go back to study.. At school, the teacher swears and makes sure that no one falls asleep and is not distracted.

At school you can’t eat or drink in class, you can’t indulge, you can’t be late.

My favorite subject is learning to jump rope. And the most difficult thing is not to be distracted from other children.

When I grow up, I will study excellently and will be a doctor or chemist.

Bykov Leonty 6.5 years

School is needed to have many friends. School is needed in order to know a lot and then work well at work.

At school you must sit still, but during recess you must walk, but running is prohibited.

At school I like how we write with a pen and study in the book “Step by Step”.

At school, when we are asked poems, it can be difficult for me. I also like mathematics at school because I know how much 1000+500=1500 is.

Kovalenko Kirill 6 years old

School is where children go to learn. So that they grow up and study with A's.

At school they teach geography and Russian.

My brother goes to school.

At school I like to play on the top floor during breaks with my friends, but I don’t like studying.

School is where they learn and where teachers listen, ask questions, and remember. I don’t like school because I have to study for a long time, until the evening. I will study for bad grades, because I love bad grades. Twos are great! School is bad!

Korolev Sasha 6.2 years old

A comparative analysis of a survey of children about school, conducted in April, showed that the level of development of children’s ideas about school has expanded, and that almost all children have developed the necessary learning skills and persistent cognitive interest. The exception was 13%.

Map of analysis of children's knowledge about school

Question Answer
Do you want to go to school? 96% - yes, for knowledge, to find new friends.

4% - no, I don’t want to, you have to study there and you can’t play.

Do you think school will be interesting? 96% - yes, I learn a lot of new things. There the teacher tells a lot of interesting things.

2% - I don’t want to learn anything new.

Are you ready to go to school? How are you preparing for school? 92% are ready. We read, write, learn a lot of new things.

8% - we don’t want it.

What do they teach at school? Who teaches? What grades do they give at school? 100% - they teach to read, write, draw, etc. The teacher teaches.
What time of year do children go to school? 84% - in the fall

16% - in summer

What supplies are needed at school? 100% - notebooks, pencil cases, pens, textbooks, etc.
Where do you think it’s better to study: at home with your mother and grandmother or at school with a teacher? 84% - at school with a teacher

16% - it’s better to be at home with mom, too lazy to study.

Among the various types of work in our project activities, one of the productive ones was the creation of books: “We will go to school soon.” Children, together with teachers (tutors and a speech therapist), created creative books in which work aimed at preparing children for school was organized and planned. Children wrote letters and words, numbers, solved examples, solved puzzles, wrote graphic dictations, guessed words from the first letters of pictures, etc.

These manuals allowed children to master the skills of their native language, elements of mathematical knowledge and concepts in an interesting and entertaining way, and were able to ignite in children the spark of curiosity, creative thinking, imagination and fantasy.

Another interesting stage of our project activity was the creative work of children: composing and illustrating the fairy tale “Once upon a time there was a letter.” The children and their parents were given the task of composing a fairy tale about a letter and drawing pictures for this fairy tale. Many families approached this task creatively: many fairy tales turned out to have an interesting plot, some parents helped the children come up with as many words as possible starting with the letter chosen for the fairy tale, some preschoolers produced very bright drawings (letters in hats, boots, with rings and umbrellas ). In the stories, the letters traveled to the sea, got ready to go to school, turned into sweet tooths, went sledding with other letters, etc.

During the project activities, we conducted poster consultations with parents on the topics: “Preparing the future first-grader,” “Preparing children for school,” “Personal and psycho-emotional readiness of the child for school,” “Intellectual readiness of the child for school,” “Regime of the future first-grader.” “About our health.”

The same issues were discussed at the final parent meeting with the aim of: provide theoretical and practical assistance in organizing communication in the family of a future first-grader.

Throughout the school year, we enriched the educational material with a variety of creative tasks.

The bright result of our project was the “Graduation Ball”, in the preparation of which the following took part: a music director, a speech therapist, group teachers, parents and children.

Summing up the results of our work, we can draw the following conclusions: indicators of educational motivation, cognitive activity of children, and the development of their psycho-emotional functions have increased significantly.

Preparing children for school is built on the basis of successive connections between preschool and primary levels of continuous education. The need to change the education system for preschool children is currently not in doubt. The main ideas for updating the content of preschool education and the teacher’s right to creativity have already been proclaimed. And if, during the course of our project, we were able to diversify the education of preschoolers, create conditions for the self-realization of a creatively developed, proactive child with a high level of development of cognitive abilities, we can talk about the success of our project.

Elena Sivak
Project "Soon to school"

Relevance project

Currently, the problem of personal readiness for school. One of the main components of psychological readiness for school is motivational readiness for school. Motivational readiness for school is a prerequisite for the child’s successful adaptation to school. Motivational readiness to learn in school includes the child’s developed need for knowledge, skills, as well as the desire for improvement. Conducting special work to develop motivational readiness for school, will allow one to overcome the existing shortcomings in it, and will contribute to increasing the level of personal readiness for school.

Tasks project:

1. Study psychological and pedagogical literature on the problem of personal readiness for school.

2. Determine older children preschool age level of formation of personal readiness for school.

3. Formation of motivational readiness for school for older preschoolers through project activities.

4. Help parents eliminate misunderstandings of the child’s motivational sphere through joint, playful, creative and cognitive activities;

Type project:



Implementation deadlines project - short-term.

Participants project - test preschool children(6-7 years old, parents.

Expected results project:


Deepening children's knowledge about school;

Increasing the level of personal readiness of children for learning in school;

Formation of the volitional and motivational component of the future schoolboy;

Formation of a system of relations preschooler(to yourself, adults, school) ;

Mastery of established norms and rules of conduct in school.


Increasing the pedagogical competence of parents on the development of motivational readiness in preschoolers.

Information and educational work with parents has a positive effect on the preparation of elders preschoolers to school.

Methodological basis the project were:

Research on psychological readiness for school(Gutkina N.I., Wenger L.A., Bozhovich L.I.)

Study of motives (Lisina M.I., Zaporozhets A.V., Kravtsova E.E.)

Implementation mechanism project:

Work on project carried out in several stages according to educational areas in accordance with Federal State Educational Standard:

Social communicative development;

Cognitive development;

Speech development;

Artistic and aesthetic development;

Physical development.

Implementation stages project:

Stage 1. Preparatory

Studying teaching experience in this area project.

Drawing up a passport project.

Selection of children's fiction to read to children.

Making didactic games.

Selection of subject pictures and illustrations.

Selection of toys, attributes for play activities according to school theme.

Conducting a survey of children to identify the level of formation of motivational readiness for school for preschoolers. For this purpose, the methods of N.I. Gutkina, M.R. Ginzburg, and L.I. Nezhnova were used. (for a description of the methods, see the appendices)

Stage 2. Basic.

Implement activities to develop motives as a component of personal readiness to teach children in school.

Stage 3. Analytical.

Present results and outcomes public project.

Summarize and disseminate experience in project.

Forms of organizing activities for project:

1. Familiarization with fiction.

Reading a poem by S. Mikhalkov "Sasha's porridge"

Target: to form in children an understanding that in class they need to speak clearly, distinctly, and loudly.

Reading the work of L. N. Tolstoy "Philipok".

Memorizing a passage of a poem "IN school» A. Barto

Fairy tale therapy "Lesnaya" school» :

Fairy tale "Creation of forest schools»

Fairy tale "Bouquet for the teacher"

Fairy tale "Funny Fears"

Fairy tale "Games in school»

Fairy tale « School rules»

2. Game activity.

A game « School for animals»

Target: removing fear of school, acceleration of adaptation to school.

A game "Drawing lesson"

Target: identify the child’s attitude towards school.

A game "Needle and thread"

Target: to create healthy emotional arousal.

A game « school supplies»

Target: introduce children to school supplies.

Role-playing game « School»

Target: with the help of problematic game situations, consolidate children’s knowledge about the rules of behavior for children in school.

Game - dramatization "Remember the rules"

Target: consolidate children’s knowledge about behavior in the lesson.

3. Cognitive activity

Guessing riddles about school supplies.

GCD "Introduction to the ABC book"

Target: to form in children a stable interest in school.

Target walk in school.

Target: enrich children's knowledge about school.

Meeting with the teacher in kindergarten.

Target: form a positive attitude towards the teacher.

Conversation “Introducing children to the responsibilities of students”

Target: introduce children to responsibilities schoolchildren.

4. Speech development.

Writing a story "Memory of school» .

A game “say with a word - school»

Composing stories "What will I do in school»

5. Artistic and productive activity.

Drawing "Me and school»

Organization of the exhibition "Our mothers and fathers - pupils»

Album compilation "First of September"

Exhibition of drawings "My first teacher"

6. Leisure activities

Entertainment preschoolers together with 1st grade students

7. Working with parents.

Thematic consultation for parents "How to prepare a child for school» .

Consultation “Is the child’s personality ready for school

Memo for parents "Do - Don't"

Thematic parent corner "Kindergarten - school»

Making, together with children, attributes for a role-playing game « School»

Performance indicators for project:

Participants project have basic understanding of school and school supplies;

Emotionally - positive attitude of children towards school;

Participants are able to establish relationships with peers and adults, obey established norms and rules;

Enrichment of the subject-development environment with attributes, games school theme;

The ability of parents to apply acquired knowledge when preparing their child for school;

Increasing the level of knowledge about children’s motivational readiness for school.

Availability of special didactic aids to determine the level of formation of motivational readiness for school for preschoolers;

Implementation efficiency methods project:


List of used literature:

Wenger L. A., Elkonin D. B. “Peculiarities of mental development of children 6-7 years of age” M. 1988

Gutkina N. I "Psychological readiness for school» M. 1993

Gutkina N. I. “Diagnostic program to determine the psychological readiness of children for schooling» 1997

Lisina M. I., Kangella G. I. “Communication with adults and psychological readiness for school" M. 1985

Kravtsova E. E. “psychological problems of children’s readiness for schooling" M. 1991

Wenger A. A. "How preschooler becomes schoolchild» D, V 1995