Why does my cat have snot coming out of his nose? What to do if your cat is sneezing and snot is flowing from his nose. Is cat cold dangerous for humans?


Snot and rhinitis in cats are common symptoms of respiratory diseases and inflammatory infections of the upper respiratory tract. If a cat sneezes, discharge is noticeable from the eyes; such manifestations may indicate the development of colds. In any case, any health problems in furry pets are a cause for concern for owners and cat breeders.

Why does a cat sneeze?

Sneezing in cats can be caused by unfavorable factors of various natures. For example, the sneeze reflex in animals is a reaction to the influence of any allergen that irritates the mucous membrane of the upper respiratory tract. The ingress of dust particles, pollen from flowering plants, and household chemicals irritate the receptors in the nasal mucosa, which is accompanied by sneezing.

Important! As a rule, sneezing in cats and other animals is caused by irritation of the nerve endings located on the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract.

Often, sneezing can be a symptom of a respiratory illness. A common runny nose, as a rule, is always accompanied by a reflexive sneezing reflex. Thus, the animal’s body clears the respiratory tract from accumulated exudate.

Cats, cats, kittens sneeze when:

  • asthma;
  • colds;
  • viral, bacterial, fungal infections;
  • the presence of polyps in the nose;
  • neoplasms in the respiratory tract, upper respiratory tract;
  • severe hypothermia;
  • congenital pathologies, anatomical defects in the structure of the respiratory organs;
  • chronic respiratory diseases (tonsillitis, rhinotracheitis, sinusitis);
  • the presence of foreign objects in the larynx.

The sneezing reflex in cats can be triggered by sharp, pungent odors, for example, perfume, eau de toilette, air freshener, tobacco smoke. Molds that live on wall surfaces, congenital pathologies, and anatomical defects of the respiratory tract organs provoke sneezing attacks in cats.

Once in the upper respiratory tract, allergens of various nature irritate the mucous membranes and lead to frequent sneezing. Sneezing and sniffling in cats are often signs of seasonal allergies.

Causes of snot

A runny nose in cats, kittens, cats can occur against the background of allergic reactions, when foreign bodies or objects enter the respiratory tract. Nasal discharge can be: serous, catarrhal, purulent. In cases of chronic rhinitis, blood clotting disorders, and feline viral immunodeficiency, bloody threads, clots, and inclusions are noticeable in the discharge from the nose.

What to do?

If your cat's eyes are very watery, the general condition has worsened, and your pet begins to sneeze frequently, you should consult a veterinarian. The animal may have contracted an eye infection. In this case, it is necessary to treat the eyes with ophthalmic solutions, which can be purchased at a veterinary pharmacy, or rinse the eyes with decoctions of medicinal plants, for example, a warm infusion of chamomile flowers.

If your cat sneezes, snorts, or rubs his nose with his paw, there is most likely a foreign object in the nose. You can alleviate your pet's condition by using special tweezers or any other available means. All manipulations should be carried out extremely carefully so as not to hurt the cat or injure the mucous membrane.

Having noticed mucous discharge from the nose, shortness of breath, difficulty breathing, swollen red eyes in a cat or kitten, it is necessary to establish the cause of this condition. Most likely, sneezing is caused by allergens. It is worth consulting with a veterinarian who will select a safe, most effective antihistamine.

Important! If blood or blood clots are released when sneezing, this may indicate the development of cancer or serious damage to the nasal passages.

Increased body temperature, enlarged submandibular lymph nodes, lethargy, decreased activity, refusal of food and treats, profuse nasal discharge are a serious cause for concern. Therefore, contact your veterinarian and take the cat to a veterinary hospital.

Fluffy patients with viral infections will be prescribed complex treatment, antibiotic therapy (Fosprenil, Maxidin), anti-inflammatory, antipyretic drugs. To normalize the general condition of furry purrs, vitamin complexes, mineral supplements, and immunomodulators will be prescribed.

In case of a runny nose, the cat’s nasal passages are washed with hypotonic solutions, and the mucous membrane is irrigated with 0.5% tannin, galazolin, and thymogen.

If the sneezing reflex and snot are provoked by helminthic infestation, the cats will be prescribed effective helminthic drugs. For fungal infections - fungicidal, antifungal medications.

Sneezing caused by allergies is treated with antiallergic medications, special medicinal creams, and ointments. It is equally important to eliminate allergens from the cat’s external environment.

During treatment, owners must strictly follow all recommendations of the attending physician and provide the pet with the most comfortable living conditions. In case of respiratory diseases, it is absolutely unacceptable for the cat to be in a draft! Constantly remove discharge from the eyes and nose with sterile cotton-gauze swabs soaked in antiseptic solutions.

Prevention of respiratory diseases

Owners of furry pets must provide proper care for their pets. Nei should place the cat house in drafts, near heating appliances. You need to systematically examine the eyes, mouth, and nose of your favorite cat, especially if the animal walks freely on the street.

It is equally important to monitor the cleanliness of the air in the house, apartment, and indoor air humidity. To strengthen the immune system, if the cat is kept on a natural diet, to increase resistance, cats need to be given multivitamin preparations and mineral supplements.

When the nose gets stuffy, it makes life difficult for any living creature, cats are no exception. On the contrary, if a kitten has snot, it can be caused by a number of viral or bacterial infections, and the pet requires emergency help.

The nasal discharge in kittens is similar to that of humans; their snot can be clear, watery, that is, serous, or it can be thick mucous, turning purulent. The last option is life-threatening. If a kitten has snot and is not treated, the living creature may die.

When a kitten has snot running, this can indicate a variety of diseases, from a simple cold to malignant neoplasms in the nasal cavity. If snot appears, the kitten may have lung disease, pneumonia, tuberculosis or even asthma. Profuse nasal discharge may indicate poisoning or rabies, conjunctivitis or uremia; it could be infectious peritonitis, leukemia or a common cat runny nose.

The adjective “feline” in this case is not a definition of belonging to a cat; it is the name of a separate disease with its own symptoms, which is characterized by fever, sneezing and coughing, sore eyes and general weakness. The causative agents of this trouble can be herpes viruses, calceviruses and reoviruses, even chlamydia. A viral infection is often accompanied by a bacterial one. When a small animal has such a bouquet, the owner has a question: what to do if the kitten has snot?

The animal requires special attention if the kitten produces snot from only one nostril. This discharge is unusual and atypical; it may be a signal of neoplasms in the nasal cavity; there may be nasopharyngeal polyps, adenocarcinoma, lympho-, fibro- and osteosarcomas.

If a kitten has snot, the causative agents may be different, and accordingly, the disease will also be different. The concept of cat runny nose combines several bacterial or infectious diseases, and they require different treatment. If you do not show the kitten to a veterinarian immediately when the first discharge appears, the snot will change to thick and purulent. In this case, it will be difficult to cure the sick animal.

When a kitten coughs and sneezes, he refuses to eat because he cannot smell the food. If cats can't smell food, they won't eat it. And the kitten needs to be treated urgently, and not ask unnecessary questions. If measures are not taken in time, complications will arise, for example, sinusitis or pneumonia. And this is a deep misconception of ignorant people who believe that cats will lick and cure themselves. The opinion of experienced breeders is unanimous; they definitely recommend contacting a veterinary clinic to see a specialist. The kitten will be prescribed the necessary medications, antibiotics, anti-inflammatory and antiviral, depending on the diagnosis.

Adult animals are not as susceptible to cat runny nose as small kittens, since the immune system of babies is not able to cope with attacks from viruses and bacteria. And it is for kittens that a runny nose is extremely dangerous; in them it can develop quickly, have a rapid course, and can kill the animal in less than a day.

Also, under no circumstances should you practice self-medication. You should not trust the words of sellers from pet stores, they are not doctors, their task is to sell goods, this is the main thing. And whether their advice will help their pet, they don’t care.

Some owners don’t think about what to do if a kitten has snot, they think that it will go away on its own. But self-medication and the hope that the kitten will suddenly recover on its own will not bring success. If you start a runny nose, it will become chronic, and it is almost impossible to treat.

If a kitten has snot, experienced breeders always advise treating the baby. If discharge of any consistency appears from the nose, immediately take the kitten to the veterinarian. A competent doctor will be able to determine the cause and diagnose the disease. Sometimes you have to save your pet's life. They are not simple, it turns out, these cat snot. The main thing here is not to be scared, but to treat on time, otherwise you may miss this precious time.

To prevent the development of bacterial infections, the kitten can be given Cycloferon, this drug will help boost immunity. If a clear substance is dripping from the nose, you can drop Anandin into the kitten's nose. Both of these drugs are sold in veterinary pharmacies. If other medications are required, they can also be purchased at a veterinary pharmacy after a doctor's prescription. Medicines used to treat people cannot be given to a kitten! There is a different dosage, calculated for the weight of a person, but a kitten is small!

A cat does not have nine lives, but, like people, only one. And you always have to think about what to do if a kitten has snot. And the sooner help is provided to the little creature, the better. Sometimes a slight delay, even a few hours, can cost him his life.

Cats are more prone to diseases such as rhinitis than other animals. This is due to the fact that they have narrow nasal passages. The slightest swelling, which can be caused by any irritant, leads to congestion of the nasal passages.

The main causes of a runny nose

There are many reasons that cause a runny nose in a kitten, including:

1) Bacteria and fungi. They affect the nasal mucosa of cats. They can be dangerous to the health of the animal, although sometimes they do not cause much harm. It depends on what kind of bacteria and in what quantity they are. For example: cocci fungi cause a severe runny nose, sneezing, a clogged nose and the pet cannot breathe. And sluggish infections can even cause a chronic disease - rhinitis.

2) Viruses. Also a common reason, of which there are also many types. Many of them are very dangerous to health and will require the help of specialists.

3) Allergy. Most allergens cause irritation of the nasal mucosa, which leads to a runny nose. There are a lot of cat allergens, so it is necessary to identify what exactly caused it and eliminate it.

4) Polyps, growths or tumors. Such problems occur in cats over seven years of age; they often occur with a thick runny nose and bleeding.

5) Ear inflammation. As in humans, the ear and nasal cavities are closely connected; when one is inflamed, symptoms often appear in the other.

6) The entry of foreign objects can cause irritation of the mucous membrane, which leads to a runny nose and an attempt to get rid of the irritant. This could be the fur of the animal itself, sand and dirt, plants, etc.

Hypothermia of the animal. With a sharp decrease in overall body temperature, a runny nose may begin. Be sure to wrap up the animal and try to warm it up, the main thing is not to use hot water for this!

9) Hot air - from steam, boiling water, hair dryer - can cause a runny nose.

10) Chemicals. May cause severe irritation of the nasal mucosa.

A runny nose in cats occurs due to the following circumstances:

  • Hypothermia. Cats are not afraid of frost, but of dampness and drafts. Feeding your pet a frozen delicacy promotes an inflammatory reaction to temperature changes rather than to hypothermia.
  • Violation of housing and feeding rules.
  • Inappropriate response to stimuli. A cat's sense of smell is more sensitive than a human's. Therefore, the effect of household chemicals - powders, aerosols, solvents, dust, beebread on a cat causes a hypersensitive defensive reaction.
  • Contagious diseases.
  • Symptoms of chronic diseases.


The susceptibility of cats to colds of non-infectious etiology is associated with the weakness of the immune system caused by human selection. The development of new breeds with specified properties had a negative impact on the body’s resistance to negative environmental factors. The cause of hypothermia is the owner’s neglect of the pet’s living conditions.

Violation of maintenance and feeding

A cat runs the risk of catching a cold if kept in a damp, insufficiently heated room. The lower limit of comfort for cats is considered to be 20° C. During transitional periods of no heating in apartments, it is recommended to insulate the cat’s bed with a warm blanket. Animals do not tolerate windy, damp weather well.

Excessive care by the owner can have a negative impact on the health of the pet. In low temperatures, it is better to avoid swimming. If, after taking a bath, your pet is exposed to cold drafts from an open window, then she runs the risk of catching a cold. Therefore, it is necessary to dry the six cats with a towel and close all the windows.

The owner's careless attitude towards the cat's nutrition becomes one of the reasons for its defenselessness against hypothermia. The use of high-quality ready-made feeds containing sufficient concentrations of vitamins, minerals, and taurine significantly increases resistance to adverse conditions.

A cold suppresses the body's protective functions, making it defenseless against infectious agents. The most dangerous complications of colds are inflammation of the bronchi and lungs, which can spread to the kidneys and joints.


In such cases, in addition to a runny nose, drooling is observed. The discharge has a watery, transparent consistency. With hypersensitive manifestations, swelling, severe dermatitis develop, and breathing becomes difficult. The allergic response occurs immediately or after a long time. The condition can be fatal.

Contagious diseases

The most dangerous causes of rhinitis are viral diseases. Symptoms of a runny nose accompany calcivirosis, rhinotracheitis, panleukopenia, and other diseases.

The body, weakened by the invasion of the virus, is attacked by conditionally pathogenic bacteria and fungi - permanent inhabitants of the cat, which do not harm it in the presence of a strained immune system.

Chronic diseases

Any disease if left untreated can lead to rhinitis. Diabetes, nephritis, urothiasis weaken the body's immune defense, allowing secondary microflora to develop in the nasal mucosa.

Inflammation affecting the ears reflexively spreads to the nose and throat. In such a situation, the runny nose disappears if the ears are healed.

Tumor processes cause rhinitis with blood clots. The cat constantly sneezes and rubs its nose with its paws.

The leakage of nasal fluid is caused by foreign objects - dust, sand, a blade of grass.

Genetic abnormalities can lead to the birth of a kitten with a crooked nose, which is accompanied by incessant nasal discharge. If a secondary infection occurs, the discharge becomes cloudy.

A runny nose in kittens occurs for the following reasons:

  • Dampness and drafts. You should not over-ventilate the room and take your pet out for a walk in humid or damp weather.
  • Feeding a supercooled delicacy, such as milk from the refrigerator or frozen fish.
  • Sudden temperature changes. During the transition period, when the heating is turned off, it is necessary to provide the kitten with heating. In hot weather, you should not leave your baby in the air conditioner area.
  • Allergic reaction. The cub may react inadequately to smoke, pollen of angiosperms, perfumes, and solvents. Choch provokes the smell of new furniture or unusual food. In addition to a runny nose, profuse salivation may occur.
  • Infectious pathologies. Most infectious diseases are accompanied by rhinitis. Rhinotracheitis, Calcivirosis, and Panleukopenia pose a threat to life.
  • Congenital anomalies. A kitten born with a crooked nose constantly sneezes. He has continuous leakage.

In cats, a runny nose appears as a result of various reasons, which can be combined into two large groups. The first group is infectious diseases, the second is non-infectious.

Non-communicable diseases are considered primary factors.

The main causes of a runny nose that have non-infectious roots are the following:

  • severe hypothermia (eating frozen foods, being in the heat of an air conditioner, staying a domestic cat outside for a long time in the cold season or in drafts, etc.);
  • inhalation of irritants (smoke, volatile vapors, particles of household chemicals);
  • allergic reactions to food;
  • tumors in the nasal passage (polyps, sarcoma);
  • entry of foreign bodies into the nasal cavity;
  • injuries accompanied by damage to the nasal mucosa;
  • congenital pathology of the nasopharynx;
  • ear inflammation;
  • dental diseases (gingivitis, etc.).

The second group of reasons that cause a runny nose in an animal are infections of various origins: viral, bacterial, fungal. A pet can become infected with them both through interaction with sick animals and through contact with contaminated objects - for example, by sniffing outdoor shoes or rubbing against them.

  • mycoplasmosis (leads to chronic runny nose, difficult to treat);
  • toxoplasmosis;
  • pasteurellosis;
  • bordetellosis;
  • chlamydia.

Fungal infections that lead to nasal runny include cryptococcosis (the most common) and aspergillosis.

Thus, if a cat suffers from a runny nose and constantly sneezes, this may indicate a number of dangerous diseases.

Don't try to treat your cat's runny nose unless you know the cause. First of all, it is necessary to identify the “source of fire” and then extinguish it. Let's look at the most common reasons and try to find a solution.

Reason #1. Inflammation of the ear canalInflammation of the ear can occur for various reasons. This includes the spread of infection, hypothermia and other diseases of this kind. If an inflammatory process begins in the ear canal in cats, it will certainly affect the nasopharynx.

Clinical picture

Rhinitis in cats at an early stage, regardless of the cause, has mild and identical symptoms, the treatment of which usually does not require drug therapy:

  • sneezing;
  • watery nasal discharge, which has significant bactericidal and antiviral properties.

In the case of an allergic nature of the runny nose, if an infection does not occur, these symptoms simply stop, as soon as the irritant is eliminated or antihistamine therapy is administered. A distinctive feature of allergic rhinitis is a bilateral process: discharge begins immediately from both nostrils.

If rhinitis is infectious in nature or a secondary infection joins the usual protective reaction, the clinical picture changes slightly:

  • sneezing becomes frequent and intense;
  • the discharge thickens and becomes mucus-like;
  • watery discharge appears from the eyes;
  • Nasal breathing is slightly impaired due to swelling of the nasal mucosa, which is why the cat occasionally breathes through its mouth. In normal conditions, this type of breathing is not typical for cats.

With the active development of inflammation, the clinical picture becomes more pronounced:

  • the pet sneezes less often, since the inflamed mucous membrane can no longer perform its protective functions;
  • nasal discharge becomes purulent (whitish, grayish-green, yellowish), and then traces of blood may be found in it;
  • joins the symptoms of rhinitis conjunctivitis, unless the runny nose was a complication of the inflammatory process of the conjunctiva - in this case, the inflammatory process first develops in the tissues of the eyes or around them;
  • nasal breathing is very difficult, the animal breathes through its mouth all the time, as a result of which the oral mucosa becomes dry, easily damaged and infected. Mouth ulcers with rhinitis are a clear sign of a viral infection. In this case, the animal may lose appetite, salivation increases, and a cough develops. Typically, these symptoms are accompanied by fever.

Main symptoms of a cold

To understand that your cat has some kind of problem, you need to pay attention to the following symptoms:

  • Symptoms of viruses: runny nose, snot, suppuration of the eyes, vomiting, loss of appetite, diarrhea, while the general condition of the animal usually suffers. In this case, a doctor's consultation is necessary. Sometimes the presence of the virus in a pet can be fatal, and the time passes by for days.
  • When a pet is allergic, symptoms such as nasal congestion, running snot, swollen and purulent eyes, impaired respiratory function, and itching appear.
  • Symptoms of polyps and tumors: the animal rubs its nose with its paws, as if something is bothering it. As a result of a tumor, asymmetry and curvature may appear on the muzzle.
  • Signs of the presence of a foreign body: the cat shakes its face, sneezes, and produces snot.

1) Viruses: runny nose, pus in the eyes, loss of appetite and even vomiting, intestinal dysfunction - diarrhea. The general condition of the pet is lethargy and apathy; you must urgently consult a doctor, as this is very dangerous!

2) Allergies: itching and redness on the skin, runny nose, swollen eyes and tearing, heavy breathing, sneezing.

3) Polyps and tumors: the cat rubs its nose with its paws; irregularities or small tumors are visible on the muzzle in the area of ​​the nose.

4) Foreign body entry: the cat tries to scratch its nose with its paw, shakes its muzzle and sneezes frequently. This can be very dangerous, since a foreign object can move into the larynx: the animal will begin to choke, wheezing and heavy breathing will be heard.

5) Pneumonia: cough, wheezing, runny nose, heavy breathing, fever, severe thirst and lack of appetite.

6) Panleukopia: cough and wheezing, vomiting and diarrhea, fever. A distinctive feature is that the animal cannot drink water, although it is very thirsty.

There are runny noses of primary and secondary origin. Severe hypothermia and allergic irritants cause initial rhinitis in the cat.

A runny nose occurs for the following reasons:

If rhinitis is caused by penetration of a foreign object into the nasal cavity, a unilateral runny nose is recorded. It is accompanied by hemorrhage; after five days, the discharge becomes purulent. The cat rubs the affected side of its nose with its paw.

A runny nose is a protective reaction of the cat's body to pathogens, foreign bodies, and other irritants of the mucous membrane. The more intensely the immune system tries to suppress the source of inflammation and the more dangerous the cause of the runny nose, the more abundant the discharge from the pussy nose.

For different diseases, exudates have different thickness and intensity, as well as different colors - from colorless to yellowish-green, sometimes bloody. If the inflammation is purulent in nature, then they also have an unpleasant odor. Often the discharge dries out in the form of crusts.

A runny nose is accompanied by sneezing and snorting. The animal makes wheezing, gurgling sounds when breathing, it develops shortness of breath, and in severe forms it becomes difficult to breathe. The cat rubs its nose with its paw, as if it wants to scratch it. With an infectious nature, the temperature rises and the nose becomes hot. In severe cases of the disease, the animal refuses to eat and is depressed.

If the runny nose is fungal in nature and if polyps or tumors have grown, the cat’s face may become deformed. If the inflammation spreads to the brain, a change in behavior will occur and seizures may occur.

Features of a runny nose can indicate its causes:

  1. If discharge comes from only one nasal passage, then this indicates the presence of foreign bodies in the nose, problems with teeth, or the beginning of the growth of tumors.
  2. Infectious causes most often cause leakage from both nasal cavities.
  3. Bacterial inflammation produces mucopurulent exudate.
  4. Allergies and viruses cause severe nasal discharge, and the discharge is clear and runny. However, it should be borne in mind that prolonged illness of any origin can ultimately lead to the superposition of a bacterial infection and a change in the nature of the discharge.
  5. Aggressive tumors, severe inflammation or bleeding disorders rarely lead to bleeding.
  6. Polyps contribute to mucopurulent discharge.

To diagnose the disease, it is important to take into account all the symptoms: the nature of nasal discharge, the presence or absence of temperature, additional symptoms that may indicate a particular disease.

When visiting a veterinary clinic, you should definitely undergo a general and biochemical blood test, an X-ray of the skull and chest, as well as a biopsy, culture, bacterioscopy of the deep layers of the nose, and serological studies.

The primary task in the treatment of rhinitis is to restore nasal breathing, since its disruption can lead to infection of the lungs and bronchi. There is no cure for this.

To make it easier for a sick cat to breathe, you need to constantly clean its nose and prevent the formation of crusts and drying of the discharge. To do this, it is enough to frequently wipe your nose with a cotton swab dipped in chamomile infusion or plain boiled water. It should be remembered that you should not clean your nostrils with the corner of a cotton swab. And it is even more unacceptable to clean your nose with cotton swabs.

To prevent your nose from drying out and cracking, you can use aloe juice or oil. It is a good idea to maintain high humidity in the room - this will not only make breathing easier, but can also temporarily reduce the intensity of discharge.

Important! Under no circumstances should you use nasal drops containing naphazoline, xylometazoline and other vasodilators - this can make your cat disabled. Human nasal drops will simply burn out your olfactory receptors. If the severity of the disease requires it, the veterinarian may prescribe special cold drops for cats - maxidin or anandin.

This disease can be diagnosed in a cat with a runny nose based on the following signs:

    hot ears and nose;

    periodic sneezing;

    coughing and snorting;

    weakness, apathy, decreased activity.

A cat with a cold may have discharge not only from the nose, but also from the eyes. Also a sign of a cold is, of course, increased body temperature. You can measure it by wrapping the animal in a towel and inserting a thermometer into its anus. A cat's normal body temperature is 38 degrees. With a cold, this figure can reach up to 41. Actually, the nasal discharge itself with this disease is first watery and then mucous.

What other reasons could there be for a cat to have a runny nose and sneeze very often? Sometimes rhinitis in these animals is caused by intolerance to some food. The main symptoms of allergic rhinitis in a cat are:

    attempts to rub your eyes and nose;

A clear discharge almost always appears from the eyes of an animal with an allergic rhinitis.

Treatment of a runny nose in cats, if it manifests itself as an allergic reaction, must be carried out by a doctor. It is possible to accurately determine which product caused the allergy only by doing a blood test. Of course, inappropriate food will need to be excluded from the animal’s diet. In this case, all symptoms of allergic rhinitis will disappear in just a couple of days.

Runny nose in cats - how to treat them

In order to cure rhinitis in a cat, it is necessary to consult a veterinarian, because he will not only help relieve snot as a consequence of the disease, but will also help fight the cause that caused it. Treatment depends on what the pet is sick with. A diagnosis can only be made if the necessary tests are obtained and then the veterinarian will prescribe the appropriate treatment, for example:

  • If the animal cannot breathe at all, then it needs to be given urgent assistance: to free and clean the nasal passages with the help of rinses.
  • Sometimes, if a kitten is dehydrated, an IV will have to be given.
  • In order to prevent secondary infection from occurring, it is necessary to conduct a course of antibiotic therapy.
  • Treatment of a runny nose is carried out using the drug Dioxycycline in the appropriate dosage.
  • Fosprenil in the appropriate dosage.
  • If your cat has a stuffy nose, you can rinse with baby Naphthyzine in the appropriate dosage as prescribed by the veterinarian.
  • For treatment purposes, a technique such as quarantine and constant change of litter, as well as avoidance of drafts, is needed.

Treatment at home

If it is not possible to visit a veterinary clinic, you can treat it at home in the following ways:

  • Treatment with warming has proven itself well. To do this, you can use warm salt or sand poured into a bag.
  • You can wash with Boric acid and zinc sulfate.
  • It is good to treat rhinitis with saline injections.
  • Treatment with beetroot juice dripped into each nostril will help with a runny nose.
  • If the animal cannot breathe due to nasal congestion, then it can be treated with saline and Ecmonovocillin.
  • Streptocide, previously ground into powder and blown into each nostril of the cat, helps relieve the inflammatory process.
  • If the pet has a serious condition due to the inability to breathe, then it can be instilled with children's Galazalin.

If a cat has problems with its nose and cannot breathe calmly, then you need to visit a veterinary clinic, only there they will help you decide on the right treatment.

To start treatment, you still need to contact a specialist who will make an accurate diagnosis, on which the treatment will depend. This is important because a runny nose may just be a side effect caused by one of the above diseases. How can you cure a runny nose in a cat?

1) Rinse the cat’s nose if the nasal cavities are completely clogged and the cat cannot breathe. This is also necessary if foreign objects get into the nose.

You can rinse your nose with baby Naphthyzine or saline solution. The cat must be held firmly against the table or your lap so that it does not escape. Warm the liquid to body temperature. Next, we draw it into a syringe without a needle or an intravenous casing. It is necessary to raise the cat's head, carefully pour 0.5 ml of the solution into each nostril, and let it rest.

2) If there are dried crusts near the nose, they need to be removed with a damp cotton pad. Do not use force under any circumstances.

3) If a runny nose is caused by an allergy, then you need to establish the exact cause and remove the irritant.

4) To treat a runny nose, Dioxycycline or Fosprenil is prescribed. Be sure to consult your doctor and do not violate the instructions!

5) If a runny nose is a complication of ear inflammation or inflammation of the teeth/gums, then it is necessary to remove the root cause. Having cured the inflammation, the runny nose will go away.

6) Until the animal has recovered, do not leave a draft in the room and add vitamins to the diet to strengthen the immune system.

7) If hypothermia occurs, be sure to wrap the cat in a blanket; you can use a heating pad. It is forbidden to warm the animal with a hot bath or rubbing; the cat’s heart may not withstand the stress!

Warming is often used as a folk remedy. You can use warm salt or sand in a bag/sock. This can be done up to three times a day.

It is important to remember that only a doctor can make an accurate diagnosis and tell you how to treat a runny nose in a cat. Treatment for different types of infections or allergies can vary greatly, so if your pet does not feel better after a few days, contact your nearest veterinarian for testing.

Eliminating a cold begins by providing the cat with a warm, dry place to live. If you have a runny nose, use nasal drops.

If a cough occurs, antibiotics are prescribed.

The development of fungi is stopped with antimycotic agents.

If the cause of nasal discharge is viruses, symptomatic treatment and immunostimulants are used.

Prevention of infectious rhinitis is achieved by regular vaccinations. Vaccinations cause the production of antibodies to the pathogen and the growth of general immune defense.

The concept of treating viral diseases of kittens accompanied by a runny nose is developing in the following areas:

  • Antimicrobial therapy. It is almost the same for all viral diseases.
  • Symptomatic treatment. To eliminate a runny nose, the same treatment strategy is used. As for other symptoms, treatment has its own specifics for each pathogen.

Antimicrobial therapy

Use the following means:

  • Antiviral. On the first day of illness, Vitafel is used in the form of immunoglobulin or serum containing antibodies against Panleukopenia, Rhinotracheitis and Calcivirosis. Late passive immunization is ineffective: viruses fade into the background, and the fight against secondary microflora becomes urgent.
  • Are common. Immunostimulants that stimulate the immune response are indicated. The following drugs are in demand:
  1. Cycloferon.
  2. Immunofan.
  3. Phosphprenyl.
  4. Gamavit.
  5. Derinat.
  • Antibiotics. Necessary to prevent the development of secondary microflora that causes a runny nose, lacrimation and other symptoms.

Symptomatic treatment

To eliminate signs of rhinitis, use nasal drops:

  • Anandin.
  • Maxidin.
  • Thymogen.

If there is no positive effect, the following medications are allowed for use under the supervision of a veterinarian:

  • Naphthyzin.
  • Dioxidine.
  • Nazivin.
  • Galazolin.

Treatment of a runny nose must begin with identifying its cause, otherwise irreparable harm can be caused to the animal.

In case of confirmed hypothermia, the pet can be treated at home: it is necessary to create comfortable conditions for it, keep it in a warm, dry place without drafts. Feed warm food enriched with vitamins and minerals to make it easier for the cat’s body to overcome the disease. Strong, warm broths also have a positive effect.

To prevent pathological microorganisms from multiplying in the nasal cavities, it is recommended to instill one drop of a 1% saline solution (1 gram of salt per 100 grams of boiled water, or 10 grams of salt (that’s 1 teaspoon) per liter of water).

You can instill saline solution. If there are wounds in the nose or milky or colored discharge appears, then it is better to use a solution of furatsilin (1/4 of a tablet per 1.2 liters of boiled water) or a light pink solution of potassium permanganate.

If the cause of a runny nose is polyps, then treatment can only be surgical. Before the operation, it is necessary to provide the cat with adequate nutrition and stay in the fresh air.

There are no special medications for many feline viruses, so in case of a viral nature at an early stage of the disease, some veterinarians recommend maintenance therapy - the administration of serum or immunoglobulin.

As for immunomodulators, some researchers consider their use at the height of the disease to be harmful. Therefore, the decision on the advisability of using drops with immunomodulators, such as Maksidin, should only be made by an experienced veterinarian.

If the animal eats on its own, then it is better to support it with balanced soft food and rinsing the nose with saline solution.

Owners often have a question: what should be done if their pet has a loss of strength due to an infection, lack of appetite, or refusal of water? You can introduce hemobalance (dosage - strictly according to the instructions, for a cat weighing up to 5 kg - 0.1-0.25 mg), repeat after three days. Inject intramuscularly into the “ham” or subcutaneously into the withers (into the skin above the shoulder blades). The needle should be inserted quickly but carefully, and the medicine should be administered slowly so that the pet does not feel pain.

An immunostimulant (not to be confused with an immunomodulator) hemobalance is a potent agent that can raise an animal to its feet, but it can promote the growth of tumors if the cat has them (including tumors on the mammary glands). Therefore, the drug should be used only in severe cases, after weighing the pros and cons.

Sometimes veterinary reference books advise instilling a 1% solution of menthol oil. But first you need to let the cat smell it, and from a distance, and look at her reaction. If an animal shrinks from menthol oil, begins to sneeze, and has watery eyes, then it is hardly worth using such a strong-smelling product.

How to treat a bacterial runny nose

Treatment of “bacterial” runny nose is based on the use of antibiotics:

It is very important in the treatment of an infectious runny nose to rinse the nose and clear it of drying exudates. You can instill an extract of streptocide into your nose (dilute a five-gram bag in 1/4 cup of boiled water and leave for 2 hours): 1 drop 2-3 times a day for 3-5 days, if necessary - up to 7 days. Lubricate the nasal cavity with oxolinic acid ointment, crusts - Vaseline.

Runny nose in cats: treatment at home with medications

A runny nose in cats caused by a cold can be treated using the following medications:

    "Maksidin" (immunostimulating drops);

    "Dioxidin" half with "Naphthyzin";



Most often, the medicine is used 1-2 drops per day for a week. It is highly not recommended to give Aspirin, Panadol and Paracetamol to cats to reduce fever. All these drugs are toxic to them. The fever in these animals can be brought down by emergency methods only through the injection of drugs prescribed by a veterinarian.

What complications can there be?

A runny nose in a cat, the treatment of which at home is usually not too long and not particularly complicated, can, however, cause other, more serious health problems in the animal. Sometimes, for example, after a cat has a cold, the functions of some organs may be disrupted. Usually these are the bronchi, lungs, joints or kidneys.

Also, after a cold, cats often have a weakened immune system. In this case, the animal may additionally contract even some much more serious disease.

Sometimes a cat's cold will cause ulcers on the cornea of ​​its eyes. Such a disease, of course, should be treated on time. Otherwise, the animal may even remain blind. In some cases, a pet who has had a cold must be additionally treated for conjunctivitis or gingivitis.

Treatment and prevention

To prevent runny nose in kittens, adhere to the following recommendations:

  1. Compliance with sanitary standards.
  2. Balanced feeding.
  3. Quarterly deworming.
  4. Preventing contact with allergens.
  • Immunization. They use the drugs Multifel-4, Nobivak, Tricat. Quadricat. 7 days before vaccination, kittens are dewormed. Babies are first immunized at 8 weeks, followed by instructions on how to use the vaccine.

Caring for a sick kitten plays a crucial role in treatment. Crusts of drying exudate constantly form on the nose. They are wiped regularly, 8 times a day, and treated with medications.

In order to prevent a runny nose in a cat, it should be excluded from being in dusty, stuffy, poorly ventilated rooms. Its habitat should be fresh (but without drafts) and clean.

In addition, preventive measures include:

  • limiting contact with wild birds and stray animals;
  • avoiding hypothermia and eliminating drafts;
  • balanced diet and constant availability of clean water at room temperature;
  • staying in the fresh air;
  • minimizing the cat’s contact with potential allergens (household chemicals, low-quality food, dangerous plants).

Pedigree cats, especially for breeding, are recommended to be vaccinated against chlamydial infection and dangerous viruses.

If you start treating a runny nose in a timely manner - at its first signs, then your pet will have a better chance of a speedy recovery.

Thus, we have found out how to treat a runny nose in a cat caused by a cold. But, of course, this disease, like any other, is easier to prevent than to treat later. The best preventative against colds in cats, as in people, is, of course, vaccination. It is carried out according to the usual scheme. That is, two injections are given in the first year and one each in all subsequent years.

Also, owners, of course, should take basic precautions to prevent the animal from hypothermia. After bathing, the cat should be wrapped in a thick towel and taken to a warm room. In any case, this procedure does not need to be carried out too often. Cats are clean animals and are quite capable of taking care of their fur themselves. You should also avoid placing your cat's bedding and litter box in a draft.

Many cat diseases have similar symptoms. Often, pet owners encounter problems such as tearing, snot, and fever. They can signal many problems in the functioning of the cat’s body, and an examination with a veterinarian and tests can help determine the exact one.

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    Causes of ailments

    The owner usually pays attention to all deviations from the usual behavior of his pet. If your cat's snot flows, his eyes are watery or purulent, or he sneezes - these are serious signals. Such manifestations require an accurate diagnosis and effective treatment. Therapy can be carried out at home, but it is important to choose the right medications. In rare cases, such ailments may require surgery or treatment of the animal in a clinic.

    The most common reasons:

    • allergic reaction;
    • viral infections;
    • conjunctivitis;
    • polyps;
    • oncological diseases;
    • asthma;
    • congenital pathologies, unusual anatomical structure of the nasopharynx and eyes;
    • foreign body;
    • chronic respiratory ailments.

    Any problem requires an individual approach to treatment.


    The cat's body's reaction to the allergen includes clear discharge from the nose and eyes, and the animal sneezes. This problem can appear in an animal at any age. If you suspect that your pet has an allergy, it is necessary to find out the cause of its occurrence and eliminate the animal’s contact with the allergen as much as possible. A cat may react to:

    • dust, plant pollen;
    • household chemicals;
    • mold and mildew;
    • strong odors, eau de toilette, various aerosols and sprays;
    • cigarette smoke.

    Sometimes it is impossible to completely eliminate the pet's contact with the irritant. Seasonal flowering of plants can regularly cause a lot of inconvenience to your cat. The animal has difficulty breathing due to swelling of the mucous membranes and secretions; constant itching in the nasal cavity causes a sneezing reflex and eye irritation.

    To relieve symptoms, specialists prescribe antihistamines. The most popular is Suprastin; for an adult cat, the dosage is ¼ tablet per day. The drug has side effects such as drowsiness and inhibition of action. Diphenhydramine, Chlorpheniramine, Hydroxyzine and others are also used. When treated with any remedy, the cat will experience a lethargic state, and in rare cases, diarrhea.

    Experts often use Omega-3 fatty acids to treat allergic reactions. In most cases, there are significant improvements in the general condition of the animal, and the severity of symptoms decreases. Sometimes pets can be cured completely. Therapy lasts from a week to several months. The supplement is prescribed together with an antihistamine. During treatment, the plan changes depending on the results and individual indicators. It is necessary to carefully approach the purchase of the product; other fatty acids may have the opposite effect.

    Viral diseases

    Manifestations of a viral infection can be different, depending on the animal’s immune system, the stage of development of the disease and the type of irritant itself. The cat may have:

    • lacrimation;
    • nasal discharge (clear or purulent);
    • the animal sneezes;
    • temperature, fever;
    • loss of appetite;
    • lethargic state;
    • cough;
    • purulent discharge from the eyes.

    In some cases, other complications occur, for example, stomatitis, shortness of breath. When treating a virus, identifying its group is of great importance. This makes it possible to select the most effective treatment plan and combination of drugs.

    Specialists use Gamavit, Maxidin and Fosprenil simultaneously according to the instructions for the drugs. Vitafel is used separately 3-4 times; it replaces a combination of medications. If antibiotics are necessary, ampicillin is usually prescribed. It is injected under the skin of the pet, the dosage is calculated at 10-20 mg per 1 kg of cat weight, used once a day. It is not always possible to have the skills and desire to give injections to a pet. Tetracycline in this case is suitable for treatment and is taken orally. The dosage should be 10 mg per 1 kg of cat weight, given 2 times a day.

    The pet needs peace, optimal air temperature and a sleeping place. Drinking is an important component of treatment; sometimes the animal has to be force-fed, from a syringe without a needle or a teaspoon. If this method does not produce results, then a system with saline solution or similar contents is necessary. Dehydration can occur quickly, which greatly aggravates the animal's condition. Food should be soft; during illness, the body digests it with difficulty.

    Treatment of such serious diseases can be carried out at home, but only after consultation with a doctor. The veterinarian will select the most effective drugs in accordance with the tests and draw up a plan of therapeutic action.

    Polyps, structural pathologies, foreign objects in the nasopharynx

    Polyps in the nasal cavity and nasopharynx are not common in cats, but they significantly spoil the normal functioning of the pet. They cause nasal discharge, sometimes purulent or with blood, the animal sneezes, and has labored and noisy breathing. This disease is characterized by benign growths and neoplasms on the mucous membrane.

    The disease causes many serious complications if not eliminated in a timely manner. Only a specialist can diagnose the problem after conducting research. Treatment is possible only through surgery. Polyps are removed through the oral cavity.

    The main thing is to eliminate all neoplasms along with the legs. This way you can avoid a recurrence of the problem.

    After the intervention, there are side effects that can be treated at home. Typically, the postoperative period involves taking antibiotics, means for general strengthening of the body, and nasal drops.

    Pathology of the structure of the nasopharynx is rare. The solution to the problem depends solely on the initial data. Not in all cases, veterinarians are able to correct the situation and eliminate the symptoms. The disease may turn out to be incurable, then all possible means are selected to eliminate the symptoms and improve the animal’s breathing through the nose.

    A foreign object causes the animal to constantly sneeze, the cat has snot and sometimes tears or drool, the pet touches its face with its paw or rubs against pieces of furniture. These signs indicate discomfort and pain. Sometimes nasal discharge contains blood, which indicates injury to the mucous membrane. These symptoms require immediate attention to the clinic.

    Experts determine the shape and position of the object using an x-ray. Then a decision is made on how to remove the foreign body with minimal risk of damage. The procedure is usually performed under general anesthesia. Healing agents may be required for some time afterward.


    There are different types of cancer in animals; a malignant neoplasm in the nasal cavity is carcinoma. The cat develops nasal discharge of various types, the animal sneezes, it loses its appetite, its general condition becomes lethargic, breathing becomes difficult, bleeding gums and an unpleasant odor occur. There are many other signs of the disease, all of them are noticeable and require urgent medical attention.

    Treatment of malignant neoplasms depends on the stage of their development. In the absence of metastases, surgical intervention is performed. In most cases, it ensures recovery for the pet. If this method is no longer relevant, radiation and chemotherapy and general strengthening measures are carried out. Treatment takes place in a hospital under the supervision of veterinarians.


    Purulent discharge from the eyes is the main sign of conjunctivitis in a pet. First, the kitten suffers from lacrimation, then pus appears, and if measures are not taken, the cat practically cannot open its eyes due to the heavy discharge. This disease occurs independently or as a result of complications from a viral or other infection. Treatment requires:

    • Wash your pet's eyes with a solution of potassium permanganate or furatsilin to disinfect.
    • Instill 3 drops into each eye 5 times a day with an aqueous solution (sodium sulfate, Kanamycin, Levomycetin, Sofradex).
    • Use eye ointments or antibiotic drops if necessary (Tsiprovet).

    The disease has different pathogens, so the drug must be selected by a specialist.

    Rhinitis, sinusitis, sinusitis

    A runny nose in a cat can occur as a result of severe hypothermia, a virus, and many other factors. If it is chronic, treatment is more difficult. Therapy is prescribed depending on the stage of development of the disease.

    To rid a cat of rhinitis, the following remedies are used:

    • For medications, use Dioxycycline or Fosprenil according to the instructions.
    • Sea water or saline solution for irrigation of the nasal cavity and rinsing.
    • Rinse the nose with water with the addition of propolis or St. John's wort infusion.
    • Treatment of the nose with sea buckthorn oil and oxolinic ointment.
    • You can drip 0.1% furatsilin solution into the kitten’s nose 3 times a day, 1 drop.
    • For severe nasal congestion in a kitten, children's Naphthyzin is used.
    • Drink plenty of fluids and appropriate conditions (no drafts, clean sunbed, etc.).
    • Antibiotics are prescribed by a specialist in extreme cases.
    • Warming up with a bag of warm salt or sand.

    This disease is treated at home after prescribing medications and prescribing procedures. For a speedy recovery, the cat needs to be provided with peace and a comfortable environment. If you do not rush to visit the clinic, your pet will need a puncture to get rid of the accumulation of pus.

    Disease Prevention

    You can avoid many animal health problems if you provide him with proper care.

    A cat's body can cope with many infections and viruses, but only if it has good immune protection. It is extremely important to follow the following rules:

    • Provide proper balanced nutrition, if necessary, give a complex of vitamins separately.
    • If your cat goes outside, monitor the length of walks in cold and damp weather.
    • If possible, limit contact with sick animals.
    • Limit your pet from strong drafts and changes in air temperature.
    • Maintain hygiene of your eyes, ears and mouth by washing and cleaning them regularly.
    • Pay attention to any deviations from normal behavior and suspicious symptoms.
    • Take timely measures and contact the clinic if you suspect a disease.
    • Keep your cat's sleeping area, bowls and litter tray clean.

    If it was not possible to protect the animal from the disease, then you should not engage in independent treatment. You can carry out all the necessary procedures at home, but after visiting a veterinarian and strictly following his instructions.

    Discharge from the nose and eyes, especially purulent ones, cough and other associated symptoms cannot be ignored.

    It is necessary to make an accurate diagnosis and select medications as quickly as possible. The disease can cause serious complications or become chronic if the pet is not given proper treatment.

Nothing human is alien to our four-legged friends. Just like us, cats are periodically bothered by snot and sneezing. The reasons can be different, ranging from the entry of specks, and ending with an allergic reaction to various irritants, for example, colds or viral infections. How dangerous is this and how to act in these cases? Let's figure it out together.

The most common reasons

Has your cat started sneezing frequently, has snot and tears flowing from her eyes and are you seriously worried? But this can happen for understandable reasons, for example, if the cat has swallowed dust. Remember the consequences after you try to pepper the soup, or tickle your nose with a feather, then you walk around and sneeze all day. Believe me, not all cats enjoy this.

Kittens and cats sneeze if:

Now let's talk more about allergies in cats. After all, it is often she who becomes the reason for the frequent pronunciation of the phrase: “be healthy, Murzik.”

So, the list of allergens.

  • Household chemicals - detergents, cleaning agents, disinfectants, powders, sprays and other products for cleaning the house and outside.
  • Cigarettes, or rather smoke, poisoning everything around and making it difficult for your pet to breathe.
  • All types of fungi on tiled surfaces. In a word, a paradise for the proliferation of all kinds of bacteria and lack of hygiene in one bottle. Cats don't like this at all.
  • If you use perfume or eau de toilette, or hairspray, remember to do this in a ventilated room. Another reason for the development of allergies in cats.
  • Spray products that we use to kill mosquitoes, flies and other insects in the summer will also not add health to your cat.
  • And the reason that completes this hit parade is pollen and flowering plants, which cannot be avoided in the spring and summer.

All of the above, as a rule, leads to the development of allergies in cats, as it irritates the mucous membrane and causes a flurry of snot and makes the cat constantly sneeze, causing inconvenience to you and the animal.

How to diagnose the disease yourself?

As a rule, any organism strives for self-healing; this is inherent in the nature of any creature, including cats. Therefore, symptoms in the form of a runny nose are quite normal, they are simply freed from dust particles, foreign bodies and other nasties. With the help of observations and simple actions, we can independently understand the nature of the disease that has overtaken our pet.

Cat's refusal to eat and constant attempts to rub your nose signal a runny nose and a cold. In this case, everything will work out if you take action in time.

Identifying an eye infection is also quite easy. Its symptoms are an increased sneeze reflex and watery eyes. There may be reasons for this. It's not difficult to figure them out. The main thing is not to consider this as the norm. This is a more serious disease, and accordingly the treatment method will be different.

Our curious little pets have the ability to climb into any jar, smell, taste, lick. Unfortunately, this can lead to more severe allergies. Be vigilant and try to remove all dangerous materials. If everything has already happened, find this remedy and act according to the situation.

Foreign objects, caught in the nasopharynx, will not give rest to the cat. He will do his best to try to get rid of it through snorting and intense nose scratching.

But combined with bad breath, swollen gums and purulent processes, this is a rather unpleasant signal and a visit to the dentist will be very necessary. Long-haired cats may have watery eyes from their own fur.

As a rule, discharge comes in different colors and indicates different symptoms, causes and diseases. Green or gray snot when sneezing indicates the presence of a fungus or infection in the body. Colorless discharge combined with watery eyes indicates the presence of an allergy.

It is not always possible to identify diseases such as asthma on your own. But if this is the case, then irritants and all unpleasant odors must be eliminated from the home or pet’s habitat.

Treatment of sneezing

So, if your baby or cat has a runny nose and starts sneezing, drops prescribed by the doctor will come to your aid. They will fight all bacteria, and soon your cat will regain peace of mind and health. Just drip into food until symptoms disappear.

In most cases, foreign objects can be removed from the nose on your own. But if you are not confident in your own abilities, hand the animal over to specialists, they will do everything right. If the foreign body is a nasal tumor, immediately hospitalize your pet; he needs surgery.

If a dental examination gives disappointing results in the form of problems with teeth, gums or inflammation, then you know which doctor can help in this case. After all procedures, symptoms should stop.

Allergy to mold is treated by eliminating this very mold and various ointments for external use. Remember, excluding the external irritant from the cat’s environment will reduce the allergy to nothing. If it's all about infection, then they will help you preparations based on natural plants.

Remember, care, care and compliance, following all doctor’s orders and observing basic hygiene rules can work wonders. Wash your hands after and before handling the cat, and dry your eyes with a clean towel. If your condition worsens, contact the clinic for help.

If you decide to treat your cat at home, then remember that this must be done based on the cause of the disease:

Preventive actions

As they say, it is better to prevent a disease than to cure it. Various preventive measures will help you avoid troubles such as sneezing and snot in your cat. One of the effective measures is vaccination! If you regularly carry out examinations and give your cat vaccinations, you can avoid allergies and other diseases of this kind. So don’t delay getting vaccinated.

Here list of diseases, in which the cat needs regular vaccination:

  1. Rabies.
  2. Leukemia.
  3. Cat flu and various viral infections.

Let your pet live a fulfilling and healthy life. Don't start illnesses, maintain hygiene and pay attention to the slightest deviation from your usual state. Give love and daily, monthly, and annual care. Prevention is better than cure. Believe me, nothing human is alien to our pets. And they also want to be strong, well-groomed, healthy and attractive to the opposite sex. So give them this opportunity!