Nutrition before donating blood. How to donate blood to a donor: donation procedure

There have been endless debates about whether it is harmful to be a blood donor for many years. That is why in this article we will present to your attention a comprehensive answer to the question posed. In addition, you will learn about how to become a blood donor, what requirements apply to such people and how much it can cost.

general information

The word “donation” comes from the Latin “donare”, which translates as “to give”. And, indeed, this is a voluntary donation of blood for transfusion. In addition, this concept includes all necessary measures that are aimed at ensuring and organizing the safety of material procurement. Blood taken from a donor is used for educational and research purposes, during the manufacture of medical devices and medicines, etc.

How to become a blood donor?

Before answering the question posed, it is necessary to consider exactly what reasons may prevent a volunteer from becoming a donor. Indeed, despite the fact that blood collection points invite absolutely everyone to collect materials, not every person can perform this function.

So who shouldn't be a blood donor? Among the reasons why a potential candidate may be rejected are those aimed not only at protecting the health of the recipient, but also the donor himself. That is why such prohibitions should be taken responsibly.

Blood donor: contraindications

The following deviations are general contraindications:

  • mental illness;
  • myopia (more than 6 diopters);
  • hypotension (low blood pressure);
  • hypertension (high blood pressure);
  • tooth extraction (9-15 days before the procedure);
  • vaccinations done 10-30 days before the procedure (depending on the type, you need to check with the donation center).

Who cannot be a blood donor, in addition to the categories listed above? It should be noted that in addition to general contraindications, there are also specific ones. As a rule, they concern only representatives of the weaker sex. Thus, women and girls are strictly prohibited from donating blood:

  • Throughout pregnancy. Particular attention should be paid to the fact that pregnancy is a clear and direct contraindication to blood donation. This is why you need to be very careful.
  • During menstruation, as well as for 5 days after them.
  • While breastfeeding.
  • One year after pregnancy and childbirth.
  • Three months from the end of lactation.

Among other things, there are other contraindications to this procedure. We will talk about them in the next section of the article.

Who should not become a donor?

Under no circumstances should people who have the following diseases, experiences or pathological addictions be allowed to donate blood:

  • HIV and suspicion of it in a given period of time;
  • viral hepatitis and suspicion of it in a given period of time;
  • serious blood diseases;
  • promiscuity;
  • homosexual relationships;
  • use of intravenous drugs (except in hospital settings);
  • drug addiction and alcoholism.

The contraindications presented are permanent. But besides this, there is also a temporary withdrawal. Such reasons include:

  • postoperative period (approximately 12 months);
  • after non-severe illnesses (ARVI, acute respiratory infections) - 1 month;
  • after using analgesics - approximately 2 weeks;
  • after using antibiotic drugs - approximately 2 weeks;
  • after tattooing or punctures on the body for piercing - about 6-12 months (depending on the conditions of a particular blood transfusion center).

Potential candidates

Who can become a blood donor? There are much fewer items in this section. However, this does not mean that only selected people can become donors.

So, if you want to become a volunteer and donate blood, then you need to:

  • Have sufficient weight (over 50 kg). At the same time, the main thing is that your excessive thinness does not catch your eye.
  • Feel great and be healthy.
  • Be an adult. But most often people over 60 years of age are not allowed to donate.
  • Have any identification document with you (military ID, passport, etc.).
  • Have a local registration (this item is not required in all blood donation centers).

Having figured out who can become a blood donor, we move on to the next point, or rather, to the description of the procedure itself.

Preliminary procedures

How to become a blood donor? Once a volunteer has decided to donate his material to the donation center, he must undergo several procedures.

So, what does it take to become a blood donor?

  • Fill out the form. Having arrived at the donation center, you should go to the registration desk, where you should be given a questionnaire that contains very simple, but very important questions. As a rule, they relate to past illnesses, promiscuity, drug addiction, as well as some other personal data. You must fill out this form honestly and openly. After all, there is a law of the Russian Federation “On the donation of blood and its main components”, which states that a citizen who distorted information about the state of his health and deliberately concealed it bears full responsibility established by law if these actions entailed (or could have entailed) ) significant health disorder of the recipient. By the way, in other states there is even criminal liability for false information. Therefore, you should take this procedure as seriously as possible. After all, even a minor detail can cause serious complications for the person to whom your blood is planned to be transfused.
  • Pass a medical examination. Before being examined, a small amount of blood is required to be drawn from the finger of an approved candidate. This is necessary in order to determine Rh and also to see at what level the donor’s hemoglobin is. After this, the test results are sent to a therapist, whom the volunteer should visit. The doctor will ask you to measure your pulse and blood pressure, as well as several questions regarding the completed questionnaire. Next, the candidate is asked to sign a contract, which indicates that he understood all the questions, answered them correctly, and also fully agrees to voluntarily donate blood and its further transfusion to the recipient.

If all the necessary procedures are completed successfully, the donor is sent to a special ward, where a series of blood collection activities are carried out.

How does blood donation work?

Depending on the specific center, the donor may be offered to donate it in a sitting, lying or semi-lying position. If you are a beginner, you will most likely be asked to lie down on a couch. After all, it is in this position that a person is less likely to feel fever and severe dizziness. After this, the center’s staff squeezes the donor’s arm above the elbow, and then disinfects a certain area using a cotton swab with alcohol and pierces it with a special needle. Then, over the course of 5-12 minutes, the blood is collected in a plastic bag with a volume of about 450 ml. Finally, the rubber tubes are tied and the needle is removed from the vein. Next, employees drain the remaining blood from the system into a test tube (approximately 20 ml) for further analysis. After this, the vein is closed with an alcohol cotton swab and bandaged quite tightly with a bandage. It is not recommended to remove this bandage for 2-4 hours.

How to prepare for blood donation?

Now you are a blood donor. But before such a procedure, experts recommend adhering to the following rules:

  • do not drink alcoholic beverages 2 days before donating blood;
  • do not smoke 2 hours before donating blood;
  • do not take aspirin, analgesics and other strong medications 3-5 days before donating blood.

In addition, on the day of donating blood, you should definitely have breakfast, and 5-10 minutes before puncturing the vein, drink a glass of water or compote.

What can you eat before donating blood?

Two days before the appointed date, the donor can consume:

  • any fruits, vegetables;
  • fruit drink, juice, compote, still mineral water, sweet tea;
  • jam, preserves;
  • bread, crackers, cookies;
  • boiled cereals cooked in water without adding fat, butter and milk;
  • boiled or steamed fish.

What should you not eat before donating blood?

Two days before visiting the donor center, it is prohibited to eat fried, salted, spicy, smoked, eggs, any dairy products and nuts.

Blood donation: harmful or beneficial?

  • Thanks to this procedure, a person can regularly and free of charge take tests to detect HIV, syphilis, hepatitis, hemoglobin levels, red blood cells, ESR, leukocytes, etc.
  • Donation trains the body and prepares it for the most difficult situations in life (surgeries, injuries, blood loss, etc.).
  • Reduce (by 30%) potential heart attacks. After all, the circulatory system of all donors works more efficiently, which contributes to improved health.
  • Loss of blood improves metabolism and forces the entire body to mobilize.


How to become a blood donor in Moscow for money? To do this, you should contact any donation center. It is there that you will be asked to decide whether you want to donate blood for free or get money for it.

If the donor chooses a free procedure, then some points provide food rations. If a volunteer decides to make money from this, then depending on the chosen center and the collection of certain material, after the procedure he can receive from 500 to 3000 Russian rubles. Although it should be noted that if you regularly donate blood free of charge for several years in a row, you can eventually receive the title of honorary donor and all sorts of benefits.

Donor blood is a highly sought-after product. Transfusions of blood or blood components are required for most patients with trauma, burns, or recovery. after operation, especially organ transplants and caesarean sections.

In addition, there are a number of diseases that require transfusions of blood, plasma, or certain blood cells.

The situation is complicated by a number of factors:

  • There is a catastrophic shortage in Russia donors . While the WHO norm is 40 donors per thousand people, in Russia this figure is only 14 people.
  • At the first surrender the blood has been quarantined for several months. Only if, upon repeated analysis, HIV and other dangerous infections are not detected in it, donor blood can be transfused to patients. For this reason, the surge in donations after large-scale accidents does not radically change the situation.
  • Blood of the required type is not always available. For example, finding the fourth negative is very problematic: only 13% of people with group IV live in the world, of which people with negative Rh make up at most a couple of percent.

What is donated blood used for?

It is rarely poured in its pure form. Basically, patients require individual components and preparations based on human blood. Therefore, after collection, it is divided into components.

ComponentWhen and how is it used?
Whole bloodDemanded for large blood loss as a result of injuries or surgical interventions
PlasmaNecessary for patients with burns, weakened people and people with reduced immunity. Plasma contains many nutritional components and antibodies, so it can actually serve as a replacement for the immune system for those who have been taking immunosuppressive drugs for a long time, or who have a weakened immune system after serious treatment.
Red blood cellsRed blood cells. Necessary for patients with anemia, cancer of the blood and bone marrow. Red blood cells can be donated as a separate component. Typically, male donors with a strong build are selected for red blood cell donation.
PlateletsCells responsible for blood clotting. They are transfused to patients with hemophilia, as well as those undergoing chemotherapy.
GranulocytesA type of leukocyte - white blood cell. Transfused to patients with severe infections and infectious complications. Granulocytes are not stored for long: they can only be transfused within a few hours after donation.

Who are the donors?

These are people who voluntarily donate their blood or its components for transfusion to other people. There is also the concept of autodonation - components are taken from the person himself before a course of treatment or planned surgery. After the intervention, the body is weakened, foreign cells are a great stress for it. Therefore, doctors insist on transfusion of the patient's own donor material in those cases where this is possible.

Donors can be one-time or permanent. The first donate blood once - help is needed for a relative, friend, or as assistance to victims of a large-scale accident. Regular donation involves several donations per year.

On average, the human body contains from 4.5 to 5.5 liters of blood. Its volume increases and decreases with fluctuations in body weight. You can take no more than 12% for one procedure. Typically a serving is 450 ml.

Benefits of donation:

  • Regular free examinations – donors they are carried out without fail;
  • Social privileges and benefits;
  • Opportunity to receive emergency medical care;
  • Benefit for health. The blood is regularly renewed, while the body burns calories, the blood vessels are maintained in good shape;
  • The opportunity to help other people and save someone's life.

But in the life of a donor there is also restrictions: they need to lead a healthy lifestyle, give up bad habits, eat properly and nutritiously, exercise, carefully monitor their health, and not take medications unnecessarily.

Who can become a donor and at what age can you donate blood?

Usually people over 18 years of age are allowed to donate. In Russia there is an age limit plus the requirement that a person be a citizen of the country. Allowed in other countries hand over blood and components from 16-17 years old.

Donor requirements:

  • Age over 18 years;
  • Availability of a Russian citizen passport;
  • Minimum weight – 50 kg;
  • Absence of blood diseases, previous dangerous infections, oncology;
  • No need to constantly take medications;
  • A woman needs to be examined by a gynecologist to rule out pregnancy and infections. In the future, the donor woman needs to undergo regular preventive examinations;
  • General level of health.

At the first delivery, a comprehensive analysis is carried out. A control sample is taken after 6 months. If both times the indicators are normal, the person is suitable for donation.

Women can donate blood no more than 4 times a year, men - no more than 5.

Until what age can you donate blood?

Maximum donor age - 60 years. In very old age, absolute health is very rare. Hypertension, which is diagnosed in the majority of Russian pensioners, is one of the contraindications to donating blood.

Who should not be a donor?

The list of contraindications is quite long. People with serious blood diseases, oncology, or infections cannot donate blood at all. In addition, there are situations when a person has temporary branch from donation (for a period of one month to three years) - due to previous diseases and other interventions.

In some cases, contraindications may be conditional. For example, if we are talking about urgently saving the life of a close relative with whom there is full compatibility - but the potential donor has a temporary allotment. If there is no alternative, the doctor can weigh everything pros and cons and make an exception if the potential risk is not high.

Height and weight

Short or very tall stature is not a contraindication - unless it is caused by a disease for which the person regularly takes hormonal drugs.

Weight less than 50 kg is a contraindication. Such people have a harder time withstanding blood loss, even minor ones. Excess weight also imposes restrictions: it is usually associated with an unhealthy lifestyle or hormonal imbalance, which affects the condition and composition of blood cells.

Temporary contraindications

They operate if there were situations in the life of a potential donor that could cause negative changes in the composition of the blood. After a certain period of time and additional examination, they are removed, and the person can donate blood.

Time restrictions include:

  • Previous non-dangerous infections without complications;
  • Planned and unscheduled operations;
  • Tattoos, piercings, acupuncture;
  • Poisoning and intoxication;
  • Exacerbation of chronic diseases, which in the remission stage are not a contraindication;
  • Vaccinations;
  • Women in Russia are not allowed to donate blood during menstruation. In many countries this restriction does not apply;
  • Deterioration of blood counts until health status stabilizes.

Temporary contraindications to blood donation for regular donors

CauseRecusal period
ARVI, flu1 month after complete recovery
Tattoos and piercings1 year, admission after control analysis
Tooth extraction (without complications or associated infection)10 days
Childbirth1 year after birth, 3 months after lactation stops
VaccinationsFrom 10 days to a year
Visiting countries with unfavorable infection situationsFrom 1 to 3 years with periodic monitoring of blood counts
Decreased hemoglobin levels6 months

On the day of blood donation, a donor may be excluded if:

  • He came to the procedure under the influence of alcohol or drugs;
  • He has a fever and symptoms of fever;
  • He had taken medication the day before;
  • Eating fatty or spicy foods;
  • I did not have breakfast before the procedure.

For what diseases should you never be a donor?

Restrictions apply to:

  1. Active diseases, acute and chronic.
  2. Transferred in the past, but the blood contains components that can lead to infection of the recipient.

A complete contraindication to donation is the presence of:

The appearance of these diseases in a regular donor is a reason for lifelong cessation of blood donation, regardless of the donor's length of service.

Restrictions for men

Men who:

  • Lead an unhealthy lifestyle;
  • Regularly smoke or drink alcohol;
  • Have suffered from venereal diseases;
  • Had homosexual contacts. This is due to the risk of infection of the patient’s already weakened body with immunodeficiency and hepatitis C viruses, which are common among homosexual men.

Being under or overweight and taking steroids also limit a man’s ability to perform. as a donor.

Contraindications for women

Women can be donors just like men, but they have many more physiological contraindications. First of all, the restrictions apply to those whose weight is less than 50 kg and whose blood pressure is below 90/60. Previous operations to remove the uterus or ovaries due to inflammation or neoplasms are a complete contraindication.

You cannot donate blood to women with a history of endometriosis. Anemia may be a temporary limitation: once the hemoglobin level normalizes, you can donate blood.

Can I donate blood after tooth extraction?

If tooth extraction is not accompanied by prolonged suppuration, you can donate blood 10 days after the operation. This procedure is a surgical procedure that involves blood loss and the risk of infection.


Is donation safe for health?

For any healthy adult, the donation process is absolutely safe and does not harm the body. On the contrary, donating blood or its components has health benefits:

  • periodic blood donation reduces the risk of heart attack and stroke by five times;
  • donating blood improves metabolism and stimulates the hematopoietic system;
  • Constant free health monitoring of donors is carried out.

When donating blood or its components, it is impossible to become infected with hepatitis, HIV or other infections. All instruments, needles and transfusion systems used for donation are disposable. The packaging with instruments is opened in the presence of the donor, and after use it is immediately disposed of.

How much blood is drawn during a blood donation?

The standard donation dose is 450 ml of blood (this is approximately 10% of the total blood volume).

Is donating blood painful?

The sensations from the procedure are individual. Many donors do not detect any changes in their well-being. On the contrary, almost every donor feels a lot of positive emotions from the knowledge that he decided to do a good deed and helped save someone’s life. However, it is recommended to refrain from strenuous activity on the day of blood donation and take advantage of a well-deserved day off.

This rule is observed in the interests of the donor. It has been established that the body responds better to blood loss in the morning hours.

What blood tests are performed before donation?

Before donation, the donor is sent to the laboratory to conduct an initial laboratory blood test: determination of hemoglobin level, blood type, number of red blood cells, platelets and a number of other indicators. After donation, donor blood and its components are examined for:

How to prepare fordonating blood?

  • The day before and on the day of blood donationprohibited to use fatty, fried, spicy and smoked foods, sausages, as well as meat, fish and dairy products, eggs and oil (including vegetable oil), chocolate, nuts and dates. Do not donate blood on an empty stomachneed to!
  • It is better to drink sweet tea with jam, juices, fruit drinks, compotes, mineral water and eat bread, crackers, dried cereals, boiled cereals, pasta in water without oil, vegetables and fruits, except bananas
  • You should not drink alcohol 48 hours before your visit to the transfusion station, and 72 hours before you should take medications containing aspirin and analgesics.
  • In the morning you need to have a light breakfast, and immediately before the procedure the donor is given sweet tea
  • You should also refrain from smoking two hours before donating blood.
  • You should not donate blood after a night shift or just a sleepless night.
  • Do not plan to donate blood immediately before exams, competitions, a project, during a particularly intense period of work, etc.

How to behave after donating blood?

Why do you need to donate blood again within a year?

To ensure safety, blood plasma is quarantined. 6 months after donating, the donor undergoes a repeat test, according to the results of which the plasma donated by the donor is transferred to hospitals in the city. To do this, we ask donors to come to the blood transfusion department and donate blood again.

How often can you donate blood?

  • After donating blood, at least 60 days must pass before the donor can donate blood again
  • After donating blood, at least 30 days must pass before the donor can donate plasma.
  • After donating plasma, at least 14 days must pass before the donor can donate plasma or blood again
  • After five regular blood donations, it is recommended to take a break (at least 2 months)
  • Men can donate blood no more than 5 times a year, women - no more than 4 times a year

What certificates are issued to the donor after donation?

In accordance with Art. 186 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, on the day of donation of blood and its components, as well as on the day of the associated medical examination, the employee is released from work.

In the case of donating blood and its components during the period of annual paid leave, on a day off or a non-working holiday, the employee is given another day of rest at his request. After each day of donating blood and its components, the employee is given an additional day of rest. The specified day of rest, at the request of the employee, can be added to the annual paid leave or used at other times within a year after the day of donation of blood and its components.

Depending on the frequency of donating blood and its components, donors are divided into the following categories:

  • active (personnel) donors who have 3 or more blood (plasma, cyto-) donations per year;
  • reserve donors who have less than 3 blood (plasma, cyto) donations per year.

Regardless of what category the donor belongs to, he is provided with social support measures, including at the place of work.

When coming to donate blood or its components, you must have an identification document with you (Russian Federation passport; for foreign citizens - a passport and a document confirming a residence permit in the Russian Federation for a period of at least 1 year).

Step one - Registration:

At the reception you must fill out a “Donor Questionnaire” containing basic health questions. All information about the donor is confidential!

The completed questionnaire is an important document when assessing your health status. Our task is to find out whether blood donation will be safe for your health, as well as for the patient who will receive a transfusion of blood components.

Step two - Medical examination:

After registration, the donor undergoes a medical examination, including a visit to the laboratory and examination by a transfusiologist.

In the laboratory, the donor takes a finger prick blood test. This is necessary to determine the blood type, Rh factor, Kell affiliation and hemoglobin level.

Next, the donor goes to the doctor. The transfusiologist conducts a medical examination, including measuring blood pressure, pulse rate, weighing, examining the skin and mucous membranes, studying the results of personal data and a clinical analysis of capillary blood, and, if necessary, asking additional questions regarding health and lifestyle. Based on the data obtained, decides on the possibility of donating blood or its components.

Step three - buffet:

A mandatory condition before donation is a visit to the buffet - drinking sweet tea with baked goods, which will ensure good health during and after the procedure.

Step four - Procedure for donating blood or its components:

The procedure is carried out in the most comfortable conditions for the donor, in a special donor chair. A rubber tourniquet is applied to the forearm, the skin at the site of the ulnar vein is disinfected, after which the blood sampling procedure is performed, using only sterile disposable instruments.

Duration of the procedure:

    whole blood 5-10 min;

    hardware plasmapheresis 40 min;

    hardware plateletpheresis from 30 minutes to 1 hour 30 minutes;

    hardware erythrocytepheresis 20-30 min. (for volume 270ml).

Blood sampling volume 450 ml; plasma volume 600 ml; platelet volume 200 x 10 9 cells; the volume of red blood cells is from 270 to 400 ml. For any donation, 20 ml of blood is taken for laboratory tests.

All collected donor blood and its components are required to be examined for:

  • the presence of antibodies and antigen to the human immunodeficiency viruses HIV-1 and HIV-2;
  • presence of hepatitis B virus antigen;
  • the presence of antibodies to the hepatitis C virus;
  • the presence of antibodies to the causative agent of syphilis;
  • a biochemical blood test is performed;
  • The blood is re-examined for group affiliation, Rh factor, Kell antigen.

To carry out these studies, only the most modern methods are used.

All donors who have viruses of the listed infections in their blood are informed about their health status and are subject to a mandatory free in-depth examination. The confidentiality of the information received about the donor's health status is guaranteed.

After donating blood or its components, you should sit quietly for 10-15 minutes. The bandage should not be removed for 2-3 hours. Postpone visiting the gym, as well as any other physical activity, until another day.

Step five - issuing certificates:

After the donation is completed, each donor is issued a certificate in form 402/y, which gives the right to 2 paid days of rest in accordance with Article 186 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. The donor also receives monetary compensation for food.

Because she is needed.

Blood is transfused not only for injuries, when a person loses his own. Donor blood is needed for many operations, for cancer patients and newborns.

To ensure that all patients have enough donor blood, 40 donors are needed for every 1,000 residents.

If from this very 1,000 population we exclude children, elderly people and in general everyone who cannot donate blood for medical reasons, then it turns out that almost every healthy person should become a donor.

Some people think that only disadvantaged individuals stand in line to donate for the sake of cash payments. Some people think that donors are trying to “scratch the emergency response.” This is not important, because recipients (people who urgently need blood) do not care at all for what purpose - good or not - the donor came to the transfusion station. No matter how pretentious it may sound.

Who can become a donor

The donor can be a citizen over 18 years of age, who weighs more than 50 kg and who has no contraindications.

Who cannot be a donor

People who are sick (or have been sick before) will never be able to donate blood. Order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation dated September 14, 2001 N 364:

  1. HIV infection.
  2. Hepatitis.
  3. Blood diseases.

After certain procedures and illnesses, you cannot be a donor temporarily.

Is it dangerous to be a donor?

No. 450 ml of blood is taken from the donor and a little more for analysis (up to 50 ml). If we consider that about five liters of blood constantly circulate in our body, then such a loss not only does not harm health, but also has a slight stimulating effect.

But all this is about donors who weigh more than 50 kg. If your weight is less, then your blood volume is less, which means that donation will no longer be safe.

Donor is not painful and not scary

Of course, everyone has different reactions to the procedure, some may feel bad. Therefore, donors are constantly asked how they feel: no one wants a person to lose consciousness from donating blood. And that is why the donor can take a break from work on the day of donation and after it.

And in terms of transmission of infections, it is safe to be a donor. At transfusion stations, only disposable instruments are used, and all procedures are carried out in such a way that the donor cannot become infected with HIV or hepatitis.

How to prepare to donate blood

Before the procedure, the donor must follow a diet for at least a day: nothing fatty, fried, smoked or spicy, no chocolate or dairy products.

Three days before donating blood, you should not take painkillers or aspirin. For two days you need to completely eliminate alcohol.

On the day of donating blood, you must have breakfast with porridge and water and drink tea.

Do not smoke an hour before blood donation. Nothing else special is required.

What to take with you

Documents include a passport. If you are registered in another city, then a certificate of registration: you need to live in the city for at least a year to become a donor. If you are registered in the area, bring a certificate of the epidemiological environment.

The buffet for donors is not open everywhere. Just in case, take with you a thermos with warm, strong and sweet tea and a high-calorie bun to refresh yourself immediately after donation.

How does donation work?

Before donation, the donor undergoes several checks.

  1. Registration and filling out the form. They find out whether a person can donate blood at all and whether there are any contraindications.
  2. Medical examination. This is necessary to prevent a person with an illness from becoming a donor.
  3. Blood analysis. They check the main indicators that indicate the health of the donor.

Only those donors who have passed through all filters donate blood.

The procedure itself takes a minimum of time: you wash your hands and elbows, sit in a chair, follow the instructions of the medical staff (that is, clench and relax your fist on command) - and that’s it.

One injection, 15 minutes - and you are a donor.

It does not hurt. The needles for donation are larger than for a regular blood test, but the staff at the transfusion stations knows how to get into the vein with their eyes closed.

What to do after donation

It’s best not to rush anywhere immediately after the donation, drink strong sweet tea and have a nutritious snack in order to come to your senses while still at the transfusion station. If you start to feel dizzy, there will be doctors nearby who will bring you back to normal.

We come to our senses and drink sweet tea from a flask

Despite all the safety, donation is stressful, so you can’t put additional strain on yourself for several more days. This means that feats at work, training and stress on the immune system should be excluded. Rest, sleep, eat well and don't go to crowded places.

Recovery will take approximately three days. Before exams, interviews and important matters, do not donate blood: you will need to come to your senses.

What does the donor receive?

Donation can be paid or free Federal Law “On the donation of blood and its components” dated July 20, 2012 N 125-FZ.

Payments to donors depend on what procedure you choose (you can donate blood, plasma, platelets), what kind of blood you have (they pay a little more for a rare group) and on the cost of living (this is what compensation is calculated on). All this needs to be clarified at the transfusion station in your region.

Even if you donate blood for free, you will be compensated.

Compensation is either a hot lunch or its cost in monetary terms. In our city they compensate with money. We then use the donor money to buy cakes for the entire editorial staff at the bakery.

So we're going for something sweet

If you want to become an honorary donor, then you only need to donate blood and components free of charge (40 times blood or 60 times plasma).

In addition, the donor receives two days off: on the day of donation and the day after. They can be used immediately or added to the holiday.

And a bonus - a blood test for dangerous infections: HIV, hepatitis,... It can be picked up at the transfusion station in a few days.

We deserve this selfie

What can you take?

In addition to blood, a donor can donate plasma.

When we donate whole blood, 450 ml is simply taken from us, and then processed as necessary. When donating plasma, only the liquid part of the blood is taken, and the solids are returned back. Plasmapheresis lasts about 40 minutes, you need to register in advance and bring additional certificates once or twice a year.

Beginning donors donate only whole blood.

After two or three complete blood donations, you can switch to plasma.

How often can you donate blood?

Plasmapheresis is easier to tolerate, so plasma can be donated more often than blood: every two weeks. After donating blood, you can donate plasma within a month.