How to measure a cat's temperature with an electronic thermometer. How to measure a cat's temperature. Here are the main causes of fever in cats

People who have a cat at home should be aware that these animals may indicate the onset of an inflammatory process. However, not everyone knows what the normal temperature should be for representatives of the cat family, and how to correctly measure the temperature of cats.

Normal values ​​in adult animals

The body temperature of cats should be around 38–39 degrees. These values ​​are considered normal. But it is important to know that thermometer readings sometimes vary depending on the time of day. In addition, the temperature of large breed cats is slightly lower than that of small breeds.

As a rule, an animal that has just woken up or is still sleeping will have lower thermometer readings. This is due to the fact that the cat required a small amount of energy at this time.

A cat's body temperature rises during periods of activity (for example, during play) due to the fact that this requires more energy.

Normal values ​​for kittens

Many people are interested in what is the normal temperature for kittens? In young animals it should be higher than in adults. This is due to the fact that the kitten requires more energy to support vital processes. Normal values ​​for kittens are 38.5–39.5 degrees.

What is the temperature of newborn kittens? For babies who have just been born, values ​​in the range from 40 to 40.5 degrees are considered normal. Therefore, do not panic if the thermometer shows such high values ​​in a kitten.

However, it is not recommended to measure the temperature of newborns at home at the first suspicion of poor health. You need to know that immediately after birth, both mother and kittens are in a state of shock. Therefore, it is better to measure your cat’s temperature 3 weeks after birth.

How to take measurements correctly

To determine the animal’s well-being, you need to know how to measure the temperature of cats. You can find out using either a simple mercury thermometer or an electronic thermometer, as well as another, more modern device. However, taking measurements using an electronic thermometer is a more proven option. It makes it much easier to determine a cat’s body temperature, and the values ​​will be more accurate.

If you suspect that your cat is sick, she is lethargic, eats poorly, and moves little, then the first thing to do is determine if her body temperature is elevated. If you haven't done this before, you'll have to learn how to measure a cat's temperature at home. This will also be useful if treatment has already been prescribed and you need to monitor it daily.

How and with what to measure correctly

The only sure way is rectal. Your nose, dry or wet, won't tell you anything.

For this manipulation you will need only one tool - a thermometer.

An electronic one with a thin spout is best. With him, the procedure will be quick and painless.

If you have to take frequent measurements, it is better not to torment the animal again and buy just such a one. For one or two times, a regular mercury thermometer is quite suitable.

How to measure a cat's temperature: step-by-step instructions

1. Wipe the thermometer nose with alcohol and then lubricate with oil or cream

If you use mercury, reset the previous value.

2. Place the cat on its paws and lift its tail

If she resists too much, you can wrap her in a towel and place her sideways on your lap. You may need to keep the animal together.

3. Gently insert the tip of the thermometer into the anus and hold it straight at a depth of approximately 2 cm

If you turn the thermometer slightly, it will go in softer.

Some tolerate the procedure quite calmly, while others categorically object. When resisting, you need to keep your lower back motionless. For example, with your left hand, firmly grab the cat by the withers, and with your right elbow, press down on the hips and lower back while holding a thermometer.

4. Take the necessary time

An electronic thermometer often beeps on its own, and this usually takes about 30 seconds (but it’s better to check the instructions). For mercury, it will take at least 7 minutes. As you can see, the time difference is enormous.

It is unlikely that the cat will allow you to measure the temperature without resistance, so the longer you hold it, the greater the likelihood of damaging the soft tissues of the rectum with the thermometer.

5. Take out the thermometer and determine the result

Normal temperature in adult cats is in the range of 38-39°C.

Permissible deviations (for example, due to stress or daily fluctuations) are from 37.8°C to 39.5°C.

For kittens, the normal temperature is slightly higher: from 38.4°C to 39.5°C.

If your pet has a temperature greater than 39.5°C, call the veterinarian urgently, because this may be a sign of inflammatory processes, a viral or infectious disease.

If the value is below normal, this indicates a weakening of the body, for example, due to hypothermia. 37°C or less is already dangerous for the cat’s health, then you also need to go to the clinic, but even faster.

Once you know how to take your cat's temperature, you can get an approximate estimate of the due date shortly before birth. The day before, the temperature rises by about 1°C.

Health to you and your pets!

In this article I will talk about how and why you need to measure a cat’s temperature, as well as how to learn about possible thermometry without a thermometer at hand.

The normal body temperature of these animals is slightly higher than that of humans - the lowest permissible value is 37.8. The upper acceptable limit is 39.0. Temperatures above these indicators indicate the presence of any diseases.

For example, an increased level indicates the presence of any acute inflammatory processes in the cat’s body. They are accompanied by pain, refusal to eat and lethargy of the animal, as well as functional disorders of internal organs.

Hyperthermia is observed in the presence of infectious agents that have a detrimental effect on the cat’s body.

In older animals, a low temperature is normal.

Treatment of these is accompanied by antibacterial therapy, so if the temperature is high, you should immediately visit a veterinarian.

Low levels may indicate some kind of intoxication, circulatory problems, or heart disease. It is common for animals after surgery to experience heavy blood loss.

How to measure a cat's body temperature at home

Any thermometer in the house is suitable for these purposes. However, a cat is not a creature that will sit quietly and wait while a mercury thermometer is in its butt for several minutes, even if it is a small kitten.

Therefore, it is more advisable to use an electronic thermometer.

An electronic thermometer helps you take readings in less than a minute, with the smallest errors. At the same time, the pet feels calmer, and the owner receives less injuries from the paws and teeth of his pet.

There are also infrared thermometers that just need to be applied to the animal’s body to measure the readings. But these devices have a large error and are very expensive.

How to measure rectally

Rectal thermometry is an unpleasant procedure for a cat. Therefore, owners need to be patient and courageous in order to make their pet endure a little.


A cat can be restrained in different ways.

If the owner has an assistant, then it will be enough to press the animal to the table or floor, holding it by the skin on the withers and sacrum. Unpleasant sensations in this area will distract the pet from the thermometry itself, and if the animal is pressed tightly and firmly, it will not be able to escape.

If there is only one owner, then the pet can be wrapped tightly in a blanket, pressed against the body with one hand, the head against the owner’s back, hold the tail with this hand, and insert and hold the thermometer with the other hand.


Before measuring, the tip of the thermometer needs to be lubricated. Vaseline oil or baby cream is used as a lubricant.

Lubrication is needed so as not to accidentally damage the rectum and cause even more discomfort to the animal.

Carrying out the procedure

After fixation and preparation, the procedure itself is carried out. The cat's tail moves up or to the side, as is more convenient for the owner.

The thermometer is inserted into the anus with rotational movements, not very deep. Hold for at least five minutes if using a mercury thermometer. The electronic thermometer begins to beep after it has determined the readings.

The temperature may be increased by 0.1 - 0.5 degrees due to stress encountered during thermometry. This should be taken into account if the animal is very emotional and active.

Is it possible to measure without a thermometer?

Without a thermometer, it is difficult to accurately determine the temperature of a cat, since it itself will be hot for a person. However, there are some places that will help you understand the presence of hyperthermia:

  • Groin area of ​​the abdomen

These areas tend to have less fur. Therefore, they will be significantly hotter if the animal's temperature rises.

The following symptoms also indicate the presence of high readings:

  1. Refusal to eat. When the temperature rises or falls, animals, like people, lose interest in. The increase affects the nervous system, so cats do not feel hungry at such moments.
  2. Decreased activity. The cat sleeps a lot, rarely goes to the toilet. The fur becomes dull and begins to fall out more.
  3. Sleeps in other places. The animal tends to lie down in warmer or cooler places to warm up or cool down.

If such symptoms are detected, you should conduct thermometry and see a veterinarian to determine an accurate diagnosis.

The cat needs to be force-fed so that the body has the strength to fight inflammation before going to the veterinarian.

Thermometry is a diagnostic procedure that can tell both owners and veterinarians a lot. Therefore, it is important to carry it out at home in order to know about the health status of your pet.

The importance of such a parameter as a cat’s body temperature cannot be overestimated. Hyper- or hypothermia, in the presence of other warning signs, will indicate that the animal is unwell, prompting the owner to take action.

Normal cat body temperature

The normal temperature of a cat falls within the average range of 38–39 degrees. Higher or lower numbers do not always indicate problems in the body. In order not to panic ahead of time, you need to:

  • know the normal temperature for your pet;
  • understand the nature of its daily fluctuations;
  • understand the reasons for the decrease/increase (if they are caused by illness);
  • learn to measure temperature;
  • be able to provide first aid.

Temperature of adult cats

When measuring a healthy cat, you may see readings slightly higher or lower than the generally accepted 38–39°, such as 37.2 degrees or 39.4 degrees. Each animal has its own temperature, which does not go beyond the norm, which, however, should not be above 40° and below 37° (such values ​​are already associated with pathology). So, a figure of 39.2° will be fairly standard for an adult cat with a usual temperature of 39°, but will serve as an alarm bell if the animal’s daily temperature is 38°.

This is interesting! Cats, especially young and active ones, are always somewhat “hotter” than cats. Cats expecting offspring also have a warmer body. Old animals are a little “colder” than active ones due to inhibition of metabolic processes.

In addition, throughout the day, the cat’s body temperature varies by half a degree (in both directions), decreasing during sleep and in the morning, but increasing after eating, outdoor games or in the evening.

Kitten temperature

Newly born animals have their own norms, which is due to the unstable mechanism of thermoregulation. The body temperature of a newborn is in the range of 35.5–36.5 degrees, but gradually increases as they grow older. Values ​​of 38.5–39.5° appear on the thermometer at approximately 3–4 months, as soon as the kitten’s body learns to regulate body temperature.

Breed Features

One of the persistent misconceptions is that hairless cats (Sphynxes, Peterbalds, Ukrainian Levkoys, Don Sphynxes, Bambinos, Elves, Kohans and Dwelfs) have an elevated body temperature. In reality, these cats are not hotter than their “woolen” counterparts, and the feeling of an overheated body arises due to the lack of a layer between the human palm and the cat’s skin. The coat of ordinary cats simply does not allow us to feel the real warmth of their bodies.

How to measure temperature correctly

To monitor temperature, you will need to arm yourself with familiar instruments (thermometers) and study the nuances of the upcoming manipulation.

Types of thermometers

If the thermometer is a contact type, let it be personal for your cat. Mercury thermometers are divided into clinical and rectal(with reduced tip). Clinical takes longer to measure, up to 10 minutes, while rectal shows the result after 3 minutes.

Important! Mercury thermometers have a single, but significant drawback: they are easy to break, especially if the animal is restive. Owners of hyperactive cats should pay attention to electronic or infrared devices, although they are not cheap.

  • Universal electronic thermometer(price 100–2000 rubles depending on the model) - produces results in a few seconds or minutes, but assumes an error of 0.1–0.5 degrees.
  • Rectal electronic thermometer - thinks much faster, showing the temperature within 10 seconds.
  • Non-contact infrared thermometer- works (depending on the brand) at a distance of 2 to 15 cm, displaying the result in 5–10 seconds, with a probable error of about 0.3 degrees.
  • Infrared ear thermometer(price 2 thousand rubles) - programmed for a cycle of measurements (8–10), after which the maximum value is displayed on the display. Since the device comes into contact with the skin, its tip is wiped with alcohol before and after the procedure.

Temperature measurement

The manipulation is performed rectally (in the cat's rectum). At this time, be confident and do not shout at the “patient”, but talk to him calmly. It is ideal if you have someone to assist you.

The procedure looks like this:

  1. Prepare a table or cabinet where you will take measurements: doing this on your hands is inconvenient and dangerous.
  2. Wipe the tip of the thermometer with alcohol liquid, then lubricate it with medical Vaseline or vegetable oil (the cream contains perfume fragrances).
  3. Shake the mercury thermometer to the 35° mark.
  4. Secure the cat in a standing position or lay it on its side. You can wrap the paws in cloth and/or put a veterinary collar on them to help prevent scratches and bites.
  5. Lift the tail and carefully insert the tip (2-3 cm) into the anus with rotational movements.
  6. After the time specified in the instructions, take out the thermometer, wipe it with alcohol and record the readings.

Important! The measurement result may be incorrect (increasingly) if the cat actively resists the procedure, involuntarily warming up the body. If the mercury thermometer in the anus breaks during this, take her to the clinic.

Actions in case of deviation from the norm

An attentive owner will always understand that something wrong is happening to the cat: external signs that differ in hyper- and hypothermia will tell him about this.

At reduced temperatures the following are noted:

  • bradycardia;
  • decreased activity and lethargy;
  • hypotension;
  • blanching of mucous membranes;
  • slow breathing, sharp inhalation/exhalation.
  • trying to find a warm place.

At elevated temperatures the following are observed:

  • tachycardia;
  • chills and fever;
  • loss of appetite and refusal to drink water;
  • drowsiness and apathy;
  • dehydration (with prolonged fever);
  • diarrhea and/or vomiting with a bad smell (in severe cases).

In general, you should be wary of any deviations from the temperature norm, as they can signal various diseases, sometimes very serious ones.

If the elevated temperature

An increase in temperature can be caused by both diseases and other (non-physiological factors):

  • viral diseases - cats usually have distemper (panleukopenia), calicivirus, rhinotracheitis and coronavirus;
  • inflammatory processes - often occur when wounds or postoperative sutures become infected;
  • overheating - kittens, old and weakened cats that are forced to stay in the heat for a long time, for example, in a car or in a stuffy room, often suffer from it;
  • stress often provokes a failure of thermoregulation. The reasons may be a trip in transport, a visit to the veterinarian, a change of owner or place of residence.

This is interesting! The temperature often rises by about 1 degree after vaccination, when the body produces antibodies against viruses, or sterilization (as a reaction to surgery).

Actions at elevated temperatures

If going to the vet is not possible, use the following methods to reduce the fever:

  • humidify the air in the room;
  • give the cat cool water (if it refuses, drink it from a syringe without a needle or pipette);
  • moisten exposed skin with water;
  • wrap in a wet towel;
  • Place ice behind your ears, neck, or inner thighs.

Self-treatment, especially with the use of drugs developed for the human body, is not allowed. Antibiotics and antipyretics can negatively affect the cat’s body, causing allergies or liver/kidney problems.

If the low temperature

The reasons for a drop in temperature in a cat are internal pathologies and external factors, such as:

But the most common cause of a drop in temperature is hypothermia, which occurs after a cat has been in the cold for a long time.

Actions at low temperatures

If hypothermia is caused by hypothermia, your pet needs to be warmed up quickly:

  • wrap in a blanket/plaid;
  • place in a warm, wind-free place;
  • give warm liquid to drink (you can use a pipette);
  • Cover with heating pads or hot water bottles.

If your efforts are ineffective, take the cat to the hospital. There, most likely, she will be given a warm enema and put on a drip with saline solution.

There are a number of situations when you need to measure your cat's body temperature. In this case, it is important to know how you can correctly and accurately check this indicator at home. While cats are good at hiding their problems, there are a number of symptoms that can indicate that the animal is not feeling well, for example, loss of appetite, lethargy, or vomiting. A good knowledge of the cat’s character and its usual behavior will easily allow you to identify suspicious deviations from the norm. At the same time, the only accurate way to check the temperature of a sick pet is to use a thermometer. Once you have taken an accurate temperature, you can discuss your cat's health with your veterinarian.


Measuring temperature with a rectal thermometer

    Buy a rectal thermometer. A cat's temperature can be measured with either a rectal thermometer or an ear thermometer. Rectal thermometers are considered the most accurate. As for their types, you have a choice between digital and mercury rectal thermometers.

    • Digital thermometers allow you to measure temperature in less time, which makes the procedure less unpleasant for the animal.
    • Mercury thermometers are made of glass. You will have to take many precautions to successfully measure the temperature of a struggling cat.
    • Regardless of the type of thermometer you choose, you should be sure to label it as a special cat thermometer so that no one accidentally takes it by mistake to measure their own temperature.
  1. Find a helper. Naturally, the cat will not be happy that some foreign object will be inserted into his anus. Most likely, the cat will start to struggle and try to escape; he may even accidentally scratch you. Therefore, you will have to ask someone to hold the cat to secure it in a stationary position.

    Wrap your cat in a blanket or towel. The easiest way to immobilize your cat is to use a small blanket or towel. A swaddled animal is easier to control and keep still.

    • To swaddle your cat, simply wrap the blanket around him, leaving his tail and butt sticking out.
  2. Wear thick leather gloves to grab the cat's scruff. Many veterinarians prefer to swaddle cats to take their temperature, but if you don't want to wrap your cat in a blanket, you can have an assistant simply hold the animal. This person should wear thick leather gloves to protect themselves from accidental bites and scratches. Then he should grab the cat by the scruff - the area of ​​the neck between the head and shoulder blades. Gently grasping the skin in this area allows for the best control of the cat's head.

    • Since the cat usually carries kittens by the scruff of the neck, this grip also has some calming effect on the animal.
  3. Secure your pet's body. After the assistant grabs the cat by the scruff, he needs to fix the animal’s body, pressing it with his free hand to his own body. Make sure your cat's butt is facing outward to make it easier for you to get to her with the thermometer.

    • To easily explain the correct approach to restraining a cat's body, imagine that you are grasping a soccer ball with one hand.
  4. Prepare a thermometer. When using a mercury thermometer, you must first shake it off with sharp flicks of your wrist. The thermometer should be shaken to a mercury reading of 35.5°C. Regardless of the type of rectal thermometer, it also needs to be lubricated so that the temperature measurement procedure is not so unpleasant for your pet.

    • You can use simple Vaseline as a lubricant for these purposes.
  5. Insert the thermometer into the anus. Lift your cat's tail and insert the rectal thermometer about an inch into his rectum. Don't try too hard.

    Wait the required amount of time. The digital thermometer will beep as soon as the temperature measurement is completed. If using a mercury thermometer, you will need to wait two minutes.

    Remove the thermometer and check the temperature. After two minutes or after the thermometer beeps, it can be removed. A digital thermometer will allow you to easily read the temperature, while a mercury thermometer will have to be rotated at a certain angle to view the mercury column and mark the corresponding value on the thermometer scale. The temperature in a mercury thermometer is determined by the highest point of the mercury column.

    Release the cat. The cat will struggle and try to escape as quickly as possible. Carefully release the animal's scruff or unwrap it so that the cat does not scratch either you or your helper.

    Compare the temperature value with the permissible norm. For temperature measured rectally, values ​​in the range of 37.8-39.2°C are considered normal. As with humans, slight deviations from the specified norm are not necessarily a cause for concern. However, if your cat's temperature is below 37.2°C or above 40°C, you should contact your veterinarian immediately.

    • Remember that a normal temperature does not always confirm that your cat is healthy and not injured. If your pet continues to behave in an unusual manner or you have further reason to suspect that your pet has an illness or injury, it is best to contact your veterinarian.
  6. Measuring temperature with an ear thermometer

    1. Buy a digital ear thermometer. There are pros and cons to using an ear thermometer. This device is easier to use for particularly shy cats who strongly resist measuring temperature rectally. However, it is quite difficult to insert such a thermometer into the ear canal correctly, so it is not always possible to obtain accurate temperature measurement results.