How to get rid of abdominal obesity in women. Abdominal (upper) type of obesity. Reference. How to get rid of abdominal obesity

The problem of excess weight is acute not only for women, but also for men, who are increasingly suffering from “beer tummies.” A strongly protruding belly is not only unsightly from an aesthetic point of view, but also a sign of a serious disease called abdominal obesity. To cope with this disease and prevent the development of accompanying even greater health problems, you will have to not only go on a low-calorie diet, but also seek help from a medical specialist. Also, depending on the complexity of the situation with excess weight, you need to choose the right physical activity, since overly obese people will not be able to perform many types of exercises.

For the initial diagnosis of this type of obesity, you can resort to a simple household method. But for a clearer assessment of the amount of abdominal fat accumulated in the body, a medical hardware test is required. If you manage to diagnose your illness at the initial stage, then you can cope with the situation using household remedies. But in advanced cases, you cannot do without drug treatment and you may even have to resort to plastic surgery.

The main causes of the disease

This type of disease is where fat on the human body accumulates in the upper torso, especially the abdomen. The abdominal type of obesity is more common in men. Their figure with a strongly rounded belly resembles an apple. In turn, abdominal obesity is divided into the following types:

  • subcutaneous-abdominal;
  • visceral.

In the first case, adipose tissue is concentrated in the subcutaneous tissue, and in the second, it envelops the internal organs. The problem can also be classified as progressive, when the fat layer gradually increases, and stable, which does not make it any less dangerous. The most common cause of the disease is directly related to the amount of food the patient consumes and his level of physical activity. Obesity occurs when a person eats too much and moves little, which is why his body is not able to process and spend all the energy received. Then he begins to actively accumulate it in the form of “reserves”.

There is a common misconception that the problem is caused by consuming large amounts of fat, but in fact, fast carbohydrates contribute more to this problem. They are rich in sweets and baked goods. Insulin converts excess glucose into triglycerides, which accumulate in white adipose tissue. In addition, in some cases, the cause of the formation of abdominal fat deposits is alcohol abuse. Alcoholic drinks are very high in calories and have zero nutritional value. The calories obtained from alcohol are not spent, and the body is forced to “conserve” them on the stomach.

Overeating is the cause of abdominal obesity in 90% of cases. But the remaining 10% accounts for more complex factors. In particular, this may be due to a genetic predisposition, when parents and grandparents have abdominal obesity. In this case, the risk of developing it in their children and grandchildren is very high.

There may also be the following clinical causes of abdominal obesity:

  • Frohlich neuroendocrine syndrome;
  • rare genetic syndromes;
  • alcohol-induced pseudo-Cushing's syndrome;
  • benign tumor of the pancreas;
  • damage to the hypothalamus;
  • use of steroids or certain medications for mental disorders;
  • chronic fatigue syndrome;
  • critical decrease in serotonin levels.

With neuroendocrine Frohlich syndrome, abdominal obesity can appear even in childhood. This disease is caused by a number of reasons: brain damage due to encephalitis or meningitis, the appearance of cerebral neoplasms, or as a result of traumatic brain injury during childbirth.

The lion's share of cases of abdominal obesity occurs in adults who simply gave up on their health and succumbed to the passion of consuming tasty but unhealthy food.

Danger of the problem for women and men

The symptoms and course of the disease differ in different sexes. Women begin to suffer from this type of obesity during menopause or during pregnancy and lactation. There is a high risk of abdominal obesity if, during pregnancy, a woman gains more weight than she should. And this happens in almost half of the cases. This risk is even higher if the woman already had a full figure before pregnancy.

During breastfeeding, the next risky period begins, since at this time the female body produces large amounts of the hormone prolactin. It is characterized by stimulating the process of converting glucose obtained from food into fat cells. In the case of menopause, obesity is provoked by a sharp decrease in the synthesis of female sex hormones in the ovaries.

Men with abdominal obesity begin to notice how their body is transforming, and not only in the abdominal area. Breast enlargement is also visible. This is due to the fact that the amount of female sex hormones in their body increases. In advanced cases, this can lead to problems with male potency and infertility.

Every person has visceral fat, which envelops the internal organs. It is needed in normal quantities to protect internal organs. But when there is an excess amount of it, interruptions in the functioning of the body begin. Doctors have found that with abdominal obesity, this type of fatty tissue begins to produce cortisol, which is also called the stress hormone. Due to an excess of cortisol, the body is in constant tension, and internal organs are forced to work harder. In addition, abdominal fat cells are also capable of producing the so-called inflammatory hormone, which reduces human immunity. Many obese people suffering from this problem may notice that even a common cold becomes a serious illness for them.

Due to pressure on the internal organs of adipose tissue in the body, the normal movement of blood through the vessels and lymphatic drainage are disrupted. Pressure occurs on the heart, liver, lungs. Adipose tissue forms the anterior wall of the peritoneum, pushing the muscles inside the body. The gastrointestinal tract is under pressure, which is therefore unable to fully process food. Malfunctions in the intestines lead to regular constipation and excessive gas formation. Doctors warn that if you do not start fighting abdominal obesity in time, the situation will worsen and result in fatal diseases. In particular, the risk of developing cardiac ischemia with abdominal obesity increases by more than 30 times compared with a person of normal physique. The risk of malignant neoplasms (oncology) increases 15–20 times, and the threat of strokes increases by more than 55 times.

Also, with an excess amount of abdominal fat, diabetes can develop.

Methods for diagnosing abdominal obesity

Each person is able to carry out primary diagnostics independently. If you experience a constant feeling of hunger, but after every meal you feel a heaviness in your stomach, and this happens against the background of a bulging belly, it’s time to take measurements. To do this you will need a tailor's measuring tape. Measurements for men and women are taken at the waist, but the measurements for the two sexes will be different. It is possible to diagnose abdominal obesity if a man has a waist size of more than 100 cm, and a woman has a waist size of more than 89 cm.

You should also calculate your body mass index. To do this, you can use any online calculator, of which there are many on the Internet, or carry out your own calculations. To calculate your body mass index, you need to divide your weight in kilograms by the square root of your height in meters. This formula is intended for people over 18 years of age. If the body mass index exceeds 30, we can already talk about the initial stage of obesity.

But it should be noted that experts do not pay much attention to this indicator. It is a common phenomenon when a person has a normal body mass index, but is still diagnosed with abdominal obesity. The fact is that this disease is distinguished by the peculiarity of improper distribution of adipose tissue throughout the body, and not by excessive weight, which may not exceed reasonable limits.

There are also a number of symptoms that complement the overall picture of the disease:

  • increased sweating;
  • shortness of breath with low physical activity;
  • chronic flatulence;
  • constant belching;
  • swelling of the body;
  • arrhythmia.

But if you have one or even several symptoms, do not rush to self-medicate, but rather go to the doctor. In order to create a full-fledged program for the treatment of such a complex illness, doctors will conduct a number of studies to accurately diagnose the health problem. In particular, your blood will be taken for analysis, since with abdominal obesity there is an increase in the amount of triglycerides in the blood. A biochemical blood test will show data on the level of glucose, cholesterol, uric acid and other important points. In addition, an analysis will be made for hormones, the indicators of which will be different for women and men.

To assess the amount of fat enveloping the internal organs, you will need to conduct a diagnosis using special equipment. In particular, the doctor may prescribe ultrasound examinations of the thyroid gland and abdominal organs. Women also need to have their pelvic organs checked, and men need to check their prostate gland. In some cases, computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging are recommended.

The list of purposes for certain tests and studies will differ, depending on the degree of abdominal obesity. But the first thing the doctor will do is measure the waist circumference of his patient.

Treatment is prescribed only by a doctor

Any method of combating abdominal obesity should only be recommended by a medical specialist. An endocrinologist will help the patient with this. He will conduct an initial examination of the patient and prescribe a series of tests and diagnostic studies. An endocrinologist can also refer a person to see other doctors. For example, consultations with a gastroenterologist, cardiologist, or neurologist may be scheduled. Women will likely need a report from a gynecologist, and men from a urologist. In some cases, a visit to a psychotherapist may also be prescribed. This is prescribed if there is a suspicion that a person is abusing food due to constant stress or other psychological problems. An endocrinologist may also prescribe a visit to a qualified nutritionist to develop a nutritious diet.

After collecting all the necessary information, the doctor will prescribe a medication course for the treatment of abdominal obesity. Various medications may be recommended. One of the most commonly used is Orlistat. It works by reducing the absorption of fats by the gastrointestinal tract. But this drug cannot be taken for certain ailments: urolithiasis, cystic fibrosis and inflammatory processes in the pancreas. Also, taking this medicine can be fraught with flatulence and diarrhea. But the drug “Liraglutide” works to reduce blood glucose levels. But it has a number of side effects, including: depression, tachycardia, migraines, nausea, inflammation of the pancreas and gall bladder.

As can be seen from the seriousness of the possible side effects, it is impossible to self-medicate and take such drugs at will. In this case, some people turn to folk remedies. For example, herbal tea can help get rid of abdominal obesity.

To prepare the decoction you will need the following

Carefully chop the herbs and mix all the ingredients. Take four tablespoons of the herbal mixture and pour two liters of boiling water over them. Wrap the container with the medicine in a towel or baby blanket. The decoction should sit for at least two hours. You need to drink two glasses a day - morning and afternoon. This mixture will suppress your appetite. But self-medication, even with the help of such herbal teas, can be dangerous to health, as it has side effects. In particular, it happens that problems with the pancreas appear and even pancreatitis develops.

The most radical method of treating abdominal obesity is surgery, which is done solely for indications. Doctors may remove subcutaneous fat through liposuction or perform a gastric band. In the second case, a special bandage is sewn inside the stomach, preventing the person from eating a lot at one time.

Advice from nutritionist Irina Shilina
Pay attention to the latest weight loss method. Suitable for those for whom sports activities are contraindicated.

Switching to healthy foods

A key role in the complex treatment for abdominal obesity is given to proper nutrition. If you are in an advanced stage, then the most reasonable step would be to contact a nutritionist who will develop a menu for you based on individual indicators. But in general, the diet for abdominal obesity is based on a gradual reduction in calories consumed per day. You should not resort to low-calorie strict diets, since in the case of obesity, they will not work. It is important to create a complete menu that will contain the amount of proteins, fats and carbohydrates necessary for your body. Gradually reduce the number of calories you consume per day. You need to reduce them by at least 500 kcal. For third and fourth degree obesity, you need to cut the calorie content of your diet by 40%. For the first and second degrees, this figure should be no lower than 30%.

To make the transition to a healthy diet as comfortable as possible for you psychologically, start by replacing unhealthy and high-calorie foods with healthy ones with less energy value. For example, instead of potatoes, eat cereals rich in fiber. If you love meat, then replace fatty pork with lean chicken. Feel free to swap mayonnaise for sour cream, and tomato ketchup for freshly squeezed lemon juice. When choosing dairy and fermented milk products, give preference to low-fat or with the lowest percentage of fat content.

Already these first steps in replacing products will give good results in losing excess weight in a couple of weeks. But then you need to move on to a more radical revision of your menu. There is a list of foods that you will have to completely remove from your diet in order to lose weight and get rid of abdominal obesity:

  • confectionery;
  • sugar;
  • alcohol;
  • sweet and carbonated drinks;
  • flour baked goods;
  • semi-finished products;
  • smoked meats and preservation;
  • sweet fruits (grapes, bananas);
  • dried fruits;
  • starchy vegetables.

Not everyone can completely give up salt, but if you want obesity to become a thing of the past, you need to reduce its consumption to a minimum. Salt retains water in the body, which slows down metabolism. You need to eat in small portions: five to six times a day. At the same time, the serving size in main meals (not taking into account snacks) should not exceed two hundred grams. You will have to give up fried foods in favor of boiled, baked or steamed ones. Food cooked over an open fire or grill is also allowed.

It is important to maintain a drinking regime: you need to consume one and a half to two liters of fluid per day. A sufficient amount of water will stimulate metabolic processes in the body. Also, excess fluid will be released from the body, which will reduce swelling of the body.

Rapid weight loss, usually recorded in the first week of a dietary regimen, is achieved precisely due to the removal of excess water from the body.

Introduce sports activities gradually

Without sufficient physical activity, no diet will help get rid of abdominal obesity. But the problem with people suffering from this type of disease is that at first they will not be able to tolerate the high rhythm of training. During sports activities, they may experience too much stress on the heart and lungs. It usually happens that this leads to breathing failure and heart rate readings going off scale. In addition, due to a large belly, obese people simply will not be able to correctly perform a number of exercises, such as push-ups. If possible, you should seek help from an instructor. And not to a fitness trainer, but to a physiotherapist who specializes in helping people who, for one reason or another, are limited in their physical ability to exercise.

If it is not possible to contact such a specialist, then just pull yourself together and start increasing your physical activity every day. And at first, you don’t even need anything special for this. Just walk at an average pace for one hour every day. At first, even this seemingly simple type of physical activity will be noticeable. To make your walks as comfortable as possible, it is better to buy special sports shoes in advance. In them, your legs will get less tired, which will protect you from severe soreness.

Another important condition: after eating, try to move rather than sit. After breakfast, go to work or on weekends, go for a fifteen-minute walk. If you work in an office, then during your lunch break after your meal, also take a walk down the stairs or take a walk down the street. Try to have dinner before eight o'clock in the evening, and do not sit down after eating - wash the dishes, tidy up the kitchen.

The main thing is that you do not allow a sudden load on your body, since it is not prepared for this, and such a sharp transition from passivity to activity can harm it. To do this, you first need a long build-up in the form of moderate loads. After your muscles get a little stronger and the weight begins to fall off, you can begin more serious types of exercise. Depending on the amount of excess weight, the initial stage of regular walking can take up to one month. During this time, your body will increase its overall endurance.

After this, you can go to the gym, where you should start with aerobic exercise. These include exercise on an exercise bike, elliptical, and treadmill. It's time to move on to light jogging and cycling for street exercise. You can also sign up for the pool and start swimming. And this is one of the most effective physical exercises, since this type of activity uses almost all types of muscles.

Women can sign up for group aerobics classes. Moreover, not only active step aerobics, but also static yoga demonstrates good indicators for weight loss in abdominal obesity. You should exercise on exercise machines or in sports groups three times a week.

Control will help keep the situation in check

If you have measured your waist circumference using a measuring tape and calculated your body mass index, and the indicators are close to the alarming limit, you need to urgently get down to business to prevent the problem from progressing. It is equally important, after a long and painstaking fight against abdominal obesity, to maintain the results achieved and not regain the extra pounds. The main preventive remedy for problems with excess weight is to control your diet.

There must be a balance in getting and expending calories throughout the day. Healthy foods rich in fiber (porridge, fresh vegetables and fruits, whole grain bread) should form the basis of the daily menu. Fiber not only perfectly saturates, but also effectively cleanses the stomach and intestines of toxins and other harmful substances. Try to replace animal fats with vegetable fats as much as possible. That is, for example, instead of butter, put a teaspoon of olive or sunflower oil in porridge.

For abdominal obesity, consume dishes and foods rich in carbohydrates in the first half of the day, when the body's metabolism is at its peak. Towards evening, this process slows down, and the carbohydrates received for dinner will not be fully processed. Your diet should be based primarily on slow carbohydrates rather than fast carbohydrates such as sugar and all foods high in glucose. They can be consumed in limited quantities and no more than a couple of times a week.

Another important factors for weight control in abdominal obesity are drinking regimen and physical activity. Reducing the amount of water you drink per day will immediately affect your metabolism. And this in turn will lead to the resumption of weight gain. You will also have to refrain from frequent consumption of alcoholic beverages. Not only are they excessively high in calories, but they can also cause a feeling of hunger, which again can lead to total overeating.

You will also now have to constantly maintain the same level of physical activity that you had during your serious struggle with weight. However, since it is still impossible to get rid of the problem of abdominal obesity in one month, it is likely that regular exercise will become a habit. If you still haven’t learned to enjoy working out in the gym, daily hour-long walks in the fresh air will help you maintain your normal figure.

In cases where you find out that your obesity was caused by psychological problems, when you literally ate stress, then you should continue to visit a psychologist. You also need to learn to check your weight regularly to see if it's trending up early. But it is not recommended to weigh yourself more than once a week - on the same day of the week, in the morning, on an empty stomach and after visiting the restroom. Otherwise, frustration is possible, because our weight can change greatly from day to day, sometimes increasing by a kilogram, sometimes decreasing. Women are especially susceptible to this due to constant changes in hormonal levels.

Every year the number of people on earth suffering from abdominal obesity increases. And Russia, unfortunately, is at the top of the list of world powers according to this indicator. This alarming trend has been observed over the past three decades. Since the 1980s, the number of obese people in the world has increased 2.5 times, exceeding 2.1 billion people. Moreover, half of this amount falls on just 10 countries of the world. The top ten countries included the following: Mexico, India, USA, Russia, China, Germany, Indonesia, Pakistan, Brazil and Egypt. And the Russian Federation regularly ranks among the top five in terms of the number of people with abdominal obesity.

The problem of excess weight is much more widespread in our area than is commonly believed. Therefore, it is important to monitor your diet, do not gorge yourself on desserts and pastries at night, and try to use every opportunity to give your body physical activity. To do this, you don’t have to spend money on purchasing a subscription to an elite fitness center: you just need to leave for work half an hour earlier to walk a couple of stops. In the long term, this will not only preserve your figure, but also protect you from the threat of developing such serious diseases as diabetes and heart problems.

Abdominal obesity is a pathology in which fat is deposited in the waist and upper torso. The disease has a negative impact on the functioning of internal organs. It occurs more often in men than in the fair sex. The main reason for the deviation is an excess of calories in the diet. Abdominal obesity in women, the treatment of which requires dietary adjustments, can occur as a result of stress or hormonal imbalance. If left untreated, the disease contributes to the development of diabetes mellitus.

Abdominal obesity is characterized by the accumulation of fat masses in the abdominal cavity. Externally, the figure resembles the shape of an apple.

In medicine, this type of obesity is also called the android type. According to ICD-10, the disease is classified as an endocrine disorder, as a result of which metabolism slows down.

Fat deposits accumulate not only under the skin, but also on internal organs. In advanced cases, this disrupts the functioning of organs, which leads to serious illnesses. Against the background of obesity, problems with hormonal levels appear. Ultimately this ends in infertility.

Symptoms of pathology in women include:

  • menstrual irregularities;
  • depression;
  • varicose veins of the lower extremities;
  • stopping breathing during sleep;
  • increased insulin resistance;
  • frequent heartburn;
  • decreased immunity;
  • decreased performance;
  • drop in libido.

The disease is diagnosed by an endocrinologist or gastroenterologist. The symptoms are primarily studied, and an anamnesis is collected regarding the patient’s lifestyle. What matters is her physical activity, the presence of bad habits and a tendency to nervous disorders.

Then the abdominal cavity is palpated. The waist circumference is measured and the BMI coefficient is calculated. The diagnosis is made based on the totality of the data obtained. If necessary, additional diagnostic procedures are prescribed.

Anorectic drugs for obesity

Anorectics are a group of pharmaceutical drugs aimed at reducing appetite. As a result of their intake, the parts of the brain responsible for the feeling of fullness while eating are blocked.

The action of the drug is based on the following principles:

  • increased thermogenesis, which helps activate metabolism;
  • blocking receptors responsible for appetite;
  • decreased ability of the intestines to absorb fats.

Initially, anorectics were part of sports nutrition. They helped saturate the body with nutrients during increased physical activity. Later, medications began to be used for rapid weight loss in case of serious health problems.

The most common drugs in this category include:

  • Sibutramine;
  • Lorcaserin;
  • Cabergoline.

Antidepressants for obesity

Abdominal obesity in women is often treated with antidepressants. Their main goal is to reduce symptoms of stress and mental disorders. Some of them affect specific areas of the brain, reducing food cravings. Drugs with a sedative effect are prescribed for obesity caused by mental disorders.

Contraindications for such medications include:

  • glaucoma;
  • diseases of the digestive system;
  • diabetes;
  • lactation period and pregnancy;
  • pathologies of the urinary system;
  • epilepsy.

Side effects may occur while taking medications in this category. These include: bowel dysfunction, drowsiness, tachycardia, tremors of the limbs and skin rashes. To avoid their occurrence, you should not take medications without first consulting a doctor.

The most popular antidepressants include:

  1. Fluoxetine. The action of the drug is due to the suppression of the neuronal uptake of serotonin. Take 1-4 tablets per day. The maximum daily dosage is 80 mg. Taking pills promotes weight loss without having a depressing effect on the functioning of the digestive organs.
  2. Bupropion. The drug promotes fat burning during intense training. Can be used as part of complex therapy. The maximum daily dose is 600 mg.
  3. Zoloft. The tablets not only reduce appetite, but also replenish energy. To combat nervous disorders, 200 mg per day is prescribed. For weight loss purposes, the drug is taken in a dosage of no more than 150 mg.

Antidepressants should not be combined with alcoholic beverages.

Fat and carbohydrate blockers

Male type obesity is often eliminated using carbohydrate and fat blockers. They are divided into two main groups. The first includes drugs that slow down the process of lipase formation. The second group includes medications that interfere with the digestion of fat.

There are many drugs available on the pharmaceutical market that interfere with the absorption of carbohydrates. Initially they were intended for people suffering from diabetes. Glucobay is considered a prominent representative of such drugs.

It lowers sugar levels in the body by preventing carbohydrates from being absorbed into the lining of the small intestine. The drug is taken immediately before meals.

The dosage depends on the purpose of use. Normally, it should not exceed 600 mg.

Fat blockers act on the principle of sorbents. They bind fat molecules and remove them from the body. The effectiveness of drugs is observed only when following a low-calorie diet. Otherwise, treatment will be inappropriate.

The advantages of drugs in this group include the ability to rid the body of toxins. Among the disadvantages is the removal of micronutrients, which are necessary to maintain the life support of the entire body. The most common fat blocker is Chitosan in drop format.

Among the medications that slow down lipase synthesis, Orlistan is distinguished. It does not have a systemic effect on the body. The drug is active only within the digestive tract.

Side effects of the drug include:

  • flatulence;
  • dysmenorrhea;
  • headache;
  • loose stools;
  • feeling of weakness.

Exercise for obesity

Physical activity is considered the basis of comprehensive treatment of obesity. It is advisable to perform the exercises under the supervision of specialists. If you are overweight, excessive loads can be traumatic.

Team sports and exercise in the gym are contraindicated for abdominal obesity. It is advisable to give preference to callanetics or basic gymnastic exercises.

The optimal frequency of classes is 3 times a week. Over time, the load can be increased.

Liposuction - a radical method

Liposuction is a surgical procedure that involves pumping out fat from the abdominal area using a vacuum method. The procedure allows you to get rid of fatty tissue with minimal blood loss. No more than 6 liters of fat are removed in one session.

Before liposuction, a number of standard tests are performed. This is necessary to identify contraindications. To minimize risks, additional diagnostic procedures may be prescribed.

The operation cannot be performed in the following cases:

  • disorders of the nervous system;
  • low immunity;
  • diabetes;
  • renal failure;
  • respiratory diseases;
  • infections;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • oncology;
  • arterial hypertension;
  • phlebeurysm.

Possible complications of the operation include:

  • sagging skin;
  • tissue ptosis;
  • thromboembolism;
  • extensive hematomas;
  • swelling;
  • suppuration;
  • loss of sensitivity in certain areas of the body.

During and after drug therapy, the result is consolidated with the help of diet. Nutrition for abdominal obesity in women is based on reducing foods high in fat. Daily calorie intake is also limited.

If a woman has a deviation in testosterone levels, restrictions are also imposed on protein foods. In situations where obesity is accompanied by diabetes, sweets are excluded from the diet.

Your doctor will tell you in detail how to combat abdominal obesity with diet. He selects an individual regimen for each patient.

The main principles of proper nutrition include:

  • refusal of carbonated drinks, starchy, fatty and overly spicy drinks;
  • increase food intake up to 5 times;
  • enriching the diet with fruits, vegetables and grains;
  • reducing salt and sugar.

Courses of therapeutic fasting for obesity

Abdominal obesity in women is often treated through fasting. This method is used only in the absence of contraindications. Proper fasting is accompanied by the improvement of all life support systems.

The patient's fatigue disappears and the functioning of the nervous system normalizes. In the first days, intensive weight loss is observed - up to 2 kg per day. Subsequently, the patient loses 300 g daily.

Therapeutic fasting has the following features:

  1. The intensity of physical activity does not affect the rate of weight loss.
  2. Women who often practice fasting do not notice the same results as beginners in this matter.
  3. In case of serious diseases of the digestive system, fasting is strictly prohibited.
  4. Dry fasting is allowed to be practiced only in the first 2-3 days. In the future, you should gradually increase the amount of water you drink.
  5. If you have serious illnesses, the process of weight loss slows down.
  6. The effectiveness of fasting is influenced by the age of the woman. The younger she is, the faster her body weight will decrease.

The duration of the first fasting experience should not exceed 3 days.

Vegetarianism, veganism and raw food diet

Female android obesity can be overcome by globally changing the approach to nutrition. It is believed that the simplest and most effective way to lose weight is to give up meat. There are three directions that advocate the exclusion of meat from the diet - raw food diet, vegetarianism and veganism. Each of them has branches.

The differences are as follows:

  1. Vegetarianism means giving up meat. But at the same time, animal products are present in the diet. These include eggs, butter, cottage cheese, etc.
  2. Veganism involves avoiding all products obtained from animals. A vegan diet does not contain honey, eggs, cheese, gelatin and butter. The basis of the diet is cereals, vegetables and fruits. Any method of heat exposure is used to prepare dishes.
  3. Raw food diet is a trend that supports the abstinence of food of animal origin. Supporters of a raw food diet do not use heat during cooking. They eat vegetables and fruits exclusively raw.

In order to treat central obesity, any dietary direction can be practiced. But it is advisable to periodically visit a doctor to monitor your health. You can't suddenly change your diet. Transitions from one type of nutrition to another should be gradual.

Help from a psychologist

Any forms and types of obesity can be provoked by psychosomatics. Food addiction occurs when there is an abundance of stress or dissatisfaction with oneself. The root of the problem begins in childhood, when the child is instilled with a culture of nutrition.

Looking at his parents, he eats away at his problems, which leads to food addiction. At a conscious age, food helps get rid of negative emotions.

Medications prescribed by your doctor can help you cope with an eating disorder. Tablets help normalize the functioning of the nervous system.

But in addition, a frank conversation with a psychologist is necessary. He will identify the causes of the pathology and prescribe treatment, the basis of which is self-analysis. In some cases, hypnosis may be required.

Treatment of abdominal obesity at home is not always effective. It is recommended to seek help from specialists. They will select the most effective and comfortable way to lose weight. After treatment, it is very important to maintain proper nutrition and exercise.

Abdominal obesity or excess fat adipose tissue in the abdominal area. With this type of fat tissue distribution, the ratio of waist volume to hip volume is calculated. If, when dividing the resulting waist circumference (in centimeters) by the hip circumference (in centimeters), the result is more than 0.95 for men and more than 0.85 for women, then the diagnosis is considered confirmed.

Abdominal obesity is considered the most prognostically unfavorable for the development of metabolic syndrome (obesity, type 2 diabetes mellitus and arterial hypertension), a risk factor for the development of myocardial ischemia and stroke. Fat cells - adipocytes can accumulate not only in the subcutaneous fat in the abdominal area, but also around the internal organs.

This kind of visceral fat is the most dangerous, because... is hormonally active, causes metabolic disorders in the form of insulin resistance, and contributes to the occurrence of pathologically increased appetite. Besides, against the background of progressive obesity, functions are impaired gonads, the cardiovascular system suffers, osteoporosis progresses rapidly, etc.

The accumulation of fat in the abdominal cavity causes free fatty acids to quickly enter the bloodstream (via the portal vein system) in stressful situations. Which, when entering the liver, are either converted into glucose (which helps to increase its level in the blood), or into triglycerides and atherogenic lipoproteins. Which invariably leads to the progression of atherosclerotic lesions of internal organs and non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus.

In addition, substances with hormonal activity synthesized by fat cells lead to constant stimulation of the sympathetic nervous system, which indirectly manifests itself in increased synthesis of substances that contribute to increasing and maintaining high blood pressure numbers.

Abdominal obesity also leads to increased synthesis estrogen, which negatively affects reproductive function due to disruption of the hypothalamic-pituitary system. Women experience menstrual irregularities and infertility. Men experience a decrease in libido and various erectile dysfunction.

As follows from the above, Abdominal obesity is not just a cosmetic problem, this is a serious disease that requires complex treatment. In addition to diet therapy, drug correction of arterial hypertension, insulin resistance and other disorders must be carried out.

It has been noted that reducing waist circumference to less than 100 cm in men and less than 85 in women reduces the risk of developing diabetes, myocardial infarction and stroke by 4-5 times!

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Obesity has become one of the most pressing and widespread medical and social problems of modern humanity. The World Health Organization (WHO) even called it “the non-communicable epidemic of the 21st century.” The increased interest of doctors in the problem of obesity is explained by its negative impact on the general health of an obese person. Excessive deposition of fatty tissue increases the risk of developing many serious diseases and is associated with a reduction in life expectancy and quality of life. Moreover, the most unfavorable prognosis is the abdominal type of obesity (abdomen is translated from Latin as belly). Therefore, losing weight for people with this type of excess weight is the main health-improving and therapeutic-prophylactic measure.

When they talk about abdominal obesity

The basic criterion for the clinical diagnosis of any form of obesity is a BMI (body mass index) of 25-30 or higher. It is also prognostically important to determine the most likely mechanism of development of the disease, its severity and type. At the same time, they focus on the characteristics of the figure that is formed with excess weight and measurements. Abdominal obesity is characterized by the predominant deposition of fatty tissue in the abdomen and upper body, including the neck, face, and shoulder girdle. It is also called the top, android, and the figure is compared to an apple. Men often talk about having a “beer belly”, even in the absence of addiction to alcoholic beverages.

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The transition to the waist with this type of obesity is practically not visible, and with massive deposits it is completely absent. The abdomen is enlarged and rounded, clearly protrudes beyond the pubic line, and cannot be completely retracted even when lying on the back. At the same time, the buttocks and lower limbs look disproportionately “thinner” even if there is excess fatty tissue on them. Key clinical criteria for this pathology:
  • An increase in WC (waist circumference) beyond the normative figures. For women, this figure should not exceed 88 cm, for men - 102 cm. Waist measurement is considered a key screening test for routine diagnosis of abdominal obesity.
  • Changing the ratio between waist and hip circumference. In women, this parameter becomes more than 0.85, in men - more than 1.0.

The “apple” figure is not at all a constitutional feature; it should not be attributed to lack of training of the abdominal muscles. This is a fairly serious pathology with a proven high risk of developing various diseases. People with this problem are advised to consult a doctor, since it can be difficult for women to get rid of abdominal obesity and cope with already formed complications without the help of a specialist.

Classification: main varieties

There are 2 options for excessive fat accumulation in the abdominal area:
  • Subcutaneous-abdominal type, with a predominance of subcutaneous fat. This is a more favorable type of obesity, but in isolated form it is rare.
  • Visceral type, with pronounced intra-abdominal fat deposition. It is localized around the internal organs and partially in their thickness, in the space around large vessels, in the greater and lesser omentum, in the intestinal mesentery, and retroperitoneal region. Such fat is also found outside the abdominal cavity, mainly around the heart and kidneys.
Visceral obesity is the most dangerous to health. It is considered as a key risk factor for the development of many severe and even potentially fatal complications.

Often a mixed type occurs, when visceral deposits are complemented by a general increase in the volume of subcutaneous fat, involving the abdominal area. At the same time, the greatest negative impact is also associated with excess intra-abdominal fat, the fight against which requires an integrated approach.

What contributes to this pathology

Abdominal obesity is predisposed to:
  • Sedentary lifestyle.
  • Unbalanced high-calorie diet. People prone to obesity prefer highly nutritious, easily digestible foods, with an excess of animal fats in the diet, frequent consumption of baked goods, other carbohydrate-rich dishes, the so-called “food waste” (chips, crackers with flavoring additives, cookies, etc.). Overeating and frequent heavy snacks are also significant.
  • Endocrine imbalance. It may be associated with pregnancy and lactation, insufficient selection of oral contraceptives, dysfunction of the thyroid gland and hypothalamic-pituitary system, and the use of certain hormonal medications. Changes during menopause are also of great importance.
  • Some mental disorders (mainly anxiety-depressive spectrum), taking antidepressants, antipsychotics and other drugs with psychotropic effects.
  • Tendency to alcoholism.
  • Chronic stress, repeated psycho-emotional overload, overwork.
  • Lack of sleep, non-compliance with the sleep-wake cycle (for example, during daily duty, shift work, etc.).
The tendency to visceral deposits may also be genetic.

Why is visceral fat needed?

The basis of all types of adipose tissue are fat cells - adipocytes. They are able to accumulate fat, which occupies almost the entire area of ​​their cytoplasm. This is a “strategic reserve” of energy, which is consumed when other sources are depleted or unavailable. Adipose tissue is also involved in thermoregulation, protects and maintains vital anatomical structures. But its functions do not end there. Adipose tissue is a metabolically active structure; currently it is equated to peripheral endocrine organs. Moreover, this applies to the greatest extent to visceral fat. It synthesizes biologically active substances involved in the regulation of many processes in the human body:
  • Estrogens formed from adrenal androgens under the action of adipocyte aromatase. They are also synthesized in the male body, and with obesity, the level of this hormone becomes clinically significant.
  • Leptin is a hormone responsible for creating a feeling of satiety. An important component of the system for regulating energy metabolism in the body, it is involved in regulating appetite and maintaining cell sensitivity to insulin.
  • Adiponectin is a hormone also responsible for energy homeostasis. Participates in the regulation of glucose and fatty acid metabolism in skeletal muscles, myocardium and liver. It also has anti-atherosclerotic (anti-atherogenic) and anti-inflammatory effects.
  • Angiotensinogen. It is a precursor to the hormone angiotensin, which has a vasoconstrictor effect and thereby increases blood pressure.
  • Substances involved in nonspecific inflammatory and immune reactions in the body: prostaglandins, interleukin 6 (IL6), tumor necrosis factor α (TNFα). Some of them also regulate cell growth and are involved in antitumor defense.
  • Insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF1), which regulates the life cycle of cells, the rate of their proliferation (division, growth and specialization).
  • Adrenomedullin. It has a vasodilator and antioxidant effect, protects the heart from damage (cardioprotective effect)
  • Fibrinogen, which is involved in cascade processes of blood clotting.

Adipose tissue is also the main source of free (non-esterified) fatty acids. In the body, they are an important energy substrate for muscle cells and are converted into triglycerides and phospholipids, which are used to build cell membranes and secrete a number of biologically active substances. Visceral fat is an important component of the body's metabolic regulatory system. A change in its amount has a negative impact on health, and many complications that develop are practically irreversible and are associated with the risk of premature mortality. It is they who in most cases become the reason for visiting a doctor, and often obesity as the root cause of diseases remains without due attention. This approach reduces the effectiveness of treatment and worsens the prognosis.

Why is excess visceral fiber dangerous?

Excessive accumulation of visceral fat leads to endocrine imbalance, with the formation of a complex of secondary metabolic disorders. This is called metabolic syndrome. It significantly increases the risk of developing a number of diseases, affecting many organs and systems of the body.

The main manifestations of metabolic syndrome in abdominal obesity include:

  • Increased serum levels of triglycerides, free cholesterol and low fraction lipoproteins. This imbalance in the lipid profile is called atherogenic dyslipidemia; it contributes to the deposition of cholesterol under the intima (inner lining) of the arteries with the development of atherosclerosis.
  • Increased levels of pro-inflammatory compounds. This contributes to nonspecific damage to the walls of blood vessels, myocardium (heart muscle), joints and other structures, slows down the regeneration process, increases the risk of complications and chronicity of emerging diseases.
  • Changes in carbohydrate metabolism in the form of insulin resistance (reduced sensitivity of cells to insulin) with compensatory insulinemia (increased insulin levels in the blood). This predisposes to the subsequent development of type 2 diabetes mellitus and maintains existing eating disorders. Moreover, insulin resistance can exist without a decrease in glucose tolerance, including in people with a slightly higher BMI.
  • Changes in the reactivity of vascular walls, predisposition to arterial hypertension.
  • Decreased quality of antitumor protection.
  • Dysfunction of the reproductive system.
  • Disruption of the blood coagulation system, with a predisposition to thrombosis.
Disturbances in metabolic syndrome are caused not only by changes in the amount of hormones synthesized by lipocytes. The endocrine system works on a feedback principle, and any deviations that appear lead to a cascade of secondary hormonal reactions. Therefore, for many overweight people, sticking to a diet is not enough. They may require treatment from an endocrinologist, since fighting abdominal obesity without correcting hormonal status is not always an effective option.

Complications of abdominal obesity

Visceral obesity is considered a modifiable risk factor for the development of many diseases. Most of them are actually complications of metabolic syndrome, others are associated with secondary biomechanical disorders. The most common and serious consequences of metabolic syndrome in obesity:
  • Cardiovascular diseases caused mainly by atherothrombotic changes in the cardiac (heart) vessels. Obese people are predisposed to coronary artery disease with pain syndrome and chronic heart failure, myocardial infarction, and cardiac arrhythmias. Studies have shown that every 10% increase in weight leads to a 10% increase in the risk of developing coronary heart disease over 5 years.
  • Hypertension and the associated risks of acute vascular accidents (heart attack and stroke) and chronic dyscirculatory encephalopathy. Even a 5% increase in body weight increases the risk of developing arterial hypertension by 30% (over the next 4 years).
  • Insulin resistance and type 2 diabetes.
  • Atherogenic dyslipidemia, followed by atherosclerotic damage to the main arterial vessels. Most often, cholesterol plaques are found in the thoracic and abdominal aorta, in the carotid arteries, in the vessels of the heart, brain, kidneys, and arteries of the lower extremities. They can block up to 70-80% of the lumen of the vessel, which is fraught with the development of ischemia (oxygen starvation) in the blood-supplying organs.
  • Reproductive dysfunction. They are associated with an increase in the non-ovarian estrogen fraction and with secondary changes in the levels of other sex hormones. Women develop irregularities in the ovarian-menstrual cycle, and there is a high probability of infertility. Adolescent obesity may result in delayed sexual development. In men, the figure becomes deformed according to the female type, libido and potency decrease, and gynecomastia appears.
Obesity also increases the risk of cancer. Women are most likely to develop endometrial cancer (malignant degeneration of the inner lining of the uterus) and breast cancer, while men are predisposed to colon tumors.

Non-metabolic complications of obesity

With obesity, other complications that are not directly related to metabolic disorders often occur. For example, visceral deposits contribute to disruption of the functioning of internal organs, which find themselves in an insulating and compressive fatty “shell”. The pancreas, kidneys and heart suffer the most from this. People with excess body weight are also prone to degenerative-dystrophic changes in the spine and large vessels. Excess weight always leads to excessive stress on the musculoskeletal system, but with visceral-abdominal obesity the risk of degeneration of articular cartilage is much higher. This is due not only to metabolic disorders, but also to a shift in the center of gravity and a change in the configuration of the spine with a significant increase in the abdomen. On the subject: Visceral obesity is also associated with an increased risk of varicose veins of the lower extremities and pelvic organs. Excess abdominal fat and increased intra-abdominal pressure disrupt venous outflow from the lower body, which, due to insufficient physical activity, predisposes to the development of varicose veins.

Is a big belly always a sign of obesity?

It is important to understand that persistent abdominal enlargement can be caused not only by excess fat deposits, but also by pathology in the abdominal cavity. For example, an examination may reveal an accumulation of fluid (ascites), a space-occupying formation (tumor) of various origins, abnormal expansion and elongation of the intestine, and other diseases. These problems can be combined with excess weight. Excessive subcutaneous fat deposits in this case mask the symptoms, which leads to a late visit to the doctor and untimely initiation of the necessary treatment. Therefore, people with excess body weight should not neglect consultations with specialists and examination, especially if there are warning symptoms from the digestive organs or liver. Diagnostics is also necessary if it seems impossible to lose weight with abdominal obesity, and the stomach remains clearly rounded despite a significant decrease in body weight. Another reason for a protruding abdomen in the absence of general obesity is isolated visceral fat deposition. As strange as it may sound, modern bodybuilders often face this problem. They have minimal subcutaneous fat and clearly defined abdominal muscles, which is combined with a bulging abdomen. The reason for this imbalance is metabolic syndrome.

Such disorders in bodybuilders are associated with an artificially created hormonal imbalance, which occurs when certain drugs are used to stimulate muscle growth (hypertrophy). The most dangerous in this regard are products based on somatotropic hormone, which is also called growth hormone. They not only provoke metabolic disorders, but can also contribute to excessive growth of internal organs and certain parts of the body.

What examination is needed

Abdominal obesity requires a comprehensive therapeutic approach, and it is advisable to get rid of this problem under the supervision of a doctor. Before starting treatment, it is advisable to undergo extensive diagnostics to assess the severity of metabolic syndrome and its complications. The examination will also help identify aggravating factors and concomitant diseases that can slow down the achievement of the goal. Basic diagnosis for visceral-abdominal obesity should include:
  • Consultation with a therapist (initial and based on the results of the examination), with assessment of blood pressure levels, recording of anthropometric indicators and determination of BMI. In some medical institutions, such primary diagnosis is carried out by a nutritionist with basic therapeutic specialization.
  • Blood chemistry. Blood glucose, total bilirubin and its fractions, urea, creatinine, total protein, lipid profile (triglycerides, total cholesterol, lipoprotein fractions) are checked. If necessary, other indicators are also assessed.
  • Consultation with an endocrinologist.
  • Detection of insulin resistance and carbohydrate metabolism disorders: determination of fasting insulin levels, conducting a glucose tolerance test. Such an examination is usually prescribed by an endocrinologist.
If signs of atherosclerosis, cardiovascular pathology, hypertension, abnormalities in carbohydrate metabolism and other disorders are detected, an extended examination is possible. The patient may be referred for ultrasound of the abdominal organs, ultrasound of the great vessels and heart, or to a cardiologist. It is advisable for women with menstrual irregularities to undergo an examination by a gynecologist.

Examinations are also required for overweight patients who initially consulted a doctor about diseases associated with excess weight. After all, getting rid of obesity will reduce their risks of cardiac and cerebral complications, compensate for current pathology and improve the overall prognosis.

What to do. Principles of treatment

Treatment for abdominal obesity should be aimed at reducing body weight, correcting existing endocrine and metabolic disorders, and compensating for already developed complications. Such an integrated approach will improve the current state of health, reduce the risk of severe vascular accidents (stroke, heart attack) and prevent many diseases.

Obesity is a disease, the main symptom of which is excessive accumulation of adipose tissue in the body.

Obesity develops as a result of an imbalance in the body's energy balance, when energy intake from food exceeds the body's energy expenditure. Excess calories from what you eat are used to synthesize fat, which is stored in fat depots. Gradually, fat depots increase, body weight steadily increases.

There are three types of obesity:

Abdominal(from lat. abdomen - belly), or android (from Greek andros - man), or the upper type of obesity is characterized by excessive deposition of adipose tissue in the abdomen and upper torso. The figure becomes like an apple. Apple-shaped obesity is more common in men and is the most dangerous to health. It is with this type that diseases such as diabetes mellitus, arterial hypertension, heart attacks and strokes more often develop.

Femorogluteal, or lower type of obesity is characterized by the development of adipose tissue mainly in the buttocks and thighs. The figure is shaped like a pear. Pear-shaped obesity is common in women and is usually accompanied by the development of diseases of the spine, joints and veins of the lower extremities.

Mixed, or intermediate type of obesity is characterized by an even distribution of fat throughout the body.

To determine the type of obesity, you need to measure the circumference of the waist and hips and calculate their ratio: with abdominal obesity, the specified ratio in men exceeds 1.0; for women - 0.85. A simpler measure of abdominal obesity is waist circumference. If the waist in men exceeds 102 cm, and in women - 88 cm, this is abdominal obesity and a serious cause for concern.

Most of the fatty tissue in the abdominal area is visceral fat. Unlike subcutaneous adipose tissue, visceral fat surrounds internal organs - the liver, pancreas and others. It accumulates hormones produced by the body, reduces the sensitivity of tissues to insulin and thus can cause diabetes and various health problems.

Visceral fat is not affected by any external cosmetic methods (such as myostimulation, electrolipolysis, massage, wraps, vacuum therapy, etc.). This type of fat deposits can only be combated with the help of dietary correction and physical activity (aerobic, not strength).

But, as a rule, most men also have superficial fat. And it is the superficial fat that is the most “stubborn” if it is located in areas typical for men. These "male" fat deformations are located in the abdominal area - the "beer belly", around the waist - the "lifebuoy", in the lower back - the "handrails of love", on the chest. These “problem areas” cannot be corrected through diet or physical activity, but require a specially developed physiotherapeutic treatment program.

In order to prevent abdominal obesity, it is necessary to introduce basic knowledge of rational nutrition and cultivate a reasonable attitude towards food.

The amount of food consumed should be moderate, not causing a feeling of oversaturation, and patients with abdominal obesity should gradually reduce the amount of food. It is not recommended to eat a lot in the evening hours, when a person’s physical activity is reduced and food mainly serves as a source of fat deposits.

If signs of abdominal obesity appear, sugar, confectionery and white flour products, alcohol, sugary drinks and juices should be removed from the diet, limit or completely avoid cereals and potatoes, and avoid fatty foods, especially of animal origin. In the diet, when treating abdominal obesity, dishes from lean meats, fish, poultry, eggs, low-fat dairy products, rye bread, vegetables, herbs, seasonal berries, especially blueberries and black currants should prevail.

Patients with abdominal obesity are advised to eat slowly, slowly. The feeling of satiety depends on many factors, and, above all, on the level of glucose in the blood. Carbohydrates begin to break down in the oral cavity. When eating quickly, the feeling of fullness is delayed due to the shortening of the period of breakdown and absorption of sugars, so those who eat quickly often overeat. You can also fight the feeling of hunger with physical activity. Intense exercise reduces hunger. Patients with abdominal obesity are also recommended to drink warm water before meals, preferably alkaline mineral water without gas, or drink a few sips of warm milk or tea brewed with milk.