Cough tablets: inexpensive and effective. List. Inexpensive and effective cough tablets for children and adults

To successfully get rid of a cough, first of all, you should determine the type of cough and only then proceed to choosing a drug that will help overcome, and not aggravate, the disease.

Most cough medications are available without a prescription, however, it must be remembered that the path to recovery begins with establishing the correct diagnosis. Cough tablets indicated for one type of cough can cause harm in another course of the disease. That is why pay attention to your condition.

Dry cough can be recognized by debilitating attacks with a sore throat that prevent you from falling asleep at night. In medical circles, this type of cough is called non-productive, characterized by the absence of phlegm, as well as pain in the muscles of the abdomen and chest. The cause of this cough is irritation of the pharyngeal cough receptors. Antitussives that stop an attack will help to cope with the problem in this situation.

The productive type of cough is accompanied by the discharge of discharge. The removal of sputum from the bronchi, trachea and lungs is facilitated by expectorants (increase the production of secretions) or mucolytics (thin the sputum). Some cough tablets help clear the airways by stimulating special cilia.

The use of medications containing codeine (a narcotic) is possible in the most severe cases. Preference should be given to pure codeine or its analogue dextromethorphan. As for combined drugs, they have an expectorant effect. As a result, on the one hand, such drugs facilitate the production of sputum, and on the other hand, they consist of components aimed at suppressing cough, preventing the discharge of secretions. The latter is unacceptable for a productive type of cough.

Indications for the use of cough tablets

The cause of cough is not always respiratory diseases. Cough often accompanies viral or bacterial infectious diseases, which include: laryngitis, sinusitis, tonsillitis, pharyngitis, pneumonia, bronchitis, tuberculosis, etc. The cause of cough can be childhood diseases, such as whooping cough, as well as allergic conditions. Coughing attacks characterize pathological processes of the organic type of the brain; they manifest themselves on a nervous basis, with cardiac disorders (heart disease, angina pectoris, etc.), with damage to the respiratory tract by aggressive environments. This list can be continued indefinitely. Therefore, it is important to establish and eliminate the root cause of the disease, and not to solve the cough problem in any way as quickly as possible.

The choice of cough tablet depends on the nature of the cough. In conditions accompanied by a dry, painful cough, drugs that suppress the cough center in the brain are indicated:

  • combination drugs with the active ingredient codeine - “codelac”, “terpincode N”, “tercodin”;
  • lozenges based on dextromethorphan - “Alex Plus”;
  • substances with butamirate - “sinecode”, “omnitus”, “panatus”.

Libexin tablets with the active substance prenoxdiazine soothe the cough receptors in the throat, preserving respiratory functions and without causing pharmacodependence. The drug has the same medicinal effect as codeine. Coughing attacks are also relieved by lozenges based on menthol and eucalyptus (“pectusin”), as well as licorice preparations—“glycyram”

For viscous, poorly discharged and scanty sputum, the following are effective:

  • mucolytic agents based on bromhexine - “bromhexine”, “askoril”, “solvin”;
  • preparations with ambroxol - “ambroxol”, “codelac broncho”, “ambrobene”, “flavamed”;
  • expectorant mucolytics of acetylcysteine ​​- “ACC”, “fluimucil”, “acestin”.

Indications for the use of cough tablets with the active ingredient acetylcysteine ​​concern cases when it is necessary to increase the amount of discharge.

The expectorant effect is also achieved through the use of herbal remedies - “mukaltin”, “licorin”, “pectussin”, “thermopsis”.

In addition to the correct selection of medications, it is important to ensure sufficient air humidity in the room and drink more fluids (up to 6-8 glasses per day).

Release form

All cough tablets can be divided into the following groups:

  1. drugs that suppress the cough center in the brain and act on the nerve endings of the receptors;
  2. agents affecting smooth muscle structures and bronchial mucosa;
  3. medications that have a direct effect on bronchial secretions (phlegm).

From the above, we can clearly conclude that treatment is selected individually for each case. The form of release of the product is also important. Effervescent tablets and lozenges are characterized by high speed of action and digestibility, but are unlikely to be suitable for children. Sweet antitussive syrups are recommended for very young patients. People suffering from peptic ulcers, hyperacid gastritis or high acidity of gastric juice will be contraindicated with effervescent antitussives.

The type and dosage of the drug is prescribed by the doctor based on the symptoms, age and individual characteristics of the patient’s body. For any pharmacological agent, regardless of the form of release, there are contraindications and side effects. For example, thermopsis, a popular medicine for wet coughs, consisting entirely of natural ingredients, is prohibited in the treatment of bronchitis and pneumonia in infants. Babies are not able to cough up large amounts of mucus, which in some cases provokes respiratory failure. In children under five years of age, the medicine provokes a gag reflex in case of overdose; it is contraindicated for pregnant women and persons suffering from gastric ulcers and 12-gut ulcers.

Therefore, before starting treatment, you should establish the correct diagnosis and obtain recommendations on taking antitussive drugs from a specialist.

Pharmacodynamics of cough tablets

Today there is no universal cough tablet, due to the fact that the therapeutic effect on dry and wet types of cough is fundamentally different. If you have a dry cough, it is not advisable to use tablets for a wet cough with a relief effect, which will cause blockage of the bronchial lumens with sputum. Medicinal substances for productive (wet) coughs, which help reduce viscosity and easily remove phlegm, are useless in the case of a dry cough provoked by inflammation of the trachea, irritation of the bronchial mucosa, and exposure to aggressive environments.

Medicines that actively act on the cough center are divided according to the principle of their effect on: central, peripheral and combined influence. The pharmacodynamics of cough tablets (the mechanism of action on the human body) is characterized by the properties of the forming components. For example, drugs with the narcotic substance codeine are quite effective for dry, debilitating coughs without sputum discharge. However, these medications are sold strictly according to prescriptions, as they are addictive. Modern pharmacology has no less effective, safe, non-narcotic drugs that do not affect the respiratory center. Such available antitussive tablets include “libexin”, “tusuprex” and others. They most often reduce the receptor sensitivity of the bronchial mucosa (peripheral effects), but are also able to block the cough reflex. This group of medications is not addictive, so they are used to treat cough in children.

Multicomponent cough tablets are effective for any course of the disease, excluding wet cough. Stopping a cough in this case can disrupt the cleansing ability of the lungs, the removal of mucus and lead to the development of pneumonia and problems with ventilation of the lungs. Combined drugs have the most impressive list of side effects and contraindications. It also becomes difficult to select the correct dosage and the inability to combine them with other drugs.

When it comes to wet cough, people most often think of the popular Thermopsis cough tablets. And here the patient needs to be as careful as possible. The fact is that the familiar and inexpensive “thermopsis” product is now available in two formulations:

  1. does not contain chemicals, includes only Thermopsis lanceolata herb and sodium bicarbonate (therapy for children is possible);
  2. consists of codeine (a narcotic), thermopsis herb, sodium bicarbonate and licorice root.

Let's consider the pharmacodynamics of this drug:

  • codeine - characterized by a slight sedative, analgesic effect, blocks the cough reflex without suppressing the respiratory center and the functions of the ciliated epithelium, does not reduce the amount of secretion in the bronchi;
  • thermopsis herb (with active ingredients - isoquinoline alkaloids) - activates the respiratory and vomiting centers. It has a pronounced expectorant effect, helps to activate the secretory function of the bronchial glands, stimulate the ciliated epithelium and accelerate the processes of mucus elimination;
  • sodium bicarbonate – causes a pH shift of bronchial mucus towards an alkaline environment and reduces the viscosity of sputum. Stimulates the work of the ciliated epithelium and bronchioles;
  • Licorice root – ensures easy secretion due to its glycyrrhizin content. Has anti-inflammatory and antispasmodic effect.

Pharmacokinetics of cough tablets

Pharmacokinetics refers to the biochemical transformation of drug molecules in the human body. The main pharmacokinetic processes include absorption, excretory (excretory), distribution and metabolic properties.

Absorption of cough tablets occurs after dissolution, usually in the small intestine. Next, the drug molecules enter the systemic circulation. Absorption has two characteristics - speed and degree of absorption (reduced if the pharmacological substance is used after food).

Distribution of the drug occurs in the blood, intercellular fluid and tissue cells.

The release of drugs is carried out unchanged or as substances of biochemical transformation - metabolites, which have a higher polarity and solubility in the aqueous environment in comparison with the original substance, which causes simple excretion in urine.

Excretion (removal) of the drug is possible through the urinary and digestive system, as well as through sweat, saliva and exhaled air. The excretory function is influenced by the rate at which the drug enters the excretory organ through the bloodstream and by the characteristics of its own excretory systems. The most common route is the kidneys, bronchial glands and the mucous membrane of the respiratory system.

The pharmacokinetics of cough tablets is based on the main active ingredient included in the medicine:

  • codeine - characterized by a high absorption rate, blocks cough within half an hour after administration, provides a persistent antitussive and analgesic effect for up to six hours. Transformed in the liver, the half-life process begins after 2-4 hours;
  • glaucine hydrochloride – well absorbed by the digestive system, transformation occurs in the liver, excreted by the kidneys (primary metabolites);
  • Ambroxol – maximally absorbed, excreted in urine;
  • Bromhexine - absorption reaches 99% half an hour after use. In plasma it forms a bond with proteins. Characterized by penetration through the placenta, accumulation in the liver, kidneys, fat and muscle tissue. Half-life occurs after an hour and a half;
  • carbocisteine ​​- is actively absorbed and metabolized during the initial passage through the liver. Reaching the maximum concentration is observed two hours after oral administration. Excretion is carried out in urine almost unchanged;
  • acetylcysteine ​​– has low bioavailability (no more than 10%), which is explained by the formation of cysteine ​​during the initial passage through the liver. Peak concentration is after 1-3 hours. Characterized by penetration through the placental barrier. The kidneys are responsible for excretion; a small part of the substance is excreted unchanged by the intestines.

Using Cough Drops During Pregnancy

A pregnant woman should carefully read the instructions and consult a doctor before taking a cough tablet. The specialist determines the cause of the cough and prescribes appropriate treatment. Coughing attacks are caused not only by infections of the upper or lower respiratory tract, but also by allergic, neurotic reactions, problems with the stomach or diaphragm, diseases of the thyroid gland, dysfunction of the cardiovascular system, etc.

The greatest danger is a dry, painful cough. Such attacks can increase intra-abdominal and blood pressure in the expectant mother, which can trigger the mechanism of premature pregnancy loss, placental abruption, and even cause termination of pregnancy.

Most pharmacological drugs are prohibited for use while expecting a baby. However, the use of cough tablets during pregnancy based on herbal ingredients such as:

  • “Mukaltin” containing marshmallow herb. Take under the strict supervision of a doctor three to four times a day, before meals. Duration of therapy is one to two weeks;
  • sucking lollipops based on eucalyptus (preferably without sugar) - the inclusion of a herbal mixture in them is usually minimal. The positive effect is achieved due to the abundant production of saliva, which moisturizes and softens the pharyngeal area and larynx, where the urge to cough originates;
  • drugs with the active ingredient dextromethorphan (suppresses the cough center) are prescribed for severe attacks when the problem cannot be eliminated in any other way;
  • Bromhexine, a component of many expectorant medications, is also often used to treat pregnant women;
  • “Bronchipret” is a German medicine made from herbal ingredients. Indicated for coughs of any origin (one tablet three times a day, after meals). Course duration is from seven to ten days;
  • "Ambroxol" - thins thick viscous mucus, facilitates expectoration. Allowed for treatment of pregnant women under the supervision of a specialist in the second/third trimesters;
  • “Codelac” is not advisable during pregnancy, since codeine is a drug that can cause dysfunction in embryonic development and often causes heart defects. Prescribed only in emergency cases when other means are powerless.

In any case, you should not self-medicate during pregnancy, even with traditional medicine. Oddly enough, even plant materials can cause harm if you have an individual intolerance. The choice of treatment method, dosage of the drug and the duration of the therapeutic effect are prescribed by the doctor strictly individually.

Contraindications to the use of cough tablets

Each medicine has indications, contraindications and a list of side effects. Cough tablets are selected individually for each patient. Particular care must be taken when treating cough in young children, pregnant and lactating women.

Combined antitussive drugs are not prescribed in cases of individual intolerance, during pregnancy and lactation, in children under two years of age, as well as in cases of second/third degree respiratory failure and the presence of severe bronchial asthma.

The use of expectorant tablets is unacceptable in parallel with the intake of substances that depress the cough center and inhibit the cough reflex. This combination provokes severe inflammatory diseases of the lower respiratory system (for example, pneumonia).

Contraindications to the use of Thermopsis cough tablets apply to infants with bronchitis or pneumonia, since if there is copious mucus discharge they will not be able to cough up, which will cause respiratory failure. Known tablets in large dosages cause nausea in children at the beginning of the course.

Mucolytics “bromhexine”, “ACC”, “ambroxol” are not recommended during exacerbation of bronchial asthma due to the threat of bronchospasm. Bromhexine is contraindicated in the first three months of pregnancy, in children under three years of age, in the presence of a stomach ulcer, recent bleeding and individual intolerance. ACC tablets can be prescribed after the tenth day of life, but are not used for pulmonary hemorrhages, stomach ulcers, hepatitis, in cases of renal failure and fructose intolerance. The medicine is not combined with tetracycline, semi-synthetic group of penicillins, aminoglycosides, cephalosporins, or other antitussive drugs to avoid congestion in the respiratory tract.

Effervescent or dissolving cough tablets are famous for their speed of absorption and effectiveness, but they are not suitable for treating patients with high acidity, gastritis and gastric ulcers.

When choosing a cough remedy, you should follow the instructions, but it is best to visit a competent specialist who will determine the cause of the painful condition and prescribe the most effective remedy.

Side effects of cough tablets

Cough tablets have their own list of side effects - from nausea to drug addiction.

The drug "libexin" requires administration strictly according to the prescribed regimen (four times a day in accordance with the patient's age), without chewing, in order to avoid anesthesia of the oral mucosa. The popular drug Stoptussin can cause diarrhea, headache, abdominal pain, dyspepsia, allergic reaction and dizziness. When taking Tusuprex, used to treat a dry, nonproductive cough, some patients experience digestive upset.

Side effects of mucolytic cough tablets (“bromhexine”, “ACC”, etc.) include the onset of bronchospasm, which is especially dangerous during an exacerbation of bronchial asthma. In such patients, bronchodilators without atropine should be preferred. In addition to the above, taking the drug "ACC" is fraught with skin reactions, increased blood pressure, and dyspepsia.

Thermopsis-based cough tablets can also provoke an allergic effect (itching, skin rash, etc.) and cause nausea.

Narcotic cough medicines (for example, codeine) cause pharmacological dependence and allergies. In case of overdose, constipation, vomiting, urinary retention, problems with coordinating the movement of the eyeballs, weakness, and depression of the respiratory center are observed.

If coughing attacks intensify, and there is no opportunity to visit a doctor, then carefully study the instructions for the drug you are purchasing for contraindications and side effects.

Directions for use and doses

The specificity of taking antitussive medications depends on the nature of the disease, the patient’s age, the individual characteristics of the body, the presence of chronic diseases, the presence of addictions (for example, smoking), body weight and a number of other factors.

A specialist must establish the correct diagnosis and prescribe the correct treatment. The method of administration and dose is also determined by the doctor on an individual basis.

Tablet cough medicine “libexin” or “libexin muco” (with the mucolytic carbocisteine, which reduces the viscosity of sputum) is used without chewing up to 4 times a day. The dosage depends on the age of the patient and varies from a quarter of a tablet to two tablets per single dose. The effect lasts up to four hours.

Stoptussin cough tablets are taken up to 6 times a day, since the partial elimination period is six hours. The resorption medicine "falimint", which helps with a non-productive irritating cough, is allowed for use up to 10 times a day, provided the duration of therapy is no more than a few days.

Mucolytic preparations based on plant materials should be consumed before meals. The recommended dose of "mucaltin" for adults is 1-2 tablets up to 4 times a day, for children - from half a tablet to two tablets per one-time dose. "Thermopsis" without codeine is prescribed one tablet three times a day for a course of up to five days. The maximum daily dosage of the drug is 0.3 g or 42 tablets. Children over 12 years of age are allowed to take a tablet 2-3 times a day. The prescription of "bromhexine" for adults and children over 10 years of age is 8 mg three to four times a day. Children under two years of age take this drug 2 mg three times a day. The treatment course can last up to four weeks.

Effervescent cough tablets "ACC" are taken after meals, after dissolving the medicine in half a glass of water, juice or iced tea. The daily dose of the drug depends on body weight: patients weighing more than 30 kg. use up to 800 mg. facilities. For children, the dosage is selected based on age: up to 2 years – 50 mg. 2-3 times/day, from 2 to 5 years – 400 mg. in four doses, from 6 years old – 600 mg. for three doses. The duration of treatment varies from three to six months, which is influenced by the complexity of the pathological condition.

The antitussive "ACC" is prohibited for use with the tetracycline group, semisynthetic penicillin preparations, aminoglycosides and cephalosporins. ACC should not be combined with other cough tablets to prevent congestion of the respiratory tract.

Libexin should not be combined with mucolytics or expectorants, as it may make it difficult to remove sputum.

Regarding the interaction of cough tablets with other drugs that stop the cough reflex, like codeine, we can definitely say that the latter complicate the coughing up of liquefied sputum and its accumulation in the lungs.

A number of pharmacological agents enhance the effects of each other. This effect is observed when taking “glycodin” simultaneously with narcotic antitussives. In this case, “glycodin” often interacts with monoamine oxidase inhibitors.

Before you start taking any cough medicine, carefully read the package insert and be sure to tell your doctor about the medications you are taking.

Storage conditions for cough tablets

Basic storage conditions for cough tablets include the following:

  • the storage place must be dry, closed to light and inaccessible to children;
  • the acceptable temperature is most often 15-25С, unless there are special instructions in the instructions;
  • Place medications away from heating/heating appliances.

You should not carefully cut off the empty part of the blister in order to preserve the aesthetic appearance of the opened packaging. After a while, it will be difficult or absolutely impossible to determine what this “white” pill helped with. Moreover, you may take the wrong medicine. The same applies to those who like to transfer tablets into containers for other drugs.

The shelf life of cough tablets can vary from 3 to 5 years.

Cough tablets – a combined herbal medicine for complex therapy of respiratory tract diseases.



The effect of using Cough Tablets is due to the active components included in its composition:

  • Thermopsis herb, thanks to the alkaloids it contains - cytisine, methylcytisine, pachycarpine, anagyrin, thermopsin and thermopsidine, reflexively increases the secretion of the bronchial glands and has a mild irritant effect on the receptors of the gastric mucosa. In addition, having an expectorant effect, it has a stimulating effect on the respiratory center;
  • Sodium bicarbonate helps reduce the viscosity of sputum, while simultaneously stimulating the secretion of the bronchial glands.

Release form

The medication is produced in the form of greenish-gray flat-cylindrical tablets containing Thermopsis lanceolata herb in powder form (6.7 mg) and sodium bicarbonate (250 mg). 10 tablets per package.

Analogues of cough tablets

An analogue of the drug in terms of active ingredients is Thermopsol. Analogs of Cough Tablets based on their mechanism of action include medications:

  • Syrup - Amtersol, Bronchipret, Prospan, Linkas, Gedelix, Prothiazine expectorant, Herbion, Doctor Mom, Cooka, Coldrex broncho, Pertussin, Stoptussin-Fito, Theraflu KV, Travisil, Tussamag, Fitolor, Eucabal;
  • Vegetable raw materials – Anise fruits, Marshmallow root dry extract, Ledum marsh shoots, Chest collection No. 1-4, Elecampane rhizomes and roots, Oregano herb, Licorice root, Pine buds, Thyme herb;
  • Extract for oral administration – Antiasthmatic medicine according to Traskova’s prescription;
  • Oral drops – Bronchicum, Bronchipret;
  • Elixir – Bronchicum;
  • Pastilles – Bronchicum S, Eucalyptus-M, Doctor Mom, Linkas Lor, Fitolor;
  • Powder for preparing a solution – Cough mixture for adults, Cough mixture for children;
  • Tablets – Mucaltin, Pectusin, Travisil.

Indications for use of cough tablets

The medication, according to the instructions, is prescribed as part of complex therapy for the treatment of respiratory tract diseases that are accompanied by a cough with difficult to separate sputum, including bronchitis and tracheitis.


Cough tablets, according to the instructions, are contraindicated for use:

  • With exacerbation of gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer;
  • In case of hypersensitivity to the components of the medication.

and the period of breastfeeding are also contraindications to the use of the medicine.

In pediatrics, cough tablets can be used in children at least 12 years of age.

How to use cough tablets

For adults, cough tablets, according to the instructions, are prescribed one tablet three times a day. The duration of treatment usually does not exceed five days.

Children are allowed to use cough tablets from 12 years of age in adult dosage. The duration of treatment is determined by the doctor individually.

In case of an overdose of cough tablets, children and adults may experience digestive disorders including vomiting and nausea. In these cases, symptomatic treatment is required.

Drug interactions

In addition, the simultaneous use of cough tablets with medicines that contain codeine, as well as with other antitussive medicines, should be avoided, as this makes it difficult to clear sputum.

Side effects of cough tablets

According to the instructions, when using Cough Tablets, nausea may occur, and if there is a predisposition, allergic reactions may occur.

Storage conditions for cough tablets

Cough tablets are classified as over-the-counter herbal medicines with a shelf life of no more than 4 years under standard storage conditions.


Tablets 1 tablet.
codeine 8 mg
Thermopsis lanceolata herb 20 mg
sodium bicarbonate 200 mg
licorice roots 200 mg

Pills; contour packaging without cells 10;

Pills; contour packaging 10 cardboard pack 2;

Pills; contour packaging 10 cardboard pack 1;

Pills; contour packaging 10 cardboard pack 3;

Pills; contour packaging 10 cardboard pack 5;

Pills; contour cell packaging 10;

Pharmacodynamics of the drug Cough tablets

The action is determined by the properties of the components included in the drug.

Codeine reduces the excitability of the cough center and interrupts reflexes that cause prolonged coughing, and has a weak analgesic and sedative effect. In small doses it does not cause depression of the respiratory center, does not disrupt the function of the ciliated epithelium and does not reduce bronchial secretion.

Thermopsis lanceolata herb contains isoquinoline alkaloids as active substances. Excites the respiratory and stimulates the vomiting centers. It has a pronounced expectorant effect, manifested in increasing the secretory function of the bronchial glands, increasing the activity of the ciliated epithelium and accelerating the excretion of secretions, increasing the tone of bronchial smooth muscles due to the central vagotropic effect. The biologically active substances contained in the plant have ganglion-blocking properties.

Sodium bicarbonate causes a shift in the pH of bronchial mucus to the alkaline side and reduces the viscosity of sputum. Stimulates the motor function of the ciliated epithelium and bronchioles.

Licorice root has an expectorant, anti-inflammatory and antispasmodic effect. The expectorant properties are due to the content of glycyrrhizin, which stimulates the activity of the ciliated epithelium in the trachea and bronchi, and also enhances the secretory function of the mucous membranes of the upper respiratory tract.

The antispasmodic effect on smooth muscles is due to the content of flavone compounds (the most active is liquiritoside). The anti-inflammatory effect is manifested in the relief of inflammatory reactions caused by histamine, serotonin and bradykinin.

Glycyrrhizic acid, undergoing metabolic transformations in the body, has a GCS-like effect.

Use of the drug Cough tablets during pregnancy

Contraindicated during pregnancy (especially the 1st and 3rd trimesters). Breastfeeding should be stopped during treatment.

Contraindications to the use of the drug Cough tablets


Respiratory failure;

Asthmatic status;

Children under 2 years of age.

With caution:

Threatened miscarriage;

Pregnancy (especially the 1st and 3rd trimesters);

Lactation period (danger of developing respiratory depression in a child due to the fact that codeine penetrates well through the placental barrier and the BBB).

Side effects of the drug Cough tablets

Allergic reactions: skin itching, urticaria; nausea. With long-term use - the development of drug dependence on codeine.

Method of administration and dosage of the drug Cough tablets

Inside, 1 tablet. 2–3 times a day.

Overdose of the drug Cough tablets

Symptoms: vomiting, constipation, urinary retention, headache, drowsiness, impaired coordination of movements of the eyeballs, miosis, depression of the respiratory center.

Treatment: gastric lavage with activated carbon or potassium permanganate. Administration of respiratory analeptics, atropine and the competitive antagonist of codeine - naloxone.

Interactions of the drug Cough tablets with other drugs

Pharmacodynamic: chloramphenicol inhibits the metabolism of codeine in the liver and thereby enhances its effect in the body. With the simultaneous use of drugs that depress the central nervous system (hypnotics, antipsychotics, etc.), the sedative effect and inhibitory effect on the respiratory center may be enhanced. Codeine enhances the effect of ethanol on psychomotor functions.

Pharmacokinetic: when codeine is used in large doses, the effect of cardiac glycosides may be enhanced, because due to weakened peristalsis, their absorption increases. Adsorbents, astringents and enveloping drugs can reduce the absorption of alkaloids and codeine included in the drug into the gastrointestinal tract.

Special instructions when taking the drug Cough tablets

In patients with impaired renal function, codeine excretion is slowed down, so it is recommended to lengthen the intervals between doses of the drug. During the treatment period, care must be taken when driving vehicles and engaging in other potentially hazardous activities that require increased concentration and speed of psychomotor reactions.

Storage conditions for the drug Cough tablets

In a place protected from light.

Shelf life of the drug Cough tablets

The drug Cough Tablets belongs to the ATX classification:

R Respiratory system

R05 Medicines used for coughs and colds

R05C Expectorants (except combinations with antitussives)

R05CA Expectorants

Cough tablets are a drug from the mucolytic group. Given antitussive consists of the main component - thermopsis ( extract of the plant of the same name) and auxiliary – sodium bicarbonate. Drugs in this group are used for diseases of the bronchopulmonary system, accompanied by the formation of viscous sputum.

The therapeutic effect of the drug is to reduce the viscosity of sputum, stimulate the formation of liquid secretion by the bronchial glands and accelerate its removal from the airways. A special feature of cough tablets based on thermopsis is the reflex type of action. Thermopsis in moderate doses irritates the gastric mucosa, which reflexively leads to activation of the bronchial glands. In addition to the above effects, the alkaloids contained in thermopsis lead to stimulation of the respiratory center of the brain, which ultimately leads to an increase in blood oxygen saturation.

Sodium bicarbonate has strong mucolytic properties. After absorption into the blood, this substance penetrates through the epithelium of the bronchi into their lumen and reduces the acidity of the mucus. At the same time, its liquefaction occurs. As a result, less viscous mucus envelops the airways and has a protective effect on inflamed areas. Cough receptors, closely located in the trachea and large bronchi, are less likely to be excited and, accordingly, less likely to cause cough impulses. The cough, which was initially frequent, dry and painful, becomes rare, wet and less painful.

It is important to note that the drug is contraindicated in pregnant women, as it can cause disruption of the proper formation of the respiratory center and lungs of the fetus, thus increasing the risk of respiratory distress syndrome in the newborn. The drug is also contraindicated for children under 12 years of age, since its use is associated with the risk of persistent gastrointestinal disorders.

Types of medication, commercial names of analogues, release forms

One tablet of the drug contains 6.7 mg of thermopsis, 250 mg of sodium bicarbonate, as well as starch and talc. The same combination of active ingredients is not available in any form other than tablets.

This drug exists on the pharmaceutical market under the following names:

  • cough tablets;
  • thermopsol;
  • antitusin.

Manufacturers of cough tablets

Commercial name
Manufacturer country Release form Dosage
Pharmstandard Thermopsol Russia Pills Cough tablets are prescribed 3 times a day during or after meals.

Optimal dose for an adult

Maximum single dose is 0.1 g based on the active substance ( 14 tablets).

Maximum daily dose is respectively 0.3 g of active substance ( 44 tablets).

Children over 12 years old the drug is indicated 3 times a day, half or a whole tablet, depending on the severity of the underlying disease.

Dalkhimpharm Cough tablets
Tatkhimpharmaceuticals Cough tablets
Chimpharm Cough tablets The Republic of Kazakhstan
Ternopil FF JSC Antitusin Ukraine

The mechanism of therapeutic action of the drug

As stated earlier, cough tablets are a reflex drug. Thermopsis, which is the main component of these tablets, in moderate doses causes irritation of the gastric mucosa. In response to irritation, the gastric mucosa increases the production of liquid secretion for the purpose of self-defense. Since this effect is mediated by the influence of the vagus nerve, similar effects develop in other areas of its innervation, that is, in the bronchi, heart, intestines, etc. Under the influence of this nerve, the secretion of liquid mucus by the bronchial glands increases and the activity of the transport function of the respiratory epithelium increases. The respiratory epithelium consists of many microscopic villi that are capable of contracting and relaxing, performing unidirectional oscillatory movements. The direction of movement of the villi is from the smallest bronchioles to the nasal cavity. In this way, sputum is removed along with dust particles and microorganisms settled on its surface.

In moderate doses, cough tablets cause increased activity of the respiratory center, which leads to an increase in breathing rate and oxygen saturation of the blood. However, in high doses, thermopsis causes nausea and even vomiting due to excessive irritation of the gastric mucosa and activation of the vomiting center in the brain.

Thin sputum is released from the lungs much better than thick sputum. In this regard, the drug contains a component such as sodium bicarbonate, which has a direct diluting effect on already formed mucus clots. As a result, a large amount of liquid mucus envelops the airways. This, in turn, partially reduces the irritation of cough receptors, abundantly located in the respiratory epithelium. As a result, the cough is reduced and becomes productive ( coughing up phlegm) and less painful.

For what pathologies is it prescribed?

Cough tablets, in addition to their main obvious use, are prescribed for the treatment of diseases accompanied by thickening of sputum.

Use of cough tablets

Name of the disease Mechanism of therapeutic action Dosage of the drug
Acute respiratory viral infections Cough tablets cause a reflex increase in the secretion of the bronchial glands.

The already formed thick sputum has an alkalizing effect, leading to its softening.
In parallel, under the influence of the drug, there is an increase in the frequency of oscillatory movements of the villi of the respiratory epithelium.

Thus, the removal of mucus from the lumen of the bronchi is accelerated.

In addition to the above effects, cough tablets affect certain structures of the brain.

In therapeutic doses, the respiratory center located in the brain stem is stimulated, and in high doses, the vomiting center is irritated.

Optimal dose for adults is one tablet 3 times a day.

Optimal dose for children over 12 years of age is half - one tablet 3 times a day.

Children under 12 years of age, as well as pregnant and breastfeeding women the drug is contraindicated.

Maximum permissible single dose for an adult in terms of the active substance is 100 mg, which equates to approximately 14 tablets.

Maximum daily dose is 300 mg in terms of thermopsis ( 44 tablets).

It must be taken into account that taking such high doses of the drug is dangerous, since its beneficial effect increases slightly, and side effects increase tenfold.

Cough tablets are taken after meals, otherwise the risk of side effects from the gastrointestinal tract increases.

The duration of the course of treatment is dictated by the severity of the specific disease, but on average it is 3–5 days.

Acute and chronic bronchitis
Broncho-obstructive pneumopathy
Acute tracheitis
Acute and chronic laryngitis

Contraindications for use of the drug

Cough tablets have the following contraindications:
  • allergic reactions to the drug in the past;
  • children under 12 years of age;
An allergy, once developed to a certain substance, persists for the rest of your life. In most cases, with many years of absence of contact of the body with an allergen, the number of specific antibodies circulating in the blood decreases. However, throughout life, memory cells remain in the blood, which can develop allergies even many decades after the initial reaction. This feature must be kept in mind and not use cough tablets if they previously caused allergies in the patient.

In the respiratory tract, excess mucus plays a negative role, but the mucus of the stomach and duodenum has a protective effect on the epithelium and is therefore considered beneficial. Since the use of cough tablets leads to a decrease in the viscosity of mucus, at the same time its protective properties decrease. The acidic environment of gastric juice has a more aggressive effect on the mucous membrane of the stomach and duodenum, leading to erosive gastritis, the formation of new ulcers and the opening of old ones.

Due to the fact that the children's stomach is less resistant to various types of aggressive factors, it is not recommended to prescribe drugs to children that reduce the protective properties of mucus, in particular, cough tablets.

Pregnancy and lactation are also contraindications to the use of cough tablets, since the latter are able to penetrate the blood-brain barrier. Having penetrated into the blood circulation of the fetus, thermopsis can cause disturbances in the development of the lungs, in particular those associated with the release of surfactant, as well as make undesirable adjustments in the formation of the respiratory center of the brain.

How to use the medicine?

Cough tablets are prescribed exclusively to adults and children over 12 years of age. The optimal dose for an adult is one tablet every 8 hours. For children, it is recommended to take half to a whole tablet every 8 hours. It is necessary to take the drug after meals with a small amount of water in order to reduce its negative effects on the mucous membrane of the stomach and duodenum. The average duration of treatment varies from three to five days. During this period, it is necessary to increase daily fluid intake to two and a half liters per day or more due to the fact that the effect of the drug is associated with an increase in fluid loss through the lungs. If there is a fever, the volume of fluid consumed should increase to three to four liters per day.

Renal failure and liver failure of varying severity lead to retention of the drug in the body and an increase in its concentration in the blood. This, in turn, increases the risk of adverse reactions.

Possible side effects

The following side effects of cough tablets are distinguished:
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • stomach ache;
  • allergic reactions.

Nausea and vomiting

These adverse reactions from the gastrointestinal tract are a consequence of a decrease in the viscosity of mucus on the surface of the stomach and duodenum under the influence of thermopsis extract and sodium bicarbonate. The mucus on the surface of these organs exhibits protective properties against the aggressive influence of acidic gastric juice. Nausea and vomiting are signs that mucus reserves are depleted, and the hydrochloric acid of gastric juice irritates the columnar epithelium of the organ. Nausea can also occur due to the influence of thermopsis extract on the vomiting center of the brain. Such an effect is possible when using high doses of the drug.

Stomach ache

Abdominal pain develops for the same reason as nausea and vomiting. However, in this case, the pathological process develops further, leading to damage to the mucous epithelium. As a result, erosions and peptic ulcers appear, in severe cases complicated by perforation of the organ.

Allergic reactions

It must be recognized that hypersensitivity reactions to thermopsis-based cough tablets develop extremely rarely, however, in people predisposed to allergies, such reactions can occur.

The most common manifestations of allergies to cough tablets are:

  • angioedema ( Quincke's edema);
Urticaria is the mildest manifestation of allergy from a medical point of view. It develops when exposed to an allergen ( in this case cough tablets) into the digestive tract. After some time, on average from 15 minutes to 2 - 3 hours, a pinpoint rash with a diameter of no more than 1 - 2 mm appears on the skin of the abdomen, back, thighs, perineum, elbows, slightly protruding above the surface of the skin. Often the appearance of a rash is accompanied by skin itching of varying intensity, most severe in areas of heavy rash. As the allergy progresses, single elements of the rash merge and form blisters with a diameter of up to 20–30 cm.

Angioedema ( Quincke's edema) is a fairly common manifestation of an allergic reaction. According to statistics, every eighth inhabitant of the planet has suffered this type of allergic edema at least once in his life. Its peculiarity is the initial damage to loose, unformed connective tissue located around the lips and eyes, in the earlobes, cheeks, interfascial spaces, scrotum and labia. Accordingly, the above parts of the body swell first.

Another feature of this edema is the fact that its spread in most cases occurs from top to bottom - starting from the periocular tissue and mouth and moving down. Once the level of the cricoid cartilage of the larynx is reached, there is a risk of swelling spreading to the vocal cords. This is dangerous because the swollen ligaments close, stopping the flow of air into the lungs. In the absence of breathing, the patient’s skin and mucous membranes turn blue, and after 1–3 minutes ( for athletes up to 4 – 5 minutes) unconsciousness occurs. If medical assistance is not provided, the patient dies no later than 8 to 10 minutes from the moment the glottis closes.

Based on the rate of progression of edema, acute and chronic forms of the pathology are distinguished. The acute form leads to the closure of the vocal cords in a period of 5 to 30 minutes. Chronic edema develops from 30 minutes to 12 hours. Accordingly, in the first case, the promptness of providing the necessary medical care determines the likelihood of the patient’s survival. In the second case, the patient has more time to seek help, so the prognosis for such an allergy manifestation is much better.

Anaphylactic shock
Anaphylactic shock or anaphylaxis is perhaps the most severe manifestation of an allergy to any substance. This reaction develops when even a small amount of allergen enters an overly sensitized body. As a result, a lightning-fast reaction of allergen binding by antibodies circulating in the blood develops, accompanied by the release of a large amount of biologically active substances that dilate blood vessels. As a result, generalized vasodilation leads to a sharp decrease in blood pressure. In the most severe cases, blood pressure becomes zero. For this reason, the supply of oxygen to the brain stops, the patient falls into a coma, the depth of which increases every minute. Lack of necessary medical care leads to the death of the patient in an average of 5 – 6 minutes.

Interaction with other drugs

Cough tablets are not recommended to be prescribed together with drugs that have a central antitussive effect. The most prominent representative of this group is codeine. A complication of such treatment is the accumulation of mucus in the respiratory tract and the maintenance of the inflammatory process.

The combination of cough tablets with antibiotics is positive, since they increase the concentration of the latter in the lumen of the bronchi and lead to better destruction of pathogenic microbes.

Approximate cost of the medicine

The price of cough tablets may vary in different regions of the Russian Federation. The reason for the difference in cost is the difference in the quality of the raw materials from which the medicine is made, various technological costs, transportation costs, markups from pharmaceutical companies and pharmacies, and much more.

Cost of cough tablets in various regions of the Russian Federation

City Price ( 30 pcs.)
Moscow 88 rubles
Kazan 84 rubles
Krasnoyarsk 72 rubles
Eagle 81 ruble
Rostov-on-Don 75 rubles
Samara 74 rubles
Stavropol 84 rubles
Khabarovsk 95 rubles
Chelyabinsk 83 rubles

Cough tablets (that's what they are called) are an affordable medicine that helps get rid of a common symptom of respiratory tract diseases, the cough reflex, accompanied by the release of mucus or the so-called dry mucus.

They have been present on the pharmaceutical market for decades. In Soviet times, a package of the drug cost only a few kopecks and was in every home medicine cabinet. Today, thermopsis tablets are still available and in demand; they are made from natural plant materials and do not contain chemical components.

The active ingredient in cough tablets is thermopsis herb. This is a medicinal perennial plant from the legume family, growing in the Urals, Siberia, Mongolia and Tibet. The medicinal properties of the plant are due to its composition. Thermopsis leaves and stems contain five types of alkaloids, saponins, mucous compounds, tannins, essential oils, resins, and ascorbic acid.

Clinical and pharmacological group

Herbal medicine with expectorant action.

Terms of sale from pharmacies

Can buy without a doctor's prescription.


How many hundred zn cough tablets are there in pharmacies? The average price is 30 rubles.

Composition and release form

The product is available in tablet form. Each gray (sometimes greenish) tablet is made from compressed powder containing:

  • Thermopsis (0.0067 g);
  • Sodium bicarbonate (0.25 g).

Thermopsis is a plant that grows throughout North America and Asia. It has long been known as an effective cough remedy and is often used in pharmaceuticals to create high-quality medicines. Cough tablets contain a sufficient amount of extracts from this herb, which explains the therapeutic effect.

pharmachologic effect

  • elimination of intestinal atony, which is especially useful for chronic constipation, irritable bowel syndrome, after abdominal surgery;
  • appetite stimulation– used for anorexia of somatic and neurogenic nature, in case of deterioration of appetite due to infectious and inflammatory diseases;
  • increase in systemic pressure– this is why the herb is used for arterial hypotension;
  • sputum discharge - substances included in the plant not only transform a non-productive cough into a wet one, but also help remove mucus and phlegm from the bronchi and alveoli;
  • dilatation of small vessels, relief of headaches - in this case, the herbal medicine can eliminate cephalgia due to vascular spasm or muscle tension;
  • sedative effect– useful in the treatment of depression, anxiety, psychosis.
  • the plant can increase the tone of the uterus, has an anti-inflammatory effect, relieves the symptoms of fever (weakness, chills).

As for sodium bicarbonate, it helps reduce the viscosity of sputum, thereby stimulating the secretion of the bronchial glands.

All components of these tablets are ideally absorbed by the digestive tract. The maximum effect of the drug is observed thirty to forty minutes after oral administration, and lasts for two to six hours. The medication is removed from the body by the bronchial glands, the mucous layer of the respiratory tract and the kidneys.

Indications for use

What do they help with? Cough tablets are prescribed to patients orally for the symptomatic treatment of respiratory tract diseases accompanied by obsessive paroxysmal and unproductive cough, namely:

  1. Laryngotracheitis;
  2. Bronchiolitis;


Any form of the drug containing thermopsis extract is contraindicated in the following conditions:

  • bronchial asthma;
  • respiratory failure;
  • periods of pregnancy and lactation;
  • individual intolerance to the components of the drug;
  • peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum (including a history);
  • pulmonary diseases with a tendency to hemoptysis (tuberculosis, lung cancer);
  • acute form of pyelonephritis or glomerulonephritis.

Hypertensive patients should be especially careful when taking thermopsis-based medications, since during treatment there is a high probability of an increase in blood pressure. Under the supervision of a physician and only when indicated, the drug is prescribed to children under 12 years of age.

Prescription during pregnancy and lactation

Data regarding the safety of Cough Tablets for pregnant women and the fetus are not provided and it is unknown whether treatment can adversely affect the intrauterine development of the child. Considering these data, cough tablets are contraindicated for use at all stages of pregnancy.

The active ingredients of the drug can be excreted in breast milk and enter the baby's body, so cough tablets should not be taken by nursing mothers. If treatment with the drug is necessary, you should decide on stopping lactation or consult a doctor to select another effective and safe cough medicine.

Dosage and method of administration

As indicated in the instructions for use, the dosage of cough tablets for different ages is as follows:

  • For children over 12 years of age, the drug is prescribed one tablet 2 to 3 times a day. Treatment time usually does not exceed five days. If the course is completed, but the cough remains, the decision to extend therapy can only be made by a doctor.
  • Adults also take a tablet three times a day, the course of treatment lasts from 3 to 5 days. With the doctor's permission, the number of tablets can be increased under the constant supervision of medical personnel.

Since thermopsis herb has an effect that irritates the gastric mucosa and nerve endings, an overdose of the drug can provoke severe nausea and vomiting.

To eliminate the problem, gastric lavage is used. This drug is not prescribed to young children, as they may react to its composition, and children also have a very high sensitivity to various drugs that cause nausea. The vomiting center, which is not fully formed, quickly reacts to the irritant and the medicine becomes the cause of severe vomiting and the appearance of allergic reactions.

Side effect

The presence of individual intolerance in a patient to the active components of the thermopsis herbal medicine, as well as the use of doses exceeding the recommended ones, can lead to the development of the following undesirable reactions from the body:

  • nausea, vomiting;
  • paroxysmal pain in the abdomen (upper part and umbilical area);
  • allergic reactions (itching rash, acute urticaria, angioedema, less often - anaphylactic shock).

If you use the herb with licorice in syrup for a long time or in the wrong doses, then the likelihood of “bromism” phenomena increases: frequent cough, lethargy, nasal congestion and rhinorrhea, apathy, decreased memory properties, acute conjunctivitis, vomiting, skin rashes. In this case, the medication is discontinued and symptomatic therapy is prescribed.


In case of an overdose of the drug, adults and children experience digestive disorders, including nausea and vomiting. In such situations, symptomatic therapy is required.

special instructions

To improve the liquefaction and separation of sputum, it is recommended to prescribe plenty of warm drinks.

The use of the drug does not affect the performance of potentially hazardous activities that require increased attention and speed of psychomotor reactions (driving vehicles, working with moving mechanisms, the work of a dispatcher and operator).

Interaction with other drugs

Adsorbents, astringents and coating agents can reduce the absorption of alkaloids included in the thermopsis herb in the gastrointestinal tract.

Cough tablets should not be used simultaneously with preparations containing codeine and other antitussive drugs, as this may make it more difficult to cough up mucus.