How long to cook blood sausage at home. Blood sausage with buckwheat

Ingredients for blood sausage can be purchased at the market and prepared at home. This healthy dish is prepared in many countries of our vast country, there are many recipes, for example, in Spain they call it morcilla and they like to add green onions or cook it with the addition of raisins, etc. The famous famous Berlin blood sausage and many others are valued types, but I present common recipes that are most often prepared in Ukraine, Russia and Belarus.

How to cook blood sausage at home according to the classic recipe


  • blood - 1500 milliliters;
  • lard - 400 grams;
  • meat trimmings - 250 grams;
  • milk - 1 glass;
  • vinegar and salt - into the blood
  • spices and seasonings - at your discretion.

How to cook blood sausage at home according to the classic recipe

At home, you can use fresh, frozen or dried blood when preparing blood sausage. Sausage made from fresh bovine or pork blood is better and tastier. To prevent fresh blood from clotting quickly, you need to add a little wine vinegar and salt. One liter of blood will require 0.5-1 tsp. vinegar and 1 tbsp. l. salt. Pour the prepared blood into a wooden bowl or enamel pan with a wide circumference, stir, cover with a lid and place in the refrigerator or on a cold floor.

Now let's prepare the minced meat. Meat trimmings, lard, cut into pieces and pass through a meat grinder. But, some chefs like to add meat products in finely chopped form, but then they will have to cook it longer. After 60 minutes, take out the cooled blood, strain through a sieve and mix with the finished filling and milk. As for spices and seasonings, it's a matter of your taste.

We fill the intestines in a convenient way, tie the beginning of the shell with a strong thread, and then the second end, so that there is a ring shape.
Pour water into a thick-walled wide cauldron, add salt, heat almost to a boil and lower the sausage pieces. At the end of cooking, check readiness by pricking. If there are signs of juice with blood, then continue the cooking mode.


  • pork blood - 2 liters;
  • pork meat - 500 grams;
  • fresh lard - 800 grams + 200 salted;
  • semolina - 1 cup;
  • cream or milk - 250 milliliters;
  • garlic - 1 head;
  • wine vinegar - one teaspoon;
  • salt and pepper - to your taste;
  • kishoshell.

According to the recipe, we prepare blood sausage at home with semolina as follows:

Fresh pork lard, you can also add a little salt, cut the lean meat into pieces. Peel and finely chop the garlic and pass everything through a meat grinder. Pour a little vinegar into the existing blood so that it does not clot, mix in a circle and add minced meat. Then you need to add semolina and cream. Mix and set aside for 20-30 minutes so that the semolina swells.

Finally, season with salt and ground black pepper if desired. Rinse the intestines with cold water, turn them out on the other side and thoroughly clean any plaque with a knife. Rinse, turn inside out, inspect, if there is impurity, then scrape off and rinse thoroughly. I usually put them on the tap, turn on the water and they wash out perfectly. Then add salt and refrigerate for two hours.

Next, tie one end of the intestine, and put the other on the nozzle, which is connected to the meat grinder and pour the prepared blood mass through the loading device, leaving a little free space. Tie the other end and give the semi-finished product the shape of a ring. If the intestine to be filled is long, then it is necessary to bandage it to the required size.

Now you need to pour water into a wide saucepan, heat it, add salt, and carefully lay out several seasoned rings of blood sausage. Set it to a low boil, pierce the sausage casings with a needle in several places so that the air comes out and then it does not rupture. Cook for about 25 minutes, turning from bottom to top. The cooking time will depend on the presence of raw materials in the sausage and its quantity.

Pull out the finished sausage using a convenient device, place in a saucepan, and cool. After cooling, wrap it in food paper and put it in the refrigerator, and if it is stored longer, you need to fill it with melted fat. Remember, blood sausage is a perishable product, so it cannot be stored for a long time.

At home, you can prepare blood sausage using a variety of recipes; some people like to add sautéed onions, but I like to cook with the addition of buckwheat. This combination is healthy and very tasty.


  • ready-made buckwheat porridge - 2 full glasses;
  • pork blood - 2.5 liters;
  • milk - one glass;
  • onions - 3 heads;
  • vegetable oil - 4 tablespoons;
  • garlic - 10-15 cloves;
  • lard - 600 grams;
  • nutmeg - 1 pinch;
  • salt and ground pepper - to taste.

According to a homemade recipe, we prepare blood sausage with buckwheat at home like this:

1. Prepare the intestines (as indicated earlier).
2. Cook crumbly buckwheat porridge with water, salt and a little butter.
3. Chop the onion and fry in vegetable oil until golden brown.
4. Garlic, peel and finely chop.
5. Pass the lard through a meat grinder or, as you like, you can cut it into cubes.
6. Pour fresh blood into a large bowl, and if there are lumps, you need to knead it with your hands, add fried onions, garlic, ready-made buckwheat porridge, milk, all the spices and seasonings and mix by hand.
7. Tie one end of the intestine with food strings, and connect the second hole to the replaceable mechanism of the meat grinder and pass everything into the sausage casing, leaving a little empty space.
8. Tie the second side with strong threads, so that there is a ring. This will make it convenient to turn the sausage from one side to the other when cooking.
9. Add salt to hot water, lower the sausage and cook over low heat, but at the same time it is necessary to keep an eye on it, pierce it and turn it over. Cooking time will depend on the cooking technology and preparation of the incoming ingredients.

In Ukraine, they prefer to cook blood sausage with buckwheat and liver (liver, liver, heart, etc.)


  • homemade blood from a pork carcass - 2 liters;
  • milk - 1 glass;
  • ready-made buckwheat porridge (crumbly) - 1.5-2 cups;
  • liver and heart - one kilogram;
  • fresh lard - 550 grams;
  • onions - 2 pieces;
  • seasonings - at your discretion;
  • intestines in purified form.

According to the recipe, Ukrainian blood sausage in Ukrainian is prepared as follows:

First, you should prepare the intestines: turn them inside out, clean them from the outside and inside, rinse, salt and put in the refrigerator. We put them in the refrigerator so that they do not spoil and their smell disappears. Finely chop the onion and fry until lightly colored and pleasantly fragrant.

Cut the offal and lard into small pieces, lightly fry, then combine with sautéed onions. Bring it to taste.
We prepare crumbly porridge from buckwheat.

Add the prepared ingredients, milk, salt, allspice and hot pepper to the blood, carefully stir everything until smooth.

Fill the intestines 2/3 full and cook until light fatty liquid flows out of the punctures, not blood. After cooking, cool and put under a press for 2-3 hours.

4. Homemade blood sausage with mushrooms

If it turns out that you have everything you need to make homemade blood sausage, and even wild fresh or dried mushrooms, then why not experiment for a variety?


  • blood - 1 liter jar;
  • dried mushrooms - 60-70 grams;
  • lard - 250 grams;
  • garlic - 5 cloves;
  • egg - 2 pieces;
  • seasonings and spices - according to preference.

According to the recipe, homemade blood sausage with mushrooms is prepared as follows:

1. Soak dry mushrooms in cold water and set aside to swell for about 2.5-3 hours. Then set to cook for 20 minutes.
2. Cut the skin off the fresh lard, chop it and pass it through a meat grinder with a grid with large holes. Transfer the mixture to a frying pan and lightly fry.
3. Next, peel the garlic, cut it together with the mushrooms into small pieces and color it a little in a frying pan with the addition of vegetable oil.
4. Add mushroom filling, cream, salt and separately hand-beaten eggs to the blood, mix everything.
5. Finally, we bring it to a piquant taste by adding ground coriander, nutmeg and black pepper and fill the shells according to the above recommendations.
6. Cook the sausage into the rings for 30 minutes. Every 10 minutes we make punctures in different places.

5. Homemade blood sausage with rice

If you don’t like blood sausage with buckwheat or semolina, you can cook it with the addition of rice, it will be more delicate in taste.


  • pork blood - two-liter jar;
  • rice groats (medium size) - 1.5 cups;
  • pork meat (not fatty) - 300 grams;
  • lard - 350 grams;
  • milk - two glasses;
  • onion - 5-6 heads;
  • egg - 6 pieces;
  • butter for seasoning rice - 50 grams;
  • vegetable oil - 3 tablespoons;
  • salt, ground white pepper and other spices - at your discretion.

According to the recipe, we prepare blood sausage at home with rice like this:

1. Boil the rice in a large amount of water with added salt, then put it in a sieve, season with butter and cool.
2. Chop the meat pulp, pass through a meat grinder and fry for five minutes.
3. Chop the onion and fry separately in vegetable oil; when the onion is fried separately, it becomes more fragrant.
4. Combine the minced meat with onions, add eggs, milk and all the spices and mix for a long time.
5. Add boiled rice and the prepared meat mixture to the blood without clots, repeat mixing and send to a cold place.
6. Fill the intestines with minced meat, leaving free space (i.e. not tightly), tie with twine.
7. Place in heated salted water and cook for about 45 minutes. During cooking, do not forget to pierce the sausage. Cool, grease and bake in the oven.

Tips for preparing, eating and storing blood sausage

1. To prepare blood tea at home, you need to take only fresh and proven raw materials.
2. When cooking, it is imperative to pierce it with a pin or needle at the beginning of cooking and in the middle in many places, then it will never burst.
3. In order for the finished sausage to have a shiny appearance, it must be greased with vegetable oil after cooking.
4. Blood sausage should not be consumed a lot at once, and especially if it is without the addition of porridge, since it is a heavy food - everything is good in moderation.
5. It’s good to serve sausage with mustard, horseradish, homemade adjika or other vegetable hot sauce.
6. To make the sausage appetizing and with a crispy crust, after cooking it can be fried in a frying pan.
7. Store strictly in the refrigerator at a temperature of 0 to +8 C for two days.
8. For longer storage, you need to place it in the freezer.


The killed pig must be immediately hung upside down so that it is convenient to collect the blood. Liquid blood is filtered through a colander or sieve lined with gauze. To prevent the collected blood from clotting, it is recommended to beat it together with a small amount of salt. Blood clots, if any, must be minced or rubbed through a sieve.

To 3 liters of blood add 1.5 kg of lard cut into small pieces (up to 2 cm), salt to taste, black and allspice, cumin, cloves, nutmeg, which must first be finely ground. All this is mixed well and the resulting mixture is tightly stuffed into large pork or beef intestines, the ends of which are tied with twine.

The resulting sausage loaves are placed in a bowl with warm water and placed on very low heat. After the water boils, cook the sausage for another 30 minutes.

To prevent the sausage from bursting, it is pierced in several places before and during cooking.

Carefully remove the finished sausage and strain it.


To prepare this sausage, take 3 parts of meat (pulp and subcutaneous fat layer), 1 part of liver and 1.5 liters of fresh blood.

For 1 kg of this mixture add 28 g of salt, 2 g of black pepper and 1 g of grated nutmeg.

The raw liver along with the meat is finely chopped, blood and spices are added and mixed well.

The resulting mixture is tightly stuffed into small beef intestines, which are tied with twine, 2 at a time (like sausages), and smoked for 2 days or hung to dry.

Before eating, boil the sausage for 15-20 minutes.


To prepare meat and vegetable blood sausage, take cooked crumbly porridge (buckwheat, pearl barley, rice, wheat or barley), fried fatty pork, minced in a meat grinder or finely chopped with a knife, fried onions, pepper, salt in the following ratios: per 1 kg of raw food blood - 1 kg of porridge, 1 kg of pork, 80 g of salt, 200 g of salt, 200 g of onion, 0.5 teaspoon of pepper.

This whole mass is mixed and filled with wide pork intestines, well washed and turned out, the ends of the sausage loaf are tightly tied.

Then the sausage is placed on a baking sheet and baked in the oven or oven.


Pork or beef meat is finely chopped and passed through a meat grinder. Add salt and pepper to the cooked minced meat to taste. All this is mixed well and filled into well-washed pork intestines, tied with thread at both ends.

The sausage is cooked for 15-20 minutes over low heat, then fried, preferably in the oven.

For 1 liter of fresh blood, 0.5 liters of cream, 3-4 raw eggs, 0.5-0.6 kg of pork or beef are consumed.


Once the pig's blood is collected, it is stirred with a wooden spoon, salted and placed in a cold place until the other foods are prepared.

For 1 kg of blood, take 0.5 kg of meat trimmings from the neck and other places, cut them together with fat, add salt, black pepper, cumin, allspice and cloves and mix with the blood.

Large pork or beef intestines are filled with the resulting mixture, their ends are tied; then they pierce it with a needle in several places, fill it with cold water and cook over low heat.

Place a wooden grid or several sticks at the bottom of the dish in which the sausage will be cooked. The laid sausage is pressed down on top with a plate.

While cooking the sausage, it is pierced with a needle again. If no blood flows out, the sausage is ready.

The cooked sausage is placed on a sieve or colander to drain.

Store in a cool place.


Meat cut from a pig's head and boneless brisket are boiled and ground in a meat grinder.

Separately, boil the skin and lungs until tender and, after cooling, also pass through a meat grinder.

Cook a steep crumbly porridge from any cereal, put it in a clean bowl, pour in blood, mix thoroughly and add cooked meat, skin and lungs, fried, finely chopped onion, salt, season with spices, pour in fatty strained broth and mix well again.

The resulting minced meat is stuffed into the large intestines of pork.

Blood sausages tied at the ends (200-250 g each) are boiled for 20-40 minutes at a temperature of 85-90 ° C, after first piercing the shell with a thin needle in several places, then they are washed in cold water and laid out to cool.

To prepare such a sausage, 3.5 kg of meat from a pig's head requires 0.5 kg of pork tenderloin, skin and lungs, 0.8-1 liters of pork blood, 0.5 liters of fatty meat broth, 1 kg of boiled cereal, 50 g onion, lard for frying it, salt and seasonings (pepper, marjoram, cumin).


The meat is cooked until done and lard scalded with boiling water (you can use brisket instead) is cut into small pieces.

The washed rice is cooked until tender, rinsed under running water and left until all the water has drained.

Place chopped meat with lard, rice, salt, season with spices and mix in the prepared dishes, pour in pork blood and carefully shovel again.

Fill the small intestines with minced meat, tie the ends of the sausages and cook them for 15-20 minutes at a water temperature of 85-90°C.

Cooked blood sausages are rinsed with cold water and laid out to cool.

To make sausage, 3 kg of pork front leg requires 3 kg of pork back fat, 1-1.5 liters of pork blood, salt and seasonings (pepper and cloves).

The blood of domestic animals is a very tasty and nutritious product that can be consumed raw, boiled, fried and baked. The peoples of northern latitudes are great experts in using blood for food. In order to obtain high palatability of blood, they use methods such as calming the animal before slaughter, as well as proper bleeding. The blood is released from a slight cut in the artery and is drunk immediately. Quite often, such blood is mixed with fresh milk in various proportions and is a delicious dish. This custom existed among the Scythians, Pechenegs, Polovtsians and was in use among the Tatars. Since the time of the Tatar-Mongol yoke in Rus', the expression “blood with milk” has been preserved, which means nothing more than “healthy food”, since a person who consumed blood with milk was always healthy, strong and had an attractive appearance.


Per 1 kg of blood:
100 g lard, 400 g stale bread, 1 egg, 2 glasses of milk, 10 peppercorns and 1 onion.

The blood of domestic animals is used to prepare the blood.
Soak the bun in milk, add blood strained through a sieve, lard cut into small cubes, chopped and slightly fried onions, raw eggs, ground hot pepper and salt. Mix everything well, stuff the intestines, tie them on both sides with twine, immerse them in salted boiling water, let them boil and cook at a low boil.
At the end of cooking, to prevent the sausage from bursting, the heat must be reduced even more.
To find out if the sausage is ready, you need to pull it out of the water and pierce it deeply with a needle. If clear juice comes out of the puncture, then the sausage is ready, but if it is bloody, you need to continue cooking.
Before serving, the blood is fried in oil.

Potato woman with blood

For 6 servings: 2 kg of potatoes, 750 ml of blood, 250 g of lard, 100 g of onion, 5 tbsp. l. breadcrumbs, 1 tbsp. l. flour, ground black pepper, marjoram, salt to taste.

Melt half the lard and fry the chopped onion in it. Peel the potatoes, grate them, mix with blood, breadcrumbs, flour, fried onions, salt, pepper and marjoram. Mix well and transfer to a well-greased and floured baking sheet. Place the other half of the lard on top, cut into thin slices, and bake in the oven.

Serve with bread and sauerkraut, cucumbers, beetroot or other vegetable salad.

Blood sausages with rice

Ingredients: 1 kg of fat pork, 1 kg of rice, 500 ml of blood, 70 g of onion, obor, ground black pepper, marjoram, cardamom, salt to taste, intestines.

Sort the rice, scald with boiling water, rinse thoroughly in cold water, add chopped onion, pour over the grease and simmer. (The rice should remain whole and crumbly.) Cut the meat into small cubes, render the fat out of them like lard, mix everything with the rice, add salt, add strained blood, pepper, marjoram and cardamom. Mix the mixture thoroughly and fill the prepared chopped colons with it, twist them tightly on both sides and secure with wooden sticks. Boil the sausages over low heat at 90°C for 10 minutes. (By piercing the sausage with a needle, you should make sure that the blood has coagulated.) Briefly immerse the finished sausages in cold water and place on a board to drain. Then bake in the oven, after piercing them with a needle and adding hot water.

Blood sausages with bun

Ingredients: 1 liter of blood, 600 g of pork, 250 g of rolls, cracklings, 50 g of onion, 2 cloves of garlic, ground black pepper, marjoram, cardamom, salt to taste, intestines.

Cut the stale rolls into very small cubes and dry them in the oven on a baking sheet. Cool, pour in well-stirred blood, add boiled and chopped meat into small cubes, some chopped greaves, salt, pepper, marjoram, cardamom, crushed garlic and finely chopped and fried onions. Fill the prepared chopped colons with thoroughly mixed minced meat, twist them tightly on both sides and secure with wooden sticks. Boil the sausages over low heat at 90°C for 15 - 20 minutes. (By piercing the sausage with a needle, you should make sure that the blood has coagulated.) Briefly immerse the finished sausages in cold water and place on a board to drain. Then bake in the oven, after piercing them with a needle and adding hot water.

Finnish blood sausage

0.5 l of pork blood, 0.5 l of milk or kvass, 6 tbsp. tablespoons chopped lard and pork liver, 1/2 teaspoon ground white and allspice, 2 tbsp. spoons of salt, 2 teaspoons of marjoram, 500-600 g of rye flour, 250-300 g of barley flour, 2 onions, intestines, fat.

Chop the onion and lightly fry in a frying pan with fat. Cut lard, meat and liver into small pieces and mix with milk or kvass, spices and fried onions. Add pre-mixed two types of flour, pour in the blood and mix thoroughly. At the same time, it is necessary to add flour and add liquid not all at once, but very carefully, making sure that the mass does not lose a certain degree of steepness: it should ultimately be such that if you press hard on it with a whorl during grinding, the mass would spread steeply curls of a characteristic shape. Only in this case can we assume that it is prepared correctly.

Separate a small piece from the prepared mixture and fry it for testing in a frying pan to check to what extent it is saturated with fat and how evenly the fat permeates the entire mass. If the piece browns evenly without burning or drying out excessively, then the mixture is prepared correctly. If there is too much or too little fat in the piece, then the mixture should be rubbed for a few more minutes.

Stuff the prepared mixture into the intestines so that they are not too tight and, tightly tying them at intervals, form sausages. Boil them in salted boiling water for about an hour, and then fry them in the oven (on a sheet of foil) or scorch them with straw.

Serve blood sausages hot with lingonberry sour jelly or pickled lingonberries.

Bloody gut

(Ukrainian food)
Option I
0.5 liters of blood, 1 kg of lungs, 0.5 kg of finely chopped lard, 5 onions, 4 kg of buckwheat or 4 kg of pearl barley, ground pepper, 200 g of salt, 15 g of cardamom, 15 g of marjoram, 6 g of cloves ( use pearl barley, marjoram and cloves as desired).
Soak the cereal in water, add lard or lard and bake in the oven. Boil the lungs, add lard and blood raw. Mix everything with spices and finely chopped onion. Stuff thin beef or large pork intestines with the resulting filling and cook them for about an hour.
Serve hot.

Option II
The blood collected during the slaughter of an animal must be beaten, salted and strained through a sieve or cloth. (You cannot use stale blood!) In addition to blood, add heart, lungs, lard and buckwheat to the filling (proportions to taste). Boil all this, chop finely and mix with blood. Then cook as in the first option.

(French cuisine)
Option I
2 liters of pork blood, 125 g of onions, 125 g of lard, 50 g of sour cream, 1 kg of interior fat, parsley, spices, salt, pork intestines.
The pork blood should still be warm. Pour a little vinegar into it to prevent curdling (10 g per 1 l). Turn out the pork intestines using a stick rounded on one side. Rinse them in several waters and clean with a soft brush.
Peel the onion, finely chop it and fry over low heat for 30 minutes in lard. Add sour cream, interior fat cut into small pieces, blood and seasonings: finely chopped parsley, spices, salt. Mix well and heat for 5 minutes. Using a funnel, introduce the prepared mixture into the intestines, without filling them too much. Throw the sausages prepared in this way into boiling water (they can be tied every 25 cm) and cook at low boil for 20 minutes. If no blood comes out when the sausage is heated, the boudin is ready.
Let the water drain, wipe the sausage and, if desired, rub with lard skin to make it shiny.

Option II
Cut the blood sausage (boudin) into the required number of servings, prick the skin with a fork, place on the grill and fry over coals at moderate heat for 12-15 minutes, turning occasionally.

Option III
Blood sausage (boudin), prepared as in the first option, place in a frying pan with heated oil and fry at moderate heat for 12 minutes.
Fried blood sausage is served hot with mustard.

Homemade blood sausage

(From ancient recipes)
1 kg of pork blood, 0.5 kg of meat and fatty trimmings, 20-25 g of salt, ground black pepper, ground allspice, water, intestines.

Stir the collected pork blood, add salt and place in a cool place for one hour. Grind the meat trimmings along with the fat, add salt, ground black and allspice and mix with the blood. Stuff the large pork intestines with the mixture and tie the ends with twine.
Place the prepared sausages in a cauldron, add water and cook at low boil until cooked. During cooking, pierce the sausages in several places with a needle. If no blood comes out, the sausages are ready. They should be removed from the cauldron and cooled in a suspended state. Serve cold.

(Estonian cuisine)
Option I
0.5 liters of blood, 1 glass of milk or water, 3-4 glasses of rye or barley flour, salt, fat.

Strain the blood, add milk or water, salt, flour, mix thoroughly and fry.

Serve hot with lingonberry or cranberry salad.

Option II

2.5 cups of blood, 1/2 cup of curdled milk (kvass or beer), 10 g of bacon, 1 large onion, 3-4 cups of rye or barley flour, 1 teaspoon of soda, fat, salt, spices.

Strain the blood, add curdled milk, kvass or beer, bacon, cut into cubes, melted in a frying pan and fried with onions, add flour and soda, season with spices and fry small pancakes in a frying pan with fat.

Serve hot.

Coat *Pataveri*

(Finnish cuisine)
0.5 liters of pork blood, 1 glass of kvass (water), 300 g of rye flour, 50 g of barley flour, 50 g of wheat flour, salt, 1/g teaspoon of marjoram and white (black) pepper, 2 liters of meat broth .

Stir the fresh blood, beat it, pour kvass into it and stir some more. Then mix with three types of flour, salt, and spices. Form babushkas from this dough.

Boil the prepared meat broth in a saucepan and blanch the bloody grannies in it, removing them and throwing them into a colander. Then boil them in meat broth for 20 minutes. Readiness can be checked as follows: after 20 minutes from the start of cooking, take out one granny, cut it and if it is dark brown in the very middle, then the dish is ready. Remove all the palten from the broth, place in a colander, and allow the liquid to drain.

Serve hot on a heated platter with pickled lingonberries, lingonberry broth or garlic seasonings (garlic sauce) as a hot lunch dish.

Palten were always eaten only hot, piping hot, since dishes that contain blood do not tolerate heating well, and when cooled, as a rule, they are tasteless. But if the palten still remains in the refrigerator the next day, then, as experience shows, they should only be heated in boiling milk to restore the original taste.

Blood casserole

(Lithuanian cuisine)

125 g pork blood, 45 g barley, 35 g rendered lard, 5 g juniper berries, ground black pepper, salt.

Wash the barley, brew with boiling water, let it swell, pour in the strained pork blood, rendered lard, add salt, pepper, juniper berries and mix well. Place the prepared mass in a frying pan greased with oil and sprinkled with crushed breadcrumbs and bake for 30 minutes in the oven.

Pork blood

Boil pork blood in water and place in a sieve. Fry 2 finely chopped onions in lard.
Grind the blood. Mix everything together, add salt and fry.

Fried goose blood

(Hungarian cuisine)
Blood of one goose, 100 g of milk, 50 g of bread, 50 g of lard, 50 g of onions, ground black pepper, salt.

Pour milk over the loaf for 15-20 minutes, knead it and add fresh goose blood to it. Heat the lard, stew the onion in it, add a mixture of blood and milk, add salt and, stirring constantly, fry over medium heat until the blood darkens in the middle, then add pepper. Serve with any side dish.

Among other delicacies, blood sausage occupies a special place of honor. Bovine blood is used as the main ingredient in its preparation, and the product is supplemented with a variety of components. The history of this dish dates back centuries, and blood sausage was especially popular among nomadic peoples.

What are the benefits of blood sausage?

In many countries around the world, dishes are prepared from blood. So, in European restaurants you can see blood casserole on the menu, in Scandinavia they bake pancakes from blood, and here in Ukraine they really love blood sausage. By the way, there are different variations in the preparation of this delicacy, so blood sausage is popular in other countries of the world, and in the Canary Islands you can even try its sweet analogue.

  • If we talk about the benefits of blood sausage, then its consumption has a beneficial effect on health and especially on hemoglobin levels. This is due to the fact that it contains a large amount of B vitamins, which in the human body are converted into a powerful remedy against anemia.
  • This sausage also contains protein, which is the foundation for all tissues of the human body.
  • Eating blood sausage will help strengthen the immune system and prevent the development of cancer due to the presence of selenium in the composition.
  • Cartilage and bones will be grateful to phosphorus, which is also found in good blood.
  • But the most important thing that is included in its composition in colossal quantities is iron. 100 g of product accounts for 37% of the daily requirement, so blood sausage can become not just a tasty delicacy, but a real alternative to medications aimed at treating iron deficiency anemia.

It is recommended to use this product for those who have lost a lot of blood as a result of injuries and for those whose body is very weakened after a difficult course of chemotherapy. Many doctors advise pregnant women to include blood in their diet in the last months of gestation, when the level of hemoglobin in the blood drops significantly.

Nevertheless, eating black pudding can cause harm, especially for people suffering from diabetes, excess weight and various types of liver diseases.

But the most serious harm to everyone, without exception, can be caused by a product made from low-quality ingredients or in violation of technological standards.

Can Orthodox Christians eat blood sausage?

Sometimes eating certain foods does not comply with God's commandments. For example, many Orthodox Christians have a question about whether it is possible to eat blood sausage during Lent. If you look at the pages of Orthodox websites, you won’t find a clear answer there either. Even the clergy themselves have different opinions on this issue.

Some argue that not only blood sausage, but even the medicinal hematogen is prohibited from being consumed during Lent. They refer to the scripture of Leviticus, which says that “the life of the body is blood, and whoever eats it will be destroyed.”

Others say that refusing to eat during Lent is not the most important thing, but what is important is how a person relates to God and keeps his commandments. According to this interpretation, there is nothing terrible in eating a piece of blood or other food forbidden on such days.

Classic blood sausage recipe

Many people may think that preparing blood sausage in their own kitchen is difficult and even scary. In fact, there is nothing terrible here, the main thing is to get sausage casings and fresh pig blood. A variety of ingredients are added to the bloodwort - from cereals to fruits, but we will start by studying the classic recipe.


  • two liters of blood;
  • 370 g lard;
  • 280 g meat trimmings;
  • 200 ml milk;
  • seasonings, salt;
  • vinegar.

Cooking method:

  1. For the recipe, you can take dried or frozen blood, but the tastiest snack is made from fresh blood. If you do manage to get fresh blood, then you need to add 1.5 tablespoons of acetic acid and 1.5 tablespoons of salt to it - this will prevent it from coagulating. Also, the blood must be cool to prepare, so it must be kept in the refrigerator for an hour.
  2. For the filling, we pass the meat trimmings and lard through a meat grinder. Such ingredients can simply be finely chopped, but then it will take more time to prepare the meat product.
  3. It is better to strain the cold blood and only then mix it with minced meat and milk, add any seasonings of your choice and fill the intestines with the prepared mass. We tie the ends with a strong thread.
  4. Pour water into a deep saucepan, add salt, and as soon as the brine solution begins to boil, lower the meat pieces into it and cook them for about 20 minutes.

You can determine the readiness of the product by punctures - if blood juice is still coming out of the sausages, then increase the cooking time.

How to cook with buckwheat

Until recently, homemade blood sausage was available to those who had their own home and farmstead. Today, all the ingredients necessary for its preparation can be freely purchased in the store. We offer you a recipe for aromatic and tender blood sausage with buckwheat.


  • two liters of blood;
  • half a kilo of lard;
  • half a liter of milk;
  • 200 g buckwheat;
  • two tablespoons of salt;
  • a spoonful of pepper;
  • intestines.

Cooking method:

  1. Before stuffing the intestines, it is better to clean them well. To do this, soak them overnight in a saline solution, and in the morning, rinse thoroughly and clean off excess with a knife.
  2. For minced meat, you need to boil the lard, chop it into small cubes and mix with ready-made buckwheat, milk, strained blood and seasonings.
  3. Fill the intestines with the filling, tie the ends with thread or in a knot.
  4. Sausages can be boiled or baked in the oven at 250°C for half an hour.

With added lard and spices

It's hard to imagine blood without tender pieces of lard and spicy spices. This is the recipe you will find below.


  • two liters of blood;
  • 750 g lard;
  • allspice and black pepper to taste;
  • a pinch of cumin, cloves and nutmeg.

Cooking method:

  1. Be sure to add salt to fresh blood so that it does not clot prematurely. If you see clots in it, simply strain the liquid part and grind the clots in a meat grinder.
  2. The intestines also need to be thoroughly cleaned of fat by rinsing them in a saline solution.
  3. Cut the lard into very small cubes, and finely chop all the spices.
  4. Mix all the ingredients, taste for salt and fill the intestines with the prepared minced meat. We tie their ends together.
  5. Immerse the pieces in boiling water and cook for half an hour. If the shell is swollen, then simply release the air with a needle.

Blood sausage without guts

As a rule, to prepare black pudding you need natural pork intestines, but if you couldn’t find them or you just don’t want to bother with them, then there is a recipe for preparing it in another way. The dish turns out just as tasty and tender.


  • one and a half liters of blood;
  • half a kilo of lard and veal liver;
  • a glass of milk;
  • two tablespoons of salt, pepper.

Cooking method:

  1. We grind the lard with a meat grinder, and boil the liver and cut it into small cubes.
  2. You can add any cereal to the minced meat, for example, rice, pearl barley or buckwheat. To do this, boil a glass of cereal and add it to the rest of the ingredients.
  3. Beat the blood with a blender so that there are no clots, add lard with liver and cereal, season with spices and mix.
  4. Fill a 4 cm high mold with the resulting mass so that the minced meat is well baked. Place it in the oven for 1.5 hours at 160 degrees.
  5. We check the readiness of the dish like a sponge cake - with a match. To prevent the sausage from burning, cover it with foil 30 minutes before it is ready.

With cream and eggs

Traditionally, milk is used in the blood sausage recipe, but the dish becomes more tender with the addition of cream. That’s why we offer our own recipe with eggs and cream.


  • liter of blood;
  • half a liter of cream;
  • three raw eggs;
  • half a kilo of lard (beef meat);
  • salt, pepper to taste.

Cooking method:

  1. Grind lard or meat using a meat grinder, mix with blood, eggs, cream and seasonings.
  2. We fill natural pork intestines with the resulting minced meat.
  3. Boil the bloodsucker or cook in the oven until cooked.

Homemade sausage in Ukrainian

For many gourmets, blood milk is the most favorite delicacy. And now you will learn how to prepare delicious Ukrainian blood sausage at home.


  • liter of blood;
  • 650 g liver;
  • 450 g lard;
  • two onions;
  • three cloves of garlic;
  • 220 ml milk.

Cooking method:

  1. Grind the liver in a meat grinder.
  2. Cut the lard into small pieces and fry in a frying pan along with chopped onion and garlic for 15 minutes.
  3. Mix all ingredients, pour in milk, season with salt and pepper.
  4. We fill the intestine with the filling and tie the ends with thread.
  5. You need to cook the blood sausage for 45 minutes or bake in the oven until nicely crusted.

Blood milk is not just a tasty stand-alone product, but also an ingredient that can be used to prepare other dishes. For example, it can be fried with vegetables or eggs, and also used as a filling for a wide variety of baked goods.

Krovyankais a sausage based on the blood of animals, calves, bulls or pigs (purified from coagulated blood). Often such sausage is prepared in Ukraine, but other nations also borrowed the recipe and use it. The ingredients of this sausage may scare away many people, but those who truly appreciate the taste of homemade sausage never stop preparing it.

Bloodwort. RECIPE.

Many people prepare bloodwort in different ways, some use lard as one of the ingredients, other cereals, so you shouldn’t look for the original recipe, because it doesn’t exist. Let's prepare all the ingredients for our blood sausage:

Pork blood, 1l.

Fresh milk, 1 tbsp.

Boiled buckwheat, 2 tbsp.

Boiled liver.

Pork lard, 200g.

Onion, 1 pc.

Seasonings, salt.

Prepared pork intestines.

Let's start our preparation!

How to make blood sausage?

1. First of all, we will deal with lard; it should be peeled and passed through a meat grinder. The nozzle can be taken as large as possible. After the meat grinder, transfer the lard to a frying pan and fry for 10-15 minutes.

2. While the lard is being fried, pass the onion through a meat grinder and add it to the lard. Fry the mixture for another 5-7 minutes and turn off the heat.

3. Now let's take on the liver. We used liver, lungs, kidneys and heart, about 150 grams of each ingredient. We cut the liver into small pieces and also pass it through a meat grinder.

4. The blood mass needs to be made homogeneous; for this we use a blender. Stir until smooth.

5. In a large deep bowl, mix all the prepared ingredients: lard, onion, buckwheat, blood, liver, as well as salt and seasonings. At this stage, it is important to monitor the temperature of the mass; if it exceeds room temperature, the blood may clot.

6. Let's prepare the intestines. Before using them for sausage, they should be cleaned and washed, and also soaked in a weak solution of potassium permanganate and vinegar for 3-4 hours. We tie the prepared intestines with a thread on one side.

7. Now we can fill them with the prepared minced meat. Since the minced meat is liquid, it is best to fill the intestines with it using a cup, and you do not need to fill it very tightly. Don't forget to tie them on the other side.

8. Rinse them under running water and place them on a greased baking sheet with high sides. You need to fry the sausage in the oven at a temperature of 200 degrees for 30 minutes. During the frying process, it should be pierced with a needle.