Do-it-yourself prostate massage. Video instruction. Self-massage of the prostate with a finger: the subtleties of such an intimate procedure. Video: prostate massage

Inflammation of the prostate gland is one of the most common problems of our time. This disease is diagnosed in 70% of the male population of our planet. Please note that there are 4 forms of prostatitis, so it is important to identify the cause of the pathology in order to determine a treatment regimen. One of the effective methods of treating and preventing the disease is prostate massage.

The healing process takes place only after agreement with the attending physician; any self-medication options can lead to undesirable consequences and worsen the patient’s condition.

Let us immediately make a reservation that the disease does not mean a death sentence and is quite successfully eliminated in the initial stages. The problem is that men are in no hurry to inform others about such a delicate problem, so they seek medical help when the disease develops into a chronic stage.

The fight against pathology requires an integrated approach, so urologists usually use drug treatment, physiotherapy, herbal medicine and even traditional methods of treatment.

About traditional methods of treating prostatitis, namely about honey sbiten!

About massage

The procedure can be carried out at home, using your own resources. In order for the massage to give the expected result, it makes sense to analyze all the subtleties and nuances of such a delicate procedure.

Treatment of prostatitis with massage begins with identifying the causes that provoked the inflammation. Let's start with the fact that urologists classify two main types of illness: infectious and congestive.

From here we can identify the following reasons that cause pathology:

  • Infections of the genitourinary system or intestines.
  • Venereal diseases.
  • Hypothermia of the pelvic organs.
  • A sedentary lifestyle impairs blood circulation and stagnation of prostate secretions.
  • Physical overexertion.
  • Poor nutrition and abuse of alcohol and nicotine.

As you can see, anyone can be at risk.It is quite simple to identify your disease.

The patient experiences problems with urination: frequent urge, pain in the genitourinary canal, no feeling of empty bladder. In addition, problems with erection arise, the feeling of orgasm weakens and premature ejaculation is noted.

In the acute stage, the pathology may be accompanied by high fever, fever and chills. There may be discomfort when defecating. Having discovered alarming signs, you must immediately make an appointment with a doctor, take the necessary tests and begin treatment. In 90 cases out of 100, urologists include prostate massage in men as part of a mandatory treatment package.

Why massage?

Prostate massage for prostatitis is not considered an independent healing method, however, the procedure significantly alleviates the patient’s condition and makes treatment more effective.

In particular, massage affects the source of inflammation: it stimulates blood circulation, which helps saturate the organ with oxygen and microelements.

At the same time, the lymphatic system is activated, which ensures the outflow of secretory fluid, which removes swelling and relieves pain.

The dilation of capillaries helps the gland tissues better absorb medications, which helps get rid of infectious agents faster.

Massage is prescribed by a doctor, depending on the severity of the disease.

For example, the procedure cannot be performed during an exacerbation of the disease or when the pathology passes into the stage of adenoma - the formation of a benign formation. These are not the only contraindications to the procedure.

  • Hemorrhoids in the acute stage.
  • Microcracks of the anus.
  • Acute form of urethritis.
  • Any acute condition of the body accompanied by high temperature.
  • Progressive infections (to be agreed with the attending physician).

In other cases, prevention of prostatitis with massage and inclusion of the procedure in the treatment complex is only welcome.

How to do

The technique of performing prostate massage is not complicated. For inpatient treatment, the procedure is performed by a nurse in the urology department.

It looks like this:

♦The patient takes a comfortable position: lying on the right side or knee-elbow position. If necessary, the doctor prescribes relaxing medications.

♦The nurse puts on a glove, lubricating the index finger with cream or Vaseline.

♦The finger is plunged into the rectum to a depth of about 5 cm.

♦The gland is massaged with light movements that usually do not cause discomfort.

Massage procedures are prescribed in courses consisting of 10-15 sessions. The duration of one procedure is 2-3 minutes, sessions are performed every other day.

The problem is that most men are not ready for such a radical invasion of the body’s vital functions, so they categorically refuse this effective procedure. The best option for such patients would be to massage prostatitis at home.

Self-massage technique

How to do a prostate massage yourself? The technique is described above, but the procedure is performed by a specialist who is familiar with all the subtleties and nuances of such a delicate massage. Let's look at the basic requirements that will help make prostate massage not only effective, but also painless.

Self-massage begins with preparation. In particular, you need to cut your nails short and try to relax as much as possible. To do this, it is recommended to lie in a warm bath to relax and warm up the muscles. You need to immediately prepare a medical glove or condom, take care of lubrication: Vaseline or baby cream will do.

Approximately 60 minutes before the start of the procedure, you need to have a bowel movement and additionally cleanse the intestines with an enema. To make the effect on the gland more effective, urologists recommend drinking about a liter of liquid immediately before the massage. Emptying the bladder immediately after the session is a mandatory condition of the procedure. This will help remove stagnant secretory fluid from the body.

Do-it-yourself prostate massage video

The massage procedure is carried out according to the following scheme:

♦The patient takes a convenient and comfortable position. Considering that we are talking about self-massage at home, the best option would be to conduct a session in a warm bath, with your legs placed on the side walls.

♦A finger hidden in a glove and lubricated with Vaseline is slowly inserted into the anus. When examining the anterior wall of the intestine (located on the side of the abdomen), your finger will feel a lump-like formation, which will be the prostate gland.

♦Massage movements are carried out gently, the finger moves from the periphery to the center, expelling stagnant secretions. If the gland hardens, the pressure can be increased, however, there should be no pain or discomfort.

After the procedure, you must immediately visit the toilet and get rid of the secretion of the gland through the urethra.

Please note that the condition of the prostate can be determined by the color and consistency of the secretory fluid. In particular, in its normal state the secretion will look whitish-transparent. If cloudy yellow formations are visible, this is pus. This is a serious reason to see a doctor.

Massage with a partner

Many men, even understanding the need for massage treatments, cannot overcome the psychological barrier. After all, the rectum is associated with the exit, not the entrance. In this case, you can involve a partner in treatment, for example, do a prostatitis massage with your wife.

The spouse needs to be prepared for such an unusual massage technique. You can talk about the feasibility of the procedure and mention possible complications. In most cases, wives willingly meet their other halves, doing everything in their power to restore men's health.

A massage with your wife has its undeniable advantages. For example, direct impact on the gland often causes sexual arousal. Therefore, you can combine business with pleasure by combining massage with masturbation or oral sex. By the way, many urologists recommend this approach to treating the disease.


As an alternative, you can try prostate hydromassage. The essence of the technique is based on placing liquid into the rectum. How is prostate hydromassage performed?

The procedure is performed according to the following scheme:

  1. Cleanses the intestines.
  2. About 500 milliliters of chamomile decoction are injected using a rubber bulb.
  3. Fix the liquid inside for 30 minutes.

To enhance the effect, you can add potassium permanganate or furatsilin to the decoction in a ratio of 1:1,000/1:5,000, respectively.

Massage for chronic prostatitis can be indirect. Here, nearby tissues are affected: the scrotum and the muscles around the sphincter. The procedure helps eliminate congestion if the patient is forced to lead a sedentary lifestyle.

In addition, you can use hardware massagers for home use. They are sold in pharmacies and specialty stores and are not very expensive.

Hardware massage, video

Which massage to choose for prostatitis is at the discretion of the patient. However, all methods must be agreed with the attending physician and the course must be stopped if the condition worsens.

The prostate gland is a small but important organ located under the bladder and surrounding the urethra. Its optimal functioning ensures the normal functioning of the entire male body, from metabolism to sexual function. That is why it is often called “a man’s second heart.”

Basic functions of the prostate

The prostate gland, the normal weight of which is 20-25 g in an adult man, performs a number of important functions. This:

Secretory, responsible for the production and storage of secretion, which dilutes sperm and promotes the free movement of sperm outside the male body. The secretion provides sperm with energy to move toward the egg and protects them from the harmful effects of the environment.

Motor, which is responsible for the ejaculation of sperm into the urethra and urination.

Barrier, protecting the upper urinary tract of the body from infection from the urinary canal. And also this function is to separate the processes of urination and ejaculation.

It is this organ that is responsible for the sensation of orgasm.

What leads to inflammation

There can be many reasons for inflammation of the gland. In addition to the entry of bacteria, viruses or fungi from the bladder, rectum or urethra, the following can trigger the inflammatory process:

An inert, sedentary lifestyle that prevents the supply of nutrients and oxygen to the organ;

Cold or overheating, which can equally provoke inflammation or chronic disease;

Unbalanced diet;

Frequent ejaculation;



An inflamed prostate gland indicates the occurrence of prostatitis. Symptoms in this case include difficult and frequent urination, accompanied by a burning sensation, and impaired sexual function. The disease progresses slowly, and the symptoms are smoothed out. The pain often radiates to the lumbar region and has varying intensity: from aching to pronounced, shooting. There are acute and chronic forms of the disease.

Acute prostatitis

Symptoms that will help you understand that the prostate gland is inflamed:

More with painful sensations, in some cases difficult or intermittent;

Pain in the perineum;

Discomfort during bowel movements;

Chills and fever;

The presence of floating “threads” in the urine;

Premature ejaculation;

Decreased potency;

Increased fatigue and sleepiness;

Mental depression.

The most effective gland examination is the palpation method. A urologist will be able to diagnose or rule out the disease through a rectal examination.

Chronic prostatitis

Chronic prostatitis, unlike the acute form, develops over a long period of time. Symptoms are often mild or erased. Chronic forms recur more often and are difficult to cure.

Prostate diseases can be infectious or non-infectious. In the first case, their development is provoked by the entry of some infectious pathogen into the prostate. Non-infectious forms arise as a result of pathology of the blood supply due to a sedentary lifestyle or after surgery, stress, due to abuse of alcohol and cigarettes.

Chronic prostatitis is expressed by aching, nagging pain in the perineum, discomfort when urinating, and disorder of sexual function. Patients with this diagnosis suffer from insomnia and have reduced performance.

To achieve a good result in the treatment process, you should act comprehensively. In addition to the use of medications, it is necessary to carry out physiotherapeutic procedures that normalize blood circulation in the prostate gland, and massage. You should also remember about diet.


This disease is more often diagnosed in men over fifty years of age. Doctors have not clearly identified the causes. The expected changes, along with age-related changes in hormone levels, include significant weight gain, stress, and environmental factors.

Symptoms of adenoma are mainly associated with dysfunction of urination, when abdominal tension is required for emptying, the process itself becomes prolonged due to the sluggish flow of the stream. In some cases, urinary retention occurs when a man is unable to urinate on his own.

Adenoma can be cured either with medication or surgery. The use of medications gives good results with timely diagnosis in the early stages of the disease. Only a urologist can select this or that method after a survey, examination and examination.

Prostate gland: massage at home

Along with the treatment of prostate inflammation with medications, massage is also considered quite effective, which is also used for prevention. The integrated use of methods will help fight even chronic manifestations of prostatitis. Why is the prostate gland exposed to this effect? Massage at home stimulates blood flow, promotes the outflow of secretions, reduces swelling, enhances metabolic processes, and normalizes the production of testosterone and sperm. Moreover, it has a beneficial effect on the scrotum and bladder, relieving these organs of congestion. The sensations during a session in the presence of inflammation can be quite unpleasant. It is also worth mentioning that a massage done a few hours before sexual intercourse significantly increases potency.

So, what manipulations does the prostate gland undergo? Massage at home should begin with preliminary filling of the bladder, which will facilitate access to the prostate. To do this, drink at least a liter of liquid several hours before the procedure. You should also clear the intestines of feces through an enema. In case of exacerbations of prostatitis, the procedure should be carried out only a few days after the relapse.

You can do it independently, lying on your back or on your side (the optimal position for the first time), or standing on all fours. Lying on your side, your knees should be pulled up to your stomach. Using a finger lubricated with gel or Vaseline, first massage the anus. This helps to relax it and subsequently facilitate easier penetration. When the finger is inside, you need to feel a small roundness on the upper wall - this will be the prostate gland. Massage at home begins with slow stroking movements, alternating them with circular ones. You can complete the manipulations by applying even pressure while moving your finger from top to bottom. Painful sensations should be avoided. The duration of the massage is from thirty seconds to one and a half minutes.

Also, after consultation with a specialist, you can perform prostate hydromassage at home. It is performed a couple of hours before bedtime. The intestines should be cleansed. About 20 minutes after this, you can add about half a liter of chamomile decoction into it at a temperature no higher than +22°. A rubber bulb is used for insertion. The amount of liquid varies depending on the ability to retain it in the rectum for 30 minutes.

Prevention of prostatitis

A number of preventive measures can significantly reduce the likelihood of organ inflammation:

Proper balanced diet;

Active lifestyle with abstinence from alcohol and smoking;

Consistency in sexual life;

Periodic examination by a specialist.

The prostate is a very important organ, and massage helps improve its functioning. But you should not self-medicate. And remember that prevention is better than any therapy.

Alternative medicine methods indicate that prostate massage for prostate adenoma is an effective method of combating the disease. Massaging the prostate gland is believed to improve blood flow and make urination easier.

Traditional therapy prohibits direct massage of the prostate gland due to the possible complications of the pathology. The effect on the prostate accelerates tissue proliferation and leads to a deterioration in the patient’s well-being.

Will prostate massage help with adenoma?

Prostate massage for prostate adenoma is dangerous. In reference books on alternative medicine, terms are often replaced. Adenoma and prostatitis are different diseases. With benign hyperplasia, massaging can cause harm. For chronic prostatitis, massage has a beneficial healing effect.

Prostate massage for adenoma is indicated in the initial stages of the disease, when tissue proliferation has not become threatening. In most cases, direct action on the gland is not used.

Positive aspects of massage

Adenoma is a benign formation, accompanied by a constant increase (hyperplasia) of tissue. The causes of proliferation are different, ranging from the inflammatory process due to infection and ending with a traumatic factor. The development of the disease is influenced by the patient's age.

If prophylaxis of prostate adenoma with the help of massage is prescribed, then the patient experiences positive trends: blood circulation in the pelvic organs improves, congestion decreases.

  • Indirect effect on the gland - improved blood circulation in BPH is observed when massaging the sacrolumbar area. With skillful impact on the specified area, blood flow improves significantly.
  • Massage the prostate gland with initial manifestations of hyperplasia - at this stage, massage does not pose a threat, relieves pain and has a gentle effect on the walls of the bladder, stimulating the work of the muscular system.

The benefits of prostate massage for adenoma are completely neutralized if it is carried out with an advanced disease and the wrong aggressive technique is used.

Contraindications for prostate adenoma massage

In fact, prostate massage for adenoma is needed as a preventive measure that relieves pain and improves urination. After the development of hyperplasia, massage is dangerous and leads to various complications.

Direct contraindications to the use of massage:

  • The presence of an inflammatory process.
  • Problems in the genitourinary system, nephritis.
  • Malignant nature of the formation.
Contraindications for rectal massage:
  • Hemorrhoidal cones.
  • Ulcers and other pathologies of the rectum.
If hyperplasia has developed to the second stage (moderate), the consequences of treating BPH with massage will be extremely negative. Often, the effect on the prostate gland leads to the transformation of a benign formation into oncology, accelerating the increase in the volume of tissue proliferation.

Why is it dangerous to massage the prostate with adenoma?

Experienced urologists believe that the prostate can be seriously harmed by massage. Moreover, if with prostatitis there really are improvements from massaging, then for a patient suffering from adenoma, the result is sometimes unpredictable.

Having assessed the benefits and harms of massage, some decide to completely abandon this method of treatment, while others still want to try an alternative to drug therapy. If you experience any discomfort, worsening pain, or the appearance of blood in the urine, you should immediately stop the procedure and seek professional help.

What types of massage are useful for prostatic hyperplasia?

During chronic prostatitis, direct prostate massage has a beneficial effect. The manipulations are carried out by a urologist at the next visit.

During the procedure, massage is performed through the rectum. The patient is placed on the couch in a position where the knees are pressed to the head. The urologist inserts a finger into the rectum through the anus and begins massaging the prostate with the finger.

A similar procedure can be performed in the early stages of hyperplasia, with the initial signs of the disease. If pathological changes have progressed to stages 2-3, it is better to refuse direct effects on the prostate.

Manual massaging of prostate hyperplasia

If direct impact on the prostate after diagnosing grade 2-3 hyperplasia is contraindicated, then massage of the lower back and lower extremities is not only not contraindicated, but is also recommended. The sacro-lumbar area is massaged.

Smooth movements begin from the area of ​​the fifth vertebra, after which it is necessary to move along the entire muscle mass of the abdominal region, moving to the hips and buttocks. Massaging the tissue improves blood flow to the organs of the genitourinary system. Tactile sensations relieve irritation and relax tissue.

During the procedure, it is necessary to massage areas of the body directly connected to the muscles of the prostate gland.

The recommended frequency of massage is every 1-2 days, until sustained improvements in symptoms are observed. Advantages of self-massaging: the ability to fully control the impact, change the intensity, depending on the sensations.

BPH massage using devices

Vibromassage is contraindicated for prostate adenoma. During massaging, vibrations are created that affect the tissues that trigger the regeneration process. A vibrating massager can easily start a chain reaction, which will result in a rapid increase in prostate tissue.

In the early stages of the disease, medical massagers specially designed for this purpose are used. Physiotherapy, in the absence of contraindications, prevents the rapid development of pathological changes and relieves tension in the prostate and surrounding muscles.

For professional massage the following equipment is used:

  • Hydromassage - the advantages of the method are complete relaxation of the body, the ability to provide a beneficial therapeutic effect without aggressive effects on the prostate. During hydromassage, the patient is placed in a bath. The prostate is treated with an enema. To increase the therapeutic effect, aromatic oils are added to the water.
  • Vacuum massage - there are several types and methods of performing the procedure. Vacuum massage is performed using cups or a roller massager.
Direct contraindications to any type of massage are:
  • Acute inflammatory process.
  • Raising body temperature to 37-38°.
  • Infection.
  • Presence of blood in the urine.
In the postoperative period, massaging leads to bleeding, so it is prescribed with extreme caution.

The decision on the advisability of any medical procedures is made by the attending physician. Some manipulations are directly contraindicated and can cause harm rather than benefit.

Self-massage of the prostate for adenoma

When pain occurs, a person intuitively reaches out to stroke the affected area of ​​the body. This happens due to the fact that the body gives off such a signal on a subconscious level.

Tactile touches often relieve pain and relax tense tissues. Likewise, gently stroking the tissues in the pelvic area and lower back helps relax the muscles and relieve tension. The attending physician will explain how self-massage is performed.

The decision to treat prostate adenoma with massage and the choice of procedure method rests entirely with the doctor. After a complete examination of the patient and determination of the degree of development of the adenoma, a decision is made on any additional therapy.

Unjustified physiotherapeutic procedures and massage are dangerous - they will harm the patient’s health and will only accelerate the progression of the disease.

Rectal and general massage for prostatitis is included in the complex of physiotherapeutic procedures prescribed to combat prostate disease. The methods have their contraindications and can provoke complications and deterioration of well-being. Massage is prescribed solely according to indications, along with taking medications.

Is prostate massage necessary for prostatitis?

Inflammatory processes are triggered by stagnation of fluid in the prostate gland. Reasons for violations:
  1. Lack of regular sex life.
  2. Difficulty in blood circulation.
  3. Microtraumas.
  4. Destruction of cavernous vessels.
  5. As a result of inflammatory processes, infectious exudate accumulates in the tissues of the prostate gland.
It is possible to cure prostatitis without prostate massage, but therapy will take longer and improvements will be achieved more slowly. Massaging the tissue helps eliminate congestion and normalize blood circulation. Prostatitis massage in the treatment of prostatitis is mandatory for some forms of the disease: bacterial, chronic and asymptomatic inflammation.

The male body is designed in such a way that during natural sexual relations, during ejaculation, the tissues are massaged independently. The effect of orgasm cannot replace any type of artificial influence on the prostate gland. Treatment without prostate massage is possible if a man has regular sex life with one partner.

For which prostatitis can and cannot be massaged?

Any remedy and technique is not universal. In some cases, the use is beneficial, in others it is ineffective and even dangerous. Anal massage of the prostate has a similar effect on prostatitis. The technique has its contraindications and recommendations regarding its implementation.

The need for prostate massage for prostatitis is determined by the following conditions:

  • Differential diagnosis - to determine the catalyst of the inflammatory process, prostate juice is taken for analysis. You can get a few drops of secretion by massaging the glandular tissues.
  • Therapy of the disease - the effectiveness of the technique is associated with the removal of fluid containing infectious exudate from the gland cavity and increased blood flow. Acute inflammation of the rectum and prostate is a strict contraindication to the procedure.
To prevent male prostatitis, massage at home is recommended. In this case, the massage is performed manually by the patient or the woman himself.

Indications for sessions are determined by the type of disease:

  • prostatitis - mechanical impact on glandular tissue is prohibited. To relieve inflammation, it is necessary to ensure complete rest. In case of severe acute prostatitis, collection of seminal fluid samples during a rectal examination is contraindicated.
  • prostatitis - regular massaging of the prostate leads to the removal of exudate with catalysts of inflammation contained in it. The technique is also recommended as a preventive measure to prevent recurrent infectious damage to prostate tissue. Massage sessions are prescribed only after the acute period of the disease has ended.
  • Prostatitis is a form of the disease that is difficult to treat due to extensive congestion. As a rule, this is non-infectious prostatitis, which has passed into the chronic stage of development. Massaging the prostate tissue helps reduce congestion.
    The effectiveness of prostate massage for chronic prostatitis is less than that of a full orgasm. But in the absence of regular sexual activity, sessions are quite effective and are prescribed in combination with other methods of physiotherapy.
  • prostatitis - in this case, massaging the prostate is strictly contraindicated.
Prostate massage for chronic prostatitis can only be done after a complete examination of the patient. The form of the disease tends to degenerate into cancer. – a direct contraindication to massage or any other mechanical effect on prostate tissue.

The need for massage for prostatitis is determined by the type of inflammatory process, the presence of regular sexual relations and the condition of the prostate gland.

How often should you do prostate massage?

The course of treatment is selected individually, depending on the therapeutic goals. In the clinic, a session lasts no more than 3 minutes. In advanced stages of chronic prostatitis, it is possible to increase the procedure to 5 minutes. Course duration is 14 days. Sessions are carried out daily or every other day.

Treatment of prostatitis with massage at home is carried out in a similar way. After completing a 14-day course of therapy, you should take a break of 6 months. If all movements are performed correctly, prostate massage does not hurt at all. Unpleasant sensations and sharp pains are an alarming signal. It is better to stop the procedure and consult a urologist for help.

The release of mucus from the anus after the session indicates the presence of a fungal form of the disease and does not require cancellation of the massage.

Before the massage

In order for massaging the prostate gland to be beneficial and not cause complications, you should prepare for the session. General recommendations before rectal massage:
  • Determine the presence of contraindications - the harm from massage for cancer and stone disease is much greater than the benefit. To avoid unpleasant consequences, before massaging you should exclude the presence of contraindications to the procedure. Sessions are not prescribed for inflammation of the rectum and other acute processes.
  • Cleanse the rectum and bladder - in the morning before the massage, the patient will be asked to go to the toilet and given an enema.
  • Psychological preparation - the man is explained how the session takes place. The massage technique eliminates aggressive movements. If pain is felt, it is only during the first sessions. Massaging is done in 3-4 approaches, using about 10 stroking movements.
Before undergoing a massage, the patient should know the possible side effects. Pain and discomfort disappear soon after the end of the session. The frequency of prostate massage is determined individually. Leave at least 6 months between courses.

Massage methods for prostate inflammation

Other techniques also have a beneficial effect. The most common methods of manual intervention:
  • Visceral massage - during the session, the patient’s ligaments located in the abdominal area are affected. It is believed that in this way the work of the internal organs of the gastrointestinal tract and small pelvis is activated.
  • Finger transrectal massage of the prostate gland for prostatitis - is prescribed for the diagnosis and treatment of inflammatory processes in the prostate. The disadvantage of this method is the psychological rejection of men from the procedure.
  • Massage of acupuncture points - the advantage of this method is the absence of stress directly on the prostate gland. The specialist performs acupressure massage of biologically active areas of the body responsible for the functioning of internal organs.
    An effective aid in the fight against inflammatory processes is shiatsu massage. The advantage of shiatsu is the possibility of self-massage, without reducing effectiveness.
  • Other techniques are an alternative to the types of massage listed above: horseback riding, vibrating water, using various vibrating massagers.

Whatever method of manual intervention is used, it is important to undergo a full examination to exclude the presence of contraindications.

Rectal prostate massage

Prescribed for infectious and bacterial prostatitis, during non-exacerbation. The technique is effective for chronic forms of the disease, excluding calculous prostatitis. Rectal massage is usually performed in a clinic. The patient takes a knee-elbow position on the couch, after which the urologist inserts a finger into the anus.

If you have prostatitis, you should massage the prostate slowly, with gentle movements. Rectal massage during non-exacerbation periods can be done at home. For this purpose, a special massager for prostatitis was developed. The urologist will give general recommendations and indicate what to avoid during tissue massage.

In the clinic, massage is performed during the diagnosis of the disease and during the course of therapy. The appropriateness of the procedure is determined by the attending physician based on individual indications. The average course of rectal massage of the prostate gland for prostatitis lasts no more than 14 days.

General massage for prostate inflammation

Prominent doctors (Professor Bubnovsky, Ogulov), studying the problem of treating prostate diseases, point to the relationship of disorders with problems in the structure and functions of the spinal column. The same idea can be seen in many oriental manual techniques.

General massage of the spine and acupressure on biologically active areas of the body help stabilize the patient’s condition and relieve negative symptoms.

During the session the following areas are massaged:

  • Foot massage - relieves tension and increases the outflow of venous blood from the pelvis. Gently affects receptors that cause pain.
  • Pelvic massage - normalizes blood flow to the prostate. When carried out correctly, it increases the erectile function of a man, relieves acute dysuric disorders and facilitates urination and defecation.
  • Massage of the buttocks - eliminates congestion and also improves blood flow. Pain relief is observed.
  • Lumbar massage - the nerve endings located in this segment of the spinal column are responsible for the functioning of the prostate gland. The correct manual influence on the lower back stabilizes the functioning of the prostate. Massaging the lumbosacral region is not carried out in the presence of acute hemorrhoids, proctitis and anal fissures.
During the session, massage products with the addition of medicinal herbs and bee products are used to increase the effect. The compositions are selected taking into account allergies and contraindications. You can use special massage balms, especially those with an analgesic effect, based on bee or snake venom.

The positive effect of massage on prostatitis has been proven. By activating the work of the central nervous system and muscle tissue, the symptoms of the disease are relieved, and one of the main catalysts of inflammation – congestion – is eliminated.

Self-massage for prostatitis

Full recovery largely depends on the man himself and his efforts. After completing the course of drug therapy, the urologist will recommend that the patient do massage on his own, as well as perform some physical exercises.

The following have a beneficial effect:

  • The technique of acupressure is analogous to acupuncture, only instead of needles they use massaging of biologically active areas. Points for massage are selected depending on internal disorders and the desired results. Thus, when pressure is applied to the area of ​​the hand between the index and thumb, the pain syndrome is relieved, even without the use of analgesics and antispasmodics.
  • Exercise therapy classes include several different techniques and exercises. Massage with a tennis ball is especially effective. The man sits on top, with his crotch. After this, he balances on a round object, moving his body back and forth. After the first exercises, there is slight discomfort, which goes away on its own after 2-3 sessions.
  • Massage with female hands is another method of manual therapy that allows you to combine business with pleasure. The woman sits in front of the man and inserts her thumb into the anus with her palm facing the groin area.
    When massaging, they simultaneously stroke the lower abdomen, helping to relax. If a woman does a massage correctly, the feeling of discomfort and unpleasant sensations quickly disappear.

The effectiveness of self-massage has not been disputed by experts for a long time. Exercises at home are recommended during the recovery period after therapy, as well as in order to prevent relapse of the disease.

Massagers for the treatment of prostatitis

During physiotherapeutic procedures, special equipment with vibrating massagers is used. During treatment, the effects of heat, light and manual influence on the prostate are combined. At home you will need to buy a massager.

There are several main devices used in physiotherapy:

  • Massage chair - vibration gently stimulates the muscle tissue of the body. The chair is contraindicated for patients with any type of cancer and disorders of the spinal column. A massage chair with a vibromassage seat has proven itself well in the prevention and prevention of the development of prostatitis.
    The positive effect is stimulation of the central nervous system and increased blood circulation. There is a general improvement in the man’s well-being.
  • Hydromassage - a man lies down in the bath. Jets of water create a gentle effect on the skin, which stimulates the functioning of internal organs. For greater effect, decoctions of medicinal plants are added to the bath:
    1. Hydromassage with chamomile helps heal wounds and relieve inflammation.
    2. With Dead Sea salt – normalization of muscle tissue tone and elimination of pain.
If for some reason it is not possible to attend hardware massage sessions, you can use mechanical devices for home use. The cost of the equipment is within reasonable limits so that every man suffering from prostate disease can afford to purchase it.

The effectiveness of vibration massage is somewhat reduced by a large number of contraindications. You should agree to hardware treatment only in a specialized physiotherapy clinic.

Prevention of prostatitis with massage

To prevent the development or recurrence of inflammatory processes, regular rectal massage sessions are required. For this purpose, experts recommend visiting a urologist at least once every 6 months. The following prevention methods can be used at home:
  • Self-massage and exercise therapy - a well-proven method of perineal massage using a tennis ball. Significant results are achieved when walking on the buttocks. Can be used . The classes include several exercises aimed at manually influencing the prostate.
  • Massage cupping - during sessions there is a general strengthening effect on the body and the man’s immune system is stabilized - the ability to resist infection. Blood circulation and lymph outflow improves.
  • Rubbing - honey massages and compresses after visiting the bathhouse are a good preventive measure.
Even the most effective technique has its contraindications. When treating prostatitis, the main rule is not to aggravate the existing problem. Self-medication is dangerous!

How to do a prostate massage yourself? As you know, therefore, when the first symptoms of the disease appear, it is necessary to urgently consult a doctor and take all measures to eliminate inflammation of the prostate.

In the article:

Self-massage of the prostate - preparation

Is it possible to massage the prostate yourself? Firstly, you should not initially massage your prostate yourself. This should be done by a doctor or other person who understands this and who is confident that he will not harm you with his manipulations.

Secondly, you need to prepare for such a procedure in advance. The massage will be more productive if it is performed with a full bladder. This is explained by the fact that the pressure that forms in the bladder allows for closer contact between the surfaces of the prostate gland and the massaging finger. It is advisable to first drink about a liter of purified liquid half an hour before performing the manipulations.

It is also necessary to take care of personal hygiene. The person who will do the massage must first wash their hands with soap and use special latex gloves. Be sure to lubricate the surface of the masking finger with Vaseline so that there is no feeling of discomfort when inserting it.

The first stage of the procedure or how to massage the prostate yourself

In order to begin prostate massage, the patient needs to take a knee-elbow position, which will help relax the muscle tissue of the pelvic floor. In this position, the best conditions will be created for performing manipulations, because correct access will be ensured.

The doctor or other person who is going to perform the massage should stand behind the patient and slowly begin to insert one finger. You should not make excessive efforts; manipulations should be gentle, smooth, and careful.

A man needs to get used to the sensations, this will prevent unnecessary discomfort. After the finger is fully inserted, you need to determine where the prostate is located. Its lower edge is removed from the anus by an average of 5 cm.

For a person who is familiar with anatomy, determining its location will not be difficult, because the prostate gland is a compacted formation. Its length should be from 4 to 4.5 centimeters, thickness - from 1.7 to 2.5 centimeters, width - from 2 to 3.5 centimeters.

The prostate consists of several lobules, unequal in size. There can be from 30 to 50 in total. You need not only to feel the gland, but also to determine the shape, size, and density. It is important to pay attention to how the patient reacts to pressure and whether he experiences pain.

Doing a prostate massage yourself

Manipulations must be performed from the edge of the prostate gland. Slowly move towards the central sulcus little by little. Move along its ducts. Remember, its right lobe is not so susceptible to any manipulation. Therefore, start the procedure on the right side and only after the man gets used to this sensation, move to the left lobe. It is necessary to massage over the entire area of ​​the prostate gland, including the edges.

During the massage, you can easily stroke the gland in a vertical plane. Perform all manipulations very carefully. When you feel your prostate with your finger, it may feel soft or firm. If it is too soft, you need to be careful and as gentle as possible.

If the surface is harder and more elastic, you can apply a little more effort. In any case, it is important to avoid harshness and not to press too hard. Your manipulations, their strength and frequency, should depend on how the patient reacts to them, what he feels.

At the end of the procedure, you need to gently press in the area of ​​the central sulcus. Remember, the patient should be able to empty the bladder quickly (if necessary). This is necessary during the procedure.

Features of the prostate massage procedure

Prostate massage can be performed three times a week, every other day. The recommended number of sessions is 10. The duration of one massage should not exceed one minute. After you complete the first course of 10 sessions, you can repeat the manipulations every 4 days. If a person suffers from chronic non-infectious prostatitis, the frequency of massage should be once a week.

Prostate massage has the following mechanism of action:

  • allows you to normalize the outflow of secretions through the gland ducts;
  • allows antibacterial medicine to better penetrate prostate tissue;
  • normalizes blood circulation;
  • has a positive effect on muscle tone and the functional state of the prostate.

The use of massage is prohibited in the following cases:

  • for acute prostatitis;
  • with prostate cancer (or suspected);
  • with prostate adenoma;
  • in the presence of cysts;
  • with urinary retention;
  • for acute inflammatory diseases of the genitourinary system or rectum.

Massage is not carried out as a separate treatment, but is prescribed in combination with various medications, for example Vimax (reviews about the drug are quite positive). The use of this medicine will significantly enhance the effect of massage and therapeutic exercises, increase libido and potency.

Vimax helps to significantly increase sexual activity and get more pleasure from sexual intercourse. It is regular sex life that is a generally accepted method of treating chronic prostatitis, as it helps improve blood circulation and prevents stagnation of prostate secretions. In addition, ViMax dietary supplement provokes the appearance of a persistent erection, which is a response to clear sexual stimulation, improves immunity, increases libido, gives vigor and confidence, and its composition includes only natural ingredients (due to which the drug has no contraindications or side effects). Due to its effectiveness, more and more urologists are prescribing it as one of the components of therapy.

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