Right or left. How to determine which hemisphere of your brain is dominant

Movements reflect our thoughts. We can say one thing with words, but a competent specialist in gestures, facial expressions and posture will unmistakably guess when we are nervous, scared, trying to hide some information or deceive our interlocutor. “The verbal part of communication is only 7%, while 55% of the information is hidden in movements and gestures, and 38% is guessed by intonation,” explains Fabien Olicard.

This is why understanding body language is so important. Let's start studying it with 6 simplest examples and the most common situations.

1. Hand movements

There is a common belief that a person who actively gestures is trying to trick or deceive you. However, according to the expert, everything is more complicated: “Many people simply naturally “help themselves” a lot with their hands during a conversation. This is even considered a distinctive feature of representatives of some nations. It is necessary to pay attention to whether there are rhythm disturbances in hand movements. If they become particularly sharp, suddenly faster, more frequent or sweeping, you need to take a closer look at the interlocutor.”

Active, confused gesticulation in itself, even in a person who usually does not sin with it, cannot be called a “symptom” of deception. However, it indicates that your interlocutor is excited, nervous, stressed, or trying to mislead you.

When we tell a lie, we often begin to pick at our ears and rub our nose. And thus we give ourselves away

3. Copy gestures

Trying to please someone, we begin to involuntarily imitate their behavior and copy certain movements and habits. By doing this, we are trying to send a nonverbal signal to our opponent: “You and I are in the same boat.” It’s worth taking note of this technique if you want to win the favor of your boss or the attention of a pretty colleague.

However, it is important not to overdo it. You should not copy special gestures. Such behavior is always noticeable to others and can be assessed differently. “In business negotiations, copying poses and gestures can create a trusting atmosphere,” explains Fabien Olicard. – Lean back in your chair or cross your legs if the person you’re talking to sits that way. This will help both you and him feel comfortable. As a result, your meeting will be fruitful.”

4. Duchenne smile

French neurologist Guillaume Duchenne de Boulogne (1806–1875) devoted much time to the study of facial expressions and other aspects of nonverbal communication. He proved that some of the muscles involved in smiling work involuntarily. The muscles responsible for controlling the cheeks and the muscles responsible for opening and closing the eyes are controlled by different parts of the brain.

In business negotiations, copying poses and gestures can create a trusting atmosphere

“When we genuinely smile or laugh, our cheeks lift and our eye muscles contract. Therefore, wrinkles and rays around the eyes, which cosmetologists have dubbed “crow’s feet,” are a sign of a cheerful, friendly person, says our expert. “However, when we imitate laughter or a smile, the eye muscles remain unused.”

Notice whether the person's eyes "laugh" when he laughs. A true smile, which involves the eyes, lips and cheeks, is called a “Duchenne smile.”

5. Napoleon Pose

Arms crossed on the chest, contrary to common misconceptions, do not indicate either arrogance or secrecy of your interlocutor. This closed pose (also known as Napoleon pose) allows you to create distance and feel more confident. It plays the role of a protective cocoon in situations when we feel our own uncertainty or are in a deliberately weaker position.

6. Lead by the nose

Nose! It is this part that can give you away at any moment. Let's do a simple test. Ask someone to hide a coin in one hand so that you can't see which one it is in. Then have that person extend both arms in front of them. In most cases, when doing this, a person will look at the hand with the coin.

The easiest way to track a slight turn of the head is by observing the tip of the nose. Want to find out where someone hid an item you need? Watch where his nose is turned.

About the expert

Fabien Olicard is a mentalist and magician, author and host of a popular show and YouTube channel. His website.

Instructions:“Cross your arms over your chest. The leading hand is determined by the fingers located on top of the shoulder.”

4. Exercise "Weave fingers."

Instructions:“Put your elbows on the table, clasp your palms together. Interlace your fingers on command. The leading hand is determined by the thumb being on top, covering the other.”

5. Exercise “Pick up a fallen pen.”

Instructions:“On command, drop the pen to the floor and then pick it up. The dominant hand is the hand in which you hold the raised pen."

56 Section 1. Interaction of the psyche and physical body

Exercise - “Dynamometry”.

Instruction 1:“Take a dynamometer and alternately squeeze out the greatest force with your right and left hands. The leading hand is determined by the best result.”

Instruction 2:“Take the dynamometer first with your right hand, squeeze out the force, and then "/ 2 of this force. Perform a similar procedure with your left hand. The leading hand is determined by the smaller deviation from the ideal Y 2 force. For example, you showed 32 with your right hand, and Y 2 force - 22: the error was (+5). And with the left hand - 30 and 13: the error was (-2). Therefore, in terms of the accuracy of reproducing the given force, the left hand is leading."

Exercise "Drawing".

Instructions:“Take a pen (pencil) in each hand. On command, simultaneously draw a square with your right hand and a circle with your left. Draw a line under the figures and, on command, draw a circle with your left hand and a square with your right. Compare the figures drawn with your right and left hands. More accurate drawings were made by the dominant hand. If the accuracy of drawing is approximately the same, then dominance has not been identified and in terms of accuracy of movements you are ambidextrous.”

Exercise “Catch the ball”.

And the proclamation:“Stand in pairs at a distance of 3-5 steps opposite each other. On command, one throws a tennis ball to a partner, who then catches it with one hand. Exchange. The hand with which you catch the ball is the leading one.” .

. Exercise "Throw".

instructions:“You see a target in front of you. Everyone will make two throws with their right and left hands, trying to hit this plasticine ball, standing on a line located at a distance of two meters from the target. The leading hand is determined by the more accurate hit.”

Exercises to determine your leading leg

Exercise “Self-esteem”.

Instructions:“Imagine that a ball is rolling toward you; Which foot would you kick him with? This leg is the leading (fly) leg.”

Exercise "Leg to Leg".

Instructions:“Sit comfortably. On command, take a sitting position, legs crossed. The leg on top is the leading one.”

Topic 3. Psychomotor and functional asymmetries 57

58 Section 1. PS interaction ichiki and physical body _______________

Exercise “Step forward”.

Instructions:“The task is carried out from and. p. standing. On command, rise to your toes, and then shift your body weight forward, taking a step. The foot with which you took the step is the leading one.

4. Exercise "Step".

Instructions:“The task is performed at the stairs. On command, go up a few steps. The leg with which you started the movement is the leading (fly) leg.”

Exercise "Step Length".

Instructions: “The task is carried out simultaneously by several people. Standing at the line on the floor, on command, step forward with your right foot. Your partners determine the length of their stride from the line to their heels using a measuring tape (as in the long jump). Now do the same with the left. The leading leg is determined by the best result.”

The Universe is an asymmetric ensemble.
I believe that life as we know it must be a function of the asymmetry of the world or the consequences that flow from it.

Louis Pasteur

It seems to us that the picture of the world that opens before our eyes is holistic and continuous. But in fact, there are two pictures: what is projected on the right half of the retina ends up in the left hemisphere, and what is projected on the left half of the retina ends up in the right hemisphere. Doctors and physiologists call this reciprocity, crossness.

Only thanks to connections between the hemispheres of the brain do both half-pictures merge together.

The sound is cross-transmitted to the halves of the brain by the hearing aid. The muscles of the body are controlled in a criss-cross manner and tactile sensations are perceived. What amazing symmetry! – I involuntarily want to exclaim.

Functions are distributed between the hemispheres both evenly and not very...

But there is no less asymmetry in our brain and body (in addition to the heart, stomach and other organs).

In one of the French clinics in the mid-19th century. Two patients suffering from speech disorders died. The famous French anthropologist and anatomist Paul Broca performed autopsies and found that both patients had the same lesion in the left hemisphere: hemorrhage in the posterior frontal region. Accident? It turns out not.

Ten years later, his compatriot Klodt Wernicke noticed that with hemorrhages in the temporal region of the same hemisphere, the patient ceases to understand speech, although he can speak: for him it turns into meaningless noise. The “speaking” hemisphere, out of respect for such an important matter as speech, was called dominant, dominant, and the “silent” hemisphere was called subdominant, subordinate. (A significant role in this must have been played by the tradition that linked the ability to think with the ability to speak alone. “You can still find statements that language is the only means of thinking,” we read in a book on psychological linguistics.) Terminology contributed to the fact that researchers paid the greatest attention to the dominant hemisphere, and only in recent years have they discovered that the subdominant is also worthy of the closest study.


Props: pieces of paper, pens.

From neuropsychology we know that the two hemispheres of the human brain work differently: the left hemisphere is responsible for the logical and linguistic aspects of mental operations, and the right hemisphere is responsible for their imagery, integrity and emotionality. Such functional asymmetry of the human body manifests itself in different forms of behavior, while certain behavioral reactions can be built according to the right or left type.

Now we will do several tests and find out what types of reactions predominate in each of you. Prepare a sheet of paper and a pencil. You will do several exercises, in each of them you will mark on a piece of paper which type of reaction - right or left - manifested itself in you.

They can be marked, for example, with the letters “P” and “L”.

So, prepare pieces of paper and pens to mark the right and left type of reaction. Please. (Gong).

Let's start the first task. Place your hands in front of you and interlace your fingers. Look which of the two thumbs is on top - the right or the left. If the right finger is on top, then this is the right type of reaction, so mark it on your sheet. If the left finger is on top, then your reaction type is left. So, interlace your fingers and, depending on which of the two thumbs is on top, mark on your sheet the right or left type of reaction. Please. (Gong).

Let's move on to the second task. Your eyes are open. Place your index fingers in front of your eyes as if you were aiming a gun, while catching and fixing with your eyes the point at which you are shooting (do not close your eyes). So, place your fingers in the barrel of the gun and aim at the point. Let's start. (Gong).

Now close first one and then the other eye. See which of these two cases causes the aiming point to move. If the point moves when your right eye is closed, then your reaction type is right, if the point moves when your left eye is closed, then your reaction type is left. So, please, first close one and then the other eye and record in which case the aiming point will shift. (Gong).

Now we are starting the third task. This is the so-called Napoleon pose. Cross your arms over your chest and see which hand is on top, right or left. Record the result. So, fold your arms across your chest and see which hand is on top. Please. (Gong).

Finally, the fourth task. First we'll ask you to clap a little. So, let's all clap our hands. (Gong).

Now pay attention to which hand is on top when you applaud - right or left. So, let’s see which hand is on top when clapping your hands and record this result on your piece of paper. Please. (Gong). Thank you. All tasks have been completed. By the number of right and left types of reaction, you can, to a first approximation, determine your type of interhemispheric asymmetry.

The first task allows you to judge the general nature of your psychological makeup, whether it is logical or emotional.

The second task can talk about character traits such as firmness and aggressiveness.

Third, indicate a tendency towards simplicity or coquetry. Fourth - on decisiveness or indecisiveness of character. You can discuss the results obtained with the presenter and with each other. So, discussion. (Gong).

Thank you. We hope that the results obtained were able to at least slightly attract your attention to the problem of psychological and psychophysiological asymmetry. (Gong).

TEST No. 1
Do the following:
(mark for yourself with the letter L - left hand or P - right.)

1. Interlace your fingers. Which hand's finger is on top? (L or R)
2. Determine the leading (dominant) eye. To do this, take a sheet of paper and make a hole in it. Now look at any object through the hole with both eyes. Then, remaining in the same position, close your left and right eyes alternately. You will only see the object with your dominant eye! Which is the dominant eye?
3. Interlace your arms over your chest. Which hand is on top?
4. Applaud. Which hand is on top?

From the resulting combination of letters, determine your type:
PPPP - orientation towards generally accepted opinion, towards stereotypes. This is a conservative character type. The type with the most stable (correct) behavior.
PPPL - uncertain conservatism, weak temperament. In the presence of one test against the background of the opposite others, the corresponding trait manifests itself most clearly. In this case - indecision.
PPLP - such a person has the ability to coquet, determination, sense of humor, activity, energy, temperament, artistry. When communicating with him, humor and determination are necessary, since this strong type of character does not accept the weak.
PPLL is a rare and independent character type. Close to the previous type, but less decisive and energetic, somewhat softer. Some contradiction between indecisiveness (left applauding) and strength of character (right dominant eye). High contact, but slow addiction.
PLPP is a business type of character, combining an analytical mind and gentleness (the main trait). More common in women. The generally accepted type of business woman. Slow addiction, caution. Such people never go into conflict head-on; they are dominated by calculation, tolerance, slowness in the development of relationships, and a certain coldness.
PLPL is the weakest character type, very rare. Defenselessness and weakness are associated with the inability to enter into conflict and with exposure to various influences. Occurs only in women.
PLLP - a tendency to new impressions and the ability not to create conflicts, some inconstancy. Such characters are characterized by emotional slowness, languor, simplicity, rare courage in communication, and the ability to switch to a new type of behavior. Much more common in women.
PLLL is a fickle and independent character type. The main feature is analyticity in combination with other left-handed tests. Rarely seen.
LPP is one of the most common character types with good adaptation to various conditions. The main feature is emotionality combined with sufficient persistence, which manifests itself primarily in the main strategic issues of life - marriage, education, etc. High susceptibility to other people's influence. Easily communicates with almost all other character types. In men, emotionality is reduced and there is a tendency to be phlegmatic.
LPPL - even less persistence, gentleness, compliance with cautious influence. Requires a particularly careful attitude towards yourself. The "little queen" type.
LPLP is the strongest type of character, difficult to convince - this requires strong, varied influence. Able to show persistence, but sometimes it turns into “obsession” with minor details. Strong personality, has the ability to overcome difficulties. Some conservatism due to insufficient attention to someone else's point of view. Such people do not like immaturity.
LPLL is a strong, but not intrusive character, practically impossible to persuade. The main feature is internal aggressiveness, covered with external softness and emotionality. Fast interaction, but slow mutual understanding.
LLPP - friendliness and simplicity, some scattered interests.
LLPL - main features - innocence, gentleness, gullibility. This is a very rare type.
LLLP - emotionality combined with determination (the main feature). Energy and some scatteredness lead to the fact that such types can quickly make ill-considered decisions under the influence of emotions. Therefore, additional “braking mechanisms” are important in communicating with him.
LLLL - owners of a full set of "left" tests - these are people who are characterized by the ability to look at things in a new way, the greatest emotionality, individuality, selfishness, and stubbornness. The desire for self-defense sometimes turns into isolation.

TEST No. 2

When answering questions, write down the numbers:

“Left” -1 point, “Don’t care” -2 points, “Right” -3 points

1. Which hand do you usually write with?
2. Which hand do you draw with?
3. Which hand do you throw the ball with?
4. In which hand do you hold a tennis, squash, etc. racket?
5. In which hand do you hold the toothbrush?
6. In which hand do you hold the knife when cutting something? (without plug)
7. In which hand do you hold the hammer when hammering nails?
8. When you light a match, which hand holds it?
9. Which hand do you use the eraser with?
10. Which hand do you remove the top card of the deck?
11. Which hand do you use to thread a needle?
12. In which hand do you hold the fly swatter?


33-36 = Absolutely right-handed
29-32 = Right-handed
25-28 = Almost right-handed
24 = Ambidextrous
20-23 = Almost left-handed
16-19 = Lefty
12-15 = Absolutely left-handed

Test for right-left hemisphere thinking

This test shows the person’s current condition. This especially applies to ambidextrous people, i.e. people who simultaneously have right-hemisphere and left-hemisphere brain function. Ambidextrous people are a special group of people with extraordinary abilities.

Please take this test as seriously as possible. It can be repeated from time to time. For left-brain logicians, the girl rotates to the right. For right-hemisphere eidetics of the artistic type, the girl suddenly begins to rotate to the left. For ambidextrous people, when the head is tilted in the appropriate direction, then to the right, then to the left!

Instructions for Vladimir Pugach's test for ambidexterity


This test shows your current condition. This especially applies to ambidextrous people (Latin ambi - double; dextrum - right).

Ambidextrous and “two-handed” are not the same thing, although they are close concepts. People can be right-handed or left-handed by eye movements, by the dominant eye (when shooting, for example). And also by the auditory channel (to which ear the telephone receiver is applied), by the arm, by the leg, by the rotation of the heart axis on the electrocardiogram, etc.


Make yourself comfortable.

So, in the picture you see the silhouette of a rotating figure.

1st stage. Psychological adjustment.

Psychological adjustment lasts approximately 2 minutes.

2nd stage. Actually testing.

If the figure steadily rotates only clockwise, it means that your left hemisphere brain activity predominates. And this is logic, calculation, the ability to speak and express thoughts.
Rotation only counterclockwise is predominantly a right-hemisphere activity - eidetics, intuition, imaginative thinking, musicality, a sense of orientation in space and time.
If the figure rotates alternately in one direction or the other, this is a sign of ambidexterity, that is, the work of both the right and left hemispheres of the brain. This is a fragile state of harmony.

For some, this switching of silhouette rotation occurs when the head is tilted to the right, then to the left, and vice versa.

For others, a change in the direction of rotation is noted when the gaze is concentrated on the face, then it becomes defocus, and vice versa.

Sometimes it is useful to cover the lower part of the spinning girl’s body with your hand - it works better.

Introductory part.

Exercise 1. “Napoleon Pose”

Participants are shown three movements:

arms crossed on chest,

hands clenched into fists.

On my command, each participant, simultaneously with the others, must show one of three movements (whichever one they like). "One two Three!".

This exercise shows how ready the group is to work. If the majority showed their palms (that means they are ready to work and are quite open.

Fists show aggression

Napoleon's pose – some closedness or reluctance to work

The Roman Emperor Diocletian, after 20 years of successful expansion of the empire, suppressing uprisings and civilizing the barbarians, gave up on everything and went to the countryside to grow cabbage, as evil tongues claimed. For the next 16-odd centuries, ungrateful descendants considered the ancient Roman an ordinary madman, and only recently psychiatrists gave him an accurate diagnosis - the emperor burned out at work.

Professional burnout syndrome is a state of mental, emotional and physical exhaustion that manifests itself in professions of the “person-to-person” group. PWS is the most dangerous occupational disease of those who work with people: teachers, social workers, psychologists, managers, doctors, journalists, businessmen and politicians - everyone whose work is impossible without communication. “Emotional burnout is the price to pay for sympathy.” Before you determine how susceptible you are to professional burnout. Let's use a test to assess the state of the nervous system, on which the quality of your life directly depends.

(K. Liebelt)


Processing the results. Add up the circled numbers.

0 – 25 – this amount may not bother you. However, still pay attention to the signals of your body, try to eliminate weak points.

26 – 45 – there is no reason to worry in this situation either. However, don't ignore the warning signs. Think about what you can do for your body.

46 – 60 – your nervous system is weakened. A change in lifestyle is necessary for health. Analyze the questions and their answers. This way you will find the direction of the necessary changes.

60 or more points - your nerves are very exhausted. Urgent action is needed. Be sure to consult a doctor

Test “The state of your nervous system”(K. Liebelt)

Instructions. Circle one of the four numbers in the boxes on the right next to the description of each symptom, depending on how often you find that symptom in yourself.








Are you often irritated, nervous, or anxious?






Do you often have rapid pulse and heartbeat?






Do you often get tired quickly?






Do you suffer from hypersensitivity to noise, noise or light?






Do you experience sudden mood swings or feelings of dissatisfaction?






Do you sleep restlessly and wake up often? Do you suffer from insomnia?






Do you suffer from involuntary sweating?






Do your muscles become stiff? Do you feel unusual tickling or twitching in your joints?






Do you suffer from forgetfulness and are often poorly able to concentrate?






Do you suffer from itching?






Do you need to be “on top” in your professional activities?






Are you often in a bad mood or aggressive? Do you lose your temper quickly?






Are you storing up troubles within yourself?






Do you feel dissatisfied with yourself and the world around you?






Do you smoke?






Do you ever get into trouble? Do you have fears?






Do you lack access to outdoor exercise?






Do you lack the ability to unwind and find peace of mind?





So what symptoms of professional burnout can you see both in yourself and in your colleagues? These include:

feeling of chronic fatigue

increase in incidence


sleep disturbance, appetite disturbance


loss of interest in professional achievements

Express assessment will allow you to assess your level of emotional burnout











The extent to which my colleagues irritate me is still minor compared to how my students unbalance me.



















Over the past three months, I have not come across a single special book from which I would have learned something new.



Evaluation of results:

0 -1 point.
2-6 points.
7-9 points.
10 points.

Express burnout assessment

Answer “yes” or “no” to the following sentences. Count the number of positive answers.


When I remember on Sunday afternoon that I have to go back to work tomorrow, the rest of the weekend is already ruined.




If I had the opportunity to retire (due to length of service, disability), I would do so without delay




Colleagues at work annoy me. It's impossible to tolerate their same conversations







Over the past three months, I have refused (refused) advanced training courses, participation in conferences, etc.




I came up with (invented) offensive nicknames for my colleagues, which I use mentally




I cope with my work affairs “with one left hand”. There is nothing that could surprise me with its novelty




Hardly anyone will tell me anything new about my work.




As soon as I remember my work, I want to take it and send it to hell






Evaluation of results:

0-1 point. You are not in danger of burnout syndrome.
2-6 points. You need to take a vacation, disconnect from work.
7-9 points. It's time to decide: either change your job, or, better yet, change your lifestyle.
10 points. The situation is very serious, but the fire still glimmers in you; you need the help of a specialist to keep it from going out.

Express burnout assessment

Answer “yes” or “no” to the following sentences. Count the number of positive answers.


When I remember on Sunday afternoon that I have to go back to work tomorrow, the rest of the weekend is already ruined.




If I had the opportunity to retire (due to length of service, disability), I would do so without delay




Colleagues at work annoy me. It's impossible to tolerate their same conversations




The extent to which my colleagues irritate me is still minor compared to how my students irritate me.




Over the past three months, I have refused (refused) advanced training courses, participation in conferences, etc.




I came up with (invented) offensive nicknames for my colleagues, which I use mentally




I cope with my work affairs “with one left hand”. There is nothing that could surprise me with its novelty




Hardly anyone will tell me anything new about my work.




As soon as I remember my work, I want to take it and send it to hell




Over the past three months, I have not come across a single special book from which I would have learned something new.



Evaluation of results:

0-1 point. You are not in danger of burnout syndrome.
2-6 points. You need to take a vacation, disconnect from work.
7-9 points. It's time to decide: either change your job, or, better yet, change your lifestyle.
10 points. The situation is very serious, but the fire still glimmers in you; you need the help of a specialist to keep it from going out.

To avoid burnout syndrome:

  • try to calculate, deliberately distribute all your loads;

  • learn to switch from one type of activity to another;

  • deal more easily with conflicts at work;

  • No matter how strange it sounds - don’t try to always be the best in everything.

Now let’s do an exercise that can serve as an example of getting rid of unpleasant emotions that arise in our lives.

Exercise “ZATO”

How do you feel when you arrive at school and find 2 unplanned “windows” in your schedule?

Our task is to transform negative emotions using the “ZATO” technique into positive emotions : (. we work in circles)

But I have time to check my notebooks;

But I can go to the dining room;

But I can rest;

But I can drink coffee;

But I can go to my class;

But I can prepare for another lesson, etc.

Discussion. Has your perception of a negative situation changed?

Remember: work is just part of life.

Psychologist's advice. Preventing burnout.

Satisfying physiological needs:

- eat regularly (breakfast, lunch, dinner).

- do exercises

- undergo a medical examination by doctors

- take sick leave for illnesses

- use the services of a massage therapist (do self-massage)

- enough sleep

- wear clothes that you like

- take a vacation

- limit the time of telephone conversations

- satisfy sexual needs

- lead an optimally active lifestyle (dance, swim, run, sing, play sports, hike, etc.)

Satisfaction of psychological needs

- make time for self-reflection

- have a hobby

- reduce the level of stress in life

- ability to say “no”

- show curiosity

- seek help from others when needed

- visit museums, exhibitions, theaters, sporting events

- give other people the opportunity to get to know me from different sides,

- listen to your inner experience (thoughts, feelings, judgments)

Satisfying emotional needs

- spend time with people who are attractive

- maintain relationships with significant people

- encourage and reward yourself

- love yourself

- re-read your favorite books and watch your favorite movies

- allow yourself to cry sometimes

- Play with children

- laugh and smile

- be aware of your needs

- learn to express your emotions and do it constructively

Satisfying Spiritual Needs.

- spend time in nature

- maintain optimism and hope

- focus not only on material values

- don't take responsibility for everything

- be open to the new and unknown

- participate in the implementation of what you believe in

Creating favorable working conditions.

- take breaks from work during the day

- allow yourself to chat with employees

- be able to defend your principles

- distribute working time so as to avoid overload

- allocate time to complete certain work

- devote time to professional growth

- create a comfortable workplace for yourself

Finding life balance

- strive for balance in your professional life within each working day

- strive for a balance between work, family, communication with people, play and relaxation.

Ways to effectively manage stress.

  1. 1. In stressful situations, emotions come to the fore, and the ability to think rationally decreases. One of the effective elements of stress management is to allow the brain to perform a specific mental task. For example, remembering five names of women starting with the letter “A”, counting how many people in the room are wearing trousers, how many light bulbs are on the ceiling or other similar things, the main thing is to occupy the brain with a clearly defined task that can be dealt with, but it requires certain mental efforts.

  1. 2. Try to be “positive”:
Give yourself the attitude: “how well can I cope,” and don’t think how terrible everything is and that everything will be bad. The formula “This is a difficult matter, but I’ll try and everything will work out well” works well.

    3. Use auto-training skills: you can just sit in a relaxed state and listen to pleasant music. Learn to relax. In tense situations, you can simply repeat the formula “I am calm, collected, ready for action” over and over again.

  1. 4. Increase feedback from your body and try to self-regulate stress. You can ask yourself, “Where is stress located in my body?” Having identified this place, you need to relax this place (by performing a set of exercises specifically for this part of the body). Warm-up will help relieve bodily tensions.

  1. 5. Remember what emotions you know. The ability to recognize your true thoughts and feelings helps you control them.

  1. 6. Learn to set realistic goals.

  1. 7. Try to “use” stress: if you can't deal with what's bothering you, then just use stress in the creative process.

  1. 8. Exercise will help you fight stress.: running, tennis, gardening are the best medicines against stress.

  1. 9. Always get a good night's sleep. Lack of good, healthy sleep can lead to stress.

  1. 10. Do something for others: turn your thoughts to the problems of others - feel needed by someone else.

  1. 11. Relax, take a break: Switch to something else that doesn't trigger your stress response.

  1. 12. Draw your emotions: when we see our feelings, we can manage them. In addition, you can work with the drawing by finishing it or changing the picture to a more positive one.

  1. 13. Watch your diet: bananas, broccoli, buckwheat, fish, raisins, dates are natural antidepressants, include them in your diet in stressful situations.

  1. 14. Try to talk it out. It’s best to work with a specialist or one of your closest people. It works even better when we talk about our problem to a soft toy or write a letter to ourselves.

  1. 15. Take a shower or bath. Water helps relieve tension and actualizes the state of harmony.

  1. 16. Walk more in the fresh air, in a beautiful part of the city. Visit museums or exhibitions - the perception of beauty helps restore a good mood.

Progress of the lesson

- Dear colleagues! Today we will talk about our emotions and feelings, their benefits and harms, we will learn to recognize our emotions and manage our mood.

Evolution appears to have given us emotions to motivate us to take care of ourselves and to strive to understand the people we love.

Emotions- it is a whole-body experience that includes feelings, thoughts, and bodily sensations.

There are 6 unique emotions: sadness, anger, disgust, fear, happiness and surprise . However, how and when we express them depends on the culture in which we live, on our upbringing, on our family. We all come from childhood and many of our actions and actions are determined by feelings and emotions rooted in our past.

The teenagers we work with, due to their age and puberty, cannot properly manage their emotions. Being in the midst of falling in love, quarrels, showdowns, they need our help and support, an individual approach or working with the class.

To better understand teenagers, sometimes it is necessary to imagine yourself at that age.

In preparation for the lesson, you answered the following questionnaire:

“What do I think about emotions and feelings?”

1. Do you wish you had no emotions at all?

2. Have there been times in your life when your emotions got in the way?

3. Have there been times in your life when you were bothered by other people's emotions?

4. Has it ever happened that other people did not understand your feelings?

5. Has it ever happened that you did not understand the feelings of other people?

6. Do you agree that some emotions should be hidden, suppressed, driven inside, and never expressed?

There is such a concept - emotional intellect – this is the ability to be aware of your feelings and the feelings of other people, and the ability to follow the logic of these feelings.

Test: “Your emotions”.

I invite you to find out about yourself in the “Your Emotions” drawing test.

Operating time 2 min.

On this sheet you see four faces, or rather, four facial ovals, devoid of all external features. You must not only draw the nose, eyes and lips of these faces, but also complete a specific task. The first person should be happy, the second – sad, the third – angry and the fourth – offended. That is, the task is simple: four faces must express four different human emotions.

Key to the test.

Let us remind you again. First person - joy, second person - sadness, third party – anger and fourth - resentment.

Look carefully at how you tried to convey this or that emotion on their faces, this is a very important point. Those facial features that you have focused on will tell you a lot about our character and your feelings.

  • First person - joy. If your main focus is on smile , making it wide and open, this means that you are a cheerful and cheerful person, happy to share your joy with others.

  • The second face is sadness. If you tried to convey sadness using mouth with downturned corners , then this means that you are a trusting and vulnerable person, you are easily offended, you empathize with everyone and try to help those who need it.

  • Third person – anger. If your main focus is on nose with flared nostrils , then this means that you are a direct person, consistent in your words and actions. You value frankness and prefer to act straightforwardly and openly; you despise cowardice and meanness.

  • Fourth person - resentment. If you tried to convey the offense, the emphasis is on sad eyes and eyebrows like a house , then this speaks of your impressionability and spontaneity, you believe in the best and hope for a bright tomorrow. You are easily deceived, you are often disappointed in people and in life.
In general, when deciphering this test, you should consider the following. Eyes is your willingness to receive information and process it. Eyelashes– a tendency to demonstrate, defiant behavior. Brows– this is the ability to independently analyze a situation and make a decision. Expression wrinkles on the forehead- tendency to think. Crease between eyebrows- indecisiveness, unwillingness to take risks. Nose– the ability to make guesses and assumptions, intuition. Mouth– contact with the outside world, a means of expressing one’s own thoughts and desires. Chin– stubbornness, inability to admit one’s mistake and accept one’s defeat with dignity. Ears– the ability to listen to other people’s arguments and accept their point of view. Wrinkles near the mouth- eternal discontent, unwillingness to compromise, disagreement.

Conclusion: This drawing test made it possible to see how correctly you convey your emotional state and showed the main traits of your character.

– Based on the answers to the questionnaire, it turns out that there are feelings that almost everyone wants to experience, but there are feelings that it would be better not to have. All negative feelings are especially disliked: fear, resentment, anger, laziness, etc., those emotions that have ever prevented us or other people from communicating with each other.

Are there absolutely useless feelings? Are there feelings that do no harm?

Let's conduct an independent study of the harm and benefits of emotions using our own experience as an example. For group research, I want to suggest two emotions: "Love" And "Laziness", and our distinguished guests will also work with such emotions as anger, fear, joy.

3. Exercise: “The benefits and harms of emotions.”

Assignment: Please form two groups. Each group receives a card with an emotion written on it. You need to write down what is good and what is bad associated with a given emotion. The first group considers the benefits and harms of emotions "Love". The second group considers the benefits and harms of emotions "Laziness".

Operating time 2-3 min.

Discussion. Read out the conclusions of each group.

Conclusion: The above statements indicate that such an analysis was easy for you, since there is a subjective experience of experiences, and ways of expressing this feeling and the consequences of expressing feelings. If we look at other emotions, we will also be convinced that we need each emotion for some reason (it tells us something).

For example: Fear of falling - be careful in icy conditions. Too lazy to make dumplings - bought them at the store, saved time.

In modern culture and the media, there are prohibitions on feelings and their external manifestation. These prohibitions assume that a person avoids certain emotional states (sadness, resentment, fear), displaces them from his consciousness, because he does not want to seem weak, insecure, ill-mannered, unsuccessful.

People who prohibit themselves from feeling, as a rule, find various rational justifications for their prohibitions.

For example:

“Real men don’t cry” (ban on grief);

“Fear is a sign of weakness” (prohibition of fear);

“It is unacceptable to be angry with loved ones” (prohibition of anger);

“I will never be able to be successful and joyful” (ban on joy).

Only now we have found out that we need every feeling for some reason. What happens if a person holds back his feelings?

To illustrate, we can use the analogy of a boiling kettle: if you close it tightly, and even plug the spout, it will eventually explode, causing harm to those it scalds and to itself. It’s the same with a person: he accumulates emotions in himself, and then “explodes” and thereby harms both those around him and himself.

In reality, different options for repressing feelings are possible: withdrawal into illness, melancholy, depression, or exposure to sudden aggressive outbursts.

How to proceed?

If you want to learn how to change your emotional states, then you need to go beyond the situation, look from the outside at yourself, experiencing emotions, from a different point of view, through the eyes of another. This is not the only one, but the initial and necessary condition for changing the emotional state. There are many ways to look at your emotions from the outside. One of the most accessible ways is

4. Game “Emotional thermometer”.

This game is individual, although it can be played by everyone together.

Rules of the game: On the game form, try to create an emotional portrait of your yesterday. Evaluate the day's events from the moment you wake up. Place a circle (cross) in the zone that corresponds to how you feel in the morning, afternoon and evening.

For example, in the morning:

– When you woke up, your mood was...

– When you had breakfast or got dressed for work, did you feel...

– Your mood at school...

Continue analyzing your emotional well-being during the day and evening.

Operating time 2-3 min.


Analyze your emotional charts:

– Look at your emotional portraits. How often did your mood change? Or, on the contrary, was it stable and rarely changed?

– Look at all the emotional events of the day and circle the moods that were caused other people.

– Look at the circles circled. If all emotional well-being is expressed in %,

then what % of moods turned out to be dependent on other people? Why do you think? What advantage do you have if your mood depends or does not depend on the mood of another person?

– “Extreme” moods – very bad and very good, also depend more on other people than the average mood. Are you prone to “extreme” moods?

– See if the beginning of the day differs in mood from the middle of the day? Why? Think about what you can do to improve your well-being?

Conclusion: People differ sharply in the stability of their moods, in the dependence of their moods on the behavior of other people. To get along with people, you need to take into account the peculiarities of their emotional life. To own and manage your feelings, you need to know your own emotional structure very well.

The first step in managing your emotional state is to become aware of it. Then remember ways that will help you get rid of an unpleasant mood and move into an active working state.

– engage in emotionally pleasurable activities;

– engage in auto-training;

- workout;

- go on a visit to the forest.

6. Lesson reflection.

Feelings and impressions about the work done.

  1. What new things have you learned about yourself?

  2. What are your impressions of the lesson?


1. Intertwining the fingers of gentle hands

When a person intertwines their fingers, pay attention to which one is on top. The left indicates emotionality, the right speaks of an analytical mindset.

2. I see the goal

Do you want to know if you can go on a reconnaissance mission with a friend? Take him to the shooting range and watch him take aim. To aim, you need to squint your dominant eye, then the target will correctly move relative to the front sight.

The left dominant eye speaks of softness, compliance and indecision; if the right eye is closed, firmness and perseverance predominate in the character.

3. Napoleon Pose

If, when crossing your arms on your chest, your left hand is on top, slyness predominates in the character of your counterpart; the right hand indicates a tendency towards simplicity.

4. Applause, applause

Have you ever noticed how your friends and acquaintances applaud? Even one clap of your hands can significantly complement their image.

If a person is more comfortable clapping his right hand over his left, we can talk about his determination and pressure. If on the contrary - about modesty and shyness.

In answers to the test conditions, the right side is conventionally designated as “R”, the left – as “L”.

Each individual test can only help determine the nuances of certain human manifestations. Their combination allows you to learn much more and identify as many as 16 character types.

PPPP is a conservative who always lives with an eye on public opinion. On the one hand, he is difficult to get along with. But this character also has its positive qualities - people of this type do not like to conflict and quarrel.

PPPL - he will be the “black sheep” everywhere. The left will accuse him of adherence to right-wing views, the right will accuse him of leftism. And all because of indecision of character.

PPLP - you are dealing with an artistic nature prone to adventurism. Don't be surprised if you have to go with this person to the cemetery at night to look for treasures. But be prepared for the fact that as soon as a more devoted “party comrade” is found, you will be left in the shadow of inattention. A very sociable personality type, more common among women.

PLPP - with an analytical mindset, amazing gentleness of character, understanding and forgiveness. But don't expect to find a location quickly. Such people are very cautious, they slowly get used to everything new, their attentiveness in relationships can even be mistaken for some coldness at first.

PPLL is a rare character type. They say about such people - “seven Fridays a week.” Today he flutters around, quoting Balmont, tomorrow, in the tone of a sergeant, he scolds his subordinates for being late, and a week later, hearing a well-known voice on the phone, he asks: “Who’s talking?” Love for novelty will help save relationships.

PLPL is a weak, defenseless flower. It bends where the wind blows. The most correct position in relations with such a person is to become a representative of Greenpeace.

LPP – emotionality and lack of persistence in defending one’s interests in general gives a fairly harmonious type of character. An artistic opportunist – in the good sense of the word. And this is not at all because he does not have his own point of view. He just feels really good with his friends.

LPPL - looks at the world with childish eyes wide open. Everyone notes the gentleness and naivety of this man - “he seems to be from another world.” But don’t be deceived, this is not a soft-bodied loser. Everything will be fine as long as you find the location of the royal person.

LLPP - friendliness and simplicity with the inevitable sloppiness. Have you ever visited a nice person, in whose house porcelain figurines on a bookshelf easily coexist with socks forgotten in the same place? A couple of times a year, however, such people have periods of introspection, and then a housekeeper is invited to clean.

LLLP is an energetic, determined and purposeful person. True, sometimes his hastily made decisions can ruin even the most prepared operation. It’s good if there is someone nearby who can say in time: “Slow down.”

LLLLL - “I am the center of the Universe.” It is not pronounced, but everything is clear. The stubbornness and selfishness of these people can lead to white heat. But still, they are incredibly charming. The ability to look at the world in a new way and extravagantly solve pressing problems forgives them a lot.

LPLP is the strongest character type. Convincing such people is like throwing yourself under a tank with the last grenade. But they have every reason to do so. They really very rarely make mistakes.

LPLL – the same perseverance in achieving your goals. But the goals are not always chosen correctly. Constant “self-examination” and self-control interfere. This person’s desire to talk only about his beloved self suggests a vow of silence. The situation can be brightened by the presence of grateful listeners

PLLP - “It lays down softly, but sleeps hard.” Such people skillfully conflict, without even being offensive. They leave their opponents in full confidence that they themselves are to blame for everything. But when the conflict is over, as a reward you will be taken on a trip or invited to a restaurant.

PLLL is a workhorse with the habits of a thoroughbred horse. Taking on everything on themselves is the favorite pastime of these people. But this is not at all because they love to work. They are simply confident that no one can cope with a complex task better anyway. Soft and pleasant in communication, they turn into “flint” when it comes to business.