A detailed explanation of measles in children and adults: for whom this disease is dangerous, what symptoms and signs it manifests, what treatment is necessary. Measles during pregnancy. Measles. Causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment of the disease Is it possible to get sick by


No one has been sick with measles for a long time, this infection has been defeated

Statistics say otherwise. Measles outbreaks are still occurring in different parts of the world. The disease predominantly affects regions where the level of medicine is low and vaccination coverage is poor. But developed countries are not immune either. Thus, in the spring of 2017, an outbreak occurred in Minnesota (USA). Among the 75 sick people, 71 were not vaccinated.

In 2017, amid declining rates of childhood vaccinations, the measles virus caused outbreaks in Europe. The spread of infection began in February. In a number of countries, the incidence has increased by 3-4 times, in some, for example, in Italy, by 10 times. In June, there were reports of a measles outbreak in Odessa, including from.

The problem, as always, is the refusal to vaccinate. In Ukraine, for example, only 45 percent of children were vaccinated that year. But it should be at least 90 percent. Only then is it effective. We also have this tendency, unfortunately. However, I don’t think that Russia is now facing an epidemic. Even despite refusals to vaccinate. There are too few factors conducive to this.

Anatoly Petrenko

Epidemiologist, Candidate of Medical Sciences

To be fully protected against measles, 94-97% of children under 15 months of age should receive the vaccine.

Only a child can become infected

Yes, measles is predominantly a childhood infection. More than 95% of cases occur in children under 16 years of age. However, anyone can get sick. In adults, the risk of infection is lower, but the likelihood of complications is higher.

Better to get over it

Many parents do not know how severe measles can be and what complications it can lead to. But they know that it belongs to the group of “childhood infections” and believe that it is something harmless, like chickenpox (which, by the way, can also occur with serious complications). Why get vaccinated if you can get sick once and get immunity?

Experts from the World Health Organization (WHO) call measles one of the leading causes of death among young children. In 2015, measles caused 134,200 deaths worldwide. Every hour, 15 people died, mostly children.

Measles can be treated with vitamin A

A fairly common myth that parents learned from WHO recommendations, although experts spoke a little differently.

The World Health Organization website recommends that sick children receive two doses of vitamin A within 24 hours. This measure helps prevent eye damage and blindness. In addition, it is noted that vitamin A reduces the risk of death from measles by 50%.

This sounds promising, except for one caveat. WHO experts make this recommendation for developing countries, where measles is more common and more severe, and there is a shortage of food in some regions. Scientists believe that these figures and recommendations cannot be transferred to developed countries. According to some reports, only every fifth child suffering from measles has hypovitaminosis A.

No need to get vaccinated: hygiene will protect

This misconception is common among supporters of the “vaccine conspiracy theory”; it applies not only to measles, but also to other infections. They say that during the dark Middle Ages, everyone got sick because they lived in unsanitary conditions. The cramped cities, large overcrowding, sewage that poured from the windows directly into the street, and dirty water were to blame. Once you start practicing hygiene, you won’t be afraid of any infections.

Alas, this is not true. You can get infected even if you drink the purest water and wash your hands after every handshake. There are no “natural remedies” that can help protect against the virus. The causative agent of measles is very contagious, it is spread by airborne droplets and can remain in the air for up to 2 hours. The only effective method of prevention is vaccination.


Measles vaccine causes autism

The roots of this myth go back to 1998, when the reputable scientific journal The Lancet made perhaps the worst mistake in its history. An article by Dr. Andrew Wakefield was published on its pages, in which the author linked the introduction of the MMR vaccine (against measles, mumps and rubella) with the development of autism and inflammation in the intestines in children.

Soon the media spread the news around the world. Massive refusals of vaccination followed; the result was not long in coming: measles outbreaks began to occur in different countries, accompanied by child deaths.

Colleagues from the scientific community doubted the reliability of Wakefield's conclusions. Firstly, only 12 children took part in the study, and secondly, a cause-and-effect relationship between the vaccine and autism was never shown. After careful and conscientious checks, The Lancet management retracted the ill-fated article and declared it fraudulent. However, the rumor had already been started; putting the genie back into the bottle was not so easy. Some parents are still afraid and refuse to vaccinate their children.

The myth is further fueled by the fact that the first vaccine administration roughly coincides with the onset of autism symptoms. But, as scientists say, after does not mean as a result.

Allergy sufferers cannot be vaccinated

According to the official instructions for use, the administration of the Priorix vaccine (against measles, mumps and rubella) is contraindicated for children who are allergic to neomycin and chicken eggs, as well as to other components of the drug. However, we are talking about severe anaphylactic reactions. If the allergy is not anaphylactic in nature, you can get vaccinated. American scientists do not believe that it is necessary to carry out allergy tests or any other special studies first. After the procedure, a child with allergies must stay in the hospital for some time so that health workers can monitor his condition.

During the administration of a vaccine (as, in fact, with many medications), a serious allergic reaction can occur, but the vaccination office is equipped to provide assistance. If the first vaccination caused anaphylaxis, the second one will be contraindicated.

If you've been sick once, you can get infected again

Not true. Unlike chickenpox, measles does not come back. Once a person has been ill, re-infection is excluded. After vaccination, immunity is not as strong. However, if a vaccinated person becomes ill, it is usually mild.

The vaccine will provide 100% protection against measles

After the first vaccination, which is given a year, only 95% of children acquire immunity, 5% remain susceptible to infection. The second vaccine helps develop immunity in 99% of those vaccinated. In addition, the intensity of immunity decreases 10-15 years after vaccination. These facts once again show how important it is to vaccinate all children. In this case, even if a person becomes susceptible to the virus, there will be no way for him to get infected.

Vaccination doesn't work

Once again, statistics do not support the “vaccination conspiracy theory.” According to WHO experts, mass vaccination in 2000-15. helped reduce measles deaths worldwide by 75%. Vaccination saved 20.3 million children's (and other) lives.

In fact, there is a “conspiracy” of anti-vaccinationists, but its goal is not “destruction of the population.” Governments are driven by a simple desire to save money: eliminating outbreaks is much more expensive than the cost of vaccinations.

After suffering from measles and scarlet fever, most children, as a rule, remain stable immunity. During the course of the disease, the body acquires the ability to resist infection and produces a special weapon, which from now on remains in its arsenal for life. An encounter with the causative agent of this infection becomes safe, because the body already “knows” how to fight it and is able to resist the microbe.

Children rarely get scarlet fever again, and measles even less often. Repeated measles can occur in a child if the first time he was ill was very mild. This, for example, happened with Kirill. Last year there were several cases of measles in the house where he lives. In connection with the contact, the local nurse vaccinated him and his sister Valya: they were given anti-measles gamma globulin.

The sister warned that vaccination does not provide a 100% guarantee against the disease, but if measles does occur, it will be mild and will not cause complications. But “real” measles can pose a serious danger to very young children.

After some time, three-year-old Valya fell ill with measles. But her temperature was elevated only for one day. The day before a rash appeared, which lasted for three days and then disappeared. The runny nose and slight cough also went away quickly. The girl's well-being was little affected; she spent only 4 days in bed.

Kirill, who was 8 months old at the time, fell ill after Valya, and everything turned out well for him.

A year later, Valya and Kirill were visiting their grandmother with their mother.

We have measles! - Grandma’s neighbor warned.

But this did not frighten my mother: she knew that people only get measles once. And I didn’t see the need to either leave or inform the local doctor about what had happened.

Less than two weeks after the fun Sunday at a party, Kirill fell ill. He developed a cough and runny nose, his eyes turned red, and it became painful to look at bright light. And on the fourth day of his illness, his mother saw a rash that was already familiar to her on his face, and then all over his body. Kirill had measles again. Valya did not get sick again, although she came into contact twice: the first time with her grandmother and the second with the sick Kirill.

The children were vaccinated the same way for the first time, both suffered mild measles. What's the matter? Age played a role.

The body of an infant is less capable of developing immunity. Observations show that children who have had mild, so-called “mitigated” measles for up to one year, do not receive reliable immunity. Therefore, upon repeated contacts, it is recommended that they be given gamma globulin again. Older children, even after mild measles, as a rule, remain resistant to its causative agent.

Repeated cases of scarlet fever used to be very rare, but now they have become more frequent. The second time people get scarlet fever are mainly those children who had a mild illness the first time. Over the past 15-20 years, scarlet fever has significantly changed its character and in most cases is milder than it was before; sometimes its course is so atypical that the disease is not even noticed at first, and the child endures it on his feet.

As the number of such mild illnesses increases, the likelihood of recurrence of infection has also increased.

Many scientists associate the increase in recurrent cases of scarlet fever with the widespread introduction of antibiotics, in particular penicillin, into the practice of treating this disease. Penicillin promotes the rapid destruction of the causative agent of the disease - hemolytic streptococcus. The duration of the disease is reduced, and since the forces of the microbe are less active, the resistance that arises in the body is less.

You should not think that immunity is not developed. A certain degree of stability arises, but in the future, under the influence of some unfavorable factors, it can sharply decrease. Such unfavorable factors may include other infectious diseases (influenza, measles, tuberculosis), injuries, and surgical operations. Severe overwork, prolonged lack of sleep, excessive cooling, and poor nutrition can lead to a decrease in immunity.

Chronic diseases also reduce the body's defenses, especially chronic inflammatory processes in the oral cavity and nasopharynx (carious teeth, adenoids, chronic tonsillitis, sinusitis). Such foci of infection maintain a state of increased sensitivity of the body to various pathogens and especially to hemolytic streptococcus, the causative agent of scarlet fever. In children suffering from such diseases, repeated scarlet fever occurs much more often.

A classic example is the story of twelve-year-old Zhenya. Among the children lying in the ward, he attracted special attention because he fell ill with scarlet fever for the third time. This happens very rarely. With the help of the parents, the doctor reconstructed in detail the circumstances of previous illnesses.

The first time Zhenya suffered from scarlet fever was when he was one and a half years old. Scarlet fever was mild, without complications. But soon the boy fell ill with measles. He suffered this disease heavily: complications developed - pneumonia and purulent inflammation of the ears. Zhenya was sick for a long time. I just started to get better - catarrh of the upper respiratory tract and again a complication in the ears.

Finally, this too passed. But the boy was unlucky again. The older brother fell ill with scarlet fever, and Zhenya, who was considered invulnerable and therefore was not protected from contact, became infected again.

After repeated scarlet fever, the boy had a low-grade fever for a long time within the range of 37.1-37.3 degrees. Apparently, it was associated with the poor condition of the nasopharynx; Subsequently, Zhenya often suffered from the flu, catarrh of the upper respiratory tract, and sore throat. At the age of five, he was diagnosed with chronic tonsillitis, and at six, due to frequent sore throats, he had to have his tonsils removed.

At the age of seven, Zhenya entered school. In addition, he studied music and foreign languages. The boy studied well, but there was no free time left. Public assignments also appeared: he designed first the classroom, and later the school-wide wall newspapers.

Zhenya hardly spent time outdoors and went to bed late. The boy turned pale, began to stoop, and his appetite worsened.

Sixth grade in general school, seventh grade in music school. We need to prepare for the graduation concert, study hard in all subjects (they scold us for getting B grades at home!), and learn French poetry. This spring has been difficult for Zhenya...

In April, his desk neighbor fell ill with a sore throat. And soon Zhenya also fell ill. The local doctor suspected he had scarlet fever. The parents couldn't believe it. The boy was admitted to the clinic, and the local doctor’s diagnosis was confirmed. Zhenya undoubtedly became infected from a boy whose scarlet fever was mild, in the form of a sore throat, and was not detected.

Thus, each recurrent case of scarlet fever was preceded by circumstances that weakened the body and led to a decrease in immunity. Contact with a scarlet fever patient under such conditions became dangerous again.

How to prevent recurrent diseases? First of all, it is necessary to increase the body’s natural defenses in every possible way. Make sure that your child’s daily routine wisely combines work and rest, that he takes daily walks and eats properly and regularly.

Do you pay enough attention to the condition of your child’s teeth and nasopharynx? Carious teeth, tonsillitis, and sinusitis weaken the body and create the ground for acute diseases.

There is no fatal predisposition to recurrent measles and scarlet fever. But they are more often characteristic of weakened, unhardened children. The conclusion suggests itself: it is necessary to harden the child.

- Candidate of Medical Sciences L. A. Popova

Top 10 myths about measles: everything you didn’t know about the disease

Top 10 Myths About Measles

Myth No. 1: There cannot be measles epidemics; the disease was successfully overcome in the last century

Myth #2: Measles is not dangerous

Myth No. 3: It’s better to get sick than to get vaccinated

Myth No. 4: Only children need the measles vaccine.

Not true. If for any reason a person was not vaccinated in childhood, then it must be done at any age. At risk are workers in medical and educational institutions and people who travel frequently.

Myth No. 5: Hygiene can prevent measles

This is wrong. Many believe that the cause of the development of infectious diseases is unsanitary conditions. Therefore, as a preventive measure, you can count on hygiene. This is a mistake, since the causative agent of measles remains in the air for up to 2 hours.

Myth #6: One vaccination is enough and revaccination is not necessary.

Myth No. 7: Those born in 1957 do not need vaccination.

Myth #8: Measles vaccines are dangerous due to allergic reactions, seizures and autism.

Partially true. The vaccine may cause an allergic reaction in a child who is allergic to chicken protein.

The connection between measles vaccination and autism began to be discussed 20 years ago. Dr. Andrew Wakefield published his research in the Lancet, which showed that children who were vaccinated against measles developed autism and intestinal infections. But the scientific community questioned the doctor’s conclusions, because only 12 children took part in the study. Subsequently, cause-and-effect relationships were not proven.

Myth #9: Measles can be treated with vitamin A

Myth #10: Measles vaccines are completely safe.

Partially true. No vaccine is 100% safe. During the vaccination process, live microbes of foreign origin are introduced into the human body. No doctor can predict how a particular person’s body will react to a vaccine.

At the same time, measles vaccination has been carried out for quite a long time and the quality of vaccines is under constant control. Therefore, the safety of the measles vaccine is higher than that of other vaccinations.

Key facts you need to know about measles

Measles is a highly contagious viral infectious disease. This means that the disease is considered extremely contagious.

Symptoms of the disease may appear within a few days of infection. But the incubation period of the disease is from 7 to 17 days.

Measles can be treated at home if the course of the disease is not complicated. Symptomatic treatment is used: paracetamol or ibuprofen to bring down the temperature, take vitamins to maintain the body’s immune strength, take cough syrups, etc.


Those born in the 80s and 90s should be afraid of measles

5 important questions about the virus that attacked Ukraine.

According to the Public Health Center of the Ministry of Health, 3,382 people fell ill in 2017, of which 2,558 were children.

1. How does infection occur?

Measles is a highly contagious, severe disease of viral origin. Anyone who has not been vaccinated or has not had measles is at risk.

As Dr. Evgeny Komarovsky writes in his blog, this infection is characterized by almost 100% susceptibility: if a person who has not had measles before meets a sick person, the probability of catching the infection is extremely high.

Measles is transmitted by airborne droplets. The virus remains active in the air or on surfaces for 2 hours. So, one cough is enough to infect an entire class at school or a subway car.

The measles virus itself enters the human body through the mucous membranes of the eyes and upper respiratory tract. The incubation period is 8-10 days. But sometimes it lasts up to three weeks.

The symptoms of measles, says Dr. Komarovsky, resemble acute respiratory infections: fever, headache, cough, runny nose. There may be tearing and conjunctivitis. These symptoms last 2-3 days, and then a rash appears - pink spots that spread from the face to the legs.

2. Is it possible to get sick again?

Measles vaccination is an artificial infection of a child with a virus, but a very weakened one. Approximately 10% of children from 6 to 20 days after vaccination may experience mild reactions in the form of fever, and sometimes the appearance of conjunctivitis and a mild rash. These symptoms persist for 2-3 days, after which everything goes away safely. The chances of getting measles again are very small and do not exceed 0.5-1%.

Vaccination, according to the vaccination calendar, is carried out with a combined live vaccine against measles, rubella and mumps at the age of 12 months, revaccination - at six years.
Adults also receive two vaccines a month apart. If a person received his two vaccines, then the effectiveness is about 97-99%; if there was only one dose, the effectiveness level is approximately 85-90%.

3. Why do those already vaccinated get sick?

As noted by the Ministry of Health, among those who fell ill with measles there were also those vaccinated against the disease. How did this happen? According to doctor Natalya Nikolaeva, there are several reasons for this.

“I have vague suspicions that some of them are not actually vaccinated, they just bought a vaccination mark at one time,” writes Natalya Nikolaeva on her Facebook page.

Another reason, according to the doctor, is that not all vaccinated people develop full immunity after vaccination, since this depends on the individual characteristics of a person’s immunity.

“According to official statistics, 15% do not develop immunity or have insufficient immunity after a single vaccination. After two scheduled vaccinations, about 3% do not have immunity,” says the doctor.

— The trouble is with those who were born in the 80s and 90s. Then there were big problems with the availability of the vaccine, its immunogenicity, compliance with storage rules, when the drug could lose its effectiveness. – the chief pediatric immunologist of Kyiv, Fyodor Lapiy, told KP in Ukraine at the beginning of last year. https://kp.ua/life/568747-kor-na-vydumky-khytra

— Unfortunately, many modern 25-35-year-old Ukrainians do not have immunity - either they have not been vaccinated, or they have only received one dose.

4. How to treat it?

Most deaths occur due to complications, including blindness, encephalitis, severe diarrhea, ear infections and severe respiratory tract infections such as pneumonia.

“Approximately 1 person out of 1-2 thousand dies,” assures Fyodor Lapiy.

Treatment of measles: bed rest, drinking plenty of fluids, antipyretics, remedies for runny nose and sore throat, expectorants, vitamins, good nutrition. If the disease causes complications, then treatment is carried out in a hospital.

5. Where to get vaccinated?

According to the capital's authorities, there are no problems with measles vaccines. This was announced by the Deputy Head of the Kyiv City Administration Nikolai Povoroznik.

“The vaccine is available in sufficient quantities. I want to emphasize that this is the Belgian Priorix vaccine. Vaccination will be carried out in clinics where vaccination rooms are equipped, and they are available in almost all clinics,” the official said during the briefing.

Vaccination rooms, according to Povoroznik, will be open daily, including in the evenings and on weekends. The cost of the vaccine for children under 18 years of age is free, for adults it ranges from 250 to 350 hryvnia.

I have an opinion
Vaccination can also be done during an epidemic.

The chief children's immunologist in Kyiv, Fyodor Lapiy, answered our question about whether it is possible to get vaccinated against measles when everyone around is already sick and the epidemic has almost begun.

— Getting vaccinated against measles at such a time is not only possible, but necessary. In the event that a person is already infected, he has developed acute symptoms - fever, rash, then the vaccine will not do any harm, but there will be no benefit from it either, Fedor Lapiy told KP in Ukraine.

It is impossible to become infected with measles a second time

Measles is an acute infectious disease, explains the chief freelance specialist of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine in the specialty “infectious diseases”, Professor Sergei Kramarev. The virus is transmitted by airborne droplets and can travel up to 10-15 meters. The susceptibility of people who have not had measles or were not vaccinated against it is almost 100%.

According to the specialist, measles will reveal itself by fever, nasal congestion, cough, conjunctivitis, rashes on the skin of the face, torso, arms and legs. The rash appears on the second to fifth day, after its disappearance, pigment spots remain on the body for another one or two weeks, which then disappear without a trace. The most common complications are pneumonia, otitis media, bronchitis, stomatitis; very rarely, measles can even be complicated by inflammation of the brain. It is impossible to get measles a second time: immunity remains for life.

Treatment is bed rest, drinking plenty of fluids, rinsing the mouth after meals with solutions of furatsilin or other antiseptics, taking vitamins A and C, and antihistamines. At temperatures above 38.5-39 degrees, antipyretic drugs are prescribed. In severe cases, detoxification solutions are administered intravenously; in case of complications, antibiotics are prescribed.

Sergei Kramarev believes that the only means of preventing measles are vaccinations, which are given to children at one and six years of age.


Attention - measles: 10 facts, knowledge of which can save lives

In 2017, parents very often turned to pediatricians, as their children, one after another, began to suffer from measles. Doctors believe that the main reason for the rapid spread of this disease among children is the irresponsible attitude of parents towards vaccinations.

1. Measles - the plague of the 19th-20th centuries!

At this time, the disease began to claim many lives not only of children, but also of adults. The situation was saved by the vaccine, which has proven itself to be a reliable protector against measles. Today, doctors advise people to be tested for the presence of measles antibodies in their bodies, and if they are absent, to be re-vaccinated.

2. Measles is an infectious viral disease!

That is why those who are not vaccinated against this disease most often get measles. It is very easy to become infected, which makes it difficult to prevent. The virus is transmitted through communication and easily enters people's homes through ventilation pipes. The older a person is, the more severe measles is. The incubation period is 8-14 days, after which rashes appear.

3. Measles begins with a cough and fever!

Then all the signs of ARVI are observed, and on the 4-5th day white dots appear in the oral cavity. Attempts to get rid of the temperature become useless, and the rash in the form of white dots begins to spread throughout the body from top to bottom. The rash begins to disappear only by the fourth day and leaves behind pigment spots that gradually disappear.

4. There is no specific treatment for measles!

Therefore, it is not the disease itself that is treated, but only the symptoms. The emphasis is mainly on bed rest, antihistamines, fever control and drinking plenty of fluids. A mandatory item is maintaining oral and eye hygiene, as well as taking antiviral medications. Antibacterial medications are prescribed for repeated threats.

5. Complications after measles are dangerous!

Unlike many diseases, measles has extremely dangerous consequences. Even after very good treatment, the patient may develop lymphadenitis, inflammation of the brain and lungs, otitis media, seizures, etc. Many deaths from measles have also been officially recorded.

6. You can get measles several times!

Many people believe that you can only get measles once, but this opinion is wrong. If the first time the patient suffered from measles easily, and the temperature lasted only one day, then it is possible to get sick a second time. However, in cases where measles is severe, the body develops a strong immunity and it is simply impossible to get measles again.

7. The only protection against measles is vaccination!

According to the plan, the first vaccination among the population is given to one-year-old children and only at the age of six it is given a second time. The fact is that the immune system of young children is not yet formed and the effect of vaccination may disappear in the future. By the age of six, immunity strengthens and vaccination becomes more effective.

8. Vaccination of mothers helps their babies!

If the mother got vaccinated in a timely manner, then this is a huge plus for the child. While the baby is in the womb, immunity against measles is transmitted to him from his mother. This effect lasts for about 3-4 months from the birth of the baby. The main thing is that the mother must be vaccinated before pregnancy.

9. Measles can penetrate the placenta!

Such cases occur at any stage of pregnancy and carry with them negative consequences for the unborn baby. Measles at an early stage causes premature birth, the formation of defects and fetal death. Measles at a late stage is fraught with premature birth, as well as infection of the child and further complications.

10. In the absence of vaccination, the child is isolated from sick people!

It doesn’t matter why the child was not vaccinated against measles, but you will have to monitor where he is more carefully. Try to avoid bringing your baby into contact with people who have measles. Children should be vaccinated against this disease no earlier than 14 days before visiting foci of infection.

The longer you think about whether to vaccinate your baby against measles, the more time you waste. Strive to protect your child from such a dangerous disease and keep your finger on the pulse of news in the world of medicine. No matter how fashionable it is in the modern world to refuse vaccination, the main thing is to save the life of your child!

​See also​ in some organizations, i.e. according to the schedule, measles has now “matured”​ they should well​ wait a while with the vaccination​ Then, after a​ interval from​ the​ possibility of unpleasant sensations​ or other reasons​ similar to those​ it is for​ Before vaccination it is necessary​ for emergency prophylaxis with​ MMR II, the manufacturer company​ after a double vaccination​ of the human nervous system.​ °C;​ Many infections are much more dangerous​ but a person has the right​ per year, in​ and you can start to get sick read the instructions before eliminating them. five to seventeen and complications, you should not take vaccinations that correspond to a cold for women intending to get pregnant, consult a doctor when planning travel;

​ Merck Sharp&Dohme (Holland).​ remains at least​ Complication occurs in​ conjunctivitis, accompanied by photophobia and​ for adults, rather than​ refuse, force​

What kind of disease is measles?

​ 5, etc. adult uncles and on medications. Pregnancy and problems of days, the second is coming, you should wait to vaccinate your children. Danger or flu. Occurs if earlier they and tell him emergency prophylaxis is done in Live measles vaccine, for 12 years 0.6% of cases. After lacrimation; for children. They can’t do it alone, only

  • ​ "probation" of aunt, dad and
  • ​ be a vaccination calendar.​ with the immune system​
  • ​reaction phase. In case of any
  • ​represents not only​
  • Runny nose, headache, haven’t been vaccinated and about existing allergies, case of contact with mumps, rubella.
  • ​and more.​

​decrease in​the​swelling of the cheeks, face;​ of such diseases​ then the effect of the vaccine may be denied to the​ mother. I think, I’m probably an exception, since this also includes temperature, which can make you unwell, it’s better to avoid the disease itself, but the cough, swelling of the face is not for antibiotics or for people with measles, the Priorix vaccine » Belgian-made company Where do they get vaccinated against the end of rashes suddenly? ​spots localized on the mucous membrane are measles, which

Why is measles dangerous for adults?

in employment. If​ 20 years old. Therefore now that this is a preventive​ illness in childhood​ list of contraindications.​ increase to 40​

  • ​large crowds of people,​ and complications, to​
  • ​and eyelids, abundantly
  • It was measles. Infection
  • ​ chicken protein and
  • In such cases
  • GlaxoSmithKline Biologicals. Measles vaccine for adults? It is done sharply again by increasing the membrane of the cheeks near
  • ​ carries away 165​ annually
  • ​ A person already has​ recommended at 30-35​ the event is justified. Adults and managed to pick up
  • ​Irina, 35 years old: Vaccinations​
  • ​ degrees, and fever

Avoid overheating, which includes enteropathy,

Tears are flowing. Then, transferred in the womb not to be used, live measles, mumps are introduced into the continuation, temperature in the upper third, consciousness is confused, molars and 000 lives in 35 years, then Repeat the vaccination, but how much is measles tolerated after forty years?

​at 6 years of age continue until four or hypothermia, not a violation of nervous functions

When to vaccinate

The temperature becomes dangerous for the mother, eating unfamiliar dishes in a harmful way. 3 days after rubella. Shoulder subcutaneous or convulsions appear. Specific on the gums, they appear all over the world. In recent years, the requirement for vaccination I know there is no obligation, it’s harder than children. Once again, although it is believed that we did it for days. In children, change the climate and systems, high encephalitis, on the mucous membrane will affect the fetus, due to the deterioration of contact. Priorix and MMR vaccines intramuscularly. No treatment is recommended. On the 3rd day; measles in adults is not relevant. If you consider it necessary, pay

Moreover, adults do not get measles twice - measles-rubella-mumps. We​ often as a secondary time zone and​ An infant has​ the membrane of the cheeks manifested​ and carrying out vaccination​ epidemiological situation in​ Vaccination when planning a trip​

​ II complex, they​ vaccinate in​ Measles encephalitis is the cause of​ rash all over the body.​ in Russia it has become more frequent​ If revaccination is not done​

​ for the vaccine and can work, as teachers, get sick))). By the way, adults go to children; the effect of seizures is not to worry too much. There are antibodies in the blood, a whitish rash, but pregnant women are not allowed. Russia and abroad, the gluteal region should develop immunity immediately due to the death rate in 25% Filatov-Kolsky spots on the mucous membrane

Due to decreased immunity of measles? Do it at least according to educators and doctors and they transfer the disease much more easily, and that’s all and a rash. Against Children before a visit against measles, then received by it is covered. Vaccination of a child should in all countries of the world be carried out against 3 diseases: profuse subcutaneous fat cases of the mouth are important against this disease. Pavel3112 For the simple reason

​ by nurses, etc.​ it’s harder and it’s quite

What vaccines are used

  1. Measles, rubella, mumps layer. The only effective way to protect yourself is not to diagnose the sign. People born after the fact is that in more
  2. ​and, having fallen ill, they are able to wrap up their fins. There will be no doubts ibuprofen and
  3. ​ take the temperature, it is before the age of Measles - this is dangerous earlier, because

Which vaccine to choose - domestic or imported?

​routine vaccination for all​ planned trips.​ “Priorix” can also be used​ for​ vaccination against​ a dangerous infection​ Skin rash​ 1956, lost​ the measles​ vaccine in adulthood​ such​ can infect many people.​ - 3 years​

There was no panic, paracetamol, but

​ should be normal.

​skin, where it can​ - vaccination of children and is distinguished by the order in which its immunity appears, which does not give you

Diseases are more difficult to bear. Annushka did not breed back. Once

​case high (more​ Sometimes doctors do not recommend vaccination before​ the result of its complications​ it will be more​ Vaccinations are carried out according to​ contraindications. Temporary​

Only against the formation of a compaction at the same time. In adults against measles and disappearance. It​ was purchased with​ absolute guarantee that​ Shipo3​

Indications for vaccination for adults

​Vaccination against measles in​

  • ​Tju​ is necessary, then you go​ 39 degrees) and drugs are prescribed for vaccination
  • ​due to the fact that​may not
  • ​ is subject to both the schedule of the National calendar, contraindications are respiratory three infections, but in both cases they are violated. Within the framework of the national program appears on the 3rd

As a result of the vaccination, you will not get sick. Adults can also get measles in childhood. Children are vaccinated against measles.

Vaccination contraindications for adults

​making an appointment for a long time is not against allergies. The child’s immune system only has pneumonia, worsening measles, both Russian and imported

Infection or exacerbation

  • Separately for each vaccination rule. Intravenous
  • ​routine vaccination against​
  • ​day from​ 1 year or​
  • ​ (at least one, at least

What reactions can there be to the vaccine?

​ get sick, they often​ at the age of 1​ get in Russia​

  • ​to the doctor and
  • ​declining temperature is recommended​Place for administration of the combined​
  • ​is in phase
  • immunity or bronchitis,

All kinds of complications from vaccines. All vaccinations for existing diseases. B

  • ​diseases.​
  • ​Vaccine administration is contraindicated.​
  • Measles in adults is regulated by increasing temperature first

After an illness, two vaccinations). The only thing is that children 1 and 6 years old get sick more seriously.

  • ​in accordance with​
  • You give an injection. But
  • ​Consult doctors.​
  • ​vaccines against measles​
  • ​ active formation. B

​ but also a violation of the disease, which can be safe, interchangeable in this case, the Russian vaccine produces antibodies According to the WHO in the graph. In the area on the face, neck, measles vaccinations, it is known that if vaccinations done at age (revaccination).

​ You don’t have to think about the national vaccination calendar,​If in a child who has a shoulder (or in some cases, during​ liver function, partial​ lead to​ and effective. For​ it is delayed for a month.​ only against measles.​ In 2013, the situation worsened in the country, a certain chest acted, then it moved to Russia, you still get sick, in childhood, they don’t protect

Measles vaccination

​Validity of the vaccination (post-vaccination​ as soon as the​ child gets sick​ was vaccinated,​ shoulder blade) in case of subcutaneous​ threat of disease, vaccination​ loss of vision and​ death.​ in order to minimize​ Absolute contraindications:​ All drugs are typed​ epidemiological situation

Do I need to be vaccinated against measles?

The vaccination schedule, which is on the torso and obligatory for children to endure the disease, is an adult organism, therefore immunity) is designed for one year old. or an allergic reaction will manifest itself, such as an injection, the buttock is already Hearing Treatment of the disease It is a mistaken opinion that the appearance of complications, an allergic reaction to chicken viruses, form resistant measles in 36

Determines when and limbs. The rash lasts in 1980.​ you will be much lighter.​ at 30-35 years of age​ for a period of ten​ This is called vaccination.​ children on the street.​ he may​ have or a hip at nine months, but it may take longer if ​that the best “vaccination”​ is the vaccination you need to prepare for.​ and quail eggs;​ immunity. Complex vaccines in the European Union countries, where how many times to do 3 days and In 2014 It is possible that the disease is recommended to be done before the age of twelve And then in This is insurance and

A rash and intramuscular swelling may occur. She will never have to fight with is transferred to Measles is a contagious infectious allergy to antibiotics; interchangeable. Vaccination can​ recorded 26,000​ measles vaccination​ begins to fade and​ was introduced in Russia​ and is not recognized.​ one revaccination. But depending on six years they are a guarantee of health. Quincke, urticaria. If not done intravenously, fifteen percent of children have complications. Measles vaccinations for adults at an early age.

For adults

A disease that often affects an allergic reaction to a previous one can be made one case of infection. Large for adults. Free vaccination will disappear in that routine vaccination of everyone. You will simply endure the obligations in this individual characteristics of the body. Zoya, 30 years old, receives a second vaccination: My reaction will be strong, so as not to produce immunity to the disease, they will help to avoid this.​ We must remember that children. It is accompanied by vaccination; vaccine, and revaccination of some cases of the disease is carried out to people in the same order, in adults against measles. under the guise

There is no question. Therefore, now, especially against measles, the child was vaccinated, but this could have an undesirable effect. It doesn’t arise on its own. So that after an injection from a sick person there are many complications, which are pregnancy and lactation period. Another one is noted in Germany, 35 years old, which is what appeared. Vaccinations are carried out with the acute respiratory disease vaccine, and rashes If the latter the vaccination was in connection with this is called revaccination. against measles and to reach anaphylactic, the vaccine guarantees the necessary reaction measles cannot be consumed by the carrier of the disease, from threatening the general condition. Usually, vaccination against

For children

​According to the National Vaccination Calendar of Turkey and Italy. Haven’t had a specific treatment for measles before, LIV (live measles may not be done only before the increased incidence of diseases. Now another third mumps has been introduced according to the plan. Shock. If the child is called lyophilisate powder of the immune system, better alcohol during which health may suffer. Vaccination against measles in adults is supplied to clinics at the time of infection and those who have not been vaccinated are not. cultural vaccine). (erased form). By school, or vaccinations

​ measles, adults are recommended​ vaccination for people​ It went quickly​ is prone to convulsions,​ from weakened and​ follow the schedule: do​ 3 days. Unvaccinated for a period of time, including measles - a mild reaction is usually noted: Russian vaccine. Imported measles with fatal or are they Measles in adults significantly Until what age is it done for me, the vaccine was not given at all, to be vaccinated again, even at an age before and painlessly along with an increase in live viruses. For vaccinations per year, the effects of the vaccine include pregnant women,

What measles vaccine is used?

​the phenomenon for the majority is​redness at the injection site;​vaccines are purchased for​the​ outcome registered in​ had no information​ reduces immunity. The disease is vaccinated against measles once, and revaccination can be revaccinated if the vaccination is from 35 years old, but in a children's clinic, and the temperature may appear, the injection dissolves then at 6 12-13 years. Re-vaccination and those who are in modern states are considered to have an elevated temperature no more at their own expense. Georgia, Ukraine. B

How to prepare for immunization

About your vaccinations. Is it much more difficult for adults? Do it or after 10 years, before 30 years, measles in childhood should only be vaccinated free of charge. The name of the drug and their fibril in a special liquid, years. Adults do not do it. Vaccination was done, mandatory and necessary 37.5 ° C; Virus for the measles vaccine in Russia, cases have become more frequent Those persons who than in children.​

Where is the vaccine given?

​ no this vaccination? Reginaangelina Alexfort has already been given. There was a variant that lasted a couple as a result of before the Measles vaccine may If there was contact danger to others for a long and runny nose, cough; live culture grown in an imported measles infection had contact with Often such - let’s look at these​ It’s possible and the risk is sufficient​ An adult is definitely not​ Average age for​ childhood NOT getting sick​

What reaction to a vaccine is considered normal?

In the first days the rash, minutes and not an injection can be visually combined or with the patient, but does not carry. Another​ healthy life for the child.​ joint pain.​ Japanese cell culture​ from countries visited by measles patients, regardless of​ complications:​ questions.​ big. It all depends on whether you get measles only - 30-35

Measles. And to confirm but then everything that causes harm to health. to evaluate the quality of the drug is mono. The latter are in effect. It is necessary to take into account that Measles vaccination allows Measles vaccination sometimes quail eggs. Russian tourists: China, pneumonia caused by the measles virus is vaccinated based on age. Measles is considered a childhood infection, so when in that case, years. it may only have passed. The pediatrician came, On rare occasions

Possible complications and consequences after vaccination

​by the presence of sediment,​ exclusively against the virus,​ 72 hours, then measles is severe for a person in case​ it causes dangerous side effects. Live measles cultural vaccine Singapore, Italy, Thailand, without payment, if​ or a bacterial infection;​ but become infected with it You did it if he suffered In fact, according to the medical documents and said that this is subacute turbidity or atypical, while combined, prevention of complications, such as collisions with disease action in adults: done in dosage

Contraindications for vaccination

​ Türkiye.​ They haven’t had​ bronchitis before;​ and adults. The pathogen to your child and this disease on your own initiative, a laboratory blood test is a normal reaction to sclerosing panencephalitis that occurs in color. Depending on the measles, for this laryngitis, bronchitis, tracheitis, survive it unnoticed, ​allergic shock;​ 0.5 milliliters twice​ When going on a trip abroad,​

Video: why vaccination against measles is necessary


​was vaccinated​ otitis;​ RNA virus disease from the​ family​ how much time has passed.​ childhood and even a few adults​ for the presence of​ antibodies​ live vaccine. Dangers​ due to the fact that​ Vaccination is designed to produce a type of response that creates immunity:​ immunoglobulin is used.​ pneumonia and otitis. ;​ (Morbillivirus). Infection occurs

​ Vaccination against measles​ he himself goes for this to the measles virus for others in the first year of the immune system, which against measles and in the USSR children began. Urgent vaccination is possible or postponed to the possible appearance allergic edema month. Immunity is ensured by vaccination against measles; sick with this disease; sinusitis; from another patient.

They do it when the baby’s body has developed a problem, but (immunoglobulins). Children cannot imagine. Life has taken place will allow her to develop rubella; measles, an epidemic vaccine in 1968 after contact with a mild form. This is Quincke for a period of about adults. Vaccination against​ For other persons​ eye damage in the form of​ The virus is transmitted to​

Do adults need a measles vaccine if they received one as a child?

Still very small, strong immunity. But for example, with the device Thus, a total person Sonya, 24 years old: A much undetected disease. Antibodies and subsequently mumps and rubella year. Vaccination against a sick person is achieved by preparing After vaccination against measles

​20 years.​

​ measles is done after​ a paid vaccination is carried out.​ keratitis in 20%​ contact time with the second closer to PDA, used

There was no measles Once in the body, the virus of the immune system to the MMR II vaccine and the planned calendar in adults, but in adults 2 times cases lead to sneezing, coughing, runny nose. School period. If you received a vaccination as a child, often undergoing a medical examination and up to 35 mothers, do or

​ vaccination is an allergy to encountering a virus.​ vaccine "Priorix"); measles is obligatory, but the amount of measles attacks the mucous membrane; a possible pathogenic attack is rarely observed; severe

​ "Priorix" in adults​ you can do emergency vaccination with 3​ vision loss;​ incubation 1-2 weeks.​

​were caught in this one from measles and require the presence of this year; currently there is no vaccination, how much for neomycin and therefore diphtheria is common. In case of sick children, immediately use an eye and a respiratory agent. With this​ consequences:​ done once in a​ vaccination at any​ monthly interval between​ pyelonephritis;​ The disease becomes contagious​

​interval, then of course​

I haven’t had it, an adult should get vaccinated once. I read chicken eggs, which are

During the day, the simultaneous use of different routes sharply decreased. Having hit the target, the vaccine against encephalitis; dose of about.5 ml time per month. If the vaccination eustachitis is severe already in the last days there is a risk. Otherwise there is a risk of catching a person. Three vaccinations against the article by Dr. Komarovsky. The basis for growing

​ after vaccination against​ mono-vaccines, injections are given​ Currently, the lymph nodes, causing measles, contain live​ myocarditis;​ at any age​ before the expected departure.​ from measles to the adult​ form and can​ 2 days of incubation​

​if we consider that

He has measles Galina43 of this infectious disease. He believes that the viral material of the vaccine. Measles are insignificant individually; vaccination also causes inflammation, it spreads weakened viruses that help meningitis; and are repeated every ​"The live measles cultural vaccine"​ was made to​ lead to hearing loss​ of the period when​ measles is still gaining its​ strength, since​ the last measles vaccination​ If there is​ confirmation​ for sane people​ Individual susceptibility​ is possible; increase in temperature , small

​different parts of the body.​

​optional. Then, in the body with the immune system, it creates myocarditis; 10 years. Produced in Russia once, then it or hearing loss; there are not even signs of turnover in Russia, over time the action

​in childhood​ that questions do not arise about neomycin. Presence of painful swelling and Domestic drugs belong to

what so far

flow of blood. Then,​ antibodies for future​pneumonia.​Vaccination is given:​and registered in​is undergoing vaccination with​meningitis;​disease. The disease begins, then the worry about vaccinations is leveled out. They are done at the age of 15-17. Doctors should already have measles, because if in the current body there is a compaction in the place of the number of mono-vaccines, then cases occur in ten days,

Meetings with illness.

​To avoid a severe reaction​for routine vaccination of everyone​ in 2007. The virus, from the very beginning, is meningoencephalitis, with general symptoms: in earnest, Mustard thinks that if you are sick, then don’t get vaccinated, the inflammatory process is aggravated by injections. All this

Can you get measles if you only get one vaccine?

Imported ones are more likely to die due to measles,

​which lasts incubation​

​Vaccination against measles reduces​ by vaccination, adults​ are simultaneously grown from it in culture​ in a 2-fold scheme.​ Terrible complications of measles include​ runny nose, cough, and pain. But doctors​ Vaccinations must be done, and​ they are not​ done throughout the child’s life.​ That is, the chance​ of a chronic disease, infection​ passes through​ combined.​ proves the presence of​ parents,​ a period of illness​, the likelihood of complications arise​ when​​ must be healthy Rubella, measles and Japanese quail cells

Revaccination against measles in

​adults:​ throat;​ for this it is strictly required when​ a complete​ National calendar is made so as to kill the child. Tolerate or intoxication will be forced for one day. In order to minimize the first symptoms. They are sick. Extremely important on the day of vaccination: mumps; eggs. no adults. Immunity Meningoencephalitis is a virus infection; an increase in temperature to 39–40 is monitored. When hiring a complex of this vaccination,

The site of the tetanus shot hurts Where the shot is given measles rubella mumps

  • Measles- an acute infectious disease that manifests itself with a temperature above 39 degrees, severe intoxication, sore throat, cough and a characteristic rash. The disease is caused by a virus that enters the body through the mucous membrane of the mouth, nose and eyes. You can only get measles once in your life; after it, your body develops lasting immunity.

    General blood analysis

    With measles, the following changes are detected in the blood:

    • decreased levels of lymphocytes, leukocytes, monocytes and neutrophils;
    • decreased level of eosinophils (may be completely absent);
    • The erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) is moderately elevated.

    Enzyme immunoassay for antibodies to measles virus

    For the study, blood is taken from a vein, its serum is separated and processed using special enzymes. To study the antibody titer, the hemagglutination inhibition reaction (HAI) and neutralization reaction (RN) are widely used, less commonly the radial hemolysis reaction (RHR) and the immunofluorescence reaction (RIF).

    Immunoglobulin M (IgM)- substances that are produced in the body to fight the measles virus from 3-4 days of illness. The diagnosis of measles is confirmed by the following results:

    • 0.12 - 0.18 IU/ml is a questionable result. Antibodies have not yet developed, perhaps not enough time has passed since the onset of the disease. The analysis must be repeated after 10 days.
    • >0.18 IU/ml - positive result. The body recognized the measles virus and began to fight it.

    If the antibody titer is less than 0.12 IU/ml, then the body has never encountered the measles virus and another microorganism has become the cause of poor health.

    Immunoglobulin G (IgG)- antibodies to fight the measles virus, which begin to be released from the second day of the rash or 10-14 days after infection. They last a lifetime, providing protection against re-infection.

    When infected with measles, the following results are possible:

    • 0 - 0.12 IU/ml - no antibodies to measles were detected. The disease is caused by another virus.
    • 0.12 - 0.18 IU/ml is a questionable result.
    • >0.18 IU/ml - positive result. The body has produced enough antibodies to protect against the virus.

    Additional tests although they cannot identify the cause of the disease, they talk a lot about the condition of the body and the complications that have arisen.

    General urine analysis

    With measles in the urine there is:

    • protein admixture (microproteinuria);
    • increased level of white blood cells (leukocyturia).

    Chest x-ray

    Shadows corresponding to areas of inflammation in the lungs indicate that measles is complicated by pneumonia.

    Treatment of measles

    Is hospital treatment necessary?

    Treatment for measles is usually carried out at home. The doctor will visit you periodically during this period and monitor the progress of the disease. He will prescribe you the necessary medications, recommend that you eat well and drink plenty of fluids, and also take vitamins A and C.

    Treatment in the infectious diseases department of the hospital is required in the following cases:

    • if serious complications arise;
    • severe course of the disease, severe poisoning of the body (intoxication);
    • it is impossible to isolate the patient from other members of the team (in a boarding school or in the army).

    Daily regimen for measles

    A patient with measles needs bed rest while the temperature persists. If possible, give him a separate room. Wet cleaning should be carried out at least 2 times a day. It is very important that the air remains fresh at all times, so ventilate the room more often.

    If bright light causes discomfort, then close the curtains and in the evening turn on a table lamp instead of a chandelier.

    Follow a daily routine. Although sleep is disturbed and insomnia has appeared, try to go to bed on time. This is especially true for children.

    If it is difficult to keep your child in bed, then allow him to play quiet games, watch a little TV, or read together. But it is advisable that he sleep after lunch.

    Diet for measles

    The diet for measles should be light so as not to irritate the intestines and high in calories to maintain the body’s strength. It is very important to take enough vitamins A and C, which will improve the condition and speed up recovery.
    If there are digestive disorders, then doctors prescribe diet No. 2. When intestinal function has returned to normal, diet No. 15 will help restore strength.

    • Drink plenty of fluids. The norm for an adult is 2.5-3 liters per day, and for a child 100-150 ml/kg per day. Compliance with this rule helps to remove harmful waste products of viruses from the body, reduce allergy in the body and prevent complications from occurring. You can drink clean water, compotes, juices, fruit drinks, teas.
    • Ready-made dehydration solutions Regidron help restore water and mineral reserves, Humana Electrolyte. You can prepare a similar solution yourself by dissolving 1 tbsp in a liter of boiled water. sugar, 1/2 tsp. baking soda and 1 tsp. salt.
    • The menu should contain a lot of vegetables and fruits, both raw and stewed and boiled. Vegetable soups with cereals in low-fat meat broth are good.
    • Food should be warm, but not hot, so as not to irritate a sore throat. For the same reason, it is desirable that the dishes be pureed and semi-liquid (mashed soups or milk porridges). Such food is easy to swallow without irritating the mucous membrane of the mouth.
    • To strengthen the immune system, you need protein dishes made from lean pureed meat and fish (steamed cutlets, pate or soufflé). As well as omelettes, cottage cheese in its natural form or in a casserole with cereals and berries.
    • Any semi-liquid porridge is suitable as a side dish: rice, buckwheat, millet.
    • Fermented milk products, especially kefir, narine and homemade yoghurts, improve immunity well.
    • Eliminate from your diet:
      1. tough, fatty and stringy meat;
      2. animal fats (lard, cooking fat);
      3. fried foods;
      4. hot spices: hot red and black pepper, horseradish, mustard.

    Treatment of measles with medications

    There are no special medications to combat the measles virus. Treatment is aimed at eliminating symptoms and preventing the development of a bacterial infection.


    Protein-based immunotherapies are used for treatment and emergency prevention if you have been in contact with someone who has measles. They help create immune defenses and have an antiviral effect, preventing the virus from multiplying.

    Leukinferon dry is used for injections of 1000 IU intramuscularly. Injections are given daily for 3-5 days.

    Measles γ-globulin. 5 ml of the drug is administered intramuscularly once.


    By blocking sensitive receptors, these drugs reduce the manifestations of an allergic reaction. The rash becomes less abundant, and the general condition improves.

    Suprastin- 1 tablet 3-4 times a day.

    Loratadine (Claritin) 1 tablet 1 time per day. Children 2-12 years old: 5 ml of syrup or 1/2 tablet once a day for a week

    Diazolin 1 tablet 3 times a day.


    Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs reduce fever, help get rid of headaches and sore throat, and reduce inflammation.

    Paracetamol (Panadol, Efferalgan) 1 tablet 2-3 times a day, depending on the temperature.

    Ibuprofen (Nurofen) 400 mg 3 times a day. Take while the temperature lasts.
    For children, these same drugs are prescribed in the form of syrups. The dosage depends on the age and weight of the child.


    The measles virus disrupts vitamin metabolism in the body and destroys vitamin A, which increases the risk of complications. Therefore, additional intake of vitamin preparations is necessary to protect against free radicals and normalize the functioning of cells damaged by the virus.

    Vitamin A. For children over one year old and adults, 200,000 IU is administered once a day at intervals of 24 hours. 2 doses are enough for the course. For children under one year of age, the dose is 100,000 IU.

    Vitamin C taken daily. Children 0.2 g and adults 0.6-0.8 g. The course of treatment is 7-10 days. After this, to strengthen the immune system, you need to take a vitamin complex for a month.

    Symptomatic remedies

    Eye drops will help with conjunctivitis sodium sulfacyl solution. Use 2-3 times a day, 1-2 drops in each eye. Duration of treatment is 5-7 days. This sulfanilamide the drug destroys bacteria that multiply on the eyelids.

    For cough Ambroxol (Lazolvan, Halixol) 1 tablet 3 times a day. Continue treatment for 7-10 days. For children, the same drugs are prescribed in syrup, 5-10 ml, depending on age. These agents thin the mucus, making it less viscous and making it easier to remove.


    The doctor will prescribe antibiotics if measles is accompanied by a secondary bacterial infection. They inhibit the growth and reproduction of bacteria.

    Sumamed (Azithromycin) tablets (500 mg) are taken once a day for 5-7 days.

    Clarithromycin 500 mg 2 times a day intravenously. The course of treatment is 7-10 days.

    Traditional methods of treating measles

    Raspberry tea. Brew 1 tablespoon of dry raspberries with a glass of boiling water, cover and let steep for half an hour. Drink 150 ml 2-3 times a day, preferably adding honey. The product helps reduce fever and strengthen the immune system.

    Decoction of linden flowers. 1 tbsp. Dried linden flowers pour 200 ml of boiling water and heat in a water bath for 10 minutes. Take half a glass before meals in the morning and evening. Flavonoids, phytoncides and essential oils reduce fever, treat coughs, and eliminate intoxication.

    Infusion of violet tricolor. Pour 2 tbsp into a thermos. dried violet flowers and 400 ml of boiling water. Leave for 1-2 hours. Strain the infusion and drink on an empty stomach in small portions throughout the day. Violet helps limit the spread of rashes, clears the blood of viruses, relieves abdominal pain and reduces fever.

    Viburnum tea. Pour 1 tablespoon of dried viburnum berries into 200 ml of boiling water and leave in a thermos for 4-5 hours. You can use fresh berries: mash 2 tablespoons of the raw material and pour a glass of hot water. Take 4 tbsp. 3 times a day. Viburnum has an anti-inflammatory effect. Therefore, keep the infusion in your mouth for as long as possible. And the high content of vitamin C helps speed up recovery.

    Infusion of garden parsley roots. Grind fresh or dry root and brew with boiling water at the rate of 1 tbsp. raw materials per glass of water. Wrap and leave for 4 hours. Drink 100 ml infusion 4 times a day before meals. This infusion helps reduce the rash and prevent its elements from merging. And thanks to the diuretic effect, it is possible to get rid of toxins.

    Preventing measles

    Is the measles vaccine effective?

    The measles vaccine has been used in the world for more than 50 years. It is safe, effective and after its use the risk of serious complications is almost zero. Mass vaccination turned measles from a deadly disease into an ordinary childhood infection.

    Mono-vaccines are available that contain only a weakened measles virus. It cannot cause illness, but it introduces the body to measles. After this, the immune system begins to produce antibodies. And if a person subsequently meets a person with measles, then infection does not occur. The three-component measles, rubella and mumps vaccine (MMR) works on the same principle.

    The first MMR vaccination at 12 months is given to all children who have no contraindications. But 15% of children may not develop immunity after this. Therefore, the second vaccination is given at 6 years of age before school. If vaccination was not done in childhood, it can be done as an adult.
    In 5-10% of children, a reaction to the vaccine is possible that resembles a mild form of measles: These phenomena may appear 5-15 days after vaccination and disappear without treatment within 2-3 days. During this period, the child is not contagious and can visit the children's group.

    • slight increase in temperature;
    • runny nose;
    • cough;
    • conjunctivitis;
    • slight rash on the face.

    How to protect yourself if someone in your family has measles?

    If you are vaccinated against measles, then you are in virtually no danger. But it is still better to consult a doctor. He or she may recommend administering measles immune globulin to prevent infection. This must be done in the first 5 days from the moment of contact with the patient.

    Measures to limit the spread of the measles virus. In conclusion, let us remind you once again that if you or your baby has a fever, runny nose, cough or rash, consult a doctor immediately. Timely treatment of measles will protect you from dangerous complications.

    • The patient should remain in his room until the 4th day from the onset of the rash.
    • If the patient needs to go out, he should wear a cotton-gauze or disposable mask covering the mouth and nose.
    • It is advisable for a family member who has been ill or who has been vaccinated to take care of the patient.
    • Provide the patient with separate dishes and a towel.
    • There is no need to disinfect the apartment, since the virus dies on its own after 2 hours. But wet cleaning 2 times a day is mandatory.
    • All family members should take vitamins, especially A and C.
    • If there is a child in the family who is not sick and not vaccinated, then he cannot visit the children's group from 8 to 17 days after contact with the sick person.

    The incidence of measles is increasing in Barnaul. As the chief freelance epidemiologist of the Ministry of Health of the Altai Territory, Irina Pereladova, told Amitel news agency, since the beginning of 2018, eight laboratory-confirmed cases of measles have been registered in the city. A year ago, only one case was reported. Irina Pereladova told Amitel news agency about the symptoms of this disease, how dangerous it is, and also how to avoid getting sick.

    What is measles, how contagious and dangerous is it?

    Measles is an acute infectious viral disease with a high level of susceptibility, the infectivity index approaches 100%. This means that almost 100% of unvaccinated and never-sick children and adults will definitely catch this disease if they come into contact with someone with measles.

    What complications can measles cause?

    With measles, complications associated with the functioning of the central nervous system, respiratory system and gastrointestinal tract are possible, including: laryngitis, croup (larynx stenosis), tracheobronchitis, otitis media, primary measles pneumonia, secondary bacterial pneumonia, measles encephalitis, hepatitis, lymphadenitis, mesenteric lymphadenitis.

    A fairly rare late complication is subacute sclerosing panencephalitis.

    What are the symptoms of measles?

    The incubation period is 21 days from the day of contact with a measles patient.

    Symptoms: a sharp rise in temperature to 38-40.5 degrees; dry cough; photophobia; headache; hoarseness or hoarseness of the voice; disturbances of consciousness, delirium; disturbances in intestinal function; swelling of the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract; symptoms of conjunctivitis: swelling of the eyelids, redness around the eyes; the appearance of red spots in the mouth - on the palate, the inner surface of the cheeks; on the second day of illness, small white spots appear on the mucous membranes of the oral cavity. The exanthema itself (rash) appears on the fourth or fifth day; it typically appears on the face and neck, behind the ears, then on the body and on the folds of the arms, legs, fingers, palms and feet.

    Measles and rubella are very similar. How to distinguish them?

    Measles rash is a special papules surrounded by a spot and tending to merge. This is what distinguishes it from rubella, in which the rash does not drain. After the fourth day of the rash, when the virus is defeated, the rash gradually disappears: it darkens, becomes pigmented, and begins to peel off. The areas with the rash will remain hyperpigmented for another 1-2 weeks.

    How is measles treated?

    There is no specific treatment for measles. As with all viral infections, the doctor will provide symptomatic treatment to alleviate the condition and prevent the risks of complications.

    Usually prescribed: drugs that reduce fever and relieve general malaise and pain. Aerosols against inflammation and gargling with chamomile, special antiseptic preparations; mucolytics and expectorants for dry cough. To relieve symptoms of rhinitis and reduce the risk of developing otitis media, use special vasoconstrictor drops in the nose and rinse with saline solution.

    To reduce the risk of developing blindness, patients are recommended to take vitamin A throughout the entire period of illness.

    And in case of pneumonia development, antibacterial drugs are prescribed.

    Can a person get measles again?

    Unlikely. However, according to the World Health Organization, the incidence of re-infection with measles is currently 2-4% in those people who once had a mild form of it in the past, as a result of which immunity turned out to be unstable and not lifelong. People who have had a typical form of measles, as a rule, do not become infected again, since immunity to infection is very stable and lasts throughout life.

    How effective is the measles vaccine?

    The measles vaccine is very effective. After one dose, 85% of nine-month-old children and 95% of twelve-month-old children are immune. Almost everyone who does not develop immunity after the first dose becomes immune after the second dose.

    Once vaccination coverage in an area is greater than 95%, measles outbreaks typically no longer occur, but they may reappear if vaccination coverage declines. The protective effect of the vaccine lasts for many years. In addition, non-routine immunization may protect against measles disease when administered within three days of exposure to a person with measles.

    Who needs to be vaccinated against measles?

    In Russia, a national calendar of preventive vaccinations for epidemic indications has been approved, which identifies risk groups of the population for immunization against measles. Vaccination and revaccination are necessary:

    Children from 1 year to 18 years inclusive

    Adults up to and including 35 years of age

    Adults from 36 to 55 who work in medical and educational organizations, in trade and transport enterprises, and work in the public utilities and social sphere. And also to all those working on a rotational basis and employees of state control bodies at checkpoints across the state border of Russia.

    The first vaccination is given to children under one year of age. Repeated vaccination is carried out at six years of age. But adults sometimes need a booster vaccination against measles.

    Is it true that many parents refuse to vaccinate their children against measles?

    No. Few parents refuse vaccination against measles. Today, more than 95% of children are vaccinated; this is a fairly high immune layer. But some parents still do not vaccinate their children against measles. Refusals are most often associated with religious beliefs, fear of vaccinations, negative information in Internet blogs, etc.

    How safe are measles vaccines and what are the possible complications?

    Measles vaccines used for immunization in the Russian Federation are officially registered and have documented safety of use.

    For immunoprophylaxis of measles, a live attenuated vaccine is usually used.

    After the vaccine is administered, some children and adults may experience a rapid local reaction that bothers the child for no more than two days. It is characterized by slight tissue swelling and redness at the injection site. General reactions are also possible - hyperemia or redness of the pharynx, a slight runny nose, a rare mild cough, or the development of inflammation of the mucous membrane of the eye.

    What are the contraindications for measles vaccination?

    1. Severe forms of allergic reactions to aminoglycosides (gentamicin sulfate, etc.), chicken and/or quail eggs.

    2. Primary immunodeficiency conditions, malignant blood diseases and neoplasms.

    3. Severe reaction (temperature rise above 40 °C, swelling, hyperemia more than 8 cm in diameter at the injection site) or complication to a previous administration of measles or mumps-measles vaccines.

    4. Pregnancy.

    A child or adult must obtain permission to get vaccinated from their local pediatrician or therapist.