The first honey in Petrograd address. Driving directions to SPHFA. The main scientific directions that are being developed at the University

The Department of Abdominal Oncology (Oncology Department No. 1) is a structural subdivision of the Department of Oncology Surgery of the Research Institute of Surgery and Emergency Medicine of the First St. Petersburg State Medical University. Academician I. P. Pavlov

The priority direction of the Department of Abdominal Oncology is the treatment of tumors of the gastrointestinal tract.

The clinic’s specialists diagnose and treat the following diseases:

  • colon tumors;
  • rectal tumors;
  • stomach tumors;
  • pancreatic tumors;
  • gallbladder tumors;
  • primary and metastatic liver tumors.

Advantages of treatment in our clinic:

  • Promptly obtain all the necessary information on the website of the oncology center

By contacting our clinic by phone 903-04-03 or by mail 9516183@ mail. ru, you will receive all the necessary information as soon as possible and will make an appointment with our specialist at a time convenient for you and us.

  • The ability to carry out all necessary diagnostic procedures to establish a diagnosis and determine the upcoming treatment tactics;

All studies necessary to establish the correct diagnosis (CT, MRI, FCS, FGDS, laboratory and functional diagnostic methods), you will be able to undergo in the diagnostic centers of our university under the supervision of clinic doctors

  • Modernity and equipment of the operating room

When performing surgical interventions, we use only advanced technologies. Most early tumors of the stomach and colon in our clinic are performed endoscopically. We perform up to 80% of operations for localized tumors laparoscopically. If it is necessary to perform extended operations for locally advanced tumors, combined and cytoreductive operations are performed. The clinic also performs such regional techniques as HIPEC (intraperitoneal chemohyperthermic perfusion), PDT (intraoperative photodynamic therapy).

  • Possibility of combined and complex treatment (surgical methods in combination with radiation and chemotherapy).

The presence of several chemotherapy departments, radiation therapy departments, and endoscopy departments at the university makes it possible to treat our patients at any stage of the tumor process

  • The ability to provide qualified medical care to patients with concomitant (cardiovascular, pulmonary, renal, endocrine, etc.) pathologies

The versatility and good equipment of related university clinics gives us the opportunity to prepare for surgery and successfully perform it even for patients with severe cardiovascular pathology, patients on hemodialysis due to renal failure, patients with diabetes, etc.

  • Accelerated rehabilitation after surgery

We are actively working on the international protocols for accelerated rehabilitation and prehabilitation FAST-TRACK and ERAS, which provide a set of measures in the pre- and postoperative period aimed at reducing the length of hospitalization and rehabilitation after planned surgical interventions.

  • Providing medical care through all channels of hospitalization - compulsory medical insurance, compulsory medical insurance, compulsory medical insurance-VT, paid services.

This ensures the availability of treatment for all social groups of the population, as well as treatment of foreign citizens. If it is necessary to obtain a quota for the provision of high-tech assistance, our clinic specialists will prepare all the documents for its registration.

  • Highly qualified medical staff

Our specialists are constantly studying and improving their professional level, including abroad (China, Great Britain, Norway, Germany, Poland)

  • Good conditions of stay in the hospital. Our rooms are equipped in accordance with modern requirements of comfort and ergonomics.

Contact Information:

Address: 97022 St. Petersburg, st. Lev Tolstoy, 6-8, building 38 (entrance under the pharmacy), 4th floor, oncology department

Tel.: +7 921 903-04-03,

To make an appointment for a consultation, you can contact our clinic specialists by phone+7 921 903-04-03

The administration of the academy, the FPTL dean's office and the admissions committee are located here. This building usually hosts special events, scientific conferences and open days. There is a book kiosk on the ground floor where students and applicants can purchase the necessary educational literature and teaching aids.
From Art. From the Petrogradskaya metro station you can get there by passing one stop on trolleybus No. 34 or by buses No. 1, No. 25, No. 46.
The administrative building can also be reached on foot, moving along Kamenoostrovsky Avenue. Such a walk will take you about 10 minutes.

2. Academic buildings: Professor Popova, 4, 6

These buildings house the main teaching laboratories of the academy. In house number 6 there is a student cafe. The easiest way to get to the training halls is on foot.

3. Department of Biotechnology and Microbiology: Kazanskaya street, 12

The easiest way to get to them is from the station. Nevsky Prospekt metro station, exit to the Griboyedov Canal.

4. Dormitory: st. X-ray, no. 21

The road from the academy to the hostel takes 15-20 minutes and runs along the educational buildings of the First Medical Institute named after. Pavlova.

History of PSPbSMU named after. acad. I.P. Pavlova's history dates back to the opening of the Women's Medical Institute (WMI) on September 14 (26), 1897, the first educational institution in Russia and Europe that provided women with the opportunity to receive higher medical education.

Soon after its opening, the Women's Medical Institute became a generally recognized and authoritative example of the organization of higher medical education and science. Clinics and departments of medical history became centers for the development and implementation of the most advanced diagnostic and treatment methods into medical practice.

From the moment of its formation to the present day, the University has changed several names - Petrograd Women's Medical Institute (1918), the First Leningrad Medical Institute - 1 LMI, “1st Med” - a name that has gone down in the history of medicine of the city and the country (1924). In 1936, we were named after the Nobel Prize laureate, Academician Ivan Petrovich Pavlov, and in 1994, the Institute was transformed into a University and was named St. Petersburg State Medical University named after Academician I.P. Pavlova. In 2013, such a significant word “First” was returned - this is how the University received its modern name - the First St. Petersburg State Medical University named after academician I.P. Pavlova.

In the 1930s, the Chemical-Pharmaceutical and Pediatric Institutes were separated from 1 LMI into independent universities. At the same time, a project for the construction of new buildings and laboratories was developed. However, the Great Patriotic War prevented the implementation of these plans. During the years of the heroic defense of Leningrad, the institute did not stop teaching, medical and scientific work; its graduates fought on the fronts of the Great Patriotic War. We sacredly honor the names of the victims. In 1985, in the park of the institute, on the site where the unexploded bomb lay, a monument to the fallen doctors was erected.

In such a huge metropolis as St. Petersburg, there are a considerable number of universities. Including medical ones. One of them is named after Academician Pavlov. What are the features of this university, how to enroll there, and where is it located?

St. Petersburg Medical University named after Academician Pavlov: history

“The First Medical University” - this is the unofficial name of the university - turned one hundred and twenty years old this year. It was discovered at the end of the nineteenth century; then it was called the Women's Medical Institute: this educational institution became the first not only in our country, but throughout the world, where not only men, but also the weaker sex could obtain a medical profession. And it all started, in general, with simple courses for midwives, which were open to women as an experiment in the early seventies of the nineteenth century. These courses, which were later called “Women’s Medical Courses,” were popular among women, but the then Minister of War, in whose charge they were, considered them unnecessary, and the “shop” was closed. However, not for long: exactly five years later, with the help of the famous doctor Sergei Botkin, permission was received to organize the above-mentioned institute.

The university became the “First Medical”, or, in other words, the First Leningrad Medical Institute in the twenty-fourth year of the last century - its official name was renamed. And twelve years later, the institution was named after academician Ivan Pavlov, whose contribution to medicine is incredibly enormous.

The location of the university was not chosen by chance by the authorities of the nineteenth century: it was located next to the Peter and Paul Hospital for the Poor. Then this street was called Bishop, now it is named after the great writer Leo Tolstoy. The institute was built with money from public figures and scientists, and simply caring people - for example, Ilya Mechnikov and Sergei Botkin made financial contributions to the creation of the future university.

Main departments and clinics of St. Petersburg Medical University named after. Pavlova were opened in the first years of work, subsequently the structure of the university only expanded. So, before the Great Patriotic War, it included the Filatov Children's Hospital, a psychiatric hospital, a bone tuberculosis hospital, and so on. And during all four war years, the institute worked as before, training more and more new personnel.

St. Petersburg Medical University named after Pavlov: our days

For ten years now, the university has been working on a point-rating system. It is currently divided into eleven different institutes and research institutes. It includes sixty-nine departments, where more than five thousand people study annually. Among the university students there are not only citizens of our country, but also foreigners who came to receive education specifically at this institution - and this already says a lot. St. Petersburg Medical University named after. Academician Pavlov is considered one of the leading universities of this profile in Russia. Four years ago, the word “first” was added to its name - now it is included in the official name of the university.


The very first rector (and then director) of the current First St. Petersburg University named after Pavlov was Vasily von Anrep. He remained in his post for two years, after which the heads of the university began to change one after another. Some stayed in this position a little longer, some a little less. Vladimir Minyaev occupied the position of leader of the institute for the longest period of time - twenty-two years, from the middle of the last century.

For the last five years, the rector of the Pavlov St. Petersburg Medical University has been Doctor of Medical Sciences Sergei Bagnenko (he is also an academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences). Before taking this position, he served in the navy as a surgeon, worked in the Armed Forces of the country, then as director of the St. Petersburg Research Institute of Emergency Medicine and head of the Department of Surgery at St. Petersburg State University. In addition, Sergei Fedorovich is the author of one scientific discovery and fourteen monographs.

Faculties and specialties

Pavlov First St. Petersburg State Medical University offers applicants a choice of several faculties. This is medical practice (they train specialists in the field of therapy, surgery, neurology, otolaryngology, ophthalmology, cardiology, gynecology, anesthesiology, oncology; the training period is six years), dentistry (you can only study full-time, the term is five years), sports medicine (study six years, full-time only; qualification upon completion - doctor in the specialty "General Medicine"), pediatrics (training at the Department of Obstetrics, Gynecology and Neonatology, as well as at the Department of Children's Diseases for six years - full-time), adaptive physical education (part-time only training, bachelor's degree (five years, specialty - physical rehabilitation), clinical psychology (specialty - psychologist, clinical psychologist, psychology teacher; full-time study for five and a half years) and nursing (training of nurse-midwives, teachers; training lasts four full-time -five years).

In addition to the above faculties at the St. Petersburg Medical University. Pavlov you can study in graduate school, internship, residency and doctoral studies. And, of course, these are not all the specialties that are permissible to master after graduation. Nutritionist, cosmetologist, optometrist - all this, and more, is also taught within the walls of this university.

Admission rules

Enter the St. Petersburg Medical University named after. Pavlov can be obtained based on the results of the Unified State Exam, which are valid for four years. If you have not passed the Unified State Exam in the required disciplines at school, or if its validity period has already expired, then you must register to take the exam at the institute.

A future freshman can apply for three specialties at once, in addition to both on a budget basis and on a paid basis. The list of required documents is as follows:

  1. Identification.
  2. Document on secondary general, secondary vocational or higher education.
  3. Two three-by-four photographs signed on the back.
  4. A copy of a medical certificate (not needed for those applying for clinical psychology and master's programs in the Public Health program). The certificate must be issued a maximum of one year before submitting documents. Those who are going to study clinical psychology provide the result of passing a medical examination.
  5. If any, documents confirming disability, limited health capabilities, etc.
  6. Olympiad winners - corresponding diplomas.
  7. For admission on preferential terms - a document confirming that the applicant needs them.
  8. Young men who have served and passed the Unified State Exam before joining the army - a military ID.
  9. Application printed from the website.

Original documents may not be brought immediately.

By the way, those who wish have a chance to enroll in the preparatory department of a university. You can study there either full-time or part-time, and the exams you need to pass are biology and Russian. Also, at the First St. Petersburg Pavlov Medical University there is a Small Academy, which also accepts students. The training lasts nine months, or four, and there are no entrance tests.

Acceptance of documents

Enrollment of students at St. Petersburg State Medical University named after. Pavlova next year will be held from the twentieth of June to the twenty-sixth of July. It is important to pay attention to the fact that there are several admissions committees at the university: for first-year students from Russia, for first-year students from abroad, for those entering residency, as well as for future graduate students. All commissions will work from ten o'clock in the morning six days a week.

However, it is not enough to simply come to the institute and bring documents. It is not that simple. Before this, everyone who wants to study at the First St. Petersburg Medical University named after. Pavlova you need to register on the university website in the “Abiturient” system. There you need to fill out the required information and download an application for admission, which will subsequently need to be submitted to the admissions committee along with the entire list of documents. Unfortunately, it is not possible to send admission documents by email.

When the applicant provides all the necessary documents to the admissions committee (by the way, you can either bring them in person or send them by courier or mail - the main thing is to meet the specified deadline), an indication of the personal file blocked for changes will appear in his application form on the website. Only after this the submission process is considered complete.

Required Exams

Depending on which faculty the future freshman is going to, the tests that he will need to pass vary. Applicants to the St. Petersburg State Medical University named after. Pavlov for general medicine, pediatrics, dentistry or nursing, you need to take chemistry, Russian language and biology (in order of priority of points when building a rating). Future specialists in clinical psychology and adaptive physical education should provide exam results in biology, mathematics and the Russian language. All of the above applies to people who are citizens of our country.

For foreign applicants, the tests are slightly different. These are chemistry and biology, and the first is taken orally, and the second in writing, regardless of the chosen faculty.


All nonresident students studying at St. Petersburg Medical University. Pavlova, has the right to count on moving into a hostel. There are four of them in total. Two (corridor and block) are located near the Petrogradskaya metro station (at the same time, only foreigners live in one, block type), one is in Kupchino (block), and another (apartment) is near the Pionerskaya metro station. In total, they accommodate just over two thousand people.

In a corridor-type dormitory on the floor there are fifty rooms designed for three people, two kitchens and the same number of washrooms, and three toilets. There are four showers on two floors. In the block type, one block includes six to eight double and triple rooms, a kitchen, two showers, a toilet and a washroom. And finally, in apartment-type hostels there are two- and three-room apartments. There is one kitchen for four apartments, but each has a toilet and a bathroom.

Cost of education

In recent years, studying at a university is, in principle, not cheap, and medical institutes have always been among the most expensive in terms of cost. If you enter the First St. Petersburg Medical University named after Pavlov on a paid basis, you will have to be prepared to pay approximately the following amounts per year: clinical psychology - one hundred and twenty thousand, general medicine, dentistry and sports medicine - two hundred and forty-five thousand, general medicine with in-depth study of Russian language (for foreigners) - three hundred thousand, pediatrics - two hundred and thirty thousand (and for students from abroad - another twenty more), nursing - eighty-five thousand, adaptive physical education - forty-two thousand. Of course, these are only approximate figures. It must be remembered that universities tend to increase tuition fees annually and be prepared for even larger amounts.

Famous graduates

At one time, St. Petersburg Medical University named after. Pavlov graduated from many outstanding people who ultimately did not become doctors, but achieved heights in other fields.

These are, for example, the famous writer Vasily Aksenov, anthropologist Wulf Ginzburg, singer Alexander Rosenbaum, actor Mikhail Shats, film actor and master of sports Vyacheslav Tsoi and others.