An original gift for dad for his 55th birthday. Grandfather's anniversary: ​​gift ideas from grandchildren and children. An original approach to practical things

It's my beloved dad's anniversary. Relatives and friends will gather and present wonderful gifts corresponding to the significance of the event. What about you? What to give your father for his 55th birthday so that the present is not “ordinary”, but memorable? Let's think about it.

Useful gifts for dad

At 55, many men are full of energy and have a lot of interests. Therefore, the easiest way is to choose a gift that will be useful for dad in everyday life. We offer a short list.

  1. Set of business cards. Your dad is a great specialist, is he valued as a professional? And he still doesn't have business cards? How did this happen? This gap simply needs to be closed! Order business cards for your dad - on expensive, high-quality paper, with a stylish design. He will be happy with such a gift and will definitely use it.
  2. Home brewery. Is your dad a beer drinker? Then such a unit will be very useful to him! Today, finding quality beer in stores is not so easy. In addition, the drink is often “flavored” with preservatives and other undesirable substances. And now dad will be able to make tasty and healthy beer with his own hands.
  3. Mini high pressure washer. Is your father a motorist? Wonderful! Then he needs such a unit. This mini wash will allow dad to always keep his car clean. It gives the same results as visiting a professional high pressure cleaner. But it will always be at hand and will not require additional investment. This device can be used not only for a car, but also for cleaning surfaces in the country (for example, garden paths).

If you decide to give dad a functional gift, make sure that it will actually be useful for him. After all, some very good devices may not be useful to him. But giving them in the hope that dad will one day become interested in them is not worth it.

TOP 10 gifts for father on his 55th birthday

  1. A trip for two to the sanatorium
  2. TV for car
  3. One hour ride by armored personnel carrier
  4. Exclusive chess set
  5. Favorite book bound in expensive leather
  6. Icon of the patron saint of the father (in a gold frame)
  7. Wall clock with family photo
  8. Nice tracksuit from a well-known brand
  9. A set of tools in a convenient suitcase
  10. Set of glasses decorated with a photo of dad

Heartfelt gifts from son and daughter

Does your father already have all the useful things? Then it makes sense to give him something for the soul. Something that will show how much you love him and tried to please him. Below are a few ideas.

  1. Anniversary medal. Over all the past years, you have said a lot of nice words to dad. Were you presented with a medal? Just because he exists. If you haven’t done this yet, then hurry up to “reward” your father! Specialized companies offer similar services. You can choose a suitable medal, a ribbon for it, and order an engraving. And then, in a solemn atmosphere, hang the medal on his father’s neck.
  2. A newspaper published on dad's birthday. This refers to the exact day when he was born - 55 years ago. Some companies will find for you in the archives a newspaper published on the desired date. This will not be just an archival copy of the publication. It will be supplemented with a touching congratulatory article about your father.
  3. A custom cake made especially for your father. Craftsmen can create confectionery in any form. For example, in the form of a father’s favorite car brand or a collectible weapon.

You can make a gift “for the soul” with your own hands. For example, buy a medal blank and take care of the ribbon and engraving yourself. It will be cheaper.

Thematic tours

If your dad has any hobbies, then you can give him a tour related to his hobby. Let's give a few examples.

  1. Fishing tour. Suitable for a dad who is interested in fishing. Such events are held at any time of the year, including winter. Your father will be able to enjoy nature, communication with like-minded people and his favorite hobby.
  2. Tour of amateur photographers. If your dad is interested in photography and would like to learn new shooting skills, he will gladly accept such a gift. He will travel to the most beautiful places, where he will be taught the secrets of photography.
  3. Detective tour. Does your father read detective novels and dream of trying on the role of a brave crime investigator? Then this tour is definitely for him. This could be a trip to places described in the books of some famous detective writer. Or an excursion with an exciting detective quest. At the same time, the father will be able to see some new country.

If your father is a homebody or, conversely, an overly busy person, treat the idea of ​​such a gift with caution. Will he have the time and desire to travel far from home?

A little imagination - and the gift for your father’s 55th birthday will be unforgettable!

Dad is the kind of person you would like to shower with gold and pamper to the extreme. After all, he raised you, was there when you needed it, put so much effort into your cloudless childhood and into your happy future! I would like to repay him with the same kind attitude. Therefore, before his anniversary, you are asking yourself a difficult question - what to give dad for his 55th birthday? Let's think.

What not to give to dad

There are things that it is better not to present to a 55-year-old dad. Here is a list of such gifts.

  1. Hygiene supplies. Razors, foam... It's so boring. And absolutely not suitable as an anniversary gift! And in general, during his life, dad managed to receive such gifts more than once for various holidays.
  2. Health related gifts. Perhaps dad at his age has some problems with his health. But celebrating the 55th anniversary is not the best occasion to remind about this. Even if you want to present a subscription to visit the best paid clinic in your city. Subscribing to a health magazine is also not a good option. An exception may be a trip to a good sanatorium.
  3. Presents hinting at advanced age. Please don’t give dad something for his 55th birthday that is usually given to infirm grandfathers. The birthday boy is still several decades away from this age! Slippers, heating pads, blankets - these gifts are not suitable for a still quite vigorous 55-year-old dad. And, moreover, they are not suitable for an anniversary.

You shouldn't give your dad money for his 55th birthday. He would like to receive a more heartfelt gift from loving children.

What does dad like?

There is not and will not be a better gift in the world than one that is chosen with knowledge of a person’s inner world, taking into account his hobbies and perception of the world. Whose personalities do you understand more than your parents? And don’t you know what dad loves? Let's try to choose a gift for him, keeping his interests in mind.

  • Many dads love to read. Therefore, you can present an e-book with your father’s favorite works already downloaded into it. If the birthday boy, in the old fashioned way, prefers paper publications, give him some rare book (perhaps the one he has been looking for for a long time).
  • A portable mini-fridge will come in handy for dads who love to go fishing or hunting, to the forest, or to the country. Your gift will help him keep all the food he brings with him fresh.
  • A father who loves board games can be presented with collectible chess or checkers.
  • Gold jewelry is given to dads who value status items. It could be a watch, a ring, a massive chain around the neck.
  • Dad, who prefers to spend time listening to music, can be presented with a music center of the latest model.
  • A father who loves interesting events can be presented with tickets to some rare concert or performance by visiting artists.

If you still can’t come up with a gift for dad on your own, ask him personally what he would like to receive. The present doesn't have to be a surprise, right? You want to give dad something that is really important to him!

Bread and Circuses

Are you trying to give your dad something material? Then you can present him with emotions. It is better to give such gifts if there are several children in the family - it is easier to organize it all together. And sometimes such gifts are not cheap, even though they are not material. You can also prepare a similar gift with relatives.

  1. Organize a party. Nowadays, not everyone is able to celebrate an anniversary the way he wants. Many are forced to save. So organize a good holiday for dad. Rent a restaurant, invite musicians, arrange fun games. Memories stay with a person longer than some things. Or you can rent not a restaurant hall, but a house. And there, too, come up with something interesting. It would be great if there were some spectacular places near this house that everyone could visit together.
  2. Arrange a family photo session. Photo sessions are often given to young people. But no one values ​​common family photos as much as our parents. Invite a professional photographer, choose an original location for shooting, think over the subject of the photos - and go ahead! Dad will have a memory of this day not only in his head, but also in his photo album.
  3. Go on a family trip. Not necessarily to distant hot countries. At least out of town for the weekend. How long has it been since you went somewhere with your whole family? Perhaps too long ago...

Don't be shy about calling on other family members for help. What if you come up with something big together?

TOP 10 gifts for dad for 55 years

  1. Personal mini-TV
  2. Reflex camera
  3. Home mini billiards
  4. Laptop
  5. Portable BBQ Grill
  6. Orthopedic chair
  7. GPS navigator
  8. Certificate for visiting a shooting range
  9. Family tree
  10. Purebred pet (only with dad's prior consent)

Dad conquers the Internet

The older generation surfs the Internet with no less pleasure than the younger generation. Reads articles, watches videos. It often doesn’t even occur to our parents that they could also create something of their own. And how could they!

Your dad is probably deeply interested in some area of ​​life. Or he has a hobby in which he has achieved success. And he is happy to share information and experience with others. Why then doesn’t he expand his audience and get his own website, blog or YouTube channel? Talk about the intricacies of fishing or “gardening”, provide useful information to motorists. Or even cook something tasty on camera - why not, if he loves it and knows how?

So that dad can bring these ideas to life, he will need the following gifts:

  • Turnkey website or blog. Let it be a completely ready-made Internet resource. And all dad needs to do is fill it with quality content.
  • Good video camera. For a dad who would rather shoot videos than write articles. However, even if he loves to write, he will be able to supplement his stories with interesting videos.

Let the anniversary gift be memorable or open new horizons for dad. It cannot be said that at 55 years old life is just beginning. But it continues very actively. Let your dad's life be filled with events and interesting things to do!

Fifty-five is a date, although not quite round, but still an anniversary, especially when it is the father’s birthday. It’s worth preparing for the celebration thoroughly and in advance, thinking through down to the last detail what to give your dad for his 55th birthday, because this is a certain milestone in the life of a man, a dear and beloved person.

Advice: it is indecent for close relatives, especially dad, to give money for their anniversary birthday. Choose a practical gift, even a multifunctional one, so that your loved one can use it for as long as possible, remembering the warmth of a family celebration.

Originality of practical things

  • color prints of the child’s palms, which, after finishing, turn into funny little animals;
  • unique cards created together with children, colorful and so cute;
  • various crafts and sculptures made using natural materials, plastic bottles, and other available materials.

Advice: most men carry out minor repairs in the house themselves, so it would be appropriate for a son to please his father with a new set of tools, packed in a stylish case, on his anniversary.

A daughter can present her beloved dad with a warm sweater knitted with her own hands or bake a delicious birthday cake.

Life with technology

This is the 21st century, a time of high rates of technological progress, especially in the field of electronics. Please your father on his 55th birthday with new products from the world of electronic technology:

Advice: you can opt for a digital camera or powerful binoculars; after retirement, a man will be able to create a gallery of colorful nature photographs or engage in interesting observations.

Gifts based on hobbies

A father, like any person, must have a hobby, an activity that he has been interested in for many years. Your gift will help you in your hobbies, making them more interesting and even useful.

  1. The motorist will be pleased with the convenient accessories for his “iron horse”:
  • With an improved DVR model, it’s easy to capture the situation on the road;
  • thanks to the GPS navigator, which will tell you the right direction, the journey will become more comfortable;
  • With a mini-refrigerator in the car interior, the traveler will not be afraid of the summer heat, and a car vacuum cleaner will make cleaning the interior easier.

Advice: a father who is passionate about a healthy lifestyle will appreciate a gift in the form of a basket with the vitamins and dietary supplements the body needs. If dad has problems with the spine, he cannot do without a body massager that relieves symptoms of fatigue.

  • For a man who is passionate about fishing or hunting, choose items that correspond to his hobby:
    • telescopic fishing rod or spinning rod, durable fishing net, rubber boat;
    • a comfortable tent with a sleeping bag and a camping pot;
    • In your hunting or fishing suitcase, put a reliable thermos and a fancy compass.

  • For dad who prefers to spend his free time at home, choose a luxuriously designed book after finding out his favorite topic. You can opt for carved chess or original checkers, made as a gift, or large handmade backgammon.
  • Advice: please your dad with a living gift, give him a puppy for his anniversary. This is an indispensable assistant when hunting or fishing, and for a stay-at-home dad it’s an excellent opportunity to take an extra walk. Just find out your mom's opinion first.

    Clothing and status gifts

    Children are quite capable of giving such gifts; they are well versed in the tastes of their loved one. In addition, mom is nearby, she certainly knows all the details - dad’s tastes, preferences, the need for some thing, as well as the right size. What to pay attention to:

    • sports direction - branded tracksuit, branded sneakers, home exercise machine, bicycle;
    • casual wear - a stylish men's suit, a beautiful shirt in neutral tones with a tie, weekend shoes made of genuine leather;
    • you can choose expensive men's accessories - a leather wallet and belt, designed in the same style as shoes.

    Advice: on such a special day, do not give ordinary little things like T-shirts, hats, vests, turtlenecks. Better stick to expensive men's perfumes and cosmetics, they will never be superfluous.

    On his 55th birthday, it is appropriate to please your father with a status gift - gold is always relevant. Choose a massive gold chain of large weave or a signet ring; this is not just decoration, but a harmonious addition to the image of the hero of the day.

    We give impressions

    You think that your father does not need anything, you do not want to offend him with your inattention in the form of another unnecessary item, then choose a wide range of new impressions that give you unexpected emotions. Such luxurious gifts are simply stunning; they are an opportunity to have an interesting holiday, see new places, and experience unfamiliar sensations.

    Advice: for a man turning 55, it is appropriate to present a set of high-quality alcohol - aged cognac or vintage wine, the date of bottling of which coincides with the year of birth of the hero of the day. The packaging of drinks, like other gifts for a celebration, should be gift-like and colorfully decorated.

    Having reached a very adult age, having become independent and independent, we continue to love our parents as sincerely and selflessly as in distant and carefree childhood. Therefore, their personal holidays are no less important and significant for us than our own. Especially if these are events of such a scale as the 55th anniversary of our dear and beloved daddy. However, along with the joy and positive emotions from the anticipation of celebrating the upcoming celebration, some doubts and questions often settle in our heads: how to choose a good gift for your father for his 55th birthday?

    Indeed, it is very difficult to surprise a man at such a respectable and mature age. Even if you are more aware of his habits and taste preferences than anyone else. But I don’t want to give something standard and routine, because a gift from children should carry special energy and be a kind of confirmation of love and attention towards the person who gave us life.

    At the same time, a good gift for a 55th anniversary should be practical and functional so that the recipient of the gift can use it for a long time, remembering this holiday with warmth and joy. So, before you go to the store to buy something, there is something to think about.

    An original approach to practical things

    To please your father and surprise him with something unusual and original, on his 55th birthday you can give him the following types of gifts:

      • A clock on the wall with a family photo. This gift can be called symbolic, touching and very appropriate for such an occasion. Having reached a mature and respectable age, a person well understands the value and importance of family in his life, and such an original and designer thing as a watch with images of all family members can become a real symbol of home warmth and comfort.
      • Mobile barbecue grill. Today on sale you can find all kinds of variations and models of these devices, operating on various types of fuel, which can become an excellent decoration for any country house or cottage. The most practical and durable grill ovens are usually made of cast iron. They can be powered by electricity, gas or charcoal and come in almost any shape and have a variety of different functions that make cooking with them a very interesting and exciting experience. Of course, a good portable grill isn't cheap, but on an occasion like Dad's 55th birthday, you might want to splurge. And he will definitely remember such a wonderful congratulation for a long time!

    • Rocking chair. Another attribute of “country life” that no self-respecting gardener who adores his country house and spends a significant part of his life there will refuse. A wonderful thing for rest and relaxation that will find its place in any home. And, perhaps, more than once sitting in this cozy chair on the garden terrace or by the fireplace, your father will remember you with a kind word.
    • Table billiards. Playing billiards is one of the most popular and widespread “male hobbies”, which the stronger sex indulges in with great excitement and passion. However, there is often not enough time to visit the relevant clubs, and in most cases it is not possible to set up a good table for playing at home. Therefore, such a wonderful and witty gift for dad on his 55th birthday can be an excellent way out of this situation. And the “hero of the occasion” will be very grateful to you for this!

    For the stylish and elegant gentleman

    Gifts of a “personal nature”, chosen in accordance with the character and taste of the hero of the day, always remain relevant and appropriate. These include:

      • Wrist watch. Naturally, they must be quite expensive and solid. It’s better to forget about Chinese fakes right away. Choose products from well-known companies that have good build quality. Don't try to make your watch too extravagant or unusual. Don't forget that men at this age most often prefer a classic style. For greater originality, such a gift can be supplemented with a memorable inscription.
      • Items of clothing. When buying something for your father for his anniversary, stick to the main rule: buy him something that he really needs and that he will wear with pleasure. That is, if he does not work in an office and does not wear a business suit, then he is unlikely to need an expensive tie or cufflinks, which he simply has nothing to wear with. But he will be truly delighted with a good set of camouflage or a high-quality sports suit, especially if he leads an active lifestyle and enjoys fishing or hunting. So be sure to consider your father's personal style and tastes. Better yet, ask directly what he wants to receive on his birthday, then you will definitely save yourself from buying something unnecessary and inappropriate.
      • Wallet, purse, document bag. Quite a suitable gift for a respectable adult. Moreover, if it is made of good quality genuine leather and made in a classic style. So, if you give it to your father for his 55th birthday, you definitely won’t go wrong.

    • Jewelry and personalized icons. In this case, we are talking about expensive, exclusive products that emphasize the status and position of the person to whom they are presented. That is, it could be an original massive ring, a gold cross or a stylish tie clip made of precious metal. If your father is a believer, he will be very happy to receive such an original and symbolic gift as an icon depicting his patron saint. And if it is also framed in silver or gold, decorated with precious or semi-precious stones, such a thing can subsequently become a real rarity and family value.

    For modern and “advanced”

    If you believe that, having reached the age of 55, a person loses all interest in modern technology and all sorts of new-fangled gadgets, you are very mistaken.
    Many adult men at this period of their lives are happy to begin learning about computers. And by the way, they achieve considerable success in this. So, they will be very happy to receive gifts like:

    • New computer or laptop. Where they can spend their free time, communicating on social networks, watching the news or even playing computer games. After all, in the soul of every man, no matter how respectable and old he is, there lives a boy who still loves to have fun and learn everything new.
    • Latest model smartphone or tablet. Another thing from the category of “technical novelties” that no representative of the stronger sex will refuse. Moreover, today it is simply impossible to do without such an accessory. Well, your dad will have something to spend his free time on, understanding the intricacies of how this device works. And, for sure, he will receive a lot of positivity and pleasure from “communicating with him.”
    • GPS navigator. An excellent gift option for a motorist who will help him more than once on the road, especially if your father spends a lot of time behind the wheel and travels long distances. A very useful thing that will definitely come in handy for the birthday boy.
    • Digital camera. Even if your father has not been interested in photography until now, now is the time to try this interesting, creative activity. Thus, he will be able to replenish the family archive with new photos or take original pictures of the places where he will go on his next vacation. In any case, this gift is unlikely to be kept on the far shelf. This means that the hero of the day will be very pleased with him.

    Unusual and creative

    In the event that your dad already has everything, and there is simply no point in giving him another unnecessary thing, give him an impression and new, previously unfamiliar emotions. For example:

    • Skydiving. True, when presenting a gift of this kind, it is necessary to take into account the state of health of the hero of the day and the characteristics of his character, because not everyone is capable of committing such a “risky” act at this age. But, if you are sure that this is exactly what your father needs in order to feel “in good shape” - feel free to act! He will definitely remember this congratulation for a long time.
    • Festive fireworks in honor of the birthday boy. Accessories and devices for its organization are sold in specialized stores, where they can be purchased after consulting with sellers. Or do it simpler: hire specialists who work with pyrotechnics and arrange this kind of entertainment at a professional level. This version of congratulations will definitely make an indelible impression on the “hero of the occasion.” The same as for all the other guests of his celebration.
    • Travel voucher. Moreover, the route of the proposed trip can be absolutely anything: from timeless and traditional Europe to extravagant resorts on some exotic islands. It all depends on what type of vacation your father prefers, and how much you are willing to spend to congratulate him. The main thing is that he will definitely remember such a gift for a long time.
    • Visit to the spa. Would you say that this is a typical “female” gift? We have to disagree with you. No man will refuse a pleasant rest and relaxation, especially if he works a lot and does not have the opportunity to relax and devote a few minutes a day to himself, his beloved. So, this present is also very good, and, most likely, your father will be no less happy with it than with a set of fishing tackle or a souvenir chess set.

    An original and funny DIY gift for dad can be seen in this video.

    In general, gifts for a 55th anniversary can be completely different. And in order for these congratulations to make the “right impression,” they must correspond to the character traits of the person to whom they are intended. In addition, gifts to dad from his loving children must be presented with love, sincerity and with all the heart. And then they will definitely warm his heart and give him a lot of positive emotions and joy.

    Your dad is turning 55 years old - and long before this event, you were thinking about a good gift for him. It is quite obvious that a gift for a person of this age should be in demand, solid and of high quality. Try to choose a really good branded item as a gift from manufacturers he trusts and prefers. And one more thing: try to show your father your care and love, and not only on his birthday.

    Choosing a worthy gift for your father is not so difficult; the main thing is to approach this issue informally, because you are choosing a gift for someone dear to you. In this article we will look at three groups of gifts for father, although in reality there may be more.

    Classic gifts

    For your dad’s 55th birthday, you can give him an e-book with books downloaded especially for him on topics that interest him - most likely, you are better at navigating the Internet than he is, and this operation will not be difficult for you.

    The book is in a regular format - perhaps it will be a gift edition about domestic and foreign awards, weapons, prominent personalities, and so on.

    A set of tools for a car or hobby makes a great gift for dad on his 55th birthday. Perhaps he has long dreamed of some device or modern gadget that will make his hobby easier, more enjoyable and more effective. If you know this, you already know what a good gift for him would be. For example, you can give your father an electronic magnifying glass with LED backlight, thanks to which you can examine small details or read even in a room with poor lighting or no lighting at all. Most likely, he doesn’t even know about the existence of such a magnifying glass, because he doesn’t spend as much time on the Internet as you do, and thanks to you, the gift will be a real discovery for him.

    For your dad’s 55th birthday, you can give prefabricated models of airplanes, cars, military equipment, and railway transport, especially if they are somehow related to his profession. And along with the models - a set of tools for assembling them - perhaps after this anniversary, with your light hand, the father will have a new hobby, a new interest in life. There are radio-controlled models on sale, which your dad and his grandchildren will especially like, because the assembled model of a car or tank will move just like the real thing.

    A coffee machine is another necessary and useful thing that can be presented to your father on his 55th birthday. Along with the device, give your dad a bag of coffee beans and a book of recipes for making this wonderful drink.

    A rocking chair is a wonderful gift for an adult for reading, watching TV, or just thinking and contemplating relaxation. A rocking chair promotes relaxation and good rest; calm, measured rocking calms the nerves, which is so necessary for people aged 55 years.

    A new large-screen TV, a new computer, laptop or tablet are expensive and wonderful gifts for dad on his 55th birthday. But he once spared no money, no time, no effort for you.

    A home telescope is a great gift option for dad on his 55th birthday. It will allow him to find the answer to the questions: is the Moon really inhabited by aliens, what are the comets that appear in the sky from time to time, what do artificial satellites look like that constantly revolve around the Earth.

    A hammock, or a hammock chair for a balcony - you can buy it or make it yourself. Sitting or lying in a hammock, your dad will watch the planets and stars without optics, or just relax and read an interesting book, watch a movie from a laptop, or listen to music.

    A tandoor is a wonderful gift for dad on his 55th birthday, thanks to which he will prepare kebabs and other delicious dishes for you.

    A ceramic barbecue is a good alternative to a tandoor or metal barbecue. The advantage of a ceramic barbecue is that the meat in it heats up more strongly and evenly not only from the coals, but also from the hot walls, as a result the dish cooks faster and at the same time remains juicier. The ceramic grill is enclosed in a steel frame, so it does not require pre-hardening. The grill is installed on a metal support, and it is simply impossible to turn it over. Gifts from the same series: ceramic grill with stand, ceramic barbecue grill, electric tandoor for indoor use.

    Since this is your dad, you can give him some clothes - a warm robe, a sweater, a jumper, an expensive shirt and tie, a raincoat, a jacket, a hat, a sports suit or camouflage if he is interested in fishing or hunting. A wonderful, warm gift for a man aged 55 – a fur vest made of sheepskin or other natural fur.

    Gifts of impressions

    When choosing a gift for dad for his 55th birthday, you should focus only on traditional, material things. A good gift for him could be a gift certificate for some kind of entertainment or experience: a ticket to football, a ticket to a concert of his favorite comedian, a certificate for go-karting, a swimming pool subscription, a gym membership, a certificate for archery, diving training, a trip to the a sauna or Turkish bath, a trip to a sanatorium, a vacation at sea or in the mountains, a trip to an interesting city, a photo shoot with children and grandchildren, SPA treatments, massage, a trip to a karaoke bar, a trip to bowling or billiards

    If you are celebrating an anniversary at home or in a restaurant, invite professional musicians or gypsies for it, organize live music for it, order some original show from an event agency. But, perhaps, the best surprise for dad will be a meeting with former classmates, neighbors, fellow students, co-workers, employees, if you manage to find them on social networks, and, keeping the intrigue, invite you to celebrate the anniversary.

    Original gifts

    Record on a disk or flash drive domestic and foreign songs and melodies that were popular 55 years ago, in the year of his birth, and then in the year when he went to school, when he graduated from it, joined the army, and got married. At your discretion, you can record songs that were the musical background of other important events that took place in his life. You can’t imagine how pleasant and touching it will be for dad to listen to this disc, because musical associations are considered the strongest.

    As a gift, you can find aged wine for your father, bottled in the year of his birth. This can be the product of foreign or domestic winemakers, who promise their customers to choose a drink in accordance with the character, year of birth and even the profession of the person for whom the wine is purchased. For example, the Crimean winemaking enterprise Massandra offers products produced according to international standards, these are dry and semi-sweet table wines, as well as fortified - strong, dessert, and liqueur wines. All products are presented in three groups - bottled, souvenir and collection wines.

    Unusual, original gifts also include:

    A photobook published in a single copy about the birthday boy. Airbrushing of a car.

    A portrait based on his photograph - photographers can present him in any image you like.

    Video presentation - a film with congratulations, wishes and photographs of the father.

    A personalized item with his photo - a T-shirt, a pillow, a matryoshka doll, a dish, a set of glasses or glasses.

    A song or poem you wrote specifically for your father. Embossing on metal.

    A picture that you yourself can paint with paints or make from any unusual materials.

    A picture burned onto a sheet of wood. Clothes or shoes sewn or knitted by your own hands. A handmade carpet or small rug.

    Any thing made with your own hands will become an unusual, exclusive and original gift for your father, in which a piece of your soul will be present.

    To any, the most wonderful gift, do not forget to attach a postcard, plaque, diploma, medal or order - your father will put or hang this memorable accompaniment of the gift in the most prominent, honorable place, and will be proud of his good children in front of friends and relatives.

    As you can see, you have a lot of opportunities to give your father a truly expensive, memorable gift for his 55th birthday - don't miss these opportunities!