So I was touched by this vile word CANCER of the uterus I was always afraid of it because there are prerequisites for this, two aunts are sick + I have several numbers of HPV. I’ll start from the beginning because I’m going to describe all my misadventures. HIV and hepatitis for 11 years, but only a year ago my brain fell into place after I began to fall apart (sinusitis, bronchitis, herpes...) and I realized that this shit was going nowhere won’t go away and I need to take care of my health. I started taking Tera 5 months ago now SD-410, VN-neopr. The plans were to deal with hepatitis C and HPV, my body took the therapy with caution; I had a fever, nausea, but most importantly, a month later my stomach hurt. And so how I don’t go to doctors and don’t know who to turn to, I went to an all-knowing therapist, he sent me to a urologist, there were tests, ulcers, kidneys, liver, abdominal cavity again tests, all of course for a fee, a month later he finally gave birth, diagnosed with CESTITIS, prescribed pills, the pain intensified my lower back hurt. And then suddenly I needed to go to a gynecologist (more than one doctor did not advise me to do this). I would like to note that I visit him once every six months at the AIDS center. After the first smear, she said that it was buggy vaginosis and fungus, they started treating me, I went to Once a week, with each visit, she received a new prescription (not a cheap one), new smears, even a test for cancer cells. At the last appointment, I already crawled to her half-bent pain, there was terrible, terrible discharge, etc. all my torment lasted for about 3 months later, she finally sent me for a pelvic ultrasound. There they immediately told me that there was a cystoma of the right ovary, tubes in question and a tumor of the uterus, and they called me a narrow-minded person, it’s my fault that I took so long, they told me to spit on my gynecologist, run straight to the cancer center .And then there’s a new problem: who will accept me there, I’ve been registered in Ekaernburg all my life, but a month ago I sold the apartment, now in the process of buying a new one for health reasons, this whole thing is dragging on (and as you know, without a piece of paper you’re a turd, and it’s unknown how much money will be needed for treatment (over the past 3 months, quite a lot has been spent on urologists and gynecologists, and this is just the beginning. I apologize that this is such a long background, but I want to warn those like me who like to pull the cat in its place) everything must be done quickly and clearly (and I won’t share too much with whom.
And so, first of all, I went to the infectious disease specialist and took all the results on HIV and hepsum (he gave me a terra for 3 months and wished me good luck and said that I wouldn’t be at a loss to call if anything happened, then I visited my gynecologist and thanked her for the treatment (she insistently asked me to write down all the manipulations that she with me, they gave me a referral to the Ankocentr. They accepted me there without a coupon since I was green with fear and pain, I dumped all the papers with diagnoses and tests to the gynecologist, which she quickly read, how she perceived my HIV, I still didn’t understand, she called a couple of doctors also performed a very painful examination (I think they took a biopsy or something like that, I was in a semi-fainting state, so I didn’t ask anything. I sat in a fog, okay, I was smart enough to turn on the microphone to record what she told me, I need registration, fresh tests for an appointment in 10 days, something else about radiation therapy, wrote out a prescription for a pill for bleeding (which is not there) a painkiller after which I was somehow able to move. I passed all the tests, made a temporary registration on October 27th, I will go to the appointment no longer amoeba with the help of painkillers I can at least figure something out. Question:
1. Is temporary registration enough or is registration required? (I understand that you need to find out from the doctor, but there’s no way I’ll stay in another city for a few more days)
2. I heard that for 3 diseases they give a cash payment (there is a catastrophic shortage of them). Is CANCER the 3rd disease?
I don’t know if I’m writing in the right topic or not, if you don’t delete the thread I’ll post a continuation here.