Irregular periods and I can't get pregnant. Is it possible to get pregnant if your cycle is irregular? How to find out about the onset of ovulation

Hello, dear girls!

In the life of every girl, sooner or later there comes a moment when she is ready to become a mother. When we dream about a baby, the last thing we think about is that problems might arise with this. That it will be difficult for us to get pregnant. And as practice shows, this is a fairly pressing issue in our time. The most common cause is an irregular menstrual cycle. Is it even possible? - you ask. Don't worry. It's difficult the first time, of course. But anything is possible. I will explain today how to get pregnant with an irregular cycle.

Reasons for violations

The normal length of a woman's cycle is 21-35 days. If the number of days is different or varies from time to time by more than 1-3 days, then such a cycle is considered irregular. There are many possible reasons for this deviation: from simple ones - sudden weight changes, stress, poor diet, lack of physical activity, to severe ones - various diseases in women.

What is the probability of conception?

Of course, if you have irregular periods, it is difficult to get pregnant quickly. But anything is possible. The most important thing is to correctly calculate the day of ovulation. Experienced obstetrician-gynecologist Irina Zhgareva will help you with this. It will teach you how to determine ovulation with almost one hundred percent accuracy, even with existing irregularities in the cycle (see details about the method at this link). With proper planning, the probability of pregnancy in the first cycle is 20%, and by the twelfth it increases to 90%. These data are calculated for girls under 25 years of age. After 35 years, women's chance of getting pregnant decreases by about half. The reason for this is the natural decline of the reproductive function of the body.

How to plan conception?

So, let's summarize. We found out that pregnancy with irregular periods is not a quick process. But quite real. It is important to be able to clearly calculate the day of ovulation.

But this is not the only way to solve the problem. Let's go from the other side: you need to make your menstrual cycle regular. Is it possible? - you ask. Yes, you can. Let's consider several ways.

Perhaps the most popular method is taking hormonal drugs. After all, as a rule, a deficiency of the hormone of the second phase of the cycle is responsible for this kind of disorder. To replenish it, the doctor prescribes taking hormones. The most common drug is duphaston. It normalizes the cycle quite quickly, which is very convenient. So you can start planning your pregnancy right away. However, we must remember that any hormonal drugs have a number of side effects. It is in Irina Zhgareva’s courses that it is often mentioned how traumatic it is for a woman’s body to take hormonal drugs, despite the fact that they have become so common among the recommendations of gynecologists.

The next method is traditional methods. It is based on the use of various infusions or decoctions of herbs and plant seeds. The most common: shepherd's purse, linden, St. John's wort, flax seeds, oregano.

It often happens that the causes of cycle disruption do not require medical intervention and are related to our lifestyle. Then we can solve the problem ourselves. You just need to reconsider your regime and make it more favorable.

I wish you, dear girls, health and an early pregnancy. And don't be discouraged if it doesn't work out right away. After all, the main thing is the result. And if you really want it, it will definitely happen.

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The birth of a child is the final stage in the candy-bouquet period. Actually, this is what everything is started for.

Planning a pregnancy is good and right, but sometimes nature likes to slip some kind of trouble into a loving couple. And for the sake of pregnancy, you will have to work hard not only during some physiological actions. What do gynecologists most often have to deal with?

The most common question asked to a doctor is how to get pregnant with an irregular cycle.

A woman's normal menstrual cycle ranges from 21 to 35 days. Count the days on the calendar, if it turns out to be less than 21 or more than 35, then you have an irregular cycle. It is interruptions in the regularity of menstruation that are considered the first sign of infertility.

But if your cycle varies - for example - one is 22 days, and the next is 30, but it fits into normal periods, this is also a reason, if you decide to get pregnant, to visit a doctor.

Causes of pathology:

  • various ailments - even a common cold;
  • stress;
  • relocation related to climate change;
  • lactation period and expecting a baby;
  • heavy physical activity. The poor body is already working hard, but for menstruation, energy must be taken from somewhere;
  • Drinking alcohol in excessive quantities;
  • sudden weight loss or weight gain.

Let's make a toddler. Work plan

Irregular periods make it difficult to plan a pregnancy.

  • A trip to the gynecologist.
    The doctor will conduct an examination - you will have to do an ultrasound, perhaps take a hormone test. Based on the results, you may have to undergo treatment and correct the imbalance of hormones in the body. This may be enough to get pregnant.
    Be prepared for the fact that the course of treatment for an irregular cycle may take several months. Be patient.
  • Catching ovulation.
    With a regular cycle - everything is simple - on days 12-14 the egg is released from the ovary. If your periods come when they want, then in order to get pregnant you will have to be more responsible about ovulation.
    In this case, pregnancy planning begins with measuring basal temperature. The procedure is carried out in the morning without getting out of bed. Before ovulation, body temperature rises to 37-37.2 degrees. Seized the moment, forward to pregnancy.
    To determine if you are fertile, you can use pharmacy ovulation tests. As prescribed by the doctor, an ultrasound is performed to monitor folliculogenesis. As soon as the follicle reaches 18 mm in diameter, it means that the “H” time has almost arrived. Take your husband into your arms - and forward to pregnancy!
    If there is no ovulation for several months, then you can resort to medication to stimulate the maturation and release of the egg from the ovaries. This is done under the supervision of the attending physician - independence in this case is inappropriate.
  • Traditional medicine for irregular periods.
    The walking cycle is a problem as old as time. What can herbalists offer? Oregano decoction - the herb can be easily bought at a pharmacy or in a supermarket in the spice department. You need to pour 5 g (1 teaspoon) of the herb with a glass of boiling water, wrap it up and leave until it cools completely. The infusion is taken 1 glass 3 times a day. Linden will help not only against colds, but also with an unstable cycle. It brews like oregano, but infuses for only 40 minutes. Drink 1 glass of decoction in the morning. Any folk remedies and treatment methods must be agreed with your doctor.
  • Weight loss or gain - depending on the situation.
    If a woman does not have enough muscle and fat tissue, then getting pregnant becomes problematic. The body would survive. And vice versa - excess weight can cause disruptions in the monthly cycle. Discuss this point with a gynecologist and draw the appropriate conclusions for yourself.
  • Sex, sex – a lot of quality communication with the opposite sex.
    With an irregular cycle, intimate communication should, on the contrary, be regular. The frequency should be every other day, maximum two. The organs begin to work in the right rhythm, and the cyclicity of menstruation can normalize. And this will give impetus to ovulation and, as a result, pregnancy.
  • Calm down and don't be nervous.
    Don't focus on your irregular cycle and your desire to get pregnant. Making love just for the sake of pregnancy is difficult and the body resists. If not for a woman, then for a man for sure. Not every man is able to have sex just because it’s necessary, it’s a good day, and so on. Some even believe that in this way they perform actions akin to rape.

Relax, go on vacation, start renovations - keep your thoughts and body busy, and one fine day you will notice the absence of menstruation due to pregnancy. An irregular menstrual cycle is not a reason to feel inferior.

An irregular menstrual cycle is a violation of the periodicity or duration of the cycle. Standard methods often do not help choose the day of conception for pregnancy in case of irregular menstruation. The solution to the problem is to plan fertilization over a long period of time. This method helps in 90% of cases.

The remaining 10% indicate the presence of pathology, which is typical for women who cannot get pregnant after a year of active sexual activity and independently calculating the day of ovulation. In this case, the woman needs to undergo examination, identify the cause of infertility and cure it.

Almost every woman experiences menstrual irregularities at least once in her life. The irregularity may disappear, but sometimes it does not go away at all. The causes of failures may be the following factors:

  • disruption of daily routine;
  • depression;
  • climate change;
  • breakdown;
  • overwork;
  • psychical deviations;
  • obesity;
  • improper diet;
  • stress.

In such cases, the doctor prescribes special pharmacological agents: magnesium (for stress), hormonal drugs or vitamins. The action of the medications is intended to eliminate the root of the problem and normalize the monthly cycle. Treatment becomes ineffective when the cause of menstrual irregularities is far from ordinary mental problems.

Pathological causes of menstrual irregularities:

  • improper functioning of the organs of the female reproductive system: ovaries, uterus;
  • lack of stabilization of hormone levels;
  • taking psychotropic medications used primarily for the treatment of depression;
  • use of oral contraceptives;
  • antiulcer drugs and drugs for the treatment of gastroesophageal reflux.


If your periods are irregular, is it possible to get pregnant in the early stages of planning for future fertilization? Experts identify 20% of women who managed to become mothers. If attempts are unsuccessful, the doctor advises you to continue trying. You can get pregnant with an irregular cycle in such a situation after 12 weeks with a 50% chance.

With psychological causes of menstrual irregularities, pregnancy can occur only 6 months after the start of planning. If you are unable to get pregnant with irregular periods after a year has passed, you need to go to the clinic for a full examination and determination of the problem.

According to statistics, pregnancy occurs within 5 months. Other cases are purely individual and require doctor's supervision.

The difficulty in obtaining the desired result lies in accurately determining the day when the egg leaves the ovary. Therefore, to answer the question: “How long after menstruation can you get pregnant with an irregular cycle?” - definitely not possible. Menstruation disorder - constantly adjusts its framework and with a direct impact on the root of the problem (for example, deterioration of the mental state) can completely change.


If the cycle is irregular, then in order to get pregnant you should contact a specialist who will tell you in detail how best to carry out the planning procedure and provide complete instructions after studying the hormonal levels and the patient’s medical history.

To get a positive result, you need to be registered with a gynecologist throughout the entire course, that is, before pregnancy. To find out when the egg is released from the ovary, ultrasound diagnostics are prescribed. It is used to determine the size of the follicles and the date of ovulation.

To make calculations yourself, you can use the measurement of basal body temperature (BT) - this is a functional diagnostic test that allows you to assess the state of hormonal homeostasis in a woman’s body and indirectly allows you to determine the fertile phase.

To measure BT, you need a thermometer that shows the value accurate to tenths (mercury, electronic). Normal body temperature is 36.6; when the egg leaves the follicle, it exceeds this figure and should be about 37. Measurements are taken in the morning immediately after sleep, without getting out of bed.

Also, if you have irregular periods, you can get pregnant by eliminating stressful situations and providing a favorable environment. This helps in normalizing the cycle, determining the day of successful conception and avoiding obtaining incorrect basal temperature readings.

The most important thing is to be patient and follow simple tips. Sometimes it takes time to get the long-awaited two stripes on an express test.

  • Comprehensive examination of the whole body. It includes a visit to a gynecologist, who will examine your medical history, refer you for blood tests (general and biochemical), as well as urine and hormone tests. In addition, it is worth undergoing ultrasound diagnostics of the pelvis. Sometimes, to normalize menstruation, a slight adjustment with pharmacological drugs is necessary.
  • Determining the right moment for fertilization, that is, calculating the day of ovulation.
  • Taking soothing herbal infusions if you are not allergic. Ordinary green tea or chamomile decoction may be suitable.
  • Normalization of nutrition and sleep. The diet should contain vegetables, proteins, and the woman should consume junk food to a minimum.
  • Treating anorexia or fighting excess weight (depending on your problem, if any).
  • Refusal to take medications that negatively affect a woman’s reproductive system and are not prescribed by a doctor. It is not recommended to independently stop medications prescribed by a specialist. In this case, consultation is needed.
  • Regular sexual intercourse helps in normalizing menstruation and increasing the chances of getting the long-awaited motherhood.
  • Limiting situations that may lead to stress or depression.

If a woman has an irregular menstrual cycle, she should not self-medicate. In this case, you need to consult a doctor, and then you can think about planning a child. It must be remembered that cycle disorders can occur for a variety of reasons, from inflammation to oncology. Which is not only fraught with infertility, but is also completely dangerous for the patient’s life.

How to get pregnant with an irregular cycle? This question is one of the most frequently asked. The problem is very common among women dreaming of a child. There are many reasons why a long-awaited pregnancy does not occur. The path of a woman who is unable to get pregnant can sometimes be difficult and full of challenges. What is an irregular cycle, is it possible to get pregnant? Let's talk about everything in order.

The essence of the problem

This means that there has been a failure in the female reproductive system. The first thing a woman should do is see a doctor. According to medical statistics, an irregular cycle is a symptom of future infertility, so the sooner a woman begins to solve this problem, the less reason she will have in the future to wonder whether it is possible to get pregnant with irregular periods.

The regularity of the cycle is calculated by the number of days. If there are no pathologies, then the cycle should be 21-35 days. If the female cycle does not fit into these frameworks, then they speak of its irregularity. Women whose cycle may be 21 days one month and 33 days the next are also recommended to visit a gynecologist.

Causes of pathology

There are several main reasons for irregular periods:

  1. The entire process of the menstrual cycle is controlled by hormones. Estrogen regulates the growth of the endometrium, progesterone, in collaboration with estrogen, ensures that the thickness of the lining of the uterus is the right size to accept a fertilized egg. If the level of these hormones decreases, the endometrium is shed and menstruation begins. Therefore, the most common cause of menstrual irregularities is a malfunction of hormones.
  2. Weight can also affect the regularity of your cycle. The body perceives sudden weight loss as starvation, so it is almost impossible to get pregnant against the backdrop of strict and debilitating diets. Gaining too much weight can cause certain hormone levels to increase, thereby suppressing other hormones. So much for hormonal imbalance.
  3. If there is damage to the pituitary gland. Therefore, in case of an irregular cycle, doctors ask to take an x-ray of the pituitary gland and sella turcica.
  4. Curettage, miscarriages, abortions and female diseases (endometriosis, polyps, cysts, and so on) - all of this can also be the cause of disruption in the menstrual cycle.
  5. An irregular menstrual cycle can occur in women who are constantly lacking sleep and are under stress or chronic fatigue.
  6. Your cycle may be irregular when breastfeeding. Hormones are again rearranged in the body, which is why the cycle gets disrupted.
  7. With low immunity, alcohol abuse and smoking, irregular periods can also be observed.
  8. If a woman took oral contraceptives and then stopped taking them, then the menstrual cycle is disrupted.

How to get pregnant if your cycle is not normal?

Well, now it’s time for the most important question: is it possible to get pregnant with an irregular cycle? Irregular menstruation is not a death sentence for pregnancy, although this fact significantly complicates conception. It is possible to get pregnant with such problems in your cycle, but it may take longer than you would like.

The first thing to do is to make sure that your irregular cycle is not the result of an endocrine or gynecological disease. To do this, you need to find a good specialist and pass the necessary tests. You will need a blood and urine test, an ultrasound of the pelvic and abdominal organs, a blood test for hormones, an examination in the gynecologist's chair, and you may have to do a magnetic resonance imaging scan. With all these studies, the doctor will have a clear idea of ​​what exactly your problem is. If any diseases are identified that cause a malfunction in the cycle, then treatment should be competent and begin as quickly as possible, because over time the condition can only worsen. However, the treatment will not be quick, so prepare for the fact that you will be doing it for months, and maybe even years.

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The most common problem that causes irregular cycles is low progesterone levels. If your tests also showed such a problem, then most likely you will be prescribed the drug Duphaston, which affects the production of hormones and normalizes hormonal levels, so pregnancy with an irregular cycle is possible while taking this drug.

If all the tests are normal, then you will have to look for reasons elsewhere. Perhaps you are nervous too often, eat poorly, are underweight, or, conversely, you are overweight. Try to distract yourself from thoughts about pregnancy, don’t be nervous about it, perhaps if you weren’t so worried about the lack of pregnancy, it would have come a long time ago. Play sports, move more, find a hobby, go on a trip.

Have sex regularly! Of course, you shouldn’t go too far - too active a sexual life also does not contribute to conception. The fact is that if a man has daily sexual intercourse, the quality of his sperm decreases, since the man’s body simply cannot quickly replenish the supply of active sperm. Three sexual intercourses per week are enough for pregnancy to occur. It is better to intensify your sex life during the days of ovulation; Your doctor will help you calculate these days, or you can use ovulation test strips, which are sold in pharmacies.

Men should give up beer, as this drink contains female hormones that affect the quality of sperm. Before a woman ovulates, a man should abstain from sexual intercourse for 3-4 days so that the sperm is more viable. Also, men are not recommended to take a hot bath or hot shower before sex, so as not to overheat the testicles.

It is quite possible to get pregnant with an irregular cycle, yes, it is a little more difficult to do than with a regular one, but on average it will take 4-6 months to plan a pregnancy. Here is a sample diagram.

  • 1 month of planning - pregnancy occurs in 20% of women;
  • 3 month - pregnancy in 50% of cases;
  • after six months - 75% of women become pregnant;
  • 1 year of planning - 90%.

Consider also the factor that if the woman is young (under 25 years old), then in this case the chances double. The main thing is to correctly calculate ovulation, and then very soon you will be able to say: “I’m pregnant!”

Folk remedies

Traditional medicine also knows how to get pregnant with irregular periods. Oregano infusion helps normalize irregular cycles. This herb not only strengthens the immune system, but also has a positive effect on menstruation. In order to prepare the infusion, you will need 5 g of oregano and a glass of boiling water. Pour boiling water over the oregano and let it brew until it cools completely. Then strain and drink a glass three times a day 30 minutes before meals.

Linden can help too. Linden infusion is prepared in the same way as oregano infusion, only it needs to be infused longer - 40-50 minutes. Drink a glass of infusion in the morning on an empty stomach.

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Squeeze the juice from fresh St. John's wort herb and take a tablespoon once a day. In addition to the fact that St. John's wort juice perfectly regulates the cycle, it also relieves tension and fights the effects of stress.

To normalize the functioning of the endocrine system, boron uterus is recommended. 2 tsp the herbs should be poured with a liter of vodka and left for 14 days in a dark place. Then drink a teaspoon three times a day before meals. The tincture can be diluted with filtered water immediately before use.

How to get pregnant the first time with an irregular cycle, and is this even possible in principle? It is well known that the frequency of menstruation directly affects the possibility of successful conception. In women whose cycle is regular, it is possible to calculate ovulation without any problems - the days when fertilization of the egg by sperm is most likely. Of course, otherwise the optimal period for conception can only be determined after much planning.

To begin with, let us present some statistical data that very clearly reflect modern reality. They show that with proper pregnancy planning, successful conception is achieved quite easily. According to them, at least 90% of healthy women with an incomplete cycle sooner or later become mothers.

Chances of getting pregnant with an irregular cycle

A woman’s age plays a huge role in conception if menstruation is irregular. A young body (up to 25 years of age) has, on average, double the chances than a 40-year-old body. On average, the results when planning a pregnancy are as follows:

  • first planning cycle (1 month) – no more than 20%;
  • third planning cycle (3 months) – about 50%;
  • sixth planning cycle (six months) – about 75%;
  • twelfth planning cycle (year) – up to 90%.

Thus, getting pregnant with an irregular cycle is not only possible, but also no more difficult than with regular periods. It may be difficult to do this the first time, but on average it takes no more than 4 months to plan a pregnancy. The only thing is that you need to accurately learn how to calculate ovulation.

Learning to calculate ovulation with an irregular cycle

The most effective way to calculate the most favorable time for conception is to seek help from a specialist. Ovulation begins when the follicle - the initial stage of a nascent egg - descends into the uterus. Just before they emerge, the follicles reach a diameter of up to 2 centimeters, so identifying them during an ultrasound examination is quite simple.

But you can also do ovulation calculations yourself. To do this, you just need to stock up on a special thermometer for measuring basal temperature (scale to tenths of a degree). During menstruation, the temperature in the body of women with regular or irregular cycles changes equally. At the beginning it drops to approximately 36.4 ºС, then to approximately 35.9 ºС, after which it sharply exceeds the normal temperature of the human body. The mark on the thermometer is just over 37 ºС and indicates that the egg has descended into the uterus - ovulation has begun.

When planning a pregnancy with an irregular cycle, we must not forget about such important components as emotional stability. Stress, neuroses - all this interferes with the establishment of the required temperature in the body and harms the process of egg formation.

And although the likelihood of getting pregnant the first time with an irregular cycle is in most cases extremely small, it is still present. Perhaps in your case, successful conception will occur as quickly as you want.