I can’t get rid of the obsessive habit of picking pimples and blackheads. How to get rid of the habit of squeezing pimples How to get rid of the habit of squeezing pimples

Question for a psychologist:

Good afternoon. Help me.

I pick at pimples, blackheads to a very bad condition, on my arms and shoulders. I haven’t been able to overcome myself for about 15 years.

I don’t like myself, I wake up in the morning and see no reason to start the day like that and sleep all the time. That's why I don't like myself either. I have the main reason to live - my daughter. I love her and enjoy spending all my free time with her, I’m on maternity leave. But I can’t find an internal incentive in myself to make every day a joy and want to do something new, learn something new. I'm an apathetic lazy person and I think this is bad. I don't want to be like that.

Stop picking pimples is important for me, I don’t feel free and confident, it prevents me from feeling like a girl.

Everything is fine in my life, there are some little things, but overall I have everything to be happy. And I love life, but I just don’t know how to live.

During my 27 years, I had periods when I gained a lot of weight (pregnancy), then I smoked a lot and drank often. But I removed all this from my life, I decided that I didn’t need it. And I really don’t need it, but I turn acne into wounds and scars. Help.

I feel like a teenager popping pimples, not a grown woman who started a family. After all, my daughter will grow up soon, I don’t want her to see me like this, to know me. I want to be an adult, confident woman, and not pretend that I am like that.

I've thought a lot about my problem and I think it's just a habit. I feel great pleasure when squeezing pimples and I don't care what happens next. I can’t even imagine what it’s like not picking pimples.

I always pick pimples, in the university toilet, secretly at work. Sometimes 10 minutes is enough to turn yourself into a freak. I don’t know how to punish or limit myself. Am I too kind to myself, or maybe it’s the other way around, I don’t know?

Relatives are used to it. People around me are perplexed, how am I doing this badly to myself?! Now I’m home alone, on maternity leave, I pick pimples for half the day, the rest half the day I’m angry with myself and I promise I won’t do it again. I promise 15 years.

But I know for sure that I won’t accept myself like that. Help.

I need advice, or better yet, recommend literature, please. I won’t go to psychologists in my city (it’s a small town, everyone knows each other), there’s no money for a long online consultation

Psychologist Victoria Vladimirovna Unterova answers the question.

Good afternoon, Elena! Your habit is a neurotic behavior that helps you calm down, relieves stress, and that’s why you experience pleasure. This habit can also be called unconscious auto-aggression, i.e. aggression that you direct at yourself, as if you are punishing yourself for something. You yourself wrote that you cannot love and accept yourself.

Therefore, the first step in order to stop harming yourself can be the step of accepting yourself (I recommend literature that will help you with this at the end of the answer).

The next step is to identify those areas of life that worry you most and start working on them. How to do this: draw a circle, divide it into 8 parts. Write in each part one name of the life sphere: health, personal life, motherhood, sex, finances, appearance, relationships with parents/relatives, recreation (you can change any names based on which areas are most important to you).

Think about how satisfied you are with each of the areas of life and rate the degree of your satisfaction on a scale from 0 to 10 points.

At the same time, pay attention to whether you are harming your face when performing this exercise, whether you are touching pimples. When thinking about which area of ​​life does the desire to touch your face intensify?

When you understand which area of ​​life is the cause of your greatest concern, then think about how you can change it for the better, what actions you can take for this. Make a plan and take action. Remember that any problem is like a disease. If you don't treat it, if you don't do anything, it will only get worse. Nothing will change on its own, or it will not change at all the way you want.

The most important thing when getting rid of a negative habit is awareness of actions. Every time your hand reaches out to your face, fix your attention on this action, stop yourself with an effort of will.

But if you don’t find another way to relieve stress and anxiety, then you won’t be able to “get rid of” the habit. This method is different for each person. You can, for example, try to occupy your hands with a hand massage ball or an expander (available in pharmacies). Squeeze and unclench until it calms down, carry it with you all the time. Rating 4.67 (6 Votes)

There is no girl who does not dream of being beautiful. Many of them spend hours looking at themselves in the mirror, looking for the slightest flaw. Sad is the fate of a pimple that, unfortunately, popped up on the sweet face of such a person. Having discovered such a disgrace, she will immediately squeeze the red tubercle between her nails, squeeze it, open it, and will watch with pleasure as its contents pour out of the “enemy’s” body. It doesn't matter that it hurt. It’s not scary that a wound has formed in place of the pimple. But the obstacle to beauty has been destroyed. This is roughly the psychology of those who like to squeeze pimples. How to stop doing this? There are many ways, but there is no best among them, because every girl perceives reality in her own way. It is enough to scare one by showing a terrible photo of a disfigured face, while the other needs to tie her hands behind her back, since nothing else helps. We offer several proven methods for different girls.

For the smart girl

How to stop a girl who knows how to think with her head and does not live by emotions? Of course, she needs to explain what causes such a skin defect.

Pimples appear for a variety of reasons:

  • Hormonal disorders (often observed during menstruation, pregnancy, adolescence, during treatment with certain drugs, but can also appear with diseases of the thyroid gland, pancreas and other organs).
  • Weakened immunity (caused by poor diet, stress, past illnesses, increased physical activity).
  • Poor quality or unsuitable cosmetics.
  • Improper facial hygiene.
  • Hereditary predisposition.
  • A number of diseases of internal organs.

A pimple can be compared to the tip of an iceberg. It is only the visible part of the health problem, and everything else is hidden inside the body. A smart girl doesn't need to look for ways to stop squeezing pimples on her face. The psychology of a wise person lies in the words: “Why do you need an impeccable appearance if you don’t have health?” Therefore, a smart girl will go to the doctor, undergo an examination and the prescribed course of treatment. This will definitely improve the condition of the skin and eliminate the need to injure it. If you do not belong to this category of girls, read on.

A girl who really wants her appearance to become impeccable is unlikely to think about how to stop squeezing pimples on her face, because she doesn’t do it. Instead of execution on herself, she is looking for information on how to make her skin free of any defects. Masters of beauty salons who perform dozens of facial cleansing procedures can help her make her dream come true. But even without their participation, a girl who wishes herself happiness will try to put her appearance in order at home with the help of scrubs, masks, cleansing milk, gels and other products made from natural products. Antibacterial ointments “Levomekol”, syntomycin emulsion and others, which must be carefully applied only to pimples that appear, are effective.

There are girls who take any information too personally. For example, they cry when watching a melodrama, forgetting that they are just actors. For such people, the best way to stop squeezing pimples on your face is to tell a colorful story about what happened to other beauties who did this. Referring to medical sources, you can explain to an impressionable girl that the contents of a pimple necessarily contain hundreds of thousands of terrible bacteria. Some of them always remain in the skin after extrusion. Having survived stress, bacteria begin to actively multiply, which causes further infection and the appearance of further large and small pimples. In addition, unsightly marks form on the skin (even when treated with the best antiseptic agents) after microtraumas, which cannot always be removed. For clarity, you can print out photos of “beauties” with acne-covered faces. Such examples will work best if they are attached to all the mirrors in the house. In the photo, an impressionable girl should write: “And I will become like this if I squeeze out pimples.”

There are girls who are never late for anything. They pack their purse and prepare their clothes in the evening, get up at six in the morning to have time to drink a cup of coffee, and leave the house two hours before the start of work or school. Psychologists say that punctuality is in their blood. For such girls, we can recommend a simple method that will force them to stop squeezing pimples on their face. How? Invite them to create a squeeze schedule. Let them calmly destroy the unfortunate pimple, but only one. And let them prescribe the squeezing out of the second one, say, in half an hour. The third - in an hour, the fourth - in two hours, the fifth - in four. The time between executions should gradually increase. The moment will come when the interval will be a day, two, three.

Carrot and stick

For the above method of how to stop squeezing pimples to work, a psychological background must also be present. She will encourage the girl to follow the schedule. The point is that for every time the girl keeps to the appointed time, she should receive a reward, for example, a delicious candy or watching her favorite program. You can come up with more serious prizes, for example, the purchase of a new blouse. Accordingly, for non-compliance with the schedule, the girl must suffer “punishment”. You can come up with a lot of them, from cleaning the apartment to writing the phrase “I won’t squeeze pimples anymore” 50 times. You can also assign yourself 20 squats, giving up sweets, and many other “punishments.”

My light, mirror, be silent!

The two methods described above on how to stop squeezing pimples are effective only for responsible girls. Irresponsible people will violate the schedule, and for this they will receive only punishment. For such persons there is another way. It is extremely effective, but only works if the girl does not live alone. Anyone who shares living space with her (husband, mother, girlfriend, etc.) should simply remove all mirrors from the house.

Even from the bathroom. Even from a girl's makeup bag. Such an assistant must have enormous willpower and passionately wish the girl well, because she will most likely cause a big scandal for violating human rights. She can be allowed to look in the mirror when she gets ready for school or work. But she should do this only in the presence of an assistant.

Knight's move

The method proposed above does not answer the question of how to stop squeezing pimples on your hands. You don't need a mirror for this, because you can see your hands without it. You may have noticed that our methods are becoming more complex from point to point. In this case, we recommend cutting the girl’s nails very short. Without them, squeezing turns into squeezing the skin. This process brings pain, but the unfortunate pimple remains unharmed. The girl will not receive any moral satisfaction from such procedures, so she will be forced to leave her occupation.

If there are psychological reasons and problems, how to stop squeezing pimples?

If a girl knows perfectly well that she should not squeeze pimples, is aware of the existence of beauty salons and really wants herself to be happy, but cannot give up the unpleasant habit of disfiguring her face, then this is already a disease. Some are sure that squeezing pimples is just a stupid habit. This opinion is not correct in all cases.

In medicine, there are several mental disorders that encourage a person to harm himself. One of them is called self-harm and auto-aggression. The reasons why a person hurts herself are different for each girl. This could be dissatisfaction with a career, marital status (no boyfriend, no one loves) or material wealth, even basic envy. Some girls disfigure their faces because they are afraid of the company of people, so that they have a reason not to leave the house.

Another painful condition is called obsessive-compulsive disorder. Girls suffering from it cannot resist squeezing out pimples, and then they very much regret what they did, scold themselves, and swear not to do it again.

This behavior can be influenced by thoughts about one’s unhappy fate, that everyone is doing better, that one is constantly unlucky in everything, and so on. Some girls crush their pimples because they hate their appearance. These are all very subtle aspects of our psyche, which only a specialist can understand.

In such cases, it makes no sense to look for an effective way to stop squeezing pimples. Such girls need the help of a psychologist and certain drug therapy (antidepressants, sedatives, anxiolytics).

Doctors also use various psychotherapy techniques to help restore a person’s disturbed psyche. Of course, the support of family and friends will be a great help here.

Stress management

There are situations in life that make you very worried and worried. This could be waiting for an important call, exam period, a quarrel with a loved one, separation, dismissal from work, refusal at an interview, major financial losses and many others. Some people, being stressed or depressed, start drinking a lot, others start eating, and still others start squeezing out pimples on their bodies.

It should be said that these are very serious psychological reasons. How to stop popping pimples for a girl who is under stress? There is no need to explain to her about the dangers of squeezing, no need to hide mirrors from her or tie her hands behind her back. This requires the help of a psychologist and the support of loved ones. The doctor can conduct psychotherapeutic sessions with her and prescribe sedatives. The task of friends and relatives is to distract the girl from her sad thoughts. You can invite her to a movie or a party, organize a trip for her, or engage her in some event.

How to stop crushing acne on the body of a girl who, on principle, does not want to get married, who likes that men do not pay attention to her, who enjoys the sight of her red face, covered with ulcers and scabs? No way! Let him press! The scarier she becomes, the more likely she will be to remain an old maid.

Instead of an epilogue

If you squeeze pimples on your face because it gives you pleasure and variety in your leisure time, try doing something else. There are a lot of options - from cross stitching to opening your own business. If you're busy doing something interesting all day, you'll probably end up popping pimples because you won't have enough time to pay attention to them.

Let's be honest: if you are reading this article, then you certainly know what pimples and blackheads are. Your knowledge may be poor in this matter. The causes and features of the occurrence of rashes may be a secret behind seven locks, but you know perfectly well what this insidious thing looks like, and most importantly, what unearthly pleasure you can get from squeezing out pimples and blackheads.

Why you need to stop squeezing

And, as they say, everything would be funny if it weren’t so sad. Squeezing out rashes brings us not only moral pleasure, but also many cosmetic problems.

Let's look at what this kind of “handjob” entails. We will not analyze in detail why mechanical elimination actions lead to the appearance of entire acne plantations. Let's accept this as a fact.

Squeezing leads to tissue ruptures, and if we also squeeze immature pimples, and with all the force imaginable, we also significantly injure the skin with our nails (owners of short manicures should not delude themselves - you will still cause damage). After all this joy has healed, we get scars. Oh, and let’s face it, your skin threatens to turn into lunar soil.

The mechanical action leads to damage to the capillaries, resulting in red-blue spots on the face. In addition, the contents of the pimple end up not only on the skin, but also in damaged blood vessels. What do we have? Of course, infection and inflammation.

And finally, after complete healing, a pigment spot is observed. Oh yes, a very nice sight. By the way, getting it out is also quite difficult. Using some whitening creams for a long time can significantly harm your health.

If you naively think that all these consequences can be eliminated at home by using special creams or lotions, we are ready to please you; no (yes, there is no mistake here) conservative measures will help you. They can significantly improve the condition of the skin, but, alas, they are powerless against post-acne.

The promise of relief from consequences is just a commercial move. You already have noticeable spots and scars - don’t rush to get upset, this is not a death sentence. Everything can be removed (if not completely, then made almost invisible) in beauty salons using special procedures, for example, chemical peeling. True, the procedures will take a lot of time and will significantly impact your wallet.
That seems to be all, so let’s summarize our information.

Consequences of squeezing pimples:

dark spots;
inflammatory process.
The list turned out to be small, but there will be problems in eliminating these positions from the face.

Algorithm of actions

Convinced that your favorite habit is causing a lot of harm? Now we are developing an algorithm to eradicate it.

I decided not to squeeze out acne anymore - and I don’t. That would be excellent. However, for the majority, this scenario is a utopia. If everything were that simple, you wouldn't be reading this article now. Well, we must admit that, like any other bad habit, stopping pimples is difficult to eradicate.

“Your hands are just reaching out” and “I didn’t notice how I started to press again” – these phrases can most often be heard from the lips of lovers of such “handjob”.

The surest solution to the problem will be the absence of acne. That's right, no pimples - nothing to squeeze out. Therefore, it is necessary to take measures closely to eradicate acne. The best option would be to visit a dermatologist. Why is refusing to find out the causes of rashes at home a necessary measure? Everything is very simple - specialists will conduct a comprehensive study of the causes and will be able to determine the factors that provoke the appearance of the rash.

Do not forget about proper skin care after the course of treatment - otherwise, over time, everything will return to normal.

What is the next step? Good thinking. You will not get rid of acne in one go, this is an indisputable fact. Even if you follow all the recommendations and course of treatment, the entire process will take a significant period of time. Therefore, it's time to find motivation to stop squeezing. This will speed up the effectiveness of treatment and eliminate the appearance of new scars and wounds.

This is one of the most effective methods. As soon as you “break”, be sure to “pay” the fine. This must be some kind of action or deprivation, or, in extreme cases, a restriction of something. Squats, push-ups, dusting, rules for watching TV, surfing the Internet - this list goes on and on. Consider penalties for different situations. Agree that it is unlikely to be appropriate to do push-ups or, for example, squats at work.

Don't forget to come up with incentives for yourself. You haven’t squeezed a single pimple in a day – a great reason to pamper yourself with something (just not by squeezing a pimple). If your rash is caused by sweets, then cakes and sweets will also not work as rewards, so the reward system also needs to be thought through.

Funny? But not a bit. Choose for this role your husband or girlfriend, a colleague with whom you work in the same office. In a word, this should be a person who sees you for a long number of hours every day. The controller is a controller to observe and stop any attempts to squeeze out a pimple. But, don’t go too far, agree in advance what this person will do and how (perhaps the best option would be the phrase: “you promised not to squeeze out anymore” or something similar). Otherwise, instead of a positive result, you will get rubbish over a trifle.

Select from the bottomless expanse of the Internet photographs of people with acne scars and age spots. Of course, close-up and the scarier the photo, the better, print it out and attach it to all mirrors with tape. If you come up to squeeze out a pimple out of habit - look at this “cute sight”, remember that the same fate awaits you if you do not give up your intention and you can safely leave, consigning your dream of squeezing a couple of pimples to a long drawer. You can enhance the effect of the photo by writing the following inscriptions: “I don’t have money for chemical peeling,” “I will be like that too,” “I promised!” If you can’t cope with temptation at all, allow yourself only one a day and only 5 minutes after an irresistible desire arises. Every day, delay this action until a later date - today it was squeezed out in 10 minutes, but tomorrow in 15.

A simple principle applies here - the less we know about new, newly appeared pimples with a tasty white head, or even without it - the less the desire arises to begin elimination. Approach the mirror only when necessary.

Yeah, tell me more about the nasolabial triangle

Did you know that the inflammatory process that occurs after squeezing out acne can be fatal. Nonsense? Old wives' tales? But no! In 1915, which is quite distant to us, such a sad story happened to the composer Alexander Scriabin. Therefore, you should not assure that such horror stories are mere childish babble (statistics of pimples squeezed out by you and others without a fatal outcome do not count - as they say, even an old woman can get screwed).

Is this one possible?

If you have ever visited a cosmetologist, then you probably know that the specialists themselves also resort to a mechanical method of getting rid of acne. We won't go into all the reasons. The only suitable factor for squeezing out acne at home is its location in places where scratching will occur under the influence of clothing items. For example, on the shoulder, where the bra strap passes. Sooner or later, a seam, a strap, or a belt will tear off the formation, preventing it from disappearing naturally, so in this case it is more useful to squeeze it out than to leave it.

The procedure must be carried out following disinfection methods and only when the pimple is ripe. It would be nice to manipulate with a cosmetic loop; at worst, wrap your fingers in gauze discs.

Remember! There are no safe places. There are dangerous, very dangerous and insanely dangerous. Avoid squeezing if the mass is in the nose, ear, eye or gum. In these cases, it is necessary to contact a specialist who will adopt a safe method of elimination (most likely, these will be compresses, heating and lubrication with special means).

The habit of maliciously dealing with rashes can lead to a number of cosmetic problems and cause other diseases. Eradicating it may take a long time - it depends on your willpower. But even if such an action is difficult, this does not mean that such an action is impossible. Set yourself up for a positive result and you will succeed!

People who are fascinated by pimple popping exist - and there are many of them. Yes, y Instagram of cosmetologist Sandra Lee, or, as she calls herself, “the pimple doctor,” has 2.6 million subscribers, and she has more than three million. Most of her posts contain objectively disgusting videos of her cutting skin lumps, dissecting wen and - most often - squeezing out pimples and blackheads.

Beautician Lee is not the only one who found the courage to confess her love for acne. You can search for “popping pimples” on YouTube, and on Instagram there are separate pages, which collect the best videos on the topic. Even manicurists are inspired by acne and create a believable nail art in the form of skin inflammations(and they can also be crushed). There's no definitive answer to why so many people are secretly or overtly obsessed with popping pimples, but there are several scientific theories.

The pleasure of fear and disgust

An understandable reaction to the sight of a pimple popping is disgust, which is directly related to the feeling of fear. Associate Professor of Philosophy at Purdue University Daniel Kelly, disgust is an important emotion from an evolutionary point of view, an instinct that helps to isolate oneself from danger. For example, we avoid hospitals - because we are afraid of infections, unpleasant odors from food - because we do not want to be poisoned, insects and rodents - because we are afraid of bites and the unpleasant consequences from them. And, according to Kelly, because of its significance, disgust always focuses attention on itself: many people know the feeling when you watch an unpleasant video, you sit away from the screen, but at the same time you cannot take your eyes off what is happening there.

Since disgust is part of fear, we squeeze pimples or watch this process in the same way as we watch horror films. Psychologist Nina Strominger, that the desire to squeeze pimples is less associated with the desire to experience unpleasant emotions, but rather an interest in fear or disgust, which we want to satisfy without sacrificing too much of ourselves. “You're unlikely to step in dog poop to get this experience, but watch a video of someone else doing it,” Strominger.

The love for squeezing pimples is also explained by purely physiological reasons. naturalist Evgenia Timonova, all human emotions (joy, interest, anger, disgust, fear, and so on) are located in the amygdala, or almond-shaped body in the temporal lobe of the brain, and they are so closely intertwined with each other that it is impossible to separate one from the other. This means that sometimes we experience conflicting feelings in situations where the reaction, it would seem, should be unambiguous. For example, we watch horror films, a scary monster suddenly appears on the screen, we get really scared, but then we feel satisfied. “Scaring yourself is like knocking on your tonsil: not only fear will come out, but also its pretty neighbors,” says Timonova.

Acne as an antidepressant

Trypophobia is much more common - fear of crowded holes, and sometimes just holes and bubbles. The American Psychiatric Association still lists trypophobia as a mental disorder, but, nevertheless, tens of thousands of people complain of nausea, itching, nervous tremors and anxiety that appear at the sight of various holes. If you experience discomfort from this or this pictures, most likely this is it.

Why you still shouldn’t squeeze pimples

Despite the fact that the desire to squeeze pimples occurs in many people, and the trypophobic desire to rid oneself of skin inflammation is understandable and not shameful, dermatologists and cosmetologists insist that this should not be done. The following can be distinguished: by squeezing pimples, you interfere with the natural regeneration of the skin and injure it, introduce dirt and make inflammation even more serious, and also provoke the appearance of new acne. Cosmetologists Yulia Shcherbatova and Ekaterina Vasilyeva told Afisha Daily about other negative consequences.

Yulia Shcherbatova

Dermatocosmetologist, chief physician of the Clinic of Modern Cosmetology, Merz expert

“Cleaning or, in other words, sanitation of the skin should be performed by a professional. When someone decides to independently remove the contents of a dry comedone or purulent contents resulting from inflammation, mechanical injury always occurs. It is accompanied by swelling of the surface layer of the skin, in which the mouth of the sebaceous gland is located. As a result, the mouth shrinks and the skin itself closes the possibility of evacuating what you wanted to get rid of. Inflammation intensifies, bacteria are activated - and the condition worsens.

Often pimples are crushed with nails, leaving abrasions on the skin and, as a result, post-traumatic pigmentation. A single pimple is not terrible - it will go away sooner or later, but a pigment spot or crater will remain on the face for several weeks or months. When there are many such foci, scars, scarring and post-acne marks appear. The consequences are not so easy to eliminate: firstly, grinding and peeling themselves are unpleasant, and, secondly, such procedures take a long time and are expensive.

Manual cleaning is a skill that doctors are taught specifically, and for a long time. It requires knowledge of anatomy and physiology: you need to understand how the skin is structured, what processes take place in it in order to avoid injuries and complications. During the process of sanitation, we evacuate waste products from the skin - this is part of acne therapy, but a good doctor will always look for the cause of acne and treat it. The sanitation itself in the clinic is always accompanied by the application of disinfectants and anti-inflammatory drugs and a whole range of hardware and cosmetic techniques. For a long time now, no one has pulled out their own teeth, pierced their ears or burned out warts - it’s even wild to imagine. Don’t injure your face, and if you’re worried about rashes, come see a professional.”

Ekaterina Vasilyeva

Chief physician of the Aging Control aesthetic medicine clinic, candidate of medical sciences, cosmetologist, dermatovenerologist

“Acne is purulent inflammation that is found in the deep layers of the skin. Imagine an hourglass: with mechanical squeezing, part of the contents comes out, and part, under pressure, enters the bloodstream. This way the infection spreads further. By squeezing one pimple, you get at least seven new ones. And if you squeeze a pimple with dirty hands, you can cause an infection. You can get erysipelas, and there are also isolated cases of people dying from blood poisoning after squeezing out a pimple. In addition, there are certain areas on the face where there is a large accumulation of blood vessels, such as the nasolabial triangle. If pathological purulent contents get there, it goes straight to the brain.

The most harmless thing you can get when squeezing a pimple is post-acne scars. Most teenagers are familiar with this problem - scar changes, stagnant spots, potholes. Every person who comes to the doctor with acne and post-acne has squeezed out pimples. Everyone has the same story: there was one or two pimples, I squeezed them out and seven appeared, then twenty more, and then - my whole face was covered in pimples. For many, this is even a psychological aspect, a habit - it is usually useless to convince such patients. They go to the doctor when their whole face is full of potholes. What to do if a pimple pops up? We need to wait until it goes away on its own: leukocytes (blood cells) will cope with it.”

9 proven methods

1. Take a close-up photo of your face just after you've thoroughly squashed your pimples. The more terrible the photo, the better. Now print this photo and hang it directly on the mirror. Before your husband comes home from work, the photo can be removed so as not to traumatize his fragile male psyche. Now, when you go to the mirror and suddenly decide to suppress your pimples, take a closer look at the photo. Surely you won’t want to spoil your face like that again.

2. Read various horror stories about how a small squeezed pimple led to huge inflammation. The scarier the stories you find, the better. You just need to open the Internet and enter the desired query. Don't forget to also look at photos of people who have already brought their faces to a terrible state. Look at all this “beauty” for a long time, and then imagine that any pimple you try to squeeze is potentially dangerous and could easily lead to such horror. Are you scared? Great! So you are already on the way to quitting your bad habit.

3. Trim all your fingernails as short as possible. Well, now you don’t have anything to squeeze out pimples with. While you are weaning yourself from this bad habit, trim your nails regularly to keep them very short. And at the same time, hide away all kinds of files and other objects that you can use instead of nails in order to squeeze out the hated pimple. It is better to sacrifice the beauty of your manicure in order to get rid of the mania for squeezing pimples.

4. Put away all small pocket mirrors, and try to avoid wall mirrors altogether. The less you look in the mirror now, the better, because after looking in it, you can again find something that needs to be “urgently squeezed out.” It’s better not to look in the mirror at all without urgent need and don’t tempt yourself.

5. Make it so you don't feel pressured. No matter how trivial it may sound, in order to stop squeezing pimples, you just need to get rid of them completely. When you don’t have skin problems, there will automatically be no need to look for some kind of flaw on your face and try to eliminate it. Start paying great attention to cleansing your facial skin, buy the necessary cosmetics. One of the most effective home remedies is washing with oatmeal. The procedure is simple: pour a tablespoon of oatmeal flakes with a small amount of water so that the flakes soften a little and use this mixture instead of a scrub. However, keep in mind that in the first week of using this product, acne may become even larger as the oatmeal draws out all the dirt from the pores. But if you endure this period, you will then be rewarded with beautiful, clean and matte skin.

6. Pay attention to your nervous system. How strange it may seem, but the habit of squeezing pimples usually appears in those who have problems with the nervous system. You've probably noticed that when you're very nervous, sometimes you have an unbearable desire to squeeze something out. If you notice this in yourself, then be careful, because you are on the way to real nervousness. Try to avoid stress and become calmer. You can drink motherwort or valerian tincture for 10 days. And when you feel that you are starting to get nervous, do something with your hands. For example, you can buy a special hand-held exercise machine for stress relief in the form of a small rubber ball that needs to be constantly squeezed.

7. Have someone keep an eye on you. If you cannot control yourself, then ask someone to watch you. As soon as your hands reach to your face for the next pimple that has popped up, let a loved one pull you back.

8. Organize a system of fines for not restraining yourself and starting to squeeze pimples. Moreover, it is not necessary that these be monetary fines, or rather, it is even completely undesirable. The fact is that you can easily get used to the fact that you have been “fined” again and have to put a small amount into the “fine” piggy bank. Soon you will stop being afraid of these fines, because in fact, the money still remains with you; you are fining yourself. We enjoyed squeezing out pimples, threw the fine into the piggy bank, “bought off” ourselves and forgot until next time. There is a very simple and effective way out of this situation: perform some action or exercise as a fine. For example, make it a rule that for every pimple you pop, you must do 10 push-ups. When every muscle in your body hurts from training the next morning, you probably won't want to repeat this experience again. The main thing here is not to give yourself any concessions.

9. Photo of the ideal. Find and print a photo of a beautiful girl with perfect skin, only it is very important that the photo has not been processed in Photoshop and that the girl does not have several layers of foundation on her. The skin should be perfect on its own. Otherwise, if the model is heavily “plastered”, you will simply say: “Just think, I can do that too! Now I’m just going to become a tombstone and I’ll become even better!” But looking at natural, healthy and smooth skin, you will already want to live up to this ideal, and for this you will have to stop squeezing your pimples and start taking care of your face.

You can stop squeezing pimples if you want. In fact, it is not at all as difficult as it might seem at first glance. You just need to gather all your willpower into a fist and promise yourself to get rid of this bad habit, which greatly spoils your skin and harms your beauty.