Can a girl get pregnant from discharge? What is the probability of conception from a man's lubrication. Are spermatozoa present in pre-seminal fluid and lubricant?

Previously, uneducated girls firmly believed that by kissing a boy, you could get pregnant. Now there is another myth: it is impossible to conceive a child without penetration. Let's dispel the main myths, find out the truth: is it possible to get pregnant from a man's lubricant, can sperm get into the vagina without coitus?

Not ejaculate, but contains sperm

The lubricant that appears on the penis is not sperm - it has a different composition and different tasks. But the important question is: are there sperm in the lubricant and, accordingly, is it possible to get pregnant from a man’s secretions that are not ejaculate? Lubricant (pre-ejaculate) is the mucus secreted before future fertilization. This mucus is needed to perform two main tasks:

  • The secreting elements of the lubricant are able to neutralize the acidic environment of a woman’s vagina (if it is not neutralized, it will destroy male reproductive cells).
  • Lubricating mucus provides a beneficial lubricating effect necessary for faster movement of sperm.

There are no sperms themselves in the lubricant, therefore, theoretically, the secreted pre-ejaculate is not capable of leading to the conception of a child - these secretions have completely different functions. But in reality, a girl can get pregnant from male lubricant. The fact is that if repeated sexual intercourse occurs, then viable sperm could still remain on the genital organ from the previous ejaculation. When a man secretes re-lubrication, these sperm can mix with pre-ejaculate - then they, together with the secretions, will penetrate the egg and cause pregnancy.

There are no sperm in the pre-ejaculate.

Of course, it is difficult to get pregnant from mucus - this is the exception rather than the rule. Such cases occur in only 7% of all pregnancies. But this possibility still needs to be taken into account if a child is not yet part of the couple’s plans. It is precisely because of this probability that you should not rely on such a method of contraception as interrupted coitus: even if a guy always manages to remove the penis before ejaculation, he will not be able to completely avoid lubricant getting into the vagina.

There is no penetration, but the risk remains

The next question that many men and women find it difficult to answer accurately is: is it possible to get pregnant without penetration, when the guy does not insert the sexual organ into the girl’s vagina? Many young couples practice petting - caresses using the genitals, but without deep penetration. Can a girl become pregnant after such games? There is a small chance (about 1 in 100 chance) that the sperm manage to reach the egg.

  • A man’s discharge can get on the external genitalia and a girl’s vagina (even if there is little mucus and the discharge “enters” a couple of centimeters, the risk remains).
  • If the sperm or discharge contained very fast, strong sperm, then they will be able to go all the way, reach the egg, and fertilize it.

This must be taken into account if a child is not currently in the plans of the man and woman: using a condom during petting will protect against unexpected surprises.

Live sperm remains on underwear

If a man and a woman are wearing clothes, will it become an obstacle to sperm? Is it possible to get pregnant from mucus that gets on a woman's underwear? It is impossible to completely exclude the possibility of seminal fluid and lubricant getting through the loose fabric of the underwear (sex cells can get onto the external genitalia and then into the woman’s genital tract).

Male lubricant (pre-ejaculate, Cooper's fluid) is a viscous, colorless substance produced by the body before sexual intercourse (PA) as a result of sexual arousal. It allows easier penetration during intimacy, cleanses the urethral canal and increases sperm viability. Many women are interested in whether it is possible to get pregnant from a man’s lubricant, and in what cases this probability is especially high.

Is it possible to get pregnant from male lubricant - doctors' opinion

Male lubrication is produced by two organs - the Cooper's gland and the Littre's gland. This liquid medium is released at the moment when the penis is in an erect state. Its amount can vary from 0.01 to 5 ml and depends on the following factors:

  • intensity of a man's arousal;
  • state of the reproductive system;
  • male hormonal balance;
  • presence of bad habits (primarily alcoholism and smoking).

Most doctors agree that the likelihood of getting pregnant from lubricant exists, although it is much lower than as a result of the eruption of sperm into the vagina. On average it is 30% of 100%.

The possibility of conception is determined by:

  1. The health status of both sexual partners.
  2. The depth of penetration of the lubricant into the female body.
  3. The presence of sperm in it and their level of viability.

Despite the fact that Cooper's fluid and sperm are produced by different male glands, these substances have the ability to interpenetrate. Moving along the urethral canal, the ejaculate can “take” with it the sperm remaining in it. The chances of pregnancy increase if lubrication is released soon after ejaculation.

Doctors say that as a result of defective sexual intercourse, there is a possibility of pregnancy not from the lubricant itself, but from the sperm present in it. The risk remains even if sperm is present in Cooper's fluid in an amount of no more than 0.01%. That is why condoms and oral medications remain the most effective means of contraception, and not interrupted PA.

Fertilization after sex with penetration

According to statistics, every fourth woman who uses interrupted coitus as the main method of contraception is able to become pregnant. It is in this case that there is direct contact with male secretions containing sperm residues.

Pregnancy from lubrication after penetrative sex can occur in the following cases:

  • if interrupted sexual intercourse was preceded by ejaculation (as a result of masturbation, petting, oral sex);
  • if intimacy is repeated repeatedly over a short period of time (no more than 2 hours).

For some couples, the possibility of pregnancy from lubricant is completely excluded. Conception will not occur with a high degree of probability under the following circumstances:

  • irregular ovulation in a woman;
  • a small number of viable sperm in male seminal fluid;
  • due to unfavorable vaginal microflora;
  • in case of impaired reproductive function in one of the partners;
  • with rare sexual intercourse (if the interval between the last sexual intercourse and the current one is more than 3 days).

Women and girls often worry about whether it is possible to get pregnant from a man’s lubricant that gets on their underwear. In such cases, it is necessary to completely exclude the possibility of conception. Contrary to existing belief, in such situations, male sperm do not show the ability to fertilize.

In addition to pre-ejaculate, the male body also produces another type of lubricant - smegma. This substance includes dead epithelial cells and secretions produced by the sebaceous glands. It is impossible to get pregnant from smegma, since there are no sperm in it.

What are the chances of pregnancy from ejaculate without penetration?

It will be useful for many young couples to find out whether it is possible to get pregnant from a man’s lubrication without penetration. Love pleasures without vaginal sex are often practiced by partners who do not plan to conceive, and who also want to preserve their virginity. So-called " petting", or stimulation of the genitals with various caresses, also promotes the release of male lubrication. At the same time, the partner’s chance of becoming pregnant is 1 in 1000. This becomes possible if pre-ejaculate gets on the external genitalia and increased sperm activity.

Modern medicine knows of isolated cases where pregnancy occurred as a result of male lubricant getting on the female pubis. This is due to the high mobility of sperm and their ability, under favorable conditions, to penetrate the female vagina.

Is there a risk during ovulation?

Ovulation means the release of an egg from the ovary, ready for the process of fertilization. The likelihood of pregnancy at this moment after full sexual intercourse is especially high. However, many women of fertile age have a question: is it possible to get pregnant during ovulation from a man’s lubricant.

As mentioned above, lubricant often contains remnants of seminal fluid. In this regard, with a high level of sperm viability, the chances of pregnancy naturally increase.

If conception is not planned, and partners resort to the method of interrupted intercourse, it is recommended to use barrier contraception on the days of ovulation. This will avoid misunderstandings and the need to terminate an unwanted pregnancy in the future.

Conception during menstruation

The chances of getting pregnant during your period are incredibly low, even with full sexual intercourse. However, the likelihood of conception still exists, and is often associated with the following factors:

  1. Hormonal imbalance in the female body.
  2. Disturbed ovulation rhythm.
  3. Recent serious illnesses.
  4. Long-term use of hormonal drugs.

With an irregular menstrual cycle, the egg is able to mature at the time of menstruation, as a result of which the woman manages to become pregnant. This can happen even if there is only one viable sperm in the ejaculate. The lifespan of male reproductive cells often reaches a week, which, under favorable conditions, contributes to unplanned conception.

The minimum risk of pregnancy from male lubricant is present in the first days of menstruation. This is prevented by heavy bleeding and an unfavorable environment in the vagina. The possibility of conceiving as a result of unprotected intercourse increases in the last days of menstruation.

The likelihood of fertilization with Cooper's fluid after childbirth

The possibility of fertilization as a result of contact with male lubricant after childbirth depends on the condition of the woman’s body. Often the period of restoration of reproductive function takes up to several months. During this period, conception becomes unlikely even after full unprotected intercourse.

When breastfeeding, the chances of fertilization are also low, since the hormonal levels during the lactation period are quite far from normal. The hormone prolactin, which is responsible for the production of breast milk, tends to suppress progesterone. The consequence of this is the absence of ovulation and menstruation. In this state, it becomes impossible to get pregnant from male pre-ejaculate.

For women who have given birth and do not breastfeed, the chances of fertilization depend on the speed of recovery of the body. In most cases, this category of women in labor gets their periods after 3 months. After this period, the risk of becoming pregnant from Cooper's fluid entering the internal or external genitalia increases.

To answer the question “is it possible to get pregnant from a man’s lubricant,” it is necessary to take into account the circumstances surrounding sexual life and the state of the female body. It is important to remember that interrupted sexual intercourse and the entry of male discharge into the vagina increases the chances of unplanned conception. You can read reviews on this topic or write your opinion on the forum.

Questions about how to get pregnant are worrying younger and younger people. One of the common methods of preventing pregnancy is interrupted sexual intercourse. This method is unreliable and not useful. But since it is widely practiced by couples of different ages, if they have little knowledge of the physiology of the human body, the question arises: is it possible to get pregnant from lubricating mucus secretions? To do this, it is worth understanding what the mucus is, which is secreted from the genital organ in anticipation of the act, and what it serves.


If a man is in a state of sexual arousal, as a result of petting at an early stage of sexual intercourse or during masturbation, a mucous secretion is released from the urethra. Normally it is transparent and practically odorless. It is secreted by Cooper's glands, and additionally secreted by Littre's glands.

This secretion is called pre-semen (pre-ejaculate) or Cooper's fluid. The volume of fluid secreted is not the same in men. Some practically do not secrete this secretion, while others produce about 5 ml of it.

Cooper's fluid performs two important functions:

  1. Acts as a lubricant during friction, facilitating the entry of the penis into a woman’s vagina, and participates in the process of semen coagulation.
  2. Prepares the urethra of a man and the vagina of a woman for the entry of semen, changing their acidity. The natural environment of the urethra and vagina is not conducive to the survival of sperm.

Neither the Littre glands nor the Cooper glands produce semen. In its pure form, such a lubricant does not contain sperm, but may contain viruses (for example, HIV) and pathogenic microorganisms.

Possibility of getting pregnant

Answering the question whether it is possible to get pregnant from mucus, it is worth saying that there is no mucus in its pure form. However, when examining the pre-semen of men, it contains single spermatozoa that remained on the walls of the urethra after the previous ejaculation. They are picked up by pre-ejaculate. This is a possible way for them to be introduced into a woman’s vagina, even if sexual intercourse is interrupted before a new ejaculation.

The viability of such sperm is questionable. No active sperm were detected in the studies. But the possibility of survival of some of them cannot be ruled out. Therefore, doctors say that getting pregnant this way is problematic, but there is a risk, albeit the most minimal.

Under what conditions is pregnancy possible?

The ability to conceive a child is influenced by a huge number of factors. Even the entry of sperm into a woman’s vagina does not guarantee successful fertilization. Under what conditions does pregnancy become possible:

  • Sperm must be viable and active.
  • The vaginal environment should not be overly acidic, otherwise they will die.
  • The egg must be mature and released from the follicle.
  • The sperm must reach the egg and overcome the barrier of its membrane.
  • The resulting zygote should successfully implant into the wall of the uterus.

Failure at any stage of this process leads to the fact that conception does not occur or the embryo is expelled from the uterus in the early stages.

A man’s semen contains a huge number of sperm; only the most nimble and tenacious can fertilize an egg. In the flow, it is easier for the winner to get to the coveted egg. The sperm is released under pressure and this facilitates the movement of sperm.

Spermatozoa that come with pre-ejaculate have minimal chances of moving far enough to fertilize the egg, even if it is mature. These chances increase with each subsequent sexual intercourse, if they follow one after another. Because the number of sperm that are picked up by pre-ejaculate increases.

An interrupted act is unreliable not only because live sperm enter the woman’s vagina with pre-ejaculation. Although the chance of this is slim, it still exists. Isolated cases have been reported in medical practice. It does not give a 100% guarantee also because a man’s ability to control his own ejaculation in moments of passion is questionable.

If a couple is in no hurry to have a child, it is better to use barrier contraceptives, provided they are used correctly. Or contact a gynecologist who will select another suitable method of contraception. In unstable relationships, barrier contraception is the only way to avoid contracting STDs.

If a man empties his bladder between acts, the acidic environment of urine again reduces the likelihood of conception to a minimum.

If there is pre-cum on your underwear

Is it possible to get pregnant if you use underwear (sit on a sheet, dry yourself with a towel) that has pre-ejaculate on it? It's practically impossible. First, the mucus on the laundry should be damp. Secondly, it must contain sperm, and they must be alive. Somehow this mucus must end up deep in the woman's vagina during the ovulatory period. If you do not specifically try to introduce this secretion into the vagina, the risk of its penetration there, and even with sperm, is so small that, from a practical point of view, it can be neglected.

As for pre-semen, the concentration of sperm in this secretion is so low that getting pregnant would be problematic even under favorable circumstances.

Vaginal discharge and pregnancy

There is another extravagant question that sometimes women do ask. Is it possible to get pregnant from mucus produced by your own glands? The answer is negative.

Vaginal secretion is a chemically complex substance containing water, salts, immunoglobulins, lysozyme, fatty acids and some other chemical compounds. In addition, desquamated epithelial cells and leukocytes are found in its composition. It is produced by the glandular layer of the cervix. This secretion does not contain sperm.

Additionally, during the period of sexual arousal, transudate sweats from the venous network of the genital organs. This secretion, which is sometimes called female lubricant, acts as a natural lubricant, facilitating the entry of the penis into the vagina. Thanks to its bactericidal properties, the lubricant of a healthy woman suppresses the growth of “foreign” microflora introduced by the penis.

The processes of secretion of this secretion are controlled by the ovaries. Fertilization with such a liquid is impossible.

Many girls find it difficult to answer the question about the likelihood of getting pregnant from lubricant during erotic caresses. Purely theoretically, yes, it is released from the pathways from which sperm comes out. Men are not puzzled by this issue. Neither “yes” nor “no” is proven by theory, only hypothetically. But where does pregnancy come from without penetration? Let’s try to understand in more detail the question “is it possible to get pregnant without penetration?”

Is it possible to get pregnant without penetration?

If we consider pregnancy statistics under all favorable circumstances, then there is no 100% chance of pregnancy. Everything should match:
  • ovarian productivity;
  • days of ovulation;
  • sperm vitality and activity;
  • favorable hormonal background;
  • absence of negative genetic predispositions and physiological abnormalities;
  • suitable acid-base balance in the vagina;
  • sufficient clearance in the fallopian tubes (without adhesions or splices due to visceral fat in excess weight);
  • absence of incompatibility (of any kind).
Obviously, many factors can play in one direction or another. If something is wrong, it is impossible to get pregnant. On women's forums they ask every now and then whether it is possible to get pregnant from male lubricant, or to pick up sperm in the pool or on the toilet?

The seminal fluid of a healthy man contains 20-30 million representatives of genetic memory and a complete set of chromosomes. Each “live” is ready to fertilize the released egg at the first opportunity. And it doesn’t matter which way it is transported to the fallopian tubes.

What was taught in anatomy lessons about family planning purely theoretically?

When sperm penetrates the internal female organs, the probability of pregnancy is about 95%. But why do many girls show miracles of ignorance when they talk about natural methods of birth control?
Attention: If a couple is protected by such a frivolous method as interrupted sexual intercourse, the moist environment of the vagina can deliver a single sperm “where it is needed!” That is why the probability of getting pregnant is much higher than once again “slipping through” without contraception.

This is how nature works - conception should occur from sexual intercourse, and if it does not happen, there must be reasons or logical and physiological justifications. Common truths are explained to schoolchildren in lessons. Any guy will answer in the affirmative to the question “is it possible to get pregnant from the lubricant secreted by a man.” Girls often find it difficult to answer, as correspondence on women’s forums shows.

Highly sensitive unprotected sex without radical protection cannot be called safe. It can be annoying for naive girls when their partner apologizes that he “didn’t have time to take it out”! As they say, it’s not the anatomy teacher’s fault that the student is a little “moronic”!

How to avoid getting pregnant from male lubricant?

Who is to blame for an unexpected pregnancy - a “proven method” or an “experienced partner”? Without a condom, you can actually catch sexually transmitted diseases - you never know who else he told such tales to, saving on the rubber barrier.
Attention: Practicing sex is good and enjoyable, although risky if not protected! But purely theoretically, you can get pregnant from a single sperm “lost” in the lubricant, lagging behind the “pack” during a portion of ejaculation!
To avoid unplanned pregnancy, it is better to keep a monthly calendar, counting the days of ovulation. On the eve of menstruation, most couples may not use protection without fear of getting pregnant from lubricant, but funny things happen.

"Casual" sex? This is real as an unplanned destruction of psychological barriers. As women talk about their first experience, it happens anywhere, often unexpectedly for their partners. For example, between a teacher and a student (or tutor), a coach and an athlete, friends in a tipsy group, a subordinate and a boss.

When a couple is alone, it starts with a harmless massage or a sincere conversation with touches. Then erotic caresses, loss of vigilance and self-control. The insidiousness of the situation - there is no way to protect yourself, nature and attraction take over.

For guys, such situations are desirable; girls should always be prepared that this will happen today. You rarely see a package of condoms in a woman's purse. Just in case, you should have “emergency” birth control pills in your makeup bag (drink before sex or immediately after the act). Spermicidal suppositories, which deprive the seed of motility, are carried “before”, and not when everything is behind, they are not carried with you.

What is “male lubricant” and why does it get you pregnant?

Modern girls know a little about what “pre-cum” is. They won’t answer whether it’s possible to get pregnant from a man’s lubricant without delving into many intimate details. Unfortunately, they don’t want to be bothered with such information. Young ladies only know about protected and unprotected sex, about pregnancy tests, and only doctors can name all the methods of contraception.

Another little theory is that there is some presence of sperm in the mucus released from the male penis. It can appear not only during excitement, but also during the normal functioning of the genitourinary system.

Scientifically it is Cooper's fluid or pre-ejaculate, popularly it is simply “lubricant”. A colorless mucus-like substance is produced in the internal organs or male endocrine glands - from 1 to 5 ml. Pre-ejaculate takes part in the coagulation and conversion processes of sperm. It is able to neutralize the acidic environment of the vagina and male urethra, which is detrimental to the seed.

We can say that this is a “purely technical lubricant,” but it follows the same paths that sperm take. Its presence on the body (men and women), household items, door handles, underwear, personal hygiene items and everything that comes into contact with the hands is the probability of getting into the vagina.

A guy will never admit to his girlfriend or potential partner when he had his last ejaculation, under what circumstances, and whether he washed his hands after that. This partially clarifies the questions about whether it is possible to get pregnant without penetration - this probability is high.

It turns out that this is not a myth, but a reality, especially when it is not possible to thoroughly remove the remains of sperm and any biological material when the bodies come into contact. This entire conversation is not to dismiss men as potentially “unclean creatures.” It is important to be aware of the likelihood of becoming pregnant from lubrication before sex or after intimacy.

Modern corporations working in the healthcare sector offer a wide selection of all kinds of contraceptives. However, despite this, many couples are in no hurry to use them and prefer to protect themselves from unwanted pregnancy using the traditional method of coitus interruptus. Undoubtedly, this method has both its advantages and risks. The latter are often misleading and girls have doubts whether it is possible to get pregnant from the lubricant secreted by the male genital organs. We will talk about all the features of this issue in this article.

Male discharge is nothing more than pre-ejaculatory lubricant, which is also called Cooper's fluid. It has no odor or color and is secreted by the genital organ when sexual arousal occurs. From a physiological point of view, this substance is necessary to soften the walls of the vagina and facilitate easier penetration during intimate relations between partners. For this reason, it is worth noting that the release of pre-ejaculatory fluid is a completely normal phenomenon and does not indicate any abnormalities.

For each individual male body, the volume of Cooper lubricant is different. Some representatives of the stronger sex do not secrete such mucus at all, while in others its amount can be equal to the volume of seminal fluid during sexual intercourse - up to 5 ml.

Male secretions play a special role in physiological development. In addition to lubrication, pre-ejaculate serves to neutralize the acidic environment of the partner’s vagina, which is a detrimental environment for the life of sperm. Residual levels of acidity in a man's urethra and a woman's vagina guarantee a better chance of conception. Once in the womb of the partner, the pre-ejaculatory secretion changes its environment to a more favorable one to ensure normal penetration of sperm inside.

A viscous lubricant is also necessary to clear out remaining uric acid from the urethra. This creates favorable conditions for the unhindered release of the seed. It is this moment that is most likely when deciding whether a partner can get pregnant from lubricant. The fact is that the male secretion, passing through the canal, can take with it the remnants of seminal fluid from the previous ejaculation. The ejaculate that accumulates in the urethral bulb can remain active for 1-4 days. This is what is fraught with unplanned pregnancy.

Structure of male secretions

When deciding whether it is possible to get pregnant from lubricant, discharge, mucus, it is worth studying the composition of pre-ejaculate in more detail. According to medical research, the structure of male secretions does not include sperm. The reason lies in the fact that seminal fluid and lubricant are produced by completely different glands of the body. However, as described above, spermatozoa that remain from the partner’s previous ejaculation may become part of Cooper’s lubricant. Despite many concerns and some opinions of doctors, the volume of sperm is usually insignificant and this factor cannot lead to conception.

If we consider in more detail the process of sperm getting to the egg, the answer will also become obvious. As mentioned above, the internal environment of a woman’s vagina, due to its high acidity, is destructive for the seed. A few hours after the moment of ejaculation, a significant part of the volume of sperm dies and only a certain number of the most mobile ones move on - they penetrate the cervix, and then into the uterus itself. The neck of the organ is also filled with special mucus, which creates a kind of barrier for the penetration of all microorganisms inside. Together with its protective functions, it becomes another obstacle to the seminal fluid.

From the uterus, the most active sperm enter the fallopian tubes, and during movement their direction is opposite to the flow of fluid. Fertilization of the egg occurs directly in the ampullary section of the fallopian tube, where the mature egg is located. Only 1 sperm reaches its goal, the rest are necessary to prepare the unhindered entry of ejaculatory fluid and die inside the female body. By the way, scientific research claims that one drop of male ejaculate contains more than 1 million sperm.

In male physiology, all discharge that appears during sexual intercourse or a moment of high arousal is divided into two groups:

  • oil;
  • smegmu.

Smegma is a mixture of secretion from the sebaceous glands, as well as dead epithelial cells and moisture, which can remain on the penis due to poor hygiene. Such discharge has a white tint and an unpleasant odor, but the content of semen in it is zero.

Oil is produced when the penis is in an excited state. This liquid is odorless, completely transparent and may contain a microdose of sperm.

The likelihood of fertilization from lubrication

In its pure form, pre-ejaculatory fluid does not contain sperm in its structure. Therefore, the likelihood of getting pregnant from lubricant is reduced to zero. However, about 30% of women claim that conception occurred precisely from contact with lubricant. This may occur due to the ingress of secretion residues that were in the urethra into the vagina. Their volume may be insignificant - only a few thousand sperm, but this may be enough for fertilization.

The likelihood of conceiving a child largely depends on the physiology of the female body. The most “risky” period is considered to be ovulation, which occurs once per menstrual cycle. The most favorable time for conception is the first day of ovulation or the six-day period before its onset. This factor significantly increases the likelihood of conception during unprotected intercourse. Many are also interested in the question of whether it is possible to get pregnant from lubricant after ovulation. This phenomenon is not excluded, but it all depends on the activity of the male semen and the viability of the female egg.

The ability to become pregnant from a man’s lubrication is influenced not only by the structure, but also by the condition of the partner’s seminal fluid. In addition to genetic factors, its quality is affected by the presence or absence of infectious diseases. Thus, at the time of infection, the number of active and “high-quality” sperm is significantly reduced. Once in the acidic environment of the vagina, they quickly die and the likelihood of an unplanned pregnancy will be negligible.

It is also worth noting this nuance. The possibility of conception from the ingestion of male secretions containing ejaculate exists not only with repeated sexual intercourse. In some males, sperm are so active that they can “live” in the canal for up to five days. Such “pioneers” are the most viable. For this reason, unprotected intercourse can be risky, even if it happens for the first time in a day. In any case, to avoid the question of whether you can get pregnant from male lubricant, you should use more reliable methods of contraception.

Risks of interrupted sexual intercourse

Partners who prefer a method of contraception such as coitus interruptus should understand that such a decision has consequences. For a man, the main ones come down to the following aspects:

  • high probability of premature ejaculation;
  • dysfunction of internal organs;
  • the possibility of neurotic disorders against a background of constant stress;
  • decrease in potency level.

The main problem is that interrupting an intimate act a few moments before the highest pleasure is a rather difficult task that requires practice and iron self-control. Forced continuous control sharply inhibits the natural process of ejaculation, and in addition leads to severe psychological discomfort.

For a woman, the method of interrupting sexual intercourse is fraught with consequences such as:

  • nervous tension and inability to relax due to fear of ejaculation inside the vagina;
  • risk of unplanned pregnancy.

In addition, we should not forget that unprotected intimate relationships lead to unpleasant and at times sad consequences due to infection with various sexually transmitted diseases. In any case, doctors recommend protecting yourself with a condom. This is the safest and most affordable method of contraception today.


Thus, we examined the features of male physiology regarding ejaculatory functions and examined the question of whether it is possible to become pregnant from the lubrication of secretions. The conclusion is clear - there is still a risk of unplanned conception, but it is small. This phenomenon can be observed due to the entry into the pre-ejaculate of sperm that remain in the canal. It is also necessary to clearly understand that coitus interruptus is a risky method of contraception. Gynecologists consider it one of the most unreliable of all existing ones.

The main aspects of the possibility of fertilization are presented in the video: