New Year's food menu. What original dishes can you prepare for the New Year?

As I previously mentioned in other articles, the New Year is the most fun, the most beloved by everyone, the most, most holiday. Well, for kids, this is probably the only celebration that they remember from their childhood. For everyone, both adults and children, it is important what the festive table will be like. Everyone is waiting for something new and very tasty.

For the New Year, a jar of red caviar, Olivier salad, Herring under a fur coat and, of course, meat have always been considered a mandatory dish. We have tried to present you with a menu so that you can choose what you like. That's not all, of course. There will also be new dishes, drinks and other articles. Follow our publications and you will know and be able to do everything.

Festive menu for the New Year. Recipes, photos, annotations

So we have already prepared for the festive table. They are usually displayed together with appetizers, and to be honest, it is now difficult to distinguish a salad from an appetizer. In general, this is all - snacks.
We have also prepared a table in which you can choose the ones you like and start arranging the table with them.

Let's add a few more snacks

Hot dishes:

At the end of summer, eggplants, in my opinion, are the most common food. They go as a main dish, as a side dish, and as an appetizer. And although they themselves are neither fish nor meat, they go very well with both fish and meat. Eggplant caviar is especially good, which people usually prepare for the winter. But we eat it right away, fortunately now you can buy eggplants at any time of the year, of course it is more expensive and it would be better to prepare it yourself for the winter, but not everyone has the conditions for this.

  1. Eggplants quickly and tasty in a frying pan

We have already prepared several eggplant dishes. These include eggplants baked in the oven, a meat and eggplant dish called “Moussaka”, eggplant salads and an appetizer. So we already know a lot about eggplants. What an amazing product it is, no matter what recipe you make from it, everything turns out quite simple and tasty.

  1. Baked eggplants with mussels, in rolls

You should definitely try it. This is so delicious! At first you can’t even understand what kind of dish this is, what kind of delicious food it is, what it’s made from?

  1. Eggplant in red sauce

Eggplant is also a vegetable. True, it is less versatile than zucchini, but it can also be added to almost any salad, and in many salads it itself is the main character. The taste of fried eggplant resembles the taste of mushrooms, sometimes you can even be deceived.

  1. Eggplant in white sauce

Of course, you can eat dry eggplant without sauce. But it’s still better if there is sauce, and even better to cook them in sauce.

  1. Marinated red fish

This dish is prepared completely differently, which I wrote about in the previous article “Pink Salmon with Orange Sauce”, that red fish can be used to prepare various dishes, fried, steamed, salted, pickled, etc. We have been using this recipe for pickled fish for many years and I It seems that every time the fish becomes tastier and tastier.

  1. Fish in batter

Everyone certainly loves this fish. Fast, tasty, even dinner, even a snack. It's good everywhere, this red fish.

  1. Meatloaf with green peppers and carrots in the oven

Meatloaf is always a table decoration. It is prepared both on weekdays and on holidays, served for breakfast, dinner and lunch. The preparation process is quite labor-intensive and takes a lot of time, so rolls are still prepared more on holidays and on weekends.

Well, now the hot dishes:

  1. French meat with broccoli in the oven

Well, we finally get to the meat. Of course, they are very important for the New Year, but meat is meat. We used to always serve it after the clock struck 12, we would drink champagne, and then the hostess jumped up and wailed: “oh, meat, meat,” and ran to the kitchen to take the meat out of the oven or off the stove.

  1. Potatoes with sour cream baked in aluminum foil in the oven.

Potatoes baked in foil are not only very tasty, but also a healthy dish. The taste of potatoes baked in the oven is not much different from those baked on coals. This dish is very loved by housewives in America for its taste and ease of preparation. The dish turns out juicy and tender, and at the same time retains all the beneficial microelements and vitamins.

  1. Veal entrecote with bananas

Entrecote was one of our most famous restaurant meat dishes. I remember back in the 60-70s. In restaurants, one could order beefsteak and entrecote as the main meat dishes. Well, it’s true that there were also chicken Kiev, but the sound of the words beefsteak, entrecote, seemed to bring us into the atmosphere of something unusual, foreign.

  1. Baked lamb back with potatoes in the oven

As I have already written in other recipes, lamb is my favorite meat, and well cooked, with a good sauce, side dish, saturated with the smells of all the ingredients that we add to it, I cannot describe it, you have to try it. Well, today we will cook lamb back with potatoes and pineapple puree, I have seen many similar recipes and each has something different.

  1. Beef with champignons and new potatoes with photo

For some reason, here (in Russia) it is customary to serve meat at a festive feast either in the form of a chopped cutlet or chop, or boiled, or stuffed somewhere, for example, into dough (dumplings). But there are thousands of recipes for cooking meat and each one is original in some way. So I decided to give you a recipe for beef with champignons. A delicious dish.

  1. How to cook moussaka

Moussaka sounds not like the name of a dish, but like music, although it is just a casserole, like the well-known lasagna. But of course there are differences. Moussaka is a dish known throughout the Mediterranean, Greece, Bulgaria, Cyprus, where the main product of consumption is not dough, but vegetables. In this case - eggplants. This is the principle of moussaka.

  1. Recipe for seafood noodles with photo

It is believed that pasta, noodles, are almost the national dish of Italy. (there, by the way, they call it pasta). Well, maybe, although in Russia it is no less a national dish, on a par with potatoes. Of course, the Italians prepare hundreds of dishes from pasta, but for some reason we mostly use it only as a side dish.

  1. Pink salmon with orange sauce

Pink salmon is probably the least presentable, but the most numerous, and therefore the cheapest, salmon fish in our markets. Despite the above, this fish is very tasty, and its usefulness cannot be compared with artificially farmed Norwegian salmon.

  1. Peking cabbage stewed with mushrooms and baked in the oven

Chinese cabbage is difficult to compare with any other. It is distinguished by the fact that it is juicy and crispy at any time of the year. It occupies a special place in cooking and is even beginning to displace our usual white cabbage. It adds tenderness to any dish, whether baked or in a salad.

  1. Recipe for peppers stuffed with meat and rice with photo

I understand that of course everyone knows how to stuff peppers. Everyone does it in their own way. I had a chance to try different cooking options. In some places, peppers stuffed with vegetables are more common, in others with meat, there are many more filling options.

Birthdays, February 23, March 8. May 1, New Year, family holidays are a reason to set the table. All self-respecting housewives try to please their loved ones and friends with a variety of dishes. Of course, every cook has his own signature recipes. But sometimes you want to cook something new and unusual. In this article, I publish an approximate holiday menu of 14 simple, but tasty and original dishes, which may give you your own ideas. And for dessert you can bake something extraordinary.

Salads and snacks without eggs

Puff salad with pineapples

– 6 pieces of boiled potatoes;
– a can of pineapples approximately 560 grams;
– 3-4 cloves of garlic;
– hard cheese about 300 grams;
- mayonnaise.

Mix mayonnaise with garlic squeezed through a press. Grate the boiled potatoes on a coarse grater and add salt. Place the layer on a flat dish. Spread with mayonnaise-garlic sauce. Place sliced ​​pineapples on top. Lubricate with sauce too. Sprinkle grated cheese on top. A simple but very tasty salad is ready. You can arrange it as in the picture.

For a simple salad that even a beginner in cooking can handle, see.

Black bread croutons with herring mousse.

The mousse itself can be prepared in advance, but the croutons (croutons) will have to be made immediately before serving.

Ingredients for 4 slices of Borodino bread:
– 1 herring fillet or half a whole herring:
– 2-3 pieces of green onions;
– processed cheese;
– 2 boiled carrots;
– ground black pepper;
– 4 slices of black bread.

Cut off the crusts from the bread and place in an oven preheated to 180 degrees to dry. This will take 5 – 7 minutes.

Cut the herring and onion into small pieces. Grate the carrots and processed cheese on a coarse grater. Place everything in a blender, add pepper and mix well. Don't have a blender? Use a meat grinder, just insert a fine mesh. Was the mousse a bit dry? It depends on the herring. Add a tablespoon of mayonnaise or vegetable oil and mix well.

Using two spoons, carefully form the mousse and place on the croutons. You can garnish with dill and leeks or as you wish.

Pancakes with salmon.

For pancakes.

– flour 400 gr;
– eggs 2 pcs.;
– milk 1 liter;
– vegetable oil 2 tablespoons;
– a pinch of salt;
– vanillin.

For filling.
– lightly salted salmon about 100 g;
– hard cheese, also about 100 g;
– pickled cucumbers 2 pieces;
– mayonnaise 2 tbsp. spoons;
– ground black pepper;
– green onion feathers.

If you know how to bake pancakes, you can make them according to your own recipe. And for the rest I will continue. If you have a blender, place all ingredients in a bowl and mix thoroughly. If not, use a whisk or fork. First mix the eggs, then add milk and all other products except flour, mix well. Then add flour little by little, mixing the dough thoroughly so that no lumps form.

Don't forget to heat the pan well and grease it with oil.

I think that for the holiday it is better to bake intricate pancakes in the shape of snowflakes. This is done quite simply. Pour the bulk of the pancake into the middle of the frying pan, and, turning it slightly, let the dough spread a little.

Then you scoop some dough into a spoon and draw patterns around it. You can put the dough in a small plastic bottle and draw from it. This is somewhat more convenient, but more dough is consumed.

When all the pancakes are ready, cover them with a plate or cling film to soften them.

In the meantime, let's start with the filling. Cut the salmon into small squares. Grate the cheese on a fine grater. Finely chop the pickles too. Pepper, add mayonnaise and mix everything.

Divide the onion into feathers and steam with boiling water to make them more elastic.

Place a tablespoon of filling in the middle of each pancake, form a bag and carefully tie with onion feathers. During this procedure, it is better to involve your children or husband, let them also take part in the preparations for the holiday.

These bags are served cold, but if you are making them on the eve of the holiday, it is better to heat them in the microwave for a few seconds so that the pancakes are not too hard.

Meat rolls with cucumber and mustard.

– pork 400 grams;
– pickled cucumbers 2 pcs.;
– red onion 1 pc.;
– mustard beans 2 tbsp. spoons;
- salt pepper;
– flour for breading.

Cut the meat into thin slices, cover with film and beat well, add salt and pepper. Cut the cucumbers and red onion into strips. Place grain mustard, slices of cucumber and onion on each piece of meat.

Roll into rolls and secure with toothpicks to prevent them from unraveling. Gently roll in flour. First place seam side down in a well-heated frying pan with vegetable oil. Fry on all sides until golden brown.

Cut the finished rolls in half at an angle of 45 degrees. Drizzle with Lazy Tartar Sauce.

Lazy Tartar Sauce

– pickled cucumbers 2-3 pcs.;
– a head of red onion;
– garlic 2-3 cloves;
– half a bunch of parsley;
- salt pepper;
– mayonnaise 2 tablespoons;
– grainy mustard.

This sauce is prepared very simply, and most importantly, quickly, but it requires a blender. Chop all the ingredients, place everything except the mustard in a blender and blend until smooth. Now add mustard to taste and mix with a spoon. You can, of course, chop everything finely, but this will take time, and during the New Year's troubles, this is precisely what is missing.

Herring under a fur coat in a roll


– herring – 1 pc.;
– potatoes – 4 pcs.;
– carrots – 1 pc.;
– beets – 1 pc.;
– mayonnaise – 200 g;
– onion – 1 pc.;
– vinegar for pickling onions.

Pre-cut the onion randomly and marinate in vinegar for 2-3 hours. But you can put it raw, at your discretion.

Boil potatoes, carrots and beets, cool, peel and grate or cut into small cubes.

Peel the herring, separate from the bones, cut into small pieces.

It is better to squeeze the beets through cheesecloth to remove excess moisture. If your carrots are also juicy, then it is better to squeeze them.

To make a roll, spread cling film, a cut plastic bag or foil on the table, whoever has what. Mix beets with mayonnaise and spread evenly onto film. Cover again with film and compact the layer thoroughly. Remove this top film. You can salt the beets a little. Try to make each subsequent layer slightly narrower in width than the previous one. We do the same with carrots, only now we spread them on the beets. The third layer is potatoes with mayonnaise, spread on the carrots. Don't forget to salt it. Next we put the onion, if you pickled it, you need to let it drain so that it is not too wet. And the last layer is herring. It is better to lay it not over the entire surface of the roll, but as a long log in the middle. We compact all layers in the same way using cling film.

Carefully roll the roll around the herring log. We compact the edges well. Wrap it in the same film. We put the appetizer in the refrigerator until guests arrive. Before serving, remove the film and cut into portions.

Snack “Callies”

– 100-200 gr. ham or any boiled sausage;
– 100 gr. any cheese or fatty cottage cheese, it must be salted;
– 1 carrot;
– 2 cloves of garlic;

Grate the cheese and carrots on a fine grater. Squeeze the garlic through a press. Mix everything and season with mayonnaise. If you use cottage cheese, the taste will be different. I usually make half with cottage cheese, half with cheese.
Cut the sausage or ham into thin slices. Roll up into a ball and secure with toothpicks to prevent them from unrolling. Fill with salad. Garnish with herbs, pieces of red bell pepper, olives or just ketchup.

Stuffed Peaches

The appetizer has an interesting taste due to the sweet peaches and salty filling.
– small, 200 grams, piece of turkey meat;
– a can of canned peaches in halves;
– a can of canned corn;
– any spicy cheese, 200 grams;
– mayonnaise or homemade sauce;
– salt, pepper to taste.

For the sauce:
– a jar of yogurt;
– lemon;
– mustard.

Boil the meat in salted water, cool.

While we prepare the sauce. Add a teaspoon of mustard, a tablespoon of lemon juice to the yogurt and add a little salt. Mix all ingredients well.

We take the peaches out of the jar and place them on a towel. They need to be dried well. To do this, you can place them bottoms up to drain excess juice, or blot each piece with a napkin.

Then the bottoms must be cut off for stability, but be careful not to make a hole.

Now cut the turkey into small pieces, grate the cheese on a coarse grater and add 3-4 tablespoons of corn without juice. Carefully add the sauce or prepared mayonnaise. The salad should not turn out wet. Soy or mayonnaise is used here simply to bind the products together. Add salt and pepper if necessary.
Stuff the peach halves and place them on a flat plate.

See also in another article.

Salads and snacks with eggs.

Stuffed crab sticks.

I want to warn you right away, the appetizer is a big hit, so make more.
Ingredients for 10 pieces of chilled (do not use frozen) crab sticks:

Grate the cheese on a fine grater, set aside a third for sprinkling. Leave the yolk of one egg too. Grate or crush the eggs with a fork. Squeeze the garlic through a press. Finely chop the greens. Add sour cream and mayonnaise. Mix everything. If you like pepper, you can add it too.

Carefully unwrap the crab sticks and place the filling on the edge. Now the sticks need to be rolled up just as carefully. Place 4 sticks on a plate, 3 on top, then two and place the last one on top. We ended up with some kind of hut. Sprinkle it with “snow” - cheese and egg yolk or white, as you like. The appetizer is ready.

Cheese balls


  • boiled potatoes 4 pcs.;
  • boiled eggs 4 pcs.;
  • crab sticks 10 pcs.;
  • hard cheese 200 gr.;
  • mayonnaise 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • pepper.

Grate the cheese on a fine grater and set aside for now. Cut potatoes, eggs, crab sticks as finely as possible, season with mayonnaise and pepper. In principle, you don’t need to add salt, but if you really want to, you can. Mix everything well. With clean hands, roll into balls slightly smaller than a chicken egg. Roll them in cheese. Insert skewers or toothpicks.

Method number 2


  • processed cheese 2 pcs.;
  • hard cheese 100 gr.;
  • a bunch of dill;
  • 3 cloves garlic
  • 2 boiled eggs;
  • paprika;
  • mayonnaise.

Wash the dill in advance and dry well.
Grate the eggs and cheese on a fine grater, squeeze the garlic through a press and add a little mayonnaise so that the mass is not too wet. Mix everything thoroughly.
Finely chop the dry dill. We leave. Three also have cheese on a fine grater. And we also leave it aside. Pour paprika into a plate. As in the previous recipe, we form balls and roll one at a time in seasonings. We got funny colorful balls.

Method No. 3


  • large package of crab sticks;
  • 150-200 grams of cheese;
  • 5-6 cloves of garlic;
  • 4 boiled eggs;
  • 3 tbsp. spoons of mayonnaise.

Grate the crab sticks on a fine grater and set aside - this is our topping. We also grate the cheese and eggs on a fine grater, pass the garlic through a press. Add mayonnaise, mix everything well. We make balls as in previous recipes. Roll each ball in shavings of crab sticks.

As a decoration for all three methods of preparing cheese “Rafaelok”, you can use marinated champignons, pinned with skewers or toothpicks.

Recipes for hot holiday dishes

Pork meat and potatoes in the sleeve.


  • pork meat, preferably neck, 1 kg;
  • pitted prunes 200 gr. It can be replaced with dried apricots, cherries, any berries or mushrooms. For the marinade:
  • one and a half teaspoons of wig:
  • mustard beans 2 teaspoons;
  • regular mustard one and a half teaspoons;
  • garlic 3-5 cloves;
  • vegetable oil 4 tablespoons;
  • non-bitter honey 1 teaspoon;
  • salt 1 teaspoon;
  • ground black pepper to taste.

For potatoes.

  • medium size potatoes 1 kg;
  • vegetable or olive oil 3-4 tablespoons;
  • salt about half a teaspoon;
  • any dry to your taste half a teaspoon.


Steam the prunes with boiling water. Dry.

Wash the meat and dry with a napkin. Make deep cuts not completely at a distance of 1-1.5 cm.

Mix all the ingredients for the marinade well, squeeze the garlic through a press.

It is good to coat the meat with marinade, not forgetting about the pockets.

Place all the prunes in each pocket. Carefully transfer the meat into a roasting bag. The sleeve should be 2 times longer than the piece. Secure the sleeve on both sides and put it in the refrigerator for a day or a little less.

When you need to cook, take the potatoes and cut off the bottom on one side.

Mix the oil, salt and seasoning well and pour the potatoes on top, not forgetting to get into the holes. Now place the finished potatoes along with the mold into a baking sleeve and secure it on both sides.

Remove rack from oven to keep cool. Preheat the oven itself to 200 degrees. Now place the form with potatoes and the form with meat on the grill. Bake for an hour.

When the finished potatoes and meat have cooled a little, transfer them to a dish, first tearing the sleeve and cutting the meat into portions.

Cut the meat into large pieces, add salt and pepper and fry in a hot frying pan on both sides until golden brown. Place in a saucepan.

Cut the onion into half rings and fry until golden brown in the oil that remains after frying the meat. Place the prepared onion in the pan on top of the meat.

Add hot water until it slightly covers the meat. Simmer for an hour on low heat.

Fry the walnuts in a frying pan or in the oven for about 3 minutes.

Add to the stew tomato paste, diluted in a glass of warm water, seasoned with salt - a level tablespoon and sugar - a heaped tablespoon, and pepper to taste. Add bay leaves, prunes and nuts. Close the lid and cook the meat until cooked, about half an hour. Don’t forget to taste the dressing to adjust the taste in time if something is not to your liking. Serve with any side dish.

Bon appetit! I hope you have a lot of fun this holiday!

Ah, you will find 5 simple diets with menus for every day .

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The New Year's table should be full of a variety of delicious dishes. A properly composed menu for the New Year 2017 is the key to a successful holiday. New Year for Russians is the most beloved and long-awaited holiday. For many, this holiday is a kind of hope for a happy life in the future.

There is a belief that the old year takes away old problems, and the new year allows you to start your life with a clean slate, forgetting about grievances, failures and other negative aspects.

Housewives prepare for the New Year in a special way. I want to cook something new and interesting every time. You need to start preparing the New Year's table by drawing up a menu.

On this page we will tell you how to properly create a menu for the New Year 2017. After reading the article, you will clearly know what to cook. We will provide interesting and tasty recipes with photo and video instructions. We'll tell you what to cook taking into account the symbol of the year - the Fire Rooster.

Year of the Rooster 2017.

According to the eastern horoscope, 2017 marks the year of the Fiery Red Rooster. According to the eastern calendar, it occurs on January 28, 2017. By its temperament, the Rooster is a very active and interesting bird. He is very expressive and sociable. Symbolizes special vital energy and promotes personal growth throughout the year.

You need to take a special approach to decorating the table and creating a menu for the New Year 2017 in order to please the symbol of the year. We will tell you how to do this below.

How to create a menu for the New Year 2017?

The design and preparation of dishes for the New Year should be approached with all responsibility. It is necessary to take into account all the subtleties such as the characteristics of the year, the preferences of the guests, etc.

The rooster, by its temperament, is not a greedy animal, even moderately economical. The New Year's table should not be full of excesses. This year can be celebrated inexpensively. At the same time, it is necessary to catch the golden mean; there should be enough of everything.

When decorating and setting the table, focus on rustic tableware. Wooden spoons, clay pots, etc. should be present.

We must not forget about drinks on the New Year's table.

Menu plan for the New Year of the Rooster 2017.

Before preparing dishes, you need to draw up a detailed menu plan. The New Year's menu should include:

  • Hot dishes.
  • Salads.
  • Snacks.
  • Meat and vegetable cuts.
  • Dessert.
  • Alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks.

Meat or fish dishes must be present. It is advisable not to cook anything from chicken for the New Year of the Rooster, but there is no clear prohibition on this. Chicken can be replaced with pork, beef or lamb. It will also be very good to cook fish.

Let's say a few words about the side dish. Preference should be given to vegetable side dishes. Vegetables for the symbol of the year 2017 are natural food. It will be very good to prepare a side dish of potatoes.

You can prepare a variety of salads, all to your taste. We recommend reading the article - Salads for the New Year 2017. You can prepare a salad with the name of the symbol of the year - Salad“Cockerel” for the New Year 2017.

Snacks should be bright and unusual.

Drinks for the New Year 2017.

Let's start with choosing holiday drinks. Well, what is a holiday in Russia without alcohol? Especially New Year! Only the best drinks should be served on the New Year's table. Whiskey, Tequila, Rum are perfect as strong drinks for the New Year 2017. Champagne must be present - this is already a tradition.

You can make a very tasty cedar liqueur. To do this you will need the following ingredients:

  • 0.5 liters of vodka.
  • 200 grams of pine nuts.
  • 1/3 cup sugar.

Place sugar and nuts in a clean jar. Pour vodka, cover with a lid and put in a dark place for 1 month. Mix with vodka and serve.

Menu for the Year of the Rooster 2017: Hot dishes.

Hot dishes are served as main dishes. What New Year's menu can do without main courses? That's right - none. It is necessary to try to ensure that all hot dishes are in the color scheme of the symbol of the year. Salads - with red or yellow vegetables, fried fish with a bright golden brown crust, etc.

Fried zucchini with tomatoes. Recipe.

This appetizer will look very welcome on the New Year's table 2017. It is very easy to prepare. To do this you will need the following ingredients:

  • 3 zucchini.
  • 2 tomatoes.
  • 3 cloves of garlic.
  • 200 grams of mayonnaise
  • Dill.
  • Flour.
  • Salt.
  • Ground black pepper.
  • Vegetable oil.

Step-by-step recipe for preparing a snack:

  1. First of all, fry the zucchini. First, rinse and clean them well.
  2. Cut the zucchini into rings. Place in a bowl, salt and pepper to taste.
  3. Pour flour into a separate container and roll each zucchini well in flour.
  4. Now put the zucchini in a frying pan and start frying over low heat. You need to fry until golden brown.
  5. Now you need to prepare the sauce. To do this, mix mayonnaise with squeezed garlic. You can add a little dill.
  6. We cut the tomatoes into small circles. Lubricate with the prepared sauce. Place a piece of tomato between the zucchini rings.
  7. We do the same with other pieces.

The appetizer is ready, you can serve it!

Delicious desserts for the New Year 2017.

Many people ignore the inclusion of desserts in the menu for the New Year. Although in vain. Sweets lift your spirits and won’t let your guests get bored.

Here are some new and interesting recipes that we recommend including in the New Year's menu 2017.

Delicious recipe: Blancmange cottage cheese for New Year 2017

Blancmange curd is a delicate and tasty dessert that is quite easy to prepare for the New Year 2017. Everyone loves this amazing dish - both adults and children. It is prepared without baking.

To prepare this wonderful dish you will need:

  • 0.5 cups of milk.
  • 1 sachet (15 grams) gelatin.
  • 1 sachet (10 grams of vanilla sugar).
  • 250 grams of cottage cheese.
  • 0.5 cups sour cream.
  • 0.5 cups of powdered sugar.
  • 2 pineapple rings.


It's very easy to prepare. Dissolve gelatin in milk and leave it for 20 minutes. During this time, the mixture will swell and become fluffy.

Mix cottage cheese with powdered sugar, sour cream and vanilla sugar. You should get a homogeneous mass.

Then cut the pineapple rings into small pieces.

After this, heat the gelatin until hot, but do not allow it to boil.

Carefully pour the gelatin into the curd mass and mix well. Then add pineapple and mix thoroughly again.

Now all that remains is to let the blancmange harden. To do this, pour it into a beautiful form and refrigerate for 4-5 hours.

Curd cheesecake for New Year 2017.

Recipe: Curd cheesecake for New Year 2017. Photo.

Cheesecake is a very tasty dessert for the holiday table. It's very easy to prepare. Below we will demonstrate a no-bake recipe.

Ingredients for making cheesecake:

  • 0.5 kilograms of cottage cheese.
  • 1 can of condensed milk.
  • 10 grams of instant gelatin.
  • 2/3 cup milk.
  • 250 grams of shortbread cookies.
  • 100 grams of butter.
  • Berry sauce.


Grind the cookies into fine crumbs using a blender.

Then melt the butter, mix with the cookies and mix everything until smooth.

Line the bottom of the mold with paper. Lay out the base for the cheesecake and compact everything.

Then dilute gelatin in 2/3 glass of milk and leave for 10 minutes. Then place this cup in hot water and stir everything constantly to completely dissolve the gelatin.

Pour the mixture with gelatin into this mass and whisk everything thoroughly.

Then spread the curd mixture onto the cookie base and level it out. Cover the cheesecake pan with cling film and place in the refrigerator for 3 hours. More details:

All recipes are carefully selected and will be a great success with guests and correspond to the symbol of 2017.

Menu No. 1 for New Year's table 2017

Time flies unnoticed and New Year 2017 is just around the corner - this is the year of the fiery rooster, which is a talisman for family and home. The Rooster is by nature a leader, the embodiment of reason and calm, he is a leader. The symbol of the coming year loves bright and shiny things, so that everything rings and sparkles! The favorite colors of clothing should be red and gold; the more shiny decorations there are, the more we will please the New Year's Rooster. But we will tell you in this article what to cook and what dishes to set on your New Year’s table in 2017. All recipes are carefully selected and will be a great success with guests and correspond to the symbol of 2017. I would like to believe that our selection will be a real discovery for you! Everything is only for visitors to the “I Love to Cook” site.

New Year's bunny


  • Vegetable oil - 2 tablespoons;
  • Butter - 2 tablespoons;
  • Rabbit - 2 kilograms;
  • Apples - 4 pieces;
  • Bacon - 300 grams;
  • Cream - half a glass;
  • Salt/pepper to taste;
  • Flour - 150 grams;
  • Shallots - 10 small pieces;
  • Garlic - 7 cloves;
  • Rosemary -2 sprigs;
  • Thyme - 1 sprig;
  • Balsamic vinegar - 1 teaspoon;
  • Wine - 350 milligrams.

New Year's bunny. Step by step recipe

  1. Cut the bacon into thin, long strips.
  2. Heat vegetable oil and butter in a frying pan. Fry the bacon until golden brown.
  3. We cut the rabbit into 7-8 parts.
  4. Mix flour, salt, pepper.
  5. Dredge the rabbit pieces in flour and spices.
  6. Place the fried bacon on a paper towel.
  7. Place the rabbit in the pan where the bacon was fried.
  8. Fry the rabbit until golden brown on each side.
  9. Cut the apples into small pieces. About 8 parts. Remove the core.
  10. Cut the onion into 4 parts. The bulbs should be small.
  11. Transfer the fried rabbit to a separate plate.
  12. Fry onions and garlic in rabbit oil. Add rosemary, thyme, pepper mixture, salt.
  13. Fry the onion until golden brown for about 10 minutes. Then take out the rosemary and thyme.
  14. Add balsamic vinegar and apples to the onions. Fry for 5 minutes.
  15. Place the rabbit on the apples and add 250 milligrams of wine. Simmer for 30 minutes.
  16. Add the remaining wine, cream, and bacon. Simmer for 10 minutes.

The New Year's bunny is ready!

This dish is unusually tender and tasty, your guests will like it, and your New Year's table will simply be transformed with it.

Stuffed quails

Stuffed quails are an ideal dish for the New Year's table. They turn out very tender and tasty. In addition, they will perfectly decorate your New Year's table.


  • Quails - 6 pieces;
  • Mustard - 4 tablespoons;
  • Chicken liver 400 grams;
  • Salt/Pepper - to taste;
  • Lemon - 1 piece;
  • Garlic - 6 cloves;
  • Balsamic vinegar - 2 tablespoons;
  • Olive oil - 80 grams;
  • Rice - 100 grams;
  • Onion - 3 heads;
  • Cheese -150 grams;
  • Butter - 150 grams;
  • Greens - for decoration.

Stuffed quails. Step by step recipe

  1. Mix lemon juice with balsamic vinegar, garlic, salt, and pepper;
  2. Grind everything well in a mortar.
  3. Lubricate the quails with the resulting mixture. Marinate for an hour.
  4. Finely mode the onion and liver.
  5. Fry all this in butter.
  6. Cook the rice until half cooked.
  7. Mix rice with onions and liver.
  8. Salt and pepper.
  9. Grate the cheese and add to the rice with liver. Stir and remove from heat.
  10. Stuffing the quails.
  11. Mix mustard with olive oil and brush over the quail.
  12. Bake in the oven for 20 minutes at 180 degrees. Then we take it out and lubricate it again.
  13. Leave to bake for another 25 minutes.
  14. Before serving, sprinkle with chopped herbs

Our stuffed quails are ready! An unusually tasty dish that will decorate the New Year's table.

Caesar salad

If you are tired of salads with mayonnaise, then this salad is exactly what you need. Its composition is unusually light and carries a spring note. On New Year's Eve, among all the abundance of food, you always want to try something light and summery.

  • Chicken breast - 300 grams;
  • Loaf - 3 pieces;
  • Eggs - 2 pieces;
  • Tomatoes - 200 grams;
  • Romaine or Lettuce salad - 100 grams;
  • Olive oil - 80 milligrams;
  • Lemon - 2 tablespoons;
  • Sweet mustard - 10 grams;
  • Garlic - 2 cloves;
  • Salt/pepper - to taste;
  • Provencal herbs - to taste.

Caesar salad. Step by step recipe

  1. You need the loaf mode in small squares. Then fry and sprinkle with herbs.
  2. Cook the chicken breast for 1 hour, add salt to taste.
  3. Cut the finished breast into squares.
  4. Three cheese on a grater.
  5. Cut the cherry in half.
  6. Place the eggs into boiling water for 1 minute. Then let it cool.
  7. Mix eggs with mustard using a blender or whisk. Continuing to whisk, add lemon juice, salt, pepper, and oil.
  8. Chop the garlic. Add to the sauce.
  9. Mix everything well.
  10. Place lettuce leaves in a salad bowl. Pour half the sauce over them.
  11. Top the leaves with croutons and chicken breast. Sprinkle with grated cheese.
  12. Decorate with tomatoes.

Caesar salad is ready. Bon appetit.

Santa Claus hat


  • Canned corn - 1 can;
  • Mushrooms - 300 grams;
  • Chicken egg - 5 pieces;
  • Hard cheese - 200 grams;
  • Tomato - 400 grams;
  • Salt, mayonnaise to taste;
  • Garlic - 3 pieces;
  • Vegetable oil - for frying;

Santa Claus hat. Step by step recipe

  1. Cook the eggs.
  2. Grate one egg, and separate the yolk from the white in the rest.
  3. Cut half the tomato into small pieces.
  4. Fry the mushrooms in vegetable oil until fully cooked.
  5. Yolks into small pieces.
  6. Three cheese on a grater.
  7. Squeeze the garlic through a garlic press.
  8. Mix corn, mushrooms, tomatoes, cheese, garlic and yolks.
  9. Salt, pepper, and add mayonnaise.
  10. Place the salad on a plate in the shape of a slide.
  11. Cut the remaining tomatoes into small pieces.
  12. Three whites on a grater.
  13. Sprinkle our mound with tomatoes and decorate the bottom with egg whites
  14. On top we make a bubo for the hat.

An unusually tasty and truly New Year's salad will be exactly the salad that everyone will want to try.


The firecracker salad will perfectly decorate the New Year's table. It is not only beautiful but also very tasty. Your guests and family will definitely love this salad.


  • Milk sausage – 300 grams;
  • Mushrooms – 300 grams;
  • Walnuts – 100 grams;
  • Eggs – 5 pieces;
  • Pomegranate – 1 piece;
  • Onion – 1 piece;
  • Mayonnaise - to taste;
  • Salt/pepper to taste;
  • Greens - for decoration;
  • Canned corn - for decoration;
  • Beetroot juice - for decoration.

Firecracker. Step by step recipe

  1. Three sausages on a grater. Place on cling film in a rectangle.
  2. Lubricate with mayonnaise.
  3. Boil the eggs, peel them, and grate them.
  4. Place on top of the sausage. Lubricate with mayonnaise.
  5. We reserve some of the grated white and yolk for decoration.
  6. Cut the onion into small pieces.
  7. Fry mushrooms with onions.
  8. Place on eggs and spread with mayonnaise.
  9. Grind the nuts into coarse crumbs. Place on mushrooms and add mayonnaise.
  10. Sprinkle half the pomegranate seeds onto the nuts.
  11. Form a roll and put it in the refrigerator.
  12. After the roll has been in the refrigerator, grease it with mayonnaise.

Divide the remaining whites into 2 parts, one of which is colored with beetroot juice. Decorate the cracker according to your taste, or as in the picture using the remaining ingredients.

Peacock tail snack

An attribute of any holiday table. The peacock tail appetizer is a real masterpiece of any feast. Moreover, it is also very tasty.


  • Eggplants - 3 pieces;
  • Cucumbers - 2 pieces;
  • Tomatoes - 3 pieces;
  • Cheese - 200 grams;
  • Garlic - 3 cloves;
  • Olives - half a jar;
  • Mayonnaise - to taste;
  • Salt - to taste;
  • Olive oil - for frying;
  • Greens - 4 sprigs;
  • flour - half a glass.

Peacock tail. Step by step recipe

  1. Cut the eggplants into rings. Salt and leave for 20 minutes.
  2. Dip the eggplants in flour and fry.
  3. We cut the cucumbers into rings.
  4. We cut the tomatoes into rings.
  5. Cut the olives in half.
  6. Squeeze the garlic through a garlic press.
  7. Three cheese on a grater
  8. Mix cheese, garlic, and mayonnaise.
  9. We lay out our appetizer in the shape of a peacock's tail.
  10. The first layer is eggplant. grease the top with mayonnaise.
  11. In the mayonnaise we put a tomato, then a cucumber, and half an olive.
  12. You can decorate with greenery as in the picture.

Tartlets with mushrooms

This recipe will save your time and give you real pleasure in taste and appearance.


  • tartlets - 10 pieces;
  • Mushrooms - 600 grams;
  • Onion - 1 piece;
  • Cheese - 150 grams;
  • Olive oil - 70 grams;
  • Mayonnaise - to taste;
  • Salt/pepper - to taste;
  • Cherry -5 pieces;
  • Garlic - 2 cloves;
  • Greens - 2 sprigs.

Tartlets with mushrooms. Step by step recipe

  1. Finely chop the onion.
  2. Cut the mushrooms into small pieces.
  3. Fry onions and mushrooms until done.
  4. Three cheese on a grater.
  5. Squeeze the garlic through the garlic press.
  6. Mix everything well.
  7. Place the resulting mixture into tartlets.
  8. You can chop the tomatoes and mix them with the mushrooms, or you can cut them in half and decorate the top of the tartlet.
  9. Decorate with greens.

Our tartlets are ready. Try it, you must

New Year's pie

Do not forget that on the New Year's table on New Year's Eve, tea treats have the same importance as a hot dish. After all, after all the treats, it is the pie or cake that will decorate your New Year's table. An incredibly tasty and easy-to-treat pie will delight you and your guests on New Year's Eve.


  • Flour – 1 kilogram;
  • honey – 150 grams;
  • sugar – 200 grams;
  • butter – 250 grams;
  • eggs – 4 pieces;
  • soda – 1 teaspoon;
  • nuts - 100 grams;
  • Candied fruits - 100 grams;
  • Milk - 150 milligrams;
  • candied fruits - for decoration;
  • milk – 1/3 cup.
  • Raisins - 50 grams;
  • Cinnamon - for decoration;
  • Powdered sugar - for decoration.

New Year's pie. Step by step recipe

  1. Melt butter, sugar, and honey in a frying pan. As soon as the oil and honey disperse, turn off the gas.
  2. As soon as everything has cooled, pour the resulting mixture into a plate and add the eggs. Mix everything thoroughly.
  3. Add soda and milk to the resulting mixture.
  4. Cut the nuts into small pieces.
  5. Add nuts and raisins to the dough.
  6. Knead the dough and place in a warm place for 2 hours.
  7. Bake in a preheated oven at 180 degrees for 45 minutes.
  8. Decorate with powdered sugar, cinnamon, candied fruits.

Our delicious New Year's cake is ready.

Snow glade
This Magnificent cake will decorate your New Year's table and delight your guests. The 'Snowy Glade' cake is very tender and tasty - just the thing after a busy New Year's feast


  • Butter – 100 grams;
  • Sugar – 150 grams;
  • Flour – 200 grams;
  • Soda - half a teaspoon;
  • Lemon juice – 20 grams;
  • Currants – 300 grams;
  • Cake filling – 1 sachet;
  • Currant juice – 200 milligrams;
  • Gelatin – 20 grams;
  • Egg – 2 pieces;
  • Vanilla sugar – 1 sachet;
  • Cottage cheese – 500 grams;
  • Cream 30% - 500 milligrams.

Snow glade. Step by step recipe

  1. You need to melt the butter.
  2. Pour the butter into the flour, and add lemon juice, sugar, and soda.
  3. Mix everything thoroughly.
  4. Knead the dough, then put it in the refrigerator for 1 hour.
  5. Bake the dough in a preheated oven at 200 degrees for 15 minutes.
  6. We dilute the cake filling in juice. Place on the fire and bring to a boil.
  7. Soak the gelatin.
  8. Separate the yolks from the whites. Mix the yolks with sugar, cottage cheese, and vanilla sugar.
  9. Dissolve the gelatin in warm water and carefully add it to the curd cream.
  10. Beat egg whites with cream. then put it in the refrigerator
  11. Place the cake in the cake ring and apply the berry mixture. Place in the refrigerator for half an hour.
  12. We take out the cake and decorate with cream and berries.
  13. Place in the refrigerator for 4 hours.

A unique selection of treats for the New Year 2017 just for you!

The New Year 2017 according to the eastern calendar will be held under the sign of the Fire Rooster. At first glance, this bird seems simple, but it has a cocky and swaggering character, and therefore it will not be easy to please the owner of the coming year.

When preparing for New Year's Eve, it is important to think through everything to the smallest detail so as not to get into trouble and inadvertently anger the Fanfare Rooster. What to cook for the New Year's table 2017 to satisfy the demanding birds, surprise guests with extraordinary dishes, and what recipes to use to turn the holiday into a culinary extravaganza?

This task is not an easy one, but nothing is impossible if you take on the task with confidence in your abilities and a sincere desire to please your loved ones. When preparing the menu, it is important to consider some rules, knowledge of which will protect you from many mistakes. So,

  • Rule one: you can’t cook with chicken on this holiday. You will have to give up not only this familiar and undoubtedly tasty product, but even eggs, although they are served in too obvious a form - for example, stuffed. But you can cook using eggs as ingredients in the same salads or baked goods.
  • Rule two - more greens, vegetables and fruits. This is understandable, because the rooster is a bird that eats plant foods. Recipes made from cereals and legumes are also welcome on the holiday table. What's not a worthy alternative to boring potatoes? Rice, bulgur, corn grits, and beans, if cooked and served correctly, can become a real highlight of the culinary program! You can prepare salads, main courses, desserts, and slices from vegetables and fruits. In a word, the more there are, the better.
  • Rule three - simple, but tasteful. Recipes that fully satisfy the strict requirements of the owner of the year are easy to prepare, do not require exotic ingredients, strong frying, and are moderately seasoned with spices.

Having taken these useful recommendations into account, let's proceed to the most important thing - the choice of dishes for the festive table. The recipes with photos presented below will tell you what delicious things to cook for the New Year 2017. All of them are quite simple to prepare and do not require special material costs or special chef skills. Just check out the listed dishes and you will definitely understand for yourself what is best to cook.

New Year's dishes - simple, but... elegant

Since we do not want the coming 12 months to pass under the sign of the picky Rooster’s resentment towards us, we will prepare the first hot dishes from pork, lamb and seafood. This choice will allow you to remember it as a celebration at which traditional culinary preferences sparkled with new tastes.

Pork with prunes - unusual and beautiful

So, when deciding what to cook for the New Year of the Rooster 2017, we note that it would be a win-win to bake the most tender pork with prunes and dry red wine (sounds magical, doesn’t it?).

On well-washed and towel-dried meat (it’s better to take a rump), cuts are made at regular intervals of 1.5 cm. Then, in the place of the cuts, the pork is rubbed with salt, pepper, thyme, sprinkled with mustard and filled with prunes and garlic, which were previously marinated in for 30 minutes in warm red wine. The meat is then wrapped in foil and placed in an oven preheated to 200°.

The dish is baked for 40 minutes, then turned over and fried for the same amount of time. 10 minutes before cooking, the foil is opened, which allows the pork to brown and get a golden crust.

Juicy lamb on the bone - incomparable softness and aroma

Another New Year's dish - lamb on the bone - is just as appetizing as it looks in the photo. Pieces of lamb meat on the bone are beaten, flavored with spices (salt, pepper, thyme, basil), onion, cut into rings, and marinated for some time in the cold. Then they are sent to a grill pan, where they are fried on both sides until half cooked. The final softness of the lamb is then baked in the oven.

Pork and smoked lamb rolls - an interesting combination

Do you value creativity? Then try to surprise your guests and the Rooster himself with an unusual combination of smoked lamb and tender pork by preparing original rolls from them. Hard cheese (250 g), cut into slices, is placed on the salted and peppered pork (850 g), cut into squares.

A layer of smoked lamb (250 g) follows on top. Then the whole thing is rolled up into a roll, tied with thread, and put into the oven for 1-1.5 hours. When serving to guests, the thread is removed. These rolls are good both as an independent dish and as a snack.

Fish feast – salmon crusted with nuts

A real find for housewives who love simple recipes is salmon with nuts.

First, we make the sauce that will be poured over the fish. To do this, melt the butter, mix with honey and mustard. Mix chopped parsley with breadcrumbs and chopped nuts. Cut the fish into portions, removing the vertebral bones if necessary, pour over the sauce and sprinkle with breading. Place on a greased baking sheet and place in the oven preheated to 190° for 30 minutes. When serving salmon to guests, serve it with lemon wedges.

A tribute to tradition - fish with sauce

A wonderful surprise for guests and the Rooster will be cooking fish with sauce according to a traditional Russian recipe. Take fish fillets (salmon, trout, sea bass), salt them and sprinkle with lemon juice. We line a baking dish, greased with vegetable oil, with chopped onions, onto which we place portioned pieces of fish, skin side down. Bake until the fillet turns white (30 minutes).

Mix sour cream, onion, salt and spices and pour over the fish, bringing it to readiness for the next 15 minutes. Serve on the New Year's table, sprinkled with herbs.

Exotic Chinese style – shrimp with sauce

Cooking for the New Year's table 2017 and not using seafood is nonsense. Let's correct this misunderstanding by starting to prepare the next tasty and original dish - shrimp with sauce, having our recipes with photos at hand. Cooking time takes about half an hour, and the dish itself pleases not only with its exquisite taste, but also with a reduced calorie content.

So, butter, garlic and cream are placed in a heated frying pan and brought to a boil. Peeled shrimp with finely chopped parsley are stewed in the sauce for 10 minutes, then laid out on a separate dish, while the sauce continues to simmer. When it thickens, add shrimp to it again and simmer for a few more minutes. The dish is served warm with rice or pasta.

Vegetable fair – salad for everyone

We suggest preparing a vegetable salad that the discerning Rooster will definitely be delighted with, and the New Year’s table will only benefit from! The main thing is that you can regulate the composition of this interesting dish yourself. The highlight of this unusually bright and easy-to-prepare snack is that any (!) fresh vegetables are cut into not too thin slices and laid out in a bowl, where a cup of boiled pork or ham is placed in the center.

Cucumbers, tomatoes, bell peppers, green lettuce, Chinese cabbage, onions, garlic, and spicy herbs are suitable for the salad. Various sauces are served separately with vegetables: sour cream, cream, homemade mayonnaise, natural yogurt dressing with various spices or garlic. So, each of the guests will be able to “assemble” their own vegetable salad from their favorite ingredients, and again season it to their taste. It’s pleasant for the rooster and delicious for the guests.

Miracles of serving - salad of crab sticks in orange baskets

If you want originality and bright colors, you definitely need to prepare a salad of crab sticks in orange baskets for the New Year’s table. Our recipes will tell you how to do this. Having mixed boiled eggs, orange pulp, crab sticks, canned corn in a separate bowl, salted it all and seasoned it with mayonnaise, we do the most interesting thing - serving. We place our salad in halves of oranges, previously peeled from the pulp, with the edges cut along the entire circumference in the form of cloves, and voila, an amazing dish for the New Year 2017 is ready!

Warm salad in buns - appetizing and satisfying

Having spent very little time, you can create another culinary masterpiece based on our recipes with photos - warm salad in savory buns. It’s not that difficult to prepare: mix diced smoked meat or sausage, boiled potatoes, pickled cucumbers, grated cheese, sweet peppers and mayonnaise. Carefully cut off the top of the sesame buns and remove the pulp. Place the resulting salad inside and bake in the oven until the cheese begins to melt. Before serving, cover the bun with the previously cut top.

A celebration of tenderness – salmon rolls

A wonderful appetizer for the New Year 2017 can be prepared from lightly salted pieces of salmon, cut into thin slices. Inside each fish strip we place any curd cheese mixed with herbs (parsley, green onions) and carefully roll the slices like rolls. Place in the cold for 1-2 hours, and then place on a dish previously covered with green salad leaves.

Tasty and fast - pita rolls with ham or fish

As a variation of the previous appetizer, you can prepare pita rolls with ham or any smoked lightly salted fish. To do this, take pita bread, coat it with a thin layer of curd cheese, put ham or fish cut into thin slices on top, roll it into a roll and put it in the freezer for 10-15 minutes. Then remove from the refrigerator, cut into pieces and serve.

Our recipes with photos will help you set a stunning table for the New Year 2017, which will be led by the Rooster. Take a closer look at the dishes described here, and maybe add something of your own and create new culinary masterpieces. Good luck!