Beautiful wishes for the night in prose. Beautiful gentle wishes for good night prose Good night wishes for a friend in prose

Let the chocolate gooey moonlight mousse flow into your sleep, adding a hint of cocoa and cinnamon to your dreams.

Let your dream be filled drop by drop with the divine nectar of sweet love dreams.

Let the night breeze shower you with tender strawberry-flavored kisses, and let the moon sing a song about how wonderful we will be together.

I wish you to visit your most cherished childhood dream in a dream. So that the world around becomes brighter and happier.

May your sleep be filled with the smells of wildflowers, the sounds of birds singing and the light breeze of my love.

I hid my passionate kiss in your dream. Close your eyes and quickly go looking for him.

I give you diamond stars framed in the gold of moonlight of the highest standard. This gift will bring you luxurious and happy night dreams.

I’m whipping up for you a gorgeous evening smoothie from the yogurt of a velvety dream with the addition of exotic fruits of night fantasies.

May your sleep be like a ripe melon. Cleanse it from the bustle of the day, and it will reward you with a juicy, unique taste.

I send the craziest kiss in a text message. Let it tear you out of your usual boring atmosphere and take you to hot exotic countries, where I am already waiting for you under a palm tree.

My nightly whim - I want to pick the ripe cherries of your kisses and swim in the jacuzzi of your caresses.

The geyser of my love breaks through your sleep to spray you with caresses, kisses and bold desires.

Let a dream come to you like a sleepy, fluffy, warm cat, lie on your chest and warm your heart, protect it from the thorny problems of the past day.

Let's escape from our lonely beds this night and go on a date under a spreading oak tree. Its branches will hide us from prying eyes. Let's cover ourselves with a thin golden blanket of moonlight and warm each other with gentle caresses.

Let the scarlet poppies of my kisses, the lush roses of my caresses and the modest forget-me-nots of my declarations of love bloom in your dreams.

Let your sleep be filled to the brim with fragrant flower honey, and let the kind bee bring you the nectar of my kiss on its wings.

Smile while reading this SMS, and among the darkness and cold of the night, the dazzling sun of your smile and your radiant eyes will warm me.

To sweeten and refresh our parting this night, I send you a mint caramel with a tender kiss.

My love shines for you through the darkness and cold like a bright golden star in the night sky. It will sparkle until the end of time, protecting your fragile crystal sleep from worries.

I will look into your window like a shy night rain, I will gently caress the surface of the glass, as I could caress your skin with kisses. Open the window, let me into your dream and your life.

Dreams quietly fall from heaven to earth. The brightest kind and interesting ones will definitely fall on your pillow today. Sleep well!

Weave for you a light silvery web of airy sleep. I will fill your night dreams with my tender love, I will steal your consciousness from everyone else.

I will whip up the airy cream of sleep for you with the powdered sugar of sweet dreams and decorate it with a strawberry of my passionate kiss.

It’s a pity that you can’t send a kiss via SMS... Close your eyes, let a tender dream of our love touch your lips from me.

I wish you to travel along the lunar path and find the brightest star in the sky - my night greetings!

Good night prose. Sweet dreams in prose

How I imagine you now. You're lying in bed in cool boxers that hug your firm ass, the lights are dim and you're staring at your phone, reading the news. Sometimes you smile, sometimes you frown, without noticing it. It seems like I already want to sleep, but the World Wide Web has tightened its grip and won’t let go. Darling, when you fall asleep with me, I will, like this net, not let you fall asleep, plunging you into the world of nocturnal pleasure! In the meantime, I just dream about you and wish you good dreams* kiss you tenderly*

Your smile drives me crazy and doesn't let me sleep!

Your smile drives me crazy and doesn't let me sleep! The last words you said with such a soft and gentle aspiration are spinning in my head... You have some kind of power over me! My most favorite person on this planet, Good night! Yesterday, today, tomorrow I am yours! Smack*

When will you fall asleep next to me?

As soon as you touch me, I shudder, goosebumps run down my back, butterflies flutter in my stomach. Every tip of my long hair feels the tenderness of your touch! The heart beats more violently, as if it wants to jump out of the chest, the lips freeze in a smile, the eyes sparkle, and there is wild excitement in the soul. What will happen to me when you fall asleep next to me? I look forward to our meetings! Sweet Dreams, baby!

I love you and wish you good dreams!

I know that today was not the best day of your life and it seems that everything has gone downhill, but I urge you not to despair! Life is just beginning and without such failures, the joy of victory will not be felt so vividly! Honey, I believe in you and I’m sure that everything will be fine! Tomorrow life will start to get better, you'll see. Now just don’t think about anything, close your eyes, imagine the ocean, the beach, the villa and you and I chatting about the origin of the universe with a glass of delicious cocktail! I love you and wish you good dreams!

May this night be so long that...

I love your hugs and kisses! I would give anything just to be next to you now! I want to feel these exciting touches, listen to your velvety voice, feel light breathing and hear your heartbeat! My tender words for you, baby! May this night be as long as you need to sleep! Sweet dreams!

I wish all the nights spent without you would pass

Love is a test! Now I am convinced of this myself. It’s very lonely and sad without you... I’m scared to be alone, the bed suddenly became cold, so big and uncomfortable. I don’t need anything without you, my love! Come back to my arms quickly. I miss you very much and I want all the nights spent without you to pass quickly! And now I wish you good night and silence!

Today you sleep somewhere far from me

Today you are sleeping somewhere far from me, but it doesn’t matter, I feel the warmth of your love! With all my heart I send you rays of my tenderness, care and affection! May this night pass in peace and quiet! If warmth covers you, know that it is I who hug, kiss and protect your sleep! Good night, bunny!

I miss you, I'm really waiting for you! Good dreams!

My carrier pigeons are on vacation, so I’m sending you my usual nightly texts. First of all, I have to say that our bed turns out to be very large. Finally, I might try sleeping diagonally. Secondly, you did the right thing by going to spend the night in another place. One of the neighbors decided to make a scandal) But seriously, I miss you, I’m really looking forward to seeing you! Good dreams!

I want to wish you a little rest today from your princess))

My dear, beloved person! My bunny, my lion cub, my tiger, my handsome boy and many more! I want to wish you a little rest today from your princess and the pea and a good night’s sleep! I recommend taking advantage of the moment and stretching out like a star on the bed, because at home you won’t have this opportunity) Good night and sweet dreams!

I always think about you...

Darling, make my dreams come true! Be by my side every night! Hug me, caress me, do whatever you want, I will obey your every desire, just fall asleep in my bed. I constantly think about you... I wish to see the ocean in my dreams! Good night!

My dear friend, I sincerely wish you a good and quiet night! Hours of rest always fly by so quickly, so let this night seem as long to you as you want it to be! Let that deep and sweet sleep into which you plunge bring you peace and tranquility, and the next morning you wake up as cheerful and rested as you have not felt for a long time. May all those night visions that you dream today be rainbow-colored, bright and light and leave behind a light aftertaste of magic. Yes, yes, because sometimes adult girls really need to see wonderful fairy tales in their dreams. May this night be like a long-awaited and sweet reward for you that you deserve for a long day of work. I hope that my good night wishes will help you sleep with a smile on your face, dear friend.


My beloved friend, my dear sunshine, the dark night has fallen on the earth, the clear stars have lit up. All day long you not only went about your business, but also managed to warm those around you with your beautiful smile - just like a real sun! But the sun also needs to rest sometimes, so I wish you to quickly get to your cozy bed and go to bed. I wish you not to toss and turn for a long time, but to immediately settle down comfortably, sleep soundly and wake up only the next morning. May your dreams be light and bright, may they not be disturbed by night noises, worries and bad dreams. Let only pleasant images visit you in your dreams, which will bring a peaceful smile to your face. Sleep soundly, rest and gain strength so that tomorrow you can wake up even stronger, more energetic and beautiful! I hug you, kiss you on the cheek and wish you good dreams and good night!


A hard day of work is behind us, which, however, we handled just fine! I’m already getting ready for bed, I hope that you, my dear friend, are also getting ready to go to the land of Morpheus! May your pillow and blanket seem especially soft and warm today, may sleep come the moment you sit comfortably in bed and close your eyelids, and may it take you to the wonderful land of the sweetest dreams and dreams. Let nothing bad disturb your sleep today, and may you only dream of pure pleasures. May your dreams today turn out to be the most pleasant cure for the monotony and dullness of everyday work! I wish that a bright and cheerful swarm of night visions will help you rest your soul and body and have time to gain as much strength as possible this night. And tomorrow morning we will meet again - well-rested, refreshed, full of vigor and energy, and we will tell each other what fantastic and pleasant dreams we had the day before! May your night be peaceful!


The lights outside the window go out, more and more stars light up, and gradually the sounds of cars become quieter. Everything signals that the day is coming to an end and it's time for us all to go to bed. I hope that you, dear friend, will prefer a sound and healthy sleep to working at the computer or midnight reading this night. May this night bring you peace and complete rest. I wish you that as soon as you lay down in bed and covered yourself with a blanket, Morpheus himself immediately flew to you on soft wings, turned your bed into a magical ship and whisked it away to the fairyland of dreams. May the dreams that you see next night be bright, colorful, but calm and pleasant. Let your soul and body fully recover this night before tomorrow's workday, and in the morning you wake up with a smile on your face and feeling great. Good night and sweet dreams!


The long-awaited warm evening is replaced by a dark night, painting the sky with a bizarre star pattern. Finally, the time has come, even for such tireless workaholics as you, my friend, to leave everything and get ready for bed. Let the gentle night breeze blow away all your insomnia, and let your bed today seem like a particularly cozy and attractive place. Hurry up and get ready to travel to the magical world of dreams! Let this night you have mysterious, bright and pleasant dreams that will make a slight smile appear on your face and in your sleep. I wish that all the dreams that you see next night will have only the best meaning in dream books! May this night be enough for you to fully rest and begin great achievements tomorrow morning with new energy!


My dear friend, look outside: it’s already late, there’s almost no one on the streets, only the twinkling stars and the moon, which is located right in front of your window. Let him convince you to go to bed early today with his magical light! The soft flickering of the night luminary seems to promise the sweetest and most magical dreams. Lie down quickly and close your eyes, let the thoughts and anxieties of the past day remain somewhere far away, and let the soft blanket of slumber fall on your shoulders. I wish that this night the stars sing you a lullaby, and the light night breeze takes all bad dreams away from your bedroom. May the warmth and tenderness of this night make your sleep the sweetest and most peaceful, dear friend! Whatever you see during your nightly wanderings in the kingdom of Morpheus, let it bring a serene smile to your face and provide you with a great mood for the whole coming day!


My best friend, it’s already completely dark, but I still have to work and won’t go to bed soon. But you’re probably already getting ready for a night’s rest, so I wish you a good night’s sleep and gain strength for both of us! A difficult day with its worries is behind us, but the time has come to discard all unnecessary thoughts and indulge in deep, complete sleep. The sooner you fall asleep, the sooner tomorrow will come - beautiful, bright and joyful! Make yourself comfortable and fall asleep quickly, don’t let anything disturb your sleep today! May you dream of a wonderful fairy tale this night, and may those wonderful events that you see in your subconscious come true in the real world! I hope you get a good night’s sleep and rest so that tomorrow morning you can shine brightly like the sun and lift everyone’s spirits with your perky smile. Good night!


My dear friend, the time has come for all beauties to become sleepy, because experts constantly tell us how important good deep sleep is for preserving women’s charm and attractiveness! Let's not go against science and argue with experts, but rather let's quickly go to the land of dreams! I wish you to fall asleep as quickly as possible tonight, so that the hum of daytime worries and thoughts will subside in your head, and the night will cover you with its warmth and calmness, like a blanket. May your sleep be sweet and serene, and while you sleep, the twinkling stars and moonlight magically help you become even more beautiful and sweeter. I wish you a good rest and gain strength! I am sure that tomorrow morning, when you wake up and look at yourself in the mirror, you will see how healthy and sound sleep has graced you! Good night and sweet dreams, sleeping beauty!


Another day has come to an end, we have finished reading another page in the book of life. We wonder what will happen tomorrow, but in order to be cheerful, strong and successful, dear friend, you need to get a good night's sleep. So, I hope that you have already completed your evening self-care ritual, put on your favorite pajamas and are heading to bed. Go to bed quickly, let tonight your bed seem to you the most comfortable, quiet and serene place in the whole world. Let Morpheus's kiss be sweet and tender, and streams of colorful dreams take you to distant lands, where there are no worries and worries and where all our dreams come true. Remember well the method of their execution, and be sure to tell me about it tomorrow, when we see each other again. I wish you to sleep soundly and peacefully, and wake up tomorrow morning in a great mood. See you tomorrow for a new chapter of life!


My beloved friend, thank you very much for today! I had a great time, we laughed a lot and reminisced about the past. It’s a pity that this wonderful day has come to an end, but let’s not be sad, because there is a mysterious and magical time ahead - night! Let tonight turn out to be a worthy end to such a wonderful day and become a pleasant transition to a new brilliant morning. I wish you to fall asleep as soon as possible, and in your dreams see only the most pleasant and dear things to your heart. No one and nothing will disturb your night dreams, because your peace is guarded by the bright moon outside the window and the shining stars. Rest and don’t think about bad things, then your dreams will be light and good. May the quiet and serene night smoothly transition into a new day, full of positive events and great achievements for you. I kiss you warmly, friend, and wish you the best night!


Friend, even though we haven’t seen each other for a long time and, unfortunately, we won’t see each other again soon, there is still a way to erase the boundaries of time and distance and see someone you really miss without leaving the confines of your own apartment. To experience this magical adventure, you just need to go to bed. Get to bed quickly, my dear friend, and try to throw away all your worries and worries. Let, when you fall asleep, the magic of the night turn your bed into a wonderful ship, let the night breeze carry this boat to the kingdom of the sweetest and most serene dreams along the waves of the ocean of Morpheus to the island of Sleep. Don't be afraid, you won't get lost, because the stars and a clear moon will show you the way. On a distant island we will see you and together we will experience many exciting and fun adventures. I wish you good dreams and an easy awakening at dawn!

Good and gentle night to you, my dear and beloved! Let the shining month swing you on its swing, lulling you with a magical lullaby of a light wind and a silver sky, so that in this enchantment you sleep soundly and gain not just strength, but incredible miracles!

My beloved, go to sleep and flip through your colorful dreams, like the alphabet in pictures, where there are color photographs. Choose the page where the moon shines brightly and a wonderful dance dances hand in hand with a star. And other stars are together, they sing live songs. This is a dream and it is like a fairy tale. There is only happiness and goodness in it. Sleep very sweetly kitten, good night and love.

You are the best of all the men I know. You will always be him in my eyes! I wish you, my love, a sweet sleep, gather your strength and tomorrow you can boldly conquer the whole world, well, except me, because my heart has already been yours for a long time.

My beloved, may this night give you colorful dreams, peace and quiet, the pleasure of relaxation, return your wasted strength and replenish your energy supply for the coming day.

My beloved, may this night give you colorful dreams, peace and quiet, the pleasure of relaxation, return your wasted strength and replenish your energy supply for the coming day. Let the night be beautiful, quiet and warm!

My tender, dear, beloved, beloved, incredible, my sunshine, may all the most pleasant and beautiful dreams be yours. I kiss and hug you tightly, I love you.

My beloved, dear! It’s evening outside the windows again, and I keep looking at the oval of the pale moon in the night sky above me. You can’t even imagine, I envy her - she can admire you all night and how sweetly you sleep! I am far from you...Today we were separated by kilometers and circumstances. But I really hope that on this quiet starry night you will dream of me, and at least in a dream we will be happy next to each other.
Good night!

My beloved, the one and only, I wish you good night and the best dreams. May this night fill your body with incredible strength and your soul with great inspiration, may the morning begin with a smile and grow into a successful day.

It's time to enter the world of sleep, dear. Go to bed, cover yourself with a blanket, wait a little and you will disappear for a while. Good night.

I wish you good night. May your night be accompanied by wonderful and colorful dreams, sweet and beautiful dreams, innermost and good desires. Let your body rest, your soul be filled with inspiration, and your morning begin with notes of joy and luck.

Tender good night wishes to a girl in prose

My beloved, look out the window, you see, the stars are already shining brightly there and giving you a signal that it’s time to get ready for bed. And be sure that at night you will have fabulous dreams and take your fatigue with you, because I made an agreement with the Almighty. Sleep longer in the morning, because tomorrow is a day off and you don’t need to rush anywhere. Good night, my girl!

Have wonderful dreams, my love, bright, relaxing hours of restful sleep. May this night bring peace to my angel and give me strength for important steps towards my cherished dream.

With the arrival of the enchantress night, a time of sweet peace and mysterious peace begins. I wish you, my love, bright dreams, pleasant oblivion, rest from righteous labors, immersion in a magical fairy tale of boundless imagination. May a good angel cherish your happy dreams, may your dreams be filled with joy, and may your most beautiful dreams come true.

A majestic night fell, shrouding everything in darkness. In the silence you can hear the songs of birds, which, like you, are preparing to leave for the colorful land of dreams. I want to wish you, my most important person, the most pleasant dreams that will delight you with their fantastic nature, and will give you in the morning a great mood and a desire to quickly get out of bed and get down to business. Let the sorcerer fly to you in a dream and make all your deepest desires come true that you think about and secretly dream about. May your sleep be as sweet as candy, soft as a pillow and as beautiful as you are. Let the gentle angel protect your peace, and let the clear stars guard your peace. Gain strength and get ready for the coming day, which has only the most pleasant things in store for you. Sleep well and think about me, my most beloved girl in this world.

Darling, good night. May your sleep turn into magic, may your night’s rest be complete and good. I wish you, dear, to get rid of fatigue and negative emotions, I wish you to tune in to the mood of victory and conquering new heights in the morning.

Darling, what an impossible desire within me now to kiss you on the lips, on the nose, on the cheeks. The night without you is torment and suffering, but I look forward to the morning to hear your angelic voice again. Goodnight, my Love!

The best time of day to relax is at night. During the whole day of bustle, we so want peace and quiet so that, lying in bed, we can enjoy reading our favorite book under the soothing light of a night lamp. There is silence all around, and it is such a pleasure. My beloved, I wish you good night. May you have the sweetest dreams. Let nothing disturb your night's rest. I so want to hug you and kiss you on your sweet lips, my dear, good and only girl in the world. Good night to you, my princess.

Darling, quickly cover yourself with a warm blanket and go to sleep! May you be comfortable and calm, may you have the kindest and most vivid dreams. If something worries you, remember me - your loving and devoted knight. Let my love protect your sleep, smile and sleep soundly!

Darling! Let your dream be like a fairy tale, bright, colorful and magical! And in the morning I will wake you up with a tender kiss, and we will meet a new day together! Have a good and wonderful night!

Good night wishes in prose are very tender

After replacing day, night comes, filling the sky with bright stars. It's time to start a sweet, carefree sleep. Rest, free your thoughts from the hustle and bustle of everyday affairs. Make yourself comfortable like a little kitten, curl up into a ball and fall asleep peacefully. May you dream of beautiful natural landscapes and let nothing disturb your fabulous journey in the world of dreams. Sleep soundly, gain strength, because there is so much to do in the morning.

Darling, it's time for fun! Old lady night will heal all wounds and problems, and with the morning sun a great mood and desire to create will appear! Forget about everything and go to sleep, I promise you will have magical dreams!

May all the good things remain with you, and the bad things go away along with this day. Good night to you and pleasant dreams, colorful fantasies and bright dreams. Let the night allow you to refuel with new energy and face the new day renewed and full of thirst for life!