Cardamom medicinal properties and contraindications. Effect on potency. Benefits of cardamom and treatment

Cardamom has many beneficial properties - it was not for nothing that in ancient times it was considered a cure for all diseases. Does this spice have any contraindications?

Cardamom is a bright spice with a pronounced camphor aroma, the fruit of a perennial plant with the same name. Like most well-known spices, cardamom originates from India and is now mainly imported from Guatemala. This spice is called the “Queen of Spices” due to its high price.

Cardamom is harvested shortly before ripening, then dried in the sun, moistened and re-dried. Ultimately, its fruits become pale green triangular capsules from 0.8 to 1.5 cm long.

Green cardamom has two “half-brothers” - black (Amomum) and Ethiopian (Aframomum). The first grows in the mountainous regions of Asia and Australia, while the second is common in Africa and Madagascar. These spices are similar in shape, but differ from green cardamom in their larger size, milder aroma and less expressive taste. In India, black cardamom is used to prepare spicy traditional dishes, and green cardamom is used for drinks, sweets and festive delicacies.

Heat-loving cardamom can be grown from mature seeds in a greenhouse, conservatory or indoors.

Some scientists believe that cardamom grew in the legendary hanging gardens of Queen Semiramis, and was brought to the Romans and Greeks by Arab merchants.

In addition to its expressive taste and aroma qualities, cardamom also has many beneficial properties for the body.


Cardamom contains:

  • calcium;
  • magnesium;
  • phosphorus;
  • sodium;
  • iron;
  • zinc;
  • potassium.

It also contains vitamins B1, B2, A, and niacin.

For 100 g of spice there is:

  • 311 kilocalories;
  • 68.47 g carbohydrates;
  • 10.76 g proteins;
  • 6.7 g fat;
  • 11.29 g fiber.

If you want to preserve the aroma and properties of spices, you should store them in a tightly closed non-metallic container.

When buying cardamom, you need to pay attention to the integrity of the boxes and their color. Cracked or open containers are not suitable, since most of the essential oils have already evaporated, and the spice has lost a good half of its beneficial properties, smell and taste. The color should be even, without inclusions or spots; the ideal cardamom should be a light green, rich color. If the cardamom is cracked and yellow, then it is better not to take it at all.

Cardamom should be stored in a tightly closed non-metallic container.. When properly stored at room temperature, the seasoning will last up to 3 years.

Medicinal properties

Among other things, it is used for colds to remove phlegm, reduce fever, fight infection and alleviate the course of the disease.

This spice copes well with nervous and physical stress and even neutralizes caffeine, so tea or coffee with cardamom is much softer.

Cardamom extract is used as an antidote for snake and scorpion bites

For men

Since ancient times, cardamom was considered a strong male aphrodisiac. In addition, it was used in the prevention and treatment of prostate diseases. In addition, cardamom has a positive effect on potency, which is especially important for men over 40.

How is it useful for women, including during pregnancy?

  • Cardamom contains a large amount of antioxidants that are involved in neutralizing free radicals, thereby maintaining youthfulness of the skin and the whole body.
  • It can also be taken during menstruation to relieve pain.
  • This spice can help relieve nausea and vomiting early in pregnancy. You can also consume cardamom during breastfeeding as part of your favorite dishes. The main thing is to know when to stop, and cardamom will only bring benefits and not harm.

Recipes with cardamom

Remember, before any attempts at self-medication, you should always consult your doctor. Otherwise, you may harm your health!

For weight loss

For those who are used to drinking coffee in the morning, nutritionists advise adding a few cardamom grains to the drink. This will reduce the harmful effects of caffeine, and if the drink also contains cinnamon, it will speed up the weight loss process.

Here are some popular recipes:

1. Green tea with cardamom

Green tea slows down the absorption of fats, and cardamom improves digestion.

  • Green tea - 1 tsp.
  • Cardamom - 10 grains
  • Boiling water - 250 ml

2. Tea with spices

Due to the specific combination of spices, this tea will not be to everyone’s taste.

  • Black peppercorns - 4 pcs.
  • Cardamom - 2–3 pods
  • Cinnamon - 4–5 sticks
  • Cloves - 3 pcs.
  • Black tea - 1 tsp.
  • Ground ginger - 1/2 tsp.
  • Water - 300 ml

Cook for 20 minutes, you can add milk.

3. Summer drink

Perfectly quenches thirst, promotes weight loss and improves skin condition.

  • Water - 1.5 l
  • Lemon - 1 pc.
  • Honey - to taste
  • Cardamom - 1 tsp.
  • Mint - 1 bunch

Squeeze the juice from the lemon, mix with finely chopped mint and cardamom. Pour boiling water over, stir and leave to cool. When the drink has cooled to room temperature, add honey.

4. Anti-cellulite oil

  • Olive oil - 40 ml
  • Tea tree oil - 10 drops
  • Cardamom oil - 10 drops

Mix the oils and rub in circular motions into problem areas.

5. "Sweet Life"

  • Egg whites - 4 pcs.
  • Stevia powder - to taste
  • Cinnamon - 1 tsp.
  • Cardamom - 1–2 pods
  • Lemon juice - 1 tsp.

You will also need a sheet of special baking paper. Beat the whites until foam forms, add stevia and beat again until the foam becomes stable. Add seasonings, lemon juice and beat for another 4 minutes. Place a chilled tablespoon onto paper in portions and cook in the oven at 170 degrees for 30 minutes.

6. Tea with hibiscus

  • Ground ginger - 1/2 tsp.
  • Cardamom - 1/2 tsp.
  • Hibiscus leaves - 1 tbsp.
  • Gunpowder green tea - 1 tbsp.

Pour all the ingredients into a thermos and pour 300 ml of boiling water. The drink should infuse for 8–12 hours. Drink 17–20 ml per 150 ml of water before each meal.

7. Herbal tea

  • Cardamom - 3 tsp.
  • Ginger -3 tsp.
  • Medicinal chamomile - 3 tsp.
  • St. John's wort herb - 6 tbsp.
  • Linden blossom - 6 tbsp.

Pour into a jar, mix and store as is. Brew one and a half tablespoons per glass of water and consume half an hour before meals.

8. Cardamom infusion

Boil 1.2 liters of water, pour in 4 cardamom seeds and let it brew under the lid, leave to cool. Take 20–50 ml before meals.

Remember that folk remedies for weight loss are not miraculous; you will only get the effect if you use them along with a diet.

Traditional medicine offers

For low blood pressure and high pulse

Cardamom has a positive effect on the circulatory system, so consuming foods and drinks with it has a positive effect on hypotensive patients.

Try tea with ginger and crushed cardamom seeds:

  • add 1/4 teaspoon of ground ginger and 10 crushed cardamom seeds to the teapot;
  • let it brew for 30–40 minutes;
  • drink in small portions of 20–25 ml or dilute with boiling water to taste.

Getting rid of insomnia

Dilute 1 teaspoon of cardamom with 250 ml of water, boil for 10 minutes. An hour before bedtime, warm up and drink in small portions.

Vigilant Falcon

It will be useful for vision to mix 1 teaspoon of honey and 5 cardamom seeds and eat during the day.

For a cold

If you have a sore throat or cough, gargle with cardamom infusion: just pour boiling water over the cardamom seeds and let it brew for 24 hours.

For hypertension

People with high blood pressure are advised to add crushed cardamom beans to tea and coffee, which will soften the effects of caffeine.

For flatulence

  • Cardamom - 1/2 tsp.
  • Fennel - 1/2 tsp.
  • Water - 200 ml

Mix ground cardamom with fennel, pour boiling water and leave for 10 minutes, strain. Take as needed.

For impotence

  • Honey - 1 tsp.
  • Cardamom - 1 tsp.
  • Milk - 1 glass

Mix honey with cardamom and pour hot milk. Take in the evenings, pre-warm.

For nausea, bad breath or weakness

Chew a few cardamom seeds. By doing this you will increase your immunity, remove unpleasant odor, get a boost of energy and get rid of nausea.

Anti-dandruff remedy

Wipe clean scalp with a medium-strength cardamom decoction.


  • Recently suffered or currently occurring diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (gastritis, pancreatitis, colitis, esophagitis, etc.)
  • Individual intolerance to cardamom

Video: Cardamom - spices on our table

So, cardamom will not only be useful in the fight against many ailments, but will also give your dishes a delicate taste and aroma. Feel free to use this spice if you have no contraindications.

The male body experiences constant overload. The influence of stress, lack of proper physical activity and chronic fatigue lead to decreased libido and negatively affect potency. There are many herbal remedies that can solve these problems. One of these substances is the famous oriental spice cardamom. What are the beneficial properties of cardamom for men and how to use it correctly?

Brief characteristics of the spice

The cardamom plant is familiar to everyone who loves spices and uses them in cooking. This is an aromatic spice that has a bright taste and aroma, with characteristic notes of camphor, ginger and mint. The fruits have the shape of a ribbed triangular pod. Inside the pod are several seeds, in which all the flavoring and aromatic substances are concentrated. There are two types of plants:

  • green (white), most famous in European countries, a universal spice;
  • black (brown), traditionally used in Eastern culture as a seasoning for meat dishes, soups and broths.

The green variety has small dense pods, 1-2 cm long. The seeds of this variety have a high concentration of essential oils, so it tends to suppress the aroma of accompanying spices. Brown cardamom pods are large (up to 3.5 cm), covered with fibers and have a smoky flavor. The piquant taste appears during the drying process over an open fire. Black cardamom brings out the flavor of other spices and has a spicier taste.

INTERESTING! Cardamom has been called the “queen of spices” due to its high cost and rich taste.

This herbaceous shrub comes from India, but has become widespread due to its properties. Now it is growing in South America, Africa, China, and the Middle East. The popularity of this plant is well deserved - this spice is a valuable natural source of nutrients.

Cardamom is used for food and medicinal purposes due to its taste and therapeutic qualities. The following substances are concentrated in white cardamom seeds:

  • vitamins (B 1, 2, 3), ascorbic acid;
  • micro and macroelements (calcium, phosphorus, zinc, magnesium, iron);
  • essential oils;
  • flavonoids.

Cardamom is especially valuable due to its essential oil content. Its concentration in seeds is 3-8% of the total mass of the seed. The oil consists of terpineol, cineole and terpinyl acetate, which are used in the treatment of a number of diseases and are included in some pharmaceutical medicines.

Useful properties of spices

What are the benefits of cardamom and what is it used for? There are several areas where the use of this spice has a positive effect:

  1. Treatment of respiratory diseases. Cardamom oil has an antiseptic effect, which allows it to be used for gargling, as compresses and for inhalation. The expectorant effect of the essential oil promotes the secretion of mucus and is used in the treatment of lingering dry cough, and the antimicrobial effect of this seasoning helps to destroy pathogenic flora.
  2. To stimulate digestive processes. The components of the essential oil increase the secretion of gastric juice and strengthen the walls of the stomach. Seed-based remedies can also be taken as a carminative for flatulence.
  3. Aromatic remedy. Due to their pleasant smell, the seeds are used to aromatize breath, to take relaxing baths, and as a component in perfume compositions.

Magnesium and calcium stabilize heart rhythm, strengthen the heart muscle, and maintain normal blood pressure levels. Iron is involved in the process of hematopoiesis and helps restore hemoglobin in anemic conditions. This spice stimulates metabolic metabolism, which speeds up the processing of proteins and carbohydrates, promoting rapid weight loss.

Benefits for men

One of the main properties that cardamom has is increasing the tone and endurance of the body. This action helps to cope with increased loads and stress to which the male body is constantly exposed. The benefit of cardamom for men is that it can be used for diseases of the genitourinary system. It is used as part of complex therapy in the treatment of prostatitis and prostate adenoma.

The spice is especially effective on mature men with problems in the sexual sphere. Cardamom for men is one of the strongest aphrodisiacs and potency stimulants. Its active substances increase libido and help restore erectile function. Cardamom is especially useful for potency, since the seeds contain a high concentration of zinc. This element is involved in the synthesis of testosterone, and its low content leads to a decrease in potency, or complete erectile dysfunction. Cardamom-based products promote the rapid accumulation of zinc and normalize testosterone levels.

Contraindications and side effects

For all its beneficial properties, cardamom has some contraindications. Its use is not recommended in the following cases:

  • with ulcerative formations in the stomach and duodenum;
  • in the presence of malignant tumors;
  • with varicose veins of the groin area.

The spice should not be used if you are individually intolerant to its constituent components. Side effects include the occurrence of allergic reactions and possible irritation of the gastrointestinal tract.

Recipes for potency

Cardamom can be added to baked goods, first and second courses, but drinks prepared on its basis have the most effective effect. There are several recipes that will help increase libido and enhance potency.


Green tea with cardamom improves tone, gives strength, and increases libido. It’s easy to prepare – for 1 teaspoon of green tea you need 250 ml of hot boiled water and two cardamom seeds. Tea is brewed immediately before consumption, 20-30 minutes before sexual intercourse. A pinch of cinnamon or ginger will help add tonic properties and enhance the effect of cardamom.

You can also prepare a milk drink with the addition of crushed seeds. For 250 ml of milk take 1 cardamom pod, ½ tsp dried lemon balm, 1 tsp honey. The mixture is brought to a boil and drunk warm. The milk drink is consumed before bedtime as a general tonic and preventive measure.

For medicinal purposes, you can use an alcohol tincture, which is prepared according to the following recipe: 1 tbsp. l cardamom seed powder, 1 tsp. cinnamon, 1 medium chopped lemon, per 500 ml of quality vodka. The mixture is infused in a tightly closed container in a cool, dark place. You can use it after 10 days, in the amount of 20-30 drops, immediately before bed.

ADVICE! The powder needs to be prepared in small portions, as crushed cardamom quickly loses its beneficial properties.

To quickly restore potency, it is recommended that men use cardamom regularly. Products based on it are suitable for both treatment and prevention of various male problems.

Spicy spices have become not only a symbol of mysterious eastern states, but also synonymous with original food and drinks. This is probably why cardamom is already found in our country, although not often. But in its homeland in India, this plant has been known for centuries, both the original taste of the resulting seasoning and its unique effect on the body. Let's try to figure out why the spice is valuable and how to properly extract these properties.

A little about getting seasoning

The source of the spice is a herbaceous plant of the Ginger family. It is found naturally in India and Ceylon, and today it is cultivated in many southern countries, so that Guatemala has become the leader in the production of the product.

The bulk of the harvest, which consists of seed pods, ripens in the fall from October to December. It is then that the slightly unripe, green pods are collected and processed.

In the photo you can most often see a brown powder, but cardamom comes on sale in several modifications: boxes with grains, the seeds themselves, or the same ground composition. The first option retains the aroma and taste the longest, while the latter has the shortest shelf life.

The appearance may vary slightly depending on the variety offered, for example, there are green, black, tall, narrow-leaved and other varieties of cardamom. Only the specific smell and unique qualities remain unchanged.

Useful properties and contraindications

It is not for nothing that the plant has gained popularity, despite its own “exclusivity”, because this seasoning is quite rare and expensive. But even in ancient times they knew that a small amount of ground seeds has a beneficial effect on the entire body.

The effect of the plant is complex and occurs in several directions at once. Firstly, the spice has a high and rich content of nutrients. Among them are microelements (calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium), vitamins (A, group B, C), fiber, which are effectively absorbed by the body.

The smell of the box is unique; it can be described as subtle, warm, with a light citrus note. The Egyptians made the fruit an ingredient in perfumes and smoking compounds. Surprisingly, they do not lose their unique aroma even with prolonged heating.

Still green seeds are collected in India from October to December

Secondly, the fruits have a high content of essential oil (up to 8%), which causes a characteristic odor and includes other valuable compounds (limonel, borneol, amidone, terpineol, etc.).

They impart several properties to the plant at once:

  • Antibacterial. Chewing a few grains can help get rid of bad breath.
  • Expectorant. Use as part of inhalation for bronchitis is effective and safe.
  • Normalizing the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. The spice is useful for bloating, irritable bowel syndrome, vomiting and nausea.
  • Neurological. The substance relieves fatigue and apathy, treats depression, improves tone and mood, and taking an infusion of seeds every night helps cope with insomnia.
  • Cosmetological. Volatile oil is used for relaxing baths, it helps solve skin problems (acne, sagging), it also stimulates hair growth and improves its condition.
  • For weight loss. Although the calorie content of cardamom is quite high (about 311 kcal per 100 grams), regular consumption enhances the body's own metabolism, helping the body burn fat on its own.
  • The stimulating properties of the spice are almost legendary. It is used in the treatment of impotence in men and PMS in women. Just the smell of oil or fruit can make a date unforgettable.

The seasoning has always been highly valued, and in African countries they even used boxes in the form of a kind of money. Today the cost of 50 grams of seeds is about 330 rubles.

But, as is most often the case, health benefits and harm go hand in hand. Cardamom has a narrow list of contraindications, in which it is better not only to avoid targeted use, but also to refuse dishes containing it:

  • tendency to allergies;
  • diseases of the duodenum, stomach ulcers, gastritis;
  • pregnancy and lactation period, when experiments are generally undesirable:
  • People with hypertension should take it with caution.

Indian markets are overflowing with aromatic spices

Spicy cooking

Different peoples of the world use cardamom as an additive to a wide variety of dishes. The pungent, sweetish, spicy taste goes well with almost any product, be it cereal or dessert. You can often find spice in ready-made seasoning mixtures, because it gives the entire composition a characteristic aroma and taste.

The only precaution for using boxes or powder in the kitchen is the following: when flavoring dairy products or dishes with one bright component, the taste of which cannot be obscured, you need to use very small doses.

This fragrant treasure can significantly speed up metabolism and promote natural weight loss.

So, what recipes do you add cardamom spice to:

  • meat products, fish and seafood;
  • vegetables and cereals;
  • homemade sausages, pates;
  • brines for preparations for the winter;
  • bean, legume, lentil soups;
  • sauces, a prime example of this is Indian chutney;
  • all kinds of sweets: halva, baklava, pies, pancakes, custards, biscuits, and in Russia the spice is even found in Easter cakes.

Cardamom can even be grown at home. Although the plant will not bloom or bear fruit in an apartment, the leaves also have an aroma and can be added to your favorite drinks.

The seasoning is also indispensable in liquids, be it alcoholic mulled wine and punch or harmless jelly, milk and compote. But the real classics were coffee and tea with cardamom. These recipes have long been traditional in China, Saudi Arabia, Turkey and many other countries. We couldn’t ignore such a popular use of the spice.

Tea. Ready-made packaging is available on sale (most often these are black varieties), but you can brew it yourself. Boil 1.2 liters of water, add 8 spice boxes and keep on low heat for 10 minutes. Add 4 tablespoons of tea, add orange peel, boil and turn off. Leave for 5 minutes, add milk and sugar if desired, and serve.

Drinks and decoctions with cardamom are an excellent way to consume these spices in food, because the resulting liquid absorbs all the benefits of the spice. True, the harm (i.e. contraindications) remains the same.

Coffee. The Turk needs to be preheated, then add 2 tablespoons of ground coffee, 8–10 spice grains, and add filtered water. As soon as the foam appears, it must be removed and placed in a cup, and the drink should be brought to a boil. Before serving, you can strain through a strainer.

An interesting fact is that the fruits of the plant neutralize the effects of caffeine, making the drink acceptable for those who fear for their health. And in reviews of the miraculous spice and drinks with its participation you can find the following words: “the aroma is incredible,” “a little miracle in a grain,” “it became a discovery for me.”

Coffee with spice will be the beginning of a cheerful and happy day

Cardamom is one of the oldest spices on earth. What epithets has it earned over many years of human use: “oriental dream”, “king of spices”, “grain of paradise”. And all these words express one thing - the seeds are unique and have rightfully earned their leading position among seasonings around the world.


There's another spice that's worthy of your attention: cardamom, something you may have seen on the grocery store shelf but didn't know what it was or where to add it. It will be useful for you to get acquainted with the properties of this spice and contraindications for use. Not only does cardamom add a sweet and spicy flavor to the dishes you sprinkle it on, but it is also prized for its medicinal properties.

What is cardamom?

Cardamom is a spice in the form of pods or seeds from it, with a strong resinous aroma with notes of mint and lemon and a sweet taste, used as an aromatic additive in Indian and Arabic cuisines.

It is common in Indian cuisine, where it is added to savory dishes, desserts and even drinks. Cardamom is also popular in Middle Eastern cooking, especially as an additive to coffee and tea. It is one of the main spices in many Scandinavian baked goods. Cardamom is often combined with other spices such as cinnamon and cloves and used in savory mixtures such as garam masala.

Cardamom is the third most expensive spice in the world, after saffron and vanilla.

What cardamom looks like - photo

general description

Cardamom is a plant from the Ginger family, growing from 1.5 to 3 m in height. This aromatic spice is native to the evergreen forests of the southern Indian state of Kerala and is grown in several tropical countries.

The leaves are spear-shaped and can grow up to 70 cm in length. The stems are stiff and straight, forming an inverted skirt around the plant. The flowers are tiny but beautiful: white, yellow or red. Different types of cardamom can produce black, white or red fruits (pods).

The pods are tripartite, with a thin but tough outer covering. Inside is the source of the aroma - tiny, dark brown seeds arranged in vertical rows. Each grain is inside a thin transparent membrane.

Types of cardamom

The main type is green cardamom (Elettaria, also known as real cardamom). Used in sweet and savory dishes. It has a thin, almost transparent, green pod filled with small blackish seeds.

This type is the most popular for both culinary and medicinal use.

Less common is black cardamom (Amomum, also known as brown, kravan, Bengal or Siamese). It has a large, thick, rough, black-brown pod filled with black seeds. Has a slightly smoky smell.

Most often, ground or green cardamom is found on store shelves. Another type is considered less healthy and not as fragrant.

How to obtain cardamom seasoning

When the cardamom fruit is fully ripe, it splits open and the seeds fall to the ground or are blown away by the wind, so the pods are harvested while they are in a slightly unripe state and the seeds inside are just beginning to darken. Next, the pods are dried in the sun.

Sold in whole, broken or crushed pods, seeds only and in ground (powdered) form.

How to choose and where to buy cardamom

Both seeds and ground cardamom are sold in the spice section of supermarkets, while whole pods are available in specialty stores.

When purchasing cardamom, choose green cardamom as it has a complex flavor that suits both sweet and savory dishes.

It is better to choose whole cardamom pods, or rather cardamom pods, rather than ground spices. The greener they are, the better the aroma.

Cardamom is an expensive spice, but most of the cost comes from long-distance transportation and intermediary services. If you do not want to overpay, buy it in the international online store IHerb.

What is the taste and smell of cardamom?

Cardamom is considered a sweet kitchen spice, but its smell is not quite as pleasant as, for example, cinnamon or cloves.

Cardamom has a strong, pungent floral aroma reminiscent of lemon with mint and notes of eucalyptus. The taste is warm, sweet.

The floral, minty notes of cardamom quickly become unpleasantly medicinal if you add too much of it to a dish.

How and for how long to store cardamom

It is best to store cardamom in pod form because once the seeds are opened or crushed, they quickly lose their scent and aroma.

Cardamom pods last up to a year when stored in an airtight container in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight.

Chemical composition

Cardamom has healing properties due to its composition. This exotic spice contains many chemicals that can prevent disease and promote health.

Nutritional value of cardamom per 100 g.

NameQuantityPercentage of daily value, %
Energy value311 Kcal 15,5
Carbohydrates68.47 g 52,5
Protein 10,76 19
Dietary fiber28 g 70
Niacin1.102 mg 7
Pyridoxine0.230 mg 18
Riboflavin0.182 mg 14
Thiamine0.198 mg 16,5
Vitamin C21 mg 35
Sodium18 mg 1
Potassium1119 mg 24
Calcium383 mg 38
Copper0.383 mg 42,5
Iron13.97 mg 175
Magnesium229 mg 57
Manganese28 mg 1217
Phosphorus178 mg 25
Zinc7.47 mg 68

Physiological role

The therapeutic properties of cardamom are used in many traditional medicines, as it has the following effects on the body:

  • antiseptic;
  • antispasmodic;
  • carminative;
  • digestive;
  • diuretics;
  • expectorants;
  • stimulating;
  • tonic.

Health Benefits of Cardamom

The beneficial properties of cardamom help improve health and prevent many diseases.

  • Cardamom pods contain many essential oils: pinene, sabinine, myrcene, phellandrene, limonene, 1,8-cineole, terpinene, p-cymene, terpinolene, linalool, linyl acetate, terpinene-4-oil, a-terpineol, -perpineol acetate, citronellol , nerol, geraniol, methyl eugenol and transnerolidol.
  • The main component of cardam oil, called cineole, is known for its antimicrobial properties, which promote oral hygiene and fight bacteria.
  • Cardamom is a good source of minerals such as potassium, calcium and magnesium. 100 g of pods contain 1119 mg of this electrolyte. Potassium is an important component of body cells and fluids that help control heart rate and blood pressure. In the human body, copper is used to produce red blood cells.
  • It is also an excellent source of iron and manganese. 100 g of pods contain 13.97 mg or 175% of the daily required level of iron. Iron, necessary for the formation of red blood cells and cellular metabolism. Manganese which helps control blood sugar levels.
  • Moreover, these aromatic pods are rich in many essential vitamins including riboflavin, niacin, vitamin C, which is essential for maintaining health.

Positive effects of cardamom on health:

  1. Treats coughs and colds thanks to its antioxidant properties. The pods are steeped in water along with honey and this cardamom tea is drunk as an effective natural remedy for flu.
  2. Helps digestion. The strong aroma activates the sense of taste and improves appetite.
  3. Prevents Bad Breath: Cardamom's floral and sweet aroma makes it a natural breath freshener.
  4. Regulates blood sugar levels thanks to its high manganese content.
  5. Promotes weight loss: Cardamom increases energy metabolism and helps the body burn more fat.
  6. Improves Blood Circulation: It increases blood circulation in your body, especially in the lungs and is therefore often used as a treatment for respiratory problems.
  7. Treats sleep problems: Inhaling the sweet and soothing aroma of cardamom essential oil can help with insomnia.

What are the benefits and how to use cardamom oil?

Cardamom oil also has beneficial properties, which acts as an antiseptic. Ways to use it:

  • added to the bath - for a calming, relaxing effect;
  • inhaled as an expectorant for pneumonia, bronchitis;
  • taken orally for heartburn to improve digestion;
  • used externally – to treat skin, fungal infections;
  • for gargling with a sore throat and mouth;
  • in aromatherapy to calm the nervous system.

Contraindications (harm) of cardamom

Excessive use of the seasoning can be harmful to health and have a laxative effect.

Cardamom is contraindicated if you have allergic reactions to it or have problems with the gallbladder, as well as for women during pregnancy and lactation.

Avoid it if you have gastritis or stomach ulcers.

Use of cardamom in cooking

Cardamom is added to meats, fruits, legumes and grains, as well as in cookies, baked goods and other baked goods, and is even used as a flavoring in coffee, tea and alcohol.

It is indispensable in the preparation of sausages, fish, sauces, confectionery, canning and winemaking.

Be careful not to add too much cardamom or it will give off an unpleasant medicinal taste.

Whole cardamom pods are used like bay leaves to season rice and stews. If you crush the pods before tossing them into your food, more flavor will be extracted.

Cardamom seeds quickly lose their flavor, so it is best to buy it in pods and grind it yourself. You will also save money because the pods are cheaper. To grind this spice, simply remove the seeds from the pods, throw them into a coffee grinder or pound them in a mortar.

How to grind cardamom

Cardamom seeds quickly lose their flavor, so it is best to buy it in pods and grind it at home. You will also save money because the pods are cheaper. To grind this spice, simply crush the pod with the flat side of a knife, remove the cardamom seeds, throw them in a coffee grinder or pound them in a mortar.

If you need to grind cardamom pods:

  1. Preheat them in a dry skillet over medium heat for 2 or 3 minutes, stirring constantly. This will enhance the aroma.
  2. Place the cardamom pods in a mortar (or just place them on a cutting board) and crush them with a pestle to break them open.
  3. Use your fingers to crush the cracked pods, remove any large husks, and discard. There is no need to remove all the cardamom husks, down to the last fragment.
  4. Cardamom seeds are quite hard, so it is better to grind them in a coffee grinder or a special spice grinder for 30 seconds until it becomes a fine powder.

One cardamom pod equals 1/6 tsp. seeds This means you need to buy six pods to make a teaspoon of cardamom.

Where to add cardamom

Here are some ways to use cardamom:

  1. Substitute cardamom for vanilla when making ice cream and prepare as usual.
  2. Remove the tiny seeds from the cardamom pod. Place them in a mortar along with a teaspoon of sugar. Grind with a pestle until they become a powdery mixture. Use cardamom sugar for flavored drinks and baked goods.
  3. Use a spoonful of cardamom sugar to add to the whipped cream. Whisk as usual and use for hot cocoa or cupcakes.
  4. It works wonders in savory dishes. For example, when you make tomato sauce, add crushed cardamom seeds and a cinnamon stick to the mixture.

Cardamom goes well with cumin, chili powder, cinnamon, coriander, cumin, nutmeg, ginger, cloves, paprika and ground black pepper.

This warm, aromatic drink is especially popular in the Middle East, where cardamom seeds are often ground into coffee beans.

Start with one crushed cardamom per cup of coffee and then adjust the amount to suit your taste. You can add this spice to the coffee grounds in a coffee machine, French press, or coffee pot, depending on the method you use to prepare your coffee.

How to make spicy cardamom tea - recipe

You can simply add cardamom seeds when brewing black, green or ginger tea. The amount of spice will depend on your preference.

It is much more interesting to prepare spicy tea with cardamom. To brew it, you need to open the pods and grind the seeds to create a coarse powder. This will help release oils and powerful beneficial components.


  • 1 tablespoon cardamom seeds (crushed);
  • 3 cloves (whole);
  • 4 glasses of water;
  • 3 black peppercorns;
  • 1 tbsp. l. honey (optional).

How to cook:

  1. Boil water in a stainless steel pan.
  2. Add all the ingredients - cardamom seeds, cloves, pepper and cinnamon stick to boiling water.
  3. Now let the liquid simmer over low heat for 15-20 minutes.
  4. Remove from heat and let sit for a few minutes.
  5. Strain the tea and pour it into glasses. You can add natural honey or do without sweeteners if you are watching your figure.

Cardamom tea recipe – video

How to replace cardamom in a recipe

How can you replace cardamom if you can’t buy it because of the high price? While it has its own completely unique flavor, there are still other spices you can use as a substitute.

Mix equal parts cinnamon and nutmeg and use in place of the same amount of cardamom called for in your recipe.

Try 1 part each cinnamon and ginger or cinnamon and ground cloves.

So, you have learned what cardamom is, how to use it and why it has been famous for centuries for its culinary and medicinal properties.

What is cardamom (spice)? Where to add it to make the dish more aromatic and tasty? We will answer these and other questions in this article.

General information

Do you know where to add cardamom? The use of a seasoning with a pronounced aroma and bright taste is very common in cooking. This spice is obtained from the fruits of a perennial herbaceous plant of the same name, belonging to the ginger family. Cardamom is native to Ceylon, the Malabar coast of India and Guatemala.

Features of use

How is cardamom (spice) used? Where to add this spice? Due to the fact that the aroma from crushed cardamom fruits disappears very quickly, they should be purchased in pods, or so-called boxes.

Before use, the pods are peeled and the fruits are ground. You can also grind whole pods. But in this case, the aroma of such a spice will be less pronounced.

Composition and properties

What properties does cardamom (seasoning) have? Where to add this product? As mentioned above, the fruits of the plant in question are a concentrated spice with a pronounced taste. For this reason, it is used only in small quantities.

Cardamom grains contain about 3-8% essential oil, which consists of fatty oils, as well as terpinyl acetate, terpineol, cineole and protein.

What is cardamom (spice)? Where to add this unusual spice? Cardamom is a pronounced tonic. In India and the Middle East, the fruits of the mentioned plant are usually added to tea and coffee. It should be noted that cardamom beans and coffee beans are often ground together.

If cardamom is combined with other seasonings, it can easily overwhelm their flavor.

What is the benefit of the product?

Now do you know what the spice cardamom is? We'll tell you where to add it below.

Due to the presence of useful and nutritious substances in this seasoning, it can stimulate the secretion of gastric juice and strengthen the muscles of the stomach. It is also often used as an aphrodisiac (that is, a drug for impotence).

Experts say that cardamom contains large amounts of calcium, phosphorus, iron, magnesium and zinc. The spice in question also includes vitamins B1, B3 and B2.

In Eastern medicine, it is believed that cardamom seasoning helps remove mucus from the body. In this regard, it is very often used in the treatment of bronchitis, asthma, as well as coughs and colds. In addition, this spice cleanses the gastrointestinal tract. It is included in various preparations that significantly improve digestion.

Cardamom is used to cleanse the respiratory system and oral cavity. It is very effective and neutralizes pathogenic flora.

Use in cooking

The fruits of the plant in question are actively used not only in folk medicine. What other purposes is cardamom used for? Use as a spice is very popular in culinary practice. It should immediately be noted that the beneficial properties, taste and aroma of this seasoning are not destroyed even with prolonged and intense heat treatment.

Some experts say that cardamom can be consumed without pre-processing. For example, in Indian restaurants, grains of the plant of the same name are served on a plate after dinner. In this case, the fruits are used instead of chewing gum. They freshen breath well and also stimulate digestion.

Those who decide to add this spice to homemade dishes should know that the aroma and taste of cardamom takes time to manifest itself in a pronounced form. Therefore, it is better to prepare lunch using the mentioned seasoning several hours or one day before consumption.

Where to add?

Experienced chefs say that green cardamom is great for any type of dish. As for black spice, it is only added to unsweetened drinks and foods.

Ground cardamom is present in almost all mixtures, including garam masala.

It should also be noted that the aromatic spice in question can be found in a wide variety of soups, including pea, bean, lentil and bean. In addition, it is ideal for dishes with rice and potatoes. It is added to fruits, vegetables and nuts.

In drinks, cardamom is used as an infusion (without boiling) and milk decoction. This seasoning is also found in liqueurs such as Chartreuse and Curacao. In addition, it is often added to jelly, compotes, coffee and tea.

In the dessert menu, the fruits in question are used as a component for pilafs and sweet milk porridges, cookies, cakes, gingerbreads, pastries, muffins, mousses and halva.

Simple recipes. Where to add cardamom?

You can add the spice in question to the following drinks:

  • Coffee.

Coffee with cardamom is a traditional drink of Arab and Asian countries. The seasoning in question gives coffee a noble taste. In addition, it eliminates caffeine toxicity, reduces the risk of tachycardia and increases blood pressure.

According to consumer reviews, to make such a drink yourself, several ground fruits must be placed in a coffee pot with ready-made coffee or before directly brewing it.

  • Tea.

Cardamom in pods or grains can be added to black teas instead of citrus fruits. The taste of this drink will be especially appreciated by those who love tea with the aroma of bergamot.

The tradition of drinking cardamom tea came to us from China and India. In these countries it is considered the drink of wisdom.